HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1994-08-29 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes
Jack Drago
John R. Penna
--Roberta Cerri Teglia
Robert Yee
City Council
Municipal Services Building
Community Room
August 29, 1994
AUGUST 29, 1994
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that
the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Monday, the 29th day of August
1994, at 9:00 a.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco,
Purpose of the meeting:
1. Further consideration of the 1994/95 Operating Budget, including proposed revisions to the Fire Department
Organizational Plan and revisions to achieve balance in General Fund recurring income and expenditures.
2. Resolution approving Parcel Maps for the Avalon and Alta Loma Schools land acquisition and authorizing
recordation of same.
Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, to consider and provide instructions to the City's Negotiator regarding
contract with Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson for City Attorney Services; pursuant to GC 54956.8,
regarding negotiations with Jesus Armas for sale of 368 Conmur St.; and pursuant to GC 54957, to conduct the
twice-yearly performance evaluation of the City Manager.
4. Adjournment.
Dated: August 24, 1994
City Clerk
City of South San Francisco
(Cassette No. 1)
9:09 a.m. Mayor Fernekes presiding.
Council Present: Drago, Teglia, Yee and
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Council Absent: Penna.
Mr. Victor Feudale, Historic Preservation Commis-
sion, spoke with concern about the Council taking
funds away from their budget last year and felt the
Commission had to have an incentive to encourage
people to dedicate their property as historic resourc-
He stated the Commission was trying to get the
Mills Act funds, however, that will only benefit new
homes - while the other historic homes are under
Proposition 13. So, he felt the City should give the
Commission grant monies to keep going, otherwise
they could disband - because they do not have an
incentive to have people dedicate their homes.
Discussion followed: whether the City could use
CDBG funds for this purpose; there are CDBG
funds for restoration programs but the City Manager
did not know if it would apply to historic resources;
staff should see if $30,000 could be given to the
Historic Preservation Commission from CDBG
funds; these funds have been coming out of the
General Fund for the last several years; Vice Mayor
Yee would rather the Commission designate a pro-
ject and then the Council authorize the money.
Mr. Feudale stated this was his last year on the
Commission, there will be new people on the Com-
mission who do not have his background and will
have to go out and research potential resources. He
felt that young people will be approaching older
citizens who own historic buildings for designations,
which he thought will be difficult.
Councilwoman Teglia felt that Council did have
latitude - as demonstrated by a life time appointment
of a Park & Recreation Commissioner, who has
been on the Commission since 1940, because what
the individual brought to that Body, she felt, could
not be duplicated. She stated that when Mr.
Feudale's term was up the Council might want to
consider that.
Assistant City Attorney Richard Chiozzo stated he
wanted to come forward briefly in response to a
memo circulated to Council by the City Manager in
reference to a severance issue in the City Attorney's
Further consideration of the 1994/95 Operating Bud-
get, including proposed revisions to the Fire Depart-
ment Organizational Plan and revisions to achieve
balance in General fund recurring income and ex-
penditures. .~ / 7_ t9
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Office. He submitted a letter to the Council as a
Body for tonight's record.
Discussion followed: Mayor Fernekes asked
whether Mr. Chiozzo wanted the item agendized;
Assistant City Attorney Chiozzo stated he talked to
Attorney Mattis this morning and ascertained it was
not on tonight's agenda; Mayor Fernekes felt it
would probably be better if it was agendized; Coun-
cilwoman Teglia had a problem with that, because
this man has wanted to speak to the Council for
three meetings - why was it not agendized; Mayor
Fernekes stated there had not been a request to have
it agendized; City Clerk Battaya questioned, since
Mr. Chiozzo's letter was going into the record
shouldn't she have the letter from the City Manager
Assistant City Attorney Chiozza stated he started
with the City 9/9/91. Before he came on board he
had a considerable discussion with the then City
Attorney regarding stability in the office and longev-
ity of service. At that time he was moving into
senior trial positions in the Public Defender's Office
in Solano County, was being considered by several
District Attorneys in the Bay Area and made the
decision to come here based on some of the repre-
sentations made to him.
Mayor Fernekes questioned, wouldn't it be more
appropriate to agendize this so all of the information
is before Council - the letter, and this letter, rather
than just alluding to the letter from the City Manag-
Mr. Chiozzo stated his letter was just about the
notice - not a package or anything, just about the
notice and the impacts it would have on the City,
himself and his family.
