HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1999-11-10/2~3 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING COMMUNITY ROOM 33 ARROYO DRIVE o Call to Order Roll Call 5:30 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Femekes and Mullin, Mayor Pro Tern Matsumoto* and Mayor Datzman Absent: Councilman Penna *Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto arrived at 5:35 p.m. Oral Communications Mr. Del Schembari, 31 Alta Mesa Drive, stated he is concerned with the proposed hook ramp configuration, and its proximity to the shellmounds. He requested more information of the funding mechanisms. Development Proposal by Myers Development Co., Terrabay Phases II and III (information packets were distributed to Council) Mr. Jack Myers, Myers Development Company, 525 Market Street, Suite 3440, San Francisco, introduced the members of his development team and reviewed his proposal to approaching the development of Terrabay Phases II and III successfully. Mr. Myers reviewed the "Keys to Success", "Elements" and "The Development's Objectives". He emphasized the importance of respecting Terrabay's neighbors, creating an economic synergy, blending the development and its natural environment, and working with and being a partner with the community. Councilman Mullin complimented Mr. Myers on his approach and his sensitivity to the complex issues. Councilman Fernekes concurred with Councilman Mullin and stated his earlier concerns that the shellmounds and environmental area be protected. Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto asked for clarification on Phase II's status and City Manager Wilson advised that "The Woods" portion remains intact, but a modification will come back before Council for consideration of design concepts for the balance of the development. She also discussed with Mr. Myers his proposed commercial development and if there will be affordable housing, which Mr. Myers stated it is premature to discuss prices, but alternatives will be looked at. Mayor Datzman complimented Mr. Myers on his presentation, and addressed the challenge Mr. Myers will have during the next few months as the proposal is developed. Mr. Myers agreed that the Mayor's skepticism is shared by many, but he hopes others will embrace his approach. Mayor Datzman suggested Mr. Myers consider holding public workshops to discuss concerns. Mayor Datzman opened the meeting to public comments. Ms. Marie Blackowl, 407 Beech Avenue, stated she would like to see nothing built at Terrabay because of the sacred Indian burial grounds. She also would like more information about Mr. Myers proposal before he goes any further. Mayor Datzman agreed and reiterated his concern that community meetings be held to resolve issues. Ms. Jan Pont, 111 Belmont Avenue, asked that a scale model be built. Mr. Myers agreed that the community has seen too little of the proposal in the past and that a scale model will be built. Ms. Carolyn Pressley, 68 Randolph Avenue, asked that access to the mountain be included in the proposal and that the park be given back to the community and the existing neighborhood, not just those who live at Terrabay. Ms. Kathy Mannis, 824 Templeton, Daly City, President of Friends of San Bruno Mountain, park volunteers, stated she would like to participate in any discussions and presentations regarding the development. She asked which plan laid out in the EIR is being offered: the mitigation alternative plan or the environmental preferred plan. She stated she favored open space or the environmental preferred plan. Mayor Datzman noted for the record that her address is the official mailing address for Friends of San Bruno Mountain. Mr. Robert Ortiz, 19 Randolph Avenue, stated his frustration with South San Francisco's growth and the impact it is having on his neighborhood. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MINUTES PAGE 2 Mr. Philip Batchholder, 295 IA Wheeler Street, Berkeley, stated that although San Bruno Mountain Watch is suspicious of the developer they can work in good faith, and see what is being proposed. He made reference to the Country's economy and the exploitation of land. He asked for information regarding hook ramp financing and whether it will be linked to the Terrabay development any longer. City Manager Wilson responded that the hook ramps are linked to the Terrabay development and will have to contribute to the funding, but the funding strategy presented to the Transportation Authority is based El01 trip generation fee revenue. Mr. Batchholder asked that they be built on piers and be unobtrusive to open space. City Manager Wilson stated that Public Works Director Gibbs can meet with speakers who wish further information on where the project is envisioned. Mayor Datzman requested that Director Gibbs also explain how the cost of the project has escalated. City Manager Wilson stated that preliminary action will be brought before Council in December in order for "The Woods" to proceed. 