HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1994-06-08 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: Jack Drago John R. Penna '-"Roberta Cerri Teglia Robert Yee CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: RESENTATIONS AGENDA REVIEW REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER RAL COMMUNICATIONS 6/8/94 Page 1 7:35 p.m. MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room June 8, 1994 345 ACTION TAKEN Mayor Fernekes presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Drago, Penna, Teglia and Fernekes. Yee. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Smith, Emmanuel Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Mayor Fernekes requested a moment of silence for deceased City employee Remo Raffaelli. PRESENTATIONS None were given. AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wohlenberg stated there were no changes to the Agenda. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER City Manager Wohlenberg related: notice received from BART announcing three open houses; maps and information will be available on the alternatives and station locations will be in the Draft EIR; San Bruno will be appointing a Subcommittee to meet with our Council Subcommittee on the Wastewater Treatment Plant and will make arrangements for a meeting the latter part of next week; while on vacation he visited the City's Sister City in Japan and was presented with a gift for the City. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Patricia Burke asked the Council to reconsider their stance on BART. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 6/8/94 Page 2 ACTION TAKEN -. 346 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS She thanked the Director of Public Works, who had enlightened her on the Flood District and the City Attorney, who was helpful with Title 25 and its regulations - even though he could not help her, and the City Clerk for copying material for her for Council. She stated she was representing Muni Rail 2000 as a member of the Board, was speaking against BART and related: Measure I passed in San Francisco; newspaper article quoting A1 Teglia as pro BART; San Francisco is not paying for BART, yet they passed the Measure that affects all Peninsula voters; there was no benefit for S.S.F. from BART; where is the money coming from for BART to the Airport; BART is paying for publications with our tax dol- lars; there is a grand 2000 car parking lot, which supposedly was to get rid of pollution and cars in Colma; construction work done by BART affecting Colma Creek without notice to the Flood Control District and BART received permission from Daly City to do the work in Colma; she had asked Supervisor Griffin for a ballot measure; San Fran- cisco is not going to pay for Caltrain, yet North County is picking up the tab; she offered her mobil home for monitoring during the construction - to see how the trailer park will hold up, but she had to get her dogs out first; Council should not allow BART to go forward unless they have the money to go to the Airport; because she was disabled she could not use the trains; she urged the Council to not allow the City to be run by bureaucrats, but by those the people elected. Councilwoman Teglia stated that BART was telling Ms. Burke to get her dogs out, were disturbing her quality of life and there was the issue of the elderly mother. She questioned if the City Attorney could get BART to help these people through money for relocation during the construction, because there was nothing anyone could do to stop BART. She stated that BART to the Airport did not origi- nate in San Mateo County - it came from San Fran- cisco from day one and many people questioned the wisdom of San Francisco bringing it to North County. She stated that this City took a position because we opted for it to go underground and the last price tag she had heard was $23,000,000 that ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 4/27/94. Motion to confirm expense claims of 6/8/94...~9!..g Resolution authorizing budget amendment of $2,621 to the Senior Services Division. g o,a A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ONE TIME ONLY GRANT FUND FROM THE AREA AGENCY ON AGING FOR $2,621 AND APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 94-6 TO THE 1993-1994 OP- ERATING BUDGET 4. Motion to adopt ordinance on junk collectors. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADD- ING CHAPTER 6.56 TOT HE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO JUNK COLLECTORS Motion to adopt an ordinance on rezoning a 10,164 square foot parcel on Westborough Blvd. from R-1-E- P Single Family Residential District Planned Unit Development to R-1-F Single Family Residential Dis- trict, ff' 0,5:'9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REZONING A 10,164 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS the City had to contribute. She stated that the fund- ing mechanism would make it possible for BART to go out and seek other funds that would cover our share of the undergrounding. She stated the day that changes the people need to know about it. Interim City Attorney Mattas stated he would give the Council a formal answer at the next Council meeting. He stated that these were impacts that could be addressed when the draft EIR came for- ward, because it requires mitigation under CEQA. COMMUNITY FORUM No one chose to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Penna. RESOLUTION NO. 69-94 Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Mayor Fernekes. ORDINANCE NO. 1143-94 6/8/94 Page 3 ~ENDA ACTION TAKEN .. 