HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1998-07-21Mayor Eugene R. Mullin Council: James L. Datzman Joseph A. Fernekes Karyl Matsumoto John R. Penna MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room July 21, 1998 S___P E C ! A k MEETING CITY COUNCIL JULY 21, 1998 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, the 21st day of July 1998, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION PRESENTATIONS · Aircraft Noise Insulation Program Bi-annual Newsletter and Program Status AGENDA REVIEW ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 6/24/98, Regular Meeting of 7/8/98 and Special Meeting of 7/15/98. Motion to confirm expense claims of 7/21/98. o Motion to adopt an ordinance regulating movie making and activities in the City of S.S.F. AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 6.94 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING FEES, DEPOSITS, CHARGES AND PROCEDURES WITH RESPECT TO MOVIE MAKING AND FILM PERMITS Resolution rejecting one bid received for construction of the Americans with Disabilities Act Play Area Renovations at City Hall play area, Siebecker Center, Clay Avenue Park, and Francisco Terrace play area and authorize the City to readvertise for bids on this project. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REJECTION OF A BID RECEIVED FOR THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT PLAY AREA RENOVATIONS PROJECT/PHASE II AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO READVERTISE FOR BIDS ON THIS PROJECT o Motion to approve plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the 1998-1999 Street Resurfacing Project. 7/21/98 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution authorizing the City Manager to be the authorizing agent to execute all State and Federally funded grant applications. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT, EXECUTE AND CARRY OUT ALL STATE AND FEDERALLY FUNDED GRANT APPLICATIONS AND/OR GRANT-BASED AGREEMENTS Motion to accept the Hillside Blvd. Signal Installation Project as complete in accordance with plans and specifications. o Resolution authorizing an agreement with EQE International to provide a Seismic Vulnerability, Risk and Reliability Assessment for the Wastewater system for an estimated cost of $80,000. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH EQE INTERNATIONAL, INC. TO PROVIDE A SEISMIC VULNERABILITY, RISK AND RELIABILI- TY ASSESSMENT FOR THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM Resolution awarding the construction contract for underground fuel tanks Phase II to Acutite Environmen- tal Engineering in an amount not to exceed $126,000. A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $126,000 TO ACCUTITE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FOR THE REMOVAL/ REPLACEMENT OF UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS - PHASE II 10. Resolution approving the Oyster Point Widening right-of-way acquisition with RWL Investments, Inc., 335 Oyster Point Blvd. settlement agreement with RWL Investments, and authorize the City Manager to sign the Certificate of Acceptance. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH RWL INVESTMENTS, INC. AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEP- TANCE 11. Resolution authorizing acceptance of a $10,000 grant from the San Francisco Foundation and a follow-up proposal for an additional grant to support the development of the Community Learning Center. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A $10,000 GRANT AWARD FROM THE SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDATION AND THE SUBMITTAL OF A FOLLOW-UP PROPOSAL TO THE FOUNDATION FOR AN ADDITIONAL GRANT TO SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER 12. Resolution authorizing an agreement with A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. to provide services as managing underwriter for future bond and assessment district financing. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO REACH AN AGREEMENT WITH A. G. EDWARDS & SONS, INC. TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE CITY AS THE MANAGING 14 7/21/98 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR 12. Resolution - Continued. UNDERWRITER FOR FUTURE BOND AND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FINANCING 13. Resolution amending the City's list of Conflict of Interest filing statements. A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE LIST OF DESIGNATED POSITIONS FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO'S CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE TO ADD THE POSITIONS OF PROJECT READ DIRECTOR, LIBRARY PROGRAM MANAGER, CAPITAL PROJECT COORDINA- TOR, MANAGER OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES, AND ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 14. Resolution approving interim funding for the Conference Center. A RESOLUTION APPROVING INTERIM FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 FOR THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE CENTER 15. Motion to approve the design of the proposed parking lot No. 14, and adopt a resolution approving the property at 432 Baden Avenue to be included within the boundary of Parking District No. 1. A RESOLUTION APPROVING ADDING THE PROPERTY AT 432 BADEN AVENUE TO PARKING DISTRICT #1 16. Motion to direct staff on the Transit Occupancy Tax allocation for the San Mateo County Convention & Visitors Bureau. 17. Resolution authorizing the second amendment to the BBN Technologies Agreement. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE CONTRACT WITH BBN TECHNOL- OGIES TO INCREASE THE CONTRACT AMOUNT BY $10,000 AND AMENDING THE 1998-99 OPERATING BUDGET (NO. 99-2) PUBLIC HEARINGS 18. Public Hearing - Consideration of changes to the Master Fee schedule for charges for various departments in the City; Public Hearing opened 6/24/98 and continued, Motion to continue the Public Hearing to 8/12/98. A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE 19. Public Hearing - to consider ND 98-004, GPA 98-004, RZ 98-004, PUD 98-004 and SA 98-004, Southpark/Kaiser Foundation, Summerhill Homes, to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, to amend the General Plan Land use designation of the site from Planned Industrial to Medium Density Residential, to reclassify the site from Planned Industrial (P-I) Zoning District to Medium Density Residential (R-2-H) 7/21/98 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 19. Public Hearing - Continued. Zoning District, to adopt a Planned Unit Development allowing exceptions from City development standards including reduced lot size and rear setbacks, and to adopt a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map allowing the development of 153 dwellings and common area, situated at a site bounded by West Orange Avenue, Railroad Avenue and the future North Canal Street extension, in accordance with the Municipal Code Titles 19 and 20; Open Public Hearing, Motion to continue the Public Hearing to 8/12/98. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 20. Resolution of award of contract to RGW Construction in an amount not to exceed $3,382,198, as the lowest responsible bidder, for the Oyster Point Widening Project, and amend the CIP budget in the amount of $200,000. A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3,382,198 TO RGW CONSTRUCTION FOR THE OYSTER POINT BOULEVARD WIDENING PROJECT AND AMENDING THE 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVING PROJECT BUDGET (NO. 98-25) TO ADD $200,000 TO THE OYSTER POINT WIDENING PROJECT 21. Motion to direct staff in regard to the public concerns at Airport Blvd. Landscape/Streetscape improve- ments at Butler Ave./Airport Blvd. intersection. 22. Resolution authorizing Amendment No. 3 to agreement with Tillo for sewage sludge disposal treatment. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE REMOVAL WITH THE TILLO PRODUCTS COMPANY 23. Motion to direct staff to solicit homeowners, on two City streets to install speed humps on a six month trial period. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 24. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, labor negotiations for the Fire Department. ADJOURNMENT July 23, 1998 City of South San Francisco 7/21/98 Page 4 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN _.ALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: PRESENTATIONS Aircraft Noise Insulation Program Bi-Annual Newsletter and Program Status 7/21/98 Page 5 7:35 p.m. Mayor Mullin presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Datzman, Fernekes, Matsumoto, Penna and Mullin. None. The Pledge was recited. A minister was not in attendance. PRESENTATIONS Project Manager Valkenaar related: a July 1998 issue of the ANIP Status Update has been mailed to the owner of every qualified residential dwelling unit that has not yet been included in the program; 91% of single family home owners are participating in the program; owners of 425 homes have declined to participate for various reasons; there are 955 townhomes covered under the MOU; there are 719 condominium units covered under the MOU; there are 1,206 living units in multi-family buildings that are covered under the MOU; etc. Councilman Penna related: on 6/20/98 a plane flying over the City had engine problems, there were three loud bangs, it dropped, then gained altitude and returned to the Airport; he asked for a report from the City Manager's Office of what took place; the only report came on 7/13/98 which was three weeks after and said it was an engine problem with a United 747 plane; although the Airport was contacted several times they are not able to give any more information. He wants to know three things: 1) What was the flight path back to the Airport; 2) If fuel was dumped, the elevation and did it continue to drop or level off; 3) and at what elevation it missed San Bruno Mountain. Program Manager Valkenaar stated Christine, from the Manager's Office, has been investigating this and called him. He stated that the pops were like a back fire on a car, with the engine shut down the airplane did not drop or flip, so they aim for the lowest elevation which is through the gap using the RESENTATIONS AGENDA 7/21/98 Page 6 ACTION TAKEN PRESENTATIONS standard landing patterns of the aircraft, for they do not go over San Bruno Mountain because of the high elevation. Councilman Penna thanked Mr. Valkenaar for the report. He said his concern was that several months ago, at a quarter to nine in the morning on East Grant Avenue, he saw a Delta plane attempt to land and came up with its nose down, three seconds later a 757 was heading for him. So, he went to the Office and they said it did not happen, and he called Ron Wilson and he said it did not happen. Yet knows the Airport can track everything going in and out, because they know the flight patterns. They tell him it never happened, yet he is positive he and two others saw it take off but not land. He asked Coun- cil to direct the City Manager to write a letter on the part of the Council requesting all incidents for the last five years be reported to this Council, for a shut down engine could have an affect on the health and safety, and this City should be informed of any such incidents. The Airport could call the incidents into the Police Dept. advising us with that kind of infor- mation so we as a Council would be able to better represent our constituents and the EIR that is being or is going to be circulated. Discussion