HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1997-12-17Mayor Eugene R. Mullin Council: James L. Datzman Joseph A. Fernekes Karyl Matsumoto lohn R. Penna V oL,~v-~a. ~ MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room December 17, 1997 s__E E_C ! A L MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECEMBER 17, 1997 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 17th day of December 1997, at 7:05 p.m., in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: 1. Call to order. Motion to reappoint Efrain Roman as a Tenant Housing Commissioner whose term expired October 11, 1996. 3. Motion for the appropriation of a senior housing program on the Kaiser property on West Orange Avenue. 4. Adjournment. Dated: December 16, 1997 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: (Cassette No. 1) Motion to reappoint Efrain Roman as a Tenant Hous- ing Commissioner whose term expired October 11, 1996. ~0~7 City Clerk City of South San Francisco ACTION TAKEN 7:15 p.m. Mayor Mullin presiding. Council Present: Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto, Penna and Mullin. Council Absent: None. M/S Fernekes/Datzman - To reappoint Efrain Ro- man as a Tenant Housing Commissioner. Carried by unanimous voice vote. 12/17/97 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Motion for the appropriation of a senior housing program on the Kaiser property on West Orange_ ,,~ Avenue. City Manager Wilson stated the item is a discussion of the appropriateness of senior housing on the site. At the last Council meeting the Subcommittee raised the issue and indicated in their discussion with the developer the issue of senior housing was brought up on the Kaiser site with the Developer and that was why it was agendized. If the Council recalls, a number of months ago we were approached by Kaiser to consider the zoning or what we felt was appropriate. It is light industrial, so the Planning Dept. did an analysis of that site and focused on two points on what would be appropriate for the surrounding neighborhood and what would be traffic impacts if we wanted to change the zon- ing. Through that discussion the Council focused on residential being the most appropriate for the site, we did not think R&D was appropriate because of the impacts on the neighborhood and the circulation. One thing we explored was senior housing that has fewer trip generations with traffic and we were concerned with Orange Avenue with all sorts of exotic circulation and concerned with traffic in front of two schools and the park which can be congested in the a.m. and in the p.m. In the discussions with many of the developers there was a question of how many senior housing units, and we indicated as a staff that the Council had considered senior housing on that site and they could seriously consider this, and it was left nebulous, but was given a tacit nod. Kaiser's developer did not address senior housing, they came forward and the issue was raised again and at that point the developer went out to consider scenarios, one for profit and two covering what this would mean for a housing site, for each type has different needs and methodology and the variation for a number of units to build on that site. That in the eyes of the developer and Kaiser put a burden on cost which they were concerned about, so we sat down with them and explored costs and the net impact was $1.7 million that would take away from the many lots for housing and they would not be able to sell to seniors for enough money. We then sat and worked with them on other concepts and say what if you participate in that in another site and they can make the amount of dollars generated on the site in question. He admitted some of the ideas were exotic ranging from the Willow Gardens, and we raised an option with the Industrial Hotel. Hotel. They pointed out Willow Gardens as an 12/17/97 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Motion - Continued. 12/17/97 Page 3 approach where money could be reinvested and they could recapture a good portion of the $1.7 million. He stated the Subcommittee, related to Kaiser, were not speaking as a Council, but just voicing individ- ual opinions and this has not gone before the Coun- cil other than a year ago. So, we are here tonight to discuss if senior housing is appropriate on that site or could be achieved on another site or through participation of this developer. Discussion followed: the Council concern was for single family housing and traffic, so if we had senior housing it would be a plus, and documenting hous- ing needs in the community; Councilman Fernekes stated the Subcommittee wants to know if Council wants it to continue in discussions - do we want to talk about keeping within the site or create funds and use that at another location; the Subcommittee, in discussions, heard that senior housing could be too much on the site and the property owner may with- draw and not go in that direction which leads to concern; Council discussed, when this first started, whether there was a need for senior housing and that is a yes, and then the question is whether this is the possible site and the answer was yes and it is sitting down and talking about the give and take; when you talk about land use you are talking about 158 lots and how many would be taken up as senior housing; Council never came up with a definitive plan, but said it looks like it would cost a considerable amount and would rather look at alternatives and right from the start the position we found ourselves was that Council would rather have the senior hous- ing at another