HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1995-01-18Mayor Robert Yee
Jack Drago
Joseph A. Fernekes
~ohn R. Penna
Roberta Cerri Teglia
City Council
Municipal Services Building
Community Room
January 18, 1995
JANUARY 18, 1995
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that
the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 18th day of January
1995, at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco,
Purpose of the meeting:
Closed Session: pursuant to GC 54957.6, to meet with its designated representatives - Acting City Manager,
Director of Personnel, City Attorney and Labor Negotiations Consultant on labor relations matters and the
employee organizations are: AFSCME, Police, Fire, Operating Engineers, Management and Confidential Group
and Public Safety Managers.
January 17, 1995
(Cassette No. 1)
Closed Session: pursuant to GC 54957.6, to meet with
"-; designated representatives - Acting City Manager,
irector of Personnel, City Attorney and Labor Negotia-
,.ons Consultant on labor relations matters and the em-
ployee organizations are: AFSCME, Police, Fire, Oper-
City Clerk
City of South San Francisco
6:39 p.m. Mayor Yee presiding.
Council Present: Drago, Fernekes and Yee.
Council Absent: Penna and Teglia.
City Clerk Battaya stated Councilwoman Teglia had
peridontal work done and was unable to attend the
Council adjourned to a Closed Session to discuss the
item noticed.
Page 1
,..~losed Session - Continued.
:ing Engineers, Management and Confidential Group and
rublic Safety Managers.
Mayor Yee recalled the meeting to order at 7:08
p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken
and direction was given.
M/S Femekes/Drago - To adjourn the meeting.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
Time of adjournment was 7:09 p.m.
B arbaraA. B~a~ya, Ci~ty~
City of South San Francisco
Robert Yee, Mayor
City of South San Francisco
' ~ ne entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to lispose of an item. Oral communica-
tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the
Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying.
Page 2
Mayor Robert Yee
Jack Drago
Joseph A. Fernekes
.... John R. Penna
Roberta Cerri Teglia
CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1)
Study Session - Terrabay Project.
Page 1
City Council
Municipal Services Building
Community Room
January 18, 1995
7:10 p.m. Mayor Fernekes presiding.
Council Present: Drago, Fernekes and Yee.
Council Absent: Penna and Teglia.
City Clerk Battaya stated Councilwoman Teglia had
periodontal work done and was unable to attend the
Acting City Manager Mattel stated there was a
request from the representatives of Sunchase to
extend the current entitlements on the property and
chronologically gave background information: in
April 1993 the City received information that
Sunchase purchased the property from the RTC;
the purchase was secured by the deed of trust; the
Property Manager began an inquiry regarding the
existing entitlements of the Terrabay Project, the
Development Agreement and the Specific Plan; in
May 1994 representatives of Sunchase met with the
former City Manager to discuss the Project and the
status of the entitlements; in July of 1994 the City
received information from Sunchase on their foreclo-
sure of the Terrabay property, were in control and
had secured title to the property; the City, after
verifying that title was secured, began discussions on
the future development of Terrabay; in. August of
1994 Sterling Pacific began moving to identify the
outstanding obligations and resolutions needed to
proceed; in Sept. of 1994 a plan was outlined on
how they intended to address outstanding issues with
a time frame to move forward; in Oct. of 1994 staff
met with representatives on the development of a
master plan; met last month with representatives of
Sterling Pacific in reference to cleaning the site,
repair of catch basins and to move forward and deal
with the landslides; Sterling Pacific representatives
Vice President Mary Berry, Director of Legal Ser-
,~ ~tudy Session - Terrabay Project.
Page 2
vices Dennis Breen, Project Manager Morlin
Fayline, Vice President Dwane Grisson and former
San Mateo County Supervisor John Ward will give a
slide presentation; etc.
Ms. Mary Berry presented a slide show on selected
real estate projects of Sterling Pacific.
Acting City Manager Martel related: request for
additional time in order to proceed with the obliga-
tions under the Specific Plan; deadline for the De-
velopment Plan and the Specific Plan is 3/14/95; the
extension request is based on litigation involving
Terrabay; staff wants to provide the basis to grant
the extension; the litigation was filed on 4/28/83 and
the Court of Appeals made a decision on 8/7/85 but
that judgement was not finalized until filed by San
Marco County Superior Court on January 7, 1986;
therefore, the tolling period for the litigation was
actually 984 days and results in an extension to
8112/95; staff is in agreement with the interpre-
tation, specifically as it applies to the language in
the Development Agreement and recommends that
the Council consider affirmatively the request.