5. Adjoumment Motion-Fernekes/Second-Mullin: To adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Approved by voice vote. Absent: Councilman Penna. Respectfully Submitted: Approved: Sylvia M. Pa~ City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MINUTES PAGE 3 MINUTES RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING COMMUNITY ROOM 33 ARROYO DRIVE 1. Call to Order 7:05 p.m. (Cassette Tape No. 1) 2. Roll Call All present. 3. Oral Communications None. Motion to Approve Minutes of March 10 and March 24, 1999 Special Meetings Motion-Mullin/Second-Matsumoto: To approve the minutes as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. o Resolution Approving a Parcel Map Relating to the Alignment of the Public Street Right-of-Way for Marina Boulevard Staff report presented by Public Works Director Gibbs. Director Gibbs discussed with the Agency the maintenance of the parcel by the City, the unusual shape of the parcel, the length of time it took to construct Gull Drive, related reimbursement of funds from the construction of Gull Drive and potential matching funds being applied for from the Integrated Waste Management Board. Motion-Fernekes/Second-Penna: To approve Resolution No. RPD #142- 99, approving Parcel Map 99-005 and authorizing the Chairman to sign the map on behalf of the City. Unanimously approved by voice vote. 6. Adjournment Motion-Mullin/Second-Fernekes: approved by voice vote. Respectfully Submitted: To adjourn the meeting at 7:14 p.m. Unanimously g Kar~YI~/Iatsumoto, Mayor City o~OSouth San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING COMMUNITY ROOM 33 ARROYO DRIVE CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: 7:30 p.m. Present: Absent: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: (Cassette Tape No. 2) Councilmembers Fernekes, Mullin and Penna, Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto and Mayor Datzman None Led by Mayor Datzman Reverend Richard Neeley, Grand Avenue Baptist Church PRESENTATIONS RCN Telecom Services of California: Mr. David Hankin, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, presented an update on RCN's work in South San Francisco and indicated on an area map which neighborhoods have been phased-in and will be ready to receive service in December. He stated that South San Francisco is the first city west of the Mississippi to receive this type of telecommunication service bundling. Mr. Paul Siegmund, Executive Vice President for the West Coast, stated that 4500 residents will be able to receive RCN' s service before the end of the year. He reviewed RCN's telecommunication services and described the different "bundles" that will be made available to subscribers. The service tiers include the platinum service bundle ($109), silver ($79), bronze ($69), and basic cable service ($31.95). Council asked that a smaller version of the map be provided, and information to let Council know when the west side of E1 Camino Real will be phased-in, if RCN will be broadcasting City Council meetings and, if so, on what cable channel. Mr. Siegmund informed Council that before service can be offered to the commercial El01 area, a joint powers agreement with the State of California must be negotiated, and that the type of high capacity telecommunication lines (digital/data cell service) will depend upon the response from that commercial area. AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Wilson requested Agenda Item No. 5 be pulled and rescheduled for the November 17, 1999 Special Meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Khalil Shalehtour, 514 Grand Avenue, informed Council of "STINKI", the Schools, Transportation and Infrastructure Killer Initiative. He submitted information on the initiative and asked Council to consider adopting a resolution opposing it. Mr. Alan Beers, 226 E1 Campo Drive, felt it was important for the Planning Commission to be televised on cable TV. He had suggested it to the Planning Commission and they referred him to Council. Mayor Datzman stated his request will be considered. Mr. Beers also stated his frustration with the referendum process, that special interest groups are taking the decision making process out of Council's hands, and that the petition circulators are not residents of South San Francisco. Mr. Rick Meyers, 1700 E1 Camino Real, agreed with the previous speaker. He stated his objection to professional petition circulators being hired to gather signatures by a special interest group and that money is behind the whole issue. He stated that the special interest group has failed to file with the FPPC and that the flyer being distributed by the circulators is an insult to Council. Mr. Collin Post, 1136 Sunnyside Drive, congratulated Councilmembers Fernekes and Mullin on their re-election and Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto on becoming our next Mayor. He further communicated his thoughts and personal opinions regarding: affordable housing; raising campaign funds; a misquote by the Independent regarding his campaign spending; the City's school system; City staff, and Councilmembers. Ms. Jackie Williams, 242 Longford Drive, felt Planning Commission meetings should be televised and voiced her opposition to the Costco project due to the traffic impact it will have on her neighborhood. COMMUNITY FORUM Councilman Mullin commented on the election and thanked those who voted for him. As he walked neighborhoods he heard opinions about Costco, most were favorable as long as there were no financial incentives. He also voiced his displeasure with the flyer that was being circulated by the South San Franciscans for Responsible Growth, and stressed that Council works very hard at its job. He agreed that the Planning Commission and School District meetings should be televised. Councilman Fernekes thanked the community for his re-election and considered it a vote of confidence. Residents also communicated their concern regarding Costco and WalMart, and he reiterated that the City has no financial agreement with Costco. He attended the Millennium Sculpture dedication and recognized the Cultural Arts Commission and Recreation Department for their hard work. He attended the annual Senior Holly Days Bazaar on Saturday, November 6. Councilman Penna congratulated Councilmembers Mullin and Fernekes on their re-election. He stated that he has heard favorable comments regarding the proposed Costco store, but personally could not support it if a financial agreement is involved. Financial agreements should be discussed in a public forum. Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto stated that Westborough residents have also discussed the Costco issue favorably with her, but do not support any tax incentives. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MINUTES PAGE 2 Councilman Mullin commented that affordable housing is not a dead issue in South San Francisco, and it is a regional problem. He believes that there will be several opportunities in the next two years to build affordable housing. He also requested to be contacted if campaign signs are seen in the community. Mayor Datzman congratulated Councilmembers Fernekes and Mullin and announced the installation and reorganization on December 2 at the Conference Center. He stated that he will reserve his comments regarding Costco until the appropriate time, as he had commented previously on the flyer. COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Mullin updated Council on his recent meetings, including the C/CAG Airport Land Use Committee meeting on October 28 that met to discuss issues regarding the San Carlos and Half Moon Bay airports; the SFO/Community Roundtable on November 3; and the Runway Reconfiguration Subcommittee on November 4, that met to discuss the status of the environmental impact statement and report on the runways. He stated on November 12, he will be meeting with the County Homeless Task Force Committee, and conveyed his regrets that he will not be at the Marie Peterson Room dedication that is occurring at the same time. Councilman Penna asked Councilman Mullin to comment on the concept of using pontoons in the Bay for landing planes. Councilman Mullin stated that it is not viable for the airport expansion due to pontoons only accommodating small planes and that they will interfere with radar. Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto reported on the recent meeting of the Senior Housing Subcommittee (Matsumoto/Fernekes) regarding the project at Chestnut and Mission Road. Additional grant funding is being pursued and the project is progressing. She indicated that affordable housing projects are being developed and she commended staff for their work. With regard to ArtRise, she indicated that there are problems, but they are being resolved. Councilman Fernekes stated that the Senior Housing Subcommittee and staff will be making a presentation to Council regarding affordable housing at a study session in the near future. Mayor Datzman complimented Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto and the Cultural Arts Commission on the Millennium Sculpture. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to Approve the Minutes of the October 20 and October 27 Regular Meetings 2. Motion to Confirm Expense Claims of November 10, 1999 of $6,178,390.40 o Motion to Cancel the Regular Meeting of November 24, 1999, and Schedule a Special Meeting for November 17, 1999 o Resolution No. 142-99, Approving a Parcel Map Relating to the Alignment of the Public Street Right-of-Way for Marina Boulevard REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MINUTES PAGE 3 o Resolution Approving the FY 2000-2001 Transportation Development Act, Article 3 Funding, Approval of Projects and Authorizing Submittal of Claims to C/CAG Bikeways and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Item No. 5 was pulled from the Consent Calendar. o Resolution No. 143-99, Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with Mark Thomas & Co. to Design the Utah Avenue Bridge Repair Project in the Amount of $64,200 Motion-Penna/Second-Mullin: To approve the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item No. 5. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Resolution Amending the Fire Department FY 1999-2000 Budget to Provide Additional Staffing and Storage Space for the Fire Prevention/Building Division in an Amount of $133,888 Staff report presented by Fire Chief Lee. Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto asked staff to explain how the preservation ordinance has impacted code enforcement, and thus causing a complaint backlog. Chief Lee stated there are normally 300 complaints on file and right now there are over 600. Work efficiency is being evaluated and a standard to handle complaints will be established. City Manager Wilson indicated that Fire Prevention will be streamlining efficiency through technology which will improve performance. Councilman Mullin questioned the use of portables and asked if something more permanent will be looked at. He also asked if the handicap parking spaces being eliminated will be relocated. City Manager Wilson responded that handicap spaces are still available by the parking meter repair shop and that a study for a permanent location has not been evaluated. The new central fire station may have adequate space to accommodate Fire Prevention. Councilman Mullin suggested the vacated Grand Auto Store (at E1 Camino Real and Arroyo Drive) as a temporary location and staff responded that they have not been able to reach the owner. Motion-PennaYSecond-Mullin: To approve Resolution No. 144-99, authorizing an amendment to the 1999-2000 Operation Budget (No. 00-7) to increase the Fire Department budget by $133,888. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Mayor Datzman queried why the delay in technology and City Manager Wilson stated that a thorough needs assessment is being made to insure all permitting staff could be interfaced and that the computer software will meet their needs. 8. Resolution Approving Rate Adjustment of Current Taxicab Rate Schedule Staff report presented by Police Chief Raffaelli. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, ! 999 MINUTES PAGE 4 Councilman Mullin discussed with staff the $5000 a month loss that Peninsula Yellow Cab was enduring and the statement that they are "not realizing an unreasonable profit". Chief Raffaelli explained that the rate increase is based on financial statements prior to the emergency rate increase. He also asked why the taxicab company's rates are higher in South San Francisco and Chief Raffaelli stated that other cities are looking at increasing rates also. Mayor Datzman thought the length of time between a request for a rate increase made the issue awkward, whereas a regular review of rates would be understandable. Motion-Fernekes/Second-Penna: To approve Resolution No. 145-99, establishing taxicab rates. Unanimously approved by voice vote. o Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Artist, Linda Hoffman, of Guided Imagery Design and Productions, to Paint 17 Window Panels at 500 Grand Avenue in an Amount of $25,000 Staff report presented by Parks, Recreation and Maintenance Services Director Nagel. He introduced Cultural Arts Commission Chair Joy-Ann Wendler to make a presentation of the art work (drawings in the staff report). She reviewed each of the current public art pieces in the community and the most recent addition of the Millennium Sculpture at Westborough and Junipero Serra Boulevard. Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto stated her concern is the maintenance of the 500 Grand Avenue building and Director Nagel stated that the City will maintain the artwork and the owner or business owners will maintain the landscaping. Mayor Pro Tem Matsumoto felt an emphasis should be directed toward sculptures. Chair Wendler stated that among the Commission's goal for next year is a sculpture garden and sculptures for other parts of the city. Motion-Penna/Second-Matsumoto: To approve Resolution No. 146-99, authorizing an agreement between the City of South San Francisco and Linda Hoffman of Guided Imagery Design and Productions in an amount not to exceed $25,000 to produce seventeen (17) mural panels to be installed at 500 Grand Avenue. Unanimously approved by voice vote. (Recess: 9:03 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.) Mayor Datzman announced that the RCN Telecom presentation had audio difficulties and will be re-broadcasted Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 p.m. After a brief Council discussion it was agreed to have a re-broadcast on both November 12 and November 24 with an explanation on the screen. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS 10. Motion to Waive Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.08 of the SSFMC, to Adopt the California Building Code, 1998 Edition, and Uniform Building Code Standards, 1997 Edition, and to Repeal the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Building Code Standards, 1994 Edition REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MINUTES PAGE 5 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Motion to Waive Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.06 of the SSFMC, to Adopt the Uniform Administrative Code, 1997 Edition, and to Repeal the Uniform Administrative Code, 1994 Edition Motion to Waive Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.20 of the SSFMC, to Adopt the California Electrical Code, 1998 Edition, and to Repeal the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition Motion to Waive Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.24 of the SSFMC, to Adopt the California Fire Code Volume 1, 1998 Edition and Uniform Fire Code Volume 2, 1197 Edition, and to Repeal the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition Motion to Waive Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.10 of the SSFMC, to Adopt the Uniform Housing Code, 1997 Edition, and to Repeal the Uniform Housing Code, 1994 Edition Motion to Waive Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.16 of the SSFMC, to Adopt the California Mechanical Code, 1998 Edition, and to Repeal the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1994 Edition Motion to Waive Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.12 of the SSFMC, to Adopt the California Plumbing Code, 1998 Edition, and to Repeal the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition Motion to Waive Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.18 of the SSFMC, to Adopt the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1997 Edition, and to Repeal the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1994 Edition Staff report presented by Chief Building Official Kirkman. Councilman Penna asked if these code editions were the most current and staff verified that they were. Councilman Mullin asked if there were any modifications to the Master Fee Schedule and staff indicated that there were no changes to the fee schedule. He also asked if there were any dramatic changes by adopting the new codes and staff stated that re-roofs will now mandate a spark arrester, and smoke detectors will be required in every bedroom and hallway/room leading to a bedroom. In response to Councilman Penna, staff stated that sprinkler systems are not required in a residential home and that these codes will become effective thirty days after their second reading. Motion-PennaJSecond-Femekes: To waive reading and introduce Ordinances amending Title 15 of the SSFMC (Agenda Item Nos. 10 through 17). Unanimously approved by voice vote. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MINUTES PAGE 6 City Manager Wilson informed Council that a public hearing on the adoption of the new codes will be held December 8. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Fernekes directed staff to coordinate a Cable/Fiber Optics Subcommittee (Datzman/Fernekes) meeting to discuss cable station line-up with AT&T and cable coverage of the Planning Commission meetings. He recalled that during the previous franchise negotiations that the School Board was not interested in having their meetings aired. Councilman Fernekes requested staff provide background information regarding Mr. Arvind Desai's comments made at the October 20 study session. GOOD AND WELFARE None CLOSED SESSION 18. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, Conference with Labor Negotiator Jennifer Bower Regarding Operating Engineers; and Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Existing Litigation - Beaudry vs. City of South San Francisco Entered into Closed Session: 9:31 p.m. Reconvened into Open Session: 10:08 p.m., all Councilmembers present. Assistant City Attorney Adam Lindgren announced the following: City Council reached a decision regarding Beaudry vs. the City of South San Francisco to settle the lawsuit relating to workers compensation and related claims in the total settlement amount of $166,256. The second Closed Session item with regard to the report from the labor negotiator: direction given/no action taken. ADJOURNMENT Motion-Mullin/Second-Femekes: To adjourn the meeting at 10:09 p.m. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Respectfully Submitted: Sylv~ M. Payne, City Cl~'rk City of South San Francisco Approved: L. ~ of South San Fi'axlcisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1999 MINUTES PAGE 7