HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1994-04-27 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: Jack Drago "'"Iohn R. Penna Roberta Cerri Teglia Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room April 27, 1994 265 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: , . RESENTATIONS Proclamation - Older Americans Month - May 1994 South San Francisco High School Students on the Storm Water Management Program .fro '~ '7 AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wohlenberg Requested: Delete Item No. 9 as a duplication. Councilman Yee Requested: Postpone Item No. 21 to another meeting in that he has numerous questions. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER ACTION TAKEN 7:34 p.m. Mayor Fernekes presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Drago, Penna, Teglia, Yee and Fernekes. None. The Pledge was recited. Seminarian Ernest Bayer, St. Veronica's Church, gave the invocation. Mayor Fernekes asked for a prayerful moment of silence for former President Richard Nixon. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Fernekes read the Proclamation aloud and presented it to Commission on Aging Member Dag Alholm. Ms. Kelly Hubard and other students spoke of the students interacting with government to keep the City clean through storm drain clean-up efforts. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. Consensus of Council - To postpone the item to another meeting. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER City Manager Wohlenberg stated he had nothing additional to report. 4/27/94 Page 1 AfiENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 3/23/94. Motion to confirm expense claims of 4/27/94. Resolution accepting Federal Library Services and Construction Act funds from the California State Library for library materials and appropriating $16,000.00 to the library budget. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A FEDERAL LI- BRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LI- BRARY FOR $16,000.00 AND APPROVING BUD- ACIION TAKEN 2_66 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ' Historic Preservation Commission Chairman Mowat related: the Commission had issued nine grants to improve historic designated buildings; there were 200 historic designated homes in the City; a video and tour brochure had been produced; hope to ac- complish two new grants along Miller and a tour brochure to highlight some important historic sites throughout the City; they were creating a slide library of 100 of the designated potential resources; based on their activities, the Commission wanted the Council to continue to support the Commission and the current level of funding. Historic Preservation Commissioner Feudale stated he was speaking on the Commission's budget which, in the last year, had $20,000 deleted because of the City's financial situation. He stated that the Commission, through a successful incentive program, had designated nine new land- marks and, because of the importance of their work, urged the Council to continue their level of funding. He presented the Council with a letter enumerating the Commission's achievements and expectations for the coming fiscal year. COMMUNITY FORUM Mayor Fernekes asked that the City Manager, in the future, move Council reports so they are heard under Community Forum - at the beginning at the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $1,774,953.48. RESOLUTION NO. 42-94 4/27/94 Page 2 A~ENDA CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution - Continued. GET AMENDMENT NO. 94-3 TO THE 1993-1994 OPERATING BUDGET 4. Resolution authorizing filing of grant application to the California State Library for Families for Literacy _ funds in the amount of $18,800. ..5"~9 2..-~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMIT- TAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION FOR LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT FUNDS 5. Motion to accept the Foothill Estates Subdivision (SA-90-108) public improvements as complete. ,.~"O Resolution appropriating $152,000 in Fiscal Year 1993-94 for start-up costs in connection with the Aircraft Noise Insulation Project - Phase IX. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT CIP 94-6 TO THE 1993-1994 CAP- ITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET - AIRCRAFT NOISE INSULATION, PHASE IX Resolution awarding contract to Meyer/Sumnicht Engineers for a seismic analysis of Fire Stations 2, 3 and 4 and Central. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR A SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF FIRE STATIONS 2, 3 AND 4 AND CENTRAL o Resolution supporting a Coastal Cities Van Pool Grant application by Multi-City Transportation Man- agement Agency. ,5'29 8'E> A RESOLUTION APPROVING SUBMITTAL OF GRANT APPLICATION TO THE BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT THE MULTI-CITY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PRO- GRAM FOR A VANPOOL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Resolution supporting a grant application by Multi- City Transportation Management Agency. A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A GRANT AP- ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR TAXE 267 RESOLUTION NO. 43-94 So ordered. