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Ord 867-1981 RECORDED
O~'~-I~E 0~' THE CITY CLERK (415) 877-8518 November lO, 1981 Mr. Marvin Church County Clerk/Recorder County of San Mateo County Government Center Redwood City, CA 94063 Subject: Rerecordation of Ordinance No. 867-81 Dear Mr. Church: Forwarded for rerecordation is Ordinance No. 867-81, to be rerecorded to include the Redevelopment Plan for the South San Francisco Gateway Redevelopment Agency. After recordation, please return Ordinance No. 867-81 With attachments to this office bearing the recording data. Very truly yours, Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk BAB:cg Enclosure cc: Acting City Attorne~ 400 GRAND AVENUE -- P, O IRO× 711 9'4080 CENTRAL RECORDS 1~!..£ NO.~. ~ ORDINANCE NO. 867-8] AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN BEING RERECORDED FRANCISCO ADOPTING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE GATE~AY T0 ADD THE REDE- REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT VELOPMENT PLAN .FOR THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO The Council of the City of South San Francisco does C-ATFWA¥ REDEYEL- o~dain as follows:. OPMENT AGENCY. Section 1. The Council of the City of South San Francisco does hereby find, determine and declare as follows: (a) The Redevelopment Agency of the City of South San Francisco, in accordance with the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California, has prepared, and on May 20, 1981, approved and submitted to this Council, a plan for the redevelopment of a project area within the City of South San Francisco which plan is entitled "Redevelopment Plan for the South San Francisco Gatewa~ Redevelopment Project." (b) The Redevelopment Agency has prepared and sub- mitted to this Council the following material, data and recom- mendations supplementary to, but not part of, said Plan: Report on the Redevelopment Plan for the South San Francisco Gateway Redevelopment Project which report contains all matters required by Section 33352 of the Community Redevelopment Law, Rules for Owner Participation, and Rules for Establishing Preference to Re-enter Business, all of which are hereinafter collectively referred to as "supplementary material". (_cl The Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco has reviewed said Plan and approved and adopted the Plan which approval thereon was submitted to this Council. Cd)_ Following notice published once a week for four successive weeks in The Enterprise Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, this Council conducted a public hearing on said Plan. (e) At said hearing this Council heard and overruled all written and oral objections to said Plan. If) This Council has considered said Plan, the supplementary material, and the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission and has considered all evidence and testimony for and against the adoption of said Plan. (g) The Project Area is a .blighted area, the redevelopment of which is necessary to effectuate the public purposes declared in the Community Redevelopment Law and said Project Area qualifies as an eligible Project Area under said law. (h) Said Plan submitted by The Redevelopment Agency would redevelop the area in conformity with the Conununity Redevelopment Law and in the interest of the public peace, health, safety and welfare. (i) Said Plan conforms to the general plan for the City of South San Francisco. (j) The adoption and carrying out of said Plan is economically sound and feasible. CENTRAL RECORDS FILE: NO.~Z ....... -- (k) The carrying out of said Plan would promote the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the City of South San Francisco and would effectuate the purposes and policy of the Community Redevelopment Law. (1) The condemnation of real property, if any, provided for in said Plan is necessary to the execution of said Plan and adequate provisions have been made for payment for property to be acquired as provided by law. (m) The Redevelopment Agency has a feasible method or plan for the relocation of families and persons displaced in the Project Area to the extent that the execution of said Plan may result in temporary or permanent displacement of any occupants of housing facilities in the Project Area. (n) There are, or are being, provided in the Project Area or in other areas not generally less desirable in regard to public and commercial utilities and at rents or prices within the financial means of the families and persons dis- placed from the Project Area, decent, s~fe and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of, and available to, such displaced families and persons and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. (o) There are no noncontiguous areas of the Project Area. (p) That there are not included within the P~oject Area any lands, buildings or improvements which are not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. (q) That the elimination of blight and the redevelop- ment of the Project Area cannot be reasonably expected to be accomplished by private enterprise acting alone without the aid and assistance of the Agency. Cr~ No occupants of the Project Area will be displaced. Section.2. Said Plan, having been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby adopted and designated as the official redevelopment plan for the South San Francisco Gateway Redevelopment Project. Said Plan is hereby incorporated herein by' this reference and made a part of this ordinance with the same force and effect as though set forth in full at this point. Section 3. The purposes and.intent of this Council with respect to the project Area is to eliminate and prevent the spread of blight and deterioration and to redevelop, conserve, restore and renew the Project Area to the extent permitted by law and as specified in said Plan. Section 4. This Council hereby declares its intention to undertake and complete any proceedings necessary to be ~carried out by. the City of South San Francisco under the pro- ~isions of the said Plan. This Council recognizes that to implement and facilitate the effectuation of said Plan, official action must be taken by this Council with reference, among other things, to ch anges in zoning and vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and other public ways, the establishment of new street patterns, the locations and relocations of sewer and water mains and other public facilities and other~public action. Accordingly, this Council hereby (a) pledges its -2- cooperation in helping to carry out the said Plan; (b) requires the various officials, departments, boards, and agencies of the City of South San Francisco having admini- strative responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a manner consistent with said Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider and take appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate said Plan. Section 5. The Project is intended to be financed in part from revenues derived from the allocation of taxes pursuant to Section 33670 of the Community Redevelopment Law, this Council hereby states that it is convinced that the effect of tax increment financing will not cause a severe financial burden or detriment on any taxing agency deriving revenues from the Project Area. First read at a regular meeting,of the Counoil of the City of South San Francisco held June 3, 1981 and finally passed and adopted at a regular meeting held June ]7 1981 by the following vote: ' ' Ayes: Noes: Councilmembers Ronald G. Acosta, Mark N. Addiego, Emanuele N. Damonte, Gus Nicolopulos; and Roberta Cerri Teglia None Not Voting: None Absent: None Approved: the City San Francisco (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SAN MATEO SS. I. Barbara A. Beffaya, City Clerk of the cffy Of South Sen Free- c;sco. County of San.M~teo. State of Cetifornla, an ex-officio Clerk of tfi~ Cffy Council thereof, do hereby cer~;~ that the above arid fore- goTng is e full, true and correct copy of ~d~.n~nce-.No.--867-81 the orig;nal of whlch ;s on file Tn my office, and that I have carefulJy compared the same with *kc or;ginat. IN WITNESS ¥,'HE~EOF I have he.unto set my h~nd end the seal of ~t C~'~d Ex.officio Clerk ~f the Ci~ Council e~ the Ci~ of ~ ~,~,~'~ .~ - Proceedings for t..~ redevelopmen~ of the Ga%~way Redevelopmen% Project have been instituted under the Community Redevelopment Law, Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. Said des- cription of the land within the Project Area is as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE TN THE CITY OF' SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTIIERLY LIthE OF EAST GRAND AVENUE WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF FORBES BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1 RECORDED IN VOLUME 61 OF MAPS AT PAGES 45-THROUGH 49, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF EAST GRAND AVENUE 1,740 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF'THE LANDS SHOWN AS PA'RCEL 143 ON THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP R-34.4 OF BAYSHORE FREEWAY; THENCE ALONG THE I~ESTERLY LINE OF LAST SAID LANDS S 21° 27' 54" W 37.65 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2977 AS ~HOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD HAP; -. THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 8° 45' 39" W 104.74 'FEET TO A POINT ON THE GENERAL EASTERLY LINE OF BAYSHORE FREEWAY AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 8° 45' 39" W 779.48 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 142 AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY 10~INE OF I,AST SAID PARCEL AND ITS WESTERLY PROLONGATION S 89° 51' 28" %9 247.32 FEET TO A POINT ON THE GENERAL WESTERLY LINE OF SAID BAYSHORE FREEWAY; TtlENCE IN A GENERAL t~ORTHERLY DIRECTION AI,ONG LAST SAID LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES: N 7° 12' 38" W 386.62 FEET, FROM A TA~qGENT THAT BEARS N 33° 49' 0.7" E ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 11,374.166 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0° 30' 01.2" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 99._~2 FEET, FROM A TANGENT THAT. BEARS N 4° 00' 44.1" W ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 3,075 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4° 03' 57.7" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 218.22 FEET, CENTRAL RF-.CORD~ · ~ .