HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1994-08-10 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: Jack Drago John R. Penna ' -Roberta Cerri Teglia Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room August 10, 1994 074 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUGUST 10, 1994 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 10th day of August 1994, at 6:30 p.m., in the Municipal Services Building Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54956.8, to give instructions to the City's Negotiator regarding negotia- tions with Jesus Armas concerning the sale of property located at 368 Conmur Street, S.S.F. - instructions to Negotiator will concern: price, terms of payment and/or both; pursuant to GC 54957.6, to give instructions to the City's Negotiator regarding negotiations with Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson concerning their contract with the City as City Attorney; and, pursuant to GC 54957.6, to review/consider candidate(s) for the position of Public Works Director/City Engineer. City Clerk City of South San Francisco Dated: August 4, 1994 AGENDA .ACTION TAKEN CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) 6:43 p.m. Mayor Pro Tern Yee presiding. ROLL CALL: Council Present: Drago, Teglia and Yee. Council Absent: Penna and Fernekes. City Clerk Battaya explained the absences of Councilmembers: Councilman Penna was on vaca- tion and Mayor Fernekes was called away on an emergency. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54956.8, to give instructions to the City's Negotiator regarding negoti Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 6:44 p.m. to discuss the items noticed. 8/10/94 Page 1 AGENDA Closed Session - Continued. ations with Jesus Armas concerning the sale of prop- erty located at 368 Contour Street, S.S.F. - instruc- tions to Negotiator will concern: price, terms of payment and/or both; pursuant to GC 54957.6, to give instructions to the City's Negotiator regarding negotiations with Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson concerning their contract with the City as City Attorney; and, pursuant to GC 54957.6, to re- view/consider candidate(s) for the position of Public Works Director/City Engineer. RECALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNMENT: _AC_TIQN TAKEN · . 075 Mayor Pro Tem Yee recalled the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken. M/S Drago/Teglia - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 7:26 p.m. '~ESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City City of South San Francisco APPROVED. Citt, ~f South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 8/10/94 Page 2 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: Jack Drago John R. Penna "--'Roberta Cerri Teglia Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room August 10, 1994 076 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUGUST 10, 1994 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 10th day of August 1994, at 7:05 p.m., in the Municipal Services Building Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: Presentation of Police Public Safety Awards. Dated: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: August 4, 1994 AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) Presentations of Police Public Safety Awards. i2ity Clerk City of South San Francisco A_C!!ON TAKEN 7:27 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Yee presiding. Council Present: Drago, Teglia and Yee. Council Absent: Penna and Fernekes. City Clerk Battaya explained the absences of Councilmembers: Councilman Penna was on vaca- tion and Mayor Fernekes was called away on an emergency. Police Chief Raffaelli presented a Certificate of Meritorious Conduct to Police Officer II Robert Collins and Police Officer Danilo Molieri. He presented a Certificate of Exemplary Conduct to Police Officer II Alan Gonzalez and Police Officer 8/10/94 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN · 077 : !. Presentation - Continued. ADJOURNMENT: Brendan Hennessy. He presented a Certificate of Commendation to Ser- geant Michael Guglielmoni, Sergeant Michael Massoni, Detective Gary Hopper, Detective Douglas McCool, Detective Patrick Sullivan and Police Officer Eric Young. Lastly, he presented a Citizen Award of Certificate of Recognition to Jeanne Lou Renz and Charles Neil. M/S Teglia/Drago - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 7:43 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, arbara A. Battaya, City Clerk ity of South San Francisco APPROVED. Joseph A. b-~ernekes, May6r Cit,/~f Sou'la San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 8/10/94 Page 2 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: Jack Drago John R. Penna ~Roberta Cerri Teglia Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room August 10, 1994 O78 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: GENDA REVIEW City Manager Wohlenberg Requested: - Continue Item No. 9 until Councilman Penna is present. Mayor Pro Tem Yee Requested: - Delete Item No. 6. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ACTION TAKEN 8:15 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Yee presiding. Council Present: Drago, Teglia and Yee. Council Absent: Penna and Fernekes. City Clerk Battaya explained that Councilman Penna was on vacation and Mayor Fernekes was called away on an emergency. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Hjerda, St. Paul's Methodist Church, gave the invocation. