HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1997-01-08 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: James L. Datzman Eugene R. Mullin . Iohn R. Penna Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room 167 January 8, 1997 ~_PECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 8, 1997 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 8th day of January 1997, at 5:30 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: Interview of Personnel Board applicants. Dated: January 2, 1997 ~2ity Clerk City of South San Francisco CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) Interview of Personnel Board applicants. ACTION TAKEN 5:37 p.m. Mayor Fernekes presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Datzman, Mullin, Penna, Yee and Fernekes. None. Council interviewed the following applicants: Rich- ard Noftsger, James Olson, Judith Honan, John Tamburini, Carleton Rowlands, Oscar Galeno, Margaret Warren, Gloria Taormina, Karen Romano and Eloise Kee. Frank Prendergast notified the Council that he was ill, Rudy Molina was a no show and Frank D'Alessandro was imerested in being reappointed, but not in being interviewed. M/S Mullin/Yee - To adjourn the meeting. 1/8/97 Page 1 A~NDA ACTION TAKEN DJOURNMENT: Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 7:07 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, arbara . attaya, ~ ~ City Clerk~~ City of South San Francisco APPROVED. ~:~90 f S ou'h A ~ Ft~r ~e~'r anMcaiYs~~ The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 1/8/97 Page 2 Mayor Joseph A. Fernekes Council: James L. Datzman Eugene R. Mullin lohn R. Penna Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room January 8, 1997 169 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: PRESENTATIONS -~ath of Office to appointed Councilmember James L. atzman by Former Mayor Jack Drago .~l ~ A<IION TAKEN 7:35 p.m. Mayor Fernekes presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Datzman, Mullin, Penna, Yee and Fernekes. None. The Pledge was recited. Lay Minister John, Grace Covenant Church, gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Fernekes introduced the following individu- als: San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Presi- dent Mike Niven, Supervisor Mary Griffin, San Mateo County Sheriff Don Horsley, Daly City Councilman Al Teglia, Former Daly City Council- man Jim Tucker, San Bruno City Manager Tom Hedley, Jim Metz and Mike Pacelli from the Cham- ber of Commerce. Former Mayor Jack Drago gave the Oath of Office to appointed Councilmember James L. Datzman. Couneilmember Datzman introduced: wife Sandy, son Jeff who is a Vacaville Police Detective and son Eric who is employed by United Airlines. He thanked the Council for the appointment and intend- ed to prove himself worthy of their trust. He thanked former Mayor Jack Drago for all the things he did with a Council that worked well together. He realized some of the issues facing Council: disastrous flooding problems which he had experi- enced with Colma Creek as a police rookie; BART disruption; the downtown needs a development plan because of the expansion of the Airport; need to assess how we can benefit on regional decisions. 1/8/97 Page 1 A~ENDA ACI!QN TAKEN PRESENTATIONS ~ath of Office - Continued. RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER POST by Bob Spurlock to Police Chief Raffaelli South San Francisco Unidos Organization by Pedro Gon- zalez GENDA REVIEW City Manager Wilson Requested: - To suspend the Consent Calendar and take each item individually for the benefit of the new Councilmember. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS PRESENTATIONS He feels S.S.F. plays an important role in the future of San Mateo County's quality of life in residential areas. He feels there should be clean streets and inviting parks to make a good City, for we have a talented and competent City Manager, staff and employees. Mayor Fernekes called a recess at 7:50 p.m. for a brief reception for the new Councilman. Mayor Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m., all Council was present. Mr. Bob Spurlock presented an Executive Certificate for Achievements in Law Enforcement to Police Chief Raffaelli and stated in 40 years only 683 certificates have been awarded in California. Mr. Pedro Gonzales and Blanca Avalar gave a thumbnail sketch of activities of their organization in the community to promote scholarships and keep children in school. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Tony Khorozian, 209 E1 Camino Real, related: he watched the last meeting and does not believe the taxpayers of this City should pay $32,000 for adver- tising for business for hotels; the City is not the Red Cross with the taxpayers money, even though he feels Mr. Connor has a nice business; he feels other hotels have lousy service and food and yet they still come to the City for money; he had a recent experi- ence at a hotel, with 250 people in attendance, and it was lousy; he feels the Council is doing a good job; he congratulated former Police Chief Datzman for leaving the Department in good hands and it is being well run; he feels the Council, is entitled to a 5% per year increase from 1977 which should also apply to former Councilmembers Nicolopulos, Teglia and Drago, because he does not feel $360.00 per month is sufficient, for the Council is doing a good job for 1/8/97 Page 2 A~ENDA ACTION TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to confirm expense claims of 1/8/97. Motion to award a contract to Midstate Construction Corporation, in the amount of $4,139,000, for the Aircraft Noise Insulation program Phase XIII. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AWARD OF CONTRACT TO MIDSTATE CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR THE AIRCRAFT NOISE INSULATION PROGRAM - PHASE XIII PROJECT Resolution to accept the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, funding for the Police Department in the amount of $48,000. ~5'1 ~923 171 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS the City. Ms. Maggie Pierson, ArtRise, stated the next ArtRise production will be All My Sons, by Arthur Miller, beginning 1/16/97 on a Thursday night. She stated the performance will run Thursday, Friday and Saturday for three weekends due to the perfor- mances selling out and this is an attempt to accom- modate the patrons. COMMUNITY FORUM No one chose to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR M/S Mullin/Perma - To approve the expense claims of 1/8/97 in the amount of $3,665,771.70. Carried by majority machine vote and Councilman Datzman abstained. Councilman Mullin questioned the bond signature irregularity. Mr. David Valkenaar stated the firm neglected to sign the bond, however, they have done window, rehab work before. Councilman Yee stated he asked for a summary of phasing and financing, which has not been forthcom- ing, and questioned if the City had to award the bid to the low bidder. Mr. Valkenaar stated they do not have to submit a summary, unless the firm lacked the ability to do the work. M/S Yee/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1-97 Carried by majority machine vote and Councilman Datzman abstained. M/S Datzman/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 2~97 1/8/97 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN C, ONSENT CALENDAR Resolution - Continued. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 97-11 TO AMEND THE PO- LICE DEPARTMENT'S CURRENT BUDGET TO INCLUDE THE $48,204 THE DEPARTMENT WILL RECEIVE UNDER THE LOCAL LAW EN- FORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS PROGRAM FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE Resolution extending the set aside for the ~ ~9~ ~-- Westborough Pool. A RESOLUTION CONCERNING FUNDING FOR THE PROPOSED WESTBOROUGH SWIMMING POOL Resolution for Project Read to submit a grant pro- posal to the Peninsula Foundation to fund a computer lab. ~"~2. ~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000 TO THE PENINSULA FOUNDATION TO FUND A COMPUTER LEARNING LAB AS A SERVICE OF PROJECT READ DURING THE 1997 CALENDAR YEAR 6. Motion to accept the Municipal Services Building Garage Non-skid Surface Project as complete. ~q't9 CONSENT CALENDAR Carried by unanimous voice vote. 177 M/S Yee/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 3-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Mullin/Yee - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 4-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Mullin questioned if anyone knew how efficiently the floor has performed from recent rains. Director of Public Works stated there were no com- plaints and no claims against the City. Councilman Yee questioned if the Fire Station was still leaking. Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Ser- vices Nagel stated one side of the building has not been addressed. M/S Yee/Mullin - To accept the Municipal Services Building Garage Non-skid Surface Project as com- plete. Carried by majority machine vote and Councilmember Datzman abstained. 1/8/97 Page 4 ~ENDA ~TION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR ?. Motion to adopt the ordinance for the Terrabay Spe- cific Plan and Development Agreement. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN SUNCHASE G.A. CAL- IFORNIA, INC. (AS SUCCESSOR TO W.W. DEAN AND ASSOCIATES) AND THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RELATED TO EX- TENDING THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE AGREEMENT TO FEBRUARY 14, 2007 173 CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Fernekes stated two letters were received by Council: President Farnum Alston, The Environ- mental Resources Co., dated 1/7/97 and Treasurer Lewis Buchner, San Bruno Mountain Watch, dated 1/8/97. City Attorney Mattas stated these related to the EIR wherein the Council had closed the hearing, so this will become a part of the record, but not CEQA. Mr. Russell Kramer, 32 Tular St., Brisbane, read the Environmental Mitigation Exchange Co.'s letter into the record: "The Environmental Mitigation Exchange Company (EMAX), a California corpora- tion, is writing this letter for the public record in regards to the 1/8/97 Council meeting and specifi- cally the pending Council vote on consent calendar item number seven concerning adoption of an ordi- nance approving a second agreement between Sunchase G.A. California, INC and the City of South San Francisco related to extending the expira- tion date of the existing development agreement to February 14, 2007. We have the following observations and concerns for the public record: 1) The City of S.S.F. is the lead agency under CEQA and as such is required to develop adequate environmental impact statement(s) for the full impacts of this proposed project under all appropriate federal and state laws. There are several highly sensitive environmental and historic features and habitats on this site - Federal and State listed endangered species and Indian burial shell mounds, etc. There are serious questions based on our review of the proposed EIR about the adequacy of the EIR in dealing with these Federal and State protected habitats and features. 