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilwoman Teglia. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Vice Mayor Yee. RESOLUTION NO. 44-94 Removed from the Agenda under Agenda Review by the City Manager. 4/27/94 Page 3 ~ENDA ~TION TAKEN ._CONSENT CALENDAR i. Resolution- Continued. PLICATION BY MULTI-CITY TRANSPORTA- TION MANAGEMENT AGENCY Resolution appropriating $152,000 in Fiscal Year 1993-94 for start-up costs in connection with the Aircraft Noise Insulation Project - Phase IX. ~'-/ A SOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET ITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET - AIRCRAFT NOISE INSULATION, PHASE IX CONSENT CALENDAR 268 M/S Teglia/Yee - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items 6, 7 and 9. Carried by unanimous voice vote. City Engineer Von Dohren stated this phase was part of the $80,000,000 SFIA funds to complete 6,800 homes and proceeded to describe the pro- gram: 700 homes had been done in the last ten years; the 500 homes in this phase had already been notified when the work was to be done; etc. Councilwoman Teglia expressed concern that people had mistaken notification of the program to be junk mail, and she advised people to check their mail if they were in the Airport foot print. She stated that, in the past, the City had only insulated owner occupied homes. She stated this had changed and now all homes are eligible - owner occupied or not. Vice Mayor Yee stated he spoke to someone on Avalon Dr. who was reluctant to sign the easement agreement and he felt they should be made aware this was the last chance they were going to have. Councilman Penna felt the people should be made aware of the fact they do not have to repay the money for the insulation, because it is free money. Councilwoman Teglia stated that some people would not sign the easement because they did not want to give up their right to sue the Airport for the noise created. Discussion followed: this was no longer a 80%- 20% funding by SFIA and the FAA but was fully funded by SFIA and the easement agreement had to be in effect for the insulation; staff would distribute clear information, after first passing it by the Coun- cil; the Airport had not yet responded on the agree- ment language; staff notifies the property owners, as well as the tenants, that they are eligible for the insulation; etc. 4/27/94 Page 4 AGENDA _AC_TIQN TAKEN R~olution - Continued. Re, solution awarding contract to Meyer/Sumnicht Engineers for a seismic analysis of Fire Stations 2, 3 and 4 and Central. oK'D~'~> A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE. AN AGREEMENT FOR A SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF FIRE STATIONS 2, 3 AND 4 AND CENTRAL 269 M/S Teglia/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 45-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Vice Mayor Yee stated this item related to the seis- mic study and he did not remember discussing this type of project. He expressed concern in tak- ing the fire station into a seismic study without understanding the reasons behind it and, if wedo include it, why not others - like the library. Director of Public Works Parini stated it started three or four years ago, where we had a capital improvement project for the fire station, and from that evolved a series of four capital improvement projects. He stated that, of those, the number one item or first step was the seismic work before decid- ing anything more to do, and that was why he was before Council tonight. Vice Mayor Yee stated he was not 100% convinced this is a priority, with the funding the City has. Councilman Drago stated he too wondered how this got started, because it was opening a can of worms. He stated that Fire Station 3 was in this building and questioned if there would be a seismic analysis of the whole building for the same cost as the other fire stations. He questioned what size earthquake the seismic analysis would deal with, if we upgrade these buildings. Director of Public Works Parini stated the consultant would be advising us on the current Building Codes. Councilman Drago questioned why the report stated, "to bring up to the 1991 Building Code", when those Codes are reviewed every three years and he was certain that the earthquake requirement will be different in the 1994 Codes. He felt staff was jump- ing the gun and he was leery of going into the pro- ject at this time. He was concerned that the funding was coming from the $200,000 for the Central Fire Station, when Council had discussed eliminating the station. He questioned why we should put more money into a station we may be getting rid of and suggested putting the item over to gain more information. 4/27/94 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~7. Resolution - Continued. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Public Hearing - Vacation of a public utility easement at 429 Cabot Road; Conduct Public Hearing; Resolu- tion ordering the vacation of a public utility easement. A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF A 10 FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT, ALIGNED NORTH TO SOUTH ACROSS THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 429 CABOT ROAD IN SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 270 He stated he was prepared to vote tonight but did not feel it was fair for the item to be on the Consent Calendar, even if it is in the Capital Improvement Budget; etc. Director of Public Works Parini commented that it was a good observation and it may be wise not to act with the Code. However, since they are safety buildings, it is important to know how ~they will handle in an earthquake. Councilman Drago felt it should be expanded to the West Orange Library, if the Council is going to do it. Councilwoman Teglia felt that all expenditures should be looked at very carefully, in view of the City's limited funds, and some be postponed. She stated they were coming into conflict with plans made for the W. Orange Park, the Corporation Yard and retrofitting City Hall and Grand Ave. Library. Councilman Drago noted that these buildings do not fall under State mandates for retrofitting. M/S Yee/Drago - To table the item. Carried by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Fernekes opened the Public Hearing. Director of Public Works Parini stated this was a routine matter that only affects the property owners and the utility companies did not have a problem with the vacation of the easement. Vice Mayor Yee questioned if the easement had been dedicated. Director of Public Works Parini thought that would come up with the new map. Mayor Fernekes closed the Public Hearing. M/S Yee/Drago - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 46-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote. 4/27/94 Page 6 AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing - Non-Disposal Facilities Element (NDFE); Conduct Public Hearing; Resolution ap- proving the Non-Disposal Facilities Element and authorizing transmittal of the NDFE to the California Integrated Waste Management Board. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO'S NON-DISPOSAL FACILITIES ELE- MENT AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITrAL OF SAID ELEMENT TO THE CALIFORNIA INTE- GRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 12. Further discussion of report on Grand Avenue modi- fications and improvements, including bench removal and limited parking issues. ,~9c~O ACTION TAKEN . 2.71. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Fernekes opened the Public Hearing. Stormwater Management Plan Coordinator Mitchell Wade stated this action was required by the Re- sources Board and proceeded to give the staff re- port. Mayor Fernekes closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Drago noted that, if the resolution was not adopted by 4/30/94, the City would be in viola- tion - because it was a State mandate. Councilwoman Teglia asked that a letter be sent to the State for reanalysis of these mandates, in view of the lack of funding. M/S Yee/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 47-94 Councilman Yee stated that this would affect the Scavenger Company. Director of Public Works Parini stated yes, and their staff was involved. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS City Manager Wohlenberg related: there had only been preliminary discussions on this item, such as removing the benches as an experiment and the impacts with such action; a need for Council direc- tion on removing the benches and on allowing tables and chairs to encroach the sidewalk outside the restaurants on lower Grand Avenue. Director of Public Works Parini apologized for the benches not having been removed. He stated that these were concrete benches with wood on the top and, if the wood is removed, it will still be a hori- zontal bench. Councilman Penna stated Council was looking at attempting to give direction to the staff to remove benches on Grand Ave., which was a request from the merchants and restaurants - because of the prob- 4/27/94 Page 7 ~ENDA ~TION TAKEN _.ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 2. Further discussion of Grand Avenue - Continued, ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS lems they are having with the benches. He asked that Council honor the request and see what kind of impacts result. He stated that maintenance people told him that the benches could be removed without touching the sidewalk concrete, because they were put in sepa- rately. He stated the Police Department had indicat- ed they were a problem and felt removal of the benches would go a long way in alleviating the problems. Discussion followed: with the wood removed, it would not be comfortable to sit on the concrete and could discourage the drunks from sitting there; there were eight benches in total to be removed, including the corner of Cypress and the 100 and 200 blocks of Grand Avenue; the wood was rotten on the benches; Councilman Drago supported removal of the bench- es, but would prefer removing the people; Council- woman Teglia