HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1992-09-09Mayor John R. Penna Council: Jack Drago Joseph A. Fernekes '~berta Cerri Teglia bert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room September 9, 1992 275 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) ACTION TAKEN 7:43 p.m. Mayor Penna presiding. Council Present: Drago, Fernekes, Teglia, Yee, and Penna. Council Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: PRESENTATIONS } ',lamation - Adult Literacy Month Commending Resolutions For Conference Center Boardmembers - Robert A. Canziani David Connor Joseph F. Ercoli Christopher A. Hughes Jim A. Raine El Camino High School Jazz Ensemble The Pledge was recited. Rev. Danville, First Baptist Church, gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS Vice Mayor Teglia read the Proclamation aloud and gave it to Project Read Coordinator Leslie Sheldon. Ms. Sheldon presented an eight minute tape on Pro- ject Read which featured Mr. Enrique Remedios, a user and then teacher of the program. Mayor Penna read the Commending Resolutions aloud and gave them to Mr. Robert A. Canziani and Mr. Joseph F. Ercoli. El Camino High School Jazz Director Mike Galisatus thanked the Council for the opportunity given the band to go to Kishiwada, Japan and to see and take part in the diverse cultures and nationalities repre- sented in the event. Ms. Daniele Malfada thanked the Council for the opportunity of a lifetime to exchange the universal language of music with so many students of different ethnic backgrounds. 9/9/92 Page 1 A~ENDA ACTION TAKEN ] ~SENTATIONS AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Armas Requested: - Remove Item No. 16. - Continue Item No. 30 to 9/23/92. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 9/9/92 Page 2 276 PRESENTATIONS Mr. Galisatus presented a plaque from the Jazz Band to the City, and one for Assistant City Manager Martel for her participation in the exchange. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that the Council had picked the students, but the lodging was paid by the Japa- nese. She felt that this was a once in a lifetime expe- rience for the students. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Bonnie Lee, 506 Avalon Dr., stated that she had been in the community for eight years raising three children, and now that the youngest was three she was taking part in the community. She stated that she had attended the 9/3/92 communi- ty meeting to talk about Westborough's concerns, and had found it a very worthwhile exchange. She invited Council and the audience to attend the 9/27/92 Westborough Pool Fundraiser and described the various events to be held: games, bazaar, vendors, food and drinks for all. She proceeded to introduce herself as a candidate for the S.S.F. Unified School District. Mrs. Anne Waters, 2266 Shannon Dr., stated that the community pool fund raiser would be held from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. on 9/27/92. She stated that the Council passed a resolution on 1/22/86 approving a group of volunteer citizens ef- forts to raise funds to finance construction costs of an indoor swimming pool in Westborough Park. She stated that this had resulted from a needs study which also showed that the people of Westborough did not have a facility in which to meet and have A~ENDA A~!~ TAKEN .{ IL COMMUNICATIONS 9/9/92 Page 3 277 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS social affairs, and she wanted to thank the City for a park, and for setting aside land for a swimming pool that would not only serve the needs of Westborough and adjacent neighborhoods, but this and other cities as well. She stated that they could not do this without the help of other organizations such as the Westborough Homeowners Improvement Assn. for financial assis- tance, Mrs. Diana Byers of Westborough McDonalds, Westborough Hills Homeowners Assn. and others who have been so generous in their support. She wanted to thank City staff, particularly John Wong of Park & Recreation, City Clerk Barbara Battaya and others who have given them advice and guidance. Mr. Bob Stevens, 2435 Tipperary, related the fol- lowing: that the Celebrate S.S.F., formerly the Arts and Wine Festival, was the best one he could remem- ber happening here; that the Westborough Communi- ty Building was used exclusively for recreation pro- grams, and the local residents still did not have a meeting room for homeowners groups, and social events - which was not the intent of the building, it was to have been a Westborough community center; suggested that the local scout troops and cub packs who hold meetings and put on senior dinners, and other community organizations meet at Westborough rather than using the School District facilities and promote community participation; thanked the City Manager on the letter regarding the traffic study on the Gellert intersection; for many years the Westborough residents had said they did not want additional intersections off Westborough, yet the consultants recommendation in the report suggests another; that the residents had suggested a traffic signal at Olympic and Westborough, and the City had said no, that was impossible; he spoke of the dangers of turning left on Olympic into the sun. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that she was on the Plan- ning Commission when the Westborough intersection was established for the medical building, and staff had said that should never happen again in the future. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . 278 kL COMMUNICATIONS 9/9/92 Page 4 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Stevens stated that he assumed the traffic study and recommendation had been approved by the Plan- ning Commission and the City Council for the addi- tional intersection. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that the study did not mean that it was adopted. She suggested that Mr. Stevens comments and request on use of the Westborough Community Building be forwarded to the Recreation Commission by staff. Councilman Yee questioned if a use permit was com- ing forward on the Callan property, so this intersec- tion is not thought to be approved. City Manager Armas stated that what he had con- veyed to Mr. Stevens was the design plan for the property, and one of the critical components was the traffic from a low level density to a high density, and the median. He stated that it was not a detailed plan, but a framework so that at a later date when Mr. Callan came forward with a specific plan it would be evaluated. He stated that Mr. Mark Callan had indicated at the Westborough building that he intended to submit an application in November. He stated that there would be ample time with respect to Olympic, because the consultants had suggested waiting for a formal appli- cation before proceeding with a signal. He added, that the General Plan prohibits additional entrances on Westborough. Mr. Stevens reiterated the need for a signal at Olym- pic because it was the main entrance into and out of Westborough