She explained the 1/12/95 letter from Sterling Pacif-
ic Management Services, Inc. attached to the staff
report: the new property owners intend to move
forward, identify home builders and proceed with
Phase I; they will need an extension that goes be-
yond the extension date; it is the assessment of
the City Attorney that, in order for the Council to
take discretionary action to extend the agreement
beyond the extended date, there is a need for the
City and the property holder to commence with an
environmental review to determine if any changes
have arisen in the ten years which will be analyzed
by staff; staff will make a recommendation as to the
extension of time that the applicant has requested;
the tolling period would be the first step in the
process to the extent that the initial environmental
review indicates we don't need further study and the
Developer would be in a position to come forward
sooner to ask for a further extension; if further
studies were needed the Developer would have the
August date to complete that; if Council directs,
staff will come back with a resolution for the tolling
period at the next meeting for an extension to Au-
gust 12th.
Mayor Yee reiterated that the request is for Council
Study Session - Terrabay Project.
Page 3
to agree with staff that the new expiration is in
August rather than in March and a resolution will be
presented at the next meeting for action.
Ms. Jan Pont, 111 Belmont Ave., wanted to see
public hearings on this issue for more public input.
She has been against this Project all along but wants
to see the general public be able to speak. She
wants tighter restrictions, lower density, more open
space and more environmental studies on the proper-
Mayor Yee stated that, if they go beyond August,
we will have to look at the environmental issues and
perhaps reassess. However, between now and Au-
gust - that is the legal date, whether we like it or
not, we must accept it. He felt Ms. Pont is asking
to see this particular project reviewed and certain
changes made, but that would only be if the Council
extends beyond August 12th.
Acting City Manager Martel stated it is possible that'
subsequent to this meeting further information may
be available on the litigation that may extend the
August date Out further.
Ms. Pont wants more input from the general public
if this is extended beyond August 12th regarding
tighter restrictions and a lesser number of homes.
Acting City Manager Martel stated the anticipated
Council actions are not discretionary, due to the
tolling previously agreed to. However, to extend
the project for ten years would require public hear-
ings. She stated the recent letter from Sterling
Pacific says there could be other litigation that could
further extend the date which is non-discretionary.
Mayor Yee stated if the Council does not approve
the extension tonight, which is not discretionary,
they can get it through the Court anyway. If the
approval is given for the extension and, if it is ex-
tended beyond August 12th, we have to open it to
the public.
Councilwoman Teglia related: the project has a date
and the date is coming up; it is to the benefit of all
concerned for the date to be extended because of the
lawsuit; the lawyers may be searching around for
other reasons why the date can go beyond August
12th, which is ~ignificant; etc.
Study Session - Terrabay Project.
Page 4
Discussion followed: 8/12/95 is the date on which
the Development Agreement and Specific Plan
would terminate, that the land use entitlement would
terminate; any request would require discretionary
action and if not we have no project and whoever
owns the project is back to square zero and will start
with the whole public hearing and environmental
process at ground zero; the Developer could be back
in July and say there is a legal definition that the
approvals must be extended to October; the August
12th date is not in cement, because this is based on
legal interpretation; the Acting City Manager should
come back to Council with information on legal
interpretations to further extend the approvals when
it agendizes the resolution to extend the approvals to
8/12/95; what would be accomplished by 8/12/95;
the preliminary environmental assessment needs
longer than 60 days to complete; computation of the
tolling period and definition; market conditions
affecting the project; an initial environmental
assessment could lead to some changes in the pro-
ject; why didn't the Developer pull a permit before,
because the project is alive and does not need an
initial EIR at this time; Councilwoman Teglia is
willing to extend the date to August, but not to a
further date; she wanted all of the amenities in the
project and did not want more units; Sterling Pacific
has stated there is no need to change the develop-
ment from the way it was envisioned, other than to
update the Plan for the Building Code, and have
indicated a desire to fulfill the obligations of the
amenities; Sterling Pacific may request an exten-
sion of the Development Agreement for upwards to
ten years; if the Council decides not to extend be-
yond 8/12/95, then there is no need to do an envi-
ronmental assessment; there is no way to provide a
ten year extension without knowing the kind of
project it is going to be; to extend for the ten year
period will be a discretionary action; ten years is too
big a commitment to make; ete,
Mr. David Schooley, Bay Area Land Watch, ques-
tioned if the City received his letter.