location; Councilman Fernekes stated, the Council early on asked the City Manager and the Economic Development Director to look at the actual need and it shows there is a need for it in the community; Councilwoman Matsumoto asked, if we have financial participation, then what is the $1.7 million; the developer went out and contacted three organizations that do senior housing and asked what sort of footprint, how many units do they need; they selected one who did an analysis and they needed a two acre parcel to achieve it and there were so many things that would essentially determine they would lose up to 20 parcels and that housing project could afford to pay for land and make the senior housing viable; the City Manager feels the developer did an honest and thorough job of putting up what the cost would be, and that is how the $1.7 million AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Motion - Continued. ADJOURNMENT: 12/17/97 Page 4 came in and what they would lose in terms of reve- nue in selling the lots that would be absorbed after the sale of the 20 acres; etc. Mr. Collin Post suggested minimizing traffic by having a one-way in and one-way out, say come out on Canal going to Spruce and only emergency vehi- cles going in and coming out and no left turns. Mayor Mullin stated he looked at one of the prelim- inary site plans and thought there were two entranc- es and exists and they are going to improve No. Canal, but he understood what Mr. Post was saying. Discussion followed: Councilman Penna stated, what we are saying is senior housing will be elimi- nated; talking about taking a portion of the revenue and build it out to the original plans and taking the contribution and locate the senior housing in the community, for even though Mayor Mullin concurs senior housing is needed - this project falls in the affordable range; if we can develop and look at Willow Gardens or another area and look at homes that are closer in meeting the needs of the younger people; Councilman Penna felt the cost to segregate the property would be so prohibitive that it would jeopardize the project; etc. Consensus of Council - To direct staff to look for another location for senior housing. City Manager Wilson stated the City has the twenty percent set aside that can be used anywhere in the community. If we want to look at new housing projects, unless they are in a redevelopment area then the Council may want to look at a fee for se- nior housing. Vice Mayor Datzman was concerned as to how to determine what is affordable. M/S Penna/Matsumoto - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 7:40 p.m. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN .._RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco APPROVED. City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 12/17/97 Page 5 Mayor Eugene R. Mullin Council: James L. Datzman Joseph A. Fernekes -'-Karyl Matsumoto iohn R. Penna MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room December 17, 1997 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECEMBER 17, 1997 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 17th day of December 1997, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community ROom, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: ROLL CALL AGENDA REVIEW ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 12/1/97. 2. Motion to accept the comprehensive annual financial and audit reports for 1996-1997. Motion to approve conveyance of the Surplus Property Authority (former GSA site) Parcel APN No. 015- 010-160 from the South San Francisco Surplus Property Authority to the Redevelopment Agency and direct staff to prepare and record the conveyance documents including the certificate of acceptance. o Resolution approving a budget amendment to include $54,649 in Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Money for the Police Department. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 OPERATING BUDGET (NO. 98-6) TO ADD $54,649 TO THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR POLICE SERVICES TO REDUCE CRIME AND IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY Motion authorizing the City Manager to execute a revocable permit between the City of South San Francisco and the City and County of San Francisco Public Utilities Commission for landscape improve- ments at the south west corner of Westborough Blvd. and West Orange Avenue. 6. Resolution approving an amendment to the 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program for Land- 12/17/97 Page 1 Resolution - Continued. scape/Streetscape Project in the amount of $9,850.00. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENT BUDGET ADDING $9,850.00 FOR THE LANDSCAPE/STREETSCAPE PROJECT WITH FUNDING FROM THE NON-DESIGNATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE (CIP NO. 98-12) Motion to adopt an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance for Bay West Cove Specific Plan District. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 20.61 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH THE BAY WEST COVE SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICT AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REDESIGNATING THE PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAP NOS. 015-010-160, 015-010-340 AND 015-010-350 AS THE BAY WEST COVE SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARINGS o Public Hearing - Consideration of REST Parking Garage, GP-97-002, RZ-97-080, UP-97-008 and Negative Declaration No. 97-008 for rezoning four of the finger piers from O-S to Planned Industrial - Use Permit to allow construction of airport parking facility consisting of a seven level parking structure and surface parking totalling 1,861 spaces; Open Public Hearing, Motion to continue the item to the 1/14/98 meeting. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE EAST OF 101 AREA PLAN RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT OF PARCEL NO. 015-180-020 AND REALIGNING THE BAY TRAIL AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF PARCEL NO. 015-180-020 FROM OPEN SPACE (O-S) TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (P-I) Public Hearing - Consideration of Tentative Subdivision Map, SA-97-037, Mitigated Negative Declaration 97-037 and 97-0564 (SSFUSD/EI Rancho School site, Standard Building Company), to subdivide a 10 acre site into 39 lots for single family residences, and a School District Facility, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 19.48; and design review of 38 single family dwelling units, in accordance with SSFMC Title Chapter 20.85; Conduct Public Hearing; resolution to approve Mitigated Negative Declaration 97- 037 and 97-056, resolution approving SA-97-037. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 97-037 ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF THE SUBDIVISION OF THE 10 ACRE EL RANCHO SCHOOL SITE LOCATED AT 753 DEL MONTE AVENUE FOR AS MANY AS 39 LOTS AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AS MANY AS 38 RESIDENCES A RESOLUTION APPROVING A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (SA 98-037) FOR A THIRTY- NINE LOT SUBDIVISION ON THE FORMER EL RANCHO SCHOOL SITE LOCATION AT 753 DEL MONTE AVENUE 12/17/97 Page 2 10. Resolution approving a budget amendment for the Operating Budget for expansion of West Orange Library and award of contract to Group 4/Architects, in the amount of $60,000.00, as the lowest responsible bidder - continued from the 12/10/97 meeting. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO GROUP 4/ARCHITECTS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY EXPANSION PROJECT AND APPROVING A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP 98-13) TO INCREASE THE ALLOCATION BY $45,000 FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY EXPANSION 11. Consideration of side letter related to the Joint Powers Agreement related to pre-hospital emergency services; Motion to direct staff to advise Executive Board of City's desire to remain in the JPA subject to the approval of a side letter agreement by the JPA and the ambulance services provider candidates. 12. Discussion and direction on the expansion of Parking District No. 1. 13. Motion to provide direction to staff on funding priorities to be established in the Community Development Block Grant Program. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 14. Consideration of letter from Joseph H. Huber, City of Palo Alto, dated 11/5/97, asking to become a voting member of the Airport Community Roundtable. GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 15. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, labor negotiations on the Police Association; pursuant to GC 54956(c), initiation of litigation - one case. 16. Adjournment. City Clerk City of South San Francisco Dated: December 11, 1997 ~ENDA ACTION TAKEN CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) 7:50 p.m. Mayor Mullin presiding. ROLL CALL: Council Present: Council Absent: Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto, Penna and Mullin. None. Pl JEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 12/17/97 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN AGENDA REVIEW ity Manager Wilson Requested: - Open the Public Hearing on Item No. 8 and defer all testimony until the 1/14/97 meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 12/1/97. 2. Motion to accept the comprehensive annual financial and audit reports for 1996-1997. 3. Motion to approve conveyance of the Surplus Prop- erty Authority (former GSA site) Parcel APN No. 015-010-160 from the South San Francisco Surplus Property Authority to the Redevelopment Agency and __ direct staff to prepare and record the conveyance documents including the certificate of acceptance. Resolution approving a budget amendment to include $54,649 in Local Law Enforcement Block Grant AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Collin Post asked the audience to think very carefully before changing companies with the new electricity company deregulation, for they will pay more in the long run than in staying with PG&E. Ms. Marie Peterson, Beautification Committee, commended the Council for all the areas being spruced up, and stated 1998 will be a cleaner and more beautiful City because of the clean-up. COMMUNITY FORUM Councilwoman Matsumoto related: the next Cul- tural Arts project is a water sculpture on the west side of Junipero Serra. Councilman Fernekes stated there was an open position on BCDC and he had submitted his name to be a member. Mayor Muilin stated he was a judge at the Oyster Point Marina and walked three miles of wharves to judge the growth and beautification. He was hon- ored to be asked to judge the Christmas decorations in Winston Manor on 12/20/97. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilwoman Matsumoto. Approved. .512..D 12/17/97 Page 4 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution - Continued. Money for the Police Department. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 OPERATING BUDGET (NO. 98-6) TO ADD $54,649 THE DE- PARTMENT WILL RECEIVE FROM THE UNIT- ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BU- REAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE o Motion authorizing the City Manager to execute a revocable permit between the City of South San Francisco and the City and County of San Francisco Public Utilities Commission for landscape improve- ments at the south west corner of Westborough Blvd. and West Orange Avenue. Resolution approving an amendment to the 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program for Landscape/ Streetscape Project in the amount of $9,850.00. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO- GRAM BUDGET (CIP 98-12) ADDING $9,850.00 FOR THE LANDSCAPE/STREETSCAPE PRO- JECT WITH FUNDING FROM THE NON-DESIG- NATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE 7. Motion to adopt an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance for Bay West Cove Specific Plan District. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMEND- MENT TO CHAPTER 20.61 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH THE BAY WEST COVE SPECIFIC PLAN DIS- TRICT AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REDESIGNATING THE PROP- ERTY IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAP NOS. 015-010-160, 015-010-340 AND 015- 010-350 AS THE BAY WEST COVE SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 138-97 So ordered. .5'/2.0 RESOLUTION NO. 139-97 ORDINANCE NO. 1216-97 M/S Fernekes/Datzman - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item No. 2. Carried by unanimous voice vote, with the exception of Item No. 7 wherein Councilman Penna abstained 12/17/97 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Motion to accept the comprehensive annual financial and audit reports for 1996-1997. ~-7 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS due to a conflict of interest. Councilwoman Matsumoto requested a brief expla- nation. Director of Finance Brooks congratulated everyone for the level of cooperation in prudent, controlled spending. He stated there were no significant ad- justments and the City was in a good financial con- dition; etc. Mayor Mullin thanked the Finance Director and the people that paid and have generated the revenue to allow the City to move forword with ambitious plans for beautification. M/S Penna/Matsumoto - To accept the comprehen- sive annual financial and audit reports for 1996- 1997. Carried by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Consideration of REST Parking .~0~ Garage, GP-97-002, RZ-97-080, UP-97-008 and Negative Declaration No. 97-008 for rezoning four of the finger piers from O-S to Planned Industrial - Use Permit to allow construction of airport parking facili- ty consisting of a seven level parking structure and surface parking totalling 1,861 spaces; Open Public Hearing, Motion to continue the item to the 1/14/98 meeting. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE EAST OF 101 AREA PLAN RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT OF PAR- CEL NO. 015-180-020 AND REALIGNING THE BAY TRAIL Mayor Mullin opened the Public Hearing. City Manager Wilson asked that all comments be deferred and the Public Hearing continued to the 1/14/98 meeting. M/S Fernekes/Penna - To continue the Public Hear- ing to 1/14/98. Carried by unanimous voice vote. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF PARCEL NO. 015-180-020 FROM OPEN SPACE (O-S) TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (P-I) Public Hearing - Consideration of Tentative Subdivi- b-C'~®] Mayor Mullin opened the Public Hearing. sion Map, SA-97-037, Mitigated Negative Declaration 97-037 and 97-0564 (SSFUSD/EI Rancho School Chief Planner Harnish related: two separate plans site, Standard Building Company), to subdivide a 10 will be discussed tonight on the applicant's proposed acre site into 39 lots for single family residences, and subdivision; he will also discuss an alternative to 12/17/97 Page 6 AGENDA A~TION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Continued. a School District Facility, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 19.48; and design review of 38 single family dwelling units, in accordance with SSFMC Title Chapter 20.85; Conduct Public Hearing; resolution to approve Mitigated Negative Declaration 97-037 and 97-056, resolution approving SA-97-037. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING MITIGATED NEGA- TIVE DECLARATION 97-037 ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF THE SUBDIVISION OF THE 10 ACRE EL RANCHO SCHOOL SITE LOCATED AT 753 DEL MONTE AVENUE FOR AS MANY AS 39 LOTS AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AS MANY AS 38 RESIDENCES A RESOLUTION APPROVING A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (SA 98-037) FOR A THIRTY- NINE LOT SUBDIVISION ON THE FORMER EL RANCHO SCHOOL SITE LOCATION AT 753 DEL MONTE AVENUE PUBLIC HEARINGS that which was presented to the Planning Commis- sion back in October; the lots have the streets com- ing off of Del Monte Avenue; there are 38 residenc- es and school facilities would be retained for the time being; the dimensions of the homes proposed - eight dwelling units per acre and fits all regulations; the existing grade will be maintained; there is resi- dential on three sides of the project and the subdivi- sion will be maintained; there is residential on three sides and this is on the existing school site and is surrounded by residential uses; there was a neigh- borhood meeting that the project applicant held several months ago, and again at the Planning Com- mission meeting in October where several neighbor- hoods attended and raised several issues and con- cerns; concern of homes on Romney being looked into and a