HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1998-06-17Mayor Eugene R. Mullin
James L. Datzman
Joseph A. Fernekes
'Karyl Matsumoto
Iohn R. Penna
City Council
Municipal Services Building
Community Room
June 17, 1998
JUNE 17, 1998
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that
the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 17th day of June
1998, at 5:15 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco,
Purpose of the meeting:
Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54956.9, Molieri vs. South San Francisco.
Dated: June 16, 1998
City Clerk
City of South San Francisco
(Cassette No. I)
Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54956.9, Molieri vs.
South San Francisco.
Councilman Penna Arrived:
5:20 p.m. Mayor Mullin presiding.
Council Present:
Council Absent:
Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto
and Mullin.
Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 5:21 p.m.
to discuss the item noticed.
Councilman Penna arrived at the meeting at 5:37
Mayor Mullin recalled the meeting to order at 6:21
p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken
and direction was given.
M/S Fernekes/Datzman - To adjourn the meeting.
Page 1
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
Time of adjournment was 5:38 p.m.
Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk
City of South San Francisco
City of~'6uth San Francisco
The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica-
tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the
Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying.
Page 2
Mayor Eugene R. Mullin
James L. Datzman
Joseph A. Fernekes
Karyl Matsumoto
Iohn R. Penna
City Council
Municipal Services Building
Community Room
June 17, 1998
JUNE 17, 1998
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that
the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 17th day of June
1998, at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco,
Purpose of the meeting:
1. BART Station Design.
Dated: June 9, 1998
SamTrans/CalTrain/JPB/MTSMA. 5'/.b" 2~
Play area and school facility improvements: 5/~ !
· Alta Loma School
· Sunshine Gardens
· Spruce Gym
· Southwood School site library parking expansion
Telephone usage at Council meetings.
City of South San Francisco
(Cassette No. 1)
6:30 p.m. Mayor Mullin presiding.
Council Present: Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto,
Penna and Mullin.
Council Absent: None.
Councilman Fernekes stepped down from the podi-
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1. BART Station Design.
Page 2
um due to a conflict of interest.
Senior Planner Kalkin related: BART came to
Council to present designs of the major components
of the station; Council requested an additional study
of the parking garage and adjacent plaza design;
staff received clarification on the roof of the station
design which includes a barrel vault roof with a
wave pattern running through; staff understood that
the entire wave portion of the roof would be con-
structed of a translucent material to allow the natural
light to penetrate; BART clarified that while the roof
will incorporate translucent panels over both main
entrances and at either end of the station, the
main portion of the roof is to be standing seam
metal roofing; BART has set a main priority to
provide as much natural light as possible at the
platform level and believes the current design
achieves this objective; the parking structure was a
long two story structure along El Camino and the
Council wanted to break that with terracing or by
increasing the height to break up the mass; BART
staff is going to give attention to the entry feature of
the Gateway; BART did provide revised plans that
were reviewed by the Subcommittee, but it was not
felt these designs were what the City intended; so,
rather than continue to react to the proposal, we
should refine our proposal and bring it back to
BART; staff hired John A. Matthews, Architect, and
John Lucchesi they will walk Council through the
design the firm put together; the firm looked at a
compromise where the setback along El Camino will
vary from one end of the garage to the other and
perhaps terrace a portion of the garage and way
minimize the number of parking spaces and create a
more open feel in the area; for the plaza the ap-
proach was, let's look at the way the plaza area is
going to be used; one is a gateway, a view corridor,
another is a designation where people are going to
congregate and celebrate the movement as a theme;
staff brought this to the Council Subcommittee last
week and they generally endorsed the concept on the
portal idea of the space, but are concerned that it not
overwhelm the station; they are only sketch ideas,
are not formal designs and staff is looking for some
endorsement as to what they should be, and allow
staff to work further with BART.
Councilman Penna stated that this is the station
where the trains will come in and there will be a
transparent type of material where it looks like
1. BART Station Design - Continued.
2. SamTrans/CalTrain/JPB/MTSMA.
Page 3
windows on the roof.