-Legal Description ( r ~age Two FROI.; A TANGENT THAT BEARS S 35c 11' 40.8" W ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADJUS OF 11,594.666 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0° 22' 13.4" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 74.37 FEET, N 2~ 58' 13" E 51.65 FEET, TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 3,115 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3° 34' 38" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 194.48 FEET, N 74° 31' 22" W 45.70 FEET AND N 22° 10' 28" E 125.86 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF PARCEL 137 AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-NAY RECORD MAP R-34.4; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LAST SAID PARCEL AND ITS WESTERLY PROLONGATION N 74° 31' 22" W 225 FEET; MORE OR LESS, TO THE GENERAL WESTERLY LINE OF AIRPORT'BOULEVARD ( SHOWN AS "EXISTING BAYSHORE HIGHWAY" ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP ); THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 22° 10' 28" E 1210 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE GENERAL SOUTHERLY LINE OF CALIFORNIA AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO CO. PLAT NO. 1, A COPY OF WHICH IS ON FILE IN VOLUME 2 OF MAPS AT PAGE 52, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; - THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE AND ~E SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LANDS ~ DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION NO. 3743 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF '~ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECORDED IN BOOK 4583 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN '~ MATEO COUNTY AT PAGE 562 S 74° 27' E 350 FEET. MORE OR LESS, TO AN ~_ ANGLE POINT IN LAST SAID LINE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SA~D LINE S 67° 45' 10" E 319.88 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF LAST SA~D LANDS AND A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAL]ROAD CO. AS SHOWN ON THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA R~GHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP R-34.3 OF BAYSHORE FREEWAY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 37° 28' 58" E 2,330 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT SOUTHWESTERLY 50 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF BUTLER ROAD ( RENAMED OYSTER POINT BOULEVARD ) AS SHOWN ON LAST SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP; THEN,_r. ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE N 52° 32' 32" W 690 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE GENERA. L WESTERLY LINE OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD ( FOR};ERLY THE WESTERLY LINE OF BAYSHORE HIGHWAY ); 'Legal 'Descriptio, Page Three I'HENCE NORTHERLY ALONG LA'ST SAID LINE AS SHOWN ON THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAPS R-34.3 AND R-34.2 N 50° 59' 58" E 435 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO TIlE LEFT; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT [lAVING A RADIUS OF 7,437.50 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 345 FEET, MORE OR I,ESS, TO A POINT ON {FHE CO}~PORATE LIMITS LINE OF TIlE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 76° 48' 02" E 93.72 FEET AND N 50° 59' 58" E 90 FEET, HORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SECTION 15 AND 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST, M.E 4., AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 1. OF SALT MARSH AND TIDE LANDS SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF SAN I.!ATEO PREPARED BY THE ORDER OF THE TIDE LAND COHMISSIONERS AND APPROVED ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1871; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE EAST 680 FEET, MORE OR I,ESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 37° 28' 58" W 990 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN ANGLE POINT IN LAST SAID LINE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 52° 31'. 02'' E 25.00-FEET AND S 37° 28' 58" W 110 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF '~YSTER POINT BOULEVARD ( FORMERLY BUTLER ROAD ) ; THENCE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG LAST 'SAID LINE 1,280 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 1 AS SHOWN ON THE PARCEL MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 12 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 29, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID PROLOGATION, WESTERLY LINE AND ITS SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION S 3° 48' 30" E 320 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE 34.562 ACRE PARCEL DESCRIBED IN THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 82 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN MATEO COUNTY AT PAGE 95; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 86° 14' 15" E 510 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 645.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22° 08' 20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 249.225 FEET TO THE HOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LAST SAID LANDS AND A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS SHOWN ON THE HAP OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 3-B RECORDED IN VOLUME 62 OF-MAPS AT PAGES 3 THROUGH 8, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; FILE: NO Description F~ur TIIENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE AND 1TS .SOUTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION THE FOLLOW!NG COURSES: · S 50° 03' 35" W 866.63 FEET, S 42° 59' 29" W 1,199.83 FEET, S 29° 25' 00" W 372.72 FEET, TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO'THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9° 25' 5B" AN ARC D3STANCE OF 16.46 FEET TO THE MOST WESTERLY CO~NER OF LAST SAID LANDS AND TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE S 38° 50' 58" W 80 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON TItE SOUTHERLY LINE OF FORBES BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON THE AFORESAID MAP OF CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION 160 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE, ITS SOUTHEASTERLY LINE AND ITS SOUTHWESTERLY PROLOGAT]ON ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT .tAVING A RADIUS OF 575.55 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36® 46' 33" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 369.42 FEET AND TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE S 29° 24' 35" W 600 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. -ri = ~:o Il. I C=~,~TRAL RgCORI~ ORDINANCE NO. 867-81 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN BEING RERECORDED FRANCISCO ADOPTING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE GATEWAY T0 ADD THE REDE- REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT VELOPHENT PLAN FOR THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO The Council of the City of South San Francisco does GATEHAY RSDEVEL- ordain as follows: 0PMENT AGENCY. Section 1. The Council of the City of South San Francisco does hereby find, determine and declare as follows: (a) The Redevelopment Agency of the City of South San Francisco, in accordance with the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California, has prepared, and on May 20, 1981, approved and submitted to this Council, a plan for the redevelopment of a project area within the City of South San Francisco which plan is entitled "Redevelopment Plan for the South San Francisco Gateway Redevelopment Project." (b) The Redevelopment Agency has prepared and sub- mitted to this Council the following material, data and recom- mendations supplementary to, but not part of, said Plan: Report on the Redevelopment Plan for the South San Francisco Gateway Redevelopment Project which report contains all matters required by Section 33352 of the Community Redevelopment Law, Rules for Owner Participation, and Rules for Establishing Preference to Re-enter Business, all of which are hereinafter collectively referred to as "supplementary material". (_c)_ The Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco has reviewed said Plan and approved and adopted the Plan which approval thereon was submitted to this Council. (d) Following notice published once a week for four successive weeks in The Enterprise Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, this Council conducted a public hearing on said Plan. (e) At said hearing this Council heard and overruled all written and oral objections to said Plan. (f) This Council has considered said Plan, the supplementary material, and the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission and has considered all evidence and testimony for and against the adoption of said Plan. (g) The Project Area 'is a .blighted area, the redevelopment of which is necessary to effectuate the public purposes declared in the Community Redevelopment Law and said Project Area qualifies as an eligible Project Area under said law. (h) Said Plan submitted by The Redevelopment Agency would redevelop the area in conformity with the Community Redevelopment Law and in the interest of the public peace, health, safety and welfare. (i) Said Plan conforms to the general plan fOr the City of South San Francisco. (j) The adoption and carrying out of said Plan is economically sound and feasible. CENTRAL RECORDS FtLE NO.~ ''~''' ........... ~ (k) The carrying out of said Plan would promote the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the City of South San Francisco and would effectuate the purposes and policy of the Community Redevelopment Law. (1) The condemnation of real property, if any, provided for in said Plan is necessary to the execution of said Plan and adequate provisions have been made for payment for property to be acquired as provided by law. (m) The Redevelopment Agency has a feasible method or plan for the relocation of families and persons displaced in the Project Area to the extent that the execution of said Plan may result in temporary or permanent displacement of any occupants of housing facilities in the Project Area. (n) There are, or are being, provided in the Project Area or in other areas not generally less desirable in regard to public and commercial utilities and at rents or prices within the financial means of the families and persons dis- placed from the Project Area, decent, s~fe and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of, and available to, such displaced families and persons and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. Area. (o) There are no noncontiguous areas of the Project (p) That there are not included within the Project Area any lands, buildings or improvements which are not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. ~q) That the elimination of blight and the redevelop- ment of the Project Area cannot be reasonably expected to be accomplished by private enterprise acting alone without the aid and assistance of the Agency. (r) No occupants of the Project Area will be displaced. Section 2. Said Plan, having been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby adopted and designated as the official redevelopment plan for the South San Francisco Gateway Redevelopment Project. Said Plan is hereby incorporated herein by this reference and made a part of this ordinance with the same force and effect as though set forth in full at this point. Section 3. The purposes and intent of this Council with respect to the Project Area is to eliminate and prevent the spread of blight and deterioration and to redevelop, conserve, restore and renew the Project Area to the extent permitted by law and as specified in said Plan. Section 4. This Council hereby declares its intention to undertake and complete any proceedings necessary to be ~car~ied out by the City of South San Francisco under the pro- ~isions of the said Plan. This Council recognizes that to implement and facilitate the effectuation of said Plan, official action must be taken by this Council with reference, among other things, to ch anges in zoning and vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and other public ways, the establishment of new street patterns, the locations and relocations of sewer and water mains and other public facilities and other'public aCtion. Accordingly, this Council hereby (a) pledges its -2- CENTRAL RECORD~ FILE NO. ~/J~ cooperation in helping to carry out the said Plan; (b) requires the various officials, departments, boards, and agencies of the City of South San Francisco having admini- strative responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a manner consistent with said Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider and take appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate said Plan. Section 5. The Project is intended to be financed in part from revenues derived from the allocation of taxes pursuant to Section 33670 of the Community Redevelopment Law, this Council hereby states that it is convinced that the effect of tax increment financing will not cause a severe financial burden or detriment on any taxing agency deriving revenues from the Project Area. First read at a regular meeting,of the Council of the City of South San Francisco held June 3, 1981 and finally passed and adopted at a regular meeting held June ]7 ,1981, by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Councilmembers Ronald G. Acosta, Mark N. Addiego, Emanuele N. Damonte, GUs Nicolopulos; and Roberta Cerri Teglia None Not Voting: None Absent: None San Francisco (SEAL) Approved: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~. SS. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO I, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk of the cH7 of South San Fram- cisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, an ex-off~cio Clark o~ th~ Cffy Council thereof, do hereby certify ~ha~ the above a~d ~ore- going is a ~ull, frue and correc~ copy of the or;ginat of wh;ch ~s on {ite ~n my office, and that I have carefully compared the same w;th ~he orlgmat, IN WITNESS WHEREOF J have hereunfo set my hand and the seal of ' BARBARA A. BATTAYA , ~H?~C~;k 9nd Ex-officio Clerk ~f the City Council o~ the Ci~ of ,, ~ / De~ufy Cffy C:erk SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REDEVELOPHENT AGENCY SOUTH SAN FRA~;CISCO, CALIFORNIA REDEVELOP~ENT PLAN 'for the .. $OUT}~ ~.AN FRANCISCO GATEV~'AY REDEVELOP]:!ENT PROJECT Adopted' June 17, 1981 Ordinance No. 867-81 CENTRAL [~ 100] TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE 1 II. III. [§ 200] [~ 3003 A. B. PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION .3 PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 3 301] General 3 [~ 302] Participation by Owners and Tenants-- 4 ~ 1. '[~ 303] Opportunities for Owner aha ~ Tenant Participation ...... 4 ~ 2. [~ 304] Participation Agreements 5 3. [~ 305] Conforming Owners 5 306] Property Acqui. s i. tion 6 307] Property Management 7 308] 'Relocation of Occupants Displaced by the Project !. [§ 309] 7 2. [~ 310] IS 311] Assistance in Finding Other Locations 7 1. [§ 312] Relocation Payments Demolition, ~learance, Public Im- provements, Building and Site Preparation 7 7 2. [~ 313] Demolition and Clearance ....... 7 3. [§ 314] public Improvements [S .315] Preparation of Building Sites - 8 Property Disposition and Development- 8 [§ 316] Real Property Disposition and Development ........... 8 [§ 317] General 2. [5 321] [~ 322] [~ 323] 1. [§ 324] 2. IS 325] 3. [5 326] 4. [~ 327] 5. [~ 328] [~ 318] Disposition and Develop- ment by Participants [5 319] Disposition and Develop- ment Documents [5 320] Development by the Agency or Other Public Bodies or Entities Personal Property Disposition Cooperation with Public Bodies' Provision for Low and t4od~rate Income }lousing Definition of Terms Authority Generally -- Replacement. Housing Duration of ~,zelling Unit Availability Tax Increment Funds PAGE 9 9 10 11 11 ll 12 12 IV. [$ 4003 A. [§ 401] B. [~ 4023 C. [§ 403] ae LAND USES AND DEVELOPI~NT REQUIRF2,~NTS Redevelopment Plan Map Heavy Commercial Land Uses Public, Semi-Public, Institutional, and Nonprofit Uses IS 404] Public Transportation Land 4O73 Uses [5 405] [.~ 406] Railroad Right-of-Way Public Rights-of-Way .... Other Public, Semi-Pt~lic, Institutional and Nonprofit Uses 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 ii CENTRAL RECORI:J~ .~-o ? ? FILE: NO. De 40{33 General Controls and Limitations 16 1. [~ 4093 2. IS 410] Construction Limitation on Number of Buildings- 3. [~ 411] Number of Dwelling Units 16 4. [~ 412] Limitations on Type, Size, and Height of Buildings - 16 5. [S .4133 6. [§ 414] 7. [S 4153 8. [~ 4163 Open Spaces, Landscaping, Light, Air and Privacy Signs Utilities Incompatible Uses 16 17 17 17 9. [§ 417] 10. [§ 4183 Nondiscrimination anO Nonsegre~ gation Resubdivision of Parcels 17 11. [~ 419] Minor Variations 17 420] 4213 Design for Development 18 Building Permits 18 [S 5oo3 A. F.~.THODS OF FINANCING THE PROJECT 5013 [§ 502] IS 5033 General Description of Proposed Financing Method Tax Increment Funds - O~her Loans and Grants - 2O 20 20 22 Vi.. VII. VIII. 6003 7003 8003 ACTIONS BY THE CITY ENFORCE[.~NT DURATION OF THE PLA~{ iii 23 25 ix. [~ 90o ] EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT "B" PROCEDURE FOR A~.~E~]DMENT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 25 CE~gTRAL. RECORD~ NO. J'"~ f g REDEVELOP}~NT PLAN FOR THE SOUTH SA2~ FRANCISCO GATEWAY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT [ ~ 100 ] INTRODUCTION Q~ This Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") for the South San Francisco ~ Gateway Redevelopment Project ("Project") in the City of South San ~ Francisco ("City"), County of San Mateo, State of California, con- ~ sists of text (Sections 100 through 900), and the Redevelopment ~ Plan Map hereto attached as Exhibit "A". This Plan. was prepared by t.~.e South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California ("Co..~.munity Redevelopment Law"), the California Constitution, and all applicable local laws and ordinances. The Community Redevelop- ment Law is located in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 33000 et seq. The proposed redevelopment of the Project Area as described in this Plan conforms to the General Plan for the City of South San Francisco, as adopted on April 21, 1969, 'and amended on October 15,~80. This Plan is based upon a Preliminary Plan formulated and adopted by tb.e Planning Co.uunission of the City of South San Fran- cisco on April 22, 1980. This Plan provides the Agency with powers, duties, and obli- 9~*~ to implement and further the program generally formulated in ~b. is Plan for the redevelopment and revitalization of the-areas wit2tin the boundaries shown on the Redevelopment Plan Map. This Plan does not present a specific plan or establish specific developments for t~he redevelopment and revitalization of any area within the Sou~--h San Francisco Gateway Redevelopment Project area boundaries ("Project Area"). Nor does this Plan present specific proposals ir. an attempt to solve or alleviate the concerns and problems of th~ co.~-u~,unity relating to this area. Instead, this Plan presents process and a basic framework within which specific plans will be pre~_nted, specific projects will be established, and specific solutions will be proposed, and by which tools are provided to the Agency tO fashion, develop, and proceed %.;ith such specific plans, projects, and solutions. This Plan provides for a process %.Jhereby blight can be eliminated so the community can maintain and improve the quality of life. Blight includes, but is not limited to, buildings suf- fering from age, obsolescence, deterioration, and dilapidation; existence of inadequate public improvements, public facilities and public utilitie~$;., and the existence of depreciated values, impaired investments and economic maladjustment. Plan are to: The major goa-ls of this (i) (2) Eliminate blight and blighting influences; Replan, redesign and develop a large stagnated area suffering from obsolete plant facilities; (3) Establish and implement performance criteria to assure high site design standards and environmental quality so as t° provide unity and integrity to the entire site; and C4) Strengthen the economic base of the Project Area a~a the community by installing public improvements needed to stimulate new.office/hotel and commercial' development, employment and economic growth. -2- CENTRAl. RECORI3~ FILE NO. ~ 009 [§' 200] PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION The boundaries of the Project Area are shown on the Redevelo~ ment Plan Map attached as Exhibit "A" and are described in the legal description attached as Exhibit "B". - zz. IS 300] PROPOSED I{EDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES A. [§ 301] General The Project Area consits of two distinct geographical sub- areas. The first sub-area is devoted to public transportation and is comprised of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, and portions of the Bayshore Freeway and Airport Boulevard. The secona.~ sub-area is comprised of two privately owned p~rcels, the vacant Bethlehem Steel plant site ( 99.4 acres) and the Edward Wire Rope Factor] site ( 9.4 acres). Both privately owned parcels are owned by one owner. It is anticipated that, pursuant to this Plan, the one owner will undertake'and complete a large scale phased development over a multi-year period. This Plan provides the authority and opportunity for such development to occur. This Plan also provides autb. ority and opportunity for other development in the event that the one-owner phased development does not occur, or is undertaken and only partially completed. The Agency proposes to eliminate and prevent the spread of ~ blight and blighting influences, and to strengthen the economic base of the Project Area and the community by: Providing for participation in the redevelopment pro- cess by the owners and tenants of property in the Project Area; (2) Acquisition of real property; (3) Relocation'assistance to occupants of acquired.property; (4) b!anag~ent of proprety under, the ownership and control of the Agency; (5) D~=molition or removal of buildings and improvements on such acquired property; (6) (7) Installation, construction or reconstruction of streets, utilities and other public improvements; and Redevelopment of land by private enterprise and public agencies for uses in accordance with this Plan. -3- In the accomplishment of these activities, and in the implementation and furtherance of this Plan, the A~ency is authorized to use all the powers provided in this Plan and all the powers to the extent now or hereafter permitted by law. B. [§ 3023 Participation by f~ners and Tenants 1. [~ 3033 Opportunities for ~{ner and Tenant Participation The Agency shall extend preferences to persons ~.;ho are engaged in business in the Project Area, to rcenter in business within the~ redeveloped area if they otherwise meet the require- ments prescribed by the Plan. The Agency shall also extend pref- erences to other owners and tenants in the Project Area if they othe~lise meet the requirements prescribed by the Plan. The Agency is authorized to permit owners and tenants, if they so desire, to purchase and develoP or develop real property in the