HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - dated 9-8-1908 Inter-Office MemorandumCITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO I I IZ I VIA *I SO)v 4 WAL 10 � C0111 -1.11V TO:- City Clerk SUBJECT- Resolution dated September 8, 1908 FROM: City Attorney The attached is a copy of the Resolution and order.of the County Board of Supervisors, September 8, 1908; declaring South San. Francisco duly incorporatedi sett:W& our •+ The Engineering Department is preparing a map in accordance with the legal description. N onan, City ttorney IF REPLY REQUESTED SEND ORIGINAL AND DUPLICATE COPY I CE141 RAL REC0RDG FITS, LV Resolution and Order declaring the City of South San Francisco to have been duly incorporated at a mnicipal ^orporation of the sixth class, and declaring the persons elected to fill the various ele*tive itunicipal offices prescribed by law for manicipal corporations of M -94k lie it Resolved, by the Board of fIjjpervisors of the, County of San Ua— too, State of Cal2.fornia, that, Whereas, pursuant to a Resolution of this Board, passed and adopted on the third day of August, 1908, this Board did give notice Of a special election to be held on Thursday,th e third day of September, 1909, for the purpose of voting upon the proposition whether a certain portion of the County of San Uateo,statft of California, particularly describef', in said ResolUtion, and in said Notioe of Ejection( and hereinafter descrIbe.flahould become inc® rated as a city of the, sixth class, to be known and des-Ignated an, City of. zan Plrane-,inco: and for the purpose of voting for the e- lo-tive --ami^ipal officers for such Prot,osed mni-i7oAl corporation,as provid&.1, b-.- law, and particularly by that certain Act of the Legisla— ture of the State of California, entitled, "An Act to provide for the orZanizatlor., incorNoi*ation anrl government of nunicipal corporations,* app -)roved !.;arch 13th. 1183, (Statutes of lP?3, pa -e. 93) and the acts - amendato*ry thereof:by publishing sa:Ld Uotice of Election for at least two .Teeks -ext preceding the said third day of September, 1908,inme Enterprise, I a weekly newspaper printed and miblished within the boun- daries e _ *erritory of said municipal corpo ration, City of So�ith San !Arancisco,as fixed in said Resolution of this Board: and Whereas, it appears fro;: the affidavlt of Everett 1-. Voolmfltn, the principal clerrk of the prin-tr andpub-iinher of "THE MTEPPPUSY," ' -a ot iG 'rat said. -8 of Election, was duly published for at least two weeks next preceding Bald 3rd. Zrj of Se*ptember, 1903, in the said "The Enterprise," a vrea%ly newsLaper, -.rurinted and published within the bmindarieq and ter- ritol' o_�' na2.4 minici-pal 'I'lity of south. San Francisco,* as de3i­n�!­O in iail Resolution, and sa-Jd Notice of Me3tion, In ac- rRAL FM -CORDS 0 cords with law, and the order of this Board, said affidavit being on file with this Board: and Whereas, said Notice of Election was in the for=, and contained the matters and things, required by law: and wag in the words and figures Prescribed in and by said Resolution of this Board: And Whereas, said election was duly conluited and held. in accordance with law on said Thursday, the third day Of SePteMoor.1908;and the eleo— for s voting at such election duly jast baliots of the form required by law, and as Drescribed by the resolution of this Board adopted on the 17th day of Au,,-,ust, 1908: And Whereas, the election officers, and Board Of Jjection who con juat— ed said election, have made due return of such election to this 'Board of Supervisors as required by law: and Whereas the Monday next uaccetedr— ing said election was a legal holiday, and this day is the next busin— e-as day thereafter, and is aiso the da— for a re,rular i'leeting of this Board of Supervisors:and Whereas, this Roard of pupervinors duly met on this day, the 8th. day of SePte.naber, 1908, and proceeded to canvass the votes cast at such special election, and *.hereupon di. -3 canvass um=Wh votes and conaleted the canvars thereof: And Whereas, it duly =ears fron such canvass, and is a fact, that at said election, t7o Tindred and ninety—one (291) votes were duly cast; and. two hundred and ninety—one (.1-191) voter's --ted: and of said number two hundred and eiZhtsen (218) Of said voters voted and cast ballots "?as Incorporation;" and thirty—six (36) of said voter, voted and cast ballots "Against IncorPorationp an, Tiereas, it aPDears that a major— itY of the votes cast at said election ,sere and are for Vie incorpora— tion of said PrOPOsed manioVal corporation, City Of South San Franols&_ cc: and tiat !. majority Of the voters at said ejectiOl n arca*e' 1 in favor of the incorporation of said City, and that at sairl election it was duly determined that such PrOP03ed City Of Pouth San Francisco, should be- 00me incorporated: ,And Whereas, it further aDranrs froia said canvass, --,d is a fact, that at saia ele3taon, the following named Dersons reoelv,q votes for fie CENTRAL RECORM r F&S "04 IaI2., offing of amber of the board of trustees, as follows, to wit: J. L. D*benedsttl, one hundred and ten (11 0) votes: Harrr %dwards on* huWred And it flirther appears, that at said eleation