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1989 Election (5404)
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD AND CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M. ~ ~ ~ NOTICE~ · · THE LOCATION OF YOUR POLLING PLACE AND AN ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST ARE CONTAINED ON THE BACK COVER Compiled, Certified and Distributed by WARREN SLOCUM COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER SAN MATEO COUNTY REWARDING EXPERIENCE JOin the San Mateo County Elections Tea~n Serve your community as an Election Officer in the June and November 1990 Elections. Call 573-2081 for an application Today- It's not too early! ~4 COUNTY OF SAN MATEO SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD AND CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS Tuesday, November 7, 1989 Page Sample Ballot ............................................ 2 San Mateo Community College District ........................ City of South San Francisco ................................ Member, City Council City Clerk City Treasurer Measure C County Measure A ........................................ !9 Superintendent of Schools County Measure B ........................................ 11 Appropriation Limit i Absent Voter Application ............................ Back Cover O9 SAMPLE BALLOT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CASTING A WRITE-IN VOTE: Open the slide below numbered the same as the slide number indicated in the title of the office. Write the name of the person for whom you wish to vote in the slot exposed. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD AND CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER MARK BALLOT AND LEAVE [~~o MARKS SHOWING (Your [~marks must be showing for vote to register) THEN TURN RED VOTER'S SWITCH TO RECORD VOTE (Switch is located at lower right) (Do not turn Red Switch until you have completed all voting of your choice.) SCHOOL CITY COUNTY DISTRICT il 21 31 41 si 61 ?1 81 91 SAN MATEO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MEMBER OF THE GOVERNING BOARD Slide Nos. 1,2 (Vote for No More Than Two) TULLI0 "TIL" BERTINI Educator/Administrator BETH KELLY BHATNAGAR Attorney, College Instructor YAYA DE LUNA Community College Instructor HELEN HAUSMAN Trustee, Sequoia Union High School District KAREN ROBINSON KEANE Community Activist Businesswoman MAXINE GONSALVES Educator STEVEN GLICK Vice-President, Business Organization CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Slide Nos. 3, 4, 5 (Vote for No More Than Three) JAMES C. ELMORE Small Businessman JOHN "JACK" DRAGO Councilmember GLENN R. MADARA Licensed Customs Broker DONALD J. ARNDT Engineer, Marketing Manager JOHN R. PENNA Realtor/Businessman GUS NICOLOPULOS City Councilman MEASURES SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS MEASURE A "Shall the manner of selection of the County Superintendent of Schools be changed so that the elected County Board of Education appoints the Count), Superintendent of Schools?" YES NO MEASURE B "Shall the County of San Mateo's Ap- propriation Limit be adjusted for four years according to the ordinance sub- mitted by the Board of Supervisors so that the County may continue to use revenue from the State of California ?' YES NO WESTBOROUGH WATER DISTRICT MEMBER, BOARD OF DIRECTORS sITerm Ending November 26, 1993) ide Nos. 6, 7 (Vote for No More Than Two) PERRY H. BAUTISTA Police Officer ROBERT J. MAHAR Incumbent PATTI J. SHELLEY Administrative/Medical Assistant LEO P. SACK Appointed Incumbent MEMBER, BOARD OF DIRECTORS sITerm Ending November 29, 1991) ide Nos. 9,10 (Vote for No More Than Two) PETER A. MILOS, JR. Real Estate Salesperson SHARON K. HANSEN Corporate Legal Secretary HENRY YEE Appointed Incumbent RUTH KNOTEK Appointed Incumbent 111 1~1 1~1 1~1 1~1 171 181 191 ~o I ~11 251 26 I 271 CITY CLERK Slide No. 11 (Vote for One) BARBARA A. BATI'AYA City Clerk CITY TREASURER Slide No. 14 (Vote for One) BEVERLY BONALANZA FORD City Treasurer MEASURE SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS MEASURE C "Shall the City Council amend the South San Francisco Municipal Code to increase the transient occupancy tax (hotel tax paid by patrons) by two dol- lars and fifty cents ($2.50) and use this revenue to acquire, renovate, maintain and operate a conference center in the City of South San Francisco?" YES[] ,° J 'VOTER · TO COMPLETE VOTE PUSHHANDLE TO lIGHT ! CUSTODIAN OFFICER · LOCK. LO~K · CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS SAN MATEO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT This pamphlet containS a complete list of candidates. Each statement is volunteered by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. CAI~ DIDATES FOR THE OFFICE OF MEMBER OF THE GOVERNING BOARD TULLIO "TIL" BERTI ql Age: 59 Occupation: Assistant Principal -- Student Services, Burlingame High School Education and Qualificalions: EDUCATION: San Francisco State University, MA, BA, Industrial Technology My primary reason for seeking the position of Trustee is to serve the residents of San Mateo Counly in maintaining our high quality Community College system. I have seventeen years of experience in Millbrae City Government, serving as Ma3~or, Councilman for two terms, Beautification Committee member, and I amicurrently a Millbrae Planning Commissioner. I also have thirty-three years' experience in the field of education as a teacher and high school administrator. This combination of experience in education and city government gives me a unique background qualifying me for the Board of Trustees. I attended San Mateo Junior College, now College of San Mateo, and my positive experience at the time motivated me to complete my college education. I have a reputation for being honest and dedicated to my obliga- tions, as a professional person and as an elected official. I fully support colleg6 education that is accessible to San Mateo County residents of all ages and effective communication with local high schools and universities throughout the state of California. My record of experience, dedication and service makes me the exceptionally qualified candidate. I would appreciate your vote in the November 7 election. Thank you. /s/TuHio Bertini BETH KELLY BHATNAGAR Age: 46 Occupation: Attorney, Community College Instructor Education and Qualifications: EDUCATION: B.A.--Duke University M.A.--Northwestern University J.D.--San Mateo Law School QUALIFICATIONS: · Attorney in private practice in San Mateo. Co-author of manuals on California laws and court decisions concerning school personnel for Association of California School Administrators. · Co-ordinator of Free Legal Clinics at San Mateo Library, for the San Mateo County Bar Association. · Community College Instructor of courses in Business Law and Real Estate. Developed honors course on Courts and Business. · Mediator in San Mateo County Community Mediation Program. · Served on PTA's and School Site Councils. Classroom volunteer and ESL tutor. GOALS: · Maintain and promote excellence of courses through retention, recruit- ment and nurturing of outstanding faculty and students, reflecting the community's ethnic diversity. · Keep programs attuned to changing needs of community's employers, and students of all backgrounds and ages, including re-entry, re-train- ing, upgrading of employment skills, post-retirement, enrichment, and preparation for collegiate study. · Promote community involvement and productive, creative citizenship through seminars, meetings, speakers, KCSM coverage of local is- sues, outreach to under-represented groups. · Maximize the pivotal role of community colleges through articulation with high schools and universities, strengthening of counseling and assessment programs, cooperative education. · Encourage student participation in California's Human Corps volun- teer programs for community service, including literacy tutoring. /s/Beth Kelly Bhatnagar YAYA DeLUNA Age: 45 Occupation: Community College Instructor Education and Qualifications: I am a history instructor at Foothill College, where I have also ~erved as Acting Division Dean-Business and Social Science. I am a Fulbrig~t Scholar and hold a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. During 1975-1981 I served on the Board of Trustees of the East Side Union High School District i in San Jose. I was a founding member and president of the National Caucus for the Spanish Speaking School Board Members, a Delegate to the California School Board Association's Assem- bly, and served on the Advisory Committee on Minority Affairs for the College Board. In San Mateo County, I have been an active volunteer for "Pros for Kids," a drug and alcohol abuse prevention organization, the American Business Women Associatiog, various local and state political campaigns and have been an intern for the State Assembly's Ways and Means Commit- tee. Eighteen years of working in higher education has infused me with a strong belief in the mission ol~ the community college and, I strongly support its democratic ideal of providing equal educational opportunity for all. I believe my background iand experience will be an asset to the College District. I ask for your vote. I /s/Yaya DeLuna HELEN HAUSMAN Occupation: Trustee, Sequoia Union High School District Education and Qualifications: EDUCATION: B.A. Education, George Washington University, Washington, DC EXPERIENCE: Thirteen years on the Sequoia Union High School District Board (four years as president), interacting with eight feeder districts and their municipalities plus the Sequoia District adult school, has given me an understanding of the diverse populations and educational needs of the county and has prepared me to serve on the San Mateo County Community College District Board of Trustees. During my tenure our schools, faculty and students received national and state recognition for excellence. · Nine years California State PTA Board of Managers · Four years Seventeenth District PTA President serving 121 schools in San Mateo County · Served EdSource Finance (California Coalition for Fair School Fi- nance) · Served California Curriculum Alliance · Served "Californians For Drug Free Youth" · Honored as Distinguished Woman by Mid-Peninsula Girls Club · Nominated for "Women On the Move Award" by San Mateo Council, American Red Cross · AAUW GOALS: My priorities are adequate funding, maintaining the integrity of current programs and anticipating future educational needs. My previous experience with planning, review, evaluation and accountability will aid in reaching the educational goals of our community. Educational excellence needs your vote. /s/ Helen Hausman CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS SAN MATEO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT This pamphlet contains a complete list of candidates. Each statement is volunteered by the candidate!and is printed at the expense of the candidate. CANDIDATES FOR THE OFFICE OF MEMBER OF THE GOVERNING BOARD KAREN ROBINSON KEANE Age: 36 Occupation: Operations Executive Education and Qualifications: PROFESSIONAL: Currently, Exec. VP for Operations, Personnel, Cus- tomer Relations~Burlingame Automotive Management. Exec. Dir., Peninsula Family YMCA (serving mid-peninsula), 1982-88- expanded child care to seven communities working with elementary and high school districts; expanded family mental-health services; managed $2 million annual operating budget; raised $2 million in donations towards new YMCA at hwys 92 & 101, $500,000 in program donations. Faculty, Springfield College. MEMBERSHIPS: San Mateo County Industry Education Council, Burlin- game Rotary. EDUCATION: Bachelor in Science, Physical Education--Boston State Col- lege; Master of Education--Springfield College. KEY 1SSUES: · Re: AB 1725, community college legislation which validates the mis- sion of the community college system (transfer and vocational ed.) and steers it from being all things to all people. AB 1725 mandates cooperative management, staff development, instructional improve- ment, affirmative action, funding-formula changes and employment policies, · Developing long-term plans built on current District successes and reflect social, economic and demographic needs of community, · Developing cooperative leadership through all staff levels to lead Dis- trict into next century., · Succession planning for administrative vacancies likely to emerge during this term, · Assure District cooperation with industry to develop future workforce needed by business community, · Increase student retention rates, eligible-students transfer rate and vo- cational students placement. /s/ Karen Robinson Keane MAXlNE GONSALVES Age: 54 Occupation: Teacher/Counselor I £dueation and Qualifications: BS, Univelsity of Illinois, 1956 -- Teaching Credential, 1957. Graduate Courses ig Education, University of Chicago, 1956-58 -- Continuing Education, Skyline College, Art and Com- puter Science. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE -- Secondary School Science Instructor, Chicago. Instructor/Counselor, San Francisco Unified School District since 1959. ELECTED OFFICE -- Jefferson Union High School District Board of Trustees since 1981 -- President, two terms. ~ PERSONAL -- Married 28 years to George, a retired teacher. One daughter, Kimberly, law student at McGeorge University. Resident, San Mateo County since 1967. The Community College system must serve thei needs of the community. These needs may span from newly graduated high school students pursuing an Associate of Arts degree, students who are re-entering higher education -- students seeking job skills, to students of al! ages who wish to enrich their lives through the pursuit of academic, leisurd and personal enhancement courses. Whatever the motivation individuals may have concerning post secondary education, Community Colleges musl remain community based and 1 plan to dedicate my energies to make such!education accessible to all people. : COMMUNITY SERVICE--AAUW, CaliforuiaiElected Women's Associ- ation for Education & Research, California SChool Boards Association, Child Care Coordinating Council (Current Preslident), League of Women Voters, Pacifica Arts & Heritage, Pacifica Youlh Service Bureau (Current President) /s/ Maxine Gonsalves STEVEN GLICK Age: 42 Occupation: Vice President, Business Organization Education and Qualifications: EXPERIENCE: · Vice President, Bay Area Council (1984-Present). Formed in 1945, the Council is a business-sponsored organization involved in regional public policy issues. · Associate Producer, "Getting the Right Job" television series (on KPIX-TV) · Former Executive Director, Private Industry Council of San Mateo County · Former Instructor (part-time), Canada College EDUCATION: · BA--UC Berkeley (Graduated with Distinction); JD~eorgetown University Law Center ORGANIZATIONS: · San Francisco Senior Center Board of Directors (President) · Legal Aid Society of San Francisco Board of Directors · Northern California Human Resources Council Board of Directors (Member-elect) I've had the opportunity to work with nearly every community college in the Bay Area, including the three in San Mateo County, in the area of occupational education and training. Colleges can do both -- develop work- ing partnerships with business and industry and prepare students for transfer to tbur-year universities. Within the limits of sound fiscal policy, 1 will work both to improve linkages with employers and to maintain high academic standards. Implementation of reform legislation (AB 1725), personnel deci- sions, and changing demographics are some of the challenges facing the district. With your support, I will do my best to help the board find solutions to these challenges. /s/ Steven Glick CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO This pamphlet does nDt contain a complete list of candidates. A complete list of candidates appears on the Sample Ballot. Each statement is volunteered by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. CANDIDATES FOR THE OFFICE OF MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL JAMES C. ELMORE Age: 49 Occupation: Contractor- Merchant Education and QualifiCations: ~eneral/Electrical/Plurrlbing Contractor --South San Francisco M~rchant, Jailhouse Deli It is my intention to bring ti) the City Council a fresh and direct approach toward: --Eliminate the secrecy which exists in City Hall about proposed projects by big developers and ordinances proposed by City staff. --Making the public more knowledgable about projects proposed by developers and ordinances proposed by the City's administra- tion. -- Eliminate favorite trbatment given by City Hall to certain people. --Cut out red tape and make building permits easier to get for homeowners and small business people. --Control big salaries being paid to the City Manager and Depart- ment Heads. --Make staff more sensitive and responsible to the needs of the people. As the rapid growth of th'is City continues, solid planning and equal opportunities should be available to both business and private residents. I would work toward quality representation by the Council and departments to reflect the desires and wants of the community rather than those of the few. My experience in builcing, and management give me an established base to work from in provicing guidance in new directions for the City. ONE VOTE CAN MAKEA DIFFERENCE ON THE CITY COUNCIL YOU DO HAVE A VOICE IN THE MATTER! /s/James C. Eimore JOHN "JACK" DRAGO Age: 6:2 Occupation: City Councilmember/Retired Fire Chief Education and Qualifications: Born in San Francisco, attended Balboa High, Skyline College, and University of San Francisco -- Bachelors Degree in Public Administration. Served as Mayor 1987- 1988, Councilmember 1985-1989. Retired as Fire Chief 1984. I believe my presence on the City Council has contributed to the improvement of the economic climate of our city with additional and improved City services. My record demonstrates my ability to make things happen! I have represented our City on critical issues on transpor- tation, airport, hazardous waste, and legislative matters. Significant Council Accomplishments: Balanced City Budget with increased Reserve Funds, Child Care and Adult Day Care programs, Magnolia Senior Center, Magnolia Plaza Senior Housing, Noise Insu- lation, Downtown Revitalization, Westborough Park Building, and Park Expansions. As Fire Chief, implemented the Paramedic Ambulance Patient Delivery System and the City's Fire Insurance Rating became one of the best in the nation. Organizational Memberships: Sons of Italy, YMI Council 32, Italian American Citizens Club, Historical Society, Past Officer of Buri-Serra Highland Homeowners, Charter member Local 1507 S. S. F. Fire Depart- ment. Resident: Buri-Buri neighborhood 38 years. I will continue my efforts in making our city a better place to live and raise a family, while keeping costs to an affordable level. /s/John "Jack" Drago DONALD ARNDT Age: 40 Occupation: Engineer al~d Marketing Manager Education and Qualifications: Nothing is more important to a city than its people. This community of hard working families have strong feelings about this city's future. We need to improve and strengthen our neighborhoods and continue to make our city the best place to live. My involvement with the Old Town Homeowners Association, the Historic Preservation Commission, and the Historical Society has shown that small problems can easily become big problems, especially if the problem is not dealt with immediately. When the response is too late, the problem gets out of hand, we end up using our limited resources and we all suffer. Our family is committed to this city's future. I will bring new ideas to improve our city, makei it easier to hear your concerns, act on those concerns, and properly usg our assets. For example; downtown revitali- zation will not be a success unless we are committed to coordinate the development of our downtown so it meets the total needs of our com- munity. There are many significant issues to resolve which will have great impact on this city's future. The decisions can not be short term prom- ises, but long term succes~ses tied to the sensitivity of all concerns. Thank you. /s/DONALD ARNDT JOHN R. PENNA Age: 47 Occupation: Realtor/Businessman Education and Qualifications: · Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics - San Francisco State University (Real Estate Minor) · Director of Liberty Bank, South San Francisco · President - Downtown Merchants Association · Treasurer - All Souls School Athletic Board · Past President - Parking Place Commission · Member of: Historical Society of South San Francisco, YMI Council 32, Sons of Italy, Oceanic Society, Chamber of Com- merce, North San Mateo County Board of Realtors, FIABCI-USA (American Chapter, International Real Es- tate Federation), National Association of Real Estate Ap- praisers I am a third generation South San Franciscan and believe in the integrity of this community. I am a Real Estate Broker and for the past 25 years I have been serving the housing and business needs of our City. At the same time, I have been active in numerous civic activities. We, the people of South San Francisco, share a common interest for a safe, clean and harmonious City. As a Councilperson, serving on an open and responsive City Council, I look forward to the privilege of serving that interest. /s/John R. Penna Compiled by South San Francisco City Clerk Barbara A. Battaya CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO This pamphlet does not contain a complete list of candidates. A complete list of candidates appearsion the Sample Ballot. Each statement is volunteered by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL GUS NICOLOPULOS Age: 69 Occupation: City Councilman Education and Qualifications: EDUCATION MA/B A Public Administration U.C. La Salle Vocational Teaching Credential U. S. F. Adj. Professor Public Adm. S.S.F. High S.B. President PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS League CA Cities Public Safety Comm. B.A.A.Q.M.B. Bd. Director No.S.M. County Council Cities Chairman Bay Area Rapid Water Task Force CA Assn. Police Training Ofc. (State Pres) P.P.O.A. President P.A.L. Founder (President) P.A.L. Booster's- President Boy's Club- Bd. Dir. Optimist--Vice President WORK EXPERIENCE INSTRUCTOR S.J. State C.S.M. Skyline S.F.I.A. Police Santa Rosa J.C. Kiwanis--President Am. Legion, VFW 4103, VFW "Citizenship Medal" Y.M.I.'s Man of Year Award - YMI #32 Sons of Italy AARP W.W. II. Veteran Mediterranean Theatre Pee-Wee Baseball President Mayor, Vice Mayor - S.S.F. Police approx. 