HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnexation of SSF Resolution and Order declarlr~Z the ~ity of South gan ~rancisco to have been duly incorporated an ~ ~nioipal corporation of the class, and decl~i~ the persons el~t~ to fill the varleus elusive ~cipal offiee~ prescribed by law for ~nicipal co~orat~ns of o0o Be it Resolve, ~ the Board of ~upervZsors of th~ County ~of Man Na- t~, State of Calzfornia, that, ~ereas, p~ant to a Re~lution of this Beard, passed and adopted on the third day of A~st, 1908, this Be~d did gzve.~tice of a sPecZ~ elation to be held on ~d~,th thi~ day of September, 1908, for ~he ~rpose of voti~ upon the proposition whether a certain portion of the County ef San Nat~,~ta~ of G~iforn~a, partioul~ly describ~ in said Re~ol~tion, and in Notice of Elation( amd heremnafter descrzb~)should b~ome i~o~ rated as a city of the sixth class, to 0e known and de~nated City of. ~outb ~n Prenci~;co: ~n~ for the ~rpose of voti~k~ for l~t~ve ~:r~cipal officers for ~oh pro~,o~ed ~n~i~l corporation, p~vid~. ~.- law, an~ partzoularly ~/ that certain Act of the Legisla- ture of the ~tate of California, entitle~, "An Act to [~rovide for the orga~izazzon, lncorpo~-ation ~.nd ~overnment of ~nicip~ oorporatlon~,, approved Earth l~th. 1.~JU, (Statutes of la23, page 0~) and the amendato~ zhereof:~ publimhJ.~ ~az.i ~otice of Election for at least ~wo we~qs next pree~i~Z the sald third day of September, 1908,in~e Enterprise,' a weekly newspaper printed and ~.~blished within the bo.~ dariea ~n:! lerrZto~, of said ~nlcipal corporation/City of So'xth Prancisco,as fixed in sai~l Resolution of th~s Board: and ~eream, it appea~s f~3. ~he affkd~v~t of Everett I. ~ood~%~n, the princip~ 02 the przn%cr and la~blZ~her of "THE E~TT, FPFJ~E," that said ~otice Electxon, was duly ~ublished for ~t legist ~wo we~[s next sald 3rd. '~[~Y of September, lP0S, in the said "The Enterprise," a weehly r~spaper, pr~.]~ and published within the ~un~aries and te~ r~to~, of ~!d ~nicipal 3or~or~zon "Uity of South San Prancisco, as -lesxgu~,~*~ in said Resolution, and said Nctic~ of E]cc%io~, in ac- cordanoe with law, and the order of this Board, said affidavit being on file with this Board: and Whereas, said Notice of Election was in the form, and contained the matters and things, required by law: an4 was in the words and fia~Ares prescribed in and by maid Re~olution of this Board: And Whereas, said election was duly con~]ucted and held in accordance with law on said Thursday, the third dsy of Septe:aoer, l'9OS;an~ the elec- tors vo%i.~7 at .wuch election duly ?a:~t b'.aCLlots of the form required by law, and as prescribed by the resolution of this Bmard adopted on the 17~h. day of August, 190~: And ~rnereas, the elec. tion officers, and Board of ~Klection who conduct- ed said election, have made due return of such elec~tion to this Board of Supervisors as reqa~ir~.~l by law: and ~nereas the ~.{onday n~xt suoceed- ir~2 said ele~t~o:~ was a legal holiday, and thi~ day zs the next busin- ess ~-'.~y thereafter, and is also the day for a re,~.ular meeting of this Board of Supervisors:and ~.2~ez'eas, thi:_~ Bo~iPd of .°..up~rvi.~or~ da~ly met on this day, the 8~h. day of Septe:.~b~r, lOOQ, and Profe~j~d to oanva~,~ the votes cast at such special election, and thereupon di:~ canvass ~h votes and completed *.h~ canvass thereof: And ~?nereas, it duly appears from m~ch canvass, and is a fact, that at said election, two ',:~ndred and ninety-one (291) votes were duly and two hundred and ninety-one (291) voter:.: ~'oted.' and of said number two hundred and eighteen (218) of said voters voted and cast ballots "?o~.- £naorporation;. and thirty-six (36) of said voter:~ voted and cast ballots "Against Incorporation; . and ~..~ereas, it appears that a major- ity of the votes cast at sa~d election were and ;~re for the incorpora- tion of s~id proposed ~nioipal corporation, City of South San ?fa.mede- co: a:wt that ?. majority of the voters at said election voted in favor of the incorporation off said City, and that :~t s'aid election it was duly determin~ that such proposed City of ?curb San Francisco, should b.e- co~ue incorporated: And ~uere~..s, it i~arther ap~.0ars from said canvas.