Project Area in conformance with Plan objectives. In order to provide an opportunity for owners and tenants to participate in the growth and development of the Project Area, the Agency shall promulgate rules for owner and'tenant participation. If conflicts develop between the desires of participants for parti- cular sites or land uses, the A~ency shall establish reasonable priorities and preferences among the owners and tenants. Some of Se factors to be considered in establishing these priorities and preferences will include present occupancy, participant's length of residency or occupancy in the area, accomodation of as many partici- pants as possible, similar land use to similar land use, conformity of participants' proposals with the intent and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, ability to finance the implementation, develop- ment exp_erience and total effectiveness of participants' proposal in pro%~din9 a benefit to the community. Persons and firms who own property within the project area shall be afforded maximum opportunity to retain and redevelop ~heLr properties consistent with the objectives and proposals of ~nis Plan and ~ner-Participation Rules adopted by the Agency. CE NT AL. NO.. In addition to opportunities for participation by individual ~ persons and firms, participation to the extent it is feasible shall~ be available for two or more persons, firms or.institutions, to join together in partnerships, corporations, or other joint entities. Participation opportunities shall necessarily be subject to and limited by such f'actors as (1) the elimination and chan~ing of some land uses; (2) the construction, widening, or realignment of some streetsf (3) the ability of participants to finance acquisition 'and ~evelopment or rehabilitation in accordance with this Plan; (4) the reduction in the total number of individual parcels in the Project Area; and (5) %he construction or expansion of public ~ facilities. ~ [§ 304] Participation Agreements ~ The Agency may require that, as a condition to participate in redevelopment, each participant shall enter into a binding agreement with the Agency by which the participant agrees to develop, or use the property in conformance with this Plan and to be subject to the provisions 'hereof. In such agreements, participants who retain real property shall be required to join in the recordation of such documents as is necessary to make the provisions of this Plan applic~ble to their properties. In the event, an o%.~ner or tenant · participant fails or refuses to develop, or use and maintain its real property pursuant to this Plan and a-participation agreement, the real property or any interest therein may be acquired by the ~ Agency and sold or leased for development in accordance with this Plan. 3. IS 305] Conforming ~ners. The Agency may, at its sole and absolute discretion, deter- mina ~uat certain real property within the Project Area meets the requirements of this Plan, and the owner of such property will be pe._~r, itted to rem&in as a conforming o%.zner without a participation agreement with the Agency, provided such owner continues to operate, use, and maintain the real property %~ithin the requirements of this Plan. However, a conforming owner shall be required by the Agency %o enter into a participation agreement %~ith the Agency in the even~ that such owner desires to (1) construct any additional improvements or s~Lostanti~lly alter or modify existing structures on any of the rea~ property described above as conforming; or (2) acquire additional property within the Project Area. ~Enether or not a participant enters into a participation ac~reement %~ith the Agency, the provisions of this Plan are applicable to all public and private property in the Project Area. -5- C. [§ 306] Property Acquisition Except as specifically exempted herein, the Agency may ac- quire but is not required to acquire, any real property located in .the Project Area, by gift, devise, exchange, purchase, eminent domain, or any other lawful method. It is in the public interest and is necessary in order to eli~-ufnate the conditions requiring redevelopment and in order to execute this Plan, for the power of eminent domain to be employed by %3.n~ Agency to acquire real property in the Project Area. No eminent domain proceeding to acquire property within the Project Area shall be commenced after twelve (12) years following the date.of adoption of the ordinance approving and adopting this Plan. Plan. Such time limitation may be extended only by amendment of this The Agency shall not acquire real property to be retained by an owner pursuant to a participation agreement if the owner fully performs under the agreement. The Agency is authorized to acquire structures without acquiring the land upon which .those structures are located. The Agency is also authorized to acquire any other interest in rea! property less than a fee. The Agency shall not acquire real property on %~-hich an existing building is to be continued on its present site an~ in its present forum and use without the consent of the owner, ~nless (1) such building requires structural alterations, improvement, modernization, or rehabilitation, or (2) the site or lot on which ~.e buildin9 is situated requires modification in size, shape, or usej or (3) it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the stan~_rds, restrictions and controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan by executing a participation a~ree~ent. -6- CENTRAL RECORD~ The Agency is not authorized to acquire real property owned by public bodies which do not consent to such acquisition. The ~ Agency is authorized, however, to acquire public property transferred to private ownership before the development is completed, nnless the Agency and the private owner enter into a participation agreement ahd ~%e owner completes his responsibilities under the participation agreement. D. IS 307 ] Property Management During such time as property, if any, in the Project Area is own=~a by the Agency, such property shall be under the management and~ control of ~the Agency. Such property may be ~ented or leased b~ ~ the Agency pending its disposition for redevelopment, and such ~ rental or lease shall be pursuant to such policies as the Agency ~ may adopt. ~ E. 308] Relocation of Occupants Displaced .by the Project ' ' 1. IS 309] Assistance in Finding Other Locations The Agency shalI assist all persons (including families, business concerns, and others) displaced by Agency acquisition of property in the Project Area in finding other locations and facili- ties. In order to carry out the Project with a minimum of hard- ship to persons displaced from their homes, if any, the Agency shall assist individuals and f~ilies in finding housing that is decent, s~fe, sanitary, within their financial means, in reasonabl~ convenient locations, and otherwise suitable to their needs. 2. [§ 310] Relocation Payments The Agency- shall pay.all relocation payments required by law. In addition, ~he Agency may make any additional relocation pas~ents which in the Agency's opinion may be reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this Plan. Such payments shall be s~/oject to the availability of funds for such purpose. F.. [~ 311] Demolition, Clearance, Public Improvements, Building and Site Preparation Demolition and Clearance - The Agency is authorized to'demolish and clear buildings, structures, and other improvements from any real property in the Projech Area as necessary to carry out %he purposes of this Plan. 2. [§ 313] Public Improvements The Agency is authorized to install and construct, or to cause to be installed and constructed, the public improvements and public utilities 4within or without the Project Area) necessary %o carry out this Plan. Such public improvements and public utili- ties include, but are not limited to the following: 41} over and underpasses; 42) sewers; {3) natural gas distribution systems; (4) water distribution systems; {5) parks and plazas; 46) play- grounds; 47) parking facilities; 48) landscaped areas; (9~ street improvements; (10) storm drainage; and 411) undergrounding of'utilities. Prior consent of the City Council is required for the Agency to develop sites for commercikl or industrial use by .providing streets, sidewalks, utilities, or other improvements which an owner or operator of the site would otherwise be oblige~ to provide. 3. [§ 314] - Preparation of Building Sites The Agency is authorized to prepare· or cause to be prepared, as building sites any real property in the Project Area owned or acquired by the Agency. The Agency is also authorized to construct foundations, platforms, and other structural forms necessary for the provision or utilization of air rights'or sites for buildings to be used for commercial, public, and other uses provided in this Plan. [S 315] Property Disposition and Development 1. [N 316] Real Property Disposition and Development a. [§ 317] General For the purposes of this Plan, the Agency is authorized to sell, lease, exchange, subdivide, transfer, assign, pledge, encumber by mortgage or deed of trust, or othe~-~ise dispose of any interest in real property. In the manner required and to the extent permitted by ]~, before any interest in real property of the Agency acquired in '-=-~° or in part directly or indirectly, %~ith tax increment moneys is sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of for development pursuznt tO this Plan, such sale, lease or disposition shall be first approved by the City Council after public hearing. To the extent permitted by law, the Agency is authorized to dispose of real property by leases or sales by negotiation without public bidding. -8- CENTRAl.. RECOR No. No real or personal property 6f the Agency, or any interest therein, shall be sold or leased to a prorate person or private entity for an amount less than its fair market value-for uses in accordance with this Redevelopment Plan and the covenants and controls recorded against the property by the Agency. - All real property acquired by the Agency in' the Project Area shall be sold or leased to public or private persons or entities for development for the uses permitted in this Plan. Real p~operty .may be conveyed by the Agency to the City ,~na, where beneficial to the Project Area, to any other public body without -.barge. The Agency shall reserve such powers and controls in the disposition and dev.elopment documents as may be necessary to prevent transfer, retention, or use of property for speculative purpeses and to insure that development is carried out pursuant to this Plan. All purchasers or lessees of property shall be made obligated to use the property for the purposes designated in this Plan, to begin and complete development of the property within a period of time %~hich the Agency fixes as reasonable, and to comply, with other conditions which the Agency deems necessary to carry out 'the purposes of this Plan. During the period of development in the Project area, the Agency shall insure that the provisions of this Plan and of other ~ documents formulated pursuant to this Plan are being observed, an~ that development in the Project area is proceeding in accordance with development documents and time schedules. Architectural, site, landscaping and development plans, both public and private, shall be submitted to the Agency for approval an~ architectural review. All development must conform to this Plan and al! applicable federal, state and local laws. b. [~ 318] Disposition and Developmen__t. by Participants Pursuant to the provisions of this Plan and the rules adopted by the Agency, the Agency shall extend reasonable preference to Persons ~ho are engaged in business in the Project Area to re-enter in business within the redeveloped area if they othe~.