HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1992-09-23Mayor John R. Penna Council: Jack Drago Joseph A. Fernekes '~'%erta Cerri Teglia ~ert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room September 23, 1992 3O4 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: P SENTATIONS AGENDA REVIEW City Attorney O'Toole Requested: Motion to add an item to the Council Agenda regard- ing an exception to the Airport Blvd. Underground Utility District No. 2, and a finding that the item arose after the posting of the Agenda. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM ACI!QN TAKEN 7:32 p.m. Mayor Penna presiding. Council Present: Fernekes, Teglia, Yee, and Penna. Council Absent: Drago. City Clerk Battaya stated that Councilman Drago had informed her office that he was on vacation and would not be in attendance at the meeting. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Neely, Grand Avenue Baptist Church, gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS There were no presentations. AGENDA REVIEW M/S Yee/Fernekes - To add Item lOa to the Agenda with the finding that the item arose after the posting of the Agenda. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No one chose to speak. COMMUNITY FORUM Mayor Penna announced: effective 10/1/92 Califor- nia Water Co. will initiate an ultra light low flow toilet rebate program to its customers in S.S.F., and will provide a $50 rebate to customers who replace 9/23/92 Page 1 A~ENDA A~!!~N TAKEN /IMUNITY FORUM Council Hotline Established: .QONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of 8/19/92. 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 9/23/92. Motion to waive fees for the Order of AHEPA for use of the Municipal Services Building Atrium and Com.5' / munity Room on 3/20/93. Motion to waive fees for the S.S.F. Los Cerritos Sc P.T.A. for use of the Municipal Services Building Social Hall and large kitchen on 12/11/92. Motion to waive fees for the S.S.F. Girl Scout Assoc. for use of the Municipal Services Building A & B b~t~ t// Rooms on 3/7/93. Motion to waive fees for the League of Women Voters for use of the Municipal Services Building Community Room on 10/27/92. .fft~ q 7 Resolution authorizing an agreement with the State of Ealifornia for Baden Avenue Reconstruction Project. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR THE BADEN AVENUE RE- COMMUNITY FORUM their 5-7 gallon toilet with a 1.6 gallon ultra low flow toilet. He stated that thanks to Councilman Yee we now have a Council Hotline, .737-1991, and asked that Cable TV and the Enterprise Journal advertise a notice to the public. City Manager Armas stated that Cable TV will in- clude the information on the Message Channel and that can be accessed 24 hours a day. Mayor Penna asked that the message also be flashed next week by Cable TV. Vice Mayor Teglia apologized for the inconveniences experienced from the Baden Avenue reconstruction, and stated that it would be paved on Friday. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $1,895,593.60. So ordered. So ordered. So ordered. So ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 126-92 Vice Mayor Teglia abstained. 9/23/92 Page 2 A~ENDA A~!!ON TAKEN (~ ~ISENT CALENDAR 7. Resolution - Continued. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Resolution authorizing agreement:with Mock/Wallace and Associates for design services for West Orange 5' Library Renovation. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY Resolution approving issuance of up to $13,200,000 in tax allocation bonds by the Redevelopment ,5'/.ff 25 Agency. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE REDEVELOPMENT ~AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO OF NOT TO EXCEED $13,200,000 PRINCI- PAL AMOUNT OF BONDS RELATING TO THE GATEWAY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT 10. Motion to authorize claim for reimbursement to ~5 ! ~6- Homart Development Corp. for costs incurred in con- nection with Gateway Assessment District. 10a. Motion to allow the location of an anchor for a guy 5'0'80 wire 5 ft. within an underground district on Chapman Ave. pursuant to Municipal Code Sect. 13.16.030. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 11. Consideration of request from the S.S.F. Italian ~'t9 S t~ American Citizens Club for lighting of the Orange Me- ._.morial Park Boccie Courts. ~ RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMEND- MENT 93-3 TO THE 1992-93 OPERATING BUDGET CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 127-92 RESOLUTION NO. 128-92 So ordered. So ordered. M/S Teglia/Fernekes - To approve the Consent Cal- endar. Carried by unanimous voice vote, Vice Mayor Teglia abstained on Item No. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services Nagel spoke of two requests by the Italian American Citizens Club: to place a drinking fountain nearby the bocce ball courts - which will be resolved when the restroom is completed because it will have a drinking fountain on the side of the facility; and lighting the bocce ball courts for night play. 9/23/92 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN _P ~IINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 11. Resolution - Continued. 