could support this, but was not sure the Council was doing the right thing - because the benches had been put in for the shoppers; it would be better to deal with the unsavory people than remove the benches; if the City had a problem in the park they did not close it, but dealt with the prob- lem; the merchants wanted to put tables and chairs on the sidewalk and service people, which they feel will upgrade the area; the drunks loitering on the benches are scaring customers away. Police Chief Raffaelli stated the police have a tool for the violations, however, the individuals are intimidating to the shoppers in the area, even though they may not be intoxicated, by the way they are dressed. He stated the Chamber of Commerce is concerned they can't draw people in, because the individuals are sitting there, and people don't want to go to the area. He stated these individuals live in the area of the bars or the businesses. Discussion followed: if the benches are removed the undesirables will go to another area, however, they prefer sitting outside the bars; Councilwoman Teglia would support removal of the benches, in that the Police were supportive; Police Chief Raffaelli suggested removing the larger benches at Grand and Cypress and leaving the others, because people will throw garbage into the open concrete benches and 4/27/94 Page 8 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN P~DMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 2. Further discussion of Grand Avenue - Continued. 4/27/94 Page 9 273 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS empty newspaper racks; Councilwoman Teglia stated they could not remove the racks; every resident has the right to walk down the street without being intimidated; replacing the transients with families in the area; redevelopment funds could be used to do this; staff should review the police study of two years ago on the downtown area;. Mayor Fernekes stated the police should review the earlier report, come back to the City Manager with an updated report and forward it to the Council; Mayor Fernekes supported removing the four benches up to Cypress; Councilman Penna felt that the benches should be removed in the entire 200 block of Grand; Councilwoman Teglia felt it should be the 100 and 200 blocks of Grand Avenue; Councilman Penna concurred; Vice Mayor Yee partially concurred; there was only a need for three newspaper racks, yet eight had been put in and the ones not used should be removed; Police Chief Raffaelli stated the rack was not used in front of Sciandri's; Councilwoman Teglia was concerned about the concrete newspaper racks, as the concrete structures were being used for garbage; if all of the existing bunkers are removed, then the newspaper companies don't have a place to put their newspapers; Vice Mayor Yee stated he had been involved in prior discussions with the newspa- per company, because there were metal racks all over the place, and we can tell them where to put them, otherwise they can put them wherever they want; only remove the ones not being used; Interim City Attorney Nave stated the City has the right to restrict the location of a rack to conform to the public health and safety code; the City could not remove them, but the City could tell them where they can go. Consensus of Council - Was given, based upon the above discussion. Councilman Penna stated the merchants, if they are able to obtain an encroachment permit, can provide tables and chairs for people to have lunch and dinner on the sidewalk, which would provide a nice touch and atmosphere. He stated this had come about because of the removal of the benches and allowing part of the street to be controlled by the restaurants. He stated he had discussed this with previous City Attorney O'Toole, who said the restaurants would AQENDA A~!!QN TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 2. Further discussion of Grand Avenue - Continued. 274 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS have to be responsible for maintaining the area and there would have to be insurance. Vice Mayor Yee stated he would support that and thought it would be good if it works out. Councilwoman Teglia stated she did not have a problem with it, hoped it would create a village atmosphere but was skeptical of the wind conditions. Mayor Fernekes concurred with the idea. Councilman Penna stated there was still a problem with limited parking, because the merchants are still parking their vehicles on the street all day. He stated this situation was in conflict with the mer- chants who wanted to see long term parking as op- posed to those who want short term parking, with green zones for in and out customers. He stated that Council needed to give direction to the Parking Place Commission. Director of Finance Margolis stated the Parking Place Commission policy is to consider and provide green zones if there is support of the majority of the merchants on that particular block. However, at this time, a petition has not been received. She believed there was one coming in the next few days, howev- er, the Commission felt that a space in front