Mayor Yee stated the Council had received his
Mr. Schooley stated his group has been in opposi-
tion of the Terrabay Plan and the changing of the
Endangered Species Act in the United States.
Terrabay has been an example of the HCP that is
Study Session - Terrabay Project.
Page 5
-. 287
frightening not just for here but in America because
of what we are doing to the air and land around us.
He stated that there have been ten years of games,
the project is a failure and now they are going to
bring it back in various ways and destroy the habitat
for growth, money and power.
He stated he has taken children hiking on the Moun-
tain to see the butterflies and this has become ruined
in the last four years. He wanted the Council and
young children growing up here to be thoughtful
about what is the so-called habitat and our future.
He stated the group will check everything that hap-
pens on this project.
He stated that Shearwater is also something impor-
tant because of its relationship to the bay.
Ms. Berry stated it is not Sterling Pacific's intention
to disregard the agreement and realizes it is a con-
tract. However, when they drafted their letter they
were asked to make an affirmative statement. We
did not want to come to you with a list of scenar-
ios, but changes will occur in the market place and
we are anxious to promote homes on the mountain
and we have builders ready to do that. She stated
any builder will require an agreement of time for the
development, be that two or five years, and will not
make a commitment to the models without the gift
of time. That is what they seek not a material
change, not a downsizing nor a reduction in the
Discussion followed: Sterling Pacific foreclosed on
the property in July of 1994; legal ramifications in
denying the extension; if the Council denied the ten
year extension, the City would not be subject to any
legal ramifications if there is a reasonable basis; if
the City refuses to toll the date and there is legal
evidence that it should be tolled, there may be po-
tential liability to the City; there is a reasonable
basis to grant the extension of the tolling period;
the Developer has to pay for the environmental
analysis; the staff report indicates Sterling Pacific
will not be the home builders and there may be
several builders; Sterling Pacific has owned the
property for a year and a half - why haven't they
pulled a permit and started the project; now they say
extend to August and then to October, which can go
on for ten years; if Council lets this expire it does
not prevent them from coming back and resubmit-
._~tudy Session - Terrabay Project.
'2assette No. 2)
Closed Session - To discuss the tolling extension of the
Terrabay Project.
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
.K I E3
ting the plan because tho infrastructure is already
built; this will allow the public to give input; the
project does not have tentative map approval; under
tho terms of tho agreement, all permits would have
to be.pulled and have a life of one year; not every
permit has to bo pulled because tho recreation center
has to be built; Councilman Drago did not have a
problem with the August 12, 1995 extension, but did
not want to see it go beyond that stated date and
they must comply with what is on the books; Coun-
cil- woman Teglia wants to give them the extension
to go forward on tho project even though tho homes
cannot bo built by August - it will move from phase
to phase and, if it takes ton years, each phase will be
completed; Councilwoman Teglia wants to know
how much money tho City has advanced for the
project; staff will provide a full accounting of City
expenses and Sterling Pacific has indicated
they intend to provide reimbursement for tho ex-
penses; etc.
Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 8:57 p.m.
Mayor Yee recalled the meeting to order at 9:07
p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken
and direction was given.
Consensus of Council - Staff to bring documents to
the next meeting for the extension.
Mayor Yee declared a recess at 9:10 p.m.
Mayor Yoo recalled the meeting to order at 9:23
Councilman Penna left the podium due to a conflict
of interest and did not take part in the discussion nor
vote on the item.
Acting City Manager Mattel spoke of a proposal
from Mr. Bill Poland, Bay West, expressing interest
for the property called Shearwater, which has 45
acres and is located in a project area. She pro-
ceeded in detail on how this proposal may fit into
the redevelopment plan: the redevelopment plan for
Shearwater established a program for the redevelop-
ment goals, i.e., removing blight, handling toxic
soil, storm drains and any public improvements and
brings revenue to the City.
Page 6
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
She stated that Councilman Penna's conflict of inter-
est stemmed from two letters received by him in
1991 and 1992 on the Shearwater potential develop-
ment and this development is similar to the earlier
She stated that Mr. Poland will present his Proposal
for the Shearwater site.
