HomeMy WebLinkAboutSan Mateo County Reso 323 ~e.olution and o~e~ de~la~in~. +.h~ ~ltU o~ 2outh ~an havo.be~ dul~ ~o~at~. ~s ~ ~miol~l oo~ra~ion of o0~ BO~ d~ gt~ ~t~e of a gP~l~ elation to be h~d ol Not~e of ~tio~ ~ h~einafter describ~)~ould b~ome ~at~ a~ a olty off the sixth olee~, ~o be k~wn and de~l~net~ %u~e Of the ~ta%e of ~alif~ia, entitl~l, "An i~t %0 ~vl~.. o~a~za%~n, l~o~ration a~ ~v~t of mml. ipal eo~tions, app~v~ Ms~h l~%h. 1,R~. (~ta~%es of l~$~, p~e o~) and am~ato~ the~f:~ ~bll~i~ said ~%ice of Faction for ~i~o, as flxM in said Re~ltttlon of thl~ Bo8~: 8~ Of the p~lnter a~' ~bli~ of 'T~E ~E~I~E,, that said ~tio~ was ~y ~tbli~ fo~ at least t~ we~ next ~ltO~ of sa~ m~eipal oo~ation .Oity of ~outh San ~ra~l~o, as dest~st~ In said ~lutlon, a~ ,eld ~otloe o~ ~tlon, co.dance with law, and the order of this Board, said affidavit bei~ on file with this Board: and Whereas, sa~d Notlc~ o£ Elation was in the fo~ and oonta~n~ ~e ~tt~a ~ th~s, re~ ~ law: ~ was the ~s ~ f~es pre~rib~ in a~ ~ saXd Re~lut~on of tills ~ ~eas, e~d ~tlon was dulF conducted end held In ~co~a~e w~th law on sa~ ~a~ the th2rd d~ of Sept~b~,XgO~;~ the el~ tore~votl~ at ~oh ~tion d~ cast b~lot~ of the ~rm requir~ l~,. ~ as~preeorlb~ ~ the ~e~lutlon of th~e Ba~ adopt~ on the 17th, daf of A~st, i~OS: ~ ~eas, the elation off,oars, a~ Boa~ of ~tlon ~o conduct- ~ said ~tion~ have ~e due retu~ of ~eh elation to this Bo~ of ~up~lsors as re~lr~ ~ law; and ~ereae the Mo~ ne~ ~ooe~- l~ s~ elation was a l~ holid~, a~ this da~ le the next ese d~ thereaft~, a~ ia al~ the .da~ for a re~l~ meetly-of this B9~d of 5upervl~ra:a~ ~ees~ this BO~ of Sup~vlse~e d~ met on this da~ the Sth. d~ of S~t~b~, 1908, a~ P~ce~ to o~vass the Vet~ cast at ~oh ep~l~ el~tion~ a~ th~n d~ canvass ~ votes ~ eo~l~ the canvass thief: A~ ~er~e, it d~M apple ~m ~ch canvass, a~ la a fact, that at e~ ~tion, t~ hu~r~ .~ ~net~ne (291) votes were d~M oaet~ ~ t~ hu~ ~ ninet~ne (~1) votes vote: ~ of s~d t~ h~ a~ ~hteen (~la) of ~id ~ters vot~ ~ cast b~lote · For X~o~2ation;. ~d ~t~-e~ (~8) of said ~ters vot~ a~ cast b~lote .~a~net.X~or~atlon~' and ~ereae, it appe~s that a ~t~ Of the ~otea east at said ~tion were ~d sre for the lnoo~ra- t~ of e~d P~e~ ~nlolp~ so,oration, OltF of ~uth S~ so: ~ ~et a ~JoritF of the voters at said elation ~t~ in the ~o~at~on of said OltM~ a~ that at said ~tlon it was d~ det~mn~ that ~h ~e~ CltF of Sou~ S~ F~l~o, ~ould ~me l~o~at~: A~ ~eaa, It ~ther appe~s ~m maid canvass, and lea fact, that at z~d ~t~n, the follow~ n~ p~ne r~eiv~ votes ~--the off~e of me~be~ of the boa~ of t~ustess, as follows, to wit': benedet%l~ one hund~ and ten (110) votes: Ha~ Edwards one hundred a~ sixty (160) votes~ H. Gashes one hun~ and nineteen {11~) votes: ~omS'tio~ one hundred and twenty-ffo~' (1~) vo~es: Andr~ ~ndl~ one h~r~ and fo~-three {~) vote~: N. ~. Healy elghty-~ve votes: J. Jorgensen sixty-seven ~6y) votes:Peter Ll~ thl~t~' votes: J,~. Ye~nald elght~-eix (~6) votes: Daniel N?~$ween~ one hund- ~ and twent~,eight (~$) votes: John Nealis sevent~-three (75) votes: D. P~a~ ~eventeen (17) votes: E. S. P~e ninety-one (?1) vote~i~ohael O'~rl~n t~ee {~) votes: D. O, Daggett one (1) vote: P, H~la~~ (~) votes: Pat O'Neill t~ee ($) votes: $~. ~o1~ two (2) votes: W.J.Y~tin one (1) vote: W. Pitt one (1) vote: a~ that H~ ~wards, H, Gashes, ~o~s Niokw, Andr~ Hyndi~, a~ Daniel MoSween~, have been el~t~ T~stees of said mnlelpal oorporation: A~ it ~rther appe~s, that at said elation the followl~ pe~ns oeiv~ VOtes fo~ the o~loe of ~1~ of said ~nleipal oo~ration, as follows, to wit: E.