~ise meet the reruirements presecribed by this Plan. c. [§ 319] Disposition and Development Documents To provide adequate safeguards to ensure that the provisions of this Plan will be carried out and to prevent the recurrence of blight, all real property sold, le'ased, or conveyed by the Agency, as well as all property subject to participation shall be agreements made subject to .the provisions of this Plan by leases, deeds, contracts, agreements, declarations of restrictions, provisions of the zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, Qr.- other means. %fnere appropriate, as determined by the Agency, such documents or pDrtions thereof shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the Cohnty. The leases, .deeds, contracts, ~agreements, and declarations of restrictions may contain restrictions, covenants, covenants running with the landv rights of reverter, conditions-subsequent, equitable servitudes, or any other provi~sion necessary to carry out this Plan. Ail property in the Project Area is hereby subject to the restriction that there shall be no discrimination or segregation based upon race, color, religion, national origin,, sex.,, marital status" or ancestry, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy.,, tenure, or enjoyment of property in the 'Project Area.. Ali property..so!d, leased, conveyed, .or. subject to a participation agreem~nt'..~shall.be made expressly subject by appropriate documents to the restriction that all deeds, leases, or contracts for the sale, lease,..~ublease, or other transfer of land in the Project Area shall contain such nondiscrimination:..and nonsegregation clauses as are required by law. . .' ..... ~d.. [~ 320] Development by the Agency Other Public BOdies or Entities To the extent now or hereafter permitted by law, the Agency is authorized to pay for, develop, or construct any publicly owned building, facility, structure, or other improvement either 'within or without the Project Area, for itself or for any public body or entity, which buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements are or would be Of benefit to the ~roject Area. Specifically, the Agency may pay for, install, or construct the following facilitiesr buildings,, and structur_es,..'and may acquire or .pay for the land required therefor: (!) Public parking-faCilities as. necessary for the implementation of this Plan; The public improvements and public facilities referred to in Section 313 of this Plan. The'Agency?may enter into contracts, leases, and agreements with the City or~ other public body or entity pursuant to this section, and the obligation of the Agency under such contract, lease, or agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the A~ency which may be made payable out of the taxes levied in the Project Area an~ allocated to the Agency under subdivision (b) of Section. 33670 of CENTRAL. F~ECORD~ NO. f? the California Community Redevelopment Law and under Section 502 of this Plan or out of any other available funds. ~ Before the Agency co,mits to use the portion of taxes to be allocated and paid to the Agency pursuant to subdivision (b) of said Section 33670 for the purpose of paying all or part of the value of the land for, and the cost of the installation and construction of, any publicly owned building, other than parking facilities, the City -Co.uncil shall hold a public hearing. 2. [~ 321] Personal Property Disposition For the purposes of this Plan the Agency is authorized to sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign,~ pledge, encumber, o'r othe~_--..~ise dispose .of personal property or any interest therein, H. [~ 322 ] Cooperation with Public Bodies Certain public bodies are authorized by State Law to aid and cooperate with or without consideration in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of this Project. The Agency shall seek the aid and cooperation of such public bodies and shall attempt to coordinate this Plan with the activities of such public bodies in order to accomplish the purposes of redevelopment and the hi~hes~ p~-b!ic good. .~. The Agency, by law, is not authorized to acquire real property owned by public bodies without, the consent of 'such public bodies. The Agency., however, will seek the cooperation of all public bodies which own or intend to acquire property in the Project Area. Any .public body which owns or leases property in the Project Area will .be afforded all' the privileges of .owner and tenant par~ ticipation if such publi.c body is willing to enter into a participation agreement with t~he Agency. All plans for development of property -in the Project Area by a public body shall be subject to Agency approval. The Agency may impose on all public bodies the Planning and design controls contained in this Plan to insure that present- uses and any future development by:public bodies will conform to the recu~rements 0f_this Plan. The Agency is authorized to financially (and otherwise) assist any public entity in the cost of public land~ buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements (within or without the Project Area) which land, buildings, facili- ties~ structures, or other improvements are of benefit to the Project. 323] Provision for Low and Moderate Income Housing 1. [S 324] Definition of Terms The terms "affordable rents", -11- "replacement dwelling unit", "persons and families of low or moderate income" and "very low income households" as used in Section 323 through Section 328 shall have the meanings as defined by the Community Redevelopment Law and other State and local laws and regulations pertaining thereto. 2. [5 325] Authority Generally The Agency may, outside the Project Area, acquire land, donate land, improve sites, or construct or rehabilitate structures in order to provide housing for persons and families of low or ~ moderate income. The Agency may also provide subsidies to, or ~ for the benefit of, such persons and families or household~ to ~.-~ assist them in obtaining housing within the C~ty. ~ 3. [~ 326] Replacement Housing ~henever dwelling units housing persons an~ families of low or ~oderate income are destroyed or removed from the low an~ moderate income housing market as part of the Project, the'Agency shall, within four years of such destruction or removal, rehabilitate, develop or construct, or cause to be rehabilitated, developed or constructed, for rental or sale to persons and families of low or moderate income an equal number of replacement dwelling units, at affords_hie rents within the City. 4. [§ 327] Duration of Dwelling Unit Availability The Agency shall require that the aggregate n~ber of dwelling units rehabilitated, developed or constructed pursuant to Section 326 shall remain for persons and families of low or moderate income and very low income households, respectively, for not less than the period set forth in Section 8Q0 for the duration of +~his Plan. 5. [5 328.] Tax Increment Funds Not less than twenty percent (20%) of all taxes which are al- iccp_ted to the Agency pursuant to subdivision (b) of SeCtion 33670 of flue California Connnunity Redevelopment Law shall be used by the Ager. cy for the purposes of increasing and improving the City's su=;?iy of housing for persons and families of low or moderate income and very low income households %nnless one of the following fingings is made. (1) That no need exists in the City, the provision of which would benefit ~he Project Area to improve or increase the supply of housing for persons and families of low or moderate income or very low income households; or CENTRAL RECORD FJJ. NO. (2) (3) That some stated percentage less than 20 °percent of the~~ taxes which are allocated to the Agency pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 33670 is sufficient to meet such housing need; or That a substantial effort to meet low and moderate income housin~ needs in the City is being made and that this effort, including the obligation of funds currently available for the benefit of the City from state, local and federal sources for low and moderate income housing alone or in combination with the taxes allocated under this Section 328, is equivalent in impact to the funds o~herwise requi~ed %o be set aside pursuant to this Section 328. -13- IV. [~ 400'] LAND USES AND DEVELOPMENT P~QUIREMENTS A. [~ 401] ~development Plan Map The Redevelopment Plan Map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" illustrates the location of the Project boundaries, major streets within the Project Area, and the land uses to be permitted in the Project for all land; public, semi-public and private. 4023 Hea~y Commercial Land Uses The area shown on the Redevelopment Plan Map for Heavy conunercia! uses shall be used for commercial purposes as defined in the General Plan. It is antici- pated ~hat such areas will be rezoned by means of a Specific Plan zoning ordinance which will specify uses and certain development standards appropriate for the Project Area. C. [~ 403] Public,' Semi-Public, Institutional, and Non-Profit Uses !. [§ 404] Public Transportation Land Uses 405] P, aiir~ad Right-of-~ay The portion of the area shown on the Redevelopment Plan !4ap for Public Transportation Land Use %;hich is 6coupled by the Sou+_hern Pacific .Railroad right-of-way any be used for those purposes typical %o railroad rights-of-way. Additionally, any part of such rigk%-of-'~Tay ~? be used for any uses permitted under Section 402 of %his Plan. ]3. [~ 406] Public Rights-of-Way_ As illushrahe~ on the ~.edevelopment Plan Map, the public streets-within the Project Area include East Grand Avenue, Airport Boulevard, Oyster Point Boulevard, Forbes Boulevard, the Bayshore Free-~.;ay and !ndusnrial Way. it is anticipated that existing Industrial Way within the Project Area %{ill be abandoned. As shown on the Redevelopment Plan l.~mp, ~ new local arterial street traversing the Project Area fro~ East Grand Avenue to Oyster Point Boulevard is proposed. The ali~r_~nt sbu%ch on the Redevelopment Plan Map is illustrative only, %{itt ~ne actual alignment to be determined by the Agency based on development and other relevant considerations. Also as shown illustratively on the Redevelopment Plan Map, it is anticipated that a grade separation project along East Grand Avenue between Forbes Boulevard and Airport ~Boulevard will be constructed to accom~modate the increased traffic generated by the Project. C ~T~,L~ J_ RECORD~ Any other changes in the existing street layout shall be in accord, with the General Plan, the objec- tives of this Plan and the development standards set forth in any Specific Plan to be adopted for the Project Area. The public rights-of-way may be used for vehicular and/or peCestrian traffic, as well as for public improvements, public an~ private utilities, and activities typically found in public rights-of-way. 2. [~ 407] Other Public, Semi-Public, Institutional and Nonprofit Uses in any area shown on %he Redevelopment Plan ~.!ap ~he A~ency is authorized to permit the maintenance, establishment or enlargement of p'~._blic, semi-p~ublic, institutional, or nonprofit uses, including p~_r~c and recreational facilities, libraries, educational, fraternal, ~!ov~~=._ philanthropic, religious and charitable institutions, u=m~zu~_es, railroad rights-ofvway, and facilities of other similar asscziations or organizations. All such uses shall conform so far ~ cossible to the provisions of this Plan applicable t6 the uses in .