Mr. Nell Mont, bay area consultant to BART,
walked the Council through the station with the use
of scale models to show the ground plan, platform,
elevation and roof area.
Discussion followed: light from the translucent
areas; there will not be wind blowing through the
station; why can't the whole roof be translucent;
because they need places to run FVAC and it must
be closed in to keep the birds out; Mr. John
Lucchesi walked the Council through the rough
designs soliciting input; he was trying to emphasize
movement through the station reminiscent of portals,
and at the El Camino end, they could have a large
canopy in the center or sitting space on the side with
a plaza with a low wall around the edge for a future
retail expansion on the site; for a recurring theme at
El Camino, the firm is introducing a low wall of
some sort that has signage on it to indicate $.S.F./
BART Station rather than have the signage up on the
station; having a larger landscape buffer; there are
1157 parking spaces in the garage; Mayor Mullin
asked, wasn't there supposed to be a statue in the
original design; that was a recommendation by the
Cultural Arts Commission, in fact it was Council-
member Matsumoto, and staff said they would look
at it, but not at this stage; Mr. Lucchesi thought a
statue would be appropriate; having no terrace and
a full terraced structure which would be much softer
at the corner; Mayor Mullin stated Council's con-
cern was to not have the focal point being the park-
ing garage that would dominate; the sketches seem
to soften and coordinate that with something delight-
ful so it has style and grace, rather than say here is
where you put your car and here is your train;
BART stopped designing the parking structure pend-
ing a vertical scheme; Mayor Mullin stated this was
a good start, he looked forward to seeing the final-
ized design after BART has worked with Ms.
Councilman Fernekes returned to the podium at 7:06
Mayor Mullin stated next are the anticipated changes
in the SamTrans schedules.
Mr. Larry Steuck, Director of Planning for the JPB,
SamTrans and the Transit Authority, related: he
SamTrans/CalTrain/JPB/MTSMA - Continued.
started out in S.S.F. 25 years, then went to
SamTrans; he described how SamTrans was scaling
back their express routes to stretch dollars, but are
still obligated to Redi-Wheels; there may be a mis-
understanding in our involvement in the shuttle
program; we had been a partner with MTSMA with
some routes and they asked us to take over, and now
there are five; good news, SamTrans will pick up
the tab for Toshiba and relinquish turning over some
of that cost; at the same time they are introducing a
new route in the office park; down the line when
BART is built and the station opens up there will be
more opportunity because of the proximity to the
office complex in the community; the Transporta-
tion staff meeting on 7/3/98 on the Caltrain station
is to look at many issues, such as punching a hole to
provide better connection for the pedestrian access
from the train station out to South Airport; they are
in agreement with the design plan and feel it is their
responsibility to come to the table and pick up the
next staff meeting; he asked that one of the Council-
members come to the meeting to make it more effec-
tive for it is a major improvement to transportation;
Supervisor Griffin is working with MTC to provide
a childcare facility somewhere in the station; it will
be incorporated into it so that any one coming down
to the station can drop off their child at a childcare
station; they are looking at four stations, Caltrain,
Hickey and one other; MTC found the area around
Hickey Blvd. very interesting and wants to work
with them and the City to look at the options for
transit oriented development around Hickey for he
would not have allowed Costco to come into that
area because of the need for transportation and the
land available around the station and they would like
to become a partner to look at different uses.
Discussion followed: Mayor Mullin stated Mr.
Stuck was talking about retail office; yes, office or
retail are the types of uses that offer the direct link
to the job or the home; residential may offer more
ways to commute, but the City wants people to live
and work in your community and that is difficult;
with a Hickey Station you are going to see the com-
ing and going to the shuttle and it is a great land
use; the City is looking at the lands close to the
Caltrain Station with the same concept; ABAG is
looking at the ability of transit/residential and people
qualified that don't need cars and putting them in
houses close to BART and it becomes a way to
ensure greater ridership on the shuttle service out to
Page 4
2. Samtrans/Caltrain/JPB/MTSMA - Continued.
Vice Mayor Datzman Left the Meeting at 7:06 p.m. to
Make a Presentation to the Harbor District.
