HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1996-11-13 Mayor Jack Drago Council: Joseph A. Fernekes Eugene R. Mullin "'-John R. Penna Robert Yee Vd'/.., .oc''/ MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room November 13, 1996 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO NOVEMBER 13, 1996 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 13th day of November 1996, at 7:05 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Dated: Purpose of the meeting: 1. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, to meet on labor negotiations with and for the City Manager. City Clerk City of South San Francisco November 7, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) 1. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, to meet on labor negotiations with and for the City Manager..ff/5~, -'-ECALL TO ORDER: ACTION TAKEN 7:10 p.m. Mayor Drago presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Fernekes, Mullin, Yee and Drago. Penna. City Clerk Battaya stated Councilman Penna was on vacation and unable to attend tonight's meeting. Council entered a Closed Session at 7:11 p.m. to discuss the item noticed. Mayor Drago recalled the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m., no action was taken and direction was given to the City Attorney. 11/13/96 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~_~ ADJOURNMENT: M/S Fernekes/Yee - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 7:41 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk ~,/ City of South San Francisco APPROVED. ~'[~fack M~~~ /'""~ ago, ayor /j /~City of South San FranCisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 11/13/96 Page 2 Mayor Jack Drago Council: Joseph A. Fernekes Eugene R. Mullin --lohn R. Penna Robert Yee M!NU_!ES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room November 13, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: RESENTATIONS Resolution Commending Eloise Kee ? 7 Proclamation - American Education Week Certificate of Recognition for City Service to Lorenzo Bernardini 3'0 High Speed Rail Transit by Mr. Richard Silver AGENDA REVIEW ACTION TAKEN 7:41 p.m. Mayor Jack Drago presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Fernekes, Mullin, Yee and Drago. Penna. City Clerk Battaya stated Councilman Penna was on vacation and unable to attend tonight's meeting. The Pledge was recited. Layman John Cantley, Grace Covenant Church, gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Drago read parts of the Resolution and pre- sented it to Ms. Kee for her tenure on the Library Board. Ms. Kee thanked the Council for this recognition and proceeded to chronicle her working achieve- ments. Councilman Mullin read the Proclamation aloud and commended Dr. Yvonne Johnson and Jan Smith of the S.S.F.U.S.D. Vice Mayor Fernekes read the Proclamation aloud, stated he went to Mr. Bernardini's retirement din- ner, commended him for eighteen and one half years of service to this City and presented the Certificate. Mr. Silver did not come to the meeting. AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wilson stated there were no changes to the Agenda. 11/13/96 Page 1 A~ENDA A~!~N TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: ,..ONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of 10/22/96, Regular Meeting of 10/23/96 and Adjourned Regular Meeting of 10/30/96. 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 11/13/96. Resolution of award of contract for design services for Americans with Disabilities Act Play A'rea reno- vations. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT TO DEVELOP DESIGN PLANS FOR ADA PLAY AREA RENOVATIONS AT SELLICK, BRENTWOOD, ORANGE, GARDINER AND PARADISE VALLEY PARKS 4. Motion to cancel the regular meetings of 11/27/96, 12/11/96 and 12/25/96 and schedule a Special Meet- __ lng for 12/2/96 (City Council reorganization) and a Special Meeting for 12/18/96. Resolution increasing the 1995-1997 Capital Im- provement Program for the San Mateo and Shaw ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No one chose to speak. COMMUNITY FORUM Mayor Drago announced: he has decided that to- night is his last night on the City Council; he is retiring as of 12/1/96 due to a health problem, cancer; he feels he needs more time for himself and his family since his term as Mayor is almost over and, it is not a hardship; he has enjoyed serving this community and his achievements will speak for themselves; he has worked with dedicated Depart- ment Heads and employees; and he would like to continue the meeting without comments. Councilman Yee stated he could not even talk after what the Mayor related and asked for a five minute recess. Mayor Drago declared a recess at 8:05 p.m. Mayor Drago recalled the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. and all Council was present. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Mullin. Approved. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Yee. 11/13/96 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution - Continued. Pump Station and replace bar screens by $120,000.00. A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1996-97 CAPI- TAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP 97-6) BY ADDING $120,000 FOR THE SAN MATEO AND SHAW PUMP STATION REPLACE BAR SCREENS Resolution authorizing grant agreement for the Com- mercial Rehabilitation Program for the relocation of Sitike to a new site on El Camino Real. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A BUDGET PRO- POSAL FOR THE REQUIRED RELOCATION OF SITIKE, INC. TO 306 SPRUCE AVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXE- CUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH SITIKE, INC. Motion to set an evidentiary hearing for 12/18/96 for revocation of UP-93-939/Mod 1 (allowing for opera- tion of a restaurant during the hours between mid- night and 6:00 a.m.) at 2211 Gellert Blvd. known as Ling Nam Noodle House. o Resolution approving application for grant funds for the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Pro- gram under Section 164.56 of the Streets and High- ways Code for the Airport Blvd. Land- scape/Streetscape Project. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICA- TION FOR $350,000 IN GRANT FUNDS FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MIT- IGATION PROJECT UNDER SECTION 164.56 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE FOR THE AIRPORT BOULEVARD LAND- SCAPE/STREETSCAPE PROJECT Resolution authorizing an amendment to the Police Department budget to include $132,438.20 from the State. aS- / A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 97-4 TO THE 1996-1997 OP- ERATING BUDGET CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 159-96 Evidentiary hearing set for 12/18/96. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Mullin. RESOLUTION NO. 160-96 11/13/96 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution authorizing an agreement between the City/County Assoc. of Governments (C/CAG) to contract directly with the Multi-City TSM Agency (MTSMA) to implement AB434 Transportation Funds for Clean Air Project. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING THE CITY/COUNTY ASSOCIA- TION OF GOVERNMENTS TO CONTRACT DI- RECTLY WITH THE MULTI-CITY TSM AGENCY TO IMPLEMENT AB434 TRANSPORTATION FUND FOR CLEAN AIR PROJECT AND AU- THORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXE- CUTE THE SAME 11. Resolution authorizing a supplemental budget expenditure of $8,100.00 from the Equipment Re- placement Fund for the replacement of three personal computers. ~l Z A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 97-5 TO THE 1996-1997 OP- ERATING BUDGET TO ADD $8,100 FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THREE PERSONAL COM- PUTERS 12. Resolution authorizing a budget amendment to the Operating Budget for design services related to BART-SFO Extension Project with the funds to be reimbursed by BART per agreement in the amount of $57,000.00. .50 g ~' A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 97-6 IN THE AMOUNT OF $57,000 FOR DESIGN SERVICES RELATED TO THE BART-SFO EXTENSION PROJECT, WITH THE FUNDS TO BE REIMBURSED BY BART 13. Resolution to pay the Federal Government earned arbitrage on the 1991 WQCP Bond Issue of .aS'/20 $11,200,000. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 97-7 TO THE 1996-1997 OP- ERATING BUDGET TO ADD $120,000 FOR THE PAYMENT EXCESS INTEREST RELATED TO 1991 WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLANT BOND ISSUE CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 161-96 RESOLUTION NO. 162-96 RESOLUTION NO. 163-96 RESOLUTION NO. 164-96 11/13/96 Page 4 AGENDA A~I!ON TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution of award of contract for design services for Americans with Disabilities Act Play Area reno- vations. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT TO DEVELOP DESIGN PLANS FOR ADA PLAY AREA RENOVATIONS AT SELLICK, BRENTWOOD, ORANGE, GARDINER AND PARADISE VALLEY PARKS 5. Resolution increasing the 1995-1997 Capital Im- provement Program for the San Mateo and Shaw Pump Station and replace bar screens by .5- ! 2t9 --$120,000.00. A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1996-97 CAPI- TAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP 9%6) BY ADDING $120,000 FOR THE SAN MATEO AND SHAW PUMP STATION REPLACE BAR SCREENS Resolution approving application for grant funds for the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Pro- gram under Section 164.56 of the Streets and High- ways Code for the Airport Blvd. Landscape/ ._ff~ ~ Streetscape Project. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICA- TION FOR $350,000 IN GRANT FUNDS FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MIT- IGATION PROJECT UNDER SECTION 164.56 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE FOR THE AIRPORT BOULEVARD LAND- SCAPE/STREETSCAPE PROJECT CONSENT CALENDAR M/S Mullin/Yee - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items 3, 5 and 8. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Mullin questioned why the staff report did not show other bids on the RFP and why is there no consistency. City Manager Wilson stated five firms responded to the RFP and they utilized people in P&R to make the recommendation to the Council. M/S Mullin/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 165-96 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Yee stated the City spent $23,000 and this report says $120,000 is now needed. Director of Public Works Gibbs stated there was a flexible cuplink and various fixes after that. He stated they put in a new support away from the pump station and he feels the soils investigation is a must and money well spent. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 166-96 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Mullin stated the application had to be approved yesterday and questioned if we applied on time and what happens if Council refuses this. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn stated the resolution follows the appli- cation, but if the Council disagrees, the application can be withdrawn. M/S Mullin/Yee - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 167-96 Carried by unanimous voice vote. 11/13/96 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of request from SunChase G.A. California 1, Inc. Applicant, for a ten year extension of the Terrabay Specific Plan and Development Agreement approvals, which are due to expire on 2/14/97, Final Supplemental EIR, final action to be considered at the continued Public Hear- ing on 12/18/96; Conduct Public Hearing; Motion to continue the Public Hearing to the Special Meeting of 12/18/96. ~5'~O ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Drago opened the Public Hearing. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn stated tonight was a Public Hearing to hear questions on the SEIR and the extension of the Specific Plan and Development Agreement and there will be a presentation on the significant findings. He stated action will be taken at the continued Pub- lic Hearing on 12/18/96 and tonight was to knock out questions and consultants are available. He proceeded to give background information: 12/2/92 the City and the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County adopted the Terrabay Specific Plan following certification done on the Project; in 1988 the City and the Developer entered into an agreement which was extended to 2/14/96 for the first phase and that has not been completed; the applicant has requested an extension of the Develop- ment Agreement for the next ten years; slides were projected with the entire site and additional phases of the residential neighborhoods along the Bayshore and the residential phase on Hillside and Sister City Boulevard; Council approved the construction and the DCC&Rs for the Developer to proceed with the development; the fire station and Sister City Blvd. have been constructed in the first phase; addi- tional hook ramps must be constructed for the Spe- cific Plan; mandates of the Specific Plan; plans for phase 2 and 3 for hotel and retail use; in September Council approved the applicant's DCC&Rs, the recreation and childcare facility plans to replace an in-door swimming pool with a gym and in-lieu fees for the childcare center; request from the applicant for a ten year extension of the Terrabay Specific Plan and Development Agreement; the SEIR was distributed on the 5th of January for public review and comment; the draft transportation section was distributed for additional comments on the 30th of August; public comments during Planning Commis- sion public hearings on the needs for the shell mounds previously identified in the phase 3 portion of the Project will come forward for environmental review; the EIR document has been completed and includes all comments; he asked the Council to hold off any questions until the EIR process; etc. Mr. John Wagstaff, Consultant, related: his firm's background of 16 years of doing EIRs which in- 11/13/96 Page 6 ~ENDA ACTIQN TAKEN ]~ PUBLIC HEARINGS *. Public Hearing - Continued. PUBLIC HEARINGS cludes doing EIRs for three years for this City; his firm prepared the draft SEIR. under the direction of the staff and City Attorney; he spoke of the new impacts that have occurred since 1982 and the mitigations; responded to 40 letters on the draft SEIR.; his firm did a reanalysis of the traffic as- pects; Planning Commission had public hearings on 10/29/96 and 11/7/96 and recommended the Council accept it; Council should review the errata yellow section for it is the latest summary of impacts and mitigations; two of the three shell mounds are within phase 3 and the shell mounds are 200-300' in diame- ter and 5 or 6' deep; mitigation is a one foot cap- ping in the original EIR, now they determined it needs a bigger cap and called for a greater miti- gation plan; extensive landslide repair program should be increased to address on-going cleaning for the cut and fill with vegetation and wild life to comply with the Plan; there are problems with the restoration that have been addressed and traffic is the fourth concern; they are addressing land use compatibility, etc. Ms. Jan Smith, S.S.F.U.S.D., related that the School District's staff is committed to working with the Developer to provide a good living environment and produced a letter for the record dated 11/13/96 with responses to comments received on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. Ms. Jan Pont, 111 Belmont Ave., asked if the new green area on the map had been presented to the public. City Manager Wilson stated that has always been part of the Plan. Mayor Drago asked if that portion was in Brisbane. City Manager Wilson stated Brisbane was involved and has control of the right-of-way. Ms. Pont stated she did not understand how the Council could say yes or no, when this is a ten year program and next year is the deadline. She wants to take each phase as the Council goes along, and next year there will be a new Council and she wants new blood to be given to the community, because some- times we have made mistakes. She wants to put 11/13/96 Page 7 AGENDA _AC_TIQN TAKEN I~ I PUBLIC HEARINGS ¢. Public Hearing - Continued. 