HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1991-10-23 Mayor Jack Drago Council: Richard A. Haffey Gus Nicolopulos John R. Penna ~Roberta Cerri Teglia MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room October 23, 1991 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION __AGENDA REVIEW ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 10/9/91. 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 10/23/91. e Motion to waive fees for the use of Municipal Services Building Social Hall on 11/15/91 for the South San Francisco Ballet Folkorico for an awards dinner dance. 4. Motion to waive fees for the use of the Municipal Services Building ACTION TAKEN 7:30 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos presiding. Council present: Haffey, Penna, Teglia, and Nicolopulos Council absent: Drago. Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos stated that Mayor Drago was ill and unable to attend the meeting. Recited Rev. Nagy, Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church, gave the invocation. AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Armas stated that there were no revisions to the Agenda. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No one chose to speak. COMMUNITY FORUM No one chose to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $1,263,970.41. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilwoman Teglia. So ordered. 10/23/91 Page I AGENDA ACTION TAKEN --CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Motion - Continued. Atrium and Community Room for Assemblywoman Speier's Town Hall Breakfast Meeting on 11/3/91. Motion to waive fees for the use of the Municipal Services Building Social Hall and Atrium Kitchen for the E1Camino High School Close Up Club. Motion to waive fees for the use of the Municipal Services Building Social Hall and large kitchen for the S.S.F. High School Spirit- leaders. Resolution accepting California State Library Services Act Funds from the California State Library, and approving a budget amendment. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A CALIFORNIA LIBRARY SERVICES ACT GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY FOR $20,326.00 AND APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 92-10 TO THE 1991-1992 OPERATING BUDGET e Resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept a proposal from Bartle Wells & Associates for the preparation of the Sewer Revenue Program. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WATER QUALITY PLANT IMPROVEMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR ~°q~ So ordered. ~°q~ So ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 130-91 RESOLUTION NO. 131-91 M/S Haffey/Nicolopulos - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item No. 3. Carried by unanimous voice vote. 10/23/91 Page 2 A G E N D A A C T I 0 N T A K E N~'~L~~'L' Motion to waive fees for the use of_~\ Municipal Services Building Social Hall on 11/15/91 for the South San Francisco Ballet Folklorico for an awards dinner dance. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Solid Waste Management Plan; Conduct Hearing; introduce the draft plan. Councilwoman Teglia stated that there was a representative in the audience who would explain this program that had been in effect for five years. Ms. Susanna Chavez stated that the program began five years ago with children of this community being taught the ballet folklorico by the Recreation Dept. and Rosa Perez, Connie Juarado, and Max Perez were the instructors. M/S Teglia/Haffey - To waive the fees. Carried by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos opened the Public Hearing. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 requires cities to develop solid waste management plans to reduce solid waste going to landfills, and to increase solid waste recycling and reuse. Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos asked anyone speaking for or against the item to step to the dais - no one chose to speak, and he closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Haffey stated that he had no questions on this item, and understood that there would be a second public hearing. Councilwoman Teglia questioned if there was information on the individual to be hired whose salary would be paid by the respective three cities involved. City Manager Armas stated that it would be the same as when the consultant was hired to do this study where the cost was billed to each city proportionately. He stated that it was each City's respon- sibility to obtain the goals the State had established under State legislation - which is to reduce by 25% by 1995 and 50% by the year 2000, that which is going into the refuse stream. 10/23/91 Page 3 AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS ~ 10. Public Hearing - GP-91-43, Negative Declaration No. 723, General Plan Amendment to amend the Land Use Element to provide for medium- density residential and mixed uses at the northwest corner of Westborough Blvd. and Gellert Blvd.; 1) Conduct Public Hearing; 2) Motion to approve Negative Declaration No. 723; 3) Adopt reso- lution. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT GP-91-43 TO THE GENERAL PLAN TO PROVIDE FOR MEDIUM-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND MIXED USES AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WESTBOROUGH & GELLERT BOULEVARDS ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos opened the Public Hearing. Chief Planner Solomon related: in April Council had directed staff to implement the Westborough/Gellert Urban Design Plan; staff had worked with the property owner on a number of modifications to the Plan, and had accepted 80% of the Applicant's changes after meetings with Subcommittees of Council and Planning Commissioners; the Applicant had sent a letter to Council on the three remaining modifications. He stated that the implementation being recommended were amendments to the General Plan enabling Planning Area No. 10 to allow residential/commercial areas; adopting the Design Plan by reference; requiring that a Specific Plan Zoning be adopted before development of this pro- perty begins. Mr. A1 Waters, 2266 Shannon Dr., stated that he represented the Westborough Concerned Citizens and proceeded to compliment Mayor Drago, Vice Mayor Nicolopulos, Planning Commissioners Boblitt and DeZordo for seeking input from the Westborough residents. He stated that this had never happened before and the residents had previously felt that the property had not been developed for 30 years, and should be acquired under emi- nent domain for the City and the community. He stated that after several meetings with staff and the Subcommittees there was a consensus on the development in January for mixed use, senior citizen housing and shops. He stated that they were still concerned over traffic and the stability of the hill, but were in sup- port of the project if an EIR was done. Mr. Mark Callan stated that he was here to speak on one aspect in the Urban 10/23/91 Page 4 AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Public Hearing - Continued. ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS Design Plan on which he had worked clo- sely with staff and the community for a high quality development that meets the needs of the community. He stated that he felt there was one major problem with the landscape setback area which at pre- sent would result in 22' of landscaped area which comprises 5' to the right-of way line and an additional 15' for the landscape set back, and 2' for permitted vehicle overhang. He proposed changing the Urban Design Plan to permit an average of 16' and in some areas it would be less, and in others it would be greater than 16' which would comprise the same 5' from the sidewalk to the right-of-way, and a 9' average for the landscape area and 2' for the vehicle overhang with 16' on the average along the length of Gellert Blvd. He spoke in favor of the special item amenities in the Plan, but he needed to maximize the amount of flat area on the site. He stated that the site was approximately 60'-70' on the flat areas and then it juts up to the hill, and he believed that 16' of landscape area was sufficient for the west side of Gellert which was approximately double the amount of landscaping on the east side. He stated that reducing the amount of landscaping would also minimize the amount of excavation and hauling away of dirt, etc. Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos stated that the Council did receive Mr. Callan's letter that evening. Councilman Haffey stated that he felt this was a good plan, but questioned if Mr. Callan's concern over the landscaping had been presented to the Subcommittee, and what the rational was for the setback requirements. Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos stated that 10/23/91 Page 5 AGENDA --PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Public Hearing - Continued. ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS the subject had not come up for discussion at a Subcommittee meeting. Chief Planner Solomon stated that the 22' landscape requirement was the standard setback in a C-1 Zoning District. Councilman Haffey stated that he could understand why the Developer would request this, because it was a unique site with a severe drop and limited flat land. He questioned if that had been taken into consideration. Chief Planner Solomon stated that those arguments had been made to the Planning Commission, but they were not considered to be compelling. He stated that he did have alternate language the Council could consider. Councilman Haffey questioned if staff, as professional planners, had considered that a standard City requirement was not appropriate because of the topography of the site, and he questioned how a Developer could have the opportunity to have those requirements waived. Chief Planner Solomon stated that there had been discussion, but in his opinion it was premature to waive the standards without seeing a plan to judge against. He suggested adding the language, "that the City consider, after the 15' setback requirements established, adding addi- tional language that the City may con- sider a reduced average landscape setback if it is demonstrated to the City that the other design objectives are still achieved by the revised proposal." Mr. Callan stated that when he had the discussions with the Subcommittee the setbacks were not discussed, and the first time he had realized it was when the draft guidelines were given to him. Councilwoman Teglia questioned if there 10/23/91 Page 6 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN --PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Public Hearing - Continued. PUBLIC HEARINGS was an opportunity for the Developer to speak on the guidelines with the Subcommittee. Senior Planner Morton stated that there had been a joint meeting of Council and the Commission on the Plan which they approved, and it was not until after that that a list of 17 concerns had been sub- mitted by the Developer and they were forwarded to the Planning Commission. Councilwoman Teglia questioned if the alternate language had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Chief Planner Solomon stated that it had not. Senior