25 years - Retired SSFUSD Dir. Transportation - P&R Commissioner. Many good things ready to occur - Downtown Redevelopment, more retail stores, white collar industry transition nearing reality, inter- modal transportation center to merge land, rail, water transits -- make South San Francisco regional ferry boat terminal, multi-story parking, rehab older housing, Corporation Yard expansion planned, expansion of City services - library, P&R, swimming pool, police, fire equipment, and personnel, treatment plant able to satisfy future needs. Present council actively pursuing positive efforts cooperatively to allow City to fulfill true potential. Council is demanding. Being retired, I'm able to devote full time. /s/Gus Nicolopuios ! CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BARBARA A. BATTAYA Age: 56 Occupation: City Clerk Education and Qualifications: EDUCATION & TRAINING: College of San Mateo University of San Francisco Academy of Stenographic Arts PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: International Institute of Municipal Clerks City Clerks Association of California California State Association of Local Elected Officials Past President, 1987- t988 Board of Directors 1982-1986 South San Francisco Lions Club Board 6f Directors EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS: I was appointed City Clerk in August 14}79, elected in April, 1980 and November, 1985, after having first served the City as Secretary to the Director of Finance. I am a Notary Public for the State of California, a Deputy Registrar of Voters for San Mateo County and a Competent Shorthand Reporter. My background and experience have )een particularly useful in serving as your City Clerk for the past nine years. 1 have found the job both challenging and rewarding. The City Clerk's Office is a primary contact with the citizens of South San Francisco, and 1 look forward to a continued association with each of you. Your support will insure a City Clerk who is experienced in the needs of the Office and who is devoted to the needs of the citizens. /s/ Barbara A. Battaya CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER BEVERLY BONALANZA FORD Age: 49 Occupation: City Treasurer Education and Qualifications: EDUCATION: St. Mary's College, Indiana College of Notre Dame, Belmont --Bachelor of Arts, 1962 --Business Administration Minor Post Graduate Studies, College of Notre Dame and San Jose State EXPERIENCE: ----Deputy City Treasurer, 1981-86 ---City Treasurer, 1986-89 --Junior High School Teacher, South San Francisco Unified School District since 1965 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: ~alifomia Municipal Treasurers Association --Municipal Treasurers Association, U.S.A. and Canada --American Association of Individual Investors As City Treasurer of this City, I have worked to continue a sound investment philosophy that has produced a high level of return while guaranteeing maximum protection of your public dollars. It has been my practice to base investment of municipal funds on prudent and proven principles of safety, liquidity, and yield which have produced strong results for our City. Investment instruments used have included certificates of deposit, California Local Agency Investment Fund, prime commercial paper of the highest rating, banker's acceptances, and collateralized repurchase agreements. ~ It has also been possible to expand our i~vestments to local financial institutions that offer government collateral as well as competitive in- terest rates. As your treasurer, I have never nor will I ever gamble with your tax dollars! I thank you for your past confidence and ask for your endorsement on November 7th. I /~/Beverly Bonalanza Ford ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MEASURE C "Shall the City Council amend the South San Francisco Municipal Code to increase the transient occupancy tax (hotel tax paid by patrons) by two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) and use this revenue to acquire, renovate, maintain and operate a conference center in the City of South Shn Francisco?" FULL 'rEXT OF MEASURE C AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4.20 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO M-~NICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TO FUND A CONFERENCE CENTER. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 4.20.035 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code added A new section, Section 4.20.035 is hereby added to the South San Francisco Municipal Cote to read: Section 4.20.035 Conference Center tax imposed Notwithstanding any:fee, tax, assessment or other charge for the privilege of occupancy i~ any hotel, each transient is subject to and shall pay a two dollars and fifty cents tax, the proceeds of which shall be devoted to the acquisition, renovation, maintenance, and operation of a conference center facility in the city. The tax constitutes a debt owed by the transient to t~e city which is extinguished only by payment to the operator or to the city. The transient shall pay the tax to the operator of the hotel at the time the rent is paid. If the rent is paid in installments, a proportionate share of the tax shall be paid with each installment. The unpaid tax shall be due upon the transient's ceasing to occupy space in the hvtel. If for any reason the tax due is not paid to the operator of the hotel, the tax administrator may require that such tax shall be paid directly to the tax administrator. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be deter- mined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be adopted, if approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the me~isure, at an election to be held November 7, 1989, and shall go into effect ten (10) days after the City Council has by resolution declared that such ballot measure was approved by two- thirds of the voters voting thereon. IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BY CITY ATTORNEY This ballot measure would adopt an ordinance authorizing an in- crease in the existing Somh San Francisco transient occupancy tax. The transient occupancy tax is the tax paid by occupants of hotel rooms. At present, the transient occupancy tax is eight percent of the room rate. The money generated by the tax goes into the general fund and is used for general city purposes. The revenue generated by the existing tax would not be affected by the ballot measure. That money would still go into the general fund and be used for general city purposes. Under the proposed ~rdinance, an additional two dollars and fifty cents would be charged to those who rent hotel rooms, regardless of the base room rate. The hdditional money generated by the proposed tax would be earmarked specifically for expenses related to establishing and operating a conferenc{~ center in the City of South San Francisco. Adoption of this ordinance would not increase the taxes paid by residents and property owners in the City of South San Francisco. The people who would be subject to the tax are those who rent a room at a hotel or motel for lodging on a short term basis. The ordinance proposed by this ballot measure would be adopted if approved by two-thirds of those electors voting on the measure at the November 7, 1989 election. A "yes" vote authorizes an increase in the transient occupancy tax, as outlined above. A "no" vote would not permit an increase to the transient occupancy tax. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE C Measure C provides the City of South San Francisco and its residents an opportunity to create a conference center at no cost to local tax- payers. This measure enables us to hold onto monies gradually being lost to the hotel industry on the southern Peninsula. The hotel business is extremely competitive. Neighboring com- munities are undergoing aggressive hotel and meeting facility expan- sions and are posting record profits. Our own local hotel industry has produced almost $7 million in city revenues over the past 5 years. These unrestricted dollars go directly to community services such as libraries, street maintenance, parks and recreation, police and fire. In order to protect this revenue source we must compete in this market place. A South City conference center would allow us to do so. A prime site has become available on our South Airport Boulevard hotel row within walking distance of more than 1,700 existing hotel rooms. This site is immediately adjacent to Highway 101, is seconds from San Francisco International Airport and has adequate parking. A surcharge of $2.50 on the hotel room rate will allow us to finance a facility capable of handling meetings of up to 1,500 people or small trade shows. This is a conservative proposal based on existing hotel rooms and is not dependent on more than 300 rooms already approved but not yet constructed. Measure C -- South San Francisco's chance to establish a local conference center at no cost to taxpayers -- has the overwhelming endorsement of our hotel operators, restaurant owners, business and civic leaders. A conference center has long been a civic dream. It's time to stop dreaming, South San Francisco. Let's go for it! Vote Yes on Measure C Nov. 7. /s/ Roberta Cerri Teglia Roberta Cerri Teglia, Mayor City of South San Francisco /s/ Mark Neal Addiego Mark N. Addiego, Councilman City of South San Francisco /s/ Mrs. Tisbe Bertolucci Tisbe "Mama" Bertolucci Restaurateur, Bertolucci's /s/ Dennis H. Rosaia Dennis H. Rosaia Local Businessman /s/ Leo Padreddii Leo Padreddii First Vice-President San Mateo County Fair Board NO ARGUMENTS SUBMITTED AGAINST MEASURE C ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OR IN OPPOSITION OF THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS SAN MATEO COUNTY MEASURE MEASURE A "Shall the manner of selection of the County Superintendent of Schools be changed so that the elected County Board of Education appoints the County Superintendent of Schools?" MEASURE A IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS Article IX, Section 3 of the California Constitution states that the Superintendent of Schools for each county may be elected or may be appointed by the County Board of Education, and that the manner of selection shall be determined by a majority vote of the electors of the County voting on the question. Presently, the San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools is elected. This measure would change the manner of selection so that the County Board of Education, an elected body, would appoint the County Superintendent of Schools. A "yes" vote on this measure means that the County Superintendent of Schools will no longer be an elected County Officer, but would be appointed by the elected County Board of Education. A "no" vote on this measure means that the County Superintendent of Schools will continue to be an elected officer. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE A Measure A will bring to the San Mateo County Office of Education the accountable form of representative government that we now require of even our smallest town or school district. In 1855 the Legislature created the office of County Superintendent of Schools directly elected by the voters. As counties grew in size and complexity, the need for representative government was recognized. In 1954, legislation required an elected Board of Education, and permit- ted a change to allow it to appoint the County Superintendent of Schools, its chief executive officer. San Mateo County has an elected Board of Education of seven members. Each Board member must reside in one of seven areas. Approximately half the Board is required to stand for election, county- wide every two years. At present the County Superintendent is also still elected. The result of the failure to change the manner of selection is that the County Superintendent is not accountable to the voters' representa- tives, the elected Board of Education. Instead the office is obtained through a county-wide election in which usually only one candidate is running. Such an unopposed election does not even appear on the ballot. In Measure A we have a unique opportunity to change the method of selection of the County Superintendent without reflecting on incum- bent or potential candidates. The incumbent has announced his retire- ment in December, 1990. The opportunity for future candidates to file their intention with the San Mateo County Clerk opens in January 1990. Measure A will bring to the Office of Education the right of the elected governing board to choose the chief executive officer for its 600 employees and $35 million budget. This same structure is now required of all other governing boards in San Mateo County. Vote yes on Measure A for rational accountability to the public. /s/Jean Colby, President for the San Mateo County Board of Education /s/Eleanore D. Nettle, Member San Mateo County Community College Governing Board /s/Phyllis Burton, Coordinator, for the Leagues of Women Voters of San Mateo County /s/ Albert M. Teglia Councilman, Daly City /s/Grace L. McCarthy, Former Chairman San Mateo County Council of Mayors ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE A REBUTTALTO Measure "A" proposes that the Superintendent of Schools be made an appointive position. ! This is an OLD idea. It has been defeated four times in this County and rejected in 52 other Counties because it lis a BAD idea. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea only needs to look at history or the current situation in the Oakland Scl~ool District with an AP- POINTED Superintendent of Schools who is not accountable to the public. WE WANT an ELECTED Superintendent of Schools who is ac- countable to US spending the budgeted 35 million of OUR tax dollars. WE NEED SEPARATION OF POWERSi-- An ELECTED County School Board AND an ELECTED Superintendent of Schools. This is our best assurance of checks and balances, aFcountability, responsive- ness, honesty and economy. We do not think this is a difficult question to answer. VOTE NO ON MEASURE "A". ~ /s/James W. Mc Laughlin Aug. 28. 1989 Retired Belmont City Clerk (3313 Plateau Dr. -- Belmont~ /s/ Dick Frank, President-Elect I Sept. 1, 1989 CALIFORNIA STATE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIAI~S /s/G. R. Trias, County Controlletr of San Mateo County ] /s/Lee Buffington, County TreasUrer/ Tax Collector of San Mateo C6unty /s/ Roland E. Giannini, County kssessor of San Mateo County Sept. 5, 1989 Sept. 5, 1989 Sept. 5, 1989 ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE A Four times we defeated this same measure. We are no less wise nor less determined tolretain our precious right to elect our County Superintendent of Schodls responsible for more than 100 State-mandated duties in administering Our schools. Education is our Cpunty's largest business run on public funds. Only an ELECTED Superintendent can speak out publicly on students' and parents' rights, inappropriate educational programs or practices and other issues no appointee would dare mention for fear of displeasing the Board. School Board members attend meetings but the Superintendent is a full-time official wino should be elected. To stay in Office, an ELECTED Superintendent is on the job responding to constituents' questions, concerns and problems or facing our power to recall or replace. As with any other appointed government department head, we would be powerless to remove any unresponsive, ineffective, appointed Superintendent. To be ELECTED,~tate Laws require the County Superintendent to hold professional con~petencies certification, be a County elector and receive majority of voters. Candidates for Superintendent of Schools are highly educated fellow~-taxpayers wanting to improve our children's education. An appointed Superintendent from another State would come not because he knew, lpved and was concerned about our children but because of the excellent~alary. An in-County appointee may be recipient of a "plum" awarded by votes of a few Board members in gratitude for political support --instead of by votes of many thousands he/she is to serve. State Law requires election °f County Boards of Education. Likewise County School Superir~tendents unless voters allow appointment. 53 California Superintendents ARE ELECTED, despite many efforts to make their offices appointive. Demand direct accountability, separation of powers and checks and balances necessary to best assure good, honest administration of our San Mateo County Sch>ols, VOTE NO ON MEASURE "A". /s/James W. Mc Laughlin Aug. 15. 1989 Retired Belmont City Clerk (3313 Pla:eau Dr. -- Belmont) /s/ Dick Frank, President-Elect Aug. 3, 1989 CALIFORNIA STATE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS /s/ G. R. Trlas, County Controller Aug. 15, 1989 of San Mateo County /s/Lee Buffington, County Treasurer/ Aug. 15, 1989 Tax Collector of San Mateo County /s/Roland E. Giannini, County Assessor Aug. 15, 1989 of San Mateo County REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE A Bring clear accountability to the San Mateo County Office of Edu- cation. · Without Measure A, the present confusion of an elected Board of Education and an Elected Superintendent who is not accountable to the Board will continue. The State-mandated duties of the Superintendent will not change. Measure A does NOT change the Education Code. · Measure A will make the structure of the County Board of Educa- tion consistent with ALL other elected governing boards in our county. Measure A will permit sound and efficient management by allowing the representative Board to select a Superintendent, after public input, from a pool of well-qualified candidates. · The voters will have MORE power, not less, if the Superintendent is selected by their representatives, the Elected Board. The voters have had NO CHOICE for Superintendent on the ballot since 1978. · If necessary, a non-performing Superintendent could be more effectively replaced by the Elected Board than through the recall election suggested by Measure A opponents. · Each of California's 58 counties is unique and determines its own needs. Measure A allows San Mateo County to join other urban counties which have already changed to an APPOINTED Superintendent: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento and Santa Clara. · Education is our best hope for the future. Join other citizens and organizations who value clear lines of accountability and the checks and balances of representative government. Vote YES on Measure A. /s/Jean Colby, President, for the San Mateo County Board of Education /s/Eleanore D. Nettle, Member, San Mateo County Community College Governing Board /s/Grace L. McCarthy, Former Chairman San Mateo County Council of Mayors /s/Phyllis Burton, Coordinator, for the Leagues of Women Voters of San Mateo County /s/Albert M. Teglia Councilman, Daly City ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OR IN OPPOSITION OF THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS SAN MATEO COUNTY MEASURE ; MEASURE B,; "Shall the County of San Mateo's Appropriation Limit be adjusted for four years according to the ordinance submitted by the Board of Supervisors so that the County may continue to use revenue from the State of California?" i "ORDINANCE CHANGING THE APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR SAN MATEO COUNTY (FULL TEXT) The people of San Mateo county ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. FINDINGS. A. The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has ordered and called a county-wide election to be held on Tuesday, November 7, 1989. At this election, the voters of San Mateo County are being asked to vote yes or no on the adoption of an ordinance. B. Article XIIIB of the California Constitution establishes an approp- riations limit for each governmental agency. This limit may be adjusted annually to reflect changes in population and changes in the U.S. Consumer Price Index or California Per Capita Income, whichever is less. An agency cannot spend revenues that are subject to this limit unless approved by the voters in that jurisdic- tion. C. The County is about to reach its appropriation limit. The County will not be able to make use of certain state revenue unless the appropriations limit is increased by the voters of San Mateo County. D. The ordinance being submitted to the voters does not authorize the Board of Supervisors to increase taxes. E. The ordinance increases the appropriations limit of San Mateo County as provided by Article XIIIB of the California Constitu- tion. The ordinance will permit the County to adjust its limit by the amount of actual state revenue received as proceeds of taxes and by the amount necessary to restore actual reductions required in the County's limit as a condition of receiving state revenues. Section 2. APPROPRIATION LIMIT ADJUSTMENT The appropriations limit established by Article XIIIB of the Cali- fornia Constitution is hereby adjusted for each fiscal year, 1989-90 through 1992-93, by: a) the amount of state revenue received as proceeds of taxes subject to the County's limit, including but not limited to, motor vehicle in-lieu fees, cigarette tax revenues, open space reimbursements, state block grant funds such as AB 8 alloca- tions, and state sales and use tax revenues; and b) the amount of reductions in the County's limit which are re- quired as a condition of receiving Trial Court funding from the state. Section 3. VERIFICATION The County Controller shall be responsible for verifying the ad- justments to the County's Appropriations Limit authorized by Section 1 of this ordinance based on actual receipts of state rev- enues and actual County limit reductions required by the state as a condition for receiving state revenues. Section 4. SEVERABILITY If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect and shall be severable. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective as provided by law." MEASURE B IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BY THE COUNTY COUNSEL The State Constitution restricts the spending of tax revenues by local governments above an annually adjusted limit. This limit is known as an appropriations limit. The Constitution allows the voters to increase a local government's appropriations limit for a period not to exceed four years. 