and was hazardous. Mayor Penna stated that Mr. Stevens comments and requests will be noted and staff will report back, and if there were any questions on the Community Build- ing they should be submitted to us in writing. Ms. Cherly Davi, 3345 Fleetwood Dr., San Bruno, spoke of problems she and other handicapped people were having with inadequate handicapped parking kL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM 9/9/92 Page 5 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS stalls, and presented documentation to Council: Denny's at Westborough did not have handicapped access bathroom facilities - which had been corrected; the handicapped spots were actually for compact cars; the spots in shopping areas were placed next to basket carrier stalls, curbs or rails that made it impossible for the handicapped to get in or out of their cars; one could not open their doors in the compact stall while in a wheelchair or a walker when it was up against a curb; that the handicapped parking area at Thrifty was a hazard because it was on an incline. She stated that she had previously contacted both the City and Assemblywoman Speier, however, the City had not done anything about it. Mayor Penna stated that he remembered receiving a letter last January which he had passed on to staff, and had been led to believe this was being looked into. He directed staff to make a report at the next Council meeting, and send Ms. Davi a copy of the report. Mr. Pedro Gonzales, Park & Recreation Commis- sioner; announced that there would be a celebration of Mexican Independence Day on 9/13/92 and invited everyone to attend the festivities. He stated that the next Park & Recreation Commis- sion meeting would be held on the Westborough building, and invited concerned citizens to attend. Mr. Stevens stated that he had a tendency to blast consultants, however, Ms. Davi would be a good one to hire on handicapped parking. COMMUNITY FORUM Vice Mayor Teglia announced the birth of Lee Isabella Firpo on 8/27/92, and stated that the father, Steve, runs the camera crew for Cable TV. She stated that Steve and his wife had met when she was the Student Mayor during Youth Government Day. AGENDA --ACTION TAKEN 280 _( qSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 8/12/92. 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 9/9/92. Motion to waive fees for specified city facilities and _6-Oqt I services for the Mexican Independence Day Celebra- tion on 9/13/92. Motion to waive fees for specified city facilities and services for the 1992 Italian American Games on 9/26-27/92 and 10/3-4/92. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $2,900,821.76. So ordered. So ordered. o Motion to waive fees for use of the Westborough Park Building for the Westborough Community Swimming Pool Fund Raising and Advisory Committee on ~O/4 I 9/27/92. Motion to waive fees for use of the MSB Social Hall and Atrium Kitchen for the El Camino High School Close Up Club on 11/6/92. Motion to waive fees for use of the MSB Social Hall for the S.S.F. Police Assn. Annual Dinner/Dance on 10126/92. Motion to waive fees for use of the MSB Social Hall and large kitchen for the second annual dinner/dance 5oql on 12/5/92 for the S.S.F. Italian American Citizens Club. Resolution committing S.S.F.'s support and lead agen- cy role to implement improvements to the El Camino .5't95 O Real Traffic Signal System. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO'S SUPPORT IN IMPLEMENTING IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SYSTEM ALONG EL CAMINO REAL FROM MILLBRAE TO DALY CITY 19- Resolution authorizing an agreement with Infrastructure Management Services for pavement management services. So ordered. So ordered. So ordered. So ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 112-92 9/9/92 Page 6 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 28] _( qSENT CALENDAR 10. Resolution - Continued. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES (PMS) 11. Resolution authorizing installation of a stop sign 5-~c9 at the intersection of Laurel and Miller to control southbound traffic on Laurel. A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3812, AS AMENDED, WHICH ESTABLISHES CERTAIN TRAFFIC REGULATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 11.16 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE 12. Resolution authorizing agreement with Gates and ~3 2b~ Associates for master plan and design services for __West Park 1, 2 & 3 Parks and Parkways Maintenance Districts Renovation/Rehabilitation. 13. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR WEST PARK 1, 2 & 3 PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS RENOVATION/REHABILITATION Resolution authorizing agreement with JHA and ~' Associates for master plan and design services for Willow Gardens Parks and Parkways Maintenance District Renovation/Rehabilitation Project. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR WILLOW GARDENS PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS RENOVATION/REHABILITATION 14. Resolution awarding construction contract to Redwood General & Mechanical in the amount of $33,114 as the lowest responsible bidder for the Municipal Services $-08 Building HVAC Replacement. A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING HEAT- ING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITION (I-IVAC) REPLACEMENT PROJECT CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 113-92 RESOLUTION NO. 114-92 RESOLUTION NO. 115-92 RESOLUTION NO. 116-92 RESOLUTION NO. 117-92 9/9/92 Page 7 A~ENDA A~!!~H TAKEN 28Z ( qSENT CALENDAR 15. Resolution awarding bid to Trane Company to furnish three HVAC units for Orange Park Pool; and calling _ for bids for the installation of the units. A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDI- TION (HVAC) REPLACEMENT FOR THE OR- ANGE PARK POOL CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 118-92 16. Resolution dedicating a source of revenue for repay- ment of the State Revolving Fund loan for the Water Quality Control Plant Rehabilitation. ~'O ~' 7 A RESOLUTION DEDICATING A SOURCE OF REVENUE FOR REPAYMENT OF THE STATE REVOLVING FUND LOAN FOR THE WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLANT Removed from the Consent Calendar by the City Manager under Agenda Review. 17. Motion to accept the E.B. Motel Demolition Project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions, o~'t~ ~ t~ So ordered. 18. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Geo/Resource Consultants, Inc. for environmental services for Orange Memorial Park Improvement. Removed from the Consem Calendar for discussion by Councilman Drago. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES FOR THE ORANGE MEMORIAL PARK IM- PROVEMENT 19. Resolution reappropriating unexpended funds for Fiscal Year 1991-92 for the Historic Preservation Commis- 5' sion. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMEND- MENT 93-2 TO THE 1992-93 OPERATING BUD- GET RESOLUTION NO. 119-92 20. Resolution appropriating $1.5 million from PERS for seismic retrofitting of City Hall and the Grand Avenue 3" / 2_ t9 _ Library. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPRO- PRIATING $1.5 MILLION FROM THE RESOLUTION NO. 120-92 9/9/92 Page 8 &~ENDA ~!~ TAKE~ . ~83 qSENT CALENDAR 20. Resolution - Continued. HEALTH & BENEFITS FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF SEISMIC RETROFITTING OF CITY HALL AND THE GRAND AVENUE LIBRARY, AND APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 93-2 TO THE 1992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 21. Resolution designating the City and County of San Francisco as lead agency for applying for and adminis- tering "Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids" (HOPWA) funds from the Federal Government. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PER- SONS WITH AIDS PROGRAM (HOPWA) AND DESIGNATING THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO AS APPLICANT FOR THE SAN FRANCISCO ELIGIBLE METROPOLITAN AREA 2 Resolution authorizing repayment agreement for ser- vices related to the El Camino Corridor Redevelop- ment Area, and authorizing advance of City funds to the Agency. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE REPAYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY FOR EL CAMINO CORRI- DOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT 18. Resolution authorizing an agreement with 5'0 8'0 Geo/Resource Consultants, Inc. for environmental services for Orange Memorial Park Improvement. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES _ - FOR THE ORANGE MEMORIAL PARK IM- PROVEMENT CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 121-92 RESOLUTION NO. 122-92 M/S Teglia/Fernekes - To approve the Consent Cal- endar with the exception of Items No. 16 and 18. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Drago stated that the staff report noted that this firm was included with Callander and Assoc. for Phase II, but nothing for Phase I. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that Geo/Resource Consultants' insurance was expensive and could put Callander in jeopardy, so Callander wanted the City to cut Geo/Resource Consultants out of the work. He stated that the first work was the Mazzanti property and the Corporation Yard, second was hazardous material, and the third was geotechnical work. 9/9/92 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . 284 I Resolution - Continued. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 23. Resolution awarding construction contract to Pacific Coast Building Inc. (ALCAL) in the amount of _CO ~O $215,383, and amending the Capital Improvement ~-19,0 Program by appropriating an additional $37,000 for the Municipal Services Building Roof Replacement. A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING ROOF __REPLACEMENT PROJECT, AND APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 93-1 TO THE 1992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR PRO- JECT NO. 782 Councilman Drago was concerned that there had been a $200,000 or $300,000 agreement with Callandar and now they were coming back for more money. MIS Teglia/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 123-92 Carried by majority voice vote, Councilman Drago voted no. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS City Engineer Van Dohren described the scope of the work to be done: poly vinyl chloride roof material over paper material; designed a three ply roof for $215,000, but the bottom layer is 1/2" plywood, paper, felt material, tar, and asphalt like shingles; includes $10,000 for a roofing inspector; a total budget of $252,000. He stated that it would have a ten year guaranty. Councilman Yee questioned what the guaranty had been for the existing roof. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that it had expired some years ago but did not know when. Councilman Yee stated that there were existing tiles around the building, and questioned if they would touch the terra cotta tiles. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that the tiles would not be touched. Vice Mayor Teglia questioned if the on-site inspector had a bond, and would be required to sign in and out. City Engineer Van Dohren stated the inspector will take pictures on the progress, and provide daily re- ports on the roof and HVAC work. Councilman Yee questioned - if you tell the contrac- tor how to do it, and they do it and it leaks, whose fault is it. 9/9/92 Page 10 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . 2.85 .~ VIINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 23. Resolution - Continued. 919192 Page 11 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS City Engineer Dohren stated that the requirements were by State Code which the inspector would moni- tor. Councilman Yee stated that the City only needed someone to read the specs and interpret the plan, which anyone could do. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that he would be offering his expertise. Councilman Drago questioned why the City's Build- ing Inspectors were not doing the job - rather than spend $10,000 for an outside inspector - of which he was not in favor, and felt it was a band-aid approach. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that the City hired inspectors on all of our projects. Councilman Drago stated that those inspectors were paid out of Enterprise Funds. Director of Public Services Parini stated that the difference was in the detailed expertise, and he could not expect the Building Dept. to do that. Councilman Drago questioned if that had been done when the roof had been put on. He stated that this did not include any air conditioning costs, and he was concerned that this project had escalated 20%. He stated that former Councilman Nicolopulos had stated years ago that we should have completely rebuilt the roof, and here today we are doing the same flat roof. City Engineer Van Dohren replied yes, but with more drainage. He stated that it was a complicated roof because of the equipment on the roof, and then putt- ing in the air conditioning. Mr. Collon Post, 1136 Sunnyside Dr., stated that he did not believe the City should pay $10,000 for one month's work when you have an Inspector named Chuck who can do it, and felt it was a waste of money. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN _~ VIINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 23. Resolution - Continued. 