followed: is a newsletter sent to homes not participating in the ANIP Program; no, but he does send out mailings in response to questions; what percentage of the homes are not subject to insulation; Mr. Valkenaar knows there are 7,000 residents covered, but he does not know what the percentages are; the rational for owners choosing not to have their homes insulated; early in the pro- gram owners were concerned about the rights they were giving up, but some have come back and signed up; the duel paned windows are the greatest benefit; some are absent owners and don't care or feel they will not be living here or involved in the house to make it worthwhile; some have legal prob- lems with the title; Mayor Mullin believed what Councilman Penna saw is true, but it simply takes a longer time to see altitude and the engine is laboring, but he understands they can fly with one RESENTATIONS 7/21/9 8 Page 7 ACTION TAKEN PRESENTATIONS or two engines going; he experienced seeing one that he thought was going to land in his chimney and it took months to get an answer as to the details, and to this date he has not had a res- ponse; he agrees there should be some kind of data analysis of incidents we receive in a timely manner; he will work with the City Attorney for some better reporting procedures; if there was a landing at the maintenance base there should be a record of that; there is a meeting next week with the consultant and we can ask for information; etc. Mr. Ted Skybol, 16 First Lane, questioned: is there a map of the areas being insulated, for obviously he is out of the area; he at one time looked out the rear window and saw a jet just miss a second story build- ing; he knows that when it is foggy, the planes are loud. Mayor Mullin asked Mr. Skybol to give his name and address to Mr. Valkenaar, who will get back to him on the footprint map and other information on CNEL levels. Mr. Gary Linkey stated he lives in Mayfair Village on So. Magnolia, and has had occasion to be retrofitted. The Council asked why they refused to have windows, well when they put in his, he had a broken ledge, but the workmanship was unprofes- sional and had nothing but arguments with it. They are not cleaning the old and are putting in caulking over old caulking, without supervision and are told to get in and out. He did talk to someone by the name of Gorman, for when they could not find access holes they just sprayed it in, it did not match and it was a joke. People are going to have trouble because they are only putting a little caulking. He had it done a year ago, and you ask why people don't want it done and that is the reason for the peo- ple doing it are not qualified people. Mr. Necati Ergur stated he wanted to come over here and confess something, for he got involved with other cities and realized the wonderful things you are doing. He confronted the Council last year, ~ESENTATIONS AfiENDA AGENDA REVIEW Assistant City Manager Moss Requested: - Remove Item No. 14 and hear it under Administrative Business. ~XRAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMI'UFEE REPORTS 7/21/98 Page 8 ACTION TAKEN PRESENTATIONS and the City employees are doing a wonderful job. Mayor Mullin instructed Mr. Valkenaar to respond between now and the next meeting on the Mayfair Village, and perhaps tell him the number of com- plaints, who supervises the jobs and if that contrac- tor is doing other areas, the level of satisfaction, because we do use a number of contractors. Mr. Valkenaar responded: each phase is bid and there has been more than one contractor; and he will bring information to the next meeting. AGENDA REVIEW So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No one chose to speak. COMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITTEE RE- PORTS Councilwoman Matsumoto related: the Arts Com- mission noted there are no art scholarships after checking with the high schools, and will be offering three a year for the art schools; the Grand Avenue mural is on hold and the next Cultural Arts show will be on Nov. 13-15th; she attended the Legisla- tive Committee of the Council of Cities; they have concluded their meetings for the year based on the legislature's time table; and some meetings have come to a halt; a letter to the Times posing the possible reduction of the vehicle license tax to city government; a letter was received from the Council of Cities asking the Council to write Senator Kopp, thanking him for his support on this Assembly Bill; she heard on the news that welfare people are being removed from the roll by 50% dt~e to the aggressive programs the County Agencies have initiated - she asked for figures on how that impacts our residents. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN dOMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITtEE REPORTS 7/21/98 Page 9 COMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITTEE RE- PORTS Mayor Mullin stated he would write the letter to Senator Kopp. Assistant City Manager Moss stated the Office just received documentation on the issues involving welfare. Councilman Fernekes related: A Day In the Park is on 9/19/98; the Subcommittee consists of he and Vice Mayor Datzman; they are meeting with staff on a regular basis and now have funding; it will be from 10:00 to 4:00 at Orange Park and preceding it is a pancake breakfast put on by the police and firefighters; there will be 200 booths, rather than the 135 last year in Orange Park. Mayor Mullin stated it is also the 90th birthday of the City's incorporation. Councilman Penna related: he and Councilwoman Matsumoto attended a cultural event, a summer symphony; it had a jazz band and the San Jose Symphony and Roberta Flack was fantastic; he thought it would be great to