1 San Mateo County is at or near its appropri4tions limit. At the same time, the State has made state tax revenues available to counties to fund local trial courts. Yet, in order to receive this funding, a county must transfer a portion of its appropriations limit to the State. If San Mateo County's limit is not increased, the Cot~nty will be ineligible to receive its share of this new state program tol fund local trial courts. The County will also be required to return certair~ tax revenues it receives in excess of its appropriations limit by a revision of tax rates or fee schedules within the next two subsequent yeads. The Board of Supervisors has therefore proposed to the voters that an ordinance be adopted increasing the County's appropriations limit in two ways: (1) by the amount of state tax revenues the County receives and (2) by the amount of the County's appropriations limit which must be transferred to the State in return for state funding for local trial courts. The County Controller will be required to verify and publicly report on the amount of increase authorized by this ordinance. The increase, if approved, will be effective for fiscal years 1989-90, 1990- 91, 1991-92 and 1992-93. If it is necessary ~o continue the increase after four years, this ordinance will be resubmitted to the voters for their approval. I The ordinance will not increase taxes. Th~ ordinance will merely allow San Mateo County to spend monies from existing taxes and its share of existing state revenues above its current appropriations limit. A yes vote on this measure would ~ncrease San Mateo County's appropriations limit in the amount stated above for a period not to exceed four years. A no vote would retain the current appropriations limit. 11 ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE B Measure B is not a tax increase. Measure B allows San Mateo County to continue to use approximately $80 million from the state government. This money will be spent to maintain such vital programs as public safety, courts, jails, health care, children and senior services, and parks and recreation, i The worst part is that if Measure B does not pass, MORE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS WILL BE SPENT IN OTHER AREAS OF TIlE STATE, such as Los A~geles and Orange County. As taxpayers, we deserve our fair share of money from the state government. Technically Measure B will raise the County's appropri- ation limit, but only for four years and only to permit us to continue to keep your state taxes working for us here at home. This "waiver" of the limit cannot exceed four years without another vote seeking your approx4al. We pay millions of 4ollars in taxes to Sacramento each year, but we get back only a percentage of these funds. Passage of Measure B will help keep some of our tax dollars home. State law limits the f~nds San Mateo can use to sustain vital local services -- funds needed to: · fight crime · keep drugs away fr{)m our children · maintain our publidhealth care system · protect neglected a*d abused children · provide alcohol and drug treatment programs · provide park and recreation facilities Passage of Measure ~3 would enable the County to provide these services under the strict requirements of Proposition 13. Remember, it will not increase taxes or impose new taxes. But. it will keep your tax dollars here in San Mateo County working for you. We urge a "yes" vote on Measure B to ensure that as taxpayers, we receive our fair share. /s/ Mary Griffin, President August 25, 1989 Board of Supervisors /s/ Glenn P. S~nith, Chancellor August 25, 1989 San Mateo County Community College District /s/ Henry Bosl~wick, Executive Vice President San Mateo !Co Economic Development Assoc Inc. ~ August 23, 1989 /s/ Keith Sore~nson, August 25, 1989 San Mateo County District Attorney (Retired) /s/ Maben A. Clark August 25, 1989 League of Women Voters REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE B California Constitutio~n, Article XIIIB permits a government entity's spending to the prior year's amount "adjusted for changes in the cost of living and population'!. "B" is not necessary "to continue to use" $80 million t¥om the State. Neither fairness nor need, but simply greed, motivates county supervisors here. The)? seek unlimited spending options ---- by what~ ever! You can vote on appropriations limit. You cannot vote against taxes/assessmentS! Why no fiscal impaCts-on-taxpayers official disclosure before the election on"B"? Answer: The"Impartial Analysis" was prepared by the board's attorney to promote the measm'e! All "B"'s signers and threesome campaign Committee are, through pension/salary/support of their organizations identified -- beneficiaries of county supervisors' largesse with tax funds! Without enabling means: health/environmental/fiscal impacts/alter- natives study and public hearing, for informed decision, supervisors would have you rely on organizational endorsements -- inferring that their members are informed. But they aren't! The support is bought and paid for with tax funds! In 1989 by $70,500 to the LWV to attend public meetings and publish/distribute its house organ! Alcohol' mitigates ca~'bon monoxide (CO), etc. -- from smoking./ cars'-exhaust disasters on heart and brain -- Parkinson's --, A1- zheilner's --, retinopathy. That's why people drink and drivel So why should we pay Nllions for drug/alcohol clinics/hospitals treat- merit/jails/courts/punishment/processes, when what we need is super- visors working for a regionally-concepted transportation plan for vitality/health for all --? For good governmeni, hold to the Gann Standard! Be self-governing! Say NO to "B"! (415) 854-6882 CLEAN AIR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS 301 Vine Street By Dr. Nancy Jewell Cross Menlo Pm-k A People's Advocate and California 94025 Chief Executive Officer of Clean Air Transport Systems ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE B DON'T INVITE RETURN TO PORK BARREL COUNTY SUPERVISORS' SPENDING ON CONSTRUCTIONS WITHOUT A REGIONALLY-CONCEPTED TRANSPORTATION PLAN! In 1985 after a $9800 Bart promotion disguised as a poll, SamTrans sought voters' authorization "to construct a Bart passenger station and related facilities . . . provided no new local taxes are required". Some voters took the bait of Measure A 1985. SamTrans conceived that by 1988 voters had forgotten the ~nduce- ment to the authorization in 1985: no new local taxes. A V2¢ sales tax measure was put on the ballot. This time the inducement was that passage was necessary "to save Caltrain"--by an extension in San Francisco. Fraud again! By law the money can't be spent for a project outside San Mateo County. Also there's no need for the extension when you know facts withheld! They said the V2¢ sales tax included nothing for Bart! HA! HA! The supervisors saw to having the San Mateo County Transpor- tation Authority a mere conduit for transfer of the sales tax money to SamTrans--which then issued bonds to buy Bart extensions in Contra Costa County and Alameda County for a Cohna Bart station! HA! HA! No new local taxes~ and nothing in the tax measure for Bart! They think you won't remember, and realize that you were taken! And that you won't look ahead to 1990 when they, acting in concert with other county supervisors, finagle multibillions bonds-tax measure, escalating inflation, rocketing food prices, and spreading homeless- ness.--The money to be split between those of high income to avoid taxes and county supervisors to buy more congestion and air-deteriorat- ing construction projects. --Which they in Measure B here ask your pcrmisskm to spend! And encourage taxes on you to come! Think this through! DON'T BITE THE BAIT OF A FRAUD! (415) 854-6882 CLEAN AIR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS 301 Vine Street By Dr. Nancy Jewell Cross Menlo Park, CA 94025 Chief Executive Officer REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE B The argument against Measure B is ludicrous and inaccurate. Measure B is not a tax increase. In fact, it is rather simple: Shall the county's appropriation limit as allowed by provisions of Proposition 4 be increased so that our county can continue to secure existing sources of state funding that may other- wise be lost to other counties in the state. Passage of Measure I3 allows the county to keep state tax dollars generated in San Mateo County. Passage of Measure B would enable the county to continue these services under the strict requirements of Proposition 13. It will not alter existing tax rates nor assessment practices Measure B terminates m four years and must be resubmitted to the voters for any extension. Measure B deserves your support. Passage will allow San Mateo County to continue to perform as one of the most cost effective counties in California. Defeat will cost millions in lost revenues that could severely affect public health and safety. So don't be fooled by the argument against Measure B. /s/ Marty Tarshes County Manager -- Retired /s/ Mere Levin Member of Commission on Aging /s/ Maben A. Clark Leagues of Women Voters /s/ Larry Buckmaster, Executive Vice-President Redwood City/San Mateo County Chamber of Com~nerce THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK B INSTRUCTIONS FOR ABSENTEE VOTING NOTICE TO THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED VOTER: If the polling place is not indicated as accessible to the physically handicapped voter, such voter may request an absentee ballot by completing the application on the outside back cover. If on election day, a physically handicapped person appears outside the inaccessible polling place, a precinct board member shall take an absentee ballot to such person, qualify such person to vote, and return the voted ballot to the polling place. OCTOBER 31 1989 LAST DAY TO REQUEST ABSENTEE Submit your reque~st to the County Clerk's OffiCe no later than 5 p.m. on the datei shown. NOVEMBER 7 1989 RETURNING YOUR ABSENT VOTER BALLOT: Voters may return only their own voted Absentee Ballots, in person or by mail, to the County Clerk's Office or at any polling place in San Mateo County, to be received no later than the close of the polls on Election Day. However, a voter who, because of illness or other physica disability, is unable to return his/her ballot, may designate his or her spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, or sister to return the ballot to the election official or polling place. ,~- SEPARATE HERE SEPARATE HERE FROM: PLACE 25 CENT STAMP HERE DID YOU SIGN YOUR APPLICATION? TO: WARREN SLOCUM SAN MATEO COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS DIVISION 40 TOWER ROAD SAN MATEO CA 94402-4098 WARREN SLOCUM COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER SA~J MATEO COUNTY HALL OF JUSTICE AND RECORDS REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAl D REDWOOD CITY CA PERMIT No. 1 POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M. NOTICE If you find that for any reason you will be unable to vote in person on election day, promptly complete and sign the application for an absent voter's ballot printed below and return it to: WARREN SLOCUM, County Clerk-Recorder -- 40 Tower Road San Mateo Ca 94402 Your application must reach the office of the County Clerk not less than 7 days before the day of the election. For further information, phone: (415) 573-2081. TAKE THIS SAMPLE BALLOT TO YOUR POLLING PLACE FOR REFERENCE SEPARATE HERE SEPARATE HERE NOTICE: IF THE PEiI~SON NAMED ON THIS SAMPLE BALLOT IS NOT AT THIS ADDRESS, PLEASE RETURN THIS SAMPLE BALLOT TO YOUR LE'FFER CARRIER. O9 DELIVER TO V NOTE TO PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED VOTERS NO in the upper right corner of your address label means your polling place is inaccessible to the physically handi- capped. Please see in- side back cover. APPLICATION FOR ABSENT VOTER'S BALLOT I hereby request an ~bsentee ballot for the SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD AND CONSOLIDATED OCTOBER 31, 1989 ELECTIONS, Tuesday, November 7, 1989. LAST DAY APPLICATION MAY BE RECEIVED 1. Residence address in San Mateo County 2. Please mail my absentee ballot to me at this address, if (Do Not Use P. O. Box): different than that shown on label above. '. Street Street City ~ i State Zip Code City State Zip Code 3. SIGN HERE ' Date Phone Signature as registered: Each applicant must sign own signature Voters with certain types of physical handicaps may qualify for "Permanent Absent Voter" status. For further information, check here: [] CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ELECTION CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION STATISTICS No. of ELECTION Reg. Voters 11-7-89 22,795 (Cost of election 11-3-87 21,553 City Council 11-5-85 23,091 City Council City Clerk City Treasurer 11-8-83 20,743 City Council 04-08-80 19,692 City Council Total Votes Votes for Cast (%) Candidate Candidate Total Campaign Contributions 2/3 before final 7,457 8,112 6,743 6,850 (33.7%) 27.9 14.3 11.4 28.1 18.3 filing of campaign) Arndt Nicolopulos Penna Elmore Drago Measure C $ 4,339 8,141 7,368 8O0 8,213 39,560 3,704 Haffey 11,870 1,894 Dell'Angela 15,219 1,510 Anderson 7,023 3,731 Teglia 16,262 2,431 Banfield 11,006 (35.13%) 41.1 3,338 Getz 11,766 52.5 4,262 Drago 4,428 16.3 1,324 Smith 4,524 .05 377 Pera 500 11.2 910 Churchwell 4,500 20.4 1,656 Agee 8,686 53.0 4,303 Addiego 10,861 50.7 4,111 Nicolopulos 9,737 .09 736 Wright 500 37.2 3,020 Payne 53.9 4,371 Battaya 50.7 41.4 4,110 Bonalanza 3,361 Battaglia (32.53%) .07 595 Pera 43.9 2,959 Acosta 58.4 3,935 Haffey 67.2 4,530 Teglia (Under) 5,741 8,912 5,110 4,701 5OO 21,807 8,752 10,501 (34.93%) 55.4 3,795 Addiego 7,066 51.4 3,520 Damonte 5,264 26.1 1,790 Keegan 3,062 37.3 2,553 Borba 3,134 66.7 4,569 Nicolopulos 7,369 21.4 1,463 Ghilardi 3,898 04-08-80 - Continued City Clerk City Treasurer 03-07 -78 18,615 7,296 City Council 03-02-76 16,161 7,631 City Council * (Damonte & Teglia ran City Clerk City Treasurer 12.6 49.6 28.3 50.1 42.3 (39%) 50.8 37.2 49.7 .06 37.86 (47%) 47.3 17.2 48.2 46.0 46.7 22.1 43.2 together 25 o7 66.0 78.4 wi 864 3,397 1,937 3,500 2,899 3,704 2,715 3,623 447 2,759 3,612 1,311 3,680 3,514 3,563 1,685 3,294 th the 1,958 5,039 5,985 Drei sbach Battaya Ferko Bona)anza Battaglia Acosta Padreddii Teglia Brincat Battaglia Borba Craib Damonte Acosta Mirri Steinkamp Teglia same campaign Kealy Rodondi Bonalanza 5OO 1,000 1,689 3,500 723 7,012 lo,o86 5,275 4,828 4,380 9,047 1,753 1,934 * 6,950 2,469 100 1,934 * committee) 982 992 (Min.) -2- To: PURCHASING DIVISION F~O~ TO, CON,. Y.o [], O,,ER [] City Hall, LIlT Ur ~LJUIM PURCHASE City Clerk DEPARTMENT/OlV IliON 400 Grand Ave. So~_S~[. IPECIFY Office of the County Clerk County of S~n MateD ,,ONE Hall of Justice and Records 401 Marshall Street ATTN. Redwood City, CA 94063 ,gIVE FULL DESCRIPTION BELOW OF ITEM8 DE~IRED Election Services rendered in the conduct of the City of South San Francisco Municipal Election consolidated with the November 7, 1989 School Governing Board and Consolidated Elections ~)Ar~l I"KArqL h.~LLJ RE~UISITIDN DEPT, REQ. NO._ WHITE (ACCOUNTING COPY) YELLOW (PURCHASING Cu~Y) PINK (ORIG. DEPT. RETAi~]) DATE REQUIIITIONED .... ]~-----/2]___/----~9___ DATE NEEDED: PREPAKE P.O. lEND R.F.Q. R.F.Q.--BID NO. BLANKET ORDER INVENTORY ITEM F.O.B.: DELVD. CTO [] DATE / / THIS SPACE FOR USE OF THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY QUANTITY UNIT ~'~ DELIVIRY DATE ...... (_ ....... / P.O. NO. I T. OTAL 2 TOTAL T. OTAL $9,847,41 Invoice No. 10958 CliARGE TO ACCT. NO. 12-4402-102-022 TX. E~i'IMATED COlT $ G.T. CURRENT BALANCE IN THIB ACCT. $ D.T. $9,847.41 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK COUNTY OF SAN MATEO HALL OF JUSTICE AND RECORDS ' 401 MARSHALL STREET REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 ' TELEPHONE: (415) 363-4711 · · Honorable Barbara Battaya, City Clerk · City of South San Francisco · 400 Grand Avenue · South San Francisco, CA 94080 # 10958 December 18, , 1989 Election Services rendered in the conduct of the City of South San Francisco Municipal Election consolidated with the November 7, 1989 School Governing Board and Consolidated Elections $9,847 41 The law requlrel that feee ahall be paid In advance and accounted for dally by the Clark. When collection le deferred by thla office, It la expected that the courtem/will be appreciated and remittance made promptly. 7~) 2.2...._~. INTER-OFFICE MEMORAN Date: TO: SUBJECT: FROM: November 7, 1990 Honorable Mayor Haffey and City County Unofficial Snap Tally Results on the South San Francisco School District and Daly City Council November 6, 1990 Election City Clerk SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Shirley J. Hoch Joseph Fernekes (Inc.) Romolo Braschi (Inc.) Ray Latham (Inc.) Juan J. Mendoza 6,993 6,015 5,239 4,843 3,183 DALY CITY COUNCIL Jane Powell (Inc.) Michael Nevin (Inc.) M. Agrimonti James J. Tucker (Inc.) Johannes Dsouza Line B. Anit 7,423 7,293 6,851 5,750 2,412 2,495 The count for the absentee ballots turned in at the precincts will not be completed until Monday. Barbara A. Battaya ~., NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1989 CITY COUNCIL Donalo J. Arndt 319 Spruce Ave., S.S.F. (W) 588-2787, (H) 583-2012 John "Jack" Drago, Incumbent 122 Cuesta Dr., S.S.F. (W) 877-8500, (H) 589-6440 James C. Elmore 642 Commercial Ave., S.S.F. (W) 589-9396, (H) 952-5609 Glenn R. Madara 66 Randolph Ave., S.S.F. (W) 344-7674, (H) 952-6645 Gus Nicolopulos, Incumbent 104 Orange Ave., S.S.F. (W) 877-8500, (H) 589-6440 John R. Penna 232 James Court, S.S.F. (W) 588-2113, (H) 588-5569 CITY CLERK Barbara A. Battaya, Incumbent 665 Spruce Ave., S.S.F. (W) 877-8518, (H) 589-4059 CITY TREASURER Beverly Bonalanza Ford, Incumbent 605 Parkway, S.S.F. (W) 877-8507, (H) 588-5491 (4.~) 87'7-6518 November 27, 1989 NOTICE OF RESULTS OF GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND INSTALLATION OF CITY OFFICIALS At its meeting of November 22, 1989, the South San Francisco City Council seated its newly elected members, City Clerk and City Treasurer, and reorganized as follows: City Council Expiration of Elected Term Mayor Richard A. Haffey (1 year appointed term) 11/91 Vice Mayor Jack Dra9o (1 year appointed term) 11/93 Councilmember Gus Nicolopulos 11/93 Councilmember John R. Penna 11/93 Councilmember Roberta Cerri Teglia 11/91 City Clerk Barbara A. Battaya City Treasurer Beverly Bonalanza Ford Very truly yours, Barbara A. Battaya City C1 erk 11/93 11/93 DISTRIBUTION All San Mateo County Cities San Mateo County Board of Supervisors ABAG U. S. Senator Alan Cranston U. S. Senator Pete Wilson Congressman Ernie Konnyu Congressman Tom Lantos State Senator Quentin Kopp Assemblywoman Jackie Speier Secretary of State March Fong Eu County Clerk Warren Slocum Airport Land Use Committee Airport/Community Roundtable San Mateo County Convention & Visitors Bureau NOISE -Peninsula ~latcr Agency Oyster Point Advisory Committee South San Francisco Unified School Dist. League of California Cities PG&E All South San Francisco Boards and Commissions City Manager/Clerk Richard L. Moore Town Hal 1 91 Ashfield Road Atherton, CA 94025 City Clerk Dorothy Hall City Hall 1365 Fifth Avenue Belmont, CA 94002 City Clerk Lynne Bowman-Jones City Hal 1 44 Visitacion Avenue Brisbane, CA 94005 City Clerk Judy Malfatti City Hal 1 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Town Manager/Town Clerk· Frances Liston Town Hal 1 235 E1 Camino Real' Colma, CA 94014 City Clerk Lorraine D'Elia City Hal 1 333 90th Street Daly City, CA 94015 Town Clerk Eleanor M. Giorgi Town Hal 1 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 City Clerk Jaye M. Carr Civic Center 701 Laurel Street Menlo Park, CA 94025 City Clerk Alicia Espinoza City Hall 621 Magnolia Avenue Millbrae, CA 94030 City Manager/City Clerk Daniel V. Pincetich City Hal 1 170 Santa Maria Avenue Paci fica, CA 94044 Town Clerk Susan McGowan Town Hal 1 765 Portola Road Portola Valley, CA 94025 City Clerk Arlyn C. Jorgenson City Hall lO17 Middlefield Road Redwood City, CA 94063 Town Clerk Susan Nemes Town Hall P. O. Box 620005 Woodside, CA 94062 Honorable President William J. Schumacher & Board of Supervisors County Government Center Redwood City, CA 94063 Association of Bay Area Go ve rnmen ts P. O. Box 2050 Oakland, CA 94604-2050 U.S. Senator Alan Cranston Fox P1 aza 1390 Market St., Ste. 918 San Francisco, CA 941 02 City Manager/City Clerk Stanley H. Hall Municipal Center 2415 University Avenue East Palo A1 to, CA 94303 City Clerk Marvell Herren City Hal 1 610 Foster City Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404 City Clerk Terri Rasmussen City Hall 567 E1Camino Real San Bruno, CA 94066 City Clerk Margaret Hanley City Hall 666 Elm Street San Carlos, CA 94070 U. S. Senator Pete Wilson 2040 Ferry Building San Francisco, CA 94111 Congressman Ernie Konnyu 10080 N. Wolfe Road, Ste.3-2 Cupertino, CA 95014 City Clerk Ralphena R. Guest City Hall 501 Main Street, P.O. Box 67 Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 City Clerk Doris Christen City Hall 330 W. 20th Avenue San Mateo, CA 94403 CongressFnan Tom Lantos 520 S. E1 Camino Real,Ste.80 San Mateo, CA 94402 ~tate Senator Quentin Kopp 363 E1 Camino Real, Ste. 1 South San Francisco, CA 94080 South San Francisco Unified School District 398 "B" Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 Assemblywoman Jackie Speier 220 So. Spruce, Ste. 102 South San Francisco, CA 94080 League of California Cities 456 W. Olive Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 qarch Fong Eu Secretary of State 1230 J Street, Room 209 Sacramento, CA 95814 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Attn: Doug Wigton llll Bayhill Dr., Ste. 125 San Bruno, CA 94066 ]ounty Clerk Warren Slocum ~O1 Marshall Street ~edwood City, CA 94063 Inez Fitzgerald 350 "C" Street South San Francisco, CA 94080 qirport Land Use Committee tegional Planning Committee ]ounty of San Mateo County Government Center qedwood City, CA 94063 qirport Comm~unity Roundtable ]/o Mr. David Hale ]ounty Government Center ~,edwood City, CA 94063 lan Mateo County Convention & Visitors Bureau ¢01 Gateway Blvd., Suite 970 Jouth San Francisco, CA 94080 ational Organization to Insure Sound Controlled Environment 502 Eye Street, N.W. Third ashington, D. C. 20004 Oyster Point Advisory Committee San Mateo County Harbor Dist. ~1 Johnson Pier /~alf Moon Bay, CA 94019 Date: To: From: Subject: November 22, 1989 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City Clerk Certification of the Election Results of the Special Municipal Election June 2,'1992 RECOMMENDATION: That the Council adopt a resolution declaring the election results of the Special Municipal Election consolidated with the Primary Election held on June 2, 1992. DISCUSSION: In accordance with Section 17088 of the Elections Code, I respectfully submit the following certification of election results of the June 2, 1992 Special Municipal Election: The number of registered voters: The number of votes cast: Percentage of turn-out: 22,067 10,919 49.5% The votes cast for Measure D were were as follows: Yes 4,571 46.65% No 5,228 53.25% ~Barbara A. Battaya ~/ Attachments: County Clerk's Certificate and Statement of Result of Votes Cast Resolution with Exhibit A AC/SS 2o12 9/84 !M RESOLUTION NO. CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ON JUNE 2, 1992 WHEREAS, a Special Municipal Election consolidated with the Primary Election was held in and throughout the City of South San Francisco on the 2nd day of June, 1992, for the purpose of voters to vote on a Referendum against Ordinance No. 1110-92 adopted by the City Council concerning the City Council's Authority to hire and fire City Department Heads. WHEREAS, the City Clerk has duly presented to the City Council of the City of South San Francisco all the returns of the votes cast at said Special Municipal Election, and WHEREAS, said City Council has inspected and examined all said returns; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of said City that said Council finds as follows: 1. That there were Twenty two thousand sixty seven (22,067) registered voters in the City of South San Francisco and that ten thousand nine hundred and nineteen (10,919) votes were cast in the City of South San Francisco: e (a) Ballot measure, Measure D: "Shall the City of South San Francisco adopt Ordinance No. 1110-92 amending the South San Francisco Municipal Code to allow the City Council rather than the City Manager to appoint and dismiss City Department Heads: RESULTS OF SAID GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION MEASURE D (a) That the record of votes cast as said General Municipal Election in favor of Measure D and against Measure D as shown by the official count at each of the several precincts established throughout said City by said City Council for the purpose of conducting said Election is as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, the same being a tabulation of the votes by precincts. (b) That the votes cast at said General Municipal Election for and against Measure D by absentee ballot as shown by the official count and included in the totals set forth in Exhibit "A" are as follows: Yes 947 No 920 (c) That the totals including the absentee ballots of the votes cast at said General Municipal Election for and against Measure D as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, are as follows: Yes No 4,571 5,228 5. That the City Council of said City hereby declares: that Measure D was defeated at said Special Municipal Election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 3. The City Clerk of said City shall, and she is hereby ordiered to, enter into said City's official records and that Ordinance 1110-92 entitled "An Ordinance of the City Council of South San Francisco Amending various Sections of Title 2 and Title 3 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code relating to the power to appoint City Department Heads", was defeated by 53.35% of the voters voting thereon and that such ordinance shall not be enacted in the City. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly intro- duced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a meeting held on the __day of , 19__, by the following -2- vote: AYES, COUNCILMEMBERS NOES, " ABSENT, " ABSTAIN " ATTEST: City Clerk -3- EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CONSOLIDATED WITH THE PRIMARY HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1992 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES PERCENT VOTERS CAST PRECINCT TURNOUT 369 149 01 40.4 363 161 02 44.4 398 160 03 40.2 326 140 04 42.9 505 191 05 37.8 451 161 06 35.7 507 161 07 31.8 441 204 08 46.3 426 166 09 39.0 433 111 10 25.6 569 204 11 35.9 442 142 12 32.1 452 211 13 46.7 440 217 14 49.1 540 244 15 45.2 416 139 16 33.4 693 239 17 34.5 439 190 18 43.3 376 126 20 33.5 372 132 21 35.5 388 157 22 40.5 YES 57 51 68 50 74 62 55 108 65 57 99 65 99 118 134 66 105 78 58 55 ~7 MEASURE D NO 76 91 71 74 98 81 81 81 74 39 77 67 97 84 94 66 109 92 56 51 82 -1- NO. OF REGISTERED VOTERS 221 484 391 361 441 414 492 435 417 421 712 409 457 476 694 379 439 368 370 474 474 498 399 477 446 375 TOTAL VOTES CAST 123 178 162 180 185 217 223 216 204 207 262 167 173 207 290 176 139 145 176 225 210 161 143 156 158 124 PRECINCT 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 -2- PERCENT TURNOUT 55.7 36.8 41.4 49.9 42.0 50.0 45.3 49.7 48.9 49.2 36.8 40.8 37.9 43.5 41.8 46.4 28.4 39.4 47.6 47.5 44.3 32.3 35.8 32.7 35.4 33.1 YES 37 68 68 78 71 90 116 87 80 65 83 73 51 78 103 64 61 42 70 90 81 56 66 60 61 56 MEASURE D NO 52 91 68 81 86 102 95 109 104 126 140 76 105 8O 164 94 62 92 9O 120 114 73 67 77 75 54 NO. OF REGISTERED VOTERS 398 412 337 (ABSENTEES) 22067 TOTAL VOTES CAST 163 160 187 2007 10919 PRECINCT 5O 51 53 PERCENT TURNOUT 41.0 38.8 55.5 9.1 49.5 YES 70 60 58 947 4571 MEASURE D NO 76 86 108 920 5228 -3- sta Date: To: F rom: Subject: November 22, 1989 The Honorable Mayor and City Council AS/SS 202 9/84 1M City Clerk Certification of the Election Results of the General Municipal Election November 7, 1989 RECOMMENDATION:~R~>' ~ /~ ~ ~- ~ That the Council adopt a resolution declaring the election results of the General Municipal Election of November 7, 1989. DISCUSSION: In accordance with Section 17088 of the Elections Code, I respectfully submit the following certification of election results of the November 7, 1989 General Municipal Election: The number of registered voters: The number of votes cast: Percentage of turn-out: 22,847 6,769 29.62% The votes cast for candidates for Council: John "Jack" Drago Gus Nicolopulos John R. Penna Donald J. Arndt James C. Elmore Glenn R. Madara The votes cast for City Clerk: Barbara A. Battaya The votes cast for City Treasurer: Beverly Bonalanza Ford 4,773 4,133 3,185 2,817 1,606 564 5,333 5,305 The votes cast for Measure C were 6,312 which required a 66-2/3 vote for passage: Yes 5,033 79.74% No 1,279 20.26% Staff Report November 22, 1989 SUBJECT: Certification of the Election Results of the General Municipal Election November 7, 1989 Page 2 Campaign Statements as required by Elections and Government Code have been filed with the Clerk's Office by all candidates, i.e., first statement 40 days prior to the election and the second was filed not later than 12 days prior to the election,<~ ~'~~ ~ ~ ..-.~ ^ x.,,~ ~r~ ~arbana A. BattaY'a ~ ,h~nas ' City Manager Jesus Attachments: County Clerk's Certificate and Statement of Result of Votes Cast Resolution with Exhibit A -2- FILE NO. _S~/o q W RREN :SLOCUM CLERK-RECORDER SAN MATEO COUNTY ~M_J~tice and Records · 401 Marshall Street Redw~..~l'~,;~31ifornia 94063-0964 · (415) 363-4711 ~L:! ~ ~ ~ · .... ~i!~i~ ,2~:3~-,:~,L~ .... ~ FAX. (415) 363-4914 November 14, 1989 Honorable Barbara Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080 Dear Mrs. Battaya: Subject: County Clerk's Certificate and Statement of Result of Votes Cast for the City of South San Francisco Municipal Election Attached hereto is County Clerk's Certificate and Statement of Result of Votes Cast in connection with the subject election, consolidated with the School Governing Board and Consolidated Elections held on November 7, 1989. Sincerely, County Clerk-Recorder WS:sc Encls. Clerk Division Barbara Schwoerer Assistant County Clerk (415) 363-4711 O. ff;cium Populi--Office of the People. Recorder Division Alan Lubke Assistant County Recorder (415) 363-4713 Registration-Election Division Maureen Grover Chief Deputy (415) 573,2081 CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CLERK In the Matter of the CANVASS OF ) VOTES CAST AT THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ) MUNICIPAL ELECTION ) held on November 7, 1989 ) I, WARREN SLOCUM, County Clerk of the County of San Mateo, State of California, do hereby certify; THAT, pursuant to the City of South San Francisco Resolution 101-1989, an election was held within the boundaries of the City of South San Francisco on Tuesday, November 7, 1989, for the purpose of electing three members of the City Council for a four year term, one City Clerk for a four year term, one City Treasurer for a four year term, and submitting Measure C to the vote of voters and; THAT, after the closing of the polls and in accordance with Section 17081 of the Elections Code, I caused to have taken off and recorded from the voting machines used at said election the record of votes cast at said polling places within the City of South San Francisco. I HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that said record of votes Cast at the polling places and the results of the canvass of the absentee ballots cast for the various candidates for the office of Member of City Council, City Clerk, City Treasurer and for and against Measure C are set forth in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth at length. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my hand and seal this 14th day of November, 1989, and file this date with the City Council of the City of South San Francisco. ~ .~,~ ~~~ WARREN SLOCUM County Clerk Consol. Prec.# CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD AND CONSOLIDATED ELECLTIONS Tuesday, November 7, 1989 Member, City Council, City Clerk, City Treasurer R B J J E A A O G L M H I L E N S O S T T D R S E R A L A T C M G I A 0 O O S R N T E EXHIBIT "A" 40C001 722 160 37 114 40C002 770 184 51 133 40C003 736 131 25 99 40C004 480 75 26 49 40C005 944 215 62 135 40C006 916 337 50 240 40C007 923 321 36 252 40C008 989 178 35 108 40C009 979 193 55 114 40C010 1024 192 37 127 40C011 1212 263 49 180 40C012 801 211 49 158 40C013 967 281 52 214 40C014 463 97 26 55 40C015 1128 344 76 273 40C016 773 121 27 93 40C017 196 63 23 53 40C018 737 117 35 82 40C019 901 176 47 129 40C020 846 203 34 160 40C021 975 251 43 202 40C022 872 240 51 195 40C023 919 143 46 82 40C024 911 145 42 92 40C025 947 141 53 82 40C026 798 137 44 81 40C027 918 192 41 99 ABSENTEE TOTAL 1658 454 1172 GRAND TOTAL 22847 G D J G C L O O U I E N H S T N A N Y N L N D P I C M E C L A A N 0 E D R N L R A N A O K R D P A T U L O S B A B A R A B A T T A Y A C I T Y T R E A S U R E R B E V E R L Y B O N A L A N Z A F O R D 12 74 91 100 17 66 104 109 7 52 72 86 13 35 43 38 31 124 80 114 17 139 165 239 18 176 137 224 13 83 73 120 19 85 86 117 16 69 89 123 23 110 108 173 18 81 118 127 13 109 150 175 9 30 56 44 24 128 202 212 8 55 45 66 7 30 29 39 14 52 52 62 17 63 99 99 13 83 109 128 14 100 119 164 19 118 99 144 25 54 63 81 17 56 61 84 12 67 48 72 19 48 65 66 14 53 61 94 135 677 761 1033 118 119 147 147 107 106 66 63 170 166 253 251 257 273 134 134 147 145 143 141 201 206 172 171 211 204 78 71 280 273 96 94 55 51 97 90 147 145 157 153 212 207 184 185 113 113 115 113 110 111 96 98 100 105 6769 1606 4773 564 2817 3185 4133 EXHIBIT "B" CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD AND CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS Tuesday, November 7, 1989 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 40C001 40C002 40C003 40C004 40C005 40C006 40C007 40C008 40C009 40C010 40C011 40C012 40C013 40C014 40C015 40C016 40C017 40C018 40C019 40C020 40C021 40C022 40C023 40C024 40C025 40C026 40C027 ABSENTEE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL TOTAL BALLOTS CAST MEASURE "C" YES NO 160 130 24 184 151 30 131 98 27 75 54 18 215 154 50 337 248 61 321 238 61 178 120 37 193 137 49 192 139 39 263 188 57 211 151 46 281 204 51 97 68 18 344 258 60 121 83 33 63 44 21 117 84 28 176 133 38 203 158 35 251 197 43 240 180 51 143 97 36 145 109 29 141 100 23 137 95 27 192 108 23 1658 1307 264 6769 5033 1279 RESOLUTION NO. 154-89 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ON NOVEMBER 7, 1989 WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election was held in the City of South San Francisco on November 7, 1989 pursuant to Resolution No. 101-89 to e)ect three members of the City Council, the City Treasurer, and the City Clerk and to submit a measure to the voters; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk presented to the City Council for its inspection all returns of the votes cast, pursuant to Elections Code Sections 17088 and 23306; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that it finds: 1. That there were 22,847 registered voters in the City of South San Francisco and that 6,769 votes were cast. 2. That for the position of City Councilmember the persons voted for and the totals of the*votes cast are as follows: (a) Regularly nominated candidates: John "Jack" Drago 4,773 Gus Nicolopulos 4,133 John Penna 3,185 Don Arndt 2,817 James Elmore 1,606 Glenn Madara 564 (b) Write-in candidates: None 3. That for the position of City Clerk the persons voted for and the totals of the votes cast are as follows: (a) Regularly nominated candidates: Barbara Battaya 5,333 (b) Write-in candidates: None 4. That for the position of City Treasurer the persons voted for and the totals of the votes cast are as follows: (a) Regularly nominated candidates: Beverly Bonalanza Ford 5,305 (b) Write-in candidates: None 5. That Measure 'C' concerning a $2.$0 tncrease in the transient occupancy tax tn order to fund a conference center was approved by a vote of 5,033 for (7g.74%) and 1,27g (gO.g6t) agatnst. 6. That the record of votes cast as shown by the offtctal count of the votes cast at each of the several precincts established throughout the City and of the votes cast by absentee ballot ts as detailed on the tabulation of the votes, attached as Exhibit 'A". 7. That John "Jack" Orago, Gus Nicolopulos and John Penna were duly elected as members of the City Counctl. 8. That Barbara Battaya was duly elected as City Clerk. g. That Beverly Bonalanza Ford was duly elected as City Treasurer. 10. That Measure "C" was approved by the voters as required by Government Code Section 53722. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Certificates of Election shall be issued to those declared duly elected. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall enroll in the official City records the Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4.20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to Increase the Transient Occupancy Tax to Fund a Conference Center." I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 22nd day of November , 1989, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Mark N. Addiego, Jack Drago, Richard A. Haffey, Gus Nicolopulos, and Mayor Roberta Cerri Teglia NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ~'~ATTEST: /s/ Barbara A. Battaya Ulty 61erK -2- EX 3IT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 154-8f CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 19B9 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES CONSOLIDATED VOTERS CAST PRECINCT 722 160 1 770 184 2 736 131 3 480 75 4 944 215 5 916 337 6 923 321 7 989 178 8 979 193 9 1,024 192 10 1,212 263 11 801 211 12 967 281 13 463 97 14 1,128 344 15 773 121 16 196 63 17 737 117 18 901 176 19 846 203 20 975 251 21 872 240 22 ELMORE DRAGO 37 114 51 133 25 99 26 49 62 135 50 240 36 252 35 108 55 114 37 127 49 180 49 158 52 214 26 55 76 273 27 93 23 53 35 82 47 129 34 160 43 202 51 195 -1o CITY COUNCIL MADARA ARNDT PENNA NICOLOPULOS 12 74 91 100 17 66 104 109 7 ,52 72 86 13 35 43 38 31 124 80 114 17 139 165 239 18 176 137 224 13 83 73 120 19 85 86 117 16 69 89 123 23 110 108 173 18 81 118 127 13 109 150 175 9 30 56 44 24 128 202 212 8 55 45 66 7 30 29 39 14 52 52 62 17 63 99 99 13 83 109 128 14 100 119 164 19 118 99 144 E~ 8IT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 154-~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES CONSOLIDATED CITY COUNCIL VOTERS CAST PRECINCT ELMORE DRAGO MADARA ARNDT ~ENN~ 919 143 23 46 82 25 54 63 911 145 24 42 92 17 56 61 947 141 25 53 82 12 67 48 798 137 26 44 81 19 48 65 918 192 27 41 99 14 53 61 Subtotal 5,111 1,152 3,601 429 2,140 2,424 1,658 Absentee 454 1,172 135 677 761 22,847 ~769 Totals 1,606 4~773 564 ~817 ~18q NICOLOPULOS 81 84 72 66 94 3,100 1,033 Percentage of Voters - 29.62% 23.73% 70.51% 8.33% 41.62% 47.05% 61.06% -2- HIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 154-' CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES CONSOLIDATED CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER VOTERS CAST PRECINCT BATTAYA BONALANZA FORD 722 160 1 118 119 770 184 2 147 147 736 131 3 107 106 480 75 4 66 63 944 215 5 170 166 916 337 6 253 251 923 321 7 257 273 989 178 8 134 134 979 193 9 147 145 1,024 192 10 143 141 1,212 263 11 201 206 801 211 12 172 171 967 281 13 211 204 463 97 14 78 71 1,128 344 15 280 273 773 121 16 96 94 196 63 17 55 51 737 117 18 97 90 901 176 19 147 145 846 203 20 157 153 975 251 21 212 207 872 240 22 184 185 -3- MEASURE C YES NO 130 24 151 3O 98 27 54 18 154 50 248 61 238 61 120 37 137 49 139 39 188 57 151 46 2O4 51 68 18 258 60 83 33 44 21 84 28 133 38 158 35 197 43 180 51 FILE: NO, J- ~/o ~/ .XHIBIT k TO RESOLUTION #0. 1~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES CONSOLIDATED CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER VOTERS CAST PRECINCT BATTAYA BONALANZA FORD 919 143 23 113 113 911 145 24 115 113 947 141 25 110 111 798 137 26 96 98 918 192 27 100 105 Subtotal 5,111 3,966 3,935 1,658 Absentee 1,367 1,370 22,847 6~769 Totals 5~333 ~305 MEASURE C YES NO 97 36 109 29 100 23 95 27 108 23 3,726 1,015 1,307 264 5~033 1~279 Percentage of Voters - 29.62% 6,312 Votes Were Cast for Measure C 78.79% 78.37% 79.74% 20.26% -4- RESOLUTION NO. 154-89 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ON NOVEMBER 7, 1989 WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election was held in the City of South San Francisco on November 7, 1989 pursuant to Resolution No. 101-89 to elect three members of the City Council, the City Treasurer, and the City Clerk and to submit a measure to the voters; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk presented to the City Council for its inspection all returns of the votes cast, pursuant to Elections Code Sections 17088 and 23306; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that it finds: 1. That there were 22,847 registered voters in the City of South San Francisco and that 6,769 votes were cast. 2. That for the position of City Councilmember the persons voted for and the totals of the~votes cast are as follows: (a) Regularly nominated candidates: John "Jack" Dra9o 4,773 Gus Nicol opulos 4,133 John Penna 3,185 Don Arndt 2,817 James Elmore 1,606 Glenn Madara 564 (b) Write-in candidates: None 3. That for the position of City Clerk the persons voted for and the totals of the votes cast are as follows: (a) Regularly nominated candidates: Barbara Battaya 5,333 (b) Write-in candidates: None 4. That for the position of City Treasurer the persons voted for and the totals of the votes cast are as follows: (a) Regularly nominated candidates: Beverly Bonalanza Ford 5,305 (b) Write-in candidates: None 5. That Measure "C" concerning a $2.50 increase in the transient occupancy tax in order to fund a conference center was approved by a vote of 5,033 for (79.74%) and 1,279 (20.26%) against. 6. That the record of votes cast as shown by the official count of the votes cast at each of the several precincts established throughout the City and of the votes cast by absentee ballot is as detailed on the tabulation of the votes, attached as Exhibit "A". 7. That John "Jack" Drago, Gus Nicolopulos and John Penna were duly elected as members of the City Council. 8. That Barbara Battaya was duly elected as City Clerk. 9. That Beverly Bonalanza Ford was duly elected as City Treasurer. 10. That Measure "C" was approved by the voters as required by Government Code Section 53722. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Certificates of Election shall be issued to those declared duly elected. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall enroll in the official City records the Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4.20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to Increase the Transient Occupancy Tax to Fund a Conference Center." I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 22nd day of November , 1989, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Mark N. Addiego, Jack Drago, Richard A. Haffey, Gus Nicolopulos, and Mayor Roberta Cerri Teglia NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ~ATTEST: ~.~/(~ ' City Clerk -2- EX lIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 154-$. CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES CONSOLIDATED VOTERS CAST PRECINCT 722 160 1 770 184 2 736 131 3 480 75 4 944 215 5 916 337 6 923 321 7 989 178 8 979 193 9 1,024 192 10 1,212 263 11 801 211 12 967 281 13 463 97 14 1,128 344 15 773 121 16 196 63 17 737 117 18 901 176 19 846 203 20 975 251 21 872 240 22 CITY COUNCIL ELMORE DRAGO MADARA ARNDT 37 114 12 74 51 133 17 66 25 99 7 52 26 49 13 35 62 135 31 124 50 240 17 139 36 252 18 176 35 108 13 83 55 114 19 85 37 127 16 69 49 180 23 110 49 158 18 81 52 214 13 109 26 55 9 30 76 273 24 128 27 93 8 55 23 53 7 30 35 82 14 52 47 129 17 63 34 160 13 83 43 202 14 100 51 195 19 118 PENNA 91 104 72 43 80 165 137 73 86 89 108 118 150 56 202 45 29 52 99 109 119 99 NICOLOPULOS 100 109 86 38 114 239 224 120 117 123 173 127 175 44 212 66 39 62 99 128 164 144 EX ~IT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 154-8 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES VOTERS CAST 919 143 911 145 947 141 798 137 918 192 Subtotal 5,111 1,658 22,847 6,769 CONSOLIDATED CITY COUNCIL PRECINCT ELMORE DRAGO MADARA ARNDT PENNA 23 46 82 25 54 63 24 42 92 17 56 61 25 53 82 12 67 48 26 44 81 19 48 65 27 41 99 14 53 61 1,152 3,601 429 2,140 2,424 Absentee 454 1,172 135 677 761 Totals 1,606 4 773 564 2,817 3,185 NICOLOPULOS 81 84 72 66 94 3,100 1,033 4,133 Percentage of Voters - 29.62% 23.73% 70.51% 8.33% 41.62% 47.05% 61.06% -2- ~HIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 154 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES CONSOLIDATED CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER VOTERS CAST PRECINCT BATTAYA BONALANZA FORD 722 160 i 118 119 770 184 2 147 147 736 131 3 107 106 480 75 4 66 63 944 215 5 170 166 916 337 6 253 251 923 321 7 257 273 989 178 8 134 134 979 193 9 147 145 1,024 192 10 143 141 1,212 263 11 201 206 801 211 12 172 171 967 281 13 211 204 463 97 14 78 71 1,128 344 15 280 273 773 121 16 ' 96 94 196 63 17 55 51 737 117 18 97 90 901 176 19 147 145 846 203 20 157 153 975 251 21 212 207 872 240 22 184 185 MEASURE C YES NO 130 24 151 30 98 27 54 18 154 50 248 61 238 61 120 37 137 49 139 39 188 57 151 46 204 51 68 18 258 60 83 33 44 21 84. 