Mr. Poland, Bay West Group, stated that he had
been involved in 1972 with the development of the
industrial park in S.S.F. He stated the Council has
before it a window of opportunity to do something
that is good for everybody, because the old U. S.
Steel property is the number one toxic hot spot in
the bay area and there is pollution on the land and
water site. He and his colleagues have spent con-
siderable time with the various agencies that will be
involved, Regional Water Quality Control, A,r?y
Corps. of Engineers and City staff, to discuss many
of the issues regarding the remediation of the site.
He related: the basic plan is a mixed use without
residential; developing the entire site over a two to
three year period; he has presented several alter-
native site plans that indicate a number of retailers,
free standing restaurants and a card room casino that
would be developed in a venture with himself and
Hollywood Park; he had, from the Acting City
Manager, letters of interest from several retail users
in these early stages and felt confident they will be
developed; it is a considerable amount of work to
clean the soil and the water sites and they have laid
out a good plan for everything; etc.
Samuel D. Porter, Atty., stated he was representing
the Pasco family, who have been involved in card-
rooms in S.S.F. for decades. He stated the Pasco
family wants to go on record that they are interested
in exploring opportunities with the Developer in the
new casino but have not been able to reach an agree-
ment. They want to go on record that any ordinance
that changes gaming also affects the cardrooms
operated by the Pascos currently.
Acting City Manager Mattel suggested directing
staff: to do additional research on the process that
would be involved in further consideration of the
proposal; procedures for amending the East of 101
Plan; what is needed to facilitate an application of
this type; any other requirements are environmental
Page 7
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
- pursuant to CEQA; what would be necessary for
an ordinance for the development proposed; any
necessary agreements for the Redevelopment Agency
and the Developer on any related tasks that are
necessary for Council to take into consideration
before deciding what direction to move in; etc.
Mayor Yee stated the only reason for the research to
change the East of 101 is because of the casino.
Discussion followed on Mr. Poland's concerns: the
East of 101 Area Plan calls for a band around the
basin that would eliminate ten acres; retailers who
were going to go into the Brisbane site are con-
cerned as to where to relocate because of the ballot
measure failing; the overpass has created 'havoc for
egress, now it is being completed, the property is
primed for development and he will work with the
former U. S. Steel site owners to bring this site into
His comment about this being a window of oppor-
tunity meant that for retail users, as well as the
cardroom the timing of this was right for the acquir-
ing of the property and cleaning up so it does not
get caught up in a ten year thing. However, maybe
the wrong term was used.
Mr. Dave Schooley stated his group has been very
concerned about the Shearwater Project and the area
because San Bruno Mountain comes down to the
Bayshore to an area that can accommodate a hotel.
He stated this opens a possibility of a small piece of
the property being the last chance in the whole
peninsula area to have a place of native life and
endangered species and he wanted this piece of land.
This is the area where they made ships and is a
rocky area with bay fill with two creeks going to the
bay that he wanted dedicated for open space.
Councilman Drago suggested the open space be
incorporated into the setbacks, if it is compatible
with what Bay West wants to do and it could be a
win win situation, if Mr. Schooley is not talking
about a lot of land.
Mayor Yee stated maybe it could be part of the
BCDC permit.
Councilman Drago stated he liked Mr. Poland's
"window of opportunity", perhaps selfishly, because
Page 8
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
he went through the proposal and, after looking at
certain parts of Grand Avenue we have been trying
to change by getting rid of cardrooms, this is a
window of opportunity. He is interested in the
Shearwater property if that area falls under the
Redevelopment Agency and asked the City Attorney
if the property being in a redevelopment area chang-
es the application process and would it go through
the Planning Commission. lie also asked if a card-
room is permissible in a redevelopment area.
Acting City Manager Martel stated various elements
of the project would go through the Planning even
though it is redevelopment. However for East of
101, if you are going to develop, you must do it
under a specific plan or master plan and that goes
through the Planning Commission. She stated a
redevelopment area neither prohibits nor allows
cardrooms. General Plan Policy 47 says they are
not permitted, however, the East of 101 Area Plan
does not say they are or are not included. In her
opinion it would have to be set down in the land use
document and that would come back to the Council.