get some musicians as part of a Cultural Arts event or at the Day in the Park or other cultural event in the City. Vice Mayor Datzman related: last Monday, 7/13/98, there was a presentation on water trans- portation at Oyster Point before the Transportation Task Force which was well received; there was a local meeting with 30 representatives and key busi- ness people; there will be three more meetings and then have a report for the Council, and are hopeful we will have a successful project. Mayor Muilin told the audience that the Summerhill item was being postponed to 8/12/98, however, the regular meeting of 8/12/98 will probably be moved to 8/11/98 which will be amply noticed. Assistant City Manager Moss stated the Director of Economic & Community Development will take the names and addresses of people in the audience to AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~'OMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 6/24/98, Regular Meeting of 7/8/98 and Special Meeting of 7/15/98. 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 7/21/98. Motion to adopt an ordinance regulating movie mak- ing and activities in the City of S.S.F. ..~[ {e-/ AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 6.94 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING FEES, DEPOSITS, CHARGES AND PROCEDURES WITH RESPECT TO MOVIE MAKING AND FILM PER- MITS o Resolution rejecting one bid received for construction of the Americans with Disabilities Act Play Area Renovations at City Hall play area, Siebecker Center, Clay Avenue Park, and Francisco Terrace play area and authorize the City to readvertise for bids on this project. .5"t9~9 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REJECTION OF A BID RECEIVED FOR THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT PLAY AREA RENO- VATIONS PROJECT/PHASE II AND AUTHORIZ- 7/21/98 Page 10 COMMUNITY FORUM/SUBCOMMITTEE RE- PORTS notify them of the Summerhill meeting. He stated he wanted to commend the Unified School District Board that on Thursday agreed to go along with the City to combine the Alta Loma play field with the new Alta Loma park, a recreational park to service the entire area and make room at the adult school site for parking for the library and to allow negotiations for leasing the rear portion of the Spruce Gym for the Community Learning Center adjacent to the Children Center; and close to the original Kaiser and the City's complex. They have continued to demonstrate and it benefits everyone because the two Boards are working in concert. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $2,205,164.64. ORDINANCE NO. 1225-98 Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilmember Matsumoto. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN IONSENT CALENDAR 4. Resolution - Continued. lNG STAFF TO READVERTISE FOR BIDS ON THIS PROJECT Motion to approve plans and specifications and autho- rize advertisement for bids for the 1998-1999 Street Resurfacing Project. _~O ~t~ Resolution authorizing the City Manager to be the authorizing agent to execute all State and Federally funded grant applications. 3"'0 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT, EXECUTE AND CARRY OUT ALL STATE AND FEDERALLY FUNDED GRANT APPLICATIONS AND/OR GRANT- BASED AGREEMENTS Motion to accept the Hillside Blvd. Signal Installation Project as complete in accordance with plans and specifications. ~'t~ ~' Resolution authorizing an agreement with EQE Inter- national to provide a Seismic Vulnerability, Risk and Reliability Assessment for the Wastewater system for an estimated cost of $80,000. ~O'~ 7 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH EQE INTERNATIONAL, INC. TO PRO- VIDE A SEISMIC VULNERABILITY, RISK AND RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT FOR THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM Resolution awarding the construction contract for underground fuel tanks Phase II to Acutite Environ- mental Engineering in an amount not to exceed $126,000. A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $126,000 TO ACCUTITE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FOR THE REMOVAL/REPLACE- MENT OF UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS - 7/21/98 Page 11 CONSENT CALENDAR Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Mayor Mullin. RESOLUTION NO. 90-98 Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilmember Matsumoto. RESOLUTION NO. 91-88 Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Mayor Mullin. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~'ONSENT CALENDAR 9. Resolution - Continued. 10. PHASE II Resolution approving the Oyster Point Widening right-of-way acquisition with RWL Investments, Inc., 335 Oyster Point Blvd. settlement agreement with RWL Investments, and authorize the City Manager to sign the Certificate of Acceptance. ~-I J {o A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SETTLE- MENT AGREEMENT WITH RWL INVEST- MENTS, INC. AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE 11. Resolution authorizing acceptance of a $10,000 grant from the San Francisco Foundation and a follow-up proposal for an additional grant to support the devel- -- opment of the Community Learning Center. ~ [2.-Z> 12. 13. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A $10,000 GRANT AWARD FROM THE SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDATION AND THE SUBMIT- TAL OF A FOLLOW-UP PROPOSAL TO THE FOUNDATION FOR AN ADDITIONAL GRANT TO SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER Resolution authorizing an agreement with A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. to provide services as man- aging underwriter for future bond and assessment district financing. ,~q-~ 7 7 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO REACH AN AGREEMENT WITH A. G. EDWARDS & SONS, INC. TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE CITY AS THE MANAGING UNDERWRITER FOR FUTURE BOND AND AS- SESSMENT DISTRICT FINANCING Resolution amending the City's list of Conflict of Interest filing statements. ~6-~ ~ A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE LIST OF DES- 7/21/98 Page 12 CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 92-98 RESOLUTION NO. 93-98 RESOLUTION NO. 94-98 RESOLUTION NO. 95-98 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~ONSENT CALENDAR 13. Resolution - Continued. IGNATED POSITIONS FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO'S CONFLICT OF IN- TEREST CODE TO ADD THE POSITIONS OF PROJECT READ DIRECTOR, LIBRARY PRO- GRAM MANAGER, CAPITAL PROJECT COOR- DINATOR, MANAGER OF HOUSING AND COM- MUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURC- ES, AND ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 14. Resolution approving interim funding for the Confer- ence Center. .:~1 2. c~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING INTERIM FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 FOR THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE CEN- TER Motion to approve the design of the proposed parking lot No. 14, and adopt a resolution approving the property at 432 Baden Avenue to be included within the boundary of Parking District No. 1. ~"c~ ~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING ADDING THE PROPERTY AT 432 BADEN AVENUE TO PARKING DISTRICT #1 16. Motion to direct staff on the Transit Occupancy Tax allocation for the San Mateo County Convention Visitors Bureau. .ff~ 17. Resolution authorizing the second amendment to the BBN Technologies Agreement. ~fi-9.'~ ~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE CONTRACT WITH BBN TECH- NOLOGIES TO INCREASE THE CONTRACT AMOUNT BY $10,000 AND AMENDING THE 1998-99 OPERATING BUDGET (NO. 99-2) 7/21/98 Page 13 CONSENT CALENDAR Removed from the Consent Calendar by Assistant City Manager Moss and moved to Adminis- trative Business. RESOLUTION NO. 96-98 Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Fernekes. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilmember Matsumoto. M/S Fernekes/Datzman - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items No. 4, 5, 7, 9, AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~ONSENT CALENDAR Resolution rejecting one bid received for construction of the Americans with Disabilities Act Play Area Renovations at City Hall play area, Siebecker Center, Clay Avenue Park, and Francisco Terrace play area and authorize the City to readvertise for bids on this project. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REJECTION OF A BID RECEIVED FOR THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT PLAY AREA RENO- VATIONS PROJECT/PHASE II AND AUTHORIZ- ING STAFF TO READVERTISE FOR BIDS ON THIS PROJECT Motion to approve plans and specifications and autho- rize advertisement for bids for the 1998-1999 Street Resurfacing Project. ~.~"t9 ~ O 7/21/98 Page 14 CONSENT CALENDAR 14, 16, 17. Carried by unanimous voice vote, with the exception of Item #15 wherein Councilman Penna abstained. Councilmember Matsumoto questioned what happens if only one bid is again received. Director of Parks, Recreation & Maintenance Ser- vice Nagel stated bids are coming up 20% higher, so he is pushing it back to Sept. or Oct. and increasing the CIP. The City has until the year 2000, but it needs to be replaced for health and safety reasons. M/S Penna/Matsumoto - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 97-98 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Mullin asked if Railroad Ave. between Com- mercial and Orange Aves. is included, for he thought it had a high priority. Director of Public Services Gibbs stated it is in a separate design project which will be in construction next year. Vice Mayor Datzman asked if Forbes and Eccles was included. Director of Public Services Gibbs stated it is in a study now for reconstruction. He stated he is look- ing at a street overlay, and feels it will fall under budget and bids will be advertised in the local paper. He stated that ADA bids fall under a B license, requires bonding and is of high competition. Councilwoman Matsumoto questioned the procedure for pot holes. Director of Public Services Gibbs stated that should be under street maintenance. He stated with asphalt streets, it starts with water getting into the subbase, AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 5. Motion - Continued. Motion to accept the Hillside Blvd. Signal Installation Project as complete in accordance with plans and specifications. ~ ~g ~) Resolution awarding the construction contract for underground fuel tanks Phase II to Acutite Environ- mental Engineering in an amount not to exceed $126,000. _~-~ A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $126,000 TO ACCUTITE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FOR THE REMOVAL/REPLACE- MENT OF UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS - PHASE II and the top wearing surface loses its elasticity and heavy trucks do damage. M/S Penna/Fernekes - To approve plans and specifi- cations and authorize advertisement for bids for the 1998-1999 Street Resurfacing Project. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilwoman Matsumoto wants costs and grounds of comparison for each project. Mayor Mullin asked that information be for- warded in future to Council. M/S Penna/Datzman - To accept the Hillside Blvd. Signal Installation Project as complete in accordance with plans and specifications. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Mullin questioned, are you replacing with double walls, for one is at W. Orange, is that be- cause it is an emergency center - is that still viable or is it below drain, and with El Nino vulnerabale to flooding. Director of Public Services Gibbs stated yes, staff is looking at putting it in a new building, but nothing will be done for three years. The building is in a sad state seismically, and we could do something with emergencies in a new fire station, for it makes sense to put it in a new building for if there is an earthquake of 8 duration the library will fall down on the EOC center. Fire Chief Lee stated it is not part of the current fire study, but the issue was raised to do something with the EOC, however, in about a month the study will come to the City. M/S Datzman/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 98-98 Carried by unanimous voice vote. 7/21/98 Page 15 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Motion to direct staff on the Transit Occupancy Tax allocation for the San Mateo County Convention Visitors Bureau. ~'-~ 7/21/98 Page 16 Councilman Fernekes questioned the amount of money in the staff report going to Non-Departmen- tal. Assistant City Manager Moss stated, until the scope of the study goes out we will not exceed that amount. Discussion followed: Councilman Penna reiterated, if 90% of their budget comes from cities and 10% from industries then they can dictate what the city contributes which he does not feel is fair nor was it talked about too much; he also presented, about a year and a half ago that he posed to the industry - if you are requesting that additional be contributed, then why doesn't the industry come up with the additional funds for they get the most benefit; they said we will not give any funds because they do a sufficient amount of advertising through their franchise fees and feel they are already extended and would not be able to contribute to the Bureau; he asked, what if the Bureau did not exist, would you or would you not create one, and that question went away and no one wanted to touch it; he feels San Mateo, as a whole, needs to have an agency for the County because our industries do benefit from being a member of the Bureau, but where is the perfor- mance; his position is - we want to belong, it is a regional need, but we want to know what are the benefits back to S.S.F., for we want to measure it along the same lines as the Conference Center; how does the Bureau govern itself for it represents an entire County; Mayor Mullin stated there are a lot of unresolved issues, so we should hold this over and accumulate more information by giving direction to staff and Sandra O'Toole should be here at the next meeting, as well as Marsha; Councilmember Matsumoto wants to measure the benefits of the promotion; Vice Mayor stated we should check the web sites, for we need linkage to enhance the Con- ference Center; Mayor Mullin stated we should continue to market our industries for room nights and he wants the last quarter or year of bookings by Pat Berg to determine what she has generated; he is uncomfortable spending $69,000 for a study, and is prepared to vote against it; one Councilmember should be part of the group to develop the scope of 557 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN _ 5. Motion - Continued. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 14. Resolution approving interim funding for the Confer- ence Center. ~z--/~Z 0 A RESOLUTION APPROVING INTERIM FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 FOR THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE study, and early on, the Council should see the study; do we know the funding cycles of the Bureau; Councilman Penna stated the cycle is Oct. 1 through Sept. 30; $60,000 was given last year, then $50,000 and he recommended giving $50,000 and some amount to the Conference Center; nothing was provided for him to see efforts by the Bureau vs. efforts by the Conference Center; Assistant City Manager stated it is tbr an economic development of hotels in S.S.F., accommodating larger groups at the Conference Center and bringing in better hotels; Mayor Mullin feels the question is whether to con- tinue funding $50,000 to the Bureau; Councilman Fernekes has also a concern on spending this amount of money for a study; Council established standards for Ms. Berg which the Conference Center feels she can attain, and the Council should ask for an update; City Attorney will check with the Executive Director of the Conference Center at the Thursday meeting; Councilman Penna would like to appropriate the $50,000 and the balance to Pat Burns and not allo- cate the whole $143,000; he would like to serve on the Committee because he serves on the Visitors Bureau; Mayor Mullin stated, because it is an ad hoc committee, he would like to serve for this one particular study; Bureau put out a survey with a 4% fee for cities and they want to put in a man- datory requirement; he feels it is a negative docu- ment when there are no performance standards being met and if we give $50,000 there should be a com- mitment they cannot drop the City; Mayor Mullin stated, postpone giving any money and hold over to the 8/12/98 meeting and get information on the make-up and have Councilman Penna pursue with the Bureau on putting $50,000 in jeopardy; Vice Mayor Datzman wants the Director to come up and make a presentation, and he thinks $50,000 is ap- propriate. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS City Attorney Mattas stated do to the Authority not having a quorum at their meeting this item was carried over to Thursday, and requested the Council approve the item subject to the Authority's approval on Thursday. 