HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-01-03I MINUTES May 1, 2003 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TAPE 1 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL / CHAIR COMMENTS PRESENT: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt and Chairperson Romero ABSENT: Commissioner Teglia STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Building Division: City Attorney: Engineering Division: Police Department: Water Quality: Fire Prevention. Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner Mike Lappen, Senior Planner Bertha Hernandez, Admin. Asst. II Barry Mammini, Senior Building Inspector Kimberly Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Richard Harmon, Development Review Coordinator Lieutenant Mike Newell, Planning Liaison Sergeant Jim Thane, Planning Liaison Ray Honan, Environmental Compliance Coordinator Maurice Dong, Assistant Fire Marshall AGENDA REVIEW No Changes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR None 1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes April 17, 2003 Approved ~Olllllll~5~51tgllCl kJIUSLI i:tSlkC~ LO ltJlllli::tlly IIi:tVC k.~OlIIIIII551OIICI l_Y 2-klI~CIO 5 llttlllC l~lJl~k;17kl WILII IIC1~5. Motion Meloni / Second Sim to approve the consent calendar. Approved by unanimous voice votes. 0 Bayside Area Development, LLC-owner Chamorro Design Group-applicant 285 East Grand Ave. / 345 Allerton P02-0031 and Mitigated Negative Declaration ND02-0031 Continued off Calendar Planned Unit Development and Use Permit to construct a two building office/R&D complex on a 6.07-acre site. The project consists of two buildings totaling 203,488 sq. ft.: Bldg 1- three-stories (77,507 sq. ft.) and Bldg 2 - four-stories (125,981 sq. ft.), a four-level, 283-space parking garage, surface parking and related landscaping improvements throughout the site located in the Planned Industrial (P-l) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32, 20.8! and 20.84 I Recess called at 8:20 p.m. Principal Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Recalled to order at 8:23 p.m. John Bergschneider, Slough Estates, presented the design team. Ed Choi, Chamorro Architects, noted that he would respond to comments brought up by the Commission at the previous study session. He pointed out that the entrance to Building I had been moved from the street corner to the center of the building, which allowed the mechanical penthouse to be moved further from the building face. He noted that by doing this the height was lowered by 10 1/2 feet. They also replaced the street entry plaza with more landscaping to soften up the building from the street. He pointed out that the size of Building II was reduced by 4000 ft.2 and the elevations on the street side and front side were modified with some steps in the form of projecting wall elements. He added that they increased the front setback from 45 to 60 ft. and stepped the building back another two feet. He noted that they would keep the five existing pine trees that help to screen the building from street. He added that the fist floor of the four-story building is two to 3 ft. below the sidewalk, which will also help to reduce the scale of the building. David Gates, Design Architect, pointed out that they tried to create a sense of campus with the landscaping plan. He described the pedestrian spine noting that it creates a visual relationship between the two entries. He explained how they were able to screen the parking and building with landscaping. Public hearing opened. Being that there were no speakers on the item the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Meloni asked when the developer planned to start building Phase II. Mr. Bergschneider noted that the current leases for the building on the Phase II site expire at the end 2004, and at that time the building will be constructed according to market demands. Commissioner Meloni complemented the developer on the great work done with the garage and to the landscape design. He was concerned that the project would not be developed as a full unit, and wanted to see a more complete phasing plan. He noted a desire to see some additional work on the building elevations, which he found to be too lackluster. Commissioner Sim pointed out that the landscape was nice and has improved. He pointed out that the project needs to exceed future aspirations of the City. Commissioner Honan asked if there were any tenants identified for the project. Mr. Bergschneider noted that this was a speculative project and there were not any tenants at the moment. He added that the laboratory fi[7 IIULCU LIIi:IL LIIC IIUUI I,)Ii:iLC3 I.IL111/-,CU U~DI~II[JU LU CI~,UIIJ/IIUU. i:J,L~ DI..IN:J~,LZI~I. LIV~ L~llkIIILD. in the design are in response to the market request. He further added that due to the economic situation they need to be sensitive in terms of the materials that will be used. Commissioner Ochsenhirt noted that he is comfortable with the project being developed in the phases. He was concerned with not having a signal at Littlefield or Allerton. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that there is a signal at Littlefield and the long-range plan is to have a signal at Allerton. Commissioner Ochsenhirt asked if the parking areas were connected. Mr. Bergschneider confirmed that they would all be connected allowing traffic to circulate through both sites. Commissioner Romero noted that the project is very well laid out. He also noted concern over whether the design would work well with Phase I only. He pointed out that there is something lacking in the design of the building. Comanissioner Sim. asked i~'.. ~ ph~si~,g..~ -. ~,l ~,,v_...._ ,~....~ subrni~ed *,,... the P!apming Division. Mr. Chamo~o ~,~,*,~,~_....... that that a plan was submitted outlining the first phase. He pointed out that Phase I would include the East Grand building and 27 spaces along the southern property line of the Allerton site. Commissioner Sim requested clarifications as to what extent the second phase of the landscape would be completed. He added that the Commission's concern is that the landscaping would not be completed for Phase II. Mr. Chamorro noted that the landscaping for Phase I would be fully developed on the East Grand site. He added that they couldn't make any modifications to the Phase II site until the building has been vacated. Commissioner Sim noted that the commission is looking at the design of the building in terms of the aesthetics, proportion of windows to massing, and the texture and colors. He also noted that the current exterior was too "cookie-cutter". Commissioner Honan asked to see the phase one in the phase two plans. Motion Meloni / Second Sim to continue the item off calendar with direction to the applicant to refine the exterior skin of the buildings and provide a clear phasing plan. Approved by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC I-W~ARING 3. Los Metates Restaurant Sandra B. Jimenez-applicant 231 Lux Avenue GP, RZ, PE, UP-01-076 and Categorical Exemption Section 15061(b)(3) Review for Exemption Continued (Recommend continuance to May 15, 2003) General Plan Amendment changing the land use designation fi'om Downtown High Density Residential to Community Commercial, Rezoning of the property from Medium Density Residential (R-2-H) to Retail Commercial (C-l-L), and a Use Permit allowing an expansion of a restaurant situated at 231 Lux Avenue in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H) Zone, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.8 land 20.87. Motion Meloni / Second Honan to continue the item to May 15, 2003. Approved by unanimous voice vote. , Zoning Amendment - Residential Second Units City of South San Francisco-Owner/Applicant Citywide P03-0007 Resolution 2624 (Continued from April 17, 2003) Amendment to the City of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.79, Residential Second Unit Regulations; Chapter 20.06, Definitions; Chapter 20.14 R-E, Rural Estates District Use Regulations; Chapter 20.16, R-1 Single-Family Density Residential District Use Regulations; Chapter 20.18, R-2, Medium Residential District Use Regulations; Chapter 20.20, R-3 Multi-Family Residential District Use Regulations; Chapter 20.74, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 20~85, Design Re.view Procedure~ to amend the development standards for residential second units to be consistent with the South San Francisco General Plan Housing Element and State law. Senior planner Lappen presented a PowerPoint presentation. Public hearing opened. Joy Am Wendler, president of Avalon Brentwood Homeowners Association, was concerned with the transition of single-family homes into de facto duplexes. She added that the impact would be increase in traffic congestion in neighborhoods, the strain on other important resources such as parking, water, electricity, sewer system, and the environment. She noted that this is essential to promote the care and preservation of the neighborhoods and is concerned that this plan is not as beneficial to neighborhoods as planned. She pointed out that there would be a significant increase in density. She added that 900 to 1000 ft.2 is larger than many homes in the city. The second unit should be much smaller than the main residential home because it does not improve a neighborhood to significantly increase the density to change the character. She noted that a maximum of 400 ft.2 is sufficient and is the definition of small a unit. She asked that one address be retained for the units. She asked that the requirement for the garages to be used for parking only be retained and not allowed to convert to living space. She agreed that tandem parking would help the parking issues. Alex Ku, 107 Valley Way, noted that the second units would facilitate building an additional home on a lot of single-family homes. He added that this helps the housing shortage in California. He asked the Commission to reconsider increasing the number of bedrooms from one to two or three bedrooms. Joe D'Angelo, 310 Evergreen Dr., thanked the commission for the hard work put into the ordinance for the past six months. He added that he is in favor retaining the size of the unit at 1000 ft.2 in order to have a home that provides for