HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetition for AnnexationP ET i T i ~1; P OR AN~.,i EXR~i ?~i
the Holr:~rab!.~ th~ BOARD 3.~:' TRU~EE,9 o~ the
-~t!en ef the Sixth Cie. ss, 8uly incorporated under the isws ~f
the State ,~f Csi-,_ ......... -,., ~,~z~ ,~xisting in the c~dn~y of San }~fate~,
State ~f Oaliferni8 ; thnt your petitiouers ?e residents .f said
City ~nd are quaiifi~l eleeters thereof, ,md constitute ~re than
~ne-fifth c~. th* qualified elect, rs ~f sai~ Oity, e~mput~t upon
~,_ce r~mber of vstes east at the last ~;~nioipal election n.td
., o ne- fifth
th**rein ; ~nd that this petiti, n is si,:ned by n~re thsn
in number of ti~ qualified electors ef such m, nioips1 ~rp~ratien
the un~rsigne~l, residents an,1 quaiifi,~, eieetors ~f the
~ity ef South San Franeisc~, as aforesaid, respectfully petiti®n
Zeur H~n~ra~le Bear~ and ~.~ that the b~undnries ~f sai~
S~uth gan Fr~neisee may be alter~i and that all th~ follow~;~
~..~:rtic~i~rly deseribed new territory
ino.rperat~ ar~l included therein, ,.:~:. ~,~,r,,: r. i~.rt thereof, t~ wit:
All thT~t cert,.in torrit~r~ situated, lying and being,
~ontJ~ueus t~ tL(.~ city ef 2euth S2.n Yranei.sc~, and in the C~,unty ~f
n .... , ..... A''~' ............. ~,~'~ te wit '-
Beg!nnl~ ~.t a p~int on ~he d. lvlO, i~: line between sections
and BS, %~wn~ip S, S.u~ Ra~/~ ~ Weet,N.D.M., said p~
feet north of the gra~te ~mment set 15 ohaln%~
Seuth, Range 5 West, ~nd running thence Nerthwe~terly tea ~eint
-~h~t is distant ~uth 8~BSt west V65.$$ feet ~en~ the grmnite
~nent which i~ ,et fer the ~et ~rth~ly cern~ ef the
~f the ~e~tern Meat ~a~ thence ner~ ~V~~ ~t 12~1.$~ feet;
~henee ~r~ 81 1E~ east 2~.~ fe~t te the line ~f the r~ht
w~ ef the 8el~ E~lti~ ~ Lea~ Oe~a~ ; thence e~et~
ale~ maid S~utherly li~e ef eai~ r~ht ef w~ te ~e ~ividi~
line between eeetiens ~ an~ ~Z, ~wn~hip, ~ S~uth, ~a~e B ~est;
thence Ner~ ~ a p~Int ~hat is ~list~nt B~ feet ~em the ehere
line ef the ~n Franoi~e B~ ; the~e ~ast~ly ~nd 8euth~
~ a l~iut theft is ~ix~e Ve~t ef the S~uth West eern~ ef ti~e let
~mb~ BV, s~tien lA, ~wn~ip Z seu~, ~a~e ~ ~est ; thence
due ~t te the dividi~ line b~tween the Geunties ef 8an
~nd Ala~n~m ; the~e ~.utherly ~le~ s~id~ dividi~ line tea peint
that is ~ue ~aet ef the p~int wh~e the East~ly ~u~i~~ ef
let numb~ 15 ef ~ecti~n MZ int~te the ~ere line ef
San ~rancisce B~; thence due West te ~ point theft is MS feet
~e~t~ly at r~ht a~lea t, the E~uth~ly li~ ef the right
w~ ~f the S~lt~ ~ai~ea~ ; th~noe ~terly a~ 8~utherly
mle~ the line ~istant ~$ feet ~m ~ parallel te sai~
8eutherly 'line ef the r~htef w~y ef the sal~ railrea~ tea
~int that is due East ~m t~e peint ef beginni~; thence due
~eet~te ~e peint ef ~inni~ ~ ~D alse theft e~t~in piece
wr P~reel ef t~rrite~ ei~x~t~ iyi~ ~nd bei~ in the Oeun~ ef
~n ~t~, ~$a~te ~f ~Iife~ni~ ~n~ e~nt~u~ te the Oi~
~~e~Xi~ S~n ~r~ncisee and de~ri~ as ~ll. ws, t. wit :-
B e~ i~l~ ~t ~. pe iht
wh~e ~e Nerth~l~ li~ ef Belle A~ P~k
int~s~ts t~e Ner~ S~t~n line e f seotie ~; thence
8~west~ly a~ al~ the ~rtherly line ef Belle A~ P~k
the East~ly line ef g~n P~ne Pea~; the~e ~~ ale~ the
Eaet~ly lin® ef t~e S~ B~n~ Rea~ tea peint wh~e ~al~
E~ete~ly line ef San Brune ~a~ int~ects the ner~ eeetien line
ef Seetlen$$$~ te~ip ~' ScutS, ~ange 5 ~est ; t~enee gasterl~
aleng sai~ Nerth ~ secti, n line ef Sectien SS, tewnsl~lp ~ scut~.,
Mange 5 ~eet te the pelnt ef ~eginnir~ .