7/21/98 Page 17 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN · .DMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 14. Resolution - Continued. CENTER RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: PUBLIC HEARINGS 18. Public Hearing - Consideration of changes to the Master Fee schedule for charges for various depart- ments in the City; Public Hearing opened 6/24/98 and continued, Motion to continue the Public Hearing to 8/12/98. ~.~ ~ A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE 19. Public Hearing - to consider ND 98-004, GPA 98 -004, RZ 98-004, PUD 98-004 and SA 98-004, Southpark/Kaiser Foundation, Summerhill Homes, to -- adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, to amend the General Plan Land use designation of the site from Planned Industrial to Medium Density Residen- 7/21/98 Page 18 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS M/S Datzman/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution subject to approval by the Authority. RESOLUTION NO. 99-98 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Mullin declared a recess at 9:10 p.m. Mayor Mullin recalled the meeting to order at 9:25 p.m., all Council was present. PUBLIC HEARINGS Councilman Fernekes stated he may have a problem on 8/12/98, because he may be out of the State and asked to move the meeting up one day to 8/11/98. Vice Mayor Datzman stated he has a similar prob- lem for he is leaving that morning for Europe. Councilman Penna stated he is going to have a problem on the 9/23/98 and 10/14/98 meetings, but he does not have a problem to change the August meeting. Mayor Mullin stated the regular meeting of 8/12/98 will be moved up to Tuesday, 8/11/98. City Attorney Mattas stated there are some public hearings scheduled for 8/12/98 that will have to be changed to 8/11/98 with appropriate notification to the newspapers. M/S Penna/Fernekes - To continue the Public Hear- ing to 8/11/98. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Mullin opened the Public Hearing. M/S Penna/Datzman - To continue the meeting to 8/11/98. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . UBLIC HEARINGS 19. Public Hearing - Continued. tial, to reclassify the site from Planned Industrial (P-I) Zoning District to Medium Density Residential (R-2- H) Zoning District, to adopt a Planned Unit Develop- ment allowing exceptions from City development standards including reduced lot size and rear setbacks, and to adopt a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map allowing the development of 153 dwellings and com- mon area, situated at a site bounded by West Orange Avenue, Railroad Avenue and the future North Canal Street extension, in accordance with the Municipal Code Titles 19 and 20; Open Public Hearing, Motion to continue the Public Hearing to 8/12/98. .fro 'g ~ ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 20. Resolution of award of contract to RGW Construction in an amount not to exceed $3,382,198, as the lowest responsible bidder, for the Oyster Point Widening Project, and amend the CIP budget in the amount of $2oo,ooo. t l A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3,382,198 TO RGW CONSTRUCTION FOR THE OYSTER POINT BOULEVARD WIDENING PROJECT AND AMENDING THE 1997-98 CAPITAL IM- PROVING PROJECT BUDGET (NO. 98-25) TO ADD $200,000 TO THE OYSTER POINT WID- ENING PROJECT 21. Motion to direct staff in regard to the public concerns at Airport Blvd. Landscape/Streetscape improvements at Butler Ave./Airport Blvd. intersection. 7/21/98 Page 19 PUBLIC HEARINGS Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Director of Public Services Gibbs gave a brief staff report. City Attorney Mattas stated the resolution to be adopted needed to be amended to reflect the correct fiscal year. M/S Penna/Datzman - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 100-98 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Director of Public Services Gibbs related: this staff report brings to Council the concerns on this pro- ject; at the last two Council meetings members of the public came to the Council regarding the access of Butler whereby staff closed the medium and it could not be crossed; staff has visited the area over the last two weeks and this would be a good exam- ple to notice people in the area and have town hall meetings to hear from the public; the public con- cern did not arise until the construction and we did have a meeting at Martin School to get comments on the design; staff visited both intersections and they both work as designed to get out of Chapman and AGENDA ACTION TAKEN · ~DMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 21. Motion - Continued. 22. Resolution authorizing Amendement No. 3 to agreement with Tillo for sewage sludge disposal treat- ment. .~0~ 7 7/21/98 Page 20 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS staff discovered a stop sign is not warranted and checked Butler and it worked, but does not address the concerns of the people in the area and is rela- tively easy to open up Butler to turn left and right and go southbound; Butler used to be the extension across the intersection and bring the signals in, and it is simple to do if Council requests that; Council should give us direction on where to open up that intersection. Councilman Penna commented, so this will delete the center strip and open it to go out. In regard to the traffic signals, will that be a signal that will only turn when a vehicle is on Butler, and the rest of the time the signal will be for the other. Discussion followed: Vice Mayor Datzman stated this will allow the same kind of access Butler had prior, and the signals would be reinstated without cost; The Director is trying to work out a good price with the contractor and thinks it will be $25,000 to $30,000 and much of that cost will be the