City Manager Wohlenberg related: Council re-
ceived a report in the Spring about an alternative to
affect changes in the Fire Department to enable
them to focus more on emergency medical services
and staff a new, second ambulance. The proposal
included reducing minimum staffing levels to 19 and
purchasing quint apparatus to support this staffing
change. In adopting the budget, Council directed
the staff to maintain a twenty person minimum
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Further consideration - Continued.
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staffing level and review the usage of quints.
He stated staff is to come back with the options to
cover the cost and work with the Union to reach an
agreement, and that has been submitted to the Coun-
cil in a report.
He stated staff met with AFSCME on contracting
out of the paramedic billing operation and recom-
mended it would be advisable to save money and to
increase billing income to the City. At the conclu-
sion of Friday's meeting it was determined that the
City cannot contract out anything that has been done
by the members of the bargaining units. So, this
provides a whole new situation - if you eliminate
that from the budget and put in the 20 man staffing
there is no savings.
Fire Chief Stark related: following the 7/27/94
Council meeting he had a series of meetings with the
Union; the Union submitted a plan, which was unac-
ceptable to him in light of the cuts experienced
already; he continued to meet with Ray Green to
find something that was acceptable; they did clarify
what was important - the second ambulance,
defibulators and other cost savings to the Depart-
ment; the Union was adamant on the quint; he was
able to work with the configuration that could meet
our needs by use of the quint, not our wants; the
Union voted for staff to proceed with the new align-
ment; he ended up with five companies, five engines
(two were quints), two ambulances in service and
minimum manning would go back to 20 persons;
He stated a compromise had been worked out to
gain new revenue and enhance the ability to serve
the customers.
Mr. Green stated this was the first time the Union
worked with the administration to eliminate staffing,
with input on ambulance and fire fighting vehicles.
He stated the new proposal does not save quite as
much but does eliminate the quint.
He spoke at length on the cost figures: there were
cost savings from people who left since June; they
lost the part-time Coordinator and the position will
not be filled until October, yet they were not given
credit for the savings to offset the $90,000; there
were savings from two captains, one paramedic and
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Further consideration - Continued.
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an engineer leaving that will make up the shortfall;
he appreciated the Fire Chief working with the
Union, however, they did not come up with the
same savings.
Vice Mayor Yee expressed disappointment that
Council did all this work and now we start all over
again, and that does not seem like we know what we
are doing. He questioned why the information in
the memo Council received over the weekend re-
garding AFSCME wasn't checked out before starting
this process on contracting out the billing. He felt
staff should have known AFSCME had to take a
vote on contracting out.
He related: Council had gone over the explanation
of the quint, we end up changing our minds and
now we are back to balancing the budget. So, if
you guys can do it - great. He stated there would
not be the $49,000 in revenue from the paramedic
billing but the budget is out of balance by an addi-
tional $100,000 from where we started. He stated
they were working backwards and he did not have a
City Manager Wohlenberg stated both he and the
Fire Chief believe in and support the original plan,
which does not garner the full support of the Union
nor AFSCME. However, staff would go in another
direction if Council wanted.
Vice Mayor Yee stated, he tries to envision running
the City operations and Council does not have a
recommendation - other than to take money from
reserves. He stated he could do that, but that was
not the direction and he cannot go in and try to
figure out what to do with the Fire Department. He
did not have solutions, other than to suggest taking
money from the Capital Improvement Program and
fix the hole. But, he was disappointed in the direc-
tion in which the City was going.
Fire Chief Start stated the goal was to provide the
Council with another viable option, which he could
not do, and had come back with this package.
Councilwoman Teglia stated she did not have a lot
of confidence in this, felt the Fire Chief was
diplomatic and felt this to be a major leadership
crisis. She felt the City was paying too much in
management not to have better alternatives. She
1. Further consideration - Continued.
Page 6
stated Council had struggled for two years and this
year the budget is a major mess.
She stated we have a Police Department that had to
do major reorganization - this was achieved and
their plans came forward with a cost savings.
She stated that the whole Department gave input and
the program was implemented.