And yeur Petitieners further respectfullY' represent and
shew unte yeur Henerable Bear~ that said a~eve descrlbe~ territery
is in.habited, and that it is f~r the best intereets ef the
ir~habltants ef said new t~rritery, and te th~ best interest ef
said City that .eueh territery be annexed te saiA Gity~ ~ ar~i that
~.11 ef said territery is centigueus t~ said city.
W h e r e f · r e , year petitiener~ further respeetf~ll~
petitien an~ pr~ that yeur Henera~ie Bear~ su~mit t~ the electer~
ef said city snd te the electers resi~ing in the aferesaid new
terrlter~ proposed by thie Petitien te be annexed te eai~ City,
the :~ueetien whether ~ch territory shall be annexed re,
i~eerperat~ in and made a part ef such manielp~l cerperatlen ;
~n~ that such questien be submitte~ at ~ s~ecl~l electlen te ~e
held fer that purpese and r~ ether ; and that y~ur Henera~le
call such electlen and e~use due ~nd legal ri, rice t~ be
~iiven thereef, as ~revi~e~ ~y law .
An~ yeur petitieners further pr~4v that yeur Nenera~le Be'ar~
all such necessalwy snd prep~r preceeelings as ~Y be
requisite te alter the ~,undaries ef said City as ~.feresaid, ar~
annex and cause te De annexed t~ s~i~ City the new territer~
a~ve ~escribe~, ar~ as Previ~e~ ~y law .
IN WITNESS W~]~EgF, s~id petiti, nere~?~v~ h~r~Tnt~ met t~e~
State ef ~allfernia.
.being first &uty swern,:'de~eeee
wl.~hin.'-~et~tien..-~n~ '~s en~ ef ~e
petitieners within; that he l~as read. saiA petitien aTM knews t~e
eentente thereef; that during all the times mentienesi in sal~
petition he wac an~ still ie ~ qualifi~i eiecter and resident ef
the City ef Seuth San Prancisee ( a municipal cer~eratlen situate-
in the Ceunt7 ef San Mates, State ef C~,lifernia, an~ ~ul7
incer~erated a,~ m city ef the Sixth ClaeS) ; that he is familiar
with the beund~ries ef said City and with the inhabit,mts thereef
and is persenally acqu~inte~ with each ~f the:ether petitieners
whese sign~.tures ~re appended te said petitien ; that the signatures
te said petitien are the Eenuino sig;nRtures ef said petitieners
severally and respectively; ~_r~ were signed in his presence ; that
he knews and therefer 'avers the fact te be that the said petitiener~
c~nmtitute T~ere than erie-fifth ~f the qualified eleoters ef sai~
City cemputed upton the hUmBler ef vetee e~st ~.t the last m~nieipal
electien heid therein ; timt said p:;titi~n is signed ~F m~re
than erie-fifth in number ef the qualifie~ electers ef s~el~
nunicipal eamperatien, as se een~uted ; an~ t~at at t~e'tlme ef
signing s~id petitien, ~nd ~.t ~11 tim. es subsequent thereto,, t~.e
sai~ petitien-~s ee censtitut~g m~re than ene-fift~ ef the
qualified electers ~f said City, ~s aferess~i~, were an~ at all
times thence cent~nme~ te ~e and are new electers~ar~i-r~sidents
~f ~nd within the City ef Seuth San Pranoisce; au'd that he is
infer~e~ and believes, and upen l~is inf~rn~ti~n er belief, avers
~the truth and fact te be that all the statements an~ allegatiens
set ferth ~nd .centained~ in said petition