2) We have also made the case in prior submissions to the Coun- oil and the City Planning Commission that there has not been adequate consideration in the revised EIR of the 'No Project' alternative. We view this alter- native as highly viable and have offered Sunchase $2,000,000 dollars for two property units (9, 10) to establish an environmental mitigation bank to preserve this property and its features (endangered species, shell mounds, etc.) as open space and for the public use. While Sunchase has not yet accepted our offer this fact does not diminish the viability of the 'No Project' alternative. 3) the City 1/8/97 Page 5 AGENDA ACIION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR ?. Motion - Continued. 1/8/97 Page 6 CONSENT CALENDAR of S.S.F. has a stated vested economic interest in developing this property and as a result there is a possible conflict of interest with the City being both the lead agency for the EIR/EIS processes and the approving agency of the viability of the EIR. 4) Further, questions have been raised about the 'real' economic impacts of this project and whether the 'long term costs' of this project to the City of S.S.F., San Mateo County and local citizens for infrastructure and support will in fact be offset by the supposed 'revenues' from this proposed devel- opment. What are the detailed development plans and the specific economic benefits? Before the City embarks on agreeing to this plan extension, it would seem to make sense to conduct an economic impact review of this project to assure the public that the 'benefits' do in fact outweigh the 'costs. 5) Final- ly, Sunchase has not disclosed publicly any of the current details of their overall project plans and thus the EIR is being developed in a piece meal way. What is the 'Terrabay Specific Development Plan'? The 1982 plan? A revised plan? None of this has been made public in the City Planning Commission meetings or in the City Council meetings by Sunchase or the City. Such a piece meal approach to a project with multiple phases and the lack of dealing in a contemporary way with current environ- mental and economic issues is a serious deficiency of the revised EIR. We are assessing our next steps based on what the City Council does on this ordi- nance." by Farnum Alston, President, The Environ- mental Resources Company. City Attorney Mattas stated he received the letter from the Environmental Mitigation Exchange Com- pany today and proceeded to refute the claims: this was sensitive archaeologically and additional mitiga- tion measures are programmed in Phase 2 and 3; no program alternative for the $2 million; EIR did identify program alternatives, so the Council will review them if Phase 3 does proceed; there is a vested economic interest, however, there is no eon- filet of interest; City followed CEQA and did check with all agencies; there are provisions for additional financial analysis and the Council was free to ask for more; both the Planning Commission and Council approved the Special Plan, the Public Hearing was previously closed and it had a 75 day review; etc. AGENDA ACTIQN TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR I. Motion - Continued. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Appeal of Planning Commission decision to allow Boston Market's use at 1057 El Camino Real (currently Gunter's), the appeal was made by Steve Doukas; Conduct Public Hearing; Motion to deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission decision to approve UP-96-109. 175 CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Penna stated the City Attorney's staff report stated the ordinance was introduced by a 4-0 vote, but he had voted no. He stated Council was dealing with 5000 year old burial grounds and putt- ing in something like this could destroy the shell mounds. Councilman Yee stated Councilman Penna did vote for the introduction. Councilman Mullin stated the yes vote did not con- done the destruction of the shell mounds and opened the door to allow for mitigation of those sites and adding the hook ramps. Mayor Fernekes stated that was correct. Councilman Yee stated he brought this up two meetings ago on the word "capping" which is to be decided in Phase 3. Mayor Fernekes stated those are options for the Council at that time. M/S Yee/Mullin - To adopt the Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1200-97 Carried by majority machine vote, Councilman Penna voted no and Councilman Datzman abstained. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Fernekes opened the Public Hearing. City Clerk Battaya read the following letter into the record from Steve Doukas, dated 1/3/97: "I re- ceived my personal notice, this date, for this January 8th meeting. Because of this late notice, a previous engagement precludes my appearance at this meet- ing. I take no issue with the timeliness of the no- tice, but wish that my comments, herein contained, will be read into the record of this meeting, and so considered. The Planning Commissioners informed me, that the reasons for my opposition to this item were not issues within the Planning Commission's authority, and that the City Council has discretion in these matters. The staff report that refers to the 'appellants letter' contains the thoughts and ideas 1/8/97 Page 7 AQENDA A~!!QN TAK~ PUBLIC HEARINGS ). Public Hearing - Continued. 