12. Information report on complaint regarding handicapped parking stalls. ~ ~ I {c 307 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS He stated that staff had researched the issue and had obtained an estimate from a local contractor for $7,500 to complete the work. He stated that the Orange Park Expansion Project does not include this work, however, the Council may want to refer this to the Advisory Committee for further review and possi- ble inclusion in the project, and a budget amendment would have to be adopted. Mayor Penna stated that he felt that this item should be referred to the Orange Park Advisory Board. He stated that he had discussions with members of the Italian American Club who had expressed an interest in paying for the lights, as far as the lights that shine on the tennis courts being reversed with a double light that would shine on both courts - this they said they would pay for. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that she also had a conver- sation with Mr. Bettucci, and she had requested that the proposal be put in writing for staff to review so the Council knew that it was a solid proposal on the costs and any resulting liabilities, which he said he would do. M/S Teglia/Yee - To refer the matter to the Advisory Board for the Orange Park Expansion Project. Carried by unanimous voice vote. City Manager Armas stated that staff had researched information for Ms. Davi, and had pointed out in the staff report new legislation that gave a new emphasis on the private and public sector to do as much as possible to accommodate these people. He stated that the issue raised had centered on a couple of locations in town that have shopping centers with inadequate parking stalls for the handicapped. He stated that staff's ability to effect and cause the kind of remedies needed depends on the permit pro- cess, which is not always possible, and suggested trying to educate the private sectors on making the parking spaces accessible. Ms. Davi thanked Council for the prompt attention given the problem by staff. She stated that people 9/23/92 Page 4 A~ENDA A~!~ TAKEN .~ MINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 12. Information - Continued. 13. Motion to provide direction to staff regarding employ- ees attitude survey. .5'/~ 3 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS think they are helping by putting a blue parking spot in, and yet are not aware that it is inaccessible to the handicapped. She reiterated the problems at Thrifty and other shop- ping centers, and had thought that with the enactment of the ADA in 1990 it would have corrected the Westborough Square that was repaved in 1991. She stated that there was only one handicapped space at West Orange Library, however, there was enough room to put in another with the existing cutout. City Manager Armas invited Ms. Davi to work with staff to try and correct the problems at Thrifty and the Library. Ms. Davi stated that she would work with staff, and had also worked with the County on parking and rails for the handicapped. Mayor Penna stated that it was announced today that a lawsuit was filed by a wheelchair person who had attended a theater, and was only allowed to sit in the rear because of the wheelchair and without a reduc- tion in ticket price. Ms. Davi stated that she had heard through Assem- blywoman Speier's Office that the Mayor of Millbrae has some good suggestions to handle the problem in his City. City Manager Armas asked for a consensus on send- ing the draft letter to property owners over the Mayor's signature. Concurrence of Council - To authorize the letter to property owners. City Manager Armas stated that Councilman Yee had suggested an employee survey on their opinion of the organization which staff was to originate and receive feedback. He stated that he needed Council's review and direction on how it should be conducted. He stated that it would be circulated with the paychecks with a couple of weeks time to respond, and it would be returned in the inter-department mail; and that information will be compiled and the results will be 9/23/92 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN .~ VIINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 13. Motion - Continued. 14. Motion to provide direction to staff regarding regula- tions on barbed wire. 5C ~ ~ 3O9 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS shared with Council and the workforce. Councilman Yee stated that having made the request, he was satisfied with the form, however, anticipating that some employees may send the form back by mail and the post office box should be put in the center of the page. He stated that he would volunteer with another member of Council to calculate the results of the survey. Mayor Penna appointed Councilmembers Yee and Fernekes to tabulate the results of the survey, and get it back to the Manager, the employees, and Council. Vice Mayor Teglia stated she was interested in honest expressions, and was not interested in comments from disgruntled employees. Discussion followed: the individuals completing the survey would not be identified; the intent was not to point at any one person or individual, but to give an opportunity to all of the people involved with the organization to express their honest opinion; the Subcommittee would develop the trend of the survey. Consensus of Council - To go with the employees attitude survey. Chief Planner Solomon requested that Council give direction as to developing controls over barbed wire, and cite their concerns. He questioned the level of control wanted, and suggested that safety, aesthetics, and