of one building did not just serve that business. Councilman Penna stated that, in the 400 block, there are delis, restaurants and medical business that prefer to have the two hour parking. So, it would be virtually impossible to get everyone to agree on a green zone. He felt that the Council should decide what it wanted to see on the street. Discussion followed: earmarking a corner space with a green zone on the 400 block, for 18 to 24 minute parking, and changing the meter, rather than having majority rule; Baden Avenue spaces are being used for customers rather than employees; there is no way to control the green zones; the merchants had gone to the Commission, had been turned down and told to get a majority of the mer- chants on the block; there was a two hour time limit in the parking lot next to Buon Gusto's; the City had to provide parking if the businesses were going to be 4/27/94 Page 10 A~ENDA ACTIQN TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 2. Further discussion of Grand Avenue - Continued. RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: 13. Further discussion of the proposed 1994 City Festival in Orange Memorial Park and Council action by Motion. ;~l ~' Councilman Penna Left the Podium: 275 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS successful; half of the lot on Cypress and Miller was two hour parking, the rest was permit parking; hair shops needed two hour parking; permit parking should be in outlying areas; why hadn't the Baden lot been purchased; there was only a handful of businesses that need a green zone; Vice Mayor Yee would support certain businesses,having 18 to 24 minute parking zones; Mayor Fernekes stated the consensus seemed to be for the Parking Place Com- mission to establish more green zones, with a speci- fied time; Councilwoman Teglia wanted the Com- mission to give input on the best locations for green zones so Council can look at it before it is in effect; etc. Mayor Fernekes declared a recess at 9:05 p.m. Mayor Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at 9:22 p.m., all Council was present. City Manager Wohlenberg stated that, in working with the festival sponsor, it had been determined that there was more City expense in having the festival in Orange Park. Councilman Penna stated he would not participate in talk of Orange Park, due to a potential conflict of interest, and left the podium at 9:25 p.m. Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Servic- es Nagel related: there would be more police costs for traffic and for park maintenance; a dumpster costs about $5,400 over what Mr. Costa will pay; Council must decide if a business license would be required for the vendors or waive the fees; he had received a letter from Mr. Costa asking that the festival be held on Grand Avenue rather than the park. Mr. Costa stated he had written a letter to Council requesting the festival go back to Grand Avenue because of the expense in using the park - because of resulting damage and the fact that it would be harder to control. He stated he had a petition with 125 names in support of the festival being held on Grand Avenue. He related the following in response to Council- woman Teglia's questions: he would be out of 4/27/94 Page 11 AGENDA ACI!QN TAKEN 276 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 3. Further discussion of City Festival - Continued. Councilman Penna Returned to the Podium: 14. Further consideration of the proposed seismic up- grading of the City Hall and Grand Avenue Library. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS pocket $12,500 before the festival began; he hoped to make $3,000 to $4,000 in revenue; no alcohol will be sold; there were 52 merchants in favor of the festival being in the 200 to 400 blocks of Grand; in that this would only be held for two days a year, he did not see where it would have anything other than a small impact on the complaining business - be- cause it would be from Maple to Spruce Avenue; etc. Discussion followed: whether the complaining property owner had been notified of the meeting; a message had been put on the answering service; Councilman Yee suggested having it on Linden and Maple, if so many merchants are in favor of the festival; Mr. Costa felt that City Hall was an inte- gral part of the festival, as well as the police dis- play; Councilman Drago noted that Adriatic Cater- ing is the only one complaining, yet how can we confirm their loss or $20,000-$30,000; he suggested looking at Miller for the festival; Mr. Costa had not looked at Miller, but had looked at Linden and felt it had possibilities, but there were more residents there; Councilwoman Teglia suggested using the 100 block of Grand and the parking lot; festival was scheduled for 8/21/94; suggestion made to use the 100 and 200 block of Grand and left and right on Linden Avenue; Mr. Costa was hired by the San Bruno Chamber of Commerce to put on their festi- val and he had offered the Lions and the Chamber $6,000 for co-sponsorship; etc. Councilman Penna returned to the podium at 9:40 p.m. City Manager Wohlenberg stated the decision is whether or not you are