East Grand; the Redi-Wheels demands are increasing
which is a mandate which changed the nature in
what JPB does, for the Feds give no money for their
mandates; the good news is that sales tax is way up;
Mr. Stuck stated he asked his staff to look at all bus
services, in terms of bus schedules, for S.S.F. and
proceeded to discuss percentages of ridership on
weekends; SamTrans hired a consultant for a
study, held twelve community meetings and there
were few comments they acted on; one of which was
in Sunshine Gardens and they rerouted the bus, so
Samtrans feels they were quite responsible; there
was discussion of the routes to be replaced and
dropped; everyone will be affected in the BART
options and will integrate into the BART Station as a
major transportation hub; it seemed to the Mayor,
Samtrans was going to discontinue the service to El
Camino High School; the bus is to take that route
and consolidate into the 2lA; so, it will be a differ-
ent number to the bus, a slightly different route, and
the stop will be at the high school; the routes
Samtrans is talking about will be phased in in five
years, but nothing that affects passengers through
Samtrans services when BART comes in will be
affected until after BART service begins; Council-
member Matsumoto stated Samtrans representatives
said nothing would decrease on the routes to the
different schools; Mr. Stuck replied yes, but
some neighborhoods and some areas have been
streamlined and may have taken it out of a particular
neighborhood because of ridership, however, they
will go out into the community to educate the people
that they are part of another route before the five
year change; he described the consolidation of
routes; Councilmember Penna stated the problem is
that it doesn't go anywhere important for those
people that need to use the bus; you don't have a
system that goes from east of El Camino to the
westside to connect to the Caltrain Station or goes
into the industrial areas; he stated one route starts at
the City limits on Huntington, it loops around and
goes to Orange and ends up at Armor Avenue;
people in Buri Buri, Westborough, Avalon Park and
Brentwood areas can't get into the Grand Avenue
area or connect to Caltrain or Samtrans for 101
without having to switch buses, and it is so awkward
people won't use it; Samtrans has three mutes that
start at Huntington; if you look at the 24H or 24B,
they come up Hemlock and the first stop is
Terrabay, and then Sunshine Gardens, yet there is a
school before Chestnut and Parkway and it really
Page 5
_ 2. Samtrans/CaltrainBPB/MTSMA - Continued.
should come down Chestnut Avenue for there are
2,000 or 3,000 homes that need buses and are not
being served; he feels it is not user friendly and
those are the comments he is hearing on a continu-
ing basis; Samtrans El Camino Corridor is excellent
and so is 101, but it is picking up people in the
neighborhoods that is lacking; his other concern is
the Sunday route into the industrial area and whether
Samtrans is going to pickup from the BART Station
to the industrial area because he does not see any
one using it because people using BART use the
shuttle service from Glen Park, because that is the
closest in time and expense, but picking up people
from the neighborhoods is lacking and Samtrans
could have a service from Glen Park and the
Caltrain Station; Mayor Mullin reiterated, there is
no coverage on Chestnut Avenue with all the homes
that have been built, plus the middle school; it does
not accommodate or meet the needs of that section
of the City; Councilman Fernekes asked, with a new
Hickey Station is it going to be closer from Glen
Park or Hickey; Mr. Stuck stated the route would be
closer to Hickey, but you have to take into consider-
ation to come through Colma and Hickey; Council-
member Penna stated San Bruno is the closest;
Samtrans is thinking of relocating San Bruno and is
going to reexamine the whole shuttle area to try to
get it economic; Mr. Stuck is hearing - look at
Chestnut and Westborough to Grand Avenue and the
whole shuttle issue; Councilman Penna stated, also
your Samtrans route into San Francisco along Air-
port Blvd. for you are dropping off short of it and it
should be at it; Councilman Fernekes stated Council
has given lots of thought, after the Charrette, at the
end of Grand and Airport as an intermodel station;
if Council continues looking in that direction would
SamTrans also look at changing their lines, for right
now there is only one line and in the next five years
it might be advantageous to study; Mr. Stuck stated
it is more than an option issue with the traffic is-
sues, but he thinks they are receptive to try to make
a better connection with the alignment and circula-
tion; Mayor Mullin stated that goes hand and glove
on how to move the southerly and Airport Blvd. in
context to do that it makes sense to have something
done, for SamTrans has four potential lines that
come within proximity; talk of the minutes between
BART train connections; Councilman Fernekes
stated it is more like 10 minutes between trains, and
in fact it is approximately four minutes; Councilman
Fernekes stated, as BART moves further down the
Page 6
_ 2. Samtrans/Caltrain/JPB/MTSMA - Continued.