the follOwing PareSne r&- oelved votea for the offiae of Clark Of said mnicipal oorporatian,ae one hundred and one (101) votes. Harry, 1. "Istyles fifty—two (52) Votes.' oeived rem eotively, the highest number of votes oast for -such several Offices. W07, THERMFORI, It ie hereby renolved, ordered and d&,,Iared, b1f this Board of Superv.J.Rors, that the territoz7 her ainafter de�3cribed ha.4 been and 4;, and this Board. declare.s, the , s to b� duly incorporatrA as a 3. CENTRAR., running thenae duo eastalong? the northerly line Of Lots Mtmbera 17 44MINd 18 of said section 15, and along the nortlIeTli .r line of La numberre Zk, 23, and 22 of seotion 14, and to the oeotbr"Of section Ij, t"AhiP 3 south range 5 west; thence dqpy4st 10 thq line separatIng th, OgUntleg Alameda and San Uateo;they naa running vOutherly along the said line 908rati% the 0OUntiOS Of Alameda and on Mateo, to a Point We east of the extenalon of the northerly boundary line Of mmtion 36, township 3 south, range 5 vast; running penao &10 west to the northeasterly not of the Water pront and Tide Lam CovVeny's So acre tract of said it oeotion 36; g then tie west along the north slot on line of goo- CENTRAi- RECORDS e OnLE NO.- tions 36, 35, 34 and 33 of said townshiP 3 South, range 5 west to the easterly lista of the San Bmno road.'thonoe northerly along the ly line of the San Bruno or Leas, to northeasterly would intersect the said easterly line of the San krurA roodAhence southwesterly alOnd'the northwesterly line of the FiM Ad- Bruno the soxxtheroly line of the lands of the South San Francisco Land and IMrovement Oorvany,to the w*aterly "do easterlyof the Southern Pacific Railroad: thence northwesterly along the said westerly side of the Southern Paoifio Railroad )to the northeasterly oor-- nor of the lands of the New California Jockey Club, known as *TayCror*n Pa3WO;thowe vouthwestarly along the northwesterly line of said *T*� ven Park* to the , „ Son Francisco sco to San Jose; thence northwesterly afong tete easterly line o said main county road one mile; thence crossing d road to itswest- erly Line, and running northwesterly along its westerly line to a point the th ly+ line of the .11 acret of forMorly the land, o t Tomaso Creed, if extendedsouthwesterly across d road Would, inter- sect the ® thence northeasterly crossing said road to the place beginnlz�-Provided however, that the following described land and ter- ritory Is t int n to be inoluded and the same is not included with- in the territory above described, r r within the corPorato limit's of t said City of South San Francisoo: but i especially x.t d l ed therefrom, and froM the jurisdiction of said City- of South San r iawo, to Wit: Be irMing at a point on the divi`d,irtj line between seo- tions2' and 23, township 3 Muth rare lli est, U.D. Vii. , aid point being 150 feet north of the granite mormment sept 10 chains n rtla of section corner 0o =n to sections 22, 3, 26 said. .27, townshiP 3 south raxzo 5 west, and running thence northwesterly to a point that is distant south 4058, west 760.33 feet frora tato grarite i-nent iia set for the most northerly corner of the lands of the Weet rn Meat Oomparq, thence north 370471 esist 1201-U7 rest, thence north 6113' east 24P.2 feet to t 'a e line of the .L'' i : l ap^i."�.goftile y Sii;ES.3..6,in,^ dee, CO,'apc.a i.g 5. E1P'4" R AL M thence easte . rly along said southerly IiXe of said right of ways, U the dividing line between .s tions 22 and 23, townahiP 3 south rWWO 5 West, thence north to a point that IS diStFint 50 feet from the shore line of the San Francisco bay, thence easterly and southerly to a point that Is due west of the SoUthvreSt corner of td4e lot number 27,aection Ik,t*vrl- IshiP 3 south range r', went, the due east to the dividing line between the oovntti" of San Mateo and Alameda, theme southerly &16ng Said 41- Viding line to a point that is due east of the point wbere the e&st#4r_ ly boundary of tide lot number 10 of section 023 intersects the shore line of San ?rancieco bay,thence due west to a point that is 50 fo*t westerly at right arqlas to the southerly line of the right of WW Of the Smelter Railroad., the noe easterly =d southerly along, the line dl* - tent 50 feet from and Parallel to the said southerly line of the right of way of the said Railroad to a point that in due east from the Point of beginning, then due west to the point of beginning. And it is further resolved declared that said Harry -Nds,"r4s, H. aexdeTheme Gsw Hickey, 7Hynding and ftniel MoSirintri. hav(- beer ftly elected the Trustees of said rmnicipal corporation, and constitute the BOW of Trustees thereof: and that Thomas Mason list- beex, d%Ll:v 104mtimw- "I ark their eof:and that C. L. Kailffmarm has been, duly el"ated the er theroof; and tha W. Kneev4' has been ft1v 160NO"A br*10 Varckal thereof. yp ozierp�i, that the Clex�F of "-iz Bourn ent,,,),r tbis order and r�solution, and Proceedings at ley,,p& in the utas of thie Board: and. that a copy of this Order and resolution be duly oertified by him/ _ind -thereafter transmittf.,'d forthwith to the Secretary of state of the State of '"Rlifornia, to be filed in the offiee of said Secretary of state as required by law.