1/8/97 Page 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS of Gunter's customers (many who are to shy to appear before a proceeding such as this). In the body of this letter, I wish only to raise, the issues that are of concern to me and to the issues that affect the local people who depend on a restaurant, such as Gunter's. I believe in free enterprise and Gunter and Ilsa Ullman's right to stay in business or sell the busi- ness. I personally hope that the Ullmans may sell their business if this is their wish and enjoy a well earned retirement. My problem is that the use of this property will be drastically changed, thereby changing the neighborhood. I don't feel that the impact of this change of use has been fully ad- dressed. Agreeably, Gunthers and Boston Market both sell food, but that is where the similarity ends. Gunter's opens for business by 6:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m., 365 days a year. Boston Market is open from 11:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m. Breakfast and morning coffee, therefor, are not available. Gunthers offers beer and wine. Boston Market does not. Where can a person find a simple restaurant with this option? Gunthers is a full service restaurant that typically caters to customers, especially to the people who cannot serve themselves because of age or disabili- ties. Boston Market does not. Boston Market re- quires that a patron stand in line in order to select and purchase any item. Boston Market states that their employees can 'help' customers when they are not 'busy', this is not a comfort to people who can- not carry trays or run for their own coffee refill and typically, the ideal Boston Market is 'busy'. Gunter's employs professional wait staff who earn most of their income from 'tips'. Boston Market operation is not set up for situations that will pro- mote 'tips', therefore, Boston Market's comment regarding continued employment of Gunter's staff is specious. Gunter's Restaurant had no resale value approximately three years ago, when the Kragens Auto Parts and the Blockbuster Franchises threat- ened to take over the Gunthers Restaurant property. The reason was that Gunthers had no lease, as did the 'Video Bug' video store, which was able to 'sell out' for a handsome price. At that time, AGENDA _AC_TIQN TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Continued. 1/8/97 Page 9 PUBLIC HEARINGS Gunter's staff and customers organized a grass roots effort to save 'Gunthers Restaurant' as a 'necessary' service for the community. This effort was brought before the City Council, which favored saving the Restaurant and denied Blockbusters application. These combined efforts rewarded the Ullman's with a favorable and marketable lease. Did we somehow lose the need for this Restaurant, simply because we handed the owners a 'marketable' lease? Do we forget the staff and community effort that went into saving Gunter's? We still have people who rely on a restaurant like this. The nearest coffee shop/restaurant like this (style, hours, affordability) is in Daly City. In closing, I would like to encourage the idea that City Planning is not merely the function of deciding how many parking spaces a shopping center needs, but what type of necessary service does the community need, not forgetting its aged citizens, and young low income families. I know of one or two restaurateurs who would like to relocate to this lucrative Gunthers site. I believe that this business is marketable as it is. Hopefully this could be the desired resolution. No one wants to see Mr. and Mrs. Ullmann close their restaurant, without the prospect of a sale. With regard to the traffic and other logistical ques- tions regarding this property, I have faith in the City staff, police and fire departments ability to develop suitable solutions. Respectfully submitted for your consideration, I remain. Steve Doukas" Mr. Ted Kennedy, Boston Market, stated Boston Market is a restaurant that serves rotis- serie turkey, ham, meatloaf, vegetable side dishes, stuffing, fresh fruit salad, pot pies and bread baked on the premises. They see themselves somewhere above fast food because everything is done from scratch. He feels Boston Market is well received and have shown everything to the Planning Com- mission which they approved. We will have 80 seats, a sit down restaurant, people can eat in or out and it is cafeteria style with the food on display. He stated anyone can sample any of the food on display, as in the case of a ham they will slice a piece for you to taste before ordering a sandwich or you can taste fresh cooked potatoes. He personally does not know what is done for people who cannot go through the line to select their food for he is a AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Continued. 