Play area and school facility improvements: Alta
Loma School; Sunshine Gardens; Spruce Gym and
Southwood School Site Library Parking Expansion.
peninsula there will be more trains departing; wheth-
er the Station is to be called Hickey or S.S.F.; how
many attended the Sunshine Gardens meeting; the
meeting was held here and about 20 appeared; there
were 50 people at the Half Moon Bay meeting;
everyone on the Council drives exception Council-
man Fernekes, and if the others were dependent on
the bus, we don't necessarily have the means; etc.
Councilman Datzman returned to the meeting at
7:55 p.m.
Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Ser-
vices Nagel related: this presentation will be pre-
sented again tomorrow night to the School District;
this is a potential collaboration with the District; the
presentation will be made by himself, Community
Outreach Director Quinn, Assistant City Manager
Russ Moss, Mr. Abel Machado and Associate Plan-
ner Mike Lappen; this is a potential partnership for
the enhancement of community facilities; we see
each of the sites providing improvement services to
the residents; Alta Loma Park will be developed by
Greystone and will include a baseball diamond, bas-
ketball court, restrooms, parking and Council has
expressed interest in spending $300,000 as well as
the basketball and potential picnic areas; we would
like to request that the District fund additional park-
ing on the campus for $175,000 to the left of the
school off Romney; staff is anticipating that constr-
uction will start this August, 1999, and be complet-
ed in January, however, staff thinks by the first of
the year we will be able to go out to bid for both.
Discussion followed: make a two way strip and
come out on Romney; cost is $1,000 @ parking
stall; if the City puts in $500,000, staff wants the
District to pay $170,000 for parking stalls; staff will
make a park at Sunshine Gardens with the vacant
land, there and staff hopes to have conceptual plans
soon; the cost is $1 to 1.5 million to renovate 2 ball
fields, grading, sod, picnic site and a small tot lot
accessible to the public; it will be open 7 days a
week; staff now schedules the ball field; aerial shots
show the area is in disrepair, and if Council spends
the money will staff maintain it; use Spruce Gym as
a learning center for a start-up cost of $163,000 and
then renovate the storage area and in return staff
wants a 15 year lease for $1 a year; Community
Outreach Director Quinn stated it is a partnership
with the District for community health collaboration;
Page 7
Play area and school facility - Continued.
4. Telephone usage at Council meetings.
Page 8
bringing in outside counselors is an employ-
er/employee issue with the School District; Mr.
Abel Machado has been hired to help Ms. Quinn;
there will be a gated entrance at the Southwood
School; this will enhance the quality of life of
S.S.F.; we will spend $3.7 million on the District's
facilities, they will spend $175,000 and give a 15
year renewal lease and additional space on Sunshine
Gardens; Mayor Mullin stated it is subject to ap-
proval from our generosity; Vice Mayor Datzman
stated with the bond issue and bond measure the
District has more money, for this is a talking part-
nership and maybe there should be a balance in the
partnership as it is awkward for consideration - is
there a plan to take it to the people; yes, it will be at
the next meeting; where is the $45,000 for counsel-
ing in the schools coming from; it is new money for
out station consulting and an expansion of services;
it is a healthy start concept with Families on Track;
the schools are looking at community sites and you
deliver services of counseling and health and it is a
stand alone program; the cost is $90,000 and Ms.