348 CONSENT CALENDAR 5. Motion - Continued. SQUARE FOOT PARCEL ON WESTBOROUGH BOULEVARD FROM R-1-E-P SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT PLANNED UNIT DE- VELOPMENT TO R-1-F SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIAL DISTRICT Motion to accept the West Orange Library Systems Furnishings project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. Resolution authorizing submittal of application to San Mateo County Consortium for funds from the HOME Investment Partnership Act. ,,q'tgO ~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE SAN MATEO COUN- TY CONSORTIUM FOR HOME PROGRAM FUNDING o Resolution of award of contract to El Camino Paving, Inc. in the amount of $265,643.83 as the lowest responsible bidder for the Street Resurfacing Pro- gram. .3"~9 ~ E) A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 6/8/94..-6",O/---~' CONSENT CALENDAR Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilwoman Teglia. RESOLUTION NO. 70-94 RESOLUTION NO. 71-94 M/S Drago/Teglia - To approve the Consent Calen- dar with the exception of Items No. 2, 4 and 6. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Penna expressed concern that bills were supposed to be approved before being given out, so this confirmation is after the fact. He stated that the former City Manager had installed computers in Council homes, purchased software and spent $500,000 so the Council could call up the bills. He found a phone bill of his that was in excess of $1,200 for nine months, yet he could not get infor- mation by going into the computer and had to go into City Hall to look at the documentation, which was only $800 charged to 877-8500. He stated he went into the Fire Department's Ad- ministrative charges, by way of the computer, saw a $15,000 charge, could not get detail and wondered 6/8/94 Page 4 AQENDA ACI!Q~ TAKEN 2. Motion - Continued. 6/8/94 Page 5 349 which two people made that much money in one month. Again, he had to go to Finance to get the information. He stated that he has a meeting with the City Manager and Finance Director next week on this matter and would not vote on this item to- night. He questioned where the promised software was to get this detail, because he knew it existed - he personally had it in his office. Finance Director Margolis stated that the only checks issued prior to Council approval are checks that are required for some reason to be paid in the interim period, between Council meetings; etc. Councilman Penna stated Council was not getting the detail without having to physically go down to City Hall, which was time consuming and should not happen when Council has expensive computers at home, which should be able to tie into City Hall. He stated either the software is not working, we have the wrong software, we never purchased the right system or it is not being properly used. Councilwoman Teglia stated it was her understand- ing, although it wasn't necessarily made available to all Councilmembers, that some Councilmembers were getting some sort of adjustments to either their data base or computers to plug more directly into the Finance Dept. Councilman Penna stated he had no idea what the Councilwoman was talking about. Mayor Fernekes stated there would be a meeting on Monday. If there are additional questions, then Councilman Penna can have them researched and also the Council needs to be appraised of the infor- mation. Councilman Penna stated that this information must be made available to every Councilmember, because they must all be able to have access to those figures and how those summaries are composed without going to City Hall. Councilwoman Teglia asked the City Attorney if a simple majority of the Council could authorize payment of the bills. Interim City Attorney Mattas stated it was adequate for three members of Council to authorize payment ~ENDA 2. Motion - Continued. 4. Motion to adopt ordinance on junk collectors. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADD- ING CHAPTER 6.56 TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO JUNK COLLECTORS .o~--2..7 ACTION TAKEN 350 of bills. MIS Teglia/Drago - To confirm expense claimS of 6/8/94 in the amount of $1,411,968.90. Carried by majority voice vote, Councilman Penna voted no. Interim City Attorney Mattas stated that Mr. Junius, Waste Resources Technologies, raised concerns about the potential conflicts of this and other ordinances in the City. He related: Council had directed staff to look and analyze the potential conflicts; he had analyzed the conflicts; contacted Mr. Junius about the conflicts and he proceeded to send a letter to the City Attorney; he reviewed the ordinance and prepared a response which he passed out this evening. He related the three issues raised: section 8.16.120 conflicts with a prohibition on the collection of garbage set forth in the proposed sections 6.56.050 and 6.56.060; proposed section 6.56.040 requires junk collectors who find garbage in the same con- tainer with junk be required to separate it or cause it to be separated at the site prior to collecting the junk; potential conflict between section 8.16.140 and proposed readoption of section 6.56.050; section 8.16.140 allows individuals or individual businesses to transport refuse, other than garbage, on city streets without obtaining any permit - where such hauling is solely incidental to the conduct of his individual, lawful business or solely incidental to the maintenance of his individual residence. He stated that, if so desired, the Council may amend proposed section 6.56.040 by deleting certain lan- guage and making clear that junk collectors may not collect any garbage or waste matter along with the items defined as junk. He stated the language was cited on page 3 of his 6/7/94 letter to Council. He stated that the Supreme Court says if it is dis- carded, it is garbage. He suggested amending pro- posed section 6.56.050 by adding, "Nothing in this section shall prohibit a business owner or his em- ployee or any resident from transporting, without spilling, refuse and junk produced by that business owner, his employee or resident, on city streets without first obtaining a permit if that business owner, employee or resident is transporting the 6/8/94 Page 6 AGENDA Motion - Continued. 