HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1991-05-15 Mayor Jack Drago Council: Richard A. Haffey Gus Nicolopulos John R. Penna -Roberta Cerri Teglia AGENDA ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) ROLL CALL: Interviews of applicants for the Personnel Board and the Historic--~o°~ Preservation Commission. 0 Discussion of City participation in study of alternatives to the North County Booking Facility. MINUTES City Council City Council Conference Room City Hal 1 May 15, 1991 ACTION TAKEN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 7:08 p.m. Mayor Drago presiding. Council present: Council absent: Haffey, Nicolopulos, Teglia, and Drago. Penna. The following individuals were inter- viewed: Personnel Board - Jack F. Stuart, Richard A. Garbarino, Adrian John Scaletti; Historic Preservation Commission - Colleen Ann Johnson, Victoria Von Schell, and Margaret Meyers did not appear for her interview. Mayor Drago stated that the Council would take an open vote at the next meeting to fill existing vacancies. City Manager Armas related that a number of No. County Cities attended a Board of Supervisors meeting last month and had given serious consideration to booking capabilities in the north part of the County. He continued, after extensive discussion the Board had passed it on to a Committee consisting of Supervisors Schumacher and Griffin who would meet with representatives from No. County Cities; meetings were held; Subcommittee was established; Subcommittee had a meeting on what to consider and what to propose, and alter- natives were formed and examined in more detail such as forming a JPA of No. County Cities to possibly utilize some of the existing facility; which would pro- bably lend itself to a division with booking capabilities even if it is out- side of the Sheriff's jurisdiction, and the holding function would continue to remain uninterrupted; the County seemed amenable to exploring that option; another idea was for another No. County 5/15/91 Page i AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Discussion - Continued. City to serve as a depository for arrestees to enable the Agency to transport people all at once rather than individually; to examine the options for cost and operational perspectives; Board to close facility at the end of June; assumption that booking fees would disappear at the end of this year; if facility closes there is no incentive for cities to participate financially; suggested County spend $162,000 to main- tain the booking facilities while the study was under way; that the use of those funds would maintain the facility through July and August; if County goes with recommendation their contribution would conclude in August, and any booking arrangements established subsequent to that need to be arranged by the locali- ties; perhaps utilize the Sheriff's transportation which transports people from Redwood City to the No. County faci- lity for Court appearances; to use Hughes and Heiss to do the analysis which would cost $27,000, take 4 - 6 weeks, and S.S.F.'s participation cost would be $3,000-5,000. Councilwoman Teglia related: that there had been committees and committees had been fragmented into other committees with much discussion; felt this City should shy away from taking an active role. She shared her concerns; on the poor track record of the Consultant with this City; Brisbane not being interested in the study and wanting to challenge the Sheriff by having the County take the corrections facility away from him and perhaps create a Department of Corrections separate from the Sheriff; because Pacifica Councilwoman Jacquith works for Hughes Heiss, their City Attorney recommended that Pacifica not participate in funding this study; if a study was not done - it will be all over in June. She stated that the City Manager had outlined some possibilities that might work and she felt the Council should go 5/15/91 Page 2 A G E N D A A C T I 0 N T A K E N ~, ~.i~ ~'~9 '~ Discussion - Continued. along with the study, and if in fact the PDF was to close this City could not be accused of not having gone the whole route and more than half way. She stated that if the study shows that there is a program to be put together, Pacifica is willing to participate in that but did not want to put up funds for Hughes Heiss & Assoc. She stated that the following cities would participate in the study: San Bruno, Millbrae, Colma, Broadmoor, S.S.F., and Daly City. Discussion followed - why all cities are not participating; that something could be uncovered that might affect the booking in Redwood City or the Sheriff's process of doing business could be in jeopardy; southern cities do not see the study benefiting them, especially with their economic conditions; it had politi- cal overtones wherein they are not going to challenge the County bureacracy; southern