loss of privacy; general concern of losing open space; there not being adequate space in the schools to accommodate children coming in; concern on the size of the houses because they are not larger than the existing two stories, but are larger than houses in the existing area; for years there has been informal access to the school yard to Romney and gates to allow people to go in and out and if this project is developed that access would be lost; the applicant came up with a proposed alternative, to bring the street adjacent and move the houses back and the street would be intervening and the proposal would include building a concrete wall for this length of the roadway for all of these lots having double frontage on the street; by doing the revised design there was a retaining wall that would be eliminated and would not be completely level with the surrounding housing; this has been present- ed to the Planning Commission and are recommend- ing this for the plan to be approved, if that is the Council's decision, then it would have to come back for final approval; the characteristics of this alternative design is that 31 or 32 units and that is a 20% reduction in lot size and the height of the ground would be reduced and this is consistent with all of the existing subdivisions zoning and EIR regulations, and would not require any modification; the Planning Commission is recommending approval of the alternative plan and Negative Declaration and authorize preparation of the tentative subdivision map and bring it back for approval. Ms. Hilda Barradas, 779 Camaritas Ave., stated she 12/17/97 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS ~. Public Hearing - Continued. 12/17/97 Page 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS was speaking for herself, her neighbor Judy and the residents of Sterling who are concerned about the aircraft noise monitor on the roof of the school, stays in place. The noise is increasing and the residents feel the monitoring is the only noise lever- age. She read into the record a letter from Judy Korte, dated 12/17/97, "In response to the 12/2/97 Notice of Public Hearing to be held December 17 concern- ing the subdivision of a 10 acre site at the El Rancho School site we would like the following statement to be on record: We are speaking for the residents of Winston Manor 3 and Sterling Manor that were not included in the Airport Noise Insula- tion Program. San Francisco International Airport (SFO) has a noise monitor, Station 17, on the roof of the El Rancho School facility. We want to be sure that noise monitor stays at the school. The readings show that the CNEL readings have been increasing and we feel that is leverage in informing the Airport that we should have been included in the insulation program." Ms. Denise Bruno, 148 Romney Ave., related: she has been a resident for 44 years; she has gone through the School District, has been keeping up with the meetings and spreading information throughout the neighborhood for many people do not understand; she received the staff report and is also speaking for Barbara Scawards who is disabled; page 2, paragraph 2 of the staff report for the last Planning Commission meeting on whether anything like a den or a study is in the plans, for the floor plans include five and six bedrooms. She is concerned with the lack of privacy in the first proposal, the school impacts, the lost open space and baseball field the residents used for recreation and having an open area that was safe that had access to all but two homes. She feels that building the wall is unnecessary, because it is a flat area and with it everyone would have to go around the wall. As it is now, the parents can watch their children playing through their kitchen windows, rather than having to walk down to Alta Loma. She stated, Standard Homes has built homes on Chestnut that did not need to have an 8' wall, and it AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS ~. Public Hearing - Continued. 12/17/97 Page 9 PUBLIC HEARINGS feels more open and not cut off and divided. The staff report speaks of the site elevation, yet the grading is not going to be significant enough, for the homes will have their backyards to see into the homes and there will not be trees for esthetics. They will lose the grey horned owl and the euca- lyptus trees. If this 8' concrete wall is built who is going to maintain the area, for the residents will not be able to get to the area to clean. There will be three cars in the garage and one to two cars on the street. She knows that the homes are multi-family, not single family and the garages will be used for storage or extra family, while there is already over crowded parking and it takes 20 minutes to go to Romney due to the school, SamTrans drop-offs and parents picking up and dropping off children. If it could be diverted away from the corner, that will help and if they do take over the six acres, they can have a road farther down Del Monte. She disagreed with the statements in the shadow study made, for the residents on Byron are going to be impacted. There is a natural spring behind Romney and the homes run-off drain into that during the rainy season and if that is covered over she does not know how that will affect the drainage and how it will be impacted. The residents have a concern with humidifiers and do not feel their concerns have been taken into consideration. She discussed that, the shifting and the lowering of elevation of the ballfield about 8' which she does not believe is adequate. She stated that residents asked at the last two meet- ings for