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. Discussion followed: the 8/24/94 meeting will be cancelled because Councilmembers Teglia and Fernekes will not be present; have a meeting on 8/29/94 at 9:00 a.m. for a Closed Session on the City Attorney contract. So ordered. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER City Manager Wohlenberg stated he did not have anything to report. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Pat Burke, 1700 El Camino Real, spoke in detail and with great concern over the public not being able to hear advocates for a cheaper, more efficient means of transportation than BART. 8/10/94 Page 1 AGENDA ACT,ION TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM INCLUDING REPORTS BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL · ' 079 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS She stated she will continue coming to speak at meetings on the issue of BART. She spoke on Measure C, which asked if BART should be allowed to go to the Airport - and the voters voted yes. However, there was no mention of construction costs, removal of homes nor a look at lessor or comparable transportation. She felt it was a blind vote from uninformed people. She stated the Council planned to put the scheduled transportation plan before other transit advocates in the EIR hearings and her concern is that the thrust will be on BART, other transit alternatives will not be discussed and wanted equal time for other transit advocates. Mayor Pro Tem Yee stated there was to be a dis- cussion on the 24th but that meeting is going to be cancelled. He felt that meetings on the EIR docu- ments would be held after the EIR came out in September and other transit advocates would be allowed to give testimony. Ms. Andrea Guerrero and Ms. Stephanie Nybomy, S.S.F. 4-H Club, spoke in detail of their Club activ- ities and encouraged the public to support their animal breeding and auctions. COMMUNITY FORUM INCLUDING REPORTS BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL City Councilwoman Teglia related: She and the Mayor met in reference to the joint agreement with the School District and the sale of the Avalon school sites; they saw and approved the tentative map on the school site and the lot lines are resolved; the School District was erasing the entire agreement in reference to third party bookings for school proper- ty, for which the City is no longer responsible; perhaps the District will take over child care; she questioned what revenue opportunities the City was giving up by allowing School District recreation participants to pay the same fees as residents; the City picks up the cost of school crossing guards and felt the Council should relook at picking up those costs; etc. Discussion followed: the Council delegate and alternate are unable to attend tomorrow night's 8/10/94 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN COMMUNITY FORUM INCLUDING REPORTS BY 'HE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CONSENT CALENDAR o Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 6/8/94, Adjourned Regular Meeting of 6/15/94 and Regular Meeting of 6/232/94. Motion to confirm expense claims of 8/10/94. Motion to accept the West Orange Library Interior Improvements Project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. Motion to accept the 1994-95 Slurry Seal Program Project as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. &"O Motion to waive certain fees and provide specified City facilities and services for the Mexican Indepen- dence Day celebration scheduled for 9/18/94. Motion to approve finance terms for HOME funding previously allocated to the Metropolitan Hotel for seismic upgrading of the single room occupancy residential units. Resolution establishing the Public Safety Managers Association as a "representation unit", as defined in the Municipal Code. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGERS ASSOCIA- TION AS AN APPROPRIATE EMPLOYEE ORGA- NIZATION AND REPRESENTATION UNIT 080 COMMUNITY FORUM INCLUDING REPORTS BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL C/CAG meeting; Councilwoman Teglia would attend but wanted to know the City position on the Waste Water System, because the County portion was get- ting out of hand; City Manager will give a copy of the meeting packet to Councilwoman Teglia tomor- row; Mayor Pro Tern Yee stated, if Item No. 3 on the C/CAG agenda is pulled, he wanted an objection raised that this City does not want MISMA to ad- minister the project - to have SamTrans administer the project. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved int he amount of $1,769,391.00. So ordered. So ordered. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilwoman Teglia. Deleted from the Agenda under Agenda Review. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Drago. M/S Teglia/Drago - To approve the Consent Calen- dar with the exception of Items No. 5, 6 and 7. 8/10/94 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 081 CONSENT CALENDAR I. Resolution - Continued. 5. Motion to waive certain fees and provide specified City facilities and services for the Mexican Indepen-. dence Day celebration scheduled for 9/18/94. Resolution establishing the Public Safety Managers Association as a "representation unit", as defined in the Municipal Code. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGERS ASSOCIA- TION AS AN APPROPRIATE EMPLOYEE ORGA- NIZATION AND REPRESENTATION UNIT CONSENT CALENDAR Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mr. Jim Serrata, S.S.F. Unitas, stated they have been putting on these festivities for the last ten years for the benefit of the community. He stated that 1,500 people had attended, after church, last year, watched the entertainment on the steps of City Hall and attended the annual banquet. He stated the entertainment would be held at 1:00 p.m. at City Hall and at 6:00 p.m. there would be a dinner and entertainment at the Ramada Inn for anyone who would like to attend. M/S Teglia/Drago - To waive the fees for the Mexi- can Independence Day celebration for 9/18/94. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Drago asked, can we by law take a negative vote on this petition. Interim City Attorney Nave explained the law: the Meyers, Millias, Brown Act is part of the State Statutes; it provides that the organization of law enforcement employees are entitled to auto- matic recognition as a representation unit and then as a bargaining unit; then the Meyers, Millias, Brown Act defines law enforcement personnel; the definition, for the purposes of this petition, does not include fire suppression personnel; the petition- ers, in referring to themselves as the public safety managers, are not exclusively law enforcement per- sonnel, as defined in the Meyers, Millias, Brown Act, for the reason there are several petitioners who are members of the Fire Department; the Coun- cil, therefore, has the discretion to deny formal recognition as a representation unit by the reason that the entire list of petitioners is not law enforce- ment. Councilman Drago questioned, if that happens, then the police representatives will come back to us with their own petition and, at that time, they will have to be recognized. Interim City Attorney Nave replied yes, they will have to be recognized. Superintendent of Streets White stated he was 8/10/94 Page 4 ~ENDA ACTION TAKEN Resolution - Continued. 8/10/94 Page 5 ,. 082 Chairperson of the Management and Confidential Employees Unit and related: before Council was a petition from members of his Unit who had been members of the Unit since 1986; this is a second request, the original request was on 4/8/94 and, through Council direction, resulted in a ballot being sent to the Unit; ballots were returned 6/15/94; the result of that was - 71 sent out, 69 returned, 26 were yes votes, 39 were no votes and 4 were inval- id; 97% return, 57% voted no, 38% voted yes and 5% were not valid; it is clear the members of the Unit do not agree with this action, they believe their input is consistent and valid with the pertinent sections of the Municipal Code; he urged the Coun- cil to respect and honor the ballots and vote to deny the request in the best interest of the City and its employees. Police Lt. Varney related: they were seeking this representation because of the community interest we have; what we have found over the last several years is that, because of the diversity of the Management and Confidential Group, their interest is not ade- quately addressed and prolonged negotiations for both concerns are not addressed fairly; this move will benefit not only the Public Safety Managers and Management and Confidential group but, in fact, will benefit the City in recognition and represen- tation of that particular group; the Police Depart- ment has the legal right to separate into a bargaining unit but they did not think that was in the best inter- est of the City - to have police in one unit and fire in another unit; they had mentioned that, although there was a ballot put out to the other members, the police felt it was unnecessary and not in conjunction with the Municipal Code; he found it frustrating in counseling with the Management and Confidential Group that no one could give him a reason why they did not want to see them separate from the Unit, other than it affects the power of the Management and Confidential Unit; that has never been the issue in the request for separation from the Unit; he urged the Council to approve the police and fire request to be a separate representative unit. City Manager Wohlenberg stated, if the Council was going to approve the request, there is another step they have to go through as an official bargaining unit and that is they must petition to be recognized as an employee bargaining unit. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN - 083 .. 7. Resolution - Continued. 8/10/94 Page 6 Councilwoman Teglia questioned what happened between the 8/5/94 resolution and the 8/8/94 reso- lution, as two different resolutions were present- ed. The resolution of the 5th indicated it would include the positions of Assistant Fire Chief, Police Captain, Fire Marshall, Fire Battalion Chief, Police Lieutenant, Emergency Medical Services Coordina- tor, Deputy Fire Marshall, Police Records Supervi- sor. Three days later the resolution omits the posi- tion of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator, Deputy Fire Marshal and Police Records Supervisor. City Manager Wohlenberg stated it was a simple, clerical error, because he was trying to honor the petition and had sent it to the Attorney's Office, where some more positions had been picked up. Councilwoman Teglia stated the resolution on the 5th did not match the petition. Police Lt. Varney stated, in drafting the petition, they looked for specific positions that are manage- ment positions in public safety - which does not in- clude the Police Records Supervisor, because that is a civilian position. The other two positions are