HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1990-06-20Mayor Richard A. Haffey Council: Jack Drago Gus Nicolopulos John R. Penna Roberta Cerri Teglia AGENDA ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) ROLL CALL: Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotiations and litigation. RECALL TO ORDER: 2. Review of Citizen Survey Ques- tionnaire on City services. 3. Review of 1990-91 Operating Budget. MINUTES City Council City Council Conference Room City Hal 1 June 20, 1990 0150 ACTION TAKEN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 6:30 p.m. Mayor Haffey presiding. Council present: Drago, Nicolopulos, Teglia, and Haffey. Council absent: Penna. Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the items noticed. Mayor Haffey recalled the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., all Councilmembers present, and no action was taken. City Manager Armas stated that last week the Council had approved the contract with QED to conduct a survey, and staff wanted the Council to have an opportunity to review and comment on the document. He stated that the Mayor and Vice Mayor had met with the consultant as a Subcommittee of Council on the general tenor and focus of the questionnaire that would be done by telephone. Mayor Haffey questioned if the document met with Council approval. Councilwoman Teglia thought the document was well done. City Manager Armas stated that the 1990-91 budget had been reviewed by the Administrative and Finance Subcommittee on two separate occasions. He stated that the City found itself in a for- tunate position because of sound, and solid financial management in pursuing cost containments in the past and with a healthy economy for a number of years. 6/20/90 Page i AGENDA Review of 1990-91 Operating Budget - Continued. ACTION TAKEN 0151 He stated that because the city was dependent on swings in the economy, both through sales and property tax, he thought the City had taken proper safe- guards in the form of reserves to contend with down swings or changes. He proceeded to give an overview of the budget: that it was in excess of $35,500,000 vs. $32,100,000 a year ago; the General Fund was $29,900,000 vs. 26,900,000 a year ago; the budget con- tinues a philosophy of living within the City's means and not incurring long term obligations of a recurring nature that it could not foreseeably plan for; safeguards and reserves employed for a conservative approach; revenues assume a 4% growth in sales tax; estimate of 10.2 million dollars in receipts; occupancy growth in the hotel industry; continuing service levels; recommended new personnel; setting aside reserves for salary con- tingencies, etc. Councilwoman Teglia stated that the hotel growth was due to the earthquake and hotels being shut down, as well as people not wanting to stay in San Francisco for fear of another earthquake. Councilman Nicolopulos stated that staff and this legislative body differed on the importance of financial information as to real dollars. He had the following viewpoints: to curb spending; to look at ways of suspending automatic cost of living allowances; analyze the unnec- essary spending of the past; cut into the fat; curb a propensity for pork barrel prices; respect one another; a deficit is a political problem, not a constitutional one; change some work rules to effect gains in productivity; not develop a policy with potential serious consequences; not be short sighted, penny wise and pound foolish; policies that appear technically feasible are sometimes politically unacceptable; actions speak louder than words; making changes because of market realities, and 6/20/90 Page 2 AGENDA 3. Review of 1990-91 Operating Budget - Continued. Councilman Penna arrived and took his seat at 6:45 p.m. ACTION TAKEN Vice Mayor Drago stated that the first item of disagreement was the upgrading of the clerical position, and at this time he felt there was a sufficient clerical pool and the money could be better served in the field for a grounds keeper or for maintenance people. He stated that even though he questioned the Manager's new position, the Manager should get the new position on a trial basis to assist him because of his workload from Council. He stated that he had focused on areas of the budget where the Council did have control: overtime use; consultant use; conferences and seminars training costs. He related the following: he would rather see in-house talent used rather than con- sultants; conference and seminar costs had risen 60% in the last five years; that those costs should remain the same as the previous year; he felt the semi- nars took employees away from their jobs;, which was in addition to vacations and administrative leave; to limit the number of conferences per year to two, and limit the number of days to 10. Mayor Haffey related: that the park & recreation position was needed to offer support to the people in the field; that the staff conference and training were investments in the employees to learn the latest in their field; that police employees training was reimbursed by POST, etc. Councilman Nicolopulos wanted a memo from staff on all figures for POST reimbursements. He questioned why the Fire Dept. only asked for $77,000 in overtime when they had used $243,000 last year. Discussion followed: that the City had received $90,000 in POST reimbursement through the end of May; if a cap was