9/9/92 Page 12 286 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Councilman Yee stated that staff had designed the specifications, and must make sure that what is spent is returned. He questioned if the supporting element is in fact the problem. He stated that he had been involved in the first roof, plus a staff member involved in over-seeing the project. He requested the item be postponed until the Council had more infor- mation, because if the design was defective then and now, he wanted to know. City Engineer Dohren stated that there were ponds on the south side of the building and he planned to put in seven drains, and when the roof was removed he would look at the damage. Councilman Yee stated that he wanted to do it right, and if they put in a drain at the low part it will not work. Police Chief Datzman stated that there was a miscon- ception that this was a new building, when in fact the roof had only been patched from the time of the purchase of the building. He stated that there had been damage over the last several years because of the inadequate roof which floods the basement. Discussion followed: that it was a structural roof and should be redesigned; City Engineer related that there were 2 x 12 ft. beams and believed there was nothing wrong other than additional sagging; to build up the roof; that the poundage of the roof should not exceed 190 lbs. @ 100 sq. ft.: Councilman Yee felt that if you put new plywood the roof would be too heavy, and more drains would not prevent more low points in the future with a flat roof; former Council- man Nicolopulos had talked about a peaked roof with less stress; that a peaked roof would be 2 or 3 times more expensive; whether a new roof would last ten years; Mayor Penna felt the cost for the square footage for a roof was on the high side; City Man- ager suggested going forward on the roof because of the rainy season, and come back on the issue of inspection at the next meeting for a decision; Coun- cilman Yee did not agree with spending money for a consultant for work that an in-house inspector could do; he also felt that the City Engineer prepared the plans and specifications, and doesn't know if he/she AGENDA ACTION TAKEN z MINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 23. Resolution - Continued. 24. Resolution authorizing a permit to allow a sanitary sewer connection at the City sewer system at 226 ..6-7. Country Club Drive. ~ t A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PERMIT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (226 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE) 287 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS has that expertise; City Manager offered to prepare a report on what went into the design and specifica- tions; Councilman Fernekes questioned why staff had not spelled out the problems when it came to Council to go to bid. Councilman Yee felt that this discussion should give staff some insight to get the most for our City in the future. MIS Yee/Teglia - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 124-92 Carried by unanimous voice vote. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that back in June staff had been directed to look into a permit for a resident of 226 Country Club Drive, the unincorpo- rated area, to connect to the City's sewer system for one single family dwelling. He stated that reimburse- ment to the home owner for the cost had been dis- cussed for a five year period which the City was willing to administer; and the home owner will not protest future annexation. Mr. Lou Arata, Engineer, stated that he represented Mr. Fabriano, the owner of the property, who was concerned with the staff restriction of five years until someone else hooks up to the sewer when it had taken a year for this permit. He requested that the permit language read ten years. Vice Mayor Teglia felt that was reasonable in that the home owner was paying for the hookup himself. Councilman Yee stated that it could even be longer than ten years because it didn't hurt anything, and the man was paying $10,000. Mr. Arata stated that the cost would be from $35,000-$40,000. City Manager Armas stated that Councilman Yee had raised the point of the City being responsible for 9/9/92 Page 13 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN · 258 ~ VlINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 24. Resolution- Continued. Mayor Penna Left the Podium: 25. Motion to authorize letter to SamTrans Board of Di- rectors commenting on the proposed SamTrans Short Range Transit Plan. ._5-0 ~' c~ ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS both owning and maintaining the line even though it may be in the County. He stated that in staff's view they did not have a problem with amending the lan- guage in the permit. Councilman Yee stated that if the City did not own the line it did not have control of who was going to connect to that line, and maintaining the line was not a big deal for another 100 feet in the long run. He stated that he did not want the gentleman to be re- sponsible for that line when we don't know what is going to happen to that line. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that would give the City some control if the County wanted to put a use in there that was deleterious to our neighborhood, and then we could veto the hookup. Councilman Yee replied yes, because it was the City's line. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that they had not discussed owning the line, just maintaining the re- pairing the line. M/S Teglia/Fernekes - To adopt the resolution with the permit reading 15 years, and the City owns and maintains the line. RESOLUTION NO. 125-92 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Penna left the podium at 10:02 p.m. Director of Economic & Community Development Costello gave the staff report which commented on the importance for SamTrans to provide transporta- tion into the large industrial area east of US 101 which currently is not served by any bus routes. She recommended Council authorize transmittal of a letter to SamTrans Board of Directors commenting on the proposed SamTrans Short Range Transit Plan which she proceeded to highlight. 9/9/92 Page 14 A~ENDA ACTION TAKEN .~ MINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 25. Motion - Continued. 26. Motion to approve letter to San Mateo Board of Su- pervisors that due to current budget constraints the City is unable to participate in the Family Housing and Homeless Trust Fund. Mayor Penna returned to the Dais: 2 Motion to proceed with development of El Camino Corridor/BART Redevelopment Plan, and appoint two Councilmembers to the Committee. o~'0 g~] Z89 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS MIS Drago/Fernekes - To authorize the letter to the SamTrans Board of Directors commenting on the proposed SamTrans Short Range Transit Plan. Councilman Yee suggested that portions of page two of the letter be highlighted or bolded because of their importance. Carried by unanimous voice vote. MIS Drago/Fernekes - To approve the letter to San Mateo County Board of Supervisors that due to cur- rent budget constraints the City is unable to partici- pate in the Family Housing and Homeless Trust Fund. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Penna returned to the dais at 10:04 p.m. Director of Economic & Community Development Costello stated that the staff report reaffirmed Council's strategy, and asked the Mayor to appoint two Councilmembers to serve on the Committee. She then spoke in detail on the strategy steps involved. MIS Teglia/Fernekes - To reaffirm Council strategy with the El Camino Corridor as outlined, and that two members of the City Council be appointed to participate in the Committee to review the process and participate in the development of the Redevelop- ment Plan, McLellan Nursery Master Plan, and El Camino Corridor Plan. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Penna appointed Councilmembers Drago and Yee to the Committee. Vice Mayor Teglia stated she lived very close to Chestnut Ave. and wanted to make sure that she did not have a conflict in voting on the item. City Attorney O'Toole stated that she did not have a 9/9/92 Page 15 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN .~ MINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 27. Motion - Continued 28. Resolutions approving budget amendments for installa- tion of an electronic voting sign board in the MSB ,.6"/5'5 Community Room, and study of modification of the existing audio system in the MSB Community Room. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMEND- MENT 93-3 TO THE 1992-1993 OPERATING BUDGET 290 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS conflict yet, but he would advise her as far as future actions go. Councilman Drago questioned if he had a conflict because he had a real estate license. City Attorney O'Toole stated that there was concern that the reason for forming the District was to in- crease property values which was determined in the past was a conflict of interest for those with a real estate license that is active and utilized. Mayor Penna stated that his vote would be an absten- tion. City Attorney O'Toole stated that in the preliminary stages the Mayor did not have to abstain, but to ap- point Councilman Drago to a Committee which would further investigate and make recommendations -- he should reconsider that. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that she had brought up the issue because four or five years after she had voted on three projects someone had gone back into the records and asked the FPPC to look at those votes, and was charging a conflict of interest. She stated that fortunately for her, after this exercise, she was clean. She stated that she had a real estate license which had never been used, nor was she intending to use it while on Council. Mayor Penna removed Councilman Drago from the Committee and replaced him with Councilman Fernekes. Assistant City Manager Mattel stated that in recent months the Council had voiced a concern with the existing audio system in the Community Room, and on several occasions the audio system had been inade- quate for the audience. She stated that she had also received a request to investigate the potential installa- tion of an electronic voting system in the Community Room. 9/9/92 Page 16 AGENDA _ACIIQN TAKEN .~ MINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 28. Resolutions - Continued. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMEND- MENT 934 TO THE 1992-1993 OPERATING BUD- GET ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS She stated that after talking to a consultant on the audio needs, staff had determined that an acoustical study was needed to evaluate the existing sound sys- tem that was installed back in 1981. She proceeded to describe the items to be studied: noise and vibra- tion control; sound isolation; performance deficien- cies in the system or whether it was possible to en- hance the audio level through improved use of the microphones. She stated that the microphones were unidirectional and ultra sensitive, which means that they require direct input. She stated that she noticed that the Council doesn't always speak into the mike which inhibits the sound for the audience. She stated that the study would provide staff with necessary infor- mation on the existing system, and to properly bal- ance the various auto components and to improve the maintenance and monitoring techniques used in the existing system. She recommended that the study be done by Poletti Assoc. who were presently doing the audio and acoustical systems in the S.S.F. Conference Center. They also have much experience with cities and the Board of Supervisors. She stated that the cost of the study would be $2,500. She stated that several cities had been contacted that utilize electronic sign boards that include a control unit, a set of voting stations for each Councilmember, and a display panel on one of the walls to display roll call votes that could be modified for use by the Plan- ning Commission and other Boards. She stated that it was her understanding that Council wanted the votes simultaneously displayed although the Council could change its vote until the vote was locked and displayed. She stated that it could be purchased from a local vendor for a cost of approxi- mately $2,000. She stated that there were two resolutions with budget amendments if the Council chose to go with one or both recommendations. Discussion followed: how the votes were recorded; 9/9/92 Page 17 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~ ~INISTRATIVE BUSINESS 28. Resolutions - Continued. 9/9/92 Page 18 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS it would be yes, no or abstain; green represented yes, red represented no, and yellow or white repre- sented abstain; whether the Council would see the preliminary layout before it was installed if approved; where~ the light panel would be, and when it would be done; if approved it would take approximately four weeks for the manufacturer. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that she could not support this even though the study was fine, but did not know the necessity for the voting system when this was a year when Council had told staff to cut out all capital outlay. She thought this was fine to consider when the City was flush -- especially with the sound sys- tem, when people will come up here and tell us the reason this doesn't work, as well as it was because of our own ineptitude. She continued, so to go out and spend another $2,000 doing a study - she found diffi- cult to swallow in this particular year when there are cuts. Councilman Fernekes stated that he was not opposed to either of these items, but agreed with the Vice Mayor that spending $4,000. should be done at a better time. Discussion followed: that $2,500 was only for the acoustical study; Mayor Penna questioned why it was not being suggested that someone come in, look at the system, and tell us how much to correct it. Councilman Drago stated that the $2,500 could be applied to a purchase rather than a study, and felt that the electronic board was just the cost of doing busi- ness and a low price to pay for communication with our constituents. He stated that there had been a lot of complaints from people not being able to hear. He stated that it was difficult to keep your mouth in front of the microphone when you are turning to talk. Assistant City Manager Martel felt that the study would address that and whether another type of mi- crophone was needed. Councilman Drago felt that local firms should be &~ENDA A~!!~N TAKEN 293 _/ VIINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 28. Resolutions - Continued. 