Councilwoman Teglia stated this was like Mary
Poppins' spoon full of sugar, which was what the
cardroom is whether legally permitted or not. She
stated cardrooms have always been a contention with
the Council and they have always had consistent
positions on cardrooms over the years. The other
side of that is the issue of Shearwater sitting there as
an ugly duckling and the impediments on that from
not being developed.
She spoke of the proposal's income to the City and
she knows cities are entertaining cardrooms but we,
at this time, do not have any ordinance to cover
anything. So, if we go in this direction, we need
more information on cardrooms and the legislation
needed to allow eardrooms. She stated, in reference
to Councilman Drago's comments about Grand
Avenue, this City has. never permitted cardrooms or
licensed them but we do have two legal, non-eon-
forming uses on Grand Avenue and that has not
been inspiring. Our General Plan has talked about
they can stay there but we don't want them expand-
ed and we want to see them moved because we feel
it is impeding Grand Avenue. So, do we end up
with a proliferation or do we make an omelet ap-
pealing to everyone. She has not seen anyone
come forward, yet she sees the Pasco family in the
Page 9
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
audience. She hoped we end up with one entity and
somehow we take care of everyone's interest and not
have cardrooms everywhere.
She recognized in the proposal there are participants
who are financially very solid and that has always
been a concern to her and we need to know that
their strength is real, not illusionary, with money in
the bank and no debts. She did not see that infor-
mation here in what staff presented.
She stated it was also important to know who the
players are. We talk about Bay West Group - who
are they, for they would .be the Developer and it has
been defined that Hollywood Park will build the
Mr. Poland stated he is the principal owner of Bay
West Group and owns a number of real estates in
San Francisco, other bay area cities and Seattle and
is heavily involved in development. He stated the
firm has been investigating the opportunity of going
into the cardroom business, which they had planned
two years ago with Hollywood Park on this particu-
lar site - which he felt dovetailed for both opportuni-
ties because he knew he needed the expertise of a
company like Hollywood Park for an entertainment
center in the development.
He is the Developer of the land in its entirety and
plans to take it from the present to a site ready
condition for building and then, in a separate ven-
ture, he will buy 15 to 20 acres for the cardroom.
Discussion followed: Hollywood Park is a public
corporation and has more financial disclosures,
which is a plus, but how does this organization plan
to operate; want to know who the people in Bay
West Group are; Mr. Poland has a junior parmer in
the Bay West Group and Mr. Poland owns 100% of
Bay West DevelOpment Services; Mr. Poland has 90
employees in San Francisco and Bay West Develop-
ment Services is a holding company that does pri-
marily real estate; Mr. Poland will have a law firm
helping his firm in the land use, a man is involved
in map preparation and Mr. Dave Rathy is involved
in finance, construction and the technical aspects of
construction; Mr. Poland will be engaging other
experts for the habitat as the Project goes along; etc.
Councilwoman Teglia stated Mr. Poland is aware of
Page 10
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
the Pasco family and their interests and she under-
stands there are some sort of negotiations going on.
Mr. Poland felt they were approaching agreement,
they have been negotiating for a period of time and
felt they are at a point here soon where decisions
will be made.
Councilwoman Teglia noted there is a comment on
the City owned GSA property would be a major
player in determining what develops and there are
negotiations in terms of acquisition or lease by the
Mr. Poland felt it is in both interests to tie the prop-
erty into what they are doing and he would look
forward to acquiring the site or a long term lease.
Discussion followed: Mr. Poland's concerns over
the Oyster Point Overpass formula for the Project;
Mr. Poland plans to negotiate towards a satisfactory
agreement or figure how to complete the financing
of needed improvements, such as widening the
streets and the issue of sewers; Councilwoman
Teglia has always been opposed to cardroom expan-
sions in the community but recognizes there are
things happening outside of Council's control in the
State; neighboring communities are looking for
general fund revenues; etc.
Councilwoman Teglia is aware of the negative as-
pects of cardrooms and is willing to pursue this in
order to make an intelligent decision, but wants all
of the information up front first. She felt what the
developer is telling Council does not scratch the
Mayor Yee read in the papers that Hollywood Park
is also interested in the site at Bay Meadows.