the image barbed wire presents of an armed plant be part of the considerations for a Citywide prohibi- tion or a series of guidelines. Vice Mayor Teglia stated she had started this many years ago and it had ended up getting shelved, but to her it was a material to keep people in - even though it was used to keep people out. She felt it was a pretty extreme remedy, and if someone got in they would be harmed because it could be protecting explosives or something that could damage the welfare of the community. She stated she was seeing barbed wire on the west side of 101 to keep people out, and she was not ready 9/23/92 Page 6 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN / vIINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 14. Motion- Continued. PUBLIC HEARINGS 15. Public Hearing - Intention to make changes and modi- fications with respect to Gateway Assessment District No. ST-82-2; Public Hearing opened on 9/9/92; Motion to continue to 10/14/92. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS WITH RE- ---SPECT TO GATEWAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. ST-82-2 310 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS yet to say our society is bad, that we have to resort to barbed wire. She felt it was inappropriate in residen- tial areas, and even in commercial areas. She stated that at first they had decided it, could be used east of the freeway - there may be reasons to allow barbed wire, but short of that, felt it was inap- propriate. She stated that she would like to see an ordinance or a policy on where it should be used. Mayor Penna questioned the reasoning for using barbed wire, and whether a study had ever been done. Discussion followed: on razor wire; that it was often with no trespassing signs; establishing a policy; that the Subcommittee looking at the permit process should incorporate study of this matter; problem with the non-conforming language in the draft ordinance; that the Chamber of Commerce should be involved in the discussion; that the subject had not been discussed over the past four years; that the Planning Commis- sion should sit in on the discussions, and should put the subject on their next agenda. Consensus of Council - To refer the item to a Sub- committee, seek input from the Chamber of Com- merce, businesses, and Planning Commission and report back to Council. PUBLIC HEARINGS M/S Fernekes/Yee - To continue the Public Hearing to 10/14/92. Carried by unanimous voice vote. 9/23/92 Page 7 ~QENDA ~ION TAKEN I_'..vIS FROM COUNCIL 16. Oral Committee reports. 9/23/92 Page 8 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Yee stated that at each meeting on the Consent Calendar there were motions to waive fees for City facilities which were never denied. He suggested establishing a policy for staff to deal with those waivers of fees. Councilman Fernekes spoke of the legislative break- fast on 9/21/92 wherein Senators Morgan, Kopp, and Sher will be present. Vice Mayor Teglia asked that information for the next C/CAG Ad Hoc meeting be sent to the rest of Coun- cil. She stated that the agenda lists a response from Lou Turpin regarding what we sent on noise insula- tion. Mayor Penna spoke of a $20,000 equipment donation from Genentech to El Camino High School. He stated that the Sister City Group had requested that a portion of Hillside Blvd. Extension be named Sister City Boulevard. Vice Mayor Teglia stated that if this was going to be discussed, then she wanted input from businesses and residents, because when you change the name of a street it creates problems. Mayor Penna stated that there was a meeting of the Council of Cities on Friday which he did not plan to attend, and wanted to know if someone else could attend so he could brief them. Councilman Fernekes stated that he would attend the meeting. Vice Mayor Teglia suggested the Mayor authorize a letter. Mayor Penna stated that he would do that because there had been a disagreement as to the wording of a letter that said anyone holding the letter had the au- thority to vote for that City, and the letter should be specific. City Manager Armas stated that the letter should be specific in authority for the particular committee. AGENDA ACI!QN TAKEN )D AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 17. Closed Session for:the~purpose of discussion of ~ personnel matters, labor relations, property negotiations and litigation. RECALL TO ORDER: 18. Motion to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 9/30/92, 7:00 p.m., City Council Conference Room, City Hall, for interviews of applicants for Boards and Commis- sions, and a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code. _~ OURNMENT: 312 GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 8:20 p.m., to discuss labor relations with AFSCME pursuant to GC 54957.6, and whether to initiate litigation pursu- ant to GC 54956.9(c). Mayor Penna recalled the meeting to order at 9:43 p.m., all Council present, no action was taken. M/S Teglia/Fernekes - To adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 9/30/92, 7:00 p.m., City Council Con- ference Room, City Hall for interviews of applicants for Boards and Commissions, and a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 9:43 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED. Barbara A. Battaya, City CleriO' City of South San Francisco Mayo7 Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 9/23/92 Page 9