~. La~baoh ninety-nine (99) vote~: Tho~s Mason one h~ a~ one (101) votes: H~ E. StFles fiftF-t~ {52) votes: ~d that Tho~s Ma~n was duly el~t~ olerk ther~f: A~ It ~rther appe~s, that at said elation the followl~ persons oeiv~ ~tes for the offloe of Trea~r~ of said mnioipal oo~atlon as follows~ to wit: ~.L. X~f~nn one hun~ and flftF-sev~ votesi W, 0, ~ohneid~ ~inetF-four (9~) ~tee: D.O~gett one (i)~te~ a~ that ~, L, K~f~nn was duly el~t~ Trea~rer thereofi A~ it ~ther a~ea~s~ that at said elation the foilowi~ p~eons oe~v~ votes fo~ the offioe of M~al. of said mnioipal oo~o~ation~ as followst to wit: He~ W. Kneese one hu~ and eighteen (liS)votes: ~1 Dan~l twenty-five (25) ~teel J.O.Wallaoe one hu~ and seve~ te~ (117) votes: ~d that said He~ W.Kneese w~sduly ~t~ M~al thief: ~d it ~ther appears that said persans above mentioned as havl~ been duly elated to said offfioes, r~elv~ respeotively[' h~est ~mber of votes oaet for m~oh several offioes. NOW~ THE~0~, It is hereW resol~, order~ and d~lar~, W this Bosrd of SBp.~yl~ors, tha~ the t~ito~ hereinafter deeorib~ has been ana ms, ~a mnxs so~d d~A~es the same to be duly lnoo~orat~ as a w~e h~ete~re d~F f2x~ and esta'~li~ ~ th~s Bo~ ~ ~y Pass~ a~ a~pt~ on A~st ~, XgOS, ~d that sa~d t~l~ B~~ at a ~t off the eaete~l~ l~o of the ~2n oountF ~a~ 1~- ~ ~m 9a~ ~l~o to ~an Jose, ~ th~ southeas%~l~ line of t~s~ta sa~ ~ad. m~ ~tnnl~ tl~e north~st~17 alQ~ the ~u~- east~l~ 1~. of ~ld To~,o ~resta )0.11 ~re trot %o the ~tl~west~ ~ l~e of tMe lm~I~ of the O~er Estate~ ~l~ the~ 1~ alo~ ~te ~west~17 l~e of the l~s of ~he O~eker Estate to the ~=thwes~12 oorner of the ~.~ aor~ trot of l~nd of the ~rtheast~l~ ~o~ the ~rtI~ern ~~y line of th~ sa2d ~.~ trao% of the ~outh S~ ~l~o La~ am~ I~v~n~nt ~o~a~2. ~ 1o~ the ~=~he~ly ~~ line of P~' $ 5u~lv~s~on of 8outh 5~ F~l~ooto the ~ete~17 l~ne of San B~ ~ad; nu~ th,n~e ~rth- eaaterl~ alor~ th~ easterly line of ~an B~no ~ad to the oo~ of Bo~ ~]nb~ 18 of o~t~on 1~. township ~ ~uth. ~o ~ west; ~l~ ~e~e due ea~t ~o~ the no~th~ly 1Xne off hots ~be~o 17 town~l~p ~tth ~e ~ westl thee ~e ~t to ~he lin, ~op~a~ ~he ~ountleo off Alaska ~t gan Mat~;tho~ i T s~ati~ t~o oo~tie, of Al~a and 8 ~ Ma%~, to a ~lnt ~to of ~ho ~t~n of ~e ~rth~l~ ~n~ line of s~tlon ~6, to~lp .~,..~ ar~ ~ of ea~d towm~p ~ south, range 5 we~ ~o ~e · the ~1~ line of ~e ~h Ad~t~n to 8~ Bmmo P~X~. if ~t~n of 8~ B~ P~, a~ ~he ~th~y line ef the lamtm off 8~ San ~a~A~o ba~ a~ l~ve~t ~o~to the west~l~ ~e w~t~l~ ~e of the ~th~n P~A~o Ra~ad to the ~r~east~l~ p~ej thee ~twest~l~ ~o~'the ~r~w~mt~ly l~e of sa~d ~n p~e to ~e east~,12 line of the mia oo~mt~ ~ad leadl~ ~m ~ ~ oo~ty ~ad one ~e; t}~o o~m~ ~d road to its To~ O~esta~ if ex%e~ ~Athwe~t~lM ao~ms s~,l ~ad would int~ 8~t the s~e; ~e~e ~r~st~lM o~sel~ e~d ~ad to the pl~e of b~~; p~v~d~ howev~, ~at the ~ll~i~ desO~t la~i and in the te~l~ a~ve desorlb~, ~ wlthXn th~ oor~ate l~ts of ~ 'th~e~ ~ ~m the J~l~iot~on of Bald Oit7 of South ~an t2ons S~ ~ ~],~town~ip 3 ~ ~a~e ~ w~st, M,D,M,,s~d l~nt ~el~ wemt~ ~ ~t~{ th~a ~hwemt~ly to a ~lnt that ~ dintsnt ~rth 37 ~7' ~st 1201.07 feet, the~e ~h 6101~' ~,t 2~.2 feet to the line of the r~ht of w~ of the ~ ~m~tl~ a~ Be~ ~o~a~, ~V~ l~e betwe~ e~tions ~ ~d ~, t~sh~p ~ south ~e ~ west, l~ne off ~an ~r~no~soo bay, thenoe due west to a ~nt tha~ ~ ~0 ~eet wearily at r~ht a~les to the ,outherly line of the rlsl~t of way of the Smelter Rall~ad, thenoe east~l~ and southerl~ along the line di~ rant ~0 feet ~m and p~allel to the saXd ~outh~ly line of the r~ht of wa~ of the said Rail~ad