28 133 38 158 35 197 43 180 51 -3- XHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 15 29 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NO. OF TOTAL REGISTERED VOTES CONSOLIDATED CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER VOTERS CAST PRECINCT BATTAYA BONALANZA FORD 919 143 23 113 113 911 145 24 115 113 947 141 25 110 111 798 137 26 96 98 918 192 27 100 105 Subtotal 5,111 3,966 3,935 1,658 Absentee 1,367 1,370 22,847 6,769 Totals 5,333 5,305 MEASURE C YES NO 97 36 109 29 100 23 95 27 108 23 3,726 1,015 1,307 264 5,033 1,279 Percentage of Voters - 29.62% 6,312 Votes Were Cast for Measure C 78.79% 78.37% 79.74% 20.26% -4- ORDINANCE NO. 1066-89 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4.20 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TO FUNO A CONFERENCE CENTER THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 4.20.035 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code added A new section, Section 4.20.035 is hereby added to the South San Francisco Municipal Code to read: Section 4.20.035 Conference Center tax imposed Notwithstanding any fee, tax, assessment or other charge for the privilege of occupancy in any hotel, each transient is subject to and shall pay a two dollars and fifty cents tax, the proceeds of which shall be devoted to the acquisition, renovation, maintenance, and operation of a conference center facility in the city. The tax constitutes a debt owed by the transient to the city which is extinguished only by payment to the operator or to the city. The transient shall pay the tax to the operator of the hotel at the time the rent is paid. If the rent is paid in installments, a proportionate share of the tax shall be paid with each installment. The unpaid tax shall be due upon the transient's ceasing to occupy space in the hotel. If for any reason the tax due is not paid to the operator of the hotel, the tax administrator may require that such tax shall be paid directly to the tax administrator. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be adopted, if approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the measure, at an election to be held November 7, 1989, and shall go into effect ten (10) days after the City Council has by resolution declared that such ballot measure was approved by two-thirds of the voters voting thereon. Thts ordinance was Introduced and approved at a regular meeting of the Ctty Counctl of the Ctty of South San Francisco, held on July 12, 1989, for submission to the voters at an electton to be held on November 7, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: Counctlmembers ~rk H. Addteqo. Jack Draqo. Rtchard A. Halley. Gus Nicolopulos, and ~yor Roberta Cerri Teqlia NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ~ATTEST: /s/ Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk Submitted to the voters and approved by a vote of 3,033 or 79.74~ as declared by Resolution No.154-89 of the City Council, dated Nov. 22 lg89. As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 22nd day of November , 1989. /s/ Roberta Cerri Teglia Mayor -2- erl t'tra e of ert ott attil (Oath of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County ,,,~ S~t, Cit o So~ 5a~ ............................................................ ~. ...... t. ................................................................................................. , State of California, as appears by the official returns of said election, and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN I4/ITNESS Id'HEREOF, I have hereunto affiared my hand and the · 22rrb th~ ......................... day of-, I~Iovember 19 ......... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of .................... ~...~.~o. ........................................ f ss. I,. ..................... ,. ........... ~..a.~....~.'.*.~0..l:...°..P..?.3.0...*. .......................................................... , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter· · ' 22rrb S~drscr~bed and sworn to before mc, thiI ........................... day of ...... .~.o..y..~..m..b..e.y... ................. ,19....~.9._ ...... ............. ~.t.~.t...*.....~..*..~Mo...r.......o..~.,...~ t...'.,.?.....~.v..v. ............................. ~ ....... ,~ ~ ~ , ~ ~, ~ ~ ~, ~ ~,~ ~ © Printed 11-21-77 by Pisani Carlisle Elections, S. F. 75032 Form No. $14---CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. This form may not be reproduced 'without permission. (gert t'tra e of lert ou atfi (Oath of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of .............. 5...~u....~..?.~.~?. ....................................... ~ ss. I,. ........................................................................................... : ........................................................... , ......................................... of the ........................................... .~.~.~.~...~.~....~.~.~.~-.~.~-~.~.~.~.~.~. ...................................................... , State of California, do hereby certify, that at ................ : ............................................................................................... ~,~c~,o,, held in said ..................... ~.}.R ................................................ on the ....... Z.[~ .................... day of ............ ~SZSM~.~f ........................... 19....~ ...... , ........................................................................... ............................................................................................................ was elected to the office of ...................... .[.~.~._.[.~.~.~} .......................................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said election, and the statement of votes cast now on file in my o~ce. IN ~ITNESS ~HEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the .............. .Ci.[g...~.[...~.~.~.fi...P.~...Er~{~.~9_ ............................ ......................... day ~ ............... ............................. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of .................... ~.~.%~.~.,...o.. ........................................ f ss. /, ................................ J_o..§..tS.....'.!i~..k..'.'....P.r.o.~.o. ....................................................... , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that f take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which f am about to enter. Subscr~ib~ and sworn to before me, this...~.b.. ......... daySff. ...... ?....o..v....e..m...b....?. ................ ., 19..8.fi ......... .............. ~..t a.[. ~....~.~aaa.t o.r ...fin~.n.e...~.... J/o.v.~. ............................ : ~ Form No. 314--C~RTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE, © Printed 11-21-77 by Pisani Carlisle Elections, S. F. 75032 This form may not be reprodt*eed without permission. (gert tira e of ert ou atti (Oath of (O tre STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) Cou~ty ~.c S~n ~¢eo ~ ss. I,_ ..................................................... ~.?..r...b..?..~._3.:....~.~.~.~ ..................................... ,-C.5.[~....~.t..?...k. .............. of the do hereby certify, that at a ............................................................................................................. elect,on held in said .................. [.{...[!t ..................................................... on the .......... 7..~.1i ................. day of ......... 3.1o.v.e~k~.r ............................... 19...&.9 ....... , ......................................................................... J.9..~...g.,....~.e..n..n..~. ......................................................................................................................... was elected to the office of ........................ .C..'.+.f:.tL..C...o...a..~..c..*...t.. .......................................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said election, and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS PVHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the .......... .C..'.*.tU_~.f....~..o..~ ~..~,~.,.~_~.r.o.~t~.~ ................................ Ct£g Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ss County of .............. .~..~.n...~.f~.e.o ............................................. ~ ~ ' I, .......................... J..o...~_n....3.:....~.e...n...n...~ ......................................................................... , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. Subscribed a~.worn ~ before me, this ......... 2...2...n...b.. ....... day o f _.~[~_~e..~..b...e..r.. ................. ,19..8._~ .......... .~.~...I~[m...s..~.~,..~.r. .......... Form No. 314~CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. © Printed 11-21-77 by Pisani Carlisle Elections, S. F. 75032 This form may not be reproduced ~rithout permission. er Rka e of ®a h of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Cou,,ty of ........ ............................................ j ss. I,_ ............................................................... ~.~.~.b...?..,...a...:_~.f...[?.U.~. ............................ , .... .C.!L~....g.!~Z~ .......... of the Cft~ o ~;o~t~ f~ San .................................................... ,~. ...... f.. .............................................................................................................. , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a ......................... ..q..e...n...e..r.~.!_~.mticip ~..! ....................................... election .held in said ....................... .C...!~.~. ............................................... on t he.....2.[.~ ...................... day of ......... ~.Oy..e...m...b...e...r. ............................ 19..~9. ........ , .............................................................. .~.~.z.e.r.!a...~..o....-..~! a..n..z...~...¥_o..r..b.. ........................................................................................................ was elected to the office of ....................... £.i.ttl ...... r..,..o.~.~r.,..r ................................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said election, and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN [4/ITNESS IVHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the ......... ..C.t..f..~_..o..i..~..o..R.f...O....J.~.n....~..r..~.n_c..i..z¢o ........................ this 22nb lXlovember 89 ................... day of ~ t~ove . 19 _. ....................... _C...f..~ ,U C%¢rk ...... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, lss. J County of ............. ~.~r~...llaI. z.a .............................................. /, ...................... .9..e..y..e._r.!u..g.o....n...a.!~.n...z..~....Lo..r.b.. ................................................ , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against ail enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that [ take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22.i[.~ day of ~lo.v.e~ber ,19 ~.~ Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. Printed 11-21-77 by Pisani Carlisle Elections, S. F. 75032 This form may not be reproduced without permission. (gertfftra e of lert ou atfil (Oath of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of ............. i.~n......~.5~..e..? ............................ }'j ss. I, ..................................... .~b~ ~. ~ee~ ,c~,~....: ................................... c~ of the ............................................ .C...{.t.E....°...f....?_.°.E?_0.....?..t~_.F..r.?_c...{..~..c...°. .................................................... , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a .................... .~.e...~.e..r...~l....~?..n_{_c.{_p..a_l.. ........................................... election held in said ...................... .C..{...t..~ ............................................... on the ......... 7...t...~ ................... day of ........... 5°...v...e.~,b..*...r ............................ lP..e.t ....... , .......................................................................... ~ ~.~..b.s~.~..5,....~s_t.~.~5 ............................................................................................................... was elected to the office n~ C~t~ C%erk as appears by the official returns of said election, and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the ......... £i.~.g...a.f...~.o. al~.fi..~.r~n...Er, armi~_c~_ ................................ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of ......... .S..~.n.....~[~.t...e...o.. ....................................................... J ' I, ..................................... .~.ar~.~.r..a....a...._3.a.t...t.?u'a ............................................. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear trite faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that [ take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. and sworn to before this....2...2...n...b.. ............ da~ ............................................... 5:~bed me, . Of 3Iovember · 19.....~..9.. Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. © Printed 11-21-77 by Pisani Carlisle Elections, S. F. 75032 This form may not be reproduced without permissiom UNOFFICIAL SNAP TALLY TOTALS GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1989 WHICH INCLUDES ALL ABSENTEE BALLOTS REGISTERED VOTERS 22,847 TOTAL VOTES CAST 6,769 % VOTER TURNOUT 29.6% James Elmore Jack Drago Glenn Madara Don Arndt John Penna Gus Nicolopulos Barbara Battaya Beverly Ford YES 4,930 72.8% CITY COUNCIL 1,606 4,774 564 2,817 3,185 4,133 CITY CLERK 5,333 CITY TREASURER 5,305 MEASURE C 23.7% 70.5% 8.3% 41.6% 47.1% 61.0% 78.8% 78.3% NO 1,368 20.2% UNOFFICIAL SNAP TALLY TOTALS GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1989 LOCATION CONSOL. PREC'T. Lower Sunshine Gardens C01 Upper Sunshine Gardens C02 Mid Sunshine GardensC03 Stonegate/Upper Hillside C04 Lower Stonegate/ " C05 Parkway C06 Upper Parkway/Old Town C07 O1 d Town/Baden C08 Pecks Lots/Old Town C09 Mayfai r/Baden C10 Ci rcle/Mayfai r/Franci scc Cll So uthwood/P a rkha ven C 12 Avalon C13 Upper Brentwood/Aval on C14 Brentwood C15 W. Winston Manor C16 Trailer Park E.C.R. C17 Wi nston Manor C18 W. Buri Buri C19 Serra Hi ghl and/Buri C20 Country C1 ub/Upper Buri C21 Lower Burl Buri C22 Westborough Courts C23 Westborough Lower C24 Westborough Upper C25 Westborough South C26 Westborough Lower So. C27 SUBTOTAL ABSENTEES TOTAL 11/7/89 REGISTERED VOTERS 716 q OOl I ooq It '7 q ?.~ i I2.,-3 '7q ~ TOTAL VOTES CAST COUNC I LMAN (VOTE FOR THREE) E LMOR E DRAGO MADARA AR NDT PE NNA ,/./17 NICOLOPULO ,'> I UNOFFICIAL SNAP TALLY TOTALS GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION i,.VEMBER 7, 1989 LOCATION CONSOL PREC'T. Lower Sunshine Gardens C01 Upper Sunshine Gardens C02 Mid Sunshine GardensC03 Stonegate/Upper Hillside C04 Lower Stonegate/ " C05 Parkway C06 Upper Parkway/Old Town C07 Old Town/Baden C08 Pecks Lots/Old Town C09 Mayfai r/Baden C10 Ci rcle/Mayfai r/Franci scc Cll Southwood/Parkhaven C12 Avalon C13 Upper Brentwood/Aval on C14 Brentwood C15 W. Winston Manor C16 Trailer Park E.C.R. C17 Winston Manor C18 W. Buri Buri C19 Serra Highl and/BuriC20 Country Club/Upper Buri C21 Lower Buri Buri C22 Westborough Courts C23 Westborough Lower C24 Westborough Upper C25 Westborough South C26 Westborough Lower So. C27 SUBTOTAL ABSENTEES TO TAL ~z~, ~ ~- 11/7/89 (VOTE FOR ONE) (VOTE FOR ONE) REGISTERED CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER VOTERS TOTAL VOTES CAST BATTAYA MEASURE YES NO BONZALANZA tlX'l 25t t Dt ~ ~.j.5 FORD : "7 'L-I ';L UNOFFICIAL SNAP TALLY TOTALS GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1989 LOCATION Lower Sunshine Gardens Upper Sunshine Gardens Mid Sunshine Gardens Stonegate/Upper Hi 1 lside Lower Stonegate/ Parkway Upper Parkway/Old Town O1 d Town/Baden Pecks Lots/Old Town Mayfai r/Baden Ci rc le/Mayfa i r/Franci scc Southwood/Pa rkhaven Avalon Upper Brentwood/Aval on Brentwood W. Winston Manor Trailer Park E.C.R. Wi nston Manor W. Buri Buri Serra Hi ghl and/Buri Country C1 ub/Upper Buri %ower Buri Buri Westborough Courts Westborough Lower Westborough Upper Westborough South Westborough Lower So. SUBTOTAL ABSENTEES TOTAL 11/7/89 REGISTERED CONSOL.VOTERS PREC'T. CO1 C02 C03 C04 ~ vo C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 ClO C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 : TOTAL VOTES CAST COUNC I LMAN (VOTE FOR THREE) E LMOR E DRAGO MAD ARA AR ND T P E NNA 3550 /or.l. 92.. 9o Z o 't.. ~5 5"L.. ~Iq' (,,5 (,,I NICOLOPUL( llr7 .31oo UNOFFICIAL SN ~ TALLY TOTALS GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1989 LOCATION Lower Sunshine Gardens Upper Sunshine Gardens Mid Sunshine Gardens Stonegate/Upper Hillside Lower Stonegate/ " Parkway Upper Parkway/Old Town O1 d Town/Baden Pecks Lots/Old Town Mayfai r/Baden Ci rcl e/Mayfai r/Franci scc So uthwood/P ark ha ven Avalon Upper Brentwood/Aval on Brentwood W. Winston Manor Trailer Park E.C.R. Wi nston Manor W. Buri Buri Serra Hi ghl and/Buri Country Club/Upper Buri Lower Buri Buri Westborough Courts Westborough Lower Westborough Upper Westborough South Westborough Lower So. SUBTOTAL ABSENTEES TOTAL CONSOL PREC'T. C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 CiO Cll C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 11/7/89 (VOTE FOR ONE) REGISTERED TOTALCITY CLERK VOTERS VOTES CAST (VOTE FOR ONE) CITY TREASURER BA TTA Y ABO N ZALAN ZA ll~ Itai ~ ~W 9 / ~1'7 to"t 190 Il,,& ~1o I~'l /tS 11% 11~ I~I /a~ /PS MEASURE YES NO FORD laql. 7_q ~o /.,,I 3q ELECTION NOTICE A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIUN OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989 AND THE FOLLOWING OFFICES WILL APPEAR ON THE BALLOT: MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY CLERK -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY TREASURER -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) All forms required for nomination to elective office shall be furnished by the City Clerk at 400 Grand Avenue, So. San Francisco, CA 94080, beginning Monday, July 17, 1989 without charge during regular business hours (EC 22842). Please call (415) 877-8518 for further information. Nomination closes Friday, August 11, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. There will be a five day extension of the nomination period if an incumbent does not file for office - which date is Wednesaay, August 16, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. To be eligible to hold office one must be an elector of the City when assuming such office, and be a registered voter of the City at the time nomination papers are issued to the candidate (GC 36502 and EC 22842). Appointment to each elective office will be made pursuant to Election Code 23520 in the event there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for such office. MEASURE SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX (HOTEL TAX PAID BY PATRONS) BY TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($2.50) AND USE THIS REVENUE TO ACQUIRE, RENOVATE, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A CONFERENCE CENTER IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO? The POLLS shall be opened at 7:00 a.m. and shall be kept open until 8:00 p.m. of said day when the polls shall be closed, except as otherwise provided in Section 14301 of the Elections Code. ARGUMENTS in support of the measure shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before August 14, 1989, and REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before August 24, 1989. By order of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, at a Regular Meeting held on July 12, 1989. Dated: July 13, 1989 /s/ Barbara A. BQttaya City C1 erk City of South San Francisco NOTICE OF NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE TO BE VOTED ON IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices hereinafter mentioned to be filled at the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of South San Francisco on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, 1989. For the Office of City Council - Vote for Three James C. Elmore John "Jack" Drago Glenn R. Madara Donald J. Arndt John R. Penna Gus Nicolopulos Small Businessman Counci 1 member Licensed Customs Broker Engineer, Marketing Manager Real to r/Busi ne ssman City Councilman For the Office of City Clerk - Vote for One Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk For'the Office of City Treasurer - Vote for One Beverly Bonalanza Ford City Treasurer Dated: August 17, 1989 /s/ Barbara A. Battaya . City Clerk City of South San Francisco IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BY CITY ATTORNEY This ballot measure would adopt an ordinance authorizing an increase in the existing South San Francisco transient occupancy tax. The transient Occupancy tax is the tax paid by occupants of hotel rooms. At present, the transient occupancy tax is eight percent of the room rate. The money generated by the tax goes into the general fund and is used for general city purposes. The revenue generated by the existing tax would not be affected by the ballot measure. That money would still 9o into the general fund and be used for general city purposes. Under the proposed ordinance, an additional two dollars and fifty cents would be charged to those who rent hotel rooms, regardless of the base room rate. The additional money generated by the proposed tax would be earmarked specifically for expenses related to establishing and operating a conference center in the City of South San Francisco. Adoption of this ordinance would not increase the taxes paid by residents and property owners in the City of South San Francisco. The people who would be subject to the tax are those who rent a room at a hotel or motel for lodging on a short term basis. The ordinance proposed by this ballot measure would be adopted if approved by two-thirds of those electors voting on the measure at the November 7, 1989 el ecti on. A "yes" vote authorizes an increase in the transient occupancy tax, as outlined above. A "no" vote would not permit an increase to the transient occupancy tax. I='ILI~ NC). Argument in Favor of Measure C Measure C provides the City of South San Francisco and its residents an opportunity to create a conference center at no cost to local taxpayers. This measure enables us to hold onto monies gradually being lost to the hotel indusn'y on the southern Peninsula. The hotel business is extremely competitive. Neighboring communities are undergoing ag~ressive hotel and meeting facility expansions and are posting record profits. Our own local hotel industry has produced almost $7 million in city revenues over the past 5 )'ears. These unrestricted dollars go directly to community services such as libraries, sn'eet maintenance, parks and recreation, police and f~'e. In order to protect this revenue source we must compete in this market place. A South City conference center would allow us to do so. A prime site has become available on our South Airport Boulevard hotel row within w ~cing distance of more than 1,700 existing hotel rooms. This site is immediately adjacent to Highway 101, is seconds from San Francisco International Airport and has adequate parking. A surcharge of $2.50 on the hotel room ram will allow us to finance a facility capable of handling meetings of up to 1500 people or small ~ shows. This is a conservative proposal based on existing hotel rooms and is not dependent on more than 300 rooms already approved but not yet constructed. Measure C -- South San Francisco's chance to establish a local conference center at no cost to taxpayers -- has the overwhelming endorsement of our hotel operators, restaurant owners, business and civic leaders. A conference center has long been a civic dream. It's time to stop dreaming, South San Francisco. Let's go for it! Vote Yes on Measure C Nov. ?. /s/ Roberta Cerri Teglia /s/ Mark Neal Addiego RoDerta Cerri Teglia, Mayor Mark N. Aadiego, CoUncilman City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco /s/ Dennis H. Rosaia Dennis H. Rosaia Local Businessman /s/ Mrs. Ti sbe Bertolucci Ti she nMama" Bertolucci Restaurateur, Bertol ucci ' s /s/ Leo Padreaaii Leo PaOreadii First Vice-President San Mateo County Fair Board NO ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS MEASURE WAS SUBMITTED ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS FULL TEXT OF MEASURE C AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4.20 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TO FUND A CONFERENCE CENTER THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 4.20.035 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code added A new section, Section 4.20.035 is hereby added to the South San Francisco Municipal Code to read: Section 4.20.035 Conference Center tax imposed Notwithstanding any fee, tax, assessment or other charge for the privilege of occupancy in any hotel, each transient is subject to and shall pay a two dollars and fifty cents tax, the proceeds of which shall be devoted to the acquisition, renovation, maintenance, and operation of a conference center facility in the city. The tax constitutes a debt owed by the transient to the city which is extinguished only by payment to the operator or to the city. The transient shall pay the tax to the operator of the hotel at the time the rent is paid. If the rent is paid in installments, a proportionate share of the tax shall be paid with each installment. The unpaid tax shall be due upon the transient's ceasing to occupy space in the hotel. If for any reason the tax due is not paid to the operator of the hotel, the tax administrator may require that such tax shall be paid directly to the tax administrator. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be adopted, if approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the measure, at an election to be held November 7, 1989, and shall go into effect ten (10) days after the City Council has by resolution declared that such ballot measure was approved by two-thirds of the voters voting thereon. This ordinance was introduced and approved at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held on July 12, 1989, for submission to the voters at an election to be held on November 7, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Councilmembers Mark N. Addieqo, Jack Draqo, Richard A, Haffev, Gus Nicolopulos, and Mayor Roberta Cerri Teqlia None None None qT~ATTEST: /s/ Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk Submitted to the voters and approved by a vote of as declared by Resolution No. of the City Council, dated 1989. As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this day of , 1989. Mayor -2- ~DOMIZED ALPHABET DRAWING BY Tt~ SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE NOVEMBER 7, 1989 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON AUGUST 17, 1989, 11:00 A.M. 1. I 2. E 3. Q 4. U 5. B 6. D 7. V 8. F 9. J 10. R 11. M 12. 0 13. T 14. H 15. A 16. P 17. N 18. S 19. W 20. Z 21. L 22. X 23. C 24. Y 25. K 26. G LOCATION OF CONSOLIDATED PRECINCTS GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1989 CONSOLIDATED INDIVIDUAL INDIVIDUAL PRECINCT NO. & VOTING LOCATION PRECINCTS LOCATION C1 E1 Camino High School, 1320 Mission Rd., Cafe. I and 4 C2 Sunshine Gardens Sch., Rm. 7, 1200 Miller Ave. 2 and 3 C3 Sunshine Gardens Sch., Rm. 7, 1200 Miller Ave. 41 and 53 C4 Hillside Sch. Multi-Purp., 1400 Hillside Blvd. 5 C5 Martin Sch., Rm.12, 35 School St. 6 and 8 C6 Parkway Jr. Hi. Sch. Lib, 825 Park Way 15 and 16 C7 Spruce Sch., Gym~ 501 Spruce Ave. 13 and 14 C8 City Hall Lunch Rm., 400 Grand Ave. 10 and 12 C9 Penna Garage, 313 Aspen Ave. 7 and 9 C10 Roger Wms. Sch., Sch. Rm.~ Magnolia & Grand Ave. 39 and 40 Cll Los Cerritos Sch., Multi-Purp.~ 210 W. Orange. 17, 18, 19 C12 Baden Hi. Sch., Multi-Purp., 825 Southwood Dr. 25 and 26 C13 Ponderosa Sch., Multi-Purp., 295 Ponderosa Rd. 23 and 44 C14 Rotary Plaza, Game Rm., 433 Alida St. 36 C15 Rodondi Garage, 225 Wildwood Dr. 20, 21, 22 C16 Serra Vista Sch., Multi-Urp. Rm., 257 Longford 37 and 38 C17 Treasure Island Tr. Court, //3 Washrm., 1700 ECR 43 C18 E1 Rancho $ch., Rm. 3, 753 Del Monte Dr. 33 and 52 C19 Alta Loma Jr. High., Library/, 116 Romney Ave. 32 and 35 C20 Buri Buri Sch., Music Rm., 120 E1 Campo Dr. 31 and 42 C21 Al dersgate Meth. Church Hall, 115 E1 Campo Dr. 29 and 30 C22 Muni. Svcs. Bldg., Open Rm., 33 Arro~/o Dr. 27 and 28 C23 St. Augustine Church, Main Hall, 3700 Callan Blvd. 34 and 47 C24 S.S.F. Fire Sta. #4, 2350 Galway Pl. 24 and 46 C25 St. Augustine Church, Main Hall, 3700 Callan Blvd. 45 and 48 C~6 Foxridge Sch., Multi-Purp., 2525 Wexford Ave. 49 and 50 C27 Foxridge Sch'., Multi-Purp., 2525 Wexford Ave. 11 and 51 PRECINCT Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Gardens Gardens Gardens Stonegate/Upper Hillside Paradi se Val 1 ey/O1 d Town Parkway Old Town (Spruce) Downtown Pecks Lots/Irish Town Circle Court/Downtown ABC Sts/Mayfai r/Fran .Ter. Southwood/Park Haven Avalon Aval on Brentwood West Winston Manor Treasurer Is. Trailer Ct. Serra Highlands/Winston Serra Highl ands/Winston Buri/Serra Highlands Buri Buri Buri Buri Palos Verdes Pal os Verdes/Westbro. Westborough Westborough Westborough PUBMC NOTICE ELECTION OFFICERS AND POLLING PLACES CITY OF SOUTHSAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Hover 7; 19139 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a. General Municipal Election will be held in the City of South San Francisco on Tuesday, November 7, 1989. At said election there shall be twenty-seven (27) voting precincts.consisting ,~onsolidation of the fifty,three (53) regular election precincts in the City of outh San Francisco eStablished for the holding of State,. County~ ai'~l City elections; The polling places for 'the respective precincts, shall be th~ places hereinafter deSignated. The persons hereinafter named,have been appointed officers of election for their respective voting precin~S? Consolidated Ne. 1 (Precincts 1 El Camino Hi Inspector -- Gertrude Judge --Icla A..Nc Judge -- Phillis L. Judge ~ Paul A. Bigna~rdi (Precincts 2 and 3) "Sunshine Gardens Sch., Rm. 7 12~ Avenue In~r-' Ermen J. Rozzi Judge --John H. Duplantier -- Irene Rozzi udge .-- Fanella R. Duplan Con~Midatedl~x $ (Pr~ncts 41 and 53) Sunshine Gardens School, Rm. 7 1200 Miller Ave. InsPeCtor -- Virginia H. Wooderd Judge -- Charlotte E. Russell Judge -- James L. Gilchrist, Jr. Judge -- Vivian M. Dantof~io Conselidatad Ne. 4 (Precinct 5) Polling place: Hillside School MPR 1400 Hillside Blvd. Inspector, Isabella Yahraes iuU~- Ruth Bretz -- Mary France -- Elenora M. Zipp (Precincts 6 and 8) Martin School -- Room 12 1.1 210 Wes~ CMtloli~ftid Ne. 12 ' - (Ptec~cta 2S and 28) Inspector -- Mildred J. Eskelsen Judge -- Olga M. Morse ucIge --Emily Sunia Clouatre Cons olkl l ted NO. 13 (Precincts 23and 44) POnderosaLSchool Multi-Purp. Rm. 295 POnderosa Road inspector -- June S. Heise Judge -- Norma J. Muniz Judge -- Carolyn C. Damonte Judge -- Marion M. Bragg Cormolidated Ne. 14 (Precinct 36) 35 School Street Rotary Plaza, Game Room Inspector -- Margaret R. MacKenzie 433 Alide St. Judge --Timothy J. Brennan -- Derma Bush Inspector -- Donald B. Nelson iud -- Devota M. Nelson -- Georgette G. Mammini -- Thelma J. Mills Consolidated No. 15 (Precincts 20 and 21 and 22) nedo.e ear~ ~. Inspector -- June M. Rodondi Judge -- Wanda M. Stafford Judge --'Betty R. Seubert Judge -- Miriam F. Repetto Consolidated No. 16 (Precincts 37 and 38) Serra Vista Sch. Multi-Purp. Rm; 257 Longford Drive Inspector -- Sandra K. Ahlbach Judge -- Enoch W. Henderson Judge -- Gloria A. Galli Judge -- Gloria Jiggetts Consolidated No. 17 (Precinct 43) Treasurer Isl. Trailer Court #3 Washroom -- 1700 El Camino Real Inspector -- Don C. Stiewel Judge -- Bernice Rodriguez Judge -- Dagner B. Alholm Judge -- Mary T. Hutchins Consolidated No. 18 (Precincts 33 and 52) El Rancho School -- Room 3 753 Del Monte Drive Inspector -- Maureen A. Dan Judge -- J. A. Ainslie Judge -- James S. Claar Judge -- George A. Jewell JJ~ -- Jack F. Stuart Consolidated Ne. 6 (Precincts 15 and 16) P _ar~[way Jr. High SCh, Libra,fy 825 Pa~k way ' Inspector. Virgil C. Ohlrich Judge -- Altha L.. Dagler · Judge -- Mary A. Galeofli Judge -- Mary M; Ohlrich Consolidated Ne. ? (Precincts 13 and 14) luce School --'Gym Spruce Avenue InslJector -- Rosanna Cesca Judge -- Rose Barsi Judge -- Lydia Abriani Judge -- Mildred Fanucchi Consolidated No. 8 (Precincts 10 and 12) So. S.F. City Hall -- Lunch Rm. 400 GrandAvenue . Enter on Miller Avenue Inspector -- Antoinette L. Greco Judge -- Emilio A. Fontana Judge -- Mafalda Colombo Judge -- June S. Charnes Consolidated No. 9 (Precincts 7 and 9) Penna Garage 313 Aspen Avenue Inspector -- Vernon R. Capps Judge -- Mary L. Lonati Judge -- Alio De Zordo Judge~ -- Josephine E. Compani Alta Lorna Jr. Hi. SCh. 116 Ronmey AVenue Ha, Mildred L.'Koster --Vera Bassford --Dorothy W. Dombroski --Murlel ~Anderson (Precincts 27 and 28) Municipal Services Building Open Rm. 33 Arroyo Drive ' Inspector -- Dorothy M. MOiloy -- Lonnip C. Guinn ¢onsoli~fled Ne. 23 [~recin~s ~ and St. Augustine Chumh M~n Hall $?00 Cailan Bhtd. Inspector -- Jo.~ph ~. Armato Judge -- Ann M. ^nnato Jud~ -- FliTebeth M. McMahon Jud~ -- Mery E. hauran~on (Pr .e~tncts 24 and 46) S~; ~"Fratx=lec~Fke Sta: #4 2350 Galway Place Inspector -- Robert C. Bertolani Judge -- Guilio Picchi ~uU~ -- Rosa Lee Bennett ---Harry E. Dorant Consolidated No. 25 (Precincts 45 and 48) St. Augustine Church, Main Hall 3600 Callan Blvd. Inspector -- Charles B. Vaugi~n Judge -- Eleanor R. Clark -- JOan B. Gilmore {Pr~nct~ 48 and $0) Foxridg~ School Multi-~urp. Rm. 2525 Wexford Avenue Inspector -- Helen J. Bertolani Judge -- Josephine M. Putkey Judge -- Ruth M. Hansen Judge -- Trinidad Tabaldo Consolidated No. 27 (Precincts 11 and 51) Fox.ridge School Multi-Purp. Rm. 2525 Wexford Avenue Inspector -- Walter West Judge -- Robert H. Clark Judge -- Elmon M. Elmore Judge ~ Wei-Chin Chert The polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Dated: November 1, 1989 Is/Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) in South San Francisco Enterprise Journal This space is or the County Clerk's Filing Stamp SD I1 9:tl STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Mateo I am a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the County aforesaid, over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter and I am during and at all said times, the Principal Clerk of the Printer and Publisher of South San Francisco Enterprise Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published twice weekly in the City of SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, County of San Mateo, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Mateo, State of California, under the date of December 30, 1952, Case Number 60036; that the notice, of Which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to- wit: Wednesday, August 23,30,1989. Certificate of Publication NOTICE OF NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE TO BE VOTED ON IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO / NOTICE OF NOMINEE~q FOR PUBLIC OFFICE TO BE VOTED ON IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICn'AL EI~CTION NOVEMBER 7, 198{[ NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the follow- lng persons have been nomiuated Ifor the offices hereinafter mentioned to be filled iat the General Municipal Election to be held i~n the City of South San Francisco on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, 1989. For the Office of City Council -- Vote for Three James C. Elmore Small Businessman John "Jack" Drago Gouncilmember Glenn R. Madara Licensed CUstoms Broker Donald J. Arndt Engineer, Marl~eting Manager John R. Penna Realtor/Businessman Gus Nicolnpulos City Councilman For the Office of City Clerk -- Vote for One Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk For the Office of City TreaSurer -- Vote for One Beverly Bonalanza Ford City Treasorer Dated: August 17, 1989 /s/BARBARA A. BATTAYA City Clerk City of Soutlr San Francisco Published in Enterprise Journal, Wed., Aug. 23, 30, 1989. (13138EJ) I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at South San Francisco, California, this 30th day of Augtlst , 19 89 . /s/By Alexa D. Abrishamian CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE TO BE VOTED ON IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices hereinafter mentioned to be filled at the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of South San Francisco on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, 1989. For the Office of City Council - Vote for Three James C. Elmore John "jack" Drago Glenn R. Madara Donald J. Arndt John R. Penna Gus Nicolopulos Small Businessman Counci 1 member Licensed Customs Broker Engineer, Marketing Manager Real to r/Bu si ne ssman City Councilman For the Office of City Clerk - Vote for One Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk For the Office of City Treasurer - Vote for One Beverly Bonalanza Ford City Treasurer Dated: August 17, 1989 /s/ Barbara A. Battaya : City Clerk City of South San Francisco ~DOMIZED ALPHABET DRAWING BY T SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE NOVEMBER 7, 1989 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON AUGUST 17, 1989, 11:00 A.M. 1. I 2. E 3. Q 4. U 5. B 6. D 7. V 8. F 9. J 10. R 11. M 12. 0 13. T 14. H 15. A 16. P 17. N 18. S 19. W 20. Z 21. L 22. X 23. C 24. Y 25. K 26. G Published by Amphlett Printing Compat;~ ~ -7 Fl2 1080 SOUTH AMPHLETT BOULEVARD · SAN MATEO, CA 94402 TELEPHONE (415)348-4321 FAX NO. (415~ ,~,8~-4.'¢~8 SO. ~H ~AN!:.'~:/:C~ August 1, 1989 Barbara Battaya, City Clerk City Hall 400 Grand Avenue P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco CA Dear 94083 I am following up our phone conversation with the Candidate Statements and measures sample styles as they will appear in the Sample Ballot and Voter Information Pamphlet. As you obtain the Candidate Statements, we request that you forward them to us so that we may typeset and show you proofs. My understanding is that the last date to file is August~.l~' and that you would have available the copy August 21 latest. If there are any measures, the deadline to file date is Augiust 28 and copy would be available August 30 latest. We will go through the proofing cycle and have you sign off on the final proofs by September 11. For your communication ease, I can be reached by telephone for pick-up or questions at 348-4400. The mailing address is: Times Printing, 1100 South Amphlett Boulevard, San Mateo, CA 944:02, Attn: Bob Rheingrover. Also available is the FAX number: 348-4478. If there are any questions I have left unanswered, please give me a call. Sincerely yours, TIMES PRINTING Bob Rheingrover Manager Enclosures RR:3:lmc One Hundred Years Old and New Every Day SAN MATEO COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPERS · THE TIMES · DALY CITY RECORD · SAN BRUNO HER/~LD · BRISBANE BEE · ENTERPRISE JOURNAL · RECORDER-PROGRESS · THE COASTSIDE CHRONICLE · PENINSULA MID-WEEK · TIMES PRINTING CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT (Ek...,ons Code 10012, 10012.1) As a can~iidate for_ __c_iTY Counci l~mn (TITLE OF OFFICE ~'OUGHT) .... of the __C_a~daida_t_e' s ~_i!v~ (NAME OF LOCAL AGENCY, CITY, COUNTY OR DISTRICT) at the_ General Hunicip_a_] ........ (TITLE OF ELECTION) election to be held Tuesdayz_November 7 (DATE) ELECTION ""rICER: FILL IN BLANKS MARKED BY STARS BEFORE RE- LEASING F DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF SUBMITTED FORM AS INDICATED AT BOTTOk INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDAT :- 1. Carefully read the Notice, below. 2. PLEASE TYPE your statement. What you submit is the printer's copy. Be sure that the second copy of this form is clear and legible, and shows all corrections. 3. Return the complete set to the o-ricer conducting the election, either with Nomination Papers or if none, no later than 88 days before the election. I The governing body conductinc, this election has deter- mined that the cost of the statement is the responsibility of the ~.-}~r~-~l ~'~/~ "F~ ~'. The estimated cost of I~rinting and mailing tl~e following statement is I submit the following statement: $ . ~ · NOTICE TO CANDIDATE: This statement may include your age, occupation and a brief description of not mor~ than ~-O~ *words of your education and qualifications. All statements will be printed in a style determined by the governing bod~ conducting the election. Please type, in upper and lower case. Your statement will be printed exactly as submitted by you: check carefully, for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar before filing. (NAME:) Donald Arndt __ AGE:__AP ..................................................................... (Optional) Occupation: Engineer and Marketing Hanager ................................ ~ Education and Qualifications: Nothing is more important to a city than its people. ~his co (Statement starts hare - please type) community of hard working families have strong feelings about this city's future. We need to improve and strengthen our neighborhoods and continue to ma~e our city the [>est place to live. My involvement with the Old Town Homeowners Association, the .Historic Preser,,at:icm Commission~ a~d the Historical Society has sho~m that sma{1 problems can easily become big problems, especially if the problem is not dealt!with~ iramediately. When the response is too late, the problem gets out of h$nd, we end up using our limited resources and we all suffer. Our family is committed to this city's future. I will brin~ new ideas to improve our city, make it easier to hear your concerns, act on those concerns, and properly use our assets. For example; downtown revitalization wilI not be a success unless we are committed to coordinate the development of our downtown so it meets the total needs of our communitv. Theee are many significant issues to resolve which will have ~reat impact on this city's future. The decisions can not be short term promises, but long term successes tied to theseensitivity of all concerns. Thank you. If additional space is required, attach supplemental sheet. If supplemental sheet used, please sign supplemental sheet at bottom. -'] I do not wish to file Candidate: Confer with officer conducting election regarding jurisdiction's requirements under the a statement. Voting Rights Act. If your jurisdiction is not covered, you have this option: j~l. wish to have my statement translated and printed in Spanish in addition to the English with the !~nderstanding that I will pay the actual cost incurred. PURS, UANT TO SECTIONS 10012 1[ 10012, ELECT ONS CODE, state that I prepared the above statement which is to be printed in a voter s pamphlet and mailed to each rag stered voter of my District. I further state that if the cq/~/t of printing is the responsibility of the candidate that I will pay for my prorated cost of such statement at suc~.~instructed b,y~i~h~*~/~c~he ricer Conducting the election. Dated August ll, 19.89 319 Spruce AvenuL~South i San Francisco Address o~ Cand'~ate) FORM E-909(REV. 6-83) PRINTER'S COPY SEQUOIA PACIFIC CANDIDATE'S sTATEMENT / nsCode 10012, 10012.1) As a candidate for__ City Council (TITLE OF OFFICE SOUGHT) of the___ City of South San Francisco -- (NAME OF LOCAL AGENCY'S, ~T~,, ~-OUNTY OR--DISTRICT) ........ at the___ General Hunicipal Election election to be held (TITLE OF ELECTION) November 7~ (DATE) I submit the following statement: ELECTION/'"~JCER: FILL IN BLANKS MARKED BY STARS BEFORE RE- LEASING ~' ~DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF SUBMITTED FORM AS INDICATED AT BOTTO~,~' INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDAT.: ]. Carefully read the Notice, below. 2. PLEASE TYPE your statement. Wt~at you submit is the printer's copy. Be sure that the second copy c~f this form is clear and legible, and shows all corrections. 3. Return the complete set to the o~ficer conducting the election, either with Nomination PaPers or ~f none, no later than 88 days before the election. / The governing body conductin[; this election has deter- mined that the~est of the statement is the responsibility of the can,~ea~e , 9r The estimated I · cost of printing and mailing tl~e following statement is ')2D' j $ ,: ....00 *. : NOTICE TO CANDIDATE: This statement may include your age, occupation and a brief description of not more than 200 9r words of your education and qualifications. All statements will be printed in a style determined by the governing body conducting the election. Please type, in upper and lower case. Your statement will be printed exactly as submitted by you: check carefully for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar before filing. (NAME:) ,lames C. Elmore AGE: ~9 (Optional) Occu nation: .... _C g_n_t_r)_c_tp_r_ _-_ _M_e_r_C_ h_ a_ n_ t_ ................................................................ (Optional) (May be more deacr(ptlve than what wffl appear on ballot} .E__ducation and Qualifications: (Statement starts here - please type) -- General/El ectrical/Pl umbi n~ Contractor -- SuuHi S~n,Frapcisc~} Herchant, Jallhause Deli ~ It is n],y in, tent{on to brinq to the City Council a fresh and direct approach{ toward: - Eliminate the secrecy which exists in Git!: Uall about proposed pro?acts by bia developers and ordinances ~ronosed by City staFm. - Hakinq 'the public' more knowledqAble about"nrojects ~roposed by developers and ordim,~ ~s :.ro~osc:! by thn ~' ' ....... , ,,lty s administration. - Eliminate favnrite treal,',ent ~iven by City Hall to certain people. - Cut out red tape and ma~,e buildina permits easier to qet for homeowners and small business people. - Control biq salaries beina paid to the City ,qanaeer and Department Heads. - Hake staff more sensitive and responsible to the needs o¢ the people. As the rapid ~rowth of this Cit,v continues, solid planninc~ and equal opportunities should be available to both business and privat~ residents. : I would work toward quality representation by the Council and departments l~o reflect the desires and wants of the cnmmunitv rather than those o'~ the few. l!y experience in build{nm, and management qive me an established base to wdrk ~rom in providing guidance in new directions for tile City. DNE VOTE CAR ~-iAKE ~. PIFFEPENCE ON TU[ ~!TY COUr']C!L YOU DO HAVE A VQICE Ir, THE If additional space is required, attach :supplemental sheet:If supplemehtal sheet used, please sign supplemental sheet at bottom. -1 I do not wish to file Candidate: Confer with officer conducting election regarding jurisdiction's requirements under the e statement. Voting Rights Act. If your jurisdiction is not covered, you have this option: O I wish to have my statement translated and printed in Spanish in addition to the English with the understanding that I will pay the actual cost incurred. I~ PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 10012.1, 10012, ELECTIONS CODE, I state that I prepared the above statement which is to be printed in a voter s pamphlet and mailed to each registered voter of my District. I further state that if the cost of printing is the responsibility of the candidate that I will pay for my prorated cost of such statement at such time a,~ instructed by th%of,f~r conducting the election. / ..-" ( Dated /) ~/( ':> / ~:~' / ~ :~ '/ X , (Signature of Cand~ate) , ~ ,. / /x / / ; .o...o.<..v..., PRINTER'S COPY ..... ,Cand,~af.) SEQUOIA' CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT c ns Code 10012, 10012.1) As a candidate for .... City Cou~cil (T~LE OF OF~CE SOUGHT) of the_ City of 5ouig{:, San Nran.cisco ___ ........ (NAME OF LOCA~A~NCY, ~TY, COUNTY OR DIS~CT) at the_ _?{ner~]z Election ......... %~E OF ~T,O.~ ........ election to ~e held._'°v-,~,m 7 (DATE) , I submit the following statement: ELECTION/'-'~ICER: FILL IN BLANKS MARKED BY STARS BEFORE RE,- LEASING I~ '~DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF '~UBMITTED FORM A§ IN"~'~T~-ATED INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATI! 1. Carefully read the Notice, below, i 2. PLEASE TYPE your statement. Wheat you submit is the printer's copy. Be sure that the second copy c~f this form is clear and legible, and shows all corrections. ! 3. Return the complete set to the oflicer conducting the election, either with Nomination Papers or if none, no later than 88 days before the election, j The governing body conductingi this election has deter- mined that the, ¢o~t 9,f the statement is the responsibility of the Cc~.q~lCJ~t,e ~tr The estimated cost ~,~%rin~i.n,g and mailing the following statement is NOTICE TO CANDIDATE: This statement may include your age, occupation and a brief description of not more than ~ * words of your education and qualifications. All statements will be printed in a style determined by the governing body conducting the election. Please type, in upper and lower case. Your statement will be printed exactly as submitted by you: check carefully for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar before filing. (NAME:) _ Jo~n ~. iACK Dra[to- AGE:_ ...................................................................... (Optional) .. City Councilmc~.f<~r/Petired Fire ~ief ccupanon: ............................................................. (Optional) (May be more descriptive than what wilt appear on ballot) ~z~ in San Fr~uncisc~D, attended ~a!boe l-{iTb, S}~line t~leqe, ar~'l Education and Qualifications: (Statement starts here - please type) University of S~] FrancJ. sc~ .... !}achelorsr~.~'~:, .... ~. ~_,. in Public f~inistration. ~??erve~i as .,e=zred as Fire Chief 1.884 1987-1988, Co~lnci!~:9:er 1985-1989. ~ '~' - . Clc~ Council has c~ntriDuted to the in~prov':~£~,nt of t~.e '~ ...... it~' additional and i'~prov~i Cit-? services. Yy record econcr!,ic c].L~ate of our ci~l ~, -'.. ~ '~e'~n~tr-~t~s ~'~' ?]:i?J .... ~" '~ :-~nas hao~n! T have renresent~ our Cityion critical issuos on t=~um;]e~:ation, ai~rt., hazardous waste, and lecislative ~_tters Si~:~ific~nt Co~cil Acc(w~l. ish'~nts: Lal.~ced City Ludclet with increase. Rese~e Gnild O~re and Adult Do~,; O:~rep..ro..~ra~s,T Pa(~o~ia_ ~x~or Center, P~olia Pl~za. ~or ' ~ - :,:ev~]~ tmon, V'es~roug~': P~]< Buildigq, a.~ P~k tou:,_n~., Noise Insulation, llbx.~t~ *' ' '-~ ' · .: . tt,e P~Tramedic Rnhu].ance Patient P~e]_ivery Syst~ and th~c }2~>ansions As Fire C~ief, i~ol~ente, l "~ City's ~" ~ ~ Lr_ insurance ~atinc k~caue one of the host in ~e . ~; (~zational Pk~r3~rs~ps: Sons of Italy, '~.,{ ~%ci! 32, !%alian ;{~r~can Citizens Cluff, '~ ~ ~,i '~ . ..... " ....... Cl%sri:.eri~u~:-~';r Local 15~)7 ~Tistorical Society, ~.£ast Officer ()f £ur±-Serra ~Aqni~. ,~o! ~:{)...m,.r~., ,~part~=nu. l~sJ_dent: .~.~re Buri-Luri nei,::~t~i?orhoc<l 38 years. will centinue ~I; efforts irt re-}tin~ ot~ city a better place to live and raise costs to aa a~ferd~. _:_e level. Dated FOR. PRINTER'S COPY If additional space is required, attach supplemental sheet. If supplemental sheet used, please sign supplemental isheet at bottom. OI do not wish to file Candidate: Confer with officer conducting election regarding jurisdictio~'s requirements under the a statement. Voting Rights Act. If your iurisdiction is not covered, you have this option: OI wish to have my statement translated and printed in Spanish in addition to the English with the understanding that I will pay the actual cost incurred. DPURSUANT TO SECTIONS 10012.1, 10012, ELECTIONS CODE, I state that I prepared the above statement which is to be printed in a voter's pamphlet and mailed to each registered voter of my District. I further state that if the cost of printing is the responsibility of the candidate that I will pay for my prorated cost of such statement at such time as instructed by the officer Conducting the election. ~. ' /(~,.~ '{ ,~-. )-' ">-7, ! ~ ,/2 , , ~ g (Signat .... ' Candidate) ,1_~ C~sta Drive, ~uth Sa~ Fr~cis~ (Add~ess of SEQUOIA PACIFIC 'CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT (E~ns Code 10012, As a candidate for__ C~ty Council (TITLE OF OFFICE SOUGHT) City of South San Francisco of the __ 10012.1) (NAME OF LOCAL AGENCY. CITY, COUNTY OR DISTRICT) Ceneral Uunici~al Election at the........... (TITLE OF ELECT~N) ............... November 7 election to be held I submit the following statement: (DATE) ELECTION/"-'"'~,CER: FILL IN BLANKS M~,RKED BY STARS BEFORE RE- LEASING I:[ ~DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF EUBMITTED FORM AS INDICATED AT BOTTOI~J! INSTRUCTIONS TO CANOIDAT.= 1. Carefully read the Notice, below. 2. PLEASE TYPE your statement. Wl~at you submit is the printer s copy. Be sure that the second copy qf this form is clear and legible, and shows all corrections. : 3. Return the complete set to the o~ficer conducting the election, either with Nomination Papers or ~ none, no later than 88 days before the election. The governing body conducting this election has deter- mined that th~.cost ,of the statement is the responsibility of the Ca~! ~1 dP~l~,e ! ~r . The estimated cos~,p~pI, ting and mailing tl~e following statement is $ 'k. ~ NOTICE TO CANDIDATE: This statement may include your age, occupation and a brief description of not more than * words of your education and qualifications. All statements will be printed in a style determined by the governing body conducting the election. Please type, in upper and lower case. Your statement will be printed exactly as submitted by you: check carefully for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar before filing. Gus Nicolopul os 69 (NAME:) ....................................................................... AG E: ~o-~ti-o-~al~ ............ City Councilman Education and Qualifications: E DUCAT I (Statement starts here - please type) I NSTRUCTP, P MA/BA Public Administration U.:. La Salle Vocational Teachin~l Credential U.S.F. Adj. Professor Public Ad,~. S.S.F. Hiqh S.B. President S.J. State C. S.H. Skyline SoF.I.2~. Police Santa Rosa J.C. Leaeue CA Cisies Fublic Sa'Fety Comm. B.A.A.Q.M.B. Dd. Director No.S.M. County Council Cities Cha~irman ~ Bay Area Rapid Water Task Furce. CA Assn. Police Trainino Ot~c. (State Pres) P.P.O..~. President P.A.L. Founder (President) P.A.L. Booster's - Presid~nL Boy's Club - gd. Dir. Optimist - Vice PresidenL Kiwanis - President Am. Le~.ion, \;FW41F~3 VFW "ditizenship Hedal" ~ YoF.I.'s Han of Year Award - YM_~#32 Sons of Italy AARP ' W.IJ. III Veteran Mediterranean Theatre Pee-Wee Baseball Presideni~ WORK EXPERIENCE Nayor, Vice Mayor - S.S.Fo P&R Co~!issioner. Police aoprox.. 25 years - Petired - SSF~Sb niW. Iransnort~tion - Many good thinqs ready to occur - Downtown Oedevelopment, more retail stores, white collar industry transJLion nearine reality, intermodal transportation center to merge land, rail, water transits -- make South San Francisco reqional Fer~-ev baet~emrminal, multi-story i~arking, r'eh~b older housin~q, Cornoration Yard expansion mlanned, expansion of City services - library, P&P,., swimmine~ ~ool, r~olice, fire equipment, and personnel, treatment plant able to satisfy Future needs. Present Council acLively oursuinq Dositive efforts cooperatively to allow City to fulfill true potential. Council is demandinc~. ~einm retired, I'm able to devote full time. Dated PRINTER'S COPY If additional space is required, attach supplemental sheet. If supPlemental sheet used, please sign supplemental Jsheet at bottom. I do not wish to file Candidate: Confer with officer conducting election regarding jurisdictio~'s requirements under the a statement. Voting Rights Act. If your jurisdiction is not covered, you have this option: r -il wish to have my statement translated and printed in Spanish in addition to the English with the understanding that I will pay the actual cost incurred. PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 10012.1, 10012, ELECTIONS CODE, I state that I prepared the above statement which is to be printed in a , voter's pamphlet and mailed to each registered voter of my District. I further state that if the cost of printing is the responsibility of the candidate that I will pay for my prorated cost of such statement at such ti~e as instructed by the officer conducting the election. (Address of Candidate) cANDIDATE'S STATEMENT ( ns Code 10012, 10012.1) As a candidate for_ City Co!mci ! iTi~ 6~c~ SOUG~T~ of the City o~ Sout!~ San Francisce (NAME OF LOCAL AGENCY, CITY, COUNTY OR DISTRICT~ General ?!unici~a! 71ectien at the ...... (TITLE OF EL~'~T~ON) ................. election to be held .... ,aa .... 19__1_, I submit the following statement: ELECTION~ER: FILL IN BLANKS MARKED BY STARS BEFORE RE- LEASING I~ /I)ISTRIBUTE COPIES OF S~UBMITTED FORM AS INDICATED AT BOTTO M'r-~'~ INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATi 1. Carefully read the Notice, below. 2. PLEASE TYPE your statement. Wh~t you submit is the printer's copy. Be sure that the second copy of this form is clear end legible, and shows all corrections. 3. Return the complete set to the officer conducting the election, either with Nomination Papers or if none, no later then 88 days before the election. The governing body conducting this election has deter- mined that the,~ost e. Lthe statement is the responsibility of CarlO1 ¢18 ~ the 'k'. The estimated cost~.~_Sp.d.t~ng end mailing the following statement is $ *t NOTICE TO CANDIDATE: This statement may include your age, occupation and a brief description of not more than 2~0 *words of your education and qualifications. All statements will be printed in a style determined by the governing body conducting the election. Please type, in upper and lower case. Your statement will be printed exactly as submitted by you: check carefully for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar before filing. ~eht~. R, Pe,~ n~ 47 (NAME:) ....................................................................... AGE: (Optional) Realtor,,"Bu,qines Occupation: (Optional) (May be more deacriptive than what will appear ~n~l~t~ * " n St. aL Education and Qualifications: {Statement starts here - please ~pe) , time~ I have South Scan City. qlean and ~rmonious City FORM E-909 (REV. 6-83) If additional space is required, attach supplemental sheet. If supplemental sheet used, please sign supplemental sheet at bottom. I do not wish to file Candidate: Confer with officer conducting ejection regarding iurisdiction's requirements under the a statement. Voting Rights Act. If your jurisdiction is not covered, you have this option: Eli wish to have my statement translated and printed in Spanish in addiftion to the English with the understanding that I will pay the actual cost incurred. PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 10012.1, 10012, ELECTIONS CODE, I state tha_t..Lprepnred_the above statement which is to be printed in a voter s pamphlet and mailed to each registered voter of my Distrj~tc t'f~'~J~er state th_~a!jf.fl~-~%ost of printing is the responsibility of the candidate that I will pay for my prorated cost of such stater~t at such time '~structed by the officer conducting the election. i ~ [ .......... {Address o{ Candidate) PRINTER'S COPY CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT (E~nsCode 10012, 10012.1) As a candidate for_ of the_ Ci t;:' of Sc,.uth San Francisco election to be held._ qovember .7~ (DATE) 19 $~ I submit the following statement: ELECTION,~"~CER: FILL IN BLANKS MARKED BY STARS BEFORE RE- LEASING ri p~STmBUTE COP~ES OF ~UBM~TTEO FORM ^S ~NO~CATED AT BOTTO~,~. / INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE 1. Carefully read the Notice, below. 2. PLEASE TYPE your statement. Whbt you submit is the printer's copy. Be sure that the second copy c~f this form is clear and legible, and shows all corrections. 3. Return the complete set to the o~ficer conducting the election, either with Nomination Papers or if none, no later than 88 days before the election. The governing body conducting this election has deter- mined that the~cos~ cif the statement is the responsibility of the Caf/(,1 C~t,m ~Ir. The estimated cos~mf. Rrimting and mailing the following statement is NOTICE TO CANDIDATE: This statement may include your age, occupation and a brief description of not more than ~0[! 'k words of your education and qualifications. All statements will be printed in a style determined by the governing body conducting the election. Please type, in upper and lower case. Your statement will be printed exactly as submitted by you: check carefully for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar before filing. , (NAME:) ....... _~_a_r_b_a_~__A_,_ £~ ~_tza_~~ ............................................. Occupation: ..... _C_i_t~v_ _C_l _e (Optional) (May be more descriptive than what will appear on ballot) Education and Qualifications: (Statement starts here - please type) Colleae of San ~!ateo [!niversity of San Francisco Academy Qm Stenonranhic Brts AGE:_ _~] (Optional) PROFESS IqN~L ~,ssGrIAT;~ONS: International Institute o¢ k'unicipal Clerks City Clerks Association of California C:'.i4fo~r~ia State $,ssociation o,¢ Local Elected C,¢i:icials Past ~resident, $oard of Pirectors South San Francisco Lions Club Board o¢ Directods EXPERIFqCE & 8UALIFICATIO!k¢: I was apuointed City Clerk in Auqust ]979, eleci~ed in April, !98q and "lovember, ]o,qs, after havino first served the City as Secretary te the Director of Finance. I a~ a :iotary Public for 6~e o¢ California, a Deputy ~enistrar o¢ Voters for San f~ateo Count!/ and a Competent Shorthand ~e~orter. !.~y backoround and experience have been oarticul,~rly u~pf~$1 in servine as your City (?lerk for the ~ast nine years. I have Iliound the job both challenqina and re~/ardin~.. Th~ tit,, £1ork'~ (~¢¢ire iq i~ qrirnarv contact with the citizens n.¢ ~outh San Francisco, and I look ¢orward to a continue'l association with eacl~ em ,re, u. Ymm qtl,nnnrt will itlqtlnP m City Clerk who is experienced in the needs o¢ the Office an¢ who is devoted to the needs o¢ the citizens. PRINTER'S COPY If additional space is required, attach supplemental sheet. If supplemental sheet used, please sign supplemental sheet at bottom. ~l I do not wish to file Candidate: Confer with officer conducting election regarding jurisdictioh's requirements under the a statement. Voting Rights Act. If your jurisdiction is not covered, you have this option: [~1 wish to have my statement translated and printed in Spanish in addition to the English with the understanding that I will pay the actual cost incurred. PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 10012.1, 10012, ELECTIONS CODE, I state that I prepared the above statement Which is to be printed in a voter's pamphlet and mailed to each registered voter of my District. I further state that if the cost of printing is the responsibility of the candidate that I will pay for my prorated cost of such statement at such time as instructed by the officer Conducting the election. August 7, ].q89 (Signmt .... fCand~late) ;./ F,~$,r.; S~ruce Ave., So. SanjFrancisco, CA (Address of Candidate) SEQUOIA PACIFIC cANDIDATE'S STATEMENT (EOns Code 10012, 10012.1) As a candidate for__i:~t:y Tr'easurer (TITLE OF OFFICE SOUGHT) ~ ~NAME OF LOCAL ~CY, GITY, COUNTY O~ DI~T~IGT) at the Gene~a]. h~li~jpa i ~/Lc.L:% ~ on (TITLE OF ELECTION) election to be held._N°ve:~ber ? (DATE) I submit the following statement: ELECTION ~'~ICER: FILL IN BLANKS MARKED BY STARS BEFORE RE- LEASING F~ ~DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF S~UBMITTED FORM AS INDICATED AT BOTTOk....,/ INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATI~ 1. Carefully read the Notice, below. 2. PLEASE TYPE your statement. WNat you submit is the printer's copy. Be sure that the second copy <~f this form is clear and ~egible, end shows all corrections. 3. Return the complete set to the officer conducting the election, either with Nomination Papers or i! none, no later than 88 days before the election. The governing body conducting this election has deter- mined that the cost of the statement is the responsibility of the C~P~i ~Rt~ ; 3l~'. The estimated cost ,~f>~,rir~,tjgg and mailing the following statement is $ ~.~.,,? · ,t ,. NOTICE TO CANDIDATE: This statement may include your age, occupation and a brief description of not more than ~PO * words of your education and qualifications. All statements will be printed in a style determined by the governing body conducting the election. Please type, in upper and lower case. Your statement will be printed exactly as submitted by you: check carefully for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar before filing. I (NAME:) __ _ _~_ _~_-_Ve_r_l_y_ ?,_o_n_~_~:~ ~_ ~ ~ _ '~'_o ?_~ ............................................ AGE ..... Ci tv T~?.surer (Optional) Occupation: __ - .................................................... = (Optional) {May be~s~r~ve than what will appear on ballot) Education and Qualifications: ~,DduA[ IOL. (Statement starts here - please ~pe) St. Mary's College, indian~ College of Notre Dame, Belmont -Business Administratio~ H~ Post Graduate Studies,uo~.~.e~,e" ~n ~ of' Notre ].)~me and San Jose State EXPI:N I]sNCE: -Deputy Cit'v *Pressurer ~ lC)!~1 uF~ -:Tit:/ ?i'sc~,:~'er'~ 10~;,~- '. T~'~-- =' ,,out}, S~n Francisco ~b~if'ied '~¢ ..... R q ~? r PS PROFESSIONAL ~,'~: ~MB~ .... n.~ : -~;a~ ..... ifornia Munici~al~, i'-._.~ ea,.mh ....... e~ o Association -Uunicipa! m ~' 's Associatio~, TM :' ' -Americarl Association of ind. ividual ~z~vesf, ors Cann da School Dist ric~ sin. ce 1965 As (~ity 2re~surer or this <lily, I Lave W~.rked to continue a sound investment philosophy that has produced a b.i['?'~ .~e,rei of retuFn while ~[u~,ranteein~ ~-~x[mum protection of your public do]_lars. , it has been r~, practic~ to base :investment of munic~oal funds on ~oruden~ and ~:~roven o?inciu!es of safety, liq',~:l, dity, and yield which nave 'produced stt'on~ results for okr City. investment instf-~:ments ~sed have include~ certificates o.? deposit, California Local ~ ~ : o~';'¥~ commercia] paper oi; +;,e highest re~';,~,~ t~anl<er'~ acceptances~ and co]]mteralized repurchase a?/i.eements. 1% nas also been possible to expand our invest;~ents to local 7inat,cial iNstitu%i, ons i t:~ank you for !tON2' meSt confi~let'~ce and ask for If additional space is required, attach supplemental sheet. If supplemental sheet used, please sign supplemental sheet at bottom. I do not wish to file Candidate: Confer with officer conducting election regarding iurisdiction's requirements under the ~ a statement. Voting Rights Act. If your jurisdiction is not covered, you have this option: r.