not true management positions but are confidential posi- tions and were deleted from their petition. Discussion followed: communications records people are not public safety employees and fall under the police association; Lt. Varney felt the police and fire managers had the right to separate, because of the diversity of the group; he felt the Council should look at the rest of the group to see if that unit has a fair representation or should be sepa- rated; he felt they were justified to ask for that sepa- ration; Councilman Drago agreed, there are no com- monalities between positions with the Mid-Man- agement Group; he would like to see a common ground with other managers in other departments; five years ago Council set goals, which included the reduction of the Management Unit, and now nothing has been done other than a few layoffs; there are the same, 72 employees with 47, different titles; this might be the opportunity to look at the Mid-Manage- ment Unit as a true Mid-Management Bargaining Unit; he submitted to Council yesterday what he felt is a starting point - only 17 positions right now in the Unit that have the authority to make deci- sions; he felt the group today is too diverse and he could see why true managers want out of the ~ENDA Resolution - Continued. ECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: 8/10/94 Page 7 _AgTIQN TAKEN ,- 084 group; he felt the Council should look at the whole Unit, set it straight and wanted to see the full Council vote on this; he did believe the Emergency Medical Services Coordinator, Deputy Fire Marshall and Police Records Supervisor should not be includ- ed in the resolution; Councilwoman Teglia felt the Council should move on this item, because they have been trying since April to separate; Council- man Drago pointed out they could not act on the resolution, because it lists positions that are not public safety; once the Public Safety Managers Unit is established, it would be difficult to have, say, a Chief Planner get into that Unit, not being a public safety member; Councilwoman Teglia noted that was the whole purpose of the petition; Councilman Drago felt the Confidential Employee clerical staff and Mid-Management especially are not being treat- ed as they should be and the police and fire are getting out because of that. So, in the future, you could have four different Mid-Management Groups; complexities with the public safety people is shift work and public safety retirements, which causes problems when you look at a fair representation to others in the Unit; a planner works Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 5:00 p.m.; Interim City Attor- ney Nave stated there was not a time constraint to act on this in the Municipal Code but the Council may want to defer this to another meeting, because the public safety managers may want to withdraw their petition without prejudice and resubmit it at another time; Mayor Pro Tem Yee felt the full Council should vote on this and it should be post- poned to a meeting where all Council was present; Councilman Drago stated all of the bargaining units were coming forward in two or three months and suggested the Unit look at his list and come back in a month, because it is easier to deal with a group of 15 rather than with 70+ in a group; Councilwoman Teglia felt this was making everyone mad, because the police had decided this, taken in the fire people, then the vote against it as a new unit and now the Council is going in another direction; City Manager Wohlenberg stated he saw merit in the Unit only being managers; etc. Mayor Pro Tem Yee stated the item would be post- poned to a future meeting. Council adjourned to a recess at 9:10 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Yee recalled the meeting to order at AGENDA RECALL TO ORDER: - Continued. tDMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 8. Update and status report on the City's Aircraft Noise Abatement Program. ,~2.~ ACTION TAKEN O85 9:15 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Councilwoman Teglia stated she had a letter from Mr. L. A. Turpen, SFIA, dated 8/9/94, which needed to be signed and accepted by our City. She related: she and the Mayor are in agreement that there is not a problem in signing the letter and send- ing it out; it does not deal with the issue of pro rata share - for the $120 million has not been settled; the letter clarifies concepts and releases funds for 450 homes when we sign the letter; she and the Mayor will meet tomorrow with three consulting firms that have submitted proposals for the management of the insulation program; there will be a few other points coming to the Council, which they are not ready to speak to yet, on insulating the multiple housing and how it will be phased. She stated that each City is granted their share of the $120 million according to their percentage of homes, that will be set aside for that City and the City will draw down on that without other cities being able to spend our dollars. She related: our City was one of the first in the noise insulation program; we did our own housing count, the Airport number was differ- ent and there was a reconciliation. So, we know what our number of homes to be insulated is, how- ever, the Airport has to do the same audit of homes for the other cities; etc. Discussion followed: there are 451 units in the next phase, which would be all of the Brentwood area - providing we sign this document; this does not in- clude multiple family units; the letter