HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1996-09-25Mayor Jack Drago Council: Joseph A. Fernekes Eugene R. Mullin John R. Penna Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room September 25, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: PRESENTATIONS Award of Financial Reporting Achievement - Finance .... epartment Recreation Activities AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wilson Requested: - Remove Items 6 and 10 from Consent Calendar and hear later to reflect conflicts of interest. - Continued Item #13 after the Public Hearing is opened. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM ACTION TAKEN 7:30 p.m. Mayor Drago presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Fernekes, Mullin, Penna, Yee and Drago. None. The Pledge was recited. A clergyman was not present to give an invocation. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Drago commended the Finance Department and presented the award to Chief Accountant Free- man. Superintendent of Recreation & Community Services Sharon Ranals presented a slide show on the various recreation programs. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Pedro Gonzales thanked the Council, Police, Recreation and John Wong for their support on the recent celebration of Mexican Independence Day held on the steps of City Hall. COMMUNITY FORUM Vice Mayor Fernekes stated there will be a car wash and rummage sale on the weekend for the cultural exchange program that will benefit 14 students from Italy at Christmas. 9/25/96 Page I AGENDA ACTION TAKEN COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve Minutes of the Special Meeting of 9/4/96. -- Motion to confirm expense claims of 9/25/96. ~6'-O !.~ 3. Resolution to authorize plans, specifications and going to bid on the Non-Skid Surface at the MSB Garage. ~'O ~ tO A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF A NON-SKID SURFACE IN THE MUNICIPAL SER- VICES BUILDING GARAGE, AND AUTHORIZ- ING ADVERTISING FOR BIDS Motion to accept the Aircraft Noise Insulation Pro- gram Phase IX as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. .6"2 :R Resolution to award contract for the ADA Miscella- neous Accessibility Upgrades. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AWARD OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR ADA UPGRADES TO ADMOND CONSTRUCTION, SAN FRANCISCO IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $249,700 FOR THE BASE BID ONLY, AND AMENDING THE 1996-97 CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENT PROGRAM CIP NO. 97-3 TO DE- CREASE THE 1996-97 ALLOCATION FROM $200,000 TO $80,000 FOR ITEM 8 UNDER PUB- COMMUNITY FORUM Councilman Mullin reminded the audience of the festival at St. Veronica's that will be followed by festivals at the other parishes during October. Mayor Drago related that Mr. Hogmartin, who spoke on his problems with the noise insulation program last meeting, would receive the large win- dow he requested at no charge. He spoke of untrue rumors that are undermining the City's paramedic program by saying there will only be one paramedic responding to calls. He stated this City will be putting a second response ambulance in service and both will have two paramedics. He asked to be called if there are further rumors circu- lating. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $2,616,802.62. RESOLUTION NO. 142-96 So ordered. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Yee. 9/25/96 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution - Continued. LIC FACILITIES, ADA WORK ON ALL BUILD- INGS Resolution approving Final Map, accepting dedica- tions and approving agreement for Chestnut Estates Subdivision. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL MAP ENTITLED CHESTNUT ESTATES SUBDIVISION MAP AND AUTHORIZING RELATED ACTS Resolution for purchase of the former Magnolia right- of-way for the Corporation Yard from Kaiser Foun- dation Hospitals. .ffO~ t9 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE CORPORATION YARD, KNOWN AS THE MAGNOLIA RIGHT-OF-WAY Motion to accept the Roof Replacement Project at West Orange Library as complete in accordance with the plans and specifications. ,5'0 ~O Resolution authorizing an agreement with the County Transportation Authority for funding of the Spruce Avenue Signal Interconnect Project. ,~'O ~t9 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN MATEO COUNTY TRANSPOR- TATION AUTHORITY FOR FUNDING THE SPRUCE AVENUE INTERCONNECT PROJECT 10. Motion to adopt an ordinance amending the Development Agreement between Sunchase G.A. California, Inc. for the Terrabay Project. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMEND- MENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN SUNCHASE G.A. CALIFORNIA, INC. (AS SUCCESSOR TO W.W. DEAN AND ASSOCI- ATES) AND THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO RELATED TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS AND THE RECREATION AND CONSENT CALENDAR To be heard after the Consent Calendar. RESOLUTION NO, 143-96 Accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 144-96 Heard after the Consent Calendar. 