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September 15, 1999
CALL TO ORDER: 5:35 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Present:
(Cassette Tape No. 1)
Councilmembers Mullin, Fernekes and Penna,
Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto* and Mayor Datzman.
*Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto arrived at 5:40 p.m.
City Manager Wilson, Assistant City Manager
Moss, City Attorney Mattas, Director of Economic
and Community Development Van Duyn, Chief
Planner Sparks, Senior Planner Kalkin, and
Consulting Planner Lappen.
Consultant: Rajeev Bhatia, Dyett & Bhatia
CLOSED SESSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Existing Litigation
Molieri vs. City of South San Francisco
Entered into Closed Session:
5:37 p.m.
Reconvened into Open Session: 6:43 p.m.
Penna returned at 6:52 p.m.
General Plan Update Workshop
Staff report presented by Senior Planner Tom Sparks with a visual presentation.
Economic and Community Development Staff and the Consultant summarized the issues
related to the Draft General Plan, the Draft Land Use Diagram (July 1999) and Revised
Draft Land Use Diagram (September 1999).
Mr. Kenneth Fitzhugh, from Craiker Architects & Planners, representing Aetna Realty
and James Tucker, stated his concern with changing the zoning on Sign Hill. His clients
feel the new proposal is not economically viable. He stated that if the zoning is changed,
the City should purchase the land.
Fred Etzel, from Henn & Etzel, representing Ted and Keith Simas, owner - operators of
Shell Gas Station at Hickey Boulevard and E1 Camino Real, stated his clients hope the
City will adopt a General Plan that will encourage transit-oriented development in the
vicinity of the South San Francisco BART Station rather than big-box retail development.
Councilman Fernekes had concerns regarding the new designation called "school" in the
General Plan update, also the new zoning for Sign Hill. He asked if they will be able to
make changes when the Plan comes back to them for review and staff responded yes.
Councilman Mullin questioned the zoning and rezoning of Sign Hill; the Downtown Low
Density Residential area; mixed -use development near the San Bruno BART Station;
definition of the DEIR as a program EIR rather than a project; and the new zoning term
called "school."
Councilman Penna stated he had concerns on parking changes to the Linden Avenue and
Airport Boulevard Corridor; East of 101 Area - removal of the (Town Square) and
Shoreline Park designation from the Fuller O' Brien site and permit regional commercial
uses in the Business Commercial area; Lindenville - property owners paying for the
Lindenville area interchange and creating new cross over zoning for the area;
Downtown - retaining existing General Plan policies in the Downtown Low Density
Residential areas; to whom was the Environmental Impact Report mailed;
(Cassette Tape No. 2)
annexation of the Country Club Area in regards to their existing farm animals; and the
purchasing of Sign Hill.
Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto had comments on changing low density residential zones;
recommended new development for the area surrounding BART; increase provisions for
public art throughout the city; creating new districts i.e. public markets, historic districts,
special sign districts; and she hopes that this document will lead us in the right direction.
Mayor Datzman complimented staff on their presentation. His concerns were the number
of future jobs in the City and in San Mateo County; taxes received by the City; density
calculations; planned unit development policy; and Terramonics.
(Recess: 8:35 p.m.-8:50 p.m.)
Councilman Mullin has concerns regarding the reduction of the size of structures on R-1
lots; monies generated from sales tax; too many overlay districts that could become spot
zoning districts; and mandated child care facilities or fees.
Councilman Fernekes questioned whether there are funds available from the government
to purchase the open space on Sign Hill.
Mayor Datzman commented on Linden Avenue and the higher density that is being
raised represents a real plus for the Downtown Area; Lindenville: cleaning up the area
and struggling with truck traffic; thanking Mr. Fitzhugh for his comments on Sign Hill;
thanking Mr. Etzel for the video on transit-oriented development; General Plan vs.
SEPTEMBER 15, 1999
specific project i.e. Costco; and he is anxious to look at the whole picture and how it
relates to our economic future.
Councilman Penna's concerns were why the seniors are allocated 15 houses per acre and
if the new plan will contain overlay districts that include loft areas.
Director Van Duyn stated that the Planning Commission will make it's final
recommendations tomorrow evening and the City Council is scheduled to have a Public
Heating to certify the EIR and take action on the recommendations of the Planning
Commission regarding the General Plan at the September 22nd meeting. He also
confirmed for Councilman Penna that the present plan contains several overlay districts.
Mayor Datzman confirmed with Staff that the next step is for the Planning Commission
to come up with their recommendations and bring them back to Council for approval.
Director Van Duyn summarized that the Planning Commission felt confident in bringing
this to Council tonight with the exception of the E1 Camino Corridor and surrounding
land use at the BART Station, and the school issue.
Convened into Closed Session: 9:10 p.m.
Reconvened into Open Session:
10:40 p.m. Councilmembers Mullin and Penna, Femekes,
Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto and Mayor Datzman present.
Mayor Datzman announced that direction given and no action was taken.
Motion-Mullin/Second-Penna: To adjourn the meeting at 10:42 p.m. Unanimously approved by
voice vote.
Respectfully Submitted:
L~nda Patrick, Deputy City Clerk
City of South San Francisco
es L. Datzman~a~
(J~ity of South San~.~ncisco
The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral
communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are
on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying.
SEPTEMBER 15, 1999