~, ~'~r..-i is a fact, that at sam-~ elect!o~, the f~.~llowing r,a~ed persons received vo~e:; for the C~NTRAL RE:CORD~ , offlo® of ~saber of the board of trustees, as follows, to wit: J. Lo D~be~edetti, one hundred and ten (110) votes: Harry Edwards one hu~d~e~ amd sixty (160) votes: H. Oaerdes one hundred and r~Lneteen (119) vete~: Thomas HIo~Z one hundred and twenty-fou~ (1£~) votes:~nding on~ hundred and fortr-th~ee (1~) votes: M~Heal¥ e~htM-five (85) votes; J.Jorgea~se~ sixty-seven (67) votes~lnd thirty-one (~1) votea~J.J. MoDonald eighty-six (86) votes: D~nlel ~oSweeney one hur~red a~d eight(laS) votes: John Nealis ssventy-tllrse (73) vot. es:.D. Palan~ sev- ~te~ (17) ~tes; ~ 3. P~e ~nety~ne (91) votes. ~ O'Brlen three that ~ ~~s, ~. Oa~es, ~o~s B~, ~, ~ ~ And it f~ther appears, that at sa~d eleotion the followin~ persona re- o~lved v~te~ f~r the office of Olerk of said _~_;nicipal oorporatlon, a. follows, to wit: E. W. bangenbaoh ninety-n~ne (99) votes: Thomas hundred and one (101) votes: Harry E. 8t~les f.iftT-tw~ (52) ~tes: and that T~omas .Mason was. d~ly elected clem~ thereof: A~d It ft~rther appears, that at said election the followin~ persona re- salved votes for the office of Treasurer of said mznioipal oorporat~on as follows, to wit: O.I,. Kauffmann one hu,Ddred and_ff, lfty-seven ~7) votes: ~. ~. ~ohnelder ninety-four (9~' vote~md that O.L. Kauffmann was duly sleeted treasurer thereof: · And it further appears, that at said election the followirLg perso~ re- oeived votes for the office of Marshal o~,~ioipal corporation, as Rneese one hun.~red an4 eighteen (118) votes: ~d seventeen~'a~ that sai~~/. Kneese ther~f: ~d It ~rther appears that said pe~ sons above me~tlone~l as havin~ been duly eleoted to said offl. oes, re- eeived respectively, the highest number of votes oast for .~oh several o ffic e s. NO~, THEREfORe, It is hereby resolved, ordered and deot~red, b~! this Board of Supervisors, that the territo~7 hereinafter descriO~ has been and is, and this Board d. eclare:'~ th~ ~.-~e to b~ r'iuly incorporat~ as a CENTRAL RECO~ ~Xoip~ corporation of the slzth class, urger the nsr~_ and eI?Y OF ~ouTH SAN ~RA~0I~0[ /~A~d this Board does here~ ~ther d~l~e said te~lto~ ~ t~, te be the m~e territo~ the l~al ~~ee ~'l~m~ts ~y pase~ a~ 8dopt~ on ~s% ~d. 1908, ~d that ~aid %e~l~ situmt~ in the O~ty of San ~at~, State of ~aliforni~ ~d t~l~ly ~u~ ~ de~rib~ se follows, to wit: l~ ~m 8~ F~lsoo to ~an Jose, ~ere the ~%h~st~l~ t~s~ts ~ ~ad, ~d ~i~ thee ~rth~st~ly alo~ the ~- east~ly l~e of said To~ 0rests 90.11 acre tract :o ~e 1~ 1~ of the lands of the C~eker Estate: ~l~ thence ~th~st~ ly alo~ the ~thwesterly line of the 1~ of the C~oker E~ate re' the ~rthweeterl~ co,er of the ~.91 acre tract of 1~ of ~rtheast~ly ~o~ the ~rthern ~~ line of the ~ld ~.~l t~et of the South San ~rancisoe L~d and I~v~t ~o~ 1~ the ~rth~ly ~und~ line of P~k's ~u~ivlsien ef South ~i~e, to the ~sterly line of S~ B~ ~ad; ~~ thence ~h- easterly along the easterly line of S~ B~m ro~, to the ~hwest~lF corner of Let ~m~ 18 of s~t~n 15, town~ip 3 ~uth, r~e 5 west; ~i~ the~e due east ~o~ the northerly line of Lots ~bers 1 18 of said s~tion 15, a~ alo~ the rmrtherly line of Lots 23, a~ 22 of s~tien 1~, and to the e~%~'~ef s~tion 1'$, te~lp ~ut~ r~e 5 west; ther~e ~e east te zhe l~e sep~atZr~ ~he ef Alaska and San ~t~;the~e ~!