9/25/96 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Motion - Continued. CHILDCARE FACILITIES 11. Resolution appropriating $55,330 in the Police De- partment operating budget. ,fi-'/2. t~ 12. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 97-2 TO THE 1996-1997 PO- LICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET TO IMPROVE TRAFFIC SPEED ENFORCEMENT Resolution extending the contract for City Attorney services to the firm of Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson. .~Z 7 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT WITH MEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK, SILVER AND WIL- SON REGARDING CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES Resolution to award contract for the ADA Miscella- neous Accessibility Upgrades. .5-o5~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AWARD OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR ADA UPGRADES TO ADMOND CONSTRUCTION, SAN FRANCISCO IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $249,700 FOR THE BASE BID ONLY, AND AMENDING THE 1996-97 CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENT PROGRAM CIP NO. 97-3 TO DE- CREASE THE 1996-97 ALLOCATION FROM $200,000 TO $80,000 FOR ITEM 8 UNDER PUB- LIC FACILITIES, ADA WORK ON ALL BUILD- INGS Resolution approving Final Map, accepting dedica- tions and approving agreement for Chestnut Estates Subdivision. .5-~t9 CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 145-96 RESOLUTION NO. 146-96 MIS Mullin/Fernekes - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items No. 5, 6 and 10. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Yee stated this was for City Hall and the Annex, but where was the bridge for the handi- capped and why was it $50,000 over the estimate. City Engineer Wong stated it was mostly for the MSB and outlying buildings and would mostly cover outside handrails. He stated he could not account for the overage to the estimate. City Manager Wilson stated it will involve restriping the small park building and a direct walkway to the elevator. MIS Yee/Mullin - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 147-96 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Penna stated he would not take part in the discussion or vote because his home is adjacent to this property. 9125/96 Page 4 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Resolution - Continued. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL MAP ENTITLED CHESTNUT ESTATES SUBDIVISION MAP AND AUTHORIZING RELATED ACTS Motion to adopt an ordinance amending the develop- ment Agreement between Sunchase G.A. California, Inc. for the Terrabay Project. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMEND- MENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN SUNCHASE G.A. CALIFORNIA, INC. (AS SUCCESSOR TO W.W. DEAN AND ASSOCI- ATES) AND THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO RELATED TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS AND THE RECREATION AND CHILDCARE FACILITIES PUBLIC HEARINGS 13. Public Hearing - Consideration of amending the land use traffic generation of the Oyster Point Overcrossing Formula; Public Hearing opened 9/11/96 and continued; hear testimony, adopt resolu- tion. ,.q-///o A RESOLUTION ADDING ADDITIONAL LAND USES FOR THE OYSTER POINT GRADE SEPA- RATION CONTRIBUTION FORMULA Councilman Yee questioned if the maintenance association was that of a homeowners association for he thought the developer was going to maintain this for three years. City Manager Wilson stated yes, there is a home- owners association, and this became a preferred option which the developer agreed to install and maintain for a period of five years. Discussion followed: how can it be assured they will maintain it for five years; the City Attorney would include third party language where the fund- ing mechanism is like an assessment that the City can enforce; is there a bond; City Attorney does not believe the bond extends for the full five years; Councilman Yee wants that taken care of. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 148-96 Carried by majority voice vote, Councilman Penna abstained. M/S Fernekes/Mullin - To adopt the Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1191-96 Carried by majority roll call vote, Councilman Yee and Mayor Drago voted no. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Drago reopened the Public Hearing. City Manager Wilson stated he was contacted by a perspective developer and staff wants to look at their data and see if the formula impacts the Developer. City Engineer Wong addressed uses not previously considered by the formula which necessitate this resolution: fast food service stations, car washes, convenience markets with or without pumps, and car sales and storage uses. 9/25/96 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Public Hearing - Continued. 