9/9/92 Page 19 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS given the opportunity to come forward with their equipment, and there were people in Cable TV that could do it. Mayor Penna stated that he attended a C/CAG meet- ing down at Samtrans and they had a thin little mi- crophone that picked up sound all over the place, and it was obvious that the type of equipment we have here is not proper; and he didn't know how we got it. He stated that an electrical firm should supply equipment where we don't have to speak into the mike, then they should be able to come up with a system and give us a price. He stated that he did not feel that the Council should have to go through a $2,500 study and have the consultant come back and tell us how much the equipment will cost. Assistant City Manager Martel stated that it was her understanding that the microphones currently being used were purchased in that fashion and were not part of the original sound system that was installed, and as a result there wasn't the kind of study to show how the mikes would fit into the environment with the kind of walls in this room. She stated that they were merely presented as being the best microphones avail- able, but whether that was considered with our specif- ic needs or environment was the need for the study. Mayor Penna suggested piggybacking on the audio people from the conference center to look at this system without cost. City Clerk Battaya stated that she was here when this system was employed as was Councilman Yee, and a very fine City Engineer by the name of Arthur Wong who knew a great deal about acoustics. She stated that the City had gone out on an engineering basis to find what they felt at that time, 12 years ago, what was best for this room acoustically and all other respects; and that the best people had been in from Sony. She stated that people came in to listen to the tapes and it was very important that the voices were sepa- rated on tracks. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 294 _~ VlINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 28. Resolutions - Continued. PUBLIC HEARINGS 29. Public Hearing - UP-87-804/MOD 2 0ohann Yuzon, Goldilocks Bake Shop) - appeal of Planning Commis- sion decision to convert 2,000 sq. ft. of a 5,000 sq. ft. retail storefront at 3565 Callan Blvd.; The applicant has withdrawn the appeal. 30. Public Hearing - Intention to make changes and modi- fications with respect to Gateway Assessment District No. ST-82-2; Conduct Public Hearing; adopt resolu- tion. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS WITH RE- SPECT TO GATEWAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. ST-82-2 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS She stated that the microphones the Council had before it cost $115.00 each and it was all a question of money -- did the Council have the money to throw away, and did they want to spend $300 or more for each mike. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that the Council had people from Cable tell them there was nothing wrong with the equipment other than our ineptitude, and if we sat down and learned how to use the equipment we would not need to buy equipment. City Clerk Battaya stated that Michael Leddy had told the Council how to use the microphones one night, and she hadn't heard anything more about that. M/S Yee/Teglia - To table the item. Carried by majority voice vote, Councilmembers Drago and Penna voted no. Vice Mayor Teglia suggested that Cable TV give a half hour demonstration on microphone use before a meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS No action was taken because the appeal was with- drawn. Mayor Penna opened the Public Hearing and contin- ued it to 9/23/92. 9/9/92 Page 20 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN I MS FROM COUNCIL 31. Oral Committee reports. 32. Discussion regarding possible elimination of Design __Review Board (Mayor Penna). ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Yee stated that he had attended a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, and they had indicated that Council and staff should make an attempt to attend their functions more often. He questioned what had happened to the Council hotline report. City Manager Armas stated that staff was coordinat- ing publicity items. Mayor Penna questioned what had happened to the promise to the Sister City Committee to name a street Lucca. Councilman Yee stated that it had been done in a new subdivision. Mayor Penna stated that he had requested this item be agendized, because over the years he and members of Council had received numerous complaints as to the method by which the Design Review Board operates. He stated that he appreciated all the time that was put in on the Design Review Board by the three architects and the architectural design person on the Board, and wanted a friendly discussion on the merits of having it in the community. He stated that he was not really sure of its purpose and that was also the need for the discussion. Councilman Fernekes stated that he would like to hear the pros and cons from the Planning Commission before the discussion went too far, otherwise an element was being left out. Mayor Penna stated that he could appreciate that because he had already heard comments from a Plan- ning Commissioner, and disagreed because we as a Council end up as the final stop to our constituents as to how people feel in the community. He felt that the Council needed to discuss it before meeting with the Planning Commission to determine how Council felt about having this Board. He stated that there was a meeting a year ago with the Commission that disappointed him, because it 9/9/92 Page 21 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 296 ! MS FROM COUNCIL 32. Discussion- Continued. 9/9/92 Page 22 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL was shot down by certain Planning Commissioners, and this was the only way the Council could discuss it within the Brown Act. He stated that he had seen buildings,go up in this town that had been redesigned by the Board for aes- thetic purposes when beauty was in the eyes of the beholder and what one person liked another would not. He asked how far the Council wanted to go in controlling architectural designs and the like on build- ings, room additions on single family dwellings, and industrial commercial buildings. He stated that many architects were telling him that they had to come back three, four or five times be- cause the Board only met once a month - which was a long time to take to get their plans accepted when they still have to go through the rest of the process because someone disagrees with an architectural approach. He stated that he did not feel that this was in the best interest of the community. He felt that the Council could set the policy which everyone would be aware of in the community. He stated that he knew of cases where the Board told people they could not have double hung aluminum windows and had to have wooden windows; could not have glass sliding doors, but had to have wooden french doors; were told what color to paint their home; to take out existing trees; windows had to be placed in a different configuration. He stated that he did not feel it was right for a Board to have that kind of control over the citizens of this community, and it was confusing and frustrating for members in the community who wanted to make improvements to their property in dealing with this Board. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that the Board made rec- ommendations, but ultimately staff made the final determinations. She stated that she had never per- sonally heard those kind of complaints mentioned by the Mayor and was not sure they were accurate. Mayor Penna stated that it was true that they were a recommending Body that staff could override, but he was not seeing that happening otherwise a person AGENDA ASI!QN TAKEN I~ ~MS FROM COUNCIL 32. Discussion- Continued. 9/9/92 Page 23 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL would only have to take their plans once to the Board, then the person would only have to deal with staff on the changes. Councilman Drago questioned if there were written guidelines on the makeup, number of seats, and resi- dency requirements of the Board. City Manager Armas stated that it was in the Council Handbook, and there was not a residency require- ment. Councilman Drago questioned: the purpose of the Board; why it was developed in the beginning; what was the need for the Board with a Planning Commis- sion; how far did their scope of duties go; do they cover every addition, and every new building in the City. Director of Economic & Community Development Costello related: the Board was a recommending Body to staff and the Planning Commission; the purpose was to have professional architects to look at projects and make recommendations for design. Councilman Drago stated that he was not out here tonight to support getting rid of the Board, but want- ed to look at the makeup because maybe we are going over board on architects, and should look at the resi- dential requirements. He stated that we have our own engineers and landscapers that review the plans, so it was more than an architectural viewpoint and staff could disagree. Discussion followed: on a disagreement staff would look at recommendations from the Board, as well as staff's and then make a determination; the Board meets once a month from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and has a large agenda; that the City had a more exten- sive review of small projects than in most cities; Council should look at changing the makeup and scope of duties for the Board; that the Board should not be involved in additions; that the Board only looked at the outside of buildings; that the Board only became involved in single family additions that extended the building by 50%; that Council AGENDA ACI!QN TAKEN 298 _I MS FROM COUNCIL 32. Discussion- Continued. 9/9/92 Page 24 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL had expanded the duties to include second floor addi- tions that were totally incompatible with the neighbor- hoods; that the Commission should be asked to review and rethink the structure and composition of the Design Review Board; the monstrosity that had been allowed at the Grand and Spruce property; that modifications to the Board took place after that, etc. Ms. Kathleen Coonrod, 118 Arroyo Dr., stated that she had been through the planning review with the Board, and felt the Board should be eliminated. She stated that when the Board was established the intent was to keep people from building boxes on top of their houses. She stated that the Council was under the impression that the Board only made recommen- dations - that was not true because you do not get a permit unless you comply with their recommenda- tions. She stated that she had to put $8,000 worth of win- dows in her house that were not necessary because they were on the back side of the house which no one could see because the neighbor's fence was 10 feet tall. She stated that there was nothing wrong with the windows she had, but the Board wanted them changed just because of the design. She stated that the win- dows on the front of the house had to be redesigned because one architect did not like dormer windows and felt they looked like eyesores. She stated that she had been told at the Board meeting that she should not build the house as a wood and stucco structure, even though every house in Buri Buri is wood and stucco. She asked why she had to do this after hav- ing lived in the home for many years, and the archi- tect told her that people get a reaction after living in the home for a while. She asked what kind of a reaction -- dandruff, and everyone at the meeting laughed. She stated that builders had told her that they didn't want to build a project in S.S.F. because the Board is so whimsical, and the builder never knows what he is going to have to do. She stated that first you had to get a permit that costs hundreds of dollars; then you apply to the Board and again pay hundreds A~ENDA ASI!QN TAKEN ] MS FROM COUNCIL 32. Discussion - Continued. 9/9/92 Page 25 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL of dollars; then if you want to appeal the Board's decision you again pay hundreds of dollars; if you apply for a variance you again pay hundreds of dol- lars. She stated that the whole process took months and months to get the permit which took them into the rainy season, and then had to go to the Council to get the driveway. She stated that other people in the neighborhood had gone to the Board with a beautiful design, and one woman was in tears before the Board because they made her redesign the whole thing. She stated that this Board had a lot more power than the Council understood, and they had made her re- place windows that were perfectly good. She stated that there were many other people in the community that could tell of similar experiences with the Board. She stated that the Council could eliminate that Body that was composed of people that were not residents, and did not care about our neighborhoods. Mayor Penna stated that Ms. Coonrod was correct, and knew about the double hung windows, french doors, and the structure directly behind his house was a monstrosity where someone built on the back of their home on stilts with the bottom completely unfin- ished. He questioned why the Board paid no atten- tion to that building, while this person was being put through the hoops. He asked that people who had gone through the per- mit process write Council on the related problems experienced whether in favor or not in favor of the elimination of the Board. Councilman Yee stated that probably the intent of the Board was a good one by improving the City's neighborhoods even through some people will have a negative response to change, however, there is a certain limit to changes. He stated he did not want to see the City project an image of discouraging devel- opments and additions. He stated that in his years with the City he had heard complaints about the Board, the Building Division, and City ! MS FROM COUNCIL 32. Discussion - Continued. 