cities have been subsidizing the facility for six months by paying a higher fee than what they needed to pay; Councilman Haffey would support his con- cept to expend $3,000-5,000, but he found galling the fact that Hughes Heiss were doing this study after the study they did for the City two or three years ago on the Mission Road site. He stated that he also found it strange that Pacifica could not participate because of one Councilmember. Councilwoman Teglia spoke of concerns of the Committee she sat on: the effects of Bill 2557 that gave the County authority to charge the booking fees and property tax collection fee, and what the County was planning to do with the PDF in North County; how this affected individual cities' budgets in terms of overtime and taking police off the streets to transport prisoners. She spoke of the cities working hard to lobby their legislators and of Senator Kopp, who was against Boatwright's Bill, 5/15/91 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Discussion - Continued. and had voted to get the Bill out of Committee for the process sake. She stated that Bill 203 will have the booking and property fees end by June. She felt that something could be derived for a PDF that may not be a full serve but would be better than having each City transport the people they arrest to Redwood City. Vice Mayor Nicolopulos questioned what was in store for the City after the booking and property tax collection fees were removed. Councilwoman Teglia stated that the County in its overall budget preparation had to make cuts and took dollars out of the Sheriff's budget, and he was turning around and saying this is the most expen- sive operation and he wanted to cut this - which was separate from booking fees and the rest. Discussion followed: that the Maddy legislation removed that authority from the County, and County indicated they will not participate financially if the cities establish a booking type opera- tion; No. County Cities contention of equal provision of service was falling on deaf ears and was considered No. County's cost of doing business; budget crunches; political will of the Board is to close the facility; Sheriff being an elected official has some autonomy in his dept. but has a war going on with the Board for funding staffing women's furlough; County had looked upon the closure of the faci- lity to pay the bond debt on the new Redwood City facility; Assemblywomen's idea to enlarge the facility, not for a jail, but a detox for alcohol and drugs and 50% of the beds would be controlled by the Dept. of Corrections for these convicted felons; the Committee success- fully buried that idea; Mayor Drago attended the meeting that morning and stated that he would influence the Council and the community to fight that 5/15/91 Page 4 A G E N D A A C T I 0 N T A K E N ~'!~': ~' '~ Discussion - Continued. Capital Improvement Budget and Sewer Fees. idea because they are talking about a full fledged prison again; so the com- mittee is looking at a facility strictly for booking; Consensus of Council to sup- port the study. Councilwoman Teglia asked for a Closed Session at the end of this meeting in terms of property negotiations on the Oyster Point Marina. Director of Public Works Parini high- lighted his staff report: he had updated the five year CIP; programs had been reviewed for scope, cost, and grant potentials; highest priority for Hickey Blvd. by using Gas Tax and Measure A funds; delay in the construction of Francisco Storm Drain Project and the delay and reduction in scope of work on Commercial Avenue that would have been financed with Measure A funds. Councilwoman Teglia stated that Hickey Blvd. Project was heavily dependent on Measure A funds, and something should be said about the County Manager comments. City Manager Armas related: that the County had a legal opinion from Counsel that indicated that Measure A monies were eligible for use to fund transportation, but the consequence was that you could not use it for any other road purposes if you do that. He stated that in speaking to a financial counselor, he had indi- cated that other cities and counties with similar Measure A funds and with the use of sales tax monies were leveraging their equivalent to Measure A monies by issuing bonds and pledging 100% of Measure A monies, however, he did not think this City was ready to do that at this time. Mayor Drago stated that the Transit Authority had nothing to do with a City's allocation, and if the County Counsel had decided that - why doesn't the County use their portion of Measure A money towards solving this crisis in the No. County. 