6/8/94 Page 7 _ACI!QN TAKEN -, 35i refuse solely incidental to the conduct of his individ- ual lawful business within the City or solely inciden- tal to the maintenance of his individual residence." He stated this addition would clarify that individual business owners and residents were not prohibited by Chapter 6.56 from transporting their own refuse and junk to a disposal site. He suggested the Council introduce the ordinance with the new language rather than the one in the packet for adoption. Mr. Junius complimented Interim City Attorney Mattas for his candor and excellent job in dealing with the issues. He elaborated on the central issue, which is section 6.56.040, which would allow the collection of some garbage if it is not affecting public health; by requiring that refuse tossed into debris boxes be removed creates a problem for the debris box companies, because they cannot pick up the containers; the new language severely affects his clients and puts them out of business; the old language had some strong points. He stated that there was no need to reenact the junk collectors ordinance for his clients but a real redraft- ing needs to be done to clarify recyclables, because it was difficult for the running of a debris box com- pany to make it 100% recyclables. He stated that creates a problem, but it does not create a health problem. The junk collectors do not want to collect garbage, but cannot control what is thrown into the debris boxes. He stated that if it is to be reworked he would like to work with the City Attorney to develop the ordinance. Councilwoman Teglia stated that the purpose of the ordinance was to define salvagables, realized it was not unusual for people to toss junk in debris boxes but felt the garbage should be removed. She stated that everyone in the community is required to sub- scribe to the scavenger service, but that is not a jeopardy to the debris box companies. Mr. Junius agreed and said those are practical issue to be dealt with or find ourselves in Court. David Cohen, Esq., S.S.F. Scavenger Co., stated there had always been a law prohibiting anyone from hauling garbage and thinking that is a correct reading of the law. He stated that two weeks ago AGENDA Motion - Continued. 6/8/94 Page 8 ACTION TAKEN 352 there had been a 5-0 vote on the ordinance, it was not the intention to change the law and that junk collectors were free to work on a non-exclusive basis. He refuted Mr. lunius: the repeal of the ordinance in 1981 did open the door to haul garbage - which is inconsistent with the Council position; there were the same kind of franchise contracts throughout the State, with debris box companies complying; it was not that an occasional banana peel was found in a debris box - more often there are loads containing considerable amounts of garbage; if you start to draw lines that the operators can take just so much garbage, then you don't have a fine line between scavengers and debris box operators; no one knows how big debris box companies are or what they make; he agreed with the Interim City Atorney in clarifying the language. Councilwoman Teglia related: S.S.F. Scavengers are not in danger of being put out of business; ev- eryone agrees that waste belongs to the scavenger company; the question is what happens to salvag- able materials when people come along and throw in garbage; the scavengers say you can't touch that, it is ours - that is the whole issue; how do we make the language clear that garbage belongs to the scav- engers and how do we allow these businesses to do what the Supreme Court says they can do; the City tried to levy a business license fee on the recyclers and the scavengers spoke vehemently against it - so, they should not complain now. David Cohen, Esq. related: they opposed it because they intended to haul garbage; to his knowledge, the scavengers have not complained about a bag of garbage, but, if they find a 50' container filled with 205 garbage, they would be concerned; Council could not legislate this problem - they cannot haul garbage and it is an enforcement problem; if the law is clear, then there is judgement. Discussion followed: enforcement lies with the City; was there a tolerable level of garbage in debris boxes; the debris box operators did not want the language changed; the original ordinance was not that bad to begin with; if it is discarded it is waste, if you dispose of it, it is recyclable - where do you draw the line; if it is recyclable, then it never was garbage; the language says if you pay to dispose of A~ENDA 4. Motion - Continued. RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: 6/8/94 Page 9 AC!IQN TAKEN · - 353 it, it is presumed not to be a recyclable; when people use a large container, whatever they put in it is what they want to put in it; etc. Council adjourned to a recess at 8:50 p.m. Mayor Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at 8:57 p.m., all Council was present. Discussion followed: Council options - take no action, adopt the ordinance in the packet or waive reading and reintroduce the ordinance with modified language; what the modified language contained; Councilwoman