Quinn is going for grant monies; $90,000 for all
campuses in S.S.F.; has the school union have a
parallel model; City Manager Wilson stated they had
talked about career counsels and ours is counseling
on living and where they are going; trying to enter
into collaboration with the School District, but if
impossible we can use the money for another pur-
pose; Ms. Quinn's key role in this is Families on
Track; Mayor Mullin stated if they do inter-person-
nel service, as well as counseling and if they are
coming in from outside, then it affects labor con-
tract; Facilities on Tract is a different aspect with
the nurses, because they don't work for the School
District, and he complimented staff on their presen-
Councilmember Penna stated he appreciates talking
about this tonight because he found something out
when he used the cell phone one evening when
Council had the issue of Willow Gardens. That day
he had been walking around with his headpiece and
was driving and went to an opening and people
asked if he was wired in. He stated there was an
issue tonight and he will try it, so when he got here
he asked TCI to put his cell phone number on the
screen to call in. He is used to being able to handle
a phone call and listen to something else, because he
does that all day long and does not find it distract-
ing. He continued: when the phone started to ring
__4., Telephone usage at Council meetings - Continued.
and he realized people were starting to call in, he
was concerned about the sound of the ring to the
members on the podium and the Vice Mayor said he
could hear the talking; what he got out of it was the
public being able to call in and communicate on
what they are seeing us do and he found that impor-
tant because he received five calls that evening;
these calls helped him to understand better by the
people not able to attend the meeting, and found the
issues were not that different, they are the same as
asked in the audience but to repeat it and ask staff to
answer again; it seems we understand their concerns
and he felt more comfortable in voting because it
was very well communicated; he was thinking about
how we may be able to interact with this; he has
been realizing there is the public that is out there,
watching the television and the reason we did this
was to let the people see what is going on; he realiz-
es there are people out there who are elderly or
parents and can not come in and watch the screen to
see what is happening, and others want to be in-
formed on what is going on in the community; if we
are going to do telecommunications, that it should
be done the way he did it because it could be messy
with a disturbance, but he thinks there should be a
period of time to take a five minute session with
their numbers on the screen, so if the public wants
to call in on the subject they can do so; then we can
get their questions and concerns and we can answer
them and address the questions before we conclude
on whatever we are going to do; he sees this as a
way to take input to phone in; we can get the name
of the people calling, the address and the phone
number of the individual to have as a record; this
would certainly open up the lines of communication
from the standpoint of telecommunications and the
age of interaction on our methods of communicating
by phone; etc.
Discussion followed: Mayor Mullin asked if it was
true four of the five phone calls were Mr. Fuchs;
Councilwoman Matsumoto responded, number one
John, she was very upset that as a fellow Council-
person you didn't give us time for feedback - a
courtesy; number two, she heard your phone all the
way where she was sitting and she could hear your
speaking and our audience could not; people who
come in give their name, and if maybe disabled -
well they can write, we get letters and there is the
hot line - we have made every effort; we are here to
serve the public, our meetings are long, but Coun-
Page 9
4. Telephone usage at Council meetings - Continued.
cilman Penna leaves - it is not fair; she worked for
Quentin and knows the Brown Act and supports it;
she assumes one of our hot topics at a Council
meeting will be Terrabay with a lot of people com-
ing in and she personally does not want to put in a
cell phone - for she only uses hers for City business;
she uses her cell phone to be accessible to City
business and does not want her cell phone number
given out.
Councilman Penna apologized if anyone was insulted
in any way, he had no intention of doing that, it was
a thought and he appreciates the Councilwoman
bringing it up for he was not aware she could hear
it. He asked the Vice Mayor if he could hear it
and he could, but he did not ask the Mayor or
Councilmember Matsumoto, so this is good to
know. He stated the Board of Supervisors used
phones during their meetings.