to a ~lnt that i~ due east ~m the point of b~in~, then due west to the poXnt of A~ It ls ~rther resolv~ and d~lar~ that said Har~ Edwards, Ga~des, Thomas Hiok~, A~r~ H~ndl~ and Daniel Mo~ween~, have been d~y. el~t~ the T~stees of said ~nioipal oo~oratlon, and consti~e the Board of T~stees th'ertl: and that Thomas Nason has been t~ the ~l~k ther~f: a~ that ~.B. Kauf~nn has 'oeen duly el~t~ T~ea~e~ ther~f: and that He~ U. ~e~e has been ~UlF ~t'~ the M~al ther~f. And it is ff~rther resolved and ordered, that the Olerk of this Board enter this order an~. resolution, and proceedings st length in the ~aln- utes of this Board: and that a copy of this order and resolution be duly certified by him, and thereafter transmitted forthwithlto the See- retax-M of State of the State of Gallffornia, to be' filed in the offloe of ea~:Se~retax~y of State as required by law. (~aliforn:i.a,) ) SS. ~ounty of san Ma~eo.) I, Jos. H. Nash, County Clerk of the County of San Marco,State of Oallfornia, and ex-officio Olerk of the Board of Supervisors of said Oounty, do hereby certify the foregoing' and annexed copy, to 'be a full, true and correct copy of the original order and resolution of the Board of Superv2sors of the said 0ounty of San Mateo, State of California, de- claring the territory therein described duly incorporated as a nu~nldipal corporation of the sixth (6th.) class, under the name a~d style of the "0IT¥ OH SOUTH SAN HRA~0ISOO," and declaring the persons therein sever- ally · named as having received respectively the highest number of votes for the several respective m~nicipal offices prescribed by law for nlclpal corporations of said class, to be duly elected to the several respective offices therein mentioned: that mxch order and resolution was duly passed at a regular meetln~ of said Board of Supervisors duly and regularly held on Tuesday, the 2th. day of September, 190a, Monday next mxcceedin~ the election held within said territory for the purpose of deternti~±ng whether the same should become incorporated, be- ~ng a legal holiday, and Tuesday, the said 8th. day of September, 1908, being the next business day thereafter: that at said meeting all the members of said Board of Supervisors were present: and said order and resolution was duly passed by the affirmative votes of all f~ive (~) m~mberS of said Board of Supervisors: and no member votir~ against the passage of the same: that said order and resolution has been duly enter- ed in the minutes of said Board of Supervisors, and is in full force and effect, and h,~s never been vacated, repealed or modified, as will more fully appear b~ the official records and files of thi.~ office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set n~/ hand, and affixed the seal of said Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, State of California, this /~ ~ day of September, 1908. By JOS. H. NASIt ~lerk ?f the County of San Mateo, State of California, and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said Delm~ty ~1 er~. RECE!VED OFFICE OF CITY C F~;',;~: SECRETARY OF STATE, KEVIN SHELLEY The Original of This Document Is in CALIFORNIA STATE ARCHIVES 1020 "O" STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 9.6814 Kevin Shelley Secretary of State California State Archives 1020 O Street P.O. Box 944260 Sacramento, CA 94244-2600 ~ REGISTER TO VOTE Voter Registration/Voter Fraud Hotline Call 1-800-345-VOTE e-mail: comments@ss, ca.gov SYLVIA PAYNE CITY CLERK CITY HALL P O BOX 711 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94083