9/25/96 Page 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS Councilman Yee related: the resolution was done in 1984 with the intention, that in the event of excess monies left over from the Project, then we will give a proportion back to the original person who gave the money; it is clear there is no way we are going to have money going back, now or in the future so he wants the language taken out. City Manager Wilson related: when staff went back and made a recommendation reducing the fees it was done on the assumption that the build out would follow the same pattern and they took the potential build out and reduced it; the assumption was - there was the possibility this could be a general build out and the City could generate more money; staff was supposed to examine these on an annual basis and when they did raise this issue at the last discussion, there was a question of equity; if the City does the AB1600 there will not be money left over, but the thought was for equity and then distribution could occur. Councilman Yee stated the first paragraph says "shall be made not later than after acceptance by the City," so it started when we accepted the Project and we have to do something about it ten years from now. Discussion followed: last month the Council ap- proved the flyover and the hook ramps, so after that would be the conclusion; Councilman Yee feels having the language in the document is unrealistic and it should be removed; the effect on the formula from AB1600; Council needs to give direction be- cause the fee collection will continue after ten years of the completion defined by the Council, and those funds not being used would be reimbursed on a pro rata basis; the Council is looking at 15 to 20 years out because there is a twenty year window; the only policy decision would be if it is a different interpre- tation to have the funds collected after the comple- tion of the Project and there are economic implica- tions on that; the rational behind AB1600 is that an agency does not collect any more funds than needed and when it meets the obligation it ceases; originally people thought there would be money left over, we don't, so we continue to collect to build the hookramp; staff can bring back further information to clean it up now rather than later - there was A~ENDA ACI!QM TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Public Hearing - Continued. 14. Public Hearing - To consider Assembly Bill 3229 to supplement the existing funding for law enforcement services; Conduct Public Hearing; provide direction to staff. .5'1 t9 ~ 15. Public Hearing - Consideration of submittal of 1995- 96 Community Development Block Grant Grantee Performance Report to the Department of Housing and Urban Development; Conduct Public Hearing, adopt resolution. ,5"~9 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF THE 1995-96 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS consensus of Council for staff to do this. M/S Fernekes/Penna - To continue the item. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Drago opened the Public Hearing. Police Chief Raffaelli stated that in accepting the $131,000 it would enable the hiring of two officers, and the purchase of two bikes; etc. Councilman Mullin stated this is an on-going pro- gram, but the funding could be one time only. Police Chief Raffaelli stated the turnover of police personnel would be known in September and would be absorbed in the budget if the program is not funded. Vice Mayor Fernekes stated he wanted a quarterly report on this item. Mayor Drago closed the Public Hearing. M/S Yee/Penna - To accept the Police Chiefs rec- ommendation. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Drago opened the Public Hearing. Coordinator of Community Development Block Grants Fragoso gave a brief staff report on the Performance Report. Mayor Drago stated he and Norma met with the Assistant Director of HUD and asked for Youth Build Funds, which the City did not receive. Coordinator of CDBG Funds Fragoso stated Cali- fornia was not one of the States receiving funds. Mayor Drago closed the Public Hearing M/S Penna/Mullin - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 149-96 Carried by unanimous voice vote. 9/25/96 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAXEN ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. Public Hearing - To consider the appeal of the Plan- ning Commission's conditions of approval for SC-96- 059 by Laurie Maynard, Arrow Sign Co. for a Type C Sign Permit to allow a sign program including a 30 foot high pole sign situated on the west side of Har- bor Way south of East Grand Avenue in the Planned Industrial District (P-I) in accordance with the provi- sions of SSFMC Section 20.76.140 and 20.86.060; Categorical exemption: Class 11, Section 15311(a); Bay Area/Diablo Petroleum, Applicant; Conduct Public Hearing; Motion to uphold the appeal of SC- 96-059, but limit the height of the monument sign to twenty six feet. .~O~'O PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Drago opened the Public Hearing. Vice Mayor Fernekes stated this location is next door to where he works and he would not take part in the discussion or vote on the item because of a potential conflict of interest. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn stated the Planning Commission felt the sign height was unacceptable and was not a travel oriented use. The appeal before Council was re- questing Council grant Bay Area/Diablo Petroleum their original application. Staff was recommending the height of the sign be limited to twenty six feet which is consistent with the Design Review Board. Dan Modena, Atty. stated his client needs the height to be competitive for Olympic Oil was granted the higher sign height, they are competing uses and staff had recommended 26' with which they are in com- pliance. He stated the letters CAT are very impor- tant on the sign for truckers, however, the pricing could be on the lower portion of the sign. Discussion followed: did Attorney Modena's client erect the sign after it was denied; there is no sign on the property; Councilman Mullin stated there was a sign to show how it was visible at various sites; but, that was only for pictures; the sign is visible from Bayshore; the properties are not side by side. Mr. William Martin, Principal of Bay Area/Diablo Petroleum, stated the properties are back to back and the signs will be back to back and will be to the south east. Mayor Drago closed the Public Hearing. Discussion followed: this seems to be some concern of attracting additional truck traffic and Councilman Mullin questioned if that was a compatible use; that discussion rested with the use permit so, there was discussion of the use permit; there is a component that caters to the regular auto users; Councilman Mullin doesn't want a cluttered retail type of sign, for the truckers will know both businesses are here; Exhibit A is what the Company is asking for; CAT and subway shall be at the top and the rest at the bottom of the sign which which is consistent with 9/25/96 Page 8 ~ENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. Public Hearing - Continued. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS 17. Motion to waive reading and introduce an ordinance on nuisance abatement and report on Willow Gardens - continued from the 9/11/96 meeting. AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 8.26 TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ABATEMENT OF NEIGH- BORHOOD NUISANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS the car wash; Mr. Modena's client wants to be consistent with his competitor for the CAT scale is a special scale and category in their business; what is the height of signs along Airport Blvd. - 30'; Councilman Penna was not comfortable with any large signs being erected in this City and believes they create the wrong image; Mayor Drago pointed out that another sign in the same area has already been approved for the same type business and only one member of Council voted against it; Councilman Penna feels the need to set a policy for any further sign issues that could occur in that area; etc. M/S Yee/Mullin - To uphold the appeal of SC-96- 059, but limit the height of the monument sign to twenty six feet and the pricing of the gasoline will be at the bottom with car wash, except CAT and subway will be at the top of the sign. Councilman Mullin stated he concurs with the equity issue, but wants to make sure the Council gives clear direction on further land uses, and he wants to go through the East of 101 Plan again and look at the sign issues. Carried by majority voice vote, Vice Mayor Fernekes did not take part in the discussion nor vote on the item. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn stated he will put together the zoning and come back to Council. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS City Clerk Battaya read the title of the ordinance in its entirety. Police Chief Raffaelli showed pictures and related: a while back he sent officers to take photos to ex- plain the problems encountered in Willow Gardens; staff has an ordinance to cover the fiscal aspects of enforcement; maintenance of the buildings depict the attitude of the landowners and allows rats in the buildings; graffiti has been painted out many times; rubbish around the buildings and derelict fences and windows that have not been replaced; the buildings are in need of paint and proper lighting; loose wires are hanging from light fixtures that don't 9/25/96 Page 9 A~ENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Public Hearing o Continued. 9/25/96 Page 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS work; the draft ordinance will help with the distur- bances of assault and battery; a couple of weeks ago one of the officers was up in the area with seven individuals who had decided to clean up the area on Susie Way and other kids came out of the houses and gave the kids a bad time; they cleaned up the garbage, they were sworn at, a board was thrown at the kids, then an egg and a rock; the officer brought the kids out and went back, but the people were gone; he stated the ordinance will give the police tools to deal with the problems; the people are being intimidated and there must be control; etc. Discussion followed: how much worse is this area of town compared to others; that is difficult to an- swer for the police, because situations change over the years; the number of crimes in Willow Gardens in the last year; staff could