~ ~uth~ly ale~ the ~ald l~e s$~ati~ the so,ties of Alumna an,1 Se.n Hat~, to a ~int of the extension of the ~rtherly ~und~ lin~ of ~tion ~6, · $ ~th, ra~e ~ west: ~nni~ ~%hen~e ~e west to the ~rtheast~ly n~ of the ~ater Front ar~ Tid~ Ls~ Colby's 80 acre tract of said s~tien 36; ~~ thence due west alor~ the north s~tion line of CENTRAL RECORD~ tl~ns 36, 25, $~ and ~ of said townahip 3 south, range 5 west to the easterly line of the gan Bl, lno ro~d; ~thence northerly along the easter- ly ll~e of the San Bruno x~ad:~$' ~a.tn~ more or less, to a poi~ whe~® the northerly line of the Fifth Addition to ~an ~runo Park, if extended northeasterly would intersect the said easterly line of the san ~ road; ~henee ~outhwes%erly alon~he northwesterly line of the ~lf~h Ad-- dition ~f San Bruno Park, and the souther~.ty lane of the ls.n~s of the ~outh San ~ra~l~o La~ a~ I~ve~ent Oo~a~,to the w~terl~ the S~thern Pacific ~il~; thence ~rthwest~ly ~0~ the ~ld west~ly ~de of the S~th~n Paoi~o ~il~ad ~o the ~rtheast~ly oo~ n~ off the l~s of the N~ ~alifornia Jook~ ~lub, kno~ P~,;~e ~thwest~ly ~o~ the ~rthwest~ly line ~n P~' to the ~st~ly line of the ~in o~t~ .~ le~i~ Fr~isco to S~ Jose; th~ee ~rthwesterly ~ng the east~ly line of said main county read one mile; thence crossing said road to its west- erly line, ~nd running northwesterly along its westerly line to a poirr~ . where the ~eutherly line of the 90.11 acre ~ract formerly the land of Tomas~ Cresta, if extendsd southwesterly across said road would lnte~- sect the same; thence northeasterly orossir~ said r~ad to the place beglnnll~ provided however, that the following demeribed land ritory le not intended to be included and the s~me is not included with- in the territory above described, nor within the corporate limits ef th~_ said City of South San l~ranc~s~o; but i$ especially ex~ep%ed and exolud-/ ed therefrom, and from the jurisdiction of said City of South San ~ran- oisco, to wit: Begirmi~ at a point on the divi'diug line b~tween se~- .tlons 22 and 23, township 3 south rar~e .~ west, M.D.M.,said point bel~g feet north of the granite mom;~ment set 10 chains n~Jrth of section oorner connmon to sections 22, 23, 26 and 27, township ~ south range 5 west, and running thence northwesterly to a point that is distsnt south 8~58' west 760.33 feet ~rom the granite merriment which is set for the most northerl,! corner of the lands of the 'gostern Meat Co~pany, thence north ~? ~7' east 1201.07 feet, thence north 61~1~' east ~ ~ 2~.~ feet to the_~ ins of the r:4Tj~t cz~ ~"..~, 'of the~ f;el~ Smelting and Lead ComDany, CENTRAL thenoe easterly along said southerly li~e of said right' of way, ~ the dividing line between .sections 22 and 2~, township 3 ~uth range ~ west, thenoe north to a point that is distant ~0 feet from the sho~e line of the San ~rancisoo b~y, ther~e easterly and southerly to a point that is due west of the sOUthwest oorner of t~ide lot number 27, section l~,t~1- ship 3 south range 5 west, ther~se due east to tile dividin~ line the oo~nties of ~an Mateo and Alameda, thence ~utherly along ~al~ riding line to a point that is due east of the point where the ly boundary of tide lot number lO of se~%lon £3 intersects the l~ne of San ~ranois~o bay,thence due west So a point tha~ is 50 feet westerly at right an~les to the southerly line of the right of way of ~he Smelter Railroad, theme easterly and southerly along the line dl~- rant 50 feet fl. em and parallel ~o the said southerly line of the of way of the said Railroad to a point that i,~ due east from the p~int of beginning, then due west to the point of b~innim~. ~- And it is fUrther resolved~A~.~ declared that sa:~ ~rr~ E~ww~e, H. Gaerdes, Thews HickeM~ Hynding. and D~niel M~we~neM. haws bee., ~ el~t~ the Tx~Astees of said n~Anicipal oorporation, and constitute the Boar, of Trustees thereof: and that Thomas Mason h~. bee.u d~l~~ ~--~ '-~:~- '~le~k thereof:and that g. L. Kaufllmann l~as b~en duly el~ted · ~'~~r th~r,~f; and tha ~. Kn~ has been ~ ~ .: ........ ~_ ~ ~ ...~ ..... :~: .....~ o~" o"~, th'st . ~,r~: ,~ ~s ~rther .... ~lv ~ _.. the 01e~$: o enter this o~er ~d re~lution, and p~oe~i~s at le~ utes of this Board: a~d that a copy of this orner and resolution be duly oertified bM him/. ~1 thereafter transmitted forthwit~h to the Secretary of State of ~he State of ~alifornla, to ~e filed in the ofi~e of said Seeretary of State as required by law.