allows the City to get a check for $5,006,000; at the next meeting City Engineering will bring forward an agree- ment for design services, an agreement for project management and a recommendation on which houses to do in a phase o only single family or multiple family houses, as we won't have enough money to do the 6,800 dwelling units in the 1983 boundary - 4,941 are single family and the rest are multiple units; we have 1,000 homes left with the 1993 con- tour, which the FAA indicates they will fund and, when that money is gone, they will fund from the 1983 boundary; any money we get from the $120 million includes any FAA money; Avalon is the second area to do and Park Haven is next; when our share of the $120 million is gone we still 8/10/94 Page 8 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 086 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Update o Continued 10. Further reconsideration of Council policy directive to the Parking Place Commission to convert all spaces in Lot 5 on the lower end of the 300 block of Baden Avenue to meters. Consideration of information regarding shortage of Section 8 Housing Certificate for the facility at 416 Alida Street. ..~ 2.~ O ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS have the $10 million from the Airport for leverage, after the appeal of the East of 101 is finished; Vice Mayor Yee had no problem in signing the letter and directed the City Manager and City Engi- neer to do so. The item was continued under Agenda Review by the City Manager. City Manager Wohlenberg stated staff is looking at some other options to cover this gap and there will be policy decisions on how much of your available funds you want to use here vs. other properties in town. He stated he would put forth options, because Section H certificates are going to be limited on an extended basis. So, if the Council wants to keep the certificates at the past level, they would have to step into the breach and fund it. Councilwoman Teglia stated she met with Mr. Hagan and suggested he contact Congressman Lantos. However, she understood the government thought we were going too much into senior housing and this may be a strategy or a tightening up of funds at the County level for family housing. She felt Congressman Lantos should be made aware that this could be a removal, an erasure of senior housing. So, she felt the government could come up with certificates for those buildings. She stated, if the City started a subsidy program, we will have spent our dollars and not provided additional units. She understood that Mr. Hagan had an agreement with Legal Aid and another agreement with the City and the use permit is what requires that building to remain as senior, subsidized housing, because con- cessions were made to Mr. Hagan when that build- ing was built. She did not believe that the building was in a rede- velopment area and the City could not afford to lose those units. She wanted staff to investigate if San Francisco had enough certificates without housing and, if so, have them send some of their certificates to S.S.F. 8/10/94 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 9. Consideration - Continued. 11. Review of Monthly Report on City Goals and Objec- tives - August, 1994. Z~Z5 GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 12. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54956.8 to give instructions to the City's Negotiator regarding negoti- ations with Jesus Armas concerning the sale of prop- erty located at 368 Conmur Street, S.S.F. - instruc- tions to Negotiator will concern: price, terms of payment and/or both; and, pursuant to GC 54957.6, to give instructions to the City's Negotiator regarding negotiations with Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson concerning their contract with the City as City Attorney; and, pursuant to GC 54957.6, to re- view/consider candidate(s) for the position of Public Works Director/City Engineer. 087 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Councilman Drago had a memory of Mr. Hagan wanting to convert the building to condos or apart- ments in the past and there had been some conces- sion concerning sewers that staff should investigate. Councilwoman Teglia stated, if he rents the apart- ments at market rate he will violate his use permit. City Manager Wohlenberg spoke of the City Goals and Objectives briefly: streamlining of the permit entitlement process; customer service training; man- agement of special improvement projects; etc. Mayor Pro Tem Yee asked when the Council was going to review the 1994-95 Capital Improvement Program. City Manager Wohlenberg stated it would be in September. Councilwoman Teglia wanted an update on acquisi- tion of the Baden and Linden property. City Manager Wohlenberg stated the appraisals are under way and should be done right away. Then staff will sit down with the owner, start negotiating and he would give Council an update. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION Council chose not to hold a Closed Session. Mayor Pro Tem Yee authorized the City Manager to direct the City Clerk to cancel the two meetings 8/10/94 Page 10 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN .. 088 on 8/24/94, unless the Mayor changes his mind. ADJOURNMENT: M/S Teglia/Drago - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 9:40 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City of South San Francisco APPROVED. Cit/v,of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 8/10/94 Page 11