recommend establishing another landscape district; hiring a person 8 hours a day; Councilman Penna wants to put it in the news- papers for people to come and give input at another meeting and not hang the owners, for this focuses more on behavior controlled substances; he suggest- ed a 30 day written notice, then a second notice for we need to place a tool in the property owners hands and then have the Sheriff go out and evict the tenants; Councilman Mullin noted this is not a $5,000 fine, but a series of steps and then a maxi- mum fine, and property owners rights are main- tained; City Attorney suggested providing substantial due process, for eviction is a State law process; the City could assist people with evictions with a model lease language; the Council could draft a letter to our legislators to speed up the Court eviction pro- CesS. Mr. James DeVincenzini related: he is against the ordinance; he owns an apartment house at 18 Gardner and has 6 apartments; it is not an easy task to evict tenants; the Police Chief's men and the kids did an excellent clean up job, but why didn't the officer call for more help when the kids were being heckled; for five years he has been trying to get his street cleaned for Gardner is a dead end street, the police won't tag the cars on a dead end street and won't sweep because it is too hard to turn around the street sweeper; he is paying taxes and not getting service and now the City wants to assess him anoth- er $5,000.00. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Public Hearing - Continued. 9/25/96 Page 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS Ms. Susan DeVincenzini related: she owns 18 Gardner; she read about the ordinance in the news- paper and knows something has to be done; it took her five months to evict tenants that destroyed her property; the City needs to speed up the eviction period; she lives in Daly City and had to rush to S.S.F. because her tenants had a fire; this ordinance will affect everyone owning property through graffi- ti, trespassing, garbage thrown on her property and she gets letter from the City saying she is going to be fined; she calls the police for cars left on her property and the cops don't respond; Lewis, Gardner and Chapman are not cleaned well; there is a tree hitting the electricity, but they need to get permission from the City to take care of the tree. Mr. Pat Nobis, 125 Alden Glen stated the City has been aware of these problems during his six years of residency and if they don't pass this ordinance it will affect the 16 new homeowners. He stated it is going to take someone to get hurt before something is done. The people against the ordinance are con- cerned about money, yet with the neighbors it is a question of safety for the Council nixed the pro- tective barrier the Planning Commission recom- mended. Mr. Jake Jones stated he is not for or against the ordinance, but received a call from a property own- er, John Fasserella, who read about this in the pa- pers tonight. Mr. Fasserella feels the property owners should be notified of this ordinance. Discussion followed: how can you notify a neigh- borhood when we are talking about the irresponsible owners; the agenda serves to do that in land use matters; City Attorney's intent is to get input, have the Council introduce the ordinance and then bring in the property owners; he feels the ordinance en- courages voluntary compliance, good faith efforts and the police will not write citations; the $5,000 is a maximum fine; Councilman Yee wants to wait on this, have the newspapers alert people and get more input; he supports an ordinance, but does not think the Council should rush it through; Vice Mayor Fernekes concurs, but feels the City needs an ordi- nance with teeth in it; etc. M/S Fernekes/Yee - To continue the item. AGENDA A~TION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Public Hearing - Continued. RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 18. Shooting range - rental guns (Mayor Drago) PUBLIC HEARINGS Carried by majority roll call vote, Councilman Mullin and Mayor Drago voted no. Mr. Jones stated realtors should also be notified. Mayor Drago declared a recess at 10:05 p.m. Mayor Drago recalled the meeting to order at 10:14 p.m., all Council was present. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Mayor Drago stated he placed this on the Agenda because of the two suicides at our local range and wanted to cut down the possibility of another. He feels the City needs control and should eliminate the leasing of guns or create a time frame to lease, fill out permits and have a 24-72 hours wait before being able to lease a gun. Police Chief Raffaelli stated Mr. Satterlee, the Pro- prietor, is very concerned and has discontinued any rentals even though it is a 20-30% loss in not leas- ing guns. He stated Mr. Satterlee suggested only renting to groups, for the first person went in there for a lesson and shot himself, while the second one was there twice, so the delay would not matter.. He feels he must work with Mr. Satterlee, look at dif- ferent options and he concurs with Mr. Satterlee in only leasing guns in groups of 3 or 4. Mayor Drago suggested making it part of the use permit. Mr. Satterlee, Jackson Arms, stated this was the single biggest tragedy he has ever faced. He stated he runs a family oriented shop and has tightened existing standards. He stated rentals are 20-30% of his business, police cadets who use the range are vouched for and many women come in alone to learn how to use guns. He has turned away a lot of people and will go the extra mile to work with the Police Chief, but he does not want his use permit compromised so his business is not devalued. Mayor Drago stated there will be pressures from other range owners and asked if there can be side letters. 