Councilmember Matsumoto stated the Supervisors
only use the phones to talk to staff, for she knows as
she was an Aide.
Councilman Penna again apologized, because he
does not want this to be misunderstood, for he
thinks it is a good opportunity to be in the forefront
and allow people to communicate with us. It is not
just the question of someone who can come down
here or they are not speaking or they can use the hot
line. The issue is that most people are seeing and
hearing the issue on television and something may
spark as to what they are hearing, and it is the
Council who benefits because we are listening to
something. He stated this has benefitted him and
that is why he asked it to be brought back and sees
it as a good opportunity for all of Council.
Councilman Fernekes stated he also was surprised
this was going to happen that night without having
the opportunity to discuss it by phone call or open
session. What was disturbing is that it was a public
hearing for the public that wanted to testify for or in
opposition, and it is difficult to take phone calls for
you are not giving the others your listening atten-
tion. All of Council receives many phone calls and
take that into consideration. If we did not post the
agenda and advertise on Channel 3 and in the news-
paper, then he would think about that, but they are
afforded the opportunity. They can talk to the City
Manager, that information is forwarded to him and
Page 10
4. Telephone usage at Council meetings - Continued.
he is able to talk to the person. The public can
write to us and has the opportunity to talk about an
issue before us maybe it is not that night, but they
also have the opportunity to come again. He stated
that on an ordinance there are two readings, and the
public can call between meetings. He stated there
are also study sessions, so it is rare to adopt some-
thing at one time, so a lot of the major issues are
not one time but various times in open session and
his phone is always open to comment. So, he be-
lieves the public has ample opportunity to talk to us
and believes that is fair, but he wants to give his
attention to the public speaker, not to the person on
the cell phone.
Vice Mayor Datzman stated that three is the number
to carry a vote, and what Karyl voiced in reference
to Terrabay and the phone calling off the hook and
we do not know who they are. There is input on
the hot line, the agenda is posted, there are few calls
and he feels very comfortable with the existing
Mayor Mullin stated he will give Councilman Penna
some limited support - he thought he was off line,
but that is in the past. He feels we are in the begin-
ning of a technological revolution, this is a germ of
an idea and there should be a way to get some input
and he concurs there are vehicles to contact Council,
and are contacted sufficiently. He does believe there
is a role for the Internet, for telephone communica-
tions, but it is not clear what it is, but not at a
Council meeting when an issue is being heard or
ignoring people testifying. There is a certain diffi-
culty to get out of your chair at home and the people
vote with feet and if the room is full - that is an
important issue. That is more difficult than staying
home and calling in, and he does not think Council
can disrespect people who come and listen. He
waits in line at a drugstore and someone calls the
cashier about a tooth paste and that takes precedence
over me and he puts his things down and leaves. Is
there a way to have a staff person take five minutes
of calls when each issue is called, is there a way to
have the comments forwarded to us of those in favor
or opposed to the issue. He believes that before
long the Council will have lap tops and we can
access the staff report. He does not want to cut this
off automatically, but he does think it needs to be
worked on.
Page 11
4. Telephone usage at Council meetings - Continued.
Councilman Penna, again, apologized to the Council
and stated he never intended to insult any person on
the Council to do anything that is derogatory, but he
had an idea and ran with it.
Mayor Mullin asked staff to do a brief survey on the
technology available in San Mateo and Santa Clara
Counties. He suggested having a technician, using a
computer screen, survey nine cities.
Councilman Penna suggested a survey of Foster
City, Redwood City and City of San Mateo.
Vice Mayor Datzman asked the City Manager to
contact the League of CA Cities Library and agrees
it should be a survey of San Mateo and Santa Clara.
M/S Penna/Fernekes to adjourn the meeting.
Time of adjournment was at 9:08.
uarbara A. Battaya, City
City of South San Francisco
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica-
tions, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the
Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying.
Page 12