put on seminars, it would penalize the pol- ice; compliments to the Subcommittee on the recommendation on trees; hotel tax 6/20/90 Page 3 3. Review of 1990-91 Operating Budget - Continued. City Clerk Budget: City Treasurer Budget: (Cassette No. 2) projections; staff to examine the freebees; don't want people who are renting month to month to be affected by T.O.T.; concern over present backlog for tree trimming; Councilman Nicolopulos wanted to see absentee records of park people; contract labor was employed for medians; concern over the many titles for positions; review administrative control with regard to M.O.U.s. Consensus of Council - To review adminis- trative control with regard to M.O.U.s. and leaves. Discussion followed: to raise the salary and hire a teacher for summer programs; Councilman Nicolopulos wanted to hire 3-4 people rather than one intelligencia at $112,000; September or October a study session would be held on computer assessment needs; City Manager's budget. City Clerk Battaya stated that she had requested approximately $13,000 for recording equipment for Council meetings to replace old malfunctioning equipment, and the City Manager had only put $8,404 in her budget. Consensus of Council - To authorize the $13,000 for recording equipment as sub- mitted by the City Clerk. Councilman Penna suggested putting a salary for a Deputy City Treasurer in the budget. Discussion followed: that the City Treasurer was personally reimbursing her Deputy at the present time; Mayor Haffey directed the City Manager to talk to the City Treasurer to see what she needed in funds for a Deputy or secretarial assistance; that the salary for the Ass't. City Manager would be commiserate with the Chief's salary; that 25% of the salary would be charged to Redevelopment; error in Personnel budget in the addition of a personnel clerk; implementation of the Spruce Gym; non-recovery of sales tax 6/20/90 Page 4 3. Review of 1990-91 Operating Budget - Continued. RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: Fire Department: Police Department: from businesses; Fire Department over- time; Councilman Nicolopulos wanted a stock inventory set up on tangible assets; that training classes should be made available to the Council; that records were being stored at Spruce School; hiring a new plan checker; that historic preservation funds were not in the budget, etc. Consensus of Council - To support $30,000 in incentives for historic preservation. Discussion followed: give direction on administrative control or be more restrictive on M.O.U.s. in Closed Session; that the Manager's study would prove whether there were abuses in leave taking; that there was no word on the computer survey; when implemented - should cut staff; the Vice Mayor had thought that a two year budget was good - until he saw what was happening in San Mateo; staff requirements in the Police Dept.; monies not being collected by Finance; outside firm to look at collec- tibles, as well as looking to bringing them in house; that $568,000 was new income because of outside firm; new per- son for plan checking; code enforcement complaints, etc. Council declared a recess at 9:15 p.m. Mayor Haffey recalled the meeting to order at 9:27 p.m., all Council present. Discussion followed: that overtime washed against vacancy factor; Council- woman Teglia was not supportive of cutting the arson duties; she wanted more proactive programs; that disaster preparedness had been in the City Manager's hands, then the Ass't. City Manager's and now the Fire Department; definition of overtime; delineate the uses; no rotation on Deputy Fire Marshal; County Task Force for Drugs; want to see more enforcement, etc. Consensus of Council - To set aside $10,000 for a one year pilot program. 6/20/90 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 3. Review of 1990-91 Operating Budget - Continued. Consensus of Council - To accept the recommendation on Terrabay for $50,000. Park & Recreation Budget. Discussion followed: that the City shared a half van with Millbrae; that the City had to buy materials for programs, and employees pay 50% of materials; energy audit for users of facilities to con- serve energy; survey of how our fac- ilities measure up; that a $10,000 program for youth was in the supple- mental budget; PIBC had paid for kids that could not afford the youth base- ball team fees; 50~ fee increase for swimming pool use. Mayor Haffey directed P&R to review all non-resident fees. Discussion followed: To paint the Grand Ave. street lights to blend in with Linden Ave.; go to bid on common greens - if in-house is cheaper than staff should come back to Council; potential parking structure at Cypress; end of next week hire a Director for the Conference Center; allocate $2,500 to Art Rise; improving the Parking District lots; Vice Mayor Drago wants cap on seminars, and is not convinced that the Police Department gets a reimbursement from POST. Consensus of Council - To freeze seminars to last year's budget, except for Police Department if it is POST reimbursed. M/S Teglia/Penna - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADJOURNMENT Time of adjournment was 11:54 p.m. ~arbara A. Battaya Richard ~. ,af~,~e~Yor City of South San Francisco City of South S~/Francisco k/ The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the~ity Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 6/20/90 Page 6