~ke specific area involved. The Agency may impose such other reamonable restrictions as are necessary to protect the development and uses in the Project Area. -15- IS 4o ] General Controls and Limitations All real property in the Proje~ct Area is hereby made subject to the controls and requirements of this Pla~.' No real property shall be developed, rehabilitated, or ohher%.zise changed after the date of the adoption of this Plan, except in conformance %~'ith the provisions of this Plan. 409] Construction All construction in the Project area shall comply wi~t~ all applicable state and local laws in effect from time to time. ~ · other ~ In addition to applicable codes ordinances, or ~. requirements governing development in the Prdject Area, adaitiona specific performance and development standards may be adopted by. ~ the Agency %o control and direct redevelopment activities in the Proj act Area. parking sha~l be provided in a manner consistent ~ith standards for office uses, commercial uses, and the zoning ordinance of the City as amended by the Specific Plan, if any, adopted for the Project ~rea. Off-st_~eet loading facilities shall be located in a manner to avoid interference with public uae of sidewalks and in conformance .[~;~.%~i~~. ~the 24unicipa! Code. Off-street loading facilities must -~.lso be screened by i~_n~sc=_ping to .~-e extent and in the manner required by ~he Agency. · 2. [$ 410] Limitation on ~he N~.mber of Buildings The approximate nu~er of buildings in the Project Area~ shall not e>:ceed 50, 3. 411] Number of lr~elling Units No d%;e!!ing units shall be permitted ~ithin %he Project Area, except caretaker residences used for the sole purpose of security. 4. [§ 412] Limitationm on Type, Size, and ~eight of Buildings The approximate amount of open space to be provided in %he Project Area is the total of all area which will be in the public Except as set forth in other Sections of this Plan, the type, size, and height of buildings shall be as limited by the ~pp!icable federal, s~ate, and local statutes, ordinances and 5. [§ 413] Open Spaces; Landscaping, Light, Air, and Privac~v ~!9.hts-of-way, the public grounds, the space around buildings, and all other outdoor areas not permitted to be covered by buildings. L~ndscaping shall be .developed in the Project area to insure optimum use of living plant material. ~n all areas sufficient space shall be maintained between b~i!dings to provide adequate light, air, and privacy. 6. [§ 414] 'Signs All signs shall conform to Agency signi.ng standards as they .now exist or are hereafter amended, besign of all proposed new signs shall be submitted prior to installation to %he Agency and/or City for review and approval pursuant to .the procedures of this Plan. 7. [~ 415] Utilities The Agency hsall require that all utilities be placed ~nder- ~ ground whenever it is determined by the Agency to Be physically and ~ economically feasible. ~ 8. [~ 416 ] incomp~atible Uses ~ ~No use or structure. %~hlch by reason of appearance, traffic, smoke, glare, noise, .odor, or similar factors would be incompatible %-ith t_he surrounding areas or structures shall be permitte~ in an~ part of ~he Project Area. ~i 9. [~ 417 ] Nondiscrimination and lqonsegr, egation There shall be no discrimination or segregation b~sea upon race, color, creed, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, or ancestry ~e~-mi~ted in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, - ~he Pro~ect Area. occupancy, ~ ~'~ or enjoyment of property in 10. [§ 418] Resubdivision of Parcels ~]o parcel in the Project Area, including any parcel retained by a participant, shall be subdivided and/or resubdivided without the approval of the Agency and the City. 11. [~ 419] Minor Variations Under exceptional circumstances, the Agency is authorized to ~rmi% a variation from the limits, restrictions and controls ~st~!ished by this Plan. In order to permit such variation, the Auency must determine that: - {1) The application of certain provisions of the Plan %;ould result in practical difficulties or unnecessar~ hardships inconsistent %,ith the general purpose and intent of the P. lan. -17- (2) There are changed circumstances or conditions appli-' cable to the property or to the intended development' of the property. Permitting a variation will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or in~urious to property or improvements in the area. (4) Permitting a variation will not-be contrary to the objectives of this Plan or of the General Plan of the City. No Variation shall be grantee which changes a basic use or which permits other than a minor departure from the provisions of this'Plan. In permitting any such variation, the Agen~f shall impose such conditions as are necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare, and to assure compliance with t~he purposes of this Plan. Any variation permitted by the Agency hereunder shall not supersede any other approval required under City codes and ordinances. ~. [§ 420.3 Design for Development Wi~_hin t3ne limits, restrictions, and controls established' · .~.~'in the Plan, the Agent-a, is authorized to est~-blish heights of buildings, land coverage, setback requirements, design criteria, traffic circulation, traffic access, and other development and design controls necessary for proper development of both private and public areas within the Project Area. No new lmprovement shall be constructed and no existing improvements shall be substantially modified,' dire.red, repaired, or rehabilitated except in accordance with this Plan and any such controls, and in the case of property which is the subject of a disposition and development or participation .~greement - wit~h the AGency and any other property in the discretion of the Agency, in accordance %.zith' :architectural, landscape,' and site plans s~b~itted to and approved' in %{ritin9 by the Agency. One of the objectives of this Plan is to create 'an attractive and pleasant environ_.~ent in the Project' ~rea'. Therefore, such plans shall 9ire consideration to good des.ign, open' space, and other amenities to e>~.hance the aesthetic quality of the Project Area. 4213 Building Permits No permit shall be issued for the construction of any new building or for any construction on an existing building in 'hhe Project Area from the date of adoption of this Plan until the application for such permit has been processed in the manner C:ENTF~A[. RECORD~ FII. E NO, ~ ~-'o ~ herein provided and, in the case of property which is the subject of a disposition and development or participation agreement with the Agency and any other property in the discretion of the Agency Board, unless and until the application for such permit has been reviewed by the Agency Board. 'Any such permit that is issued must be in conformance with the provisions of this Plan. Upon receipt of such an application for permit the Executive Director of the Agency shall be requested by the City to review the application to determine what effect, if any, the issuance thereof would have upon the Plan. Within twenty-five (25) days. t~hereafter said Executive Director shall file with the City a written report setting for-hh his finding of fact. Said report shall incluae, but is not limited to, the following: {1) Whether the proposed improvements would be compatible with the standards and other requirements set forth in the Plan; and (3) What modifications, if any, in the proposed improve- ments would be necessary in order to meet the requirements of the Plan; and ~nether the applicant has entered into an agreement with the Agency for the development of said improvement~ and submitted development plans to the A~ency. After receipt of said report, or if no report is submitted by the Executive Director within said 25-day period, the City may issue t_he permit with or without conditions. -19- IS 500] ~.IETHODS OF FINAHCING THE PROJECT a. [~ 501] General Description of the Proposed Financing Method The Agency is authorized to finance this Project with -financial assistance from the City, State of California, federal goverF~ment, tax increment funds, interest income, Agency bonds, donations, loans from private financial institutions, the lease or sa=~ of Agency-owned property, or any other available source, public or private. The Agency is also authorized to obtai~ advances, borrow funds, and create indebtedness in carrying out this Plan. The principal and interest on such advances, funds, and indebtedness may be paid from tax increments or any other funds available to the Agents. Advances and loans for survey, planning, capital improvements, other various Project expenses, and for the operating capital fo~ administration of the Project may be provided by the City and/or DevelOper/Redeveloper until adequate tax increment or other funds are available or sufficiently assured to repay the advances and loans and to pe_~mit borrowing adequate working capital from sources other than the aforesaid. The City, as it is able, may also supply additional assistance through City loans and grants for various public facilities. The City or any. other public agency may expend money to assist the Agency in carrying out this Projeck. As available, gas ta'~c funds from the State and County may be used for street improve- ments and public transit facilities. Ail or a portion of any p~rkin~ facilities may be installed through a parking authority or other public or private entities. 