5/15/91 Page 5 Capital Improvement - Continued. Councilman Haffey suggested using our funds for Hickey Blvd. and putting the burden on the County, and it appeared that there was consensus that the funds will be used for Hickey Blvd. Extension. Discussion followed: to set aside $1,000,000 for right-of-way cost; highway grants were tenuous; why the City had to allow for an alternate design of Hickey Blvd. to show Treasure Island Trailer Court; in order to do an EIR CEQA requires that you must have an alter- native to the proposed project; they are obligated to examine an alternative to the proposed project; that there was not yet a design investment; a Trailer Court neighborhood meeting was already held at the MSB, in addition to talking to the Trailer Manager and staff assured them that the alternate was not the City's preference; that the Trailer Manager had brought 300 people to an unexpected meeting, etc. Discussion continued: aircraft noise insulation program and grants; annual contingency reserve from the General Fund; reserve for the Corporation Yard; special reserve fund for improvements to Orange Park; Vice Mayor Nicolopulos con- cerned about starting Orange Park and the Corporation Yard and running out of money before completion; new projects; recom- mendations for property acquisition of the little brown house on Miller next to the parking lot by the Parking Place Commission, as well as a consultant study on decking the lot; Councilman Haffey objected to the budget item, but wanted a joint meeting with the Commission first to make sure that both bodies' goals were in sink before any funds were expended; Councilwoman Teglia had reservations about going in that direction at all, and wanted discussions on how the $100,000 would be used, i.e., landscaping, main- tenance; to replace the MSB banquet floor; MSB roof repair should be done properly rather than doing it piecemeal as it had been done in the past; Council 5/15/91 Page 6 A G E N D A A C T I 0 N T A K E N ~,~' ~. L~ 3. Capital Improvement - Continued. wanted a report on the costs for patching or replacing the roof; the roof has a weak foundation with many patch holes and Vice Mayor Nicolopulos wanted to find the $200,000 and properly fix the roof; rugs in the West Orange Library; replacing carpets in Police and Finance; safety factor involved with the condition of the rugs at the Library; slippery garage floor; Mayor Drago wants to see more specifics for the Fire Dept., and wants to see public point of view on priorities; and wants to see more infor- mation on the various leaks at Fire Stations and the MSB, etc. Consensus of Council - To forward the Capital Improvement Program to the Planning Commission for review. Vice Mayor Nicolopulos stated that the Sewer Plant repairs had gone from $6,000,000 to $9,000,000, and questioned what effect the recent electrical repair for the spillage had on those costs. Director of Public Works Parini stated that the cost was $3,000-4,000 and was considered minor. Mr. Wesley Chun, CH2M Hill stated that he had prepared a memo citing reasons why the cost of the planned improvements had increased. He stated that they were man- dated by the Regional Board as a cleanup and abatement order, as well as the fact that the plant had been constructed in the 1950s in several major phases. Mr. Boyd Hickam, CH2M Hill, explained the engineering estimates of the improvements which included Code violations. Mayor Drago stated that he wanted to justify these costs to the public by pointing to legislation that mandates the improvements. Director of Public Works stated that it was not legislation so much as an admi- 5/15/91 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN -'-3. Capital Improvement - Continued. (Cassette No. 2) e Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotiations and litigation. _RECALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNMENT: nistrative order to comply by the State. Associate City Engineer Van Dohren stated that it was required by State Code and the Regional Board has mandated to protect the Bay. Mr. Chun stated that the Board had been flexible on their regulations and did not have the City cease and desist operations at the Plant. City Manager Armas stated that there would be a 10% increase this year and not again for three years. He stated that the practical effect of the increase was less than $1.00 per month. Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 10:00 p.m. to discuss the items noticed, as well as Oyster Point Marina property negotiations. Mayor Drago recalled the meeting to order at 10:10 p.m., all Council present, no action taken. M/S Nicolopulos/Teglia - To adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 5/22/91, 6:30 p.m., City Council Conference Room, City Hall, for a Closed Session. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 10:10 p.m RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, C City of South San Francisco /'~ ~ack Dr_ago, ~ //City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are ~available for inspection, review and copying. 5/15/91 Page 8