going to proceed with this project, in that it has had a lot of review by the Subcommittee and their conclusions had been brought to the full Council. He stated decisions had to be made to go ahead with this project and postpone the Corporation Yard and the Orange Park Expansion or postpone the seismic work at City Hall, which would take approximately $500,000 to complete. He spoke in detail; renting space in Foxridge School, on Grand Avenue or using the Westborough 4/27/94 Page 12 A~ENDA A~TION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 4. Further consideration of seismic upgrading - Contin- ued. 277 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS building during the seismic work; need to proceed with the seismic work in the library or close it down - for the work would cost $1.2 million; the total projected cost is $3 million, which includes the tem- porary relocation costs; areas of funding; tax incre- ment funds could be used for the library and take the rest from the undesignated resources; there is a building at Spruce and Grand that has sufficient space for the relocation; if a school was used, it would cost $400,000 and the money is not recover- able; the Subcommittee recommends that the Coun- cil proceed; determining the most desirable relo- cation site, talk to the broker for a deal and then get the engineering and architectural drawings. Discussion followed: Vice Mayor Yee felt City Hall was a very important building and the Council had no choice but to go ahead with the seismic work; there would be parking problems in the temporary location; Councilwoman Teglia was concerned over commitments made to the community for Orange Park and the Corporation Yard, if those projects were postponed; prior discussion of renting a commercial building for the Corporation Yard for a number of years; concern in taking money away from the Orange Park Expansion Project; City Man- ager had identified two sites for the Corporation Yard; $6 million was set aside for Orange Park Expansion and the Corporation Yard, however, that was not enough; there was not a problem with the library, because they could use tax increment monies to do the seismic work; $1.5 million had already been set aside for City Hall, however, the prob- lem was coming up with the additional $800,000; a questioning of whether CDBG monies could be used for seismic retrofitting; it would cost $500,000 for relocating personnel during the retrofitting; moving the library into City Hall in order to qualify for grant monies; newer additions to City Hall and the library may not need retrofitting; City Hall is a part of our City and our heritage and should be kept; Councilman Yee felt, if Council had to chose be- tween projects, due to financial conditions, he would choose retrofitting of City Hall; Mayor Fernekes felt there was full concurrence in retrofitting City Hall and the library; major freeways that had collapsed during the last earthquake; Councilman Penna stated the library and City Hall had been retrofitted thirty years ago and did not believe there was a 4/27/94 Page 13 AGEN'DA ACTION TAKEN . 278 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 4. Further consideration of seismic upgrading - Contin- ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS problem with the two buildings; Councilwoman Teglia stated the repairs of fifteen years ago, to her knowledge, were not seismic repairs, only cosmetology and an elevator shaft; she was con- cerned about where the $800,000 was coming from and believed the community should be involved in that decision; she felt City Hall should be dealt with first, pair it down if necessary, and then deal with the other projects; perhaps the Corporation Yard would not cost $10 million nor the Park cost $6 million; Councilman Drago felt that City Hall was irreplaceable and should be the first project to be done; putting sprinklers in City Hall would destroy the architecture; Councilman Yee felt staff should proceed with the architect on the library for seismic work and, prior to going to bid, establish a financial plan; Councilman Drago felt this action should be delayed until after the 1994 Uniform Building Code is adopted, rather than using the 1991 Code. M/S Yee/Drago - To complete the seismic plans for both buildings before going to bid. Further discussion followed: whether Council had to make a decision between the seismic work and the Orange Park Project; using the undesignated reserve balance; Council had already directed acquisition of school property, which takes up the reserve; the last issue that was put on the ballot was defeated and Councilwoman Teglia did not want to lose the Park Project or to have to decide between projects; staff had to research financing opportunities; to proceed with the seismic work, means to defer a project; why isn't staff looking at properties we own; Councilwoman Teglia felt that doing the seismic work was fine, but not if it meant giving up on Orange Park; Councilman Drago wanted to move forward on the retrofitting and, when this is over, he would work on the Corporation Yard and the Ex- pansion of Orange Park; he could not see putting things like this on the ballot; etc. Carried by unanimous roll call vote. Councilwoman Teglia wanted Council to seriously consider the lesser cost of having our personnel on Grand or at the Spruce Gym rather than at Foxridge during the seismic work. 4/27/94 Page 14 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 4. Consideration of seismic upgrading - Continued. 