Mr. Poland stated Hollywood Park is not involved
in Bay Meadows. He stated this will not be the old
style of cardroom, but will be an entertainment cen-
ter as is seen in Las Vegas. He stated there are
significant revenues that can go down the street to
another town, but this site has a nice barrier between
the Bayshore Freeway and separates the residential
from where the casino will be.
Councilman Femekes stated that initially there was
another group who came before Council a year or
Page 11
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
Councilman Fernekes Left the Podium:
two ago and he was in opposition to this form of
entertainment introduced into the community. He
asked the Assistant City Manager what she was
asking of Council.
Acting City Manager Martel stated if the Council is
interested in taking the proposal any further then
staff recommends that there is a considerable amount
of additional information that is needed to weigh on
the proposal. She recommended Council direct staff
to research and come back with a detailed plan and
time frame covering all the aspects of what would be
involved if the Council chooses to move in that
Councilman Fernekes stated he is not in favor nor
against more information but wants detailed infor-
mation from police, fire and streets on the ups and
the downs. He wanted to know what it is going to
cost the City, because he heard that, in future, the
State is going to legalize gaming. He felt there
should also be citizen input on the proposal before
any decision is made. Where is the revenue going
to go. Will it go to the police and fire. It has to be
identified and there be some kind of a commitment
that is on-going.
Mayor Yee stated it was not surprising that he op-
posed the cardroom casino especially on this site.
He has taken a position, does not believe the City's
image will be served with another cardroom and is
opposed to the proposal regardless of information
coming forth.
Councilman Fernekes also wanted information on
'the process for this to go to a ballot issue.
Acting City Manager Mattel stated that would be
outlined in the report to the Council.
Councilman Fernekes left the podium at 10:10 p.m.
and did not return to the meeting.
Ms. Jan Pont, 111 Belmont Ave., asked if the infor-
mation will be available to the public.
Councilwoman Teglia stated there are a lot of things
that have to be done and, secondly, there is the
option, at the end, if the public should vote on this.
If the information shows it is more of a drain, then
it is a matter of lining up the pluses and minuses,
Page 12
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
but there is room for public input. She wanted to
know what other cities are doing 'for income and
what guaranties there are for the revenues.
She stated the City struck a deal with the Price
Club, a different situation, there was a guarantee
and there was other income coming into the City be-
fore the deal took place.
Mayor Yee asked if the Council directs staff to go
ahead with further study should staff outline a study
before moving ahead with details and send it to
Acting City Manager Martel stated staff suggested
putting together a detailed plan on the issues and the
timeframes and then pass that along to the Council,
to ensure staff has covered all the bases. She stated
if there is additional information we will incorporat-
ed that and, if you want to proceed, we will conduct
the next step analysis of revenue and expenditures.
Former Police Chief Datzman stated that, because of
the holidays, there may not have been public notice.
He recognized that this is a study session but, in
looking over the brief report, it says the casino will
provide security and manpower and it is not specific
on what that means. The proposal says it will gen-
erate a tremendous amOunt of revenue to the City.
He would suggest historically that public confidence
will be higher if everything is done to make every-
thing available to the public for people to review.
He asked that the City go back ten years ago. There
was a lot of time spent'in public meetings talking
about the future of eardrooms and he wanted to see
if that can be made public to enhance public confi-
Councilwoman Teglia stated she was very much
opposed but what changed is that Colma is going to
have a cardroom. You don't stop it at the border.
When it begins to crowd into your home neighbor-
hood how do you deal with it from Colma. She
stated that staff has to do an analysis, develop data
and then Council has to make a decision. She stated
it was similar to Price Club and Costco stores,
where some communities did not want to have them
and the business and income go to San Bruno and
perhaps we should get the income to offset declining
Page 13
Study Session Shearwater Site Redevelopment Proposal.
Mr. Datzman stated that, as a resident, he appreciat-
ed Councilwoman Teglia's comments about the mar-
keting and has a memory of two K-Marts coming in
and discussion on whether the City could support
two K-Marts. He stated that if, there is that kind of
marketing information developed, he would like to
see that made a part of the information package.
Consensus of Council - To direct staff to do the
information gathering.
.MIS Teglia/Drago - To adjourn the meeting.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
Time of adjournment was 10:20 p.m.
Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk ~/'
'""ity of South San Francisco
Robert Ye~, Mayor
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Counci[to dispose of an item. Oral communica-
tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the
Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying.
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