9/25/96 Page 12 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 8. Shooting range - Continued. 19. North County fire service - potential unification (Mayor Drago). 3" ITEMS FROM COUNCIL City Attorney Matas stated they could enter into a side letter to the use permit, but if the business is sold the individual may not live up to the side letter. Councilman Penna extended his sympathies to Mr. Satterlee on the two suicides and suggested there be a club with certified members. Mr. Satterlee stated he will not hesitate leasing a gun to an individual who has a gun and has gone through the permit process. Mayor Drago stated Mr. Satterlee is to work with the City Attorney and City Manager for there was no question about his sincerity. Mayor Drago related: possible consolidation of fire services for 5 or 6 cities has been discussed for the County EMS Program; elected officials feel it is workable, such as Pacifica, Daly City, Brisbane, Millbrae and S.S.F., and possibly San Bruno; this City agreed to participate in the study on the Pro- gram; there are 20 fire departments in San Mateo County and the cities can use the savings to get more firefighters. Councilman Yee wants a report on the advantages and disadvantages for there are lots of politics in San Mateo and Foster City. Mayor Drago suggested the City Manager put to- gether something, but if there is a disinterest on the part of the Council it will not be pursued. He stated there will be a big labor involvement, so he needs to know if there is interest, then have staff come back to Council and develop it slowly. Councilman Yee stated he received a letter from a Mr. Wood from Parkway regarding Heather Heights. He stated it was an 8 page letter with all their different problems that will need a response from the Developer and staff. City Attorney Mattas suggested doing it in a white letter report and he will get a copy of the disclosure of all costs, including private streets in the DCC&Rs. City Manager Wilson stated conversations were 9/25/96 Page 13 A~ENDA ACTION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 9. North County - Continued. GOOD AND WELFARE 9/25/96 Page 14 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL held. Councilman Yee stated this development has a lot of public improvements with potential major problems and last Sunday homes were for sale. He feels it is not proper to have new owners not aware they must maintain the sewer, for during the buying it is emo- tions that take over and then they find they have to maintain retaining walls and other things. Mayor Drago stated he wanted to meet with the Developer and get it all down on paper for the retaining wall is a worry. City Manager Wilson stated on-going winterization has to occur and when the lower roads are put in there will still be uphill flooding. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. Councilman Penna stated he was circulating a ques- tionnaire on the funds given to the Convention & Visitors Bureau to help him at a retreat he was attending. He asked for an analysis of where the money is best served and S.S.F. Conference Center Executive Director Sandra O'Toole, Members Mr. Conners and Mr. Vasquez have put together a two and a half year history of TOT of the Conference Center and have compared it against statistics pur- ported by the Bureau. He stated, of the $930,000 Bureau budget, 80% is funded by local government and this City spent $220,000 to get $55,000 in TOT. He feels this City will get more bang for their money from the Con- ference Center and should only contribute $8,000 to the Bureau for they are really known as the Burlingame Bureau. Mayor Drago stated there is an $116,000 allocation and the City is due to pay the Bureau quarterly. Councilman Mullin questioned, if the Council gave their comments, are there prohibitions on this. City Attorney Mattas stated it is appropriate to distribute the questionnaire, but there should not be AGENDA ACTION TAKEN GOOD AND WELFARE ADJOURNMENT: GOOD AND WELFARE a collective opinion, for that is a serial communica- tion. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11:06 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITrED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco APPROVED. of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- ti__.ons, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the ~ffice of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 9/25/96 Page 15