the altered plans which are a mixture of single and multiple levels to enable their privacy. She feels the access is needed for PG&E and Cable easements, as well as access for residents boats which she would otherwise have to sell because it cannot be parked on the street and it is too long for her garage. She stated the residents spoke to a landuse attorney and he told her after the access was developed it could not be taken, and she wanted that looked into; etc. Discussion followed: why was the density dropped; to meet the concerns of the neighborhood; are the concerns raised about wildlife significant; no; con- cerns about it taking 20 minutes to go a block and eight cars per home; concern about it being devel- oped piecemeal; 40 attended the meeting and 17 to AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS ). Public Hearing - Continued. 12/17/97 Page 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS 23 wanted to be informed, so the Mayor is confused and wants to see minutes to see more information; he wants to see options on the remaining land; how much dirt is going out; Councilman Penna does not like a project that puts a street in a baekyard; 6' is authorized, but they are talking about an 8' wall; rational was given by Mr. John Oschner on the elevations, they will put in a drainage system for they recognize there is a drainage problem; Mr. Ken stated there is no market for a ranch style home, so they are making them two story and the residents will not find four families living in a home; one mitigation measure could be to eliminate lower windows, so homeowners are not looking into the Romney property; there is an average of three in a single family home; there are multi-purpose rooms that are not bedrooms; Parkway Estates has no access to Tamarack Lane. Mayor Mullin closed the Public Hearing. Discussion followed: why were there two absten- tions; Mr. Moreno served on the School Committee and Mr. Sim worked with the architect; page 5 of 9- 2 proposal talks about parking if developed under A rather than B, does not speak to the street width; Sgt. Petrocchi stated he only looked at Plan A; Councilman Penna's home faces nurseries and is like the country and if development comes in he loses the open space; he is very concerned that it will not cause a lot of impact on drainage; Council can adopt the negative declaration and the resolution, seek more information for if plan B is favored it requires it be redrawn; staff can do research in two or three weeks; would not have revised map by then, but if it is not reduced then there is no need to revise the map; the developer is meeting all standards on heights, so Councilman Penna has a problem not approving this project; etc. M/S Datzman/Penna - To adopt the Resolution approving Negative Declaration 97-037. RESOLUTION NO. 140-97 Carried by majority roll call vote, Mayor Mullin voted no. M/S Datzman/Penna - To adopt the Resolution AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS ~. Public Hearing RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 10. Resolution approving a budget amendment for the _~0~ D Operating Budget for expansion of West Orange 5 ! ~- 0 Library and award of contract to Group 4/Architects, in the amount of $60,000.00, as the lowest responsi- ble bidder - continued from the 12/10/97 meeting. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO GROUP 4/ARCHITECTS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY EXPANSION PRO- JECT AND APPROVING A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE 1997-98 CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP 98-13) TO IN- CREASE THE ALLOCATION BY $45,000 FOR THE WEST ORANGE LIBRARY EXPANSION 11. Consideration of side letter related to the Joint Pow- ers Agreement related to pre-hospital emergency 5to~, services; Motion to direct staff to advise Executive Board of City's desire to remain in the JPA subject to the approval of a side letter agreement by the JPA and the ambulance services provider candidates. PUBLIC HEARINGS approving a Tentative Subdivision Map SA-98-037. RESOLUTION NO. 141-97 Carried by majority roll call vote, Mayor Mullin voted no. Mayor Mullin called a recess at 10:00 p.m. Mayor Mullin recalled the meeting to order at 10:17 p.m., all Council was present. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Director of Public Works Gibbs stated the staff report was resubmitted to respond to Vice Mayor Datzman's concerns. Vice Mayor Datzman stated the report did answer his questions. M/S Datzman/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 142-97 Discussion followed: is it a $1 million price tag for the scope of work; Director of Public Works replied in the affirmative; City Manager thought it would be less. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Fire Chief Lee related: negotiations have been on- going for the last three months with private providers; recommend that JPA approve both pro- posal; in September the Council decided it was 'beneficial to stay in the JPA and be at the forefront; the JPA is getting back together tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. and we can withdraw, but we must tell them by 4:00 p.m. or decide the Council wants to stay in the JPA; staff feels it is still beneficial to remain a member for we are the leader in the field if guaran- tees are given; the City Attorney feels we should have a side letter saying the City will not be harmed. City Manager Wilson suggested two side letters so as to put the substantive points in another reformat- ted document that would be approved by the Sub- 12/17/97 Page 11 A~ENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 1. Consideration of side letter - Continued. Councilman Penna Left the Podium. 