11/13/96 Page 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS things on hold and take each phase, one at a time. Mr. Matt Bergren, 2440 16th St.,//180, San Fran- cisco, related: he was born in the bay area in 1935, in Berkeley and lived around the bay area, and now in San Francisco; they have been trying to do every- thing to try and maintain some kind of open space, but everything is paved over; he does not want more Taco Bells and hotels rather than saving the Moun- tain; everyone should stop and consider why they live here in the bay area, it is because it is so beauti- ful and most of that beauty is because of natural re- sources; if those resources are destroyed people will not come here, for people want a mountain to look at and walk on; etc. Mr. Kurt Poeuleman, 816 Maddux Dr., Daly City, stated he feels there are too many shopping centers and freeways and are taking more habitat away from wild life, especially the migratory birds who help to control the insect population which has destroyed thousands of trees and has increased 60% in num- bers. He hoped they could stop the total destruction of wildlife through the loss of habitat. Mr. David Schooley, P. O. Box AO, Brisbane, San Bruno Mountain Watch, stated at the first Planning Commission meeting there was a question at the end about our protest about what the Habitat Conserva- tion Plan has done so far on San Bruno Mountain. He stated he would give the City information on this and from their point of view and studies the HCP has been a disaster. He wanted the Council to look at their point of view, at the critical part, because this habitat plan was the first and is being looked at countrywide. He stated he attended a meeting in Sacramento with Fish & Wildlife, people from Washington, D.C., the State of California and environmental groups consid- ering what is going to happen with the habitat. He gave information on what has happened on San Bruno Mountain with the habitat plan with error after error and there was silence in the meeting and one of the workers that is doing rework for the Fish & Wildlife Services said that San Bruno Mountain is not a model any more, for once it was an HCP mod- el for the world and it is not now. The ques- tions that come up are critical, because what hap- AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS pens now to the year 2000 is so important, and he hoped everyone reconsiders the care of the wildlife and rare and endangered species in the area. What does that mean to us through time, that we should build our awareness of this planet and keep it in spite of money and power. He noted the tunnel measure in Pacifica was won by the people and it was critical. The bay area is a place of growth and power, but what happens in the year 2050 when our children's children have no mountain to climb and no habitat to learn about, plus the native heritage and what that will do to us throughout time. He was greatly concerned about the endangered species and the re-creation of the habitat, for it was not working. The Mountain Watch people are watching this because it is critical, as well as the prehistoric center which is going to be cemented over and then a hotel built. His hope is that the area becomes a part of the park for the site is 5000 years old, is next to the bay and there is nothing else left. He stated in the last 40 years it was set up by law that you can cement the mounds and you can cover it over, they call it protecting the mounds, but obviously it undoes itself. He wants to take a look at why that legal effort happened and how it can be changed. This is one of the last shell mound villag- es, there is nothing else left outside of S.S.F. as a learning place for our children. He wants to stay in contact, knows there are ten years and they are doing archeological research. Mayor Drago invited discussion from the Council. Discussion followed: will all the consultants be in attendance on the 18th; staff had not planned for that; how Harland Tate came into the picture; Coun- cilman Yee questioned page 2 of the Specific Plan on whether the City is committed to these units, because there is no plan and what latitude does the City have in future; Phase I is committed and there is a threshold of 428 in subsequent phases; the number can be reduced in the EIR process and the Council has discretionary power; on page 5 in the second bullet on the architectural site, Councilman Yee wants the language broadened and does not want future Councils locked in on covering and 11/13/96 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Public Hearings ..ECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: 15. Public Hearing - Consideration of appeal of the Plan- ning Commission's decision on Airport Plaza Inn, 721 Airport Blvd., PUD 96-058 and Negative Decla- ration No. 96-058; Conduct Public Hearing and Motion to deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Planning Commission. .5'0_,~'~ PUBLIC HEARINGS cementing the shell mounds; there will be additional mitigation, but staff can write better language; that bullet is not satisfactory to Councilman Yee; the hotel will cover the mounds when that phase comes forward; the Council has discretion when the phase comes forward and they may also be able to modify the size of the hotel; concern by Councilman Mullin on Mr. Schooly's comments on the litany of errors in the HCP and should that be factored into the SEIR; staff talked to Agencies who are satisfied that the HCP is working, but they can provide Council with an update; Councilman Mullin wanted informa- tion on any Fish & Wildlife concerns on the HCP; can Thomas Reed attend the 12/18 meeting; City Manager will ask him at the next Trustee Board meeting, however, the middens are not part of the HCP; Councilman Yee also wants Mr. Reed to respond; all work has been done on potential slides. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To continue the Public Hearing to 12/18/96. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Drago declared a recess at 9:30 p.m. Mayor Drago recalled the meeting to order at 9:42 p.m. Mayor Drago opened the Public Hearing. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn gave the staff report on the appeal of the Planning Commission decision and recommended the Council uphold the Planning Commission ap- proval of Planned Unit Development PUD-96-058 based on the findings in the staff report. He related: it is the opinion of the Commission that the Project creates a positive image for the future; the Oldtown Homeowners Assoc. spoke in favor of the Project at the Planning Commission meetings and felt it was an improvement to the neighborhood; the building would be 46' high and the height limit is 50'; the landscaping requirement is 10% and a 6' wide land- scaped strip on the south side of the lot was made part of the conditions of approval to be met before a building permit can be issued; parking requirements, are being met at least by Code; staff and the Commission feel they acted within their authority 11/13/96 Page 10 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. Public Hearing - Continued. 11/13/96 Page 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS and consistent with the General Plan. John Markley, Esq., 626 Greystone Terrace, stated he represents the owner of 701 Airport Blvd. who opposes the Project for the following reasons: not because it is competitive, for there is a hotel at the end of the street he did not oppose; the Commission approved a development that was not applied for; the applicant expressly deleted the manager apart- ment, so they could meet the parking, yet the staff approved it with a manager's apartment and he feels it should go back to the Commission for clarifica- tion; what has been proposed. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn stated, in the interests of clarity, the staff report that he sent to the Council is in error and the ground floor manager's unit does not exist and is now a large lobby for the manager's apartment was withdrawn. However, the staff used a disk that had not been updated for the staff report, but that should not affect the Council's deliberations for it meets the parking requirements. John Markley, Esq., questioned if they now com- plied with the landscaping for that information was not in the file Friday, and he wanted to make sure the landscaping and parking are complied with be- fore permits are issued. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn stated the applicant is required to submit the landscaping plan prior to the time the building permit is issued. In response to the Mayor's ques- tion, he stated that the Planning Commission was aware of points made by Atty. Markley. Discussion followed: the applicant either has 10% or not and if not, it comes to the Council; the Di- rector does not feel there are any loose ends; Mayor Drago stated the staff report says the Project allows two spaces on Chestnut Avenue - Chestnut is two miles away; the Director meant Cypress Ave- nue; Councilman Yee stated he thought this was a good project and does not want to vote on this to- night, because he does not like the process; Markley, Atty. stated the Project was too massive and does not comply with the General Plan and Policy 44; etc. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. Public Hearings 11/13/96 Page 12 PUBLIC HEARINGS Mr. George Bugnatto, Oldtown Homeowners Assoc., spoke in favor of the denial of the appeal. He first thanked Mayor Drago for his many years in S.S.F. and said he also made the same decision in the past. He found this appeal to be that of nitpicking, for the only allegation is two parking spaces in the rear setback, this is not an exception to the Code and the Project did meet the General Plan. A gentleman stated he was the architect for the Project and reiterated that the parking and landscap- ing would easily be met, they mitigated 6' in back with off-site landscaping, it was compatible to the neighborhood and will be a good asset to the City. Mayor Drago closed the Public Hearing. Discussion followed: Councilman Mullin felt there was adequate land, parking, landscaping and this will enhance the long term planning for Airport Blvd. and he was prepared to reject the appeal; Vice Mayor Fernekes agreed; Councilman Yee asked if it was in Council's discretion to approve the manager's unit tonight; City Attorney stated it requires addi- tional parking; Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn stated the Manager would not stay there, but could use a unit; Councilman Yee asked if the Council can add a manager's unit and waive the parking space; City Attorney Mattas stated this is an appeal, and if the Council was going to do that there needs to be another Public Hearing; if landscaping was installed on the street it poses a problem in maintenance and the 6' split faced con- crete wall was recommended by the Oldtown Home- owners Assn.; Councilman Yee stated the Council has plans to landscape Airport Blvd. and felt this landscaping should fit in with the trees the City is going to plant; staff feels it will. M/S Mullin/Fernekes - To deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Planning Commission. Amended Motion/Second - To include the City's tree planting. The Architect stated the applicant can agree to that. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. Public Hearings - Continued. 