She appreciated the efforts made but had a problem
with the focus of the bargaining unit and wondered
if they had given input into the plan from the begin-
ning. She stated that Council made a decision on
the billing and the elimination of a position, but that
could be discontinued and the billing absorbed in-
house and she did not care if a fireman did the bill-
She related: there is a big difference in an idea and
reality, even though staff feels this is a good idea;
the AFSCME stand on contracting work out has
never been an unknown and wondered why it was
not explored by staff; she did not believe Council
had been given the support needed to be able to
adopt a budget Citywide; she was looking for sug-
gestions from staff, to whom we pay a ton of mon-
ey, but she felt we needed more talent here to offer
alternatives - other than running to the savings ac-
Discussion followed: Councilman Drago would not
vote for the budget tonight; he felt contracting out
the paramedic billing had been the Union's original
proposal; the Council was only seeing a watered
down version and he wanted to see the Union's
entire proposal; Mayor Fernekes was disappointed
that changes had to be made; he had originally asked
that the budget be balanced and now staff is saying
we have to go back and change the budget; he felt
that all of these facts and figures should have been
checked out and rechecked out, so Council did not
have these surprises; the budget should have been
adopted in July, with these things checked out; he
believed that had been made clear by Council in a
myriad of six budget meetings; he wanted staff to
come up with the right figure so Council could
move on; Council and staff have spent a lot of
time, especially Amy Margolis, with change after
change; City Manager stated the change is from the
billing and the $55,000 means we have to reduce the
budget to get back in balance, in addition to the
Further consideration - Continued.
Councilman Penna Arrived at the meeting at 10:02 a.m.
additional man in the Fire Department for the mini-
mum manning standard; there is a savings of
$28,000 for the half time position in Finance that
did the billing; the billing process is complicated
because of Medicare; why couldn't someone take a
class on the billing; Councilman Drago stated,
twelve years ago there was discussion of hiring a
part time person who was knowledgeable and could
learn all things related to the paramedic billing -
because the collection rate was only 80% and now
we are down to 70% and staff wants to go to an
outside firm for billing; Councilmembers Drago and
Yee had sat as a Subcommittee on the permit pro-
cess and were recommending hiring a $70,000
Permit Coordinator to streamline the process; Vice
Mayor Yee stated the further recommendation from
the Subcommittee was that the position will be under
the City Manager and not any other Department
Head; Councilwoman Teglia expressed concern that
the recommendation is to hire a management posi-
tion; Councilman Drago wanted a priority list of
capital improvement items; there is a requirement
that the Housing Element be updated every fire
years, and next year is five years; staff was propos-
ing to delay that for one year; the City has a
revised Housing Element and was adequate if there
is a challenge; if we go beyond the five year period
we will stand to lose the certification but it does not
mean someone will prevail; Councilwoman Teglia
wanted to be certain the City was not at risk; staff
recently received notice from the State that it could
be put over for two years; if the City has a certified
housing element, then you have a rebuttable argu-
ment, in our favor, if we are challenged; if they
denied someone, we would lose the rebuttable pre-
sumption and could be sued and such a suit could
involve affordable housing projects; etc.
M/S Drago/Yee - To add the position of Permit
Coordinator under the City Manager.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
Mayor Fernekes stated the rest of these items will
come back at the next meeting.
City Manager Wohlenberg stated the CIP will come
to Council in September.
Councilwoman Teglia announced she would be out
of the country from 9/5/94 - 9/23/94.
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Resolution approving Parcel Maps for the Avalon and
Alta Loma Schools land acquisition and authorizing
recordation of same. .~O'g D
2. Resolution - Continued.
Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, to consider
and provide instructions to the City's Negotiator
regarding contract with Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver
and Wilson for City Attorney Services; pursuant to
GC 54956.8, regarding negotiations with Jesus Armas
for sale of 368 Conmur St.; and pursuant to GC
54957, to conduct the twice-yearly performance
evaluation of the City Manager.
Assistant City Manager Martel stated this matter was
routine, in that the maps do reflect the direction
given by Council.
Mayor Fernekes stated the Subcommittee was in
agreement with the two maps.
Councilwoman Teglia stated there was discussion
about the City paying for the maps, however, the
City agreed to prepare the maps and pay for the
recordation. The Subcommittee told the District to
pay for the maps because they are going to reflect
their changes and subsequently the District dropped
the request.
Mayor Fernekes stated he was disappointed in hear-
ing the School District's comments, because the
changes were theirs.
M/S Teglia/Yee - To adopt the Resolution.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 10:25 p.m.
to discuss the items noticed.
Mayor Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at
1:20 a.m., all Council was present, no action was
M/S Penna/Drago - To adjourn the meeting to
Wednesday, 8/31/94, 12:00 p.m., City Council
Conference Room, City Hall, for a Closed Session,
pursuant to GC 54957, evaluation of the City Man-
ager; pursuant to GC 54957.6, conference with the
City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Interim
Assistant City Attorney Mattas and Director of
Personnel, as Labor Negotiators, regarding the
Assistant City Attorney.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
Time of adjournment was 1:20 a.m.
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Barbara A. Battaya, City
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica-
tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the
Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying.
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