12. Discussion and direction on the expansion of Parking District No. 1. .5-1,.3 I ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS committee and we can commit tomorrow. Discussion followed: Councilman Fernekes' ques- tions were answered, for the primary goal is to retain local control; must notify them by 4:00 p.m., but if they do not accept the side letter - what hap- pens; City Attorney Mattas stated the document will be presented to them and two providers by saying it is contingent, and if they don't accept it we are not a member; Mayor Mullin wants control over all of our local services retained; some cities will be con- tracting with individual cities; what other benefits are there; over a period of time negotiations may be beneficial; Vice Mayor Datzman stated it was con- solidated dispatch, 201 services and maintaining local control and we should participate in the plan- ning stages or get lost; consolidated dispatch has been looked at and is not beneficial to us; staff wants to retain our 201, for the primary benefit is we are participating with a voting right for advanced life service and in becoming a team player; etc. M/S Fernekes/Penna - To remain in the Joint Pow- ers Agreement. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Penna left the podium due to a conflict of interest and did not take part in the discussion for vote on Item No. 12. Director of Economic & Community Development Van Duyn related: preliminary notice was given to property owners on an amendment to the Parking District; build a 21 space parking lot with access from Third Lane and purchase it with redevelopment funds, but first the area must be included; unless bringing parking lots on line, we would not recom- mend expansion of the District; add 65 added par- cels west of Spruce, Grand and Baden and tie back to existing zone; if approved staff will send out a letter, for concurrence of property owners is needed; those property owners not wanting the expansion are excluded; if someone owns residential property and wants to change it to commercial property it can be done with this; he does not know if there are any disadvantages. M/S Datzman/Fernekes - To expand the Parking 12/17/97 Page 12 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 2. Discussion - Continued. Councilman Penna Returned to the Podium: 13. Motion to provide direction to staff on funding prior- ities to be established in the Community Development Block Grant Program. ..6'-t9 ~q ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 14. Consideration of letter from Joseph H. Huber, City of Palo Alto, dated 11/5/97, asking to become a voting member of the Airport Community Roundtable. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS District. Carried by majority voice vote, Councilman Penna did not take part in the discussion or vote due to a conflict of interest. Councilman Penna returned to the podium at 10:51 p.m. CDBG Coordinator Fragoso related: staff report has a schedule of activities with a Exhibit B of request for proposals and the amount of funds available; there are pie charts; there is a breakout of Council allocation over the last three years; there is an ex- hibit for Council to fill out by the second of Janu- ary; there is a series of fact sheets on public service legislation; page 7 lists 12 priorities Council has established in prior years and wants to know if the Council wants to continue those; there is talk of a 3 %-5% cut in CDBG funds. Discussion followed: Mayor Mullin asked which Councilmembers want to serve on the Subcommit- tee; should not fund legal services and only fund community things in this City; Councilman Penna thinks Vice Mayor Datzman and Councilwoman Matsumoto should serve on the Subcommittee; rehab of public buildings; there are at least 50 requests for funding; Mayor Mullin directed Council to individu- ally give their comments to Ms. Fragoso. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilwoman Matsumoto stated she is the member and asked that this be agendized, for this is not within the County and the request is to expand the Roundtable and include Palo Alto. Councilman Fernekes does not support the request. Mayor Muilin agrees, for it will dilute it and we will be hard pressed to exclude others coming in. Councilman Penna and Vice Mayor Datzman agreed Councilman Penna stated Councilwoman Matsumoto represented the Council admirably with a short to prepare. 12/17/97 Page 13 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 15. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, labor nego- tiations on the Police Association; pursuant to GC 54956(c), initiation of litigation - one case. RECALL TO ORDER: aDJOURNMENT: ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Mayor Mullin spoke of a retreat for the Council to talk about issues which could include altering the meeting time, for we do have a handbook and we can look at what kind of items we can take on after 11:00 p.m. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION Council entered a Closed Session at 11:15 p.m. to discuss the item noticed. Mayor Mullin recalled the meeting to order at 11:45 p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken and direction was given. M/S Penna/Fernekes - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11:46 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED. Barbara A. Battaya, City City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 12/17/97 Page 14