16. Public Hearing - Consideration of first readings and introduction of ordinances on the 1994 Edition of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Build- ings, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Administrative Code, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1, 2 and 3, 1993 Edition of the National Electrical Code, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, Volumes 1 and 2, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Mechan- ical Code, 1994 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code - Continued from the 10/23/96 meeting. 521 ~' AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 15.18 TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING THE UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1994 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.06 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM ADMINIS- TRATIVE CODE, 1994 EDITION AND TO RE- PEAL THE UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 1991 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.08 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE, TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STAN- DARDS, 1994 EDITION, AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS, 1991 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.20 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE NATIONAL ELECTRI- CAL CODE, 1993 EDITION AND TO REPEAL THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1990 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.24 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1994 EDITION AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1991 EDITION PUBLIC HEARINGS City Attorney asked that the Council delete the reference to a manager's unit. City Attorney stated the City Clerk did not have to again read the titles of the ordinances because it was a continued Public Hearing. Mayor Drago reopened the Public Hearing. Assistant Building Official Kirkman stated because of the passage of Proposition 218 there is a cloud over adopting any new fees, so the City will retain the 1991 fees and they will not adopt the grey water. City Manager Wilson stated the resolutions will be adopted at the next meeting and the findings will be revised according to Council direction. Councilman Mullin stated, from what he has read, Proposition 218 is moot and workshops are sched- uled. City Attorney Mattas stated he will advise the Coun- cil, for his firm was reviewing the City fees after passage of the measure, but believes the limitation does not repeal the sewage and garbage fees. His firm is talking to the Jarvis people because the mea- sure is broadly worded. Mayor Drago closed the Public Hearing. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To waive reading and introduce the ordinance amending Section 15.18 of the Munic- ipal Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To waive reading and intro- duce the ordinance amending Section 15.06 of the Municipal Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To waive reading and intro- duce the ordinance amending Section 15.08 of the Municipal Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. 11/13/96 Page 13 AGENDA A C__T I Q N TAKEN /O7 PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. Public Hearing - Continued. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.10 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1994 EDITION, TO REPEAL THE UNI- FORM HOUSING CODE, 1991 EDITION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.16 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM MECHANI- CAL CODE, 1994 EDITION AND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1991 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.12 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1994 EDITION, LAND TO REPEAL THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1991 EDITION ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 17. Request for Council approval of the work program and Motion to authorize staff to proceed with a con- sultant for the General Plan. .b-t9 g ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS M/S Yee/Fernekes - To waive reading and intro- duce the ordinance amending Section 15.20 of the Municipal Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To waive reading and intro- duce the ordinance amending Section 15.24 of the Municipal Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To waive reading and intro- duce the ordinance amending Section 15.10 of the Municipal Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To waive reading and intro- duce the ordinance amending Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To waive reading and intro- duce the ordinance amending Section 15.12 of the Municipal Code. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn related: the current General Plan was adopted in 1986 and needs to be drawn into confor- mity for a sound basis for major land use and de- velopment decisions; the revised General Plan will enable the Council to consider goals, opportunities and constraints for future growth and development; the project will be carried out in two basic parts - background and base data collection which will be completed by June 1997, the second part will consist of preparation, public review and adoption of the revised general plan policy document and EIR and will be completed by June 1998; and explained the detail involved. Discussion followed: is there an overlay document 11/13/96 Page 14 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. Public Hearing - Continued. 