signal; Mayor Mullin has concerns because we are undoing something and he has had many follow-ups with the merchants and he does not know how we can get better cooperation, so we don't have to go back and spend $25,000 to $30,000; on the other hand, he understands that the average resident would not know until the construction; he had trouble with no signal on Chapman and he thinks this is the right thing to do; he believes there should be information out to the public so they will know what the changes will yield and what may arise, but consider what impacts that might accrue to the residents; Vice Mayor Datzman felt the Mayor's comments were right on target; Councilman Penna stated he was concerned about parking, but he never saw the barrier on that plan - he missed that. Consensus of Council - To follow staff's direction. Director of Public Services Gibbs related: this is an amendment to the Tillo agreement for sludge; the original contract goes back to 3/9/88; Tillo takes the sludge and mixes it with rice hulls; discovered from AGENDA ACTION TAKEN · ,DMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 22. Resolution - Continued. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLLANT SLUDGE REMOVAL WITH THE TILLO PRODUCTS COMPANY 23. Motion to direct staff to solicit homeowners on two City streets to install speed humps on a six month trial period. ~"~ ~ 7/21/98 Page 21 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS a study that the City saves $400,000 per year rather than taking the sludge outside; the City pays all ancillary costs for repair over time and the WQCP is the overseer; this is financing additional equipment and makes Tillo responsible for the whole operation. M/S Penna/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 101-98 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Director of Public Services Gibbs stated staff had two streets picked, but the Police Chief said no and has different streets in mind. Police Chief Raffaelli related: criteria for a mini- mum number of streets; the police and fire have to go over streets to agree and they are looking at four streets. Discussion followed: there was a letter to Council from a property owner on Spruce; there are box tops being used on the bay bridge; they were put on streets to slow people down on Myrtle, but it was found to not be effective; 4" rise over 14' hump gives rise and motion effect which they want to utilize on two streets; the Director had been asked to accumulate information on what does and does not work in other cities; should talk to residents and see if they work because the Mayor's car was hit on the 600 block of Spruce at 2:00 a.m.; can Measure A funds be used for streets, for $10,000 is the cost for two streets; should survey door to door and if yea, proceed; Council discussed the criteria on 2/11/98; residents will have 18 months to say whether they want it or not; no, staff will check it in six months; the initial report dealt with the criteria, do it for six months, run radar to see if it works, come back to do the whole plan after doing it on a trial basis; only a half dozen streets would apply - no streets on hills or short streets or would impact traffic; success of program is a speed study before and after; it is easy to do, but the people will be standing in line; that is what the criteria is for; people say Baden Avenue is AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ~DMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 23. Motion - Continued. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION ~4. Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54957.6, labor nego- tiations for the Fire Department. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS a main thoroughfare, but can't do it because of emergency vehicles; Councilman Penna thinks traffic on a hill like Spruce will slow down, so should make streets narrower; Mayor Mullin feels the issue should be moved forward, for this is an approach and then look at narrow streets and other things for they are only looking at two streets here and Council will look at it again in six months; only seven out of 45 streets qualify; Councilwoman Matsumoto has mixed emotions, can you quantify this concern if only 5% we are going to do this for; Councilman Penna was in a quandary as to making a decision; police use enforcement, but they cannot be there all the time, next is engineering and mitigation if Coun- cil says to not go in that direction; etc. M/S Fernekes/Mullin - To direct staff to solicit homeowners on two City streets to install speed humps on a six month trial period. Motion and Second failed - Councilman Fernekes and Mayor Mullin voted yes, but Councilmembers Matsumoto, Penna and Vice Mayor Datzman voted no. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Fernekes stated he will not attend the study session on 7/28/98. Vice Mayor Datzman stated he is hearing complains about the railroad tracks on Forbes and Eccles. Assistant City Manager Moss stated the City re- ceived funding for So. Linden and So. Spruce. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION Council entered a Closed Session at 10:30 p.m. to discuss the item noticed. 7/21/98 Page 22 ~.ECALL TO ORDER: AGENDA ADJOURNMENT: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco ACTION TAKEN Mayor Mullin recalled the meeting to order at 10:52 p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken, direction was given. M/S Fernekes/Matsumoto - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 10:53 p.m. APPROVED. The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- ~ns, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the ffice of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 7/21/98 Page 23