services, utilities and storage. Public hearing closed. Commission discussion: Commissioner Meloni believed that 1000 ft.2 in size for the unit is not outrageous. He added that there are still restrictions such as FAR, setbacks, and lot coverage requirements that need to be met. He pointed up that this would dictate how much they can build. He noted that this may stop building of illegal units but does not perceive an increase in request for second unit of additions. Commissioner Sim pointed out that this may not show a significant increase in second unit additions but is sensitive to the neighborhood nuisance that it may bring upon residents. Commissioner Honan informed Ms. Wendler that staff for health and safety reasons recommended the separate address. She added that this would make it easy for the Fire Department or the Police Department to respond to emergency calls. She noted that the Commission has tried very hard to contain the community character and the Commission does not want the R-1 zones turned to R-2 zones. Commissioner Romero asked staff to make sure that there is a means of tracking and recording second unit additions. He also asked staff to see that these are proper recordation of these units so that they are not sold separately. Commission Ochsenhirt noted that this would make it affordable for the elderly to live in and the easy for the caretaker to construct a legal unit for that person backspace. Motion Honan/Second Sim to recommend approval of the zoning amendments to City Council. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 5. Zoning Amendment - Transit Village District/TDM Resolution City of South San Francisco-owner/applicant Citywide ZA-01-021/MOD1 (TDM) & ZA-01-041/MOD1 (TOD) 2625 (Continued from April 17, 2003) Zoning Amendment to adopt revisions to Chapter 20.27 Transit Village District; Chapter 20.14 R-E, Rural Estates District Use Regulations; Chapter 20.16, R-1 Single-Family Density Residential District Use Regulations; Chapter 20.18, R-2, Medium Residential District Use Regulations; and Chapter 20.20, R-3 Multi-Family Residential District, to require a use permit for all projects that generate 100 or more vehicle trips per day (ADT); and Chapter 20.120 Transportation Demand Management to include child care as an additional measure not originally listed in the chapter. Senior Planner Lappen presented the staff report. Public hearing opened. Being that there were no speakers on the item the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Romero asked how childcare is considered to be a TDM measure. Senior Planner Lappen noted that the General Plan policies look at providing incentives for childcare in the industrial areas and is being made more explicit in other areas of the City. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that the TDM plans are results oriented regardless of measures that are included. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that there two zoning amendments before the Commission. One being the incorporation of childcare facilities into the Transportation Demand Management Program. The second is the Transit Oriented Development amendment to require a use permit. Commissioner Meloni asked if there was a TDM survey for the Planning Commission to review. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that the Commission will review the Bay West Cove TDM plan for the buildings that were occupied in February 2003 and the survey will be done in February 2004. Commissioner Ochsenhirt recalled childcare being part of the discussion when the TDM originally was before the Commission. He questioned if it was ever listed in the ordinance. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that there was substantial debate at that time whether it could be considered as a discretionary measure are not and this is just a cleanup amendment to do the addition of childcare to this ordinance since it was not added then. Motion Meloni / Second Honan to recommend approval of the zoning amendment to the City Council. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 6. Items from Staff Chief Planner Sparks informed the Commission that Commissioner Teglia would not be attending the Planning Commission meeting of May 15, 2003 and was also being excused from this meeting. He commended the Planning Commission on the work done on the second unit-housing ordinance. 7. Items from Commission Commissioner Honan reminded the public that the Soraptimist is having an "It's a small world spring boutique" on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. in the Elks Lodge. Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt noted that the second unit ordinance is just the beginning of the furore changes to second units from the State. 8. Items from the Public None 9. Adjournment Motion Sim ! Second Ochsenhirt to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 9:52 P.M. ~om~a~-C. Sparks ~"'~ ' ' Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco William Romero, Chah~erson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting May 15, 2003, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. TCS/blh