Planner Morton stated that the Planning Commission had considered the 17 items from the Developer and had adopted all but three. Councilwoman Teglia questioned if there had been discussion at the Subcommittee or Commission level on cutting further into the slopes - which had always been one of her major concerns. Chief Planner Solomon stated that that was one of the underlying concerns that had been discussed. He reiterated the suggested language as requested by Teglia, "The City may con- sider a reduced average landscaping set- back if a Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the design objectives of the Plan are achieved by the revised design." He stated that staff had received Mr. Callan's letter yesterday and this revised language was in response. Mr. Callan stated that he was concerned about the wording because it left it up to a lot of judgment, and he would like 10/23/91 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Public Hearing - Continued. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL ~ 11. Policy direction regarding the Aircraft Noise Insulation Program (Councilwoman Teglia). PUBLIC HEARINGS to proceed in designing with the onset of knowing what design criteria he had to meet, rather than staff coming in later and saying you have not met the criteria. He suggested staff be more specific on how they evaluate the Plan and the setbacks. Councilman Haffey stated that if he was in Mr. Callan's position the language just proposed was better than the blanket 22' requirement, so progress had been made. He stated that Mr. Callan asked for specifics of staff, and it was very unfair because staff did not know what Mr. Callan would propose. He stated that the language gave both staff and Mr. Callan flexibility. Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos closed the Public Hearing. M/S Haffey/Teglia - To approve Negative Declaration No. 723. Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Haffey/Teglia - To adopt the Resolution with the inclusion of the flexible language, "The City may consider a reduced average landscaping setback if a Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the design objectives of the Plan are achieved by the revised design." RESOLUTION NO. 132-91 Carried by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilwoman Teglia presented a suggestion made by a resident in reference to non-owner occupied houses in the noise impacted area that are not eligible for the insulation program until the owner occupied were completed. 10/23/91 Page 8 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 11. Policy - Continued. GOOD AND WELFARE ITEMS FROM COUNCIL She stated that Mrs. Greer on Avalon Dr. and others would be willing to have the work done now, incorporate it into the program, and pay for it themselves. She stated that she wanted the Council to discuss this and if there is a consensus, to move forward in this direction. Councilman Haffey stated that it sounded like an intriguing idea, and he would look forward for staff to review it, then Council review for a proposed policy change. Councilwoman Teglia agreed and stated that she was talking about single family homes, detached, in the areas covered by Phase I-V and some of these people would like to do this. She felt that staff should send out better maps covering the homes covered in all phases. She was concerned also where a house on the street was insulated and the one behind it was not. GOOD AND WELFARE Mr. Steve Firpo, Western TV Cable, stated that last night's televised candidates night would be retelevised on 10/29/91 at 9:30 p.m. on Channel 3. Mr. Jake Jones, 12 E1Campo Dr., related that at the last meeting in relation to the conference center, he had spoke of the predicament in Visalia, and had been wrong about two things: 1) that it was the Radisson, not the Holiday Inn; 2) that it was $3,000,000 rather than $1,500,000 in losses the City had to pay for. He stated that the City was trying to retain businesses in S.S.F., yet the land owners seem to want to raise the rent so the people are forced to improve their business to pay the rent. He stated that 10/23/91 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION Closed session for the purpose of discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property nego- tiations and litigation. RECALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNMENT: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~at t aya~k City of South San Francisco GOOD AND WELFARE Ed's Diner was one of these, and they wanted to put up a sign to stay open on Sunday, and had been told a sign permit would cost $100.00 and that it had to be renewed every 90 days. He believed this rule should be relaxed to work with the businesses. He thanked Councilman Haffey for serving the City for eight years, and for not serving more than two terms. Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos stated that Mr. Jones should contact the City Manager to work with the owner of the business. Councilman Haffey suggested that Mr. Jones advise the owner to write a letter to the City Manager. CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 8:35 p.m., pursuant to G.C. Section 54956(B) (1) in reference to Homart Development Co. Mayor Pro Tem Nicolopulos recalled the meeting to order at 8:43 p.m., all Council present, no action taken. M/S Teglia/Haffey - to adjourn the meeting. Time of adjournment was 8:43 p.m. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 8:43 p.m. APPROVED. ~s~l~icolopulo~, Mayo~Pro Tem City of South San Francisco ~The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 10/23/91 Page 10