18. Resolution authorizing a contract with Eric Mohr for a feasibility study and to examine the feasibility of establishing an effective transportation system in the area East of 101. ,.5'O~ c~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR A FEASIBILITY STUDY BY ERIC MOHR, TRANSPORTATION CONSUL- TANT, TO EXAMINE THE FEASIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE TRANSPOR- TATION SYSTEM IN THE AREA EAST OF 101 (Cassette No. 2) ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Consideration and direction on the report on salary and benefit evaluations of the City Clerk with com- parable cities by Consultant Obenhuber - requested by Councilman Yee and a request by the City Clerk for 11/13/96 Page 15 PUBLIC HEARINGS or will it be created by scratch; the East of 101 Plan is current enough, but it will be reexamined; the Director is coordinating a digitized map for the first step; Councilman Yee asked if a member of the Planning Commission be a part of the committee; yes, and a member of Council; staff will send out RFQ letters and will then create a panel with a member of Council and the Commission; Council- man Yee agreed to be a member of the panel; the Director introduced Jim Harness who will assist staff in preparing the documents. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To authorize staff to proceed with a consultant for the General Plan. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Interim Assistant City Manager Moss stated East of 101 does not have the capability to provide adequate service levels of public transportation and this pro- posal will examine the opportunity and feasibility to establish and provide an effective transportation system by evaluating several options. These options include: exploring ways of providing innovative public transportation; obtaining public multi-agency funding with private sector funding assistance; to increase the ability of real estate owners to attract future tenants; to improve the employment climate and recruiting opportunities; and to make work-trips easier and more convenient for employee riders. He explained the two phases of the proposal; etc. Discussion followed: who will Mr. Mohr report to and who will make the decision to proceed; he will report to the City Manager, information will go to Council and they will decide to go to Phase II; etc. M/S Mullin/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 168-96 Carried by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL City Manager Wilson stated he had not had an op- portunity to review the commissioned survey from Mr. Obenhuber or see if it was comparable on total compensation for the City Clerk vs. other cities; and AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 9. Consideration and direction - Continued. the Council, by Motion, to adopt a resolution by title only to increase the City Clerk's salary and benefits as decided by the City Council. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL he did not have information on the number of indi- viduals supervised. He stated Mr. Obenhuber's schedule did not allow him to attend tonight's meet- ing and one of the directives was to seek him to be here to answer any questions. Mr. Obenhuber did indicate to the Personnel Officer he will be available for the next meeting in Decem- ber, so the City Manager recommended that the Council continue the item. Mayor Drago asked why it took so long to come up with the numbers. City Manager Wilson stated they went to Mr. Obenhuber and he related his timeframe would be six to eight weeks to come up with the numbers, because he had other assignments, so he was not sure Mr. Obenhuber was tardy or extremely late in production. Councilman Yee stated he wanted to look at both the City Clerk and Mr. Obenhuber's information on the 18th and have it put into a single report. City Manager Wilson stated he would have the Clerk's cities incorporated into the report. Councilman Yee stated he wanted to see bay area cities, not those in southern California. Mayor Drago asked that staff agendize for 12/18/96, Council options on the property on Orange Avenue that Kaiser owns in the event the zoning needs to be changed. If the Kaiser property is zoned for light industrial, maybe the Council would like to review the options of residential development before the property is put on the market. Councilman Mullin stated he and the Vice Mayor were the Subcommittee sitting in on firefighter negotiations on 12/9/96 and 12/10/96 and wants a Council meeting before the Mayor goes off Council, so the Subcommittee can report progress in a Closed Session on the firefighters negotiations to get Mayor Drago's input. He announced that today he was married 31 years to his wife, congratulated her and thanked her for not objecting to the time the Council has taken. He 11/13/96 Page 16 AGENDA A~TION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT: ITEMS FROM COUNCIL stated, at some point in the future, he wants to thank Mayor Drago for the mentorship and guidance for his first year on the Council. He shares the concern on his leaving, but feels very confident from what the Mayor has done for him and the Council. Councilman Yee stated he echoes Councilman Mullin's comments about Mayor Drago and would like to adjourn this meeting in the Mayor's honor. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11:15 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED. .arbara A. Battaya, City Clerk '.ity of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 11/13/96 Page 17