Teglia wanted the ordinance to make reference to both parties and come back to Council rather than amend the ordinance now. Motion by Councilwoman Teglia to adopt the ordi- nance as presented - Motion died for lack of a Sec- ond. Ms. Beverly Boblitt stated that the Scavenger Com- pany had been trying to put her out of business for 25 years and to institute the ordinance without a leeway was wrong. She stated it was not beneath the scavengers to go by the recycling boxes and drop things into them, because it was a very easy thing to do and, if that was the case, then the ordi- nance had to say that the box could contain 5 % or whatever of garbage. She stated they do not want to haul wet garbage, unless the City wanted to put the scavenger fran- chise out to bid. She stated that they were not in the garbage business, only in the recycling business and the scavengers were trying to prevent them from operating. She wondered who the Council was rep- resenting - the Scavenger Company itself. She stated that the Mayor had a relative in the scav- engers and morally he could not vote on this because he is personally involved in the Company. She felt that the Mayor should abstain, which she had done many times while on the Planning Commission - even if she could legally vote on an issue. She felt they had been a good company and paid their licenses for 25 years and for Council to try to put them out of business - was not going to work. Mayor Fernekes stated it was not a relative of his. AQENDA AC!!QM !AKEN Motion - Continued. Motion to accept the West Orange Library Systems Furnishings project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. .5-~ 354 Ms. Boblitt stated it was Mrs. Fernekes' relative and she knew they had a lot of good times together. Mayor Fernekes stated he did not have a relative who works for the scavengers nor did he have asso- ciation with the Scavenger Company, except for the relative on his wife's side. He stated his relation- ship with his family is personal and does not reflect how he will vote, nor will it ever. He stated he did not appreciate the insinuation, but he means to vote what he thinks is right for the citizens. Ms. Boblitt stated fine, but wanted to get it on the record that morally he could not vote on it. Councilman Penna stated that if Ms. Boblitt had knowledge of this she could have brought it up to the City Attorney or the Mayor. He felt this was a way to try to intimidate and he would never submit to that attitude. Councilwoman Teglia expressed appreciation for the concerns expressed and felt that intent has been clearly stated that the Council is not interested in driving these people out of business. She stated that times were changing, the Scavenger Company was in its last ten year franchise and she hoped, at its end, the franchise would be put out to bid. Motion by Councilwoman Teglia - To adopt the ordinance as presented. Motion died for lack of a second. M/S Penna/Drago - To waive reading of the amend- ed ordinance. Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Penna/Drago - To introduce the ordinance. Carried by majority roll call vote, Councilwoman Teglia voted no. Councilwoman Teglia questioned why chairs had been eliminated in the project. City Librarian Dancy stated, knowing the budget was tight, she used the money for lighting instead, because there was not public impact from the lack of chairs. 6/8/94 Page 10 AGENDA AC_TIQN TAKEN 355 Motion - Continued. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. 11. Public Hearing - Willow Gardens Parks and Parkways Maintenance District; Conduct Public Hearing; Reso- lution approving Engineer's Report, confirming dia- gram and assessment and ordering levy of assessment for fiscal year 1994-95. A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S RE- PORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESS- MENT AND ORDERING LEVY OF ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WILLOW GARDENS PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DIS- TRICT Public Hearing - West Park l&2 Parks and Parkways Maintenance District; Conduct Public Hearing; Reso- lution approving Engineer's Report, confirming dia- gram and assessment and ordering levy of assessment for fiscal year 1994-95. ~'~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S RE- PORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESS- MENT AND ORDERING LEVY OF ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WEST PARK 1 AND 2 PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DIS- TRICT Public Hearing - West Park 3 Parks and Parkways Maintenance District; Conduct Public Hearing; Reso- lution approving Engineer's Report, confirming dia- gram and assessment and ordering levy of assessment for fiscal year 1994-95. A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S RE- PORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESS- MENT AND ORDERING LEVY OF ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WEST PARK 3 PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT M/S Teglia/Drago - To accept the West Orange Library Systems Furnishings Project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. Carried by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Fernekes opened the Public Hearings for Items 9, 10 and 11. Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Ser- vices Nagel explained: the districts were 20 to 25 years old; this was a ten year assessment; the property owner could chose to finance up front or yearly on the bonds; complaint letter received from Ms. Donna Flanagan and the contractor will clean up the debris. Councilwoman Teglia stated the Subcommittee had not had the opportunity to walk the site, but she wanted Mr. Nagel to contact Ms. Flanagan by letter, respond to all of her concerns and tell her it is a ten year project. Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Ser- vices Nagel stated that Ms. Flanagan had paid the entire amount up front. Supervisor of Facilities Maintenance Bordi gave a slide show of the three Districts in question. Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Ser- vices Nagel stated there is graffiti in the area, how- ever, the contractor is waiting for final acceptance before removing it. Mayor Fernekes closed each of the three Public Hearings. M/S Penna/Teglia - To adopt the Resolution on Willow Gardens Parks and Parkways Maintenance District. RESOLUTION NO.72-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Teglia/Penna - To adopt the Resolution on West Park l&2 Parks and Parkways Maintenance District. 6/8/94 Page 11 ~ENDA ~TION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS · 10. & 11. Public Hearings - Continued. 12. Consideration of request and recommendation regard- ing modification of current building permit fees appli- cable to ~ Devel~ ~'O(gO A RESOLUTION GRANTING A 505 FEE WAIVI::R~ FOR REISSUANC~ OF BUILDII~G PERMITS ON LOTS 33 THROUGH 46 FOR THE SUNRISE HOUSING PROJECT yieW and discussion of_Monthly Progress Report of OoaIs and Objec~tive - June 1994 ~-2-..~ t9 LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Motion to waive reading and introduce an ordinance to carry out and enforce the Stormwater Management Plan. 356 PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTION NO. 73-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote· MIS Drago/Teglia - To adopt the Resolution on West Park 3 Parks and Parkways Maintenance Dis- trict. RESOLUTION NO. 74-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Discussion followed: this was an attractive nui- sance; improvements to Appian Way were done by the previous developer, however, gutters and side- walks were not done; $8,000 was not that much, because the property had been discounted in a liq- uidation; what was the ability of the Developer to build out; Developer was asking that one half of the fee be waived; the permit is good for 180 days; building permits can be extended; etc. M/S Teglia/Drago - To adopt the Resolution· RESOLUTION NO. 75-94 Carried by unanimous voice vote. City Manager Wohlenberg gave an update on his progress report: incentive system for employees; improve in/out customer service; improving the work force with public contact skills; customer complaints; computer task force for telecommunica- tions; whether to proceed on the Corporation Yard at the existing site; he wants to do Orange Park contingent with finding funds for the Corporation Yard; do retrofitting of the library first, relocate employees to library after it is finished or to Spruce and Grand Ave. site; noise insulation. Councilwoman Teglia stated she wanted information on contracting out on the noise insulation. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS City Clerk Battaya read the title of the ordinance in entirety. Mayor Fernekes questioned if this action required a 6/8/94 Page 12 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 357 LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Motion - Continued. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 14.04 ENTITLED UNLAWFUL DEPOSITS IN STORM SEWERS AND ADDING CHAPTER 14.04 ENTI- TLED "STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND DISCHARGE CONTROL" OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 15. Closed Session pursuant to GC 54956.9 (a), the litigation is Alioto Fish Company vs. Syufy Enter- prises, et. al with the City Attorney, pursuant to GC 54956.8, concerning property negotiations with Jesus Armas on the sale of property located at 368 Conmur Street, South San Francisco and the instructions to the Negotiator will concern: price, terms of payment and/or both and pursuant to GC 54957.6, labor nego- tiations representatives for negotiations on IAFF Local 1507 (Firefighters), AFSCME Local 1569 and Management and Confidential Employees. RECALL TO ORDER: 16. Motion to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 6/15/94, 7:00 p.m., City Council Conference Room, City Hall, for discussion of the budget, and a Closed Session on labor negotiations for AFSCME, IAFF Local 1507 (Firefighters) and Management and Con- fidential Employees pursuant to GC 54957.6. ADJOURNMENT: LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS 4/5 vote. Interim City Attorney Mattas stated he believed it did. Director of Finance Margolis stated it does not implement the fee, so it does not need a 4/5 vote. Councilman Drago stated there was some confusion, and suggested the item be continued. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION M/S Teglia/Drago - To add labor negotiations for Operating Engineers, in that the item came up after the Agenda was posted. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 10:20 p.m. to discuss the items listed on the Agenda. Mayor Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at 11:05 p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken. M/S Teglia/Penna - To adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 6/15/94, 7:00 p.m., City Council Con- ference Room, City Hall, for the purposes stated. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11:06 p.m. 6/8/94 Page 13 AGENDA ~RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco ACTION TAKEN APPROVED. ~PO f ~; u~hr ;eakne~'r aMn caiYs°co The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape, The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 6/8/94 Page 14