15. Consideration of resolution supporting a proposed financing plan for the BART to S.F.O. Extension. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXTENSION OF BART TOTHE SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATION- AL AIRPORT .. 279 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Councilman Drago stated he could support that. Councilman Yee could not support a concept and wanted facts. City Manager Wohlenberg stated that this had grown out of a proposal with BART from four or five communities directly affected by the Airport. He stated that Alternative VI is very involved, but meets the needs of each community, with the exception of Burlingame. He proceeded to describe the contents of the staff report: this City's preferred alignment and configuration within Alternative VI could elimi- nate our City's financial contribution heretofore required for the undergrounding concept; financing; mitigation measures; the resolution was drafted by staff from each of the four cities; the resolution had been before all of the four Councils; the four cities are Colma, S.S.F., San Bruno and Millbrae; using transit funding; etc. Discussion followed: on the $23 million obligation for undergrounding BART through this City, with a redevelopment area being established, whereas this issue deals with $120 million committed from the Airport and the City does not have to pay for the undergrounding; Councilman Yee noted that, with this plan, the City would be able to revise the densi- ty on El Camino with the plan; the Council was being asked to support a funding formula; concern that San Francisco would renege somewhere down the road; the entire project is $1.3 billion, but the costs continue to escalate; money was coming from the Congestion Management Plan to relive traffic congestion; Councilman Penna reiterated his objec- tions to BART and his support of Caltrain; etc. Mr. Lou Dell'Angela, 460 Gardenside Ave., ex- pressed his concerns: the resolution was premature and to the benefit of San Francisco; questioned the urgency in its adoption; there was a lack of guaran- ties noted in the staff report; he attended a meeting where Mr. Turpen, SFIA, made it clear the Airport cannot spend money for off-site improvements, and Samtrans was not on record to pay; the EIR will not be out until June; questioned if the City was giving up important mitigation; he felt S.S.F. will be making a stand for S.F., without knowing any infor- mation on funding. 4/27/94 Page 15 AGENDA _ACIIQN TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS s5. Resolution - Continued. (Cassette No. 2) 18. Consideration of proposal to allocate the City's 1994 share of the Vehicle License Fee Fund to support the operation of the Multi-City Transportation .5'D~' Management Agency. 16. Report and recommendation regarding Police Depart- ment assessment of current crime issues, including gang activities (continued from the 4/13/94 meeting). 280 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Councilwoman Teglia stated Mr. Dell'Angela was 99.9% accurate in his statements. She stated that the plan had hatched in Frank Jordon's office, there is an election in June and he needs to see if San Mateo wants this; etc. Councilman Drago stated no one was playing games · with him, because this was the first time we got these cities together. He stated that Senator Kopp is an ally, he trusted him and that he was looking to protect this City. He felt the Council should vote on this and go with its neighbors. Mayor Fernekes stated he agreed. Councilman Penna expressed his concerns: Council does not know what this is going to cost; the BART ride to the Airport will take longer than Caltrain; the City was looking at money that may not exist; he could not support this. M/S Yee/Drago - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 48-94 Carried by majority roll call vote, Councilman Penna voted no. Mayor Fernekes stated that Item 18 would be heard out of sequence for the benefit of the audience. M/S Yee/Teglia - To support staff's recommenda- tion. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Police Chief Raffaelli highlighted his staff report: a summary of gang activity since 1993; there were four gangs - Cypress Park Loco's, South City Boys, C Street Mob/C Street Bloods, 500 Block/Nickel- wood (Baden & Magnolia); this City has more con- trol of its gangs than other cities; using more foot patrol; St. Vincent de Paul's serves 50 lunches a day to the needy; etc. Councilman Drago questioned if it was proper for St. Vincent de Paul's to be serving meals on Grand Avenue and questioned if they were compounding Grand Avenue loitering problems. 