502] Tax Increment Funds All taxes levied upon taxable property within the Project Area each year, by or for -the benefit of the State of California, the Co~nty of San Mateo, the City of South San Francisco, any district or an5· otb_er public corporation (hereinafter sometimes callea ~a>:~_r.g agencies") after the effective date of the ordinance approving t'~s ~_-~an,- shall be divided as follows: That portion of the taxes which would be produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by or for each of said taxing agencies upon the total sum of the assessed value of the taxable property in the Project as shown upon the assessment roll used in con- nection with the taxation of such property by such taxing agency, last equalized prior to the effective date of such ordinance, shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid into the funds of the respective taxihg agencies as taxes by or for said CE~TRAi~ RE. CORD~ taxing agencies on all other property are paid (for' the purpose of allocating taxes levied by or for any taxing agency or-a~encies which did not include the territory of the Project on the effective date of such ordinance but to which such territory is annexed or otherwise included after such effective date, the assessment roll of the County of San Mateo last equalized on the effective date of said ordinance shall be used in determining the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the Project on said effective date}. ~ That portion of Said levied taxes each year in excess ~ of such amount shall be allocated to and when ~ collected shall be paid into a special fund of the ~ Agency .to pay the principal and interest on bonds, loans, monies advanced to, or indebtedness [whether funded, refunded, assumed, or otherwise} incurred by the Agency to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, this Project. Unles's and until the total assessed valuation of the taxable property in the Project exceeds the total assessed value of the taxable property in the Project as shown by the last equalized assessment role referred to in subdivision 1 hereof, ~ all of the taxes levied and collected upon the taxable property in the Project shall be paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies. ~hen said bonds, loans, advances, and indebtedness, if any, and interest %_hereon, have been paid, all monies thereafter received from taxes upon the taxable property in the Project shall be paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies as taxes on all other property are paid.. The portion of taxes mentioned in subdivision 2 above, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on the advance of monies, or making of loans, or the incurring of any indebtedness (whet_her funded, refunded, assumed, or o%'~er%~ise) by the Agency to finance or refinance the Project, in ~ho!e or in part. The Agency is authorized to make such pledges as to specific ad~;ances, loans, and indebtedness as appropriate in carrying out the Project. The portion of taxes divided and allocated to the Agency pursuant to subdivision 2 of this section shall not exceed a c~mulative total of $80,000,000.00. The Agency is authorized to issue bonds from time to time, if it deems appropriate to do so, in order to finance all or any part of the Project. Neither the members of ~he Agency nor any persons executing %he bonds are liable personally on the bonds by reason of their issuance. . The bonds and othe~ obligations of the .Agency are not a d~bt of the City, the State', nor are any of its political sub- divisions liable for %hem, nor in any event shall the bonds or .obligations be payable out of any funds or proper'ties other than those of the Agency; and suck bonds and other obligations shall so state on their face. The bonds do not constitute an indebtedness' within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction.' The amount of bonded indebtedness to be repaid in whole or in part from the allocation of taxes described in subdivision 2 above which can be. outstanding at any one time shall not exceed $40,000,000.00 without an amendment of this Plan, The Agency shall' not establish or incur loans, advances, or indebtedness to finance 'in whole or in part the Project beyond 35 years from the date of adoption of this Plan. Loans, advances, or indebtedness may be repaid over a period of time byond said time .limit. C. [~ 503] Other Loans and Gran~s ~ny o~her loans, grants, guarantees, or financial assistance from the United States, the State of California, or any other public or private source may be utilized if available. -22- CEt~T'~AL, F~ECORI:3~ VI. [~ 600] ACTIONS BY THE CITY The City shall aid and cooperate with the Age~c~ in carryin~ out this Plan and shall take all actions necessary to ensure ~he continued fulfillment of the purposes of this Plan and to prevent the recurrence or spread in the area of conditions causing blight. 3%ctions by the City shall include,' but not be 'limited to, the following: (2) Institution and comple~ion of proceedings for opening, closing, vacati.ng, widening, or changing the grades of streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way, and for other neces'sary modifications of the streets, the street layout, and other public rights-of-way in the Project Area. Such action by the City shall include the requirement of abandonment, removal, and relocation by the public utility companies of their operations in public .rights-of-way .as appropriate to carry Out this -Plan, provided that nothi.ng in this Plan shall be construed to .require the cost of such abandonment, removal, and relocation be borne by others ~_han those legally required to bear such cost. Institution and completion of proceedings necessary for changes and'improvements, in private and publicly- owned public utilities within or affecting the Project Area. (3) Revision of zoning, as necessary, %.~ithin the Project Area to permit %he land uses and development authorized by t~his Plan. (4) Imposition wherever necessary (by Use perm...its or other means] of appropriate controls within the limits of this Plan upon parcels .in the Project Area to ensure their proper development and use. (6) Provision for administrative enforcement of this Plan by the City after development. The City and the Agency shall develop and provide for enforcement of a program for continued maintenance by owners of all real property, both public and private, %~ithin the Project Area throughout the duration of this Plan. Performance of the above actions, and of all other functions mud services relnting to public health, safety, and physical development normally rendered in accordance with a schedule which %~ill permit the redevelopment of the Project Area to be commenced and carried to compl.etion without unnecessary delays. -23- (7) The undertaki.ng and completing of any other proceedings necessary to carry out the Project. The foregoing actions to be taken by the City ao not involve o.r constitute any commitment for financial outlays by the City. -24- 700] ENFORCE~ENT The administration and enforcement of this Plan, incluain~ the preparation and execution of any documents implementi~ this Plan, shall be performed bY the A~ency and/or the City. The provisions of this Plan or other documents entered into pursuant to this Plan may also be enforced 5y court litigation insti- tuted by either the Agen'cy or the 'City. Such remedies ~ay include, but are not limited to, spediflc performance,' damages, re-entry, injunctions, or any other remedies' approprlat~ to the purposes of this Plan. In addition, any recorded provisions which are expressly for the benefit of owners of property in the Project Area may be enforced by such owners. VIII. [~ 800]' DUPJ%TION OF THE PLA~I Except for the nondiscrimination and nonsegregation provisions ,which shall run in perpetuity, the provisions of this Plan shall be effective, and ~=he provisions of other documents fo~-mulated pursuant to this Plan may be made effective,- for 35 years from the date of adoption of this Plan by the City Council. ix.. [5 900] PROCEDUP~ FOR AMENDMENT This Plan may be amended by means of the procedure established in ~ ~ S_c~_ons 33450-33458 of the Community Redevelopment Law, or by any other procedure hereafter established by law. CENTRAL Exhibit "B" Legal Description Page n\~'o FROI4 A TANGENT TIIAT BEARS S 35e 11' 40.8" W ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 11,504.666 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0° 22' 13.4" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 74.37 FEET, N 2~ 58' 13" E 51.65 FEET, ~ TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE ~ LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 3,115 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF ;~' 3° 34' 38" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 194.48 FEET, ~ -~; 749 31~' 22" W 45.70 FEET AND N 22° 10' 28" E 125.86 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF PARCEL' 137 AS SHOWN' ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP R-34.4; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LAST SAID PARCEL AND ITS WESTERLY PROLONGATION N 74~' 31' 22" W 225 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE GENERAL WESTERLY LINE OF AIRPORT'BOULEVARD ( SHOWN AS "EXISTING BAYSHORE HIGHWAY" ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP ); THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 22° 10' 28". E 1210 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE GENERAL SOUTHERLY LINE OF CALIFORNIA AVENUE AS SHOWN ON '['HE MAP OF'SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO CO. PLAT NO. 1, A COPY OF WHICH iS ON FILE IN VOLUME 2 OF MAPS AT PAGE 52, SAN MATEO COUNTY THr~,~_.~ ALONG LA SAID LINE AND ZHE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION NO. 3743 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECORDED IN BOOK 4583 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN MATEO COUNTY AT PAGE 562 S 74° 27' E 350 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN ANGLE POINT IN LAST SAID LINE; '£HE-~4CE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 67° 45' 10" E 319.88 FEET TO T~iE ~©ST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF LAST SA~D LANDS AND A POINT ON THE ~ORTH>TESTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC RALIROAD CO. AS SHOW~'~ ON THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP R-34.3 OF ~JAYS ~.©FE FREEWAY; ~RTHEASTERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 37° 28' 58" E 2,330 FEET, .'.:ORE QR LESS, TO THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND ~LEPE~D'iCULARLY DISTANT SOUTHWESTERLY 50 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY Li[:E C.F EUTLER ROAD ( RENAMED OYSTER POINT BOULEVARD ] AS SHOWN ON ~, SAiD RIGHT-OF-;~AY RECORD MAP; ?HENCE ALO~G SAID PARALLEL LINE N 52° ~2' 32" W 690 FEET, MORE OR LESS, 'i~O A POINT ON THE GENERAL h'ESTERLY LINE OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD ( FOk~iERLY THE %qESTERLY LINE OF DAYSHORE HIGHWAY };~' Ex'~a ib it "B" Legal Description Page. 'i'h ree (~i~HENCE NORTHERLY ALONG LAST SAID LI!'IE AS SHOWN ON Tile STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAPS R-34.3 AND R-34.2 N 50~' 59' 435 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO TtIE LEFT; 5B" E THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 7,437.50 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 345 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE CORPORATE LIMITS LINE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 76° 48' 02" E 93.';2 FEET AND N 50° 59' 58" E 90 FEET, MORE OR LESS', TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SECTION 15 AND 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WE. ST, M.E '.i., AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 1 OF SALT MARSH AND TIDE LANDS SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF SAN I.IATEO PREPARED BY THE ORDER OF THE TIDE LAND COMMISSIONERS AND APPROVED ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1871; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE EAST 680 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS OF 'SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 37° -28' 58" W 990 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN ANGLE POINT IN LAST SAID LINE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 52~ 31'o 02" E 25.00 FEET AND S 37° 28' 58" W 110 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF ~-'~YSTER POINT BOULEVARD [ FORMERLY BUTLER ROAD }; THENCE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG LAST 'SAID LINE 1,28{] FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 1 AS SHOWN ON THE PARCEL MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 12 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 29, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID PROLOGATION, WESTERLY LINE AND ITS SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION S 3° 48' 30" E 320 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE ~4CRTHERLY LiNE OF THE 34.562 ACRE PARCEL DESCRIBED IN THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 82 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN MATEO COUNTY AT PAGE 95; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 86° 14' 15" E 510 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT OF A TANGENT C~JRVE TO THE LEFT; THE~CE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALO~'~G ~'HE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 645.00 FEET AL~D A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22~ 08' 20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 249.225 FEET TO T~E ?.OST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LAST SAID LANDS AND A POINT ON THE NO.