1/8/97 Page 10 ACTIQN TAKEN 178 PUBLIC HEARINGS real estate person for Boston Market. Mr. Colin Post, 1136 Sunnyside Dr., stated the community nee~ls a restaurant like this for people to sit, visit, enjoy their coffee and the old people talk about the 49ers and play keno as they used to do at Tony's Hofbrau, which isn't there anymore. He stated Mr. Ullmann made a comment outside to him, and he said put your money where your mouth is. Mr. Peter Ullmann stated that his father and mother have worked very hard daily in the restaurant for many years after taking it over from Zims. This decision did not come easy to retire for there have been few offers and my dad is 75 years old, his mom is 39 again and they have seen many changes in the restaurant business and feel the market is right for a Boston Market. Mr. Gunter Ullmann, 1057 El Camino Real, stated he opened the Gunter's Restaurant on 1/8/80 and has seen his customers come and go and made many friends. He described the difficulty in business in today's market to keep up with the competition. He stated it is a fact he has many older customers, but he is old himself and it is time to think about he and his wife. He stated his employees do not make many tips because of declining business, however, he was laid off many times and found other jobs, which is part of life. He stated his employees are professionals and will get other jobs. He personally knows that Boston Market people do bring the food to the table for the elderly people and do not pres- sure people to leave; etc. Councilman Datzman stated he has had many break- fasts at Gunter's Restaurant and asked if the eom- ments in the newspaper were correct. Mr. Ullmann stated no, the whole article was a distortion of the facts. A young woman reporter came to us and practically every word she quoted in her article was wrong. He stated they were trying to have the San Mateo Times print a retraction, but they are not cooperating. Mr. Khorazian stated the real estate man said the Boston Market could seat 80 people and questioned if that means 80 additional cars parked in the lot. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cassette No. 2) 1/8/97 Page 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS He related there is already a deli across the street, plus Little Lucca Deli and now another with Boston Market. He was concerned with the Gunter people who will be out of a job, yet the Council saved Gunter's several years when their lease was going to be terminated. Discussion followed: Gunter's seats 94 people, so the seat count will be less; this use is in a shopping center and the zoning reflects the combined uses and shared parking of 245 spaces; some changes will have to be made through restriping and plans show- ing the circulation; conditions include landscaping and a trash enclosure; the parking is contained over three different properties and staff has to get all of them to cooperate; the engineers feel there can be an improved flow diagram; Councilman Mullin noted the screened trash container is in the staff report, but not in the conditions for the use permit and wants it included; Mr. Ted Kennedy stated Boston Market is looking for managers and workers for the restaurant; etc. Mayor Fernekes closed the Public Hearing. Discussion followed: Councilman Yee feels the landscaping should be approved by staff and the Design Review Board, but those conditions are not here in 2E and the trash enclosure should be rede- signed; Monday night Councilman Datzman met Mr. Doukas who told him he was unable to attend tonight's meeting due to a conflict of interest; Coun- cilman Datzman asked if he intended to purchase the restaurant or knew of someone who did, and the response was no; Councilman Penna stated there were three drug stores on Grand Avenue in past years, all with soda fountains, and today there is one without ice cream; if the Council denies this use Mr. Gunter will just close the doors, where now the employees can go to work at Boston Market; Mayor Fernekes went to a Boston Market and enjoyed the experience; etc. M/S Yee/Drago - To uphold the Planning Commis- sion decision to approve UP-96-10 and include 2e. Landscaping, including a fully enclosed trash col- lection facility shall be provided as represented on the submitted plans and are subject to review and approval by staff. All landscaping disturbed by PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. Public Hearing - Continued. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 10. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Wuhu City for promotion of an economic and trade partnership'E;~'/ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT OF PROMOTION OF ECONOMIC AND TRADE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN WUHU, ANHI, P.R. CHINA AND THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO, CALIFORNIA, USA 11. Report on the hotel incentive package. ACI!QN TAKEN 180 PUBLIC HEARINGS construction shall be replaced. Mr. Kennedy agreed to the added conditions. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Councilman Mullin asked what was known of the background due to convict labor in China and want- ed the matter postponed. Councilman Penna stated there is a free trade zone in Shanghai in manufacturing, agriculture and food processing. City Manager Wilson stated Wuhu City provided S.S.F. with a packet for it is an extensive commu- nity on the Yangtze River, however, if that is not enough he will research it further. Councilman Yee stated three years ago we had the first delegation that was very aggressive for a sister city relationship. A letter had been written advising them S.S.F. had a limit of 4 sister cities, so a rela- tionship was reduced to this agreement and a month ago the Council gave the impression this would be adopted. He sees no reason not to adopt the agree- ment, for the City will benefit from the relationship. Councilman Mullin stated he did not know the histo- ry, does not have a problem with the Pacific Rim, wants more information which he will research on the internet and will vote against it tonight. Councilman Yee stated one negative vote is not a good message and asked that the item be continued for more information for Councilman Mullin. Coordinator of Economic & Community Develop- ment Beyer related information on the four sites available for a 300+ room hotel. Discussion followed: Councilman Yee does not think it is aggressive enough and wants the Mayor to be the focal point in these transactions for he is the best person to promote the City; he feels there should be a better strategy rather than waste $50,000 with 1/8/97 Page 12 ~ENDA AC!!QN TAKEN 181 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 1. Report on the hotel incentive package - Continued. 