HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 2839-1959 Signed Copy RESOLUTIObl NO. 2839 A RESOLDTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AGREEING TO THE TER~S OF THE SNALL CRAFT HAILBOR CO~ISSION RESOLUTION GRANTING PLANNING LOAN TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. #HEREAS, the Division of Small Craft Harbors of the State o[ Cali[ornia has heretofore by resolution authorized the grant o[ a loan to the City o[ South San Francisco [or planming o[ a harbor development project at South San Francisco, and MHB~, the City Council oi the City o[ South San Francisco desires to, by resolution, accept the terms of the resolution oi the Division of Small Craft Harbors in its entirety, NO~, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o£ the City of Sou~h San Francisco ChaC the Osram of the resolution adopted by the Small Cra[t Harbor Commission aC a meeting held in Oceanside, California on June 1~, 1959, whereby ~he Division of Small Crai~ Harbors granted a loan Co the City of Sou~h San Francisco in the sum o[ NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFfY DO~, ($9,7~0.00), payable from the Small Cra[t Harbors Revolving Fund, are hereby agreed to and accepted in their enZirety; said resolution being in form and substance as that attached hereto as Exhibit '*A", reEerred to and made a parc hereof as ii sec forth herein verbatim. I hereby certi[y thaC the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by ~he City Council o[ the City o[ South San Francisco held on the 20th day the following vote: AYES, COUNCXLiq~N NOES regular meeting july , 19~9, by Andrew Rocca, G. Jo Rozzi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern None Eailio Cortesi it g S 0 I, tl T I 0 ~1 #2839 15, DiviSion of Smell Craft Hi.bors received an -.~ ~,Of, said *Small Craft llarbors Commtsa:i, ou;.-and ro(t Rarbmre. 'hay!n8 project, has determlned~.prioT to for '~tt~e making of this loan DUC o£, the Revolvtn8 Fund; and , and does ~teby 'approve the eec has been detet~ined to serve a scatewide purpose and is of stat. e~lde ~or~e .benefit:roi the p~ple of the SCare of California; nov, therefore, belt ~L~~. ~aC. the giVis~: of S~,ll Craft Raw. rs make a lo~ Co the Ci~.'of S~ch S~ ~Fre*C/~o ~ C~, ~. Of a~ ~uO~d ~v~ h~.dred fifty dollars ($9,750) payable ~L ~': ~ I I4 Cr~ f c Harbo~.s :~evolvina Fund, for :he piannin& purposes as set forth :in:'~he'ap.plicatio~ of'the' City of South Sen Francisco on file ~ith th~s Divistoal ;said loan for.be repaid in a~cordance with& [inal plan of repayment (not to exCeed'~ten':(lO.).years)~ ~o beatriced ~ t~! City o[ South S~ Fr~iaco ~d ' Co 'i~l~de~ c~ar&e, fiXed,by '~ha"~ol~ ~y ~ee~enc Board Section 6199.5 of C~ Public Resources Codel ~itC~ accept~ce of the terns of this resolution by the GovernS& ~ si the City o~ Sou~ S~ ~r~cia~ s~11 constitute evid~ce o~ the City of ~th S~ Frmcisco~8 obligation tO pay said principal md in.rest ~ the ~nnet ~rein ptescwibed; and, be lC ~rthet I~OLV~D, that upon: (a) receipt of a feasible, final plan for r~paym~uc of said loan, subject Co apparel of the Chie~ of the, D~vtsion of ~ll'Crait Har~s~; (b) ~11 c~li~ce wiC~ all plain8 Io~ tesulkgiona adop~ad by'~ 5~11 Craf~ Rar~rs Co. lesion under SecCt~s 5827 ~d ~t. of the Public Re~urces Code ~d ~cCiou 11421 of the Government Code; (c) vricc~ accepc~ce of ~e cema si this resolution'thy Che Governs So~ si the CiW si South San Frmcisco; {d) approval of the lo~ by the Direc~r of the Departure of ~aCurel ~esource8 ~d Che Chief of Che D~violon of Small CrafC Harborer the Chief of the Division of Small Craft Barbers shall C~ereupon cause a claim to be filed 'villi the SCare Controller for the issuance of a'warrant drawn upon the Small Cralt Rarbors Revolving l~nd payable to the City of South S~ Fr~cis~ in P, BSOLV~D, that the ~hief of the Division of Small Craft Harbors be authorized and directed ,to dO sad perform all.acts necessary or convenient to accomplish the purposes ailed4 s alit. I, H. G. Stevens, Secrecaty to the SmLtl'Craf: Harbors Commission, do hereby certify that ~e forqoin8 is a full, t~ue and correct copy of a resolutio~ adopted by the Small Craft HarbOrs-Cmm~Lssion, at a meeting held ~n Oceaneide, Californ£a, ~n June 15, 1959. , Dated H. G. Stevens, Secretary small Ckaf: Harbors