~THY~ESTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS SHOWN ON THE ~.:AP OF SOUTH SAN FP.A~CiSCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. _~-B RECORDED IN VOLUME 62 OF MAPS AT PAGES 3 THROUGH 8, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; Exhibit "B" Legal Description p~ge Four THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE AND ITS .SOUTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION THE FOLLOWING COURSES: S 50° 03' 35" W 866.63 FEET, S 42° 59' 29" W 1,199.83 FEET, S 29° 25' 00" W 372.72 FEET, TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET AND ~ CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9O 25' 58" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 16.46 FEET TO THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF LAST SA~D LANDS AND TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE S 38° 50' 58~ W 80 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF FORBES BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON THE AFORESAID MAP OF CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION 160 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE, ITS SOUTHEASTERLY LINE AND ITS SOUTHWESTERLY PROLOGATION ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT ]AViHG A RADIUS OF 575.55 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36* 46' 33" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 369.42 FEET AND TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE $ 29° 24' 35" W 600 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CEk~TRAL RECORD~ 9205AT Proceedings for the redevelopmen~ of the Gateway Redevelopment Project have been instituted under the Community Redevelopment Law, Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. Said des- cription of the land within the Project Area is as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF EAST GRAND AVENUE WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF FORBES BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1 RECORDED IN VOLUME 61 OF MAPS AT PAGES 45 THROUGH 49, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF EAST GRAND AVENUE 1,740 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF'THE LANDS SHOWN AS PARCEL 143 ON THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP R-34.4 OF BAYSHORE FREEWAY; THENCE ALONG THE ~ESTERLY LINE OF LAST SAID LANDS S 21° 27' 54" W 37.65 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2977 AS ~HOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 8° 45' 39" W 104.74 FEET.TO A POINT ON THE GENERAL EASTERLY LINE OF BAYSHORE FREEWAY AS SHOWN ON SA~D RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 8° 45' 39" W 779.48 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 142 AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LAST SAID PARCEL AND ITS WESTERLY PROLONGATION S 89° 51' 28" W 247.32 FEET TO A POINT ON THE GENERAL WESTERLY LINE OF SAID BAYSHORE FREEWAY; TItENCE IN A GENERAL ~ORTHERLY D]REC'F~ON AI,ONG LAST SAID LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES: N 7° 12' 38" W 386.62 FEET, , FROM A TANGENT THAT BEARS N 33° 49' 07" E ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A }{AD]US OF 11,374.166 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0° 30' 01.2" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 99.32 FEET, FROM A TANGENT THAT. BEARS N 4° 00' 44.1" W ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 3,075 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4° 03' 57.7" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 218.22 FEET, Exhibit "B" Legal Description Page Two FROM A TANGENT THAT BEARS S 35c 11' 40.8" W ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF ]1,594.666 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0° 22' 13.4" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 74.37 FEET, N 2~ 58' 13" E 51.65 FEET, · TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 3,115 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3° 34' 38" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 194.48 FEET, N 74° 31' 22" W 45.70 FEET AND N 22° 10' 28" E 125.86 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF PARCEL 137 AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-NAY RECORD MAP R-34.4; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LAST SA~D PARCEL AND ITS WESTERLY PROLONGATION N 74° 31' 22" W 225 FEET,~ MORE OR LESS, TO THE GENERAL WESTERLY LINE OF AIRPORT'BOULEVARD ( SHOWN AS "EXISTING BAYSHORE HIGHWAY" ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP ) ; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 22° 10' 28" E 1210 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE GENERAL SOUTHERLY LINE OF CALIFORNIA AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO CO. PLAT NO. 1, A COPY OF WHICH IS ON FILE IN VOLUME 2 OF MAPS AT PAGE 52, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LANDS ~,~ DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION NO. 3743 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF '~ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECORDED IN BOOK 4583 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN "} MATEO COUNT~ AT PAGE 562 S 74° 27' E 350 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN ~ ANGLE POINT IN LAST SAID LINE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 67° 45' 10" E 319.88 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF LAST SAID LANDS AND A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC RALIROAD CO. AS SHOWN ON THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP R-34.3 OF BAYSHORE FkEEWAY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 37° 28' 58" E 2,330 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT SOUTHWESTERLY 50 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF BUTLER ROAD ( RENAMED OYSTER POINT BOULEVARD ) AS SHOWN ON LAST SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAP; THENCE ALONG SAID I~ARALLEL LINE N 52° 32' 32" W 690 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE GENERAL WESTERLY LINE OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD ( FOR~;ERLY THE WESTERLY LINE OF BAYSHORE HIGHWAY ) ; E~h~bit "B" Legal Descriplion page Three tHENCE NORTIIERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE AS SHOWN ON THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORD MAPS R-34.3 AND R-34.2 N 50° 59' 58" E 435 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE BEGINH]NG OF A CURVE TO TIlE LEFT; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT tlAVING A RADIUS OF 7,437.50 FEET AN ARC DISTANCE OF 345 FEET, MORE OR I,ESS, TO A POINT ON ~HE coRPORATE LIMITS LINE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 76° 48' 02" E 93.72 FEET AND N _50° 59' 58" E 90 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE LINE BETWEEN SECTION 15 AND 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST, M.£ ,]., AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 1 OF SALT MARSH AND TIDE LANDS SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF SAN I.IATEO PREPARED BY THE ORDER OF THE TIDE LAND COMMISSIONERS AND APPROVED ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1871; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE EAST 680 FEET, MORE OR I,ESS, TO A POINT ON ~ THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY; ~ THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 37° 28' 58" W 990 FEET, ~ MORE OR LESS, TO AN ANGLE POINT IN LAST SAID LINE; ~'~ THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE S 52° 31'. 02" E 25.00 FEET AND S 37° 28' 58" W 110 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF ')YSTER POINT BOULEVARD ( FORMERLY BUTLER ROAD ); THENCE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG LAST 'SAID LINE 1,~80 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 1 AS SHOWN ON THE PARCEL MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 12 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 29, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID PROLOGATION, WESTERLY LINE AND ITS SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION S 3° 48' 30" E 320 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE 34.562 ACRE PARCEL DESCRIBED IN THE DEED RECOSDED IN BOOK 82 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN MATEO COUNTY AT PAGE 95; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE N 86° 14' 15" E 510 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 645.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22° 08' 20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 249.225 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LAST SAID LANDS AHD A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE LANDS SHOWN ON THE ~.~AP OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 3-B RECORDED IN VOLUME 62 OF~MAPS AT PAGES 3 THROUGH 8, SAN MATEO COUNTY RECORDS; FILE: NO. ,_ J-D£? Exhibi% "B" Legal Description Page Four TIIENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE AND ITS .SOUTttWESTERLY PROLONGATION THE FOLLOWING COURSES: S 50° 03' 35" W 866.63 FEET, S 42° 59~ 29" W 1,199.83 FEET, S 29° 25' 00" W 372.72 FEET, TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9° 25' 58" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 16.46 FEET TO THE ~OST WESTERLY CORNER OF LAST SAID LANDS AND TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE S 38° 50' 58" W 80 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF FORBES BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON THE AFORESAID MAP OF CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION 160 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE, ITS SOUTHEASTERLY LINE AND ITS SOUTHWESTERLY PROLOGAT]ON ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT .lAVING A RADIUS OF 575.55 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36z 46' 33" AN ARC'DISTANCE OF 369.42 FEET AND TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE S 29° 24' 35" W 600 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.