12. Report on status of freight forwarding in South San Francisco. ~0 ~ q ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 13. Resolution amending the salary and benefits package for the City Clerk. 5/~ ~ A RESOLUTION AMENDING COMPENSATION PACKAGE FOR THE CITY CLERK ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS brochure; Councilman Datzman felt staff Was asking Council to become pro active for there is the Airport expansion; Councilman Penna will be glad to sit with Councilman Yee as a Subcommittee; Coun- cilman Yee is concerned with spending $50,000 without a concept; staff does not have a great knowledge of the Pacific Rim market for tourism; staff talked with one firm and asked what programs are necessary and talked about a modest amount of promotion with consultants; a consulting firm said you can't do a one effect, but you need a sustaining one; Councilman Mullin felt it was ephemeral (a lot of air, like cotton candy); he agrees the Council has to be aggressive, but at this stage it is scattered; Mayor Fernekes directed Councilmembers Yee and Penna to serve as a Subcommittee, meet with staff, and come up with a concept. Coordinator of Economic & Community Develop- ment Beyer gave a brief staff report and stated the Airport fosters this type of use. Discussion followed: Councilman Penna stated the land and rent costs are $18.00 sq. ft. which freight forwarders can't afford and the market forces will drive the forwarders; trucking is allowed; there needs to be an adjustment in the plan; Councilman Yee felt staff should come back with a more firm recommendation; staff can schedule this for a study session; Councilman Penna feels mixing bio-tech and the trucking industry is mixing cattle and sheep; Councilman Datzman commended staff for putting together a positive concept. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Yee stated he and Councilman Penna, as a Subcommittee, met with the City Clerk this afternoon and they appreciated her cooperation and recommended the following be adopted in the reso- lution: effective 1/1/97 the bi-weekly salary shall be $2,479.22, a 15% increase, and another 5% on 1/1/98 for $2,603.18 to bring her up to the average; she asked for 80 hours of administrative leave, discussed the policy of the City Manager and De- partment Heads and concluded that 70 hours is a fair number; Council, City Clerk and City Treasurer should have annual sessions to discuss how to im- prove relationships for we are all elected officials 1/8/97 Page 13 TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 3. R~olution - Continued. 14. Appointments to the Personnel Board..~' I ~'..~ GOOD AND WELFARE 15. Motion to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, January 15, 1997, 6:00 p.m., City Council Confer- ence Room, City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue, for a Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957, for an evalu- ation of the City Manager and at 7:00 p.m. discussion of the deregulation of the electric industry. DJOURNMENT: ITEMS FROM COUNCIL and this should be done yearly in December and we should have one in the next 60 days. M/S Yee/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 5-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. The Council, by written vote, appointed James P. Olson and Carleton D. Rowlands (four year terms), reappointed Richard A. Noftsger and appointed Gloria Taormina for the unexpired term. GOOD AND WELFARE Councilman Penna related: there will be a Career Fair on 1/15/97 from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the Conference Center with free seminars; wants Sena- tor Kopp to investigate why the access ramp has been closed for two years for construction; why is it taking so long and what is the cost. Councilman Yee stated staff should first contact Caltrans, get the facts and then contact Senator Kopp. He feels staff is doing a good job and wants to look at Department Heads, as was done with the City Clerk, and see where we are at in salary and not just assume everything is fine. City Manager Wilson stated this has been ordered from Mr. Obenhuber, he is looking at 10 cities and then there will be a study session. M/S Yee/Penna - To adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, 1/15/97, 5:30 p.m., City Council Con- ference Room, City Hall, 400 Grand Ave., for the purpose at 5:30 p.m for interviews of Planning Commission applicants; deregulation of the electric industry and a Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957, for an evaluation of the City Manager. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11:30 p.m. 1/8/97 Page 14 AGENDA AC_TIQ_N TAKEN . 185 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco APPROVED. The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 1/8/97 Page 15