4/27/94 Page 16 AOENDA ACTION TAKEN - 281 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 6. Report regarding Police Department - Continued. 17. Consideration of options ~for the sale. of individual duplex units. ;5'0 Councilmembers Penna and Teglia Returned to the Podi- am: 19. Consideration of a report and adoption of resolution regarding rat and rodent control in a portion of the City. ,~ Z 15 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Police Chief Raffaelli stated it was only a bag lunch that St. Vincent de Paul's serves. Councilman Drago questioned if the midnight bas- ketball was working. Councilwoman. Teglia left thepodium, dueto a potential conflict of interest. Councilman Penna left the podium, due to a poten- tial conflict of interest, and stated, at some point, he would address the Council on a property. Chief Planner Solomon stated that the Planning Commission felt this was a catch 22, because there was a problem with parking standards that had to be resolved. Mr. John Penna stated he had a piece of property in Old Town, however, there was not a homeowners group in the area where the duplexes are located, at 323 Miller Avenue. He related: the building was built in 1906; there was parking for five cars, but no garage; the Council should consider stock coopera- tives; there was a need for rental stock; etc. Councilman Drago stated it was complicated and needed standards, otherwise the City could be creat- ing long range problems - because, if you eliminate parking, you will impact the neighbors. Vice Mayor Yee stated he did not see the benefit of creating new condos and questioned what other cities have this in place. Mayor Fernekes stated he had mixed feelings and did have a problem with this. Councilmembers Penna and Teglia returned to the podium at 11:35 p.m. Assistant City Manager Martel gave the staff report: complaint from Charley Breck in Winston Manor of a rat problem; County no longer has an abatement program; City only trims pine trees or, in the fire season, cuts down branches; the need to treat or remove dense vegetation; spraying areas eliminates the environment; to contract for rat bait along Colma Creek would cost $7,500; plan to monitor the 4/27/94 Page 17 AQENDA AC!!QN TAKEN 282 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 9. Resolution - Continued. 94-4 TO THE 1993-1994 OPERATING BUDGET 20. Report and recommendations on current State legisla- tive bills and Motion to oppose various State legis- lative bills. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Motion to waive reading and introduce an ordinance to carry out and enforce the objectives outlined in the Stormwater Management Plan. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 14.04 ENTITLED UNLAWFUL DEPOSITS IN STORM SEWERS AND ADDING CHAPTER 14.04 ENTI- TLED "STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND DISCHARGE CONTROL" OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 22. Oral Committee Reports. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS program for six months and then decide whether to make it an on-going program in the budget; etc. Discussion followed: number of complaints re- ceived from the various neighborhoods; Sunshine Gardens also has the rat problem; this would be a pilot program only for. Winston Manor; it should be done in all areas where there have been complains. M/S Drago/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 49-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Fernekes deferred this item to the next meet- ing due to the lateness of the hour. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Mayor Fernekes deferred this item to the next meet- ing due to the lateness of the hour. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Mayor Fernekes directed the City Clerk to advertise for applicants for the Historic Preservation Com- mission and the Parking Place Commission. He reported on today's School Liaison meeting: District's concern over heating the swimming pool in summer for a cost of $10,000 at El Camino High; District wants the City to do custodial work at day care center and gymnasium; District wants City to maintain trees at their seven fields; row of trees dividing two parcels that the City just purchased, and the District wants the trees to go to the owners of the homes; District wants City to look at a consolidation of fields under one Agency; does the City want to buy the Spruce Gym. 4/27/94 Page 18 A~ENDA A~TION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 2. Oral Committee Reports. GOOD AND WELFARE ADJOURNMENT: 283 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Penna stated he met with Mr. Farmer about working to have a China sister city. Councilman Yee stated the S.S.F. Sister City group was looking for sponsors to house the Mexican delegation coming to S.S.F. on 7/9/94. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. M/S Teglia/Yee - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 12:12 a.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMI'I'rED, arbara A. Battaya, City Clerk ~ity of South San Francisco APPROVED. The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 4/27/94 Page 19