HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1991-01-02 Mayor Jack Drago
Richard A. Haffey
Gus Nicolopulos
John R. Penna
'--Roberta Cerri Teglia
CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1)
1. Review and discussion of desirable
City Attorney qualifications. ~m
City Council
City Council Conference Room
City Hal 1
January 2, 1991
6:00 p.m. Mayor Drago presiding.
Council present:
Council absent:
Haffey, Nicolopulos,
Penna, Teglia, and
City Manager Armas stated that the
Council was meeting this evening to
review a composite of what Ralph Anderson
Assoc. had gleaned as a result of inter-
viewing each of the Councilpersons on
their view of qualifications, traits that
they view as desirable in a new City
He stated that Cathy Schroder, Ralph
Anderson Assoc., would review the com-
posites indicated by-the Council.
Ms. Schroder summarized her findings from
the five Councilpersons in terms of
knowledge they wanted the Attorney to
have and the skills and personal charac-
teristics; and would later review the
process of the recruitment itself:
knowledge of general municipal law; rede-
velopment law including eminent domain,
property acquisition and condemnation;
land use; planning; CEQA; personnel law
relating to disciplinary issues;
background in labor relations; fami-
liarity with the Brown Act; conversant
with the conflict of interest laws;
understanding of contracts; bids; admi-
nistrative procedures and processes;
knowledge of inter-governmental rela-
tions. She stated that was a pretty
broad kind of perspective, typically
under the knowledge aspect that is common
of what the Council would be looking for,
and next Wednesday she would have a draft
of this to provide to the Council.
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Review and discussion of desirable
City Attorney qualifications -
She stated that the long list was really
the skills and the personal charac-
teristics, like the open, energenic,
honest, candid, direct friendly with a
positive perspective in working with
people. She continued, confident in
themselves; confident in the judgment in
their legal opinion that they provide
Council; standing on their own; standing
on their legal opinion; not to be swayed
by others; remaining neutral, actual,
fair - not wishy washy; recognizing what
the City Attorney's role is as legal
advisor to the City; understanding rami-
fications of their actions and recommen-
dations, both on a short and long term
basis; not taking things personal if the
Council doesn't agree with them;
respecting opinions of others - the
Council and staff, while listening to all
parties; listening to the facts of an
issue; readily available to the Council;
being service oriented both to the
Council, staff, and the community;
serving as a check and balance within the
City; a problem solver; identifying the
best way for the Council to accomplish
what they need and want to accomplish;
being thorough and paying attention to
details; considering all aspects and
areas; able to say I don't know, but I'll
get back to you, and not give you the
first thing that comes to their mind;
skill in working with elected and
appointed officials; ability to function
where there are differing opinions with a
variety of special interest groups, and
treating everyone equally with high
integrity; the ability to delegate; pre-
senting recommendations with justifica-
tions - the whys in a logical manner;
presenting the alternative pros and cons;
not arrogant, but commanding respect and
mature in that regard; being up to date
professionally and keeping everyone
informed of what is happening what is
changing in the legal environment; not
telling the Council or staff or Manager
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1. Review - Continued.
what they think people want to hear but
again giving sound legal advice; not
political -- not playing games; and
taking time to learn about this City of
S.S.F. and recognizing the community
sense of the spiritual value of the City.
3he stated that in terms of the process,
she would have a draft of the brochure
back through the Manager no later than
next Wednesday morning. She stated that
it would include information on the com-
munity, the organization, the process,
and the position. She asked that the
Council review that in terms of content,
omissions, and anything in the document
that was not accurate. She stated that
the final filing deadline was 2/28/91 -
meaning that after that point she would
do pre-screening of the resumes, inter-
views, and reference checks and be back
to the Council before the end of March
to review candidates and identify those
the Council wanted to interview.
Councilman Haffey suggested a goal of
5/1/91 for an announcement, and 5/15/91
for an appointment.
Ms. Schroder thought that the latest
would be 5/1/91 for an announcement, and
asked the Council to look at a Saturday
potentially for interviews. She stated
that she would send a status report to
the Council every two weeks on the pro-
cess through the City Manager.
She questioned if the Council was open to
discussion at the end with the success-
ful candidate negotiation of relocation
assistance, and in the advertising for
the position indicate what the current
salary range is by indicating that it is
open and negotiable as far as placement
within that range depending upon the per-
son's background.
City Manager Armas recommended that the
Council adjourn the meeting to Wednesday
to confirm that the document contained
everything Council wanted.
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A G E N D A A C T I 0 N T A K E N ~':~'~ ~ '~
Closed Session for the purpose
of the discussion of personnel
matters, labor relations,
property negotiations and
Council chose not to hold a Closed
M/S Haffey/Teglia - To adjourn the
meeting to Wednesday, 1/9/91, Municipal
Services Building Community Room at 6:00
p.m. for further discussion on desirable
City Attorney qualifications.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
The time of adjournment was 6:12 p.m
City of South San Francisco
~ck Drago, M~
ity of South San Francisco
~The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose
of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape
and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are
.available for inspection, review and copying.
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