9/9/92 Page 26 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Inspectors. He stated that he agreed that the Planning Commis- sion should become involved, however, the people really close to the problem,, the~people who have gone through the process, should objectively suggest a procedural process to the Council. He stated that there should be input from contractors, architects and homeowners that have gone through the process. He stated that unless those people feel comfortable with the process they are not going to come in and get a permit; and he was sure there was a list of those people at City Hall. Councilman Fernekes suggested a questionnaire be used during the process for the people getting their plan approved, as well as the contractors. Mayor Penna stated that he was concerned with the policy, which appeared to be an unwritten policy where one person has to jump through hoops, and another one doesn't have to for basically the same kind of designs. He stated that a written policy was needed with clear guidelines so everyone will know the policy that will be consistently applied. Discussion followed: what the Board felt was their charge; that the added structure on the property at Laurel and Grand was well done; questioned who was responsible for its success - the contractor of the Board; that the public should be aware that they can appeal the Board's decision; that the Board had been told two years ago by the Planning Commission to look at the design of single family additions; that large projects of single family additions cause the problems for the Board and staff; that the Board should not be making decisions without looking at the area to make sure it was compatible with the neigh- borhood because the members do not live locally; that the property on Spruce has cheap drainage and was ugly, and had stains because of water running off the building; that a Council Subcommittee should get into the meat of the problem, as well as the com- plaints; that the building permit process AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~ MS FROM COUNCIL 32. Discussion- Continued. 9/9/92 Page 27 301 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL also had complaints, and that should also be stream- lined; to set up a subcommittee of Council to meet with staff and look at the whole permit process; that staff also had to be looked at because they may be part of the problem which wouldhave to be looked at objectively to determine what the facts are and make recommendations after getting information from people outside of City Hall. Mayor Penna appointed Councilmembers Yee and Teglia to serve on the Subcommittee and look at the entire permit process. Mr. Paul Tognetti, 845 Olive Ave., stated that the Mayor and the speakers were correct in what they said about the Design Review Board. He stated that he had spoken to many people in the community who wanted to fix up their property and had crossed swords with the Board - that was a big monster that dictates to the whole City. He stated that contractors were afraid of the Board because they had other projects in the City. He stated that he had a relative who decided to put up a second story - did that, and six months later was having a problem with his windows that would not close. He stated that these were wood swing out windows that were made sixty years ago, and today cost a fortune to make plus the screens. He then asked who the idiot was who told his relative to put in the wooden window, and his relative said it was the monster that controls the City that made him find them and put them in because he had them on the lower floor. He stated that his relative should have been able to go to the Planning Commission with pictures of windows of homes in the neighborhood, and the end results would have saved him thousands of dollars. He stated that the Board had been set up by the Council to control additions that were monstrosities for a neighborhood, but the Board was strictly out of control. He stated that a neighbor had dry rot and wanted to fix it with a simple design, and had AGENDA AC_TIQN TAKEN ! MS FROM COUNCIL 32. Discussion- Continued. 33. Appointments by Mayor Penna to the Housing Author- ity, Library Board, and Parking Place Commission. 5-D37 Z/Bi GOOD AND WELFARE ITEMS FROM COUNCIL checked with the monster who said no, you have to do this and this, and make the steps like they were 50 and 60 years ago. He suggested the Council do the City a favor by sending the Design Review Board on vacation, and forget to call them back. Mr. Carl Post stated that as a truck driver he had talked to many contractors in the bay area that don't want to work in this City because of the Board. He questioned why people had to pay another fee to appeal a decision of the Board. He stated that Ms. Coonrad had paid over $700 for the appeal and the variance, and he felt she should get that money back because their original design was very nice. He stated that the Council needed to either get rid of the Design Review Board or control it. He stated that it was the American dream to own a house and then improve it the way you want without a Board telling you what color you should paint it or controlling you. He stated that he knew hundreds of people who he could bring in to explain to the Council how bad the Board really is, and then the Council should look at their original plans. Councilman Yee felt that Council should accept the concerns voiced tonight which will be further consid- ered by the Subcommittee while they are looking at the whole permit process. Mayor Penna appointed the following Commissioners with the concurrence of Council: Housing Authority - Gloria Maltoni; Library Board - Dee Ann Paron; Parking Place Commission - Sam Mosunic. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. 9/9/92 Page 28 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 303 _( )SED SESSION 34. Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotiations and litigation. RECALL TO ORDER: 35. Motion to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 9/16/92, 7:00 p.m., City Council Conference Room, City Hall, fOr interviews of applicants for. Boards and Commissions, and a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code. ADJOURNMENT CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 11:47 p.m. for the discussion of litigation pursuant to GC 54956.9(a) McKenzie etal vs. City of S.S.F. and S.S.F. vs. Valencia Bros., and property negotiations pursuant to GC 54956.8 on.the lease of space on Sign Hill. Mayor Penna recalled the meeting to order at 12:21 a.m., all Council was present, no action taken. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 12:32 a.m. P,~.~PECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk City of South San Francisco APPROVED. . a&an i o The entries of this City Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 9/9/92 Page 29