--~ i wish to have my statement translated and printed in Spanish in add!lion to the English with the understanding that I will pay the actual cost incurred. [PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 10012.1, 10012, ELECTIONS CODE, I state that I prepared the above statement which is to be printed in a voter's pamphlet and mailed to each registered voter of my District. I further state that if the cost of printinc, is the responsibility of the candidate that I will pay for my prorated cost of such statement at such time as instructed by the officer conducting the election. ~{11~'! ~3'k ~-L ) ~ (Signature of Candidate) FORM E-909 (REV. 6-83) PRINTER'S COPY (Address of Candidate) SEQUOIA PACIFIC : Argument in Favor of Measure C Measure C provides the City of South San Francisco and its residents an opportunity to create a conference center at no cost to local taxpayers. This measure enables us to hold onto monies gradually being lost to the hotel industry on the southern Peninsula. The hotel business is extremely competitive. Neighboring communities are undergoing aggressive hotel and meeting facility expansions and are posting record profits. Our own local hotel industry has produced almost $7 million in city revenues over the past 5 years. These unrestricted dollars go directly to community services such as libraries, street maintenance, parks and recreation, police and fire. In order to protect this revenue source we must compete in this market place. A South City conference center would allow us to do so. A prime site has become available on our South Airport Boulevard hotel row within wa~flcing distance of more than 1,700 existing hotel rooms. This site is immediately adjacent to Highway 101, is seconds from San Francisco International Airport and has adequate parking. A surcharge of $2.50 on the hotel room rate will allow us to finance a facility capable of handling meetings of up to 1,500 people or small trade shows. This is a conservative proposal based on existing hotel rooms and is not dependent on more than 300 rooms already approved but not yet constructed. Measure C- South San Francisco's chance to establish a local conference center at no cost to taxpayers -- has the overwhelming endorsement of our hotel operators, restaurant owners, business and civic leaders. A conference center has long been a civic dream. It's time to stop dreaming, South San Francisco. Let's go for it! Vote Yes on Measure C Nov. 7. I hereby declare my consent to use my name in ballot arguments and other material published in favor of South San Francisco Measure C to appear on the Nov. 7, 1989 municipal election ballot. This measure levies a $2.50 transient occupancy tax surcharge to finance and operate a South San Francisco conference center. I am a registered voter in the City of South San Francisco. Name as it appears on voter registration Name as it is to appear in ballot arguments Name as it appears on voter registration Name as it appears on voter registration Name as it appears on voter registration Name as it appears on voter registration Signature/Date Name as it is to appear in ballot arguments Name as it is t appe . in ballot arguments Name as it is to appear in ballot arguments Name a~a~ppear in ballot firffirlfiEnts Signature/Date Signature/tJate ! IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BY CITY ATTORNEY This ballot measure would adopt an ordinance authorizing an increase in the existing South San Francisco transient occupancy tax. The transient Occupancy tax is the tax paid by occupants of hotel rooms. At present, the transient occupancy tax is eight percent of the room rate. The money generated! by the tax goes into the general fund and is used for general city purposes. The revenue generated by the existing tax would not be affected by the ballot measure. That money would still go into the general fund and be used for general city purposes. Under the proposed ordinance, an additional two dollars and fifty cents would be charged to those who rent hotel rooms, regardless of the base room rate. The additional money generated by the proposed tax would be earmarked specifically for expenses related to establishing and'operating a conference center in the City of South San Francisco. Adoption of this ordinance would not increase the taxes paid by residents and property owners in the City of South San Francisco. The people who would be subject to the tax are those who rent a room at a hotel or motel for lodging on a short term bas. is. The ordinance proposed by this ballot measure would be adopted if approved by two-thirds of those electors voting on the measure at the November 7, 1989 election. A "yes" vote authorizes an increase in the transient occupancy tax, as outlined above. A "no" vote would not permit an increase to the transient occupancy tax. FULL TEXT OF MEASURE C AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4.20 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TO FUND A CONFERENCE CENTER THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 4.20.035 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code added A new section, Section 4.20.035 is hereby added to the South San Francisco Municipal Code to read: Section 4.20.035 Conference Center tax imposed Notwithstanding any fee, tax, assessment or other charge for the privilege of occupancy in any hotel, each transient is subject to and shall pay a two dollars and fifty cents tax, the proceeds of which shall be devoted to the acquisition, renovation, maintenance, and operation of a conference center facility in the city. The tax constitutes a debt owed by the transient to the city which is extinguished only by payment to the operator or to the city. The transient shall pay the tax to the operator of the hotel at the time the rent is paid. If the rent is paid in installments, a proportionate share of the tax shall be paid with each installment. The unpaid tax shall be due upon the transient's ceasing to occupy space in the hotel. If for any reason the tax due is not paid to the operator of the hotel, the tax administrator may require that such tax shall be paid directly to the tax administrator. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be adopted, if approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the measure, at an election to be held November 7, 1989, and shall go into effect ten (10) days after the City Council has by resolution declared that such ballot measure was approved by two-thirds of the voters voting thereon. This ordinance was introduced and approved at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held on July 12, 1989, for submission to the voters at an election to be held on November 7, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Mark N. Addieqo, Jack Draqo, Richard A. Haffe¥. Gus Nicolopulos, and Mayor Roberta Cerri Teqlia NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None V~'ATTEST: /s/ Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk Submitted to the voters and approved by a vote of as declared by Resolution No. of the City Council, dated 1989. As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this day of , 1989. Mayor -2- Argument in Favor of Measure C Measure C provides the City of South San Francisco and its residents an opportunity to create a conference center at no cost to local taxpayers. This measure enables us to hold onto monies gradually being lost to the hotel industry on the southern Peninsula. The hotel business is extremely competitive. Neighboring communities are undergoing aggressive hotel and meeting facility expansions and are posting record profits. Our own local hotel industry has produced almost $7 million in city revenues over the past 5 years. These unrestricted dollars go directly to community services such as libraries, street maintenance, parks and recreation, police and fn'e. In order to protect this revenue source we must compete in this market place. A South City conference center would allow us to do so. A prime site has become available on our South Airport Boulevard hotel rmv within walldng distance of more than 1,700 existing hotel rooms. This site is immediately adjacent to Highway 101, is seconds from San Francisco International Airport and has adequate parking. A surcharge of $2.50 on the hotel room rate will allow us to finance a facility capable of handling meetings of up to 1,500 people or small trade shows. This is a conservative proposal based on existing hotel rooms and is not dependent on more than 300 rooms already approved but not yet constructed. Measure C -- South San Francisco's chance to establish a local conference center at no cost to taxpayers -- has the overwhelming endorsement of our hotel operators, restaurant owners, business and civic leaders. A conference center has long been a civic dream. It's time to stop dreaming, South San Francisco. Let's go for it! Vote Yes on Measure C Nov. 7. /s/ Roberta Cerri Teglia /s/ Mark Neal Addiiego Roberta Cerri Teglia, Mayor Mark N. Addiego, Councilman City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco /s/ Dennis H. Rosaia Dennis H. Rosaia Local Businessman /s/ Mrs. Tisbe Bertolucci Tisbe "Mama" Bertolucci Restaurateur, Bertol ucci ' s /s/ Leo Padreddii Leo Padreddi i Fi rst Vice-President San Mateo County Fair Board NO ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS MEASURE WAS SUBMITTED ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS Argurn~nt in Favor of Measure C Measure C provides the City of South San Francisco and its residents an opportunity to create a conference center at no cost to local taxpayers. This measure enables us to hold onto monies gradually being lost to the hotel industry on the southern Peninsula. The hotel business is extremely competitive. Neighboring communities are undergoing aggressive hotel and meeting facility expansions and are posting record profits. Our own local hotel industry has produced almost $7 million in city revenues over the past 5 years. These unrestricted dollars g9 directly to community services such as libraries, street maintenance, parks and recreauon, police and fu'e. In order to protect this revenue some we must compete in this market place. A South City conference center would allow us to do so. A prime site has become available on our South Airport Boulevard hotel row within walking distance of more than 1,700 existing hotel rooms. This site is immediately adjacent to Highway 101, is seconds from San Francisco International Airport and I~as adequate parking. A surcharge of $2.50 on the hotel room rate will allow us to finance a facility capable of handling meetings of up to 1,500 people or small trade shows. This is a conservative proposal based on existing hotel rooms and is not dependent on more than 300 rooms already approved but not yet constracted. Measure C -- South San Francisco's chance to establish a local conference center at no cost to taxpayers -- has the overwhelming endorsement of our hotel operators, restaurant owners, business and civic leaders. A conference center has long been a civic dream. It's time to stop dreaming, South San Francisco. Let's go for it! Vote Yes on Measure C Nov. 7. /S/ Roberta Cerri Teglia Mark/~/. Mark Neal Addiego Roberta Cerri Teglia, Mayor Addiego, Councilman City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco /s/ Dennis H. Rosaia Dennis H. Rosaia Local Businessman /s/ Mrs. Ti sbe Bertolucci Tisbe "Mama" Bertolucci Restaurateur, Bertol ucci ' s /s/ Leo Padreddii Leo Padreddi i Fi rst Vice-President San Mateo County Fair Board NO ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS MEASURE WAS SUBMITTED ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS Argument in Favor of Measure C Measure C provides the City of South San Francisco and its residents an opportunity to create a conference center at no cost to local taxpayers. This measure enables us to hold onto monies gradually being lost to the hotel industry on the southern Peninsula. The hotel business is extremely competitive. Neighboring communities are undergoing agg-ressive hotel and meeting facility expansions and are posting recoml profits. Our own local hotel industry has produced almost $7 million in city revenues over the past 5 years. These unrestricted dollars go directly to community services such as libraries, street maintenance, parks and recreation, police and fmc. In order to protect this revenue source we must compete in this market place. A South City conference center would allow us to do so. A prime site has become available on our South Airport Boulevard hotel row within xvalk/ng distance of more than 1,700 existing hotel rooms. This site is immediately adjacent to Highway 101, is seconds from San Francisco International Airport and has adequate parldng. A surcharge of $2.50 on the hotel room rate will allow us to f'mance a facility capable of handling meetings of up to 1,500 people or small trade shows. This is a conservative proposal based on existing hotel rooms and is not dependent on more than 300 rooms already approved but not yet constructed. Measure C -- South San Francisco's chance to establish a local conference center at no cost to taxpayers -- has the overwhelming endorsement of our hotel operators, restaurant owners, business and civic leaders. A conference center has long been a civic dream. It's time to stop dreaming, South San Francisco. Let's go for it! Vote Yes on Measure C Nov. 7. /s/ Roberta Cerri Teglia /s/ Mark Neal Addiego RoDerta Cerri Teglia, Mayor Mark N. Addiego, Councilman City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco /s/ Dennis H. Rosaia Dennis H. Rosaia Local Businessman /s/ Mrs. Tisbe Bertolucci Ti sbe "Mama" Bertolucci Restaurateur, Bertolucci's /s/ Leo Padreooii Leo PaOreodii First Vice-Presidlent San Mateo County Fair Board NO ARGUMENTS PROPOSED ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS MEASURE WAS SUBMITTED IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: July 12, 1989 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City Attorney Transient Occupancy Tax Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council waive reading, introduce and approve the ordinance for submission to the voters. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: At the request of hotel operators, Council has indicated a willingness to increase by $2.50 the transient occupancy tax paid by individuals who rent hotel rooms. Under state law such a tax increase must be submitted to the voters. Earlier on this agenda Council dealt with calling the November 7, 1989 election. In conjunction with that action, Council should approve the ordinance for submission to the voters. The measure which would appear on the ballot is what appears in the election resolution. The ordinance language is what would become a part of the Municipal Code. Both the measure and the ordinance language will appear in the voter's pamphlets. Because the tax is subject to two-thirds voter approval, the Council introduces and approves the ordinance for submission to the voters, and adoption occurs if the voters approve it. By: ~/~~ ../~, .x/~.~~ Approved: ~,~ Valerie J~mento City Attorney Attachment: Ordinance Jesus Armas City Manager CENTRAL- RECORI:3~ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4.20 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TO FUND A CONFERENCE CENTER THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 4.20.035 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code added A new section, Section 4.20.035 is hereby added to the South San Francisco Municipal Code to read: Section 4.20.035 Conference Center tax imposed Notwithstanding any fee, tax, assessment or other charge for the privilege of occupancy in any hotel, each transient is subject to and shall pay a two dollars and fifty cents tax, the proceeds of which shall be devoted to the acquisition, renovation, maintenance, and operation of a conference center facility in the city. The tax constitutes a debt owed by the transient to the city which is extinguished only by payment to the operator or to the city. The transient shall pay the tax to the operator of the hotel at the time the rent is paid. If the rent is paid in installments, a proportionate share of the tax shall be paid with each installment. The unpaid tax shall be due upon the transient's ceasing to occupy space in the hotel. If for any reason the tax due is not paid to the operator of the hotel, the tax administrator may require that such tax shall be paid directly to the tax administrator. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deeme~ severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be adopted, if approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the measure, at an election to be held November 7, 1989, and shall go into effect ten (10) days after the City Council has by resolution declared that such ballot measure was approved by two-thirds of the voters voting thereon. CENTRAL RECORIC)~ FILE NO. ~" ~ o ~' % This ordinance was introduced and approved at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, held on July 12, 1989, for submission to the voters at an election to be held on November 7, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Councilmembers Mark N. Addieqo, Jack Draqo, Richard A. Haffe¥. Gus Nicolopulos, and Mayor Roberta Cerri Teqlia None None None V~ATTEST: /s/ Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk Submitted to the voters and approved by a vote of as declared by Resolution No. of the City Council, dated 1989. As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this day of , 1989. Mayor -2- Date: July 12, 1989 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council From: City Clerk Subject: General Municipal Election November 7, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a Resolution which declares the date of Municipal Election for 1989; proposes a ballot measure; requests cm states the hours during which the polls shall be open; orders publi notice of election; requests County Clerk election services; and au' filing of an impartial analysis. the General ~solidation; :ation of a :horizes the DISCUSSION: The attached Resolution declares the date of the general municipal election; state the hours during which the polls shall be open; contain the notice to be published of the subject election; proposes a ballot measure; orders the filing of an impartial analysis; and authorize a service agreement with the County Clerk to perform certain functions for the City in preparing for the election, i.e., consolidation of precincts, group purchase of supplies, and the processing of absentee ballots. The City Council at their June 28, 1989 meeting directed a ballot measure be agendized to place before the electorate a measure to increase the transient occupancy tax (hotel tax). The recommendation is predicated on a measure appearing on the November Election. Should the Council decide not to place the measure before the voters, the resolution would be revised accordingly. Compared to the last municipal election, a greater election cost is anticipated for the City due to the South San Francisco Unified School Board and other School and Special Districts having chosen to consolidate their elections with the statewide or general election. Budget for this purpose. Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk Attachments: Funds have been included in the/~9-90 City Manager Resolution, Notice of Election, and Service Contract CENTRAL RECORDS FILE NO. 5--~ Oi AS/SS 202 9/84 1M RESOLUTION NO. 101-89 CITY COUNCIL~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO; STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE DATE OF THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR 1989, PROPOSING A BALLOT MEASURE, REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION, ESTABLISHING THE HOURS DURING WHICH THE POLLS SHALL BE OPEN, ORDERING PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF ELECTION, REQUESTING THE COUNTY CLERK TO RENDER ELECTION SERVICES, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the Municipal Election for the City of South San Francisco shall be held in accordance with the Elections Code and Government Code of the State of California on November 7, 1989; for the following offices: City Councilmember, City of South San Francisco - full term City Councilmember, City of South San Francisco - full term City Councilmember, City of South San Francisco - full term City Clerk, City of South San Francisco - full term City Treasurer, City of South San Francisco - full term BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following measure is to be submitted to the voters: MEASURE: Shall the City Council amend the South San Francisco Municipal Code to increase the transient occupancy tax (hotel tax paid by patrons) by two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) and use this revenue to acquire, renovate, maintain and operate a conference center in the City of South San Francisco? BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo is hereby requested pursuant to Section 23302 of the Elections Code and other applicable sections to consolidate the Municipal Election and to apply all provisions of law applicable to consolidated elections. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the hours during which the polls shall be open shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and the City Clerk and other officers shall give the required notices as set forth in the Elections Code and Government Code. CEi"~TRAL RECORDS BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that: 1. The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo is requested to permit the County Clerk to render the services hereinafter specified, and the County Clerk is authorized and delegated to perform these duties relating to the conduct of the Municipal Election. 2. The election services requested by the City are more particularly set forth in Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated, and the City accepts and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of the performance of election services and the payments therefor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that: 1. The City Clerk is hereby directed to submit to the City Attorney a certified copy of the Ordinance Amending Chapter 4.20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to Increase the Transient Occupancy Tax to Fund a Conference Center. The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to prepare an impartial analysis of the Ordinance showing the effect of the measure on the existing law. The analysis shall not exceed 500 words in length and shall otherwise comply in all respects with the applicable provisions of the Elections Code. The deadline date for the submittal of the analysis shall be July 28, 1989. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file with the Board of Supervisors a certified copy of this resolution and of the Ordinance Amending Chapter 4.20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to Increase the Transient Occupancy Tax to Fund a Conference Center on or before August 11, 1989. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 12th day of July , 1989, by the to) mowing vote: AYES: Councilmembers Mark N. Addiego, Jack Drago, Richard A. Ha,ffey, Gus Nicolopulos, and Mayor Roberta Cerri Teglia NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ~ATTEST: /s/ Barbara A. Bat:taya City Clerk : -2- EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION N0.1~.-89 SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CONSOLIDATED WITH NOVEMBER SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD AND CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS The County Clerk will perform all legal actions and services for the conduct of the election except the following: SPECIFIED ELECTION ACTIONS OR SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY CLERK Request the Board of Supervisors through the County Clerk to consolidate with the November 7th election and request services of County Clerk. Deadline to request consolidation and services of County Clerk is 88 days prior to the election or August 11. If a measure(s) is to be voted on, mxact wording of measure(s) must be filed by the 88th day prior to election. Note: Cities who have changed their Municipal Election date to the November School Governing Board and Consoli- dated Elections may have already had their Municipal Election consolidated by Board of Supervisor action. However, if the City is adding measure(s) to the ballot, the City would be required to request through the County Clerk that the measure(s) be consolidated with exact wording of measure(s) by the 88th day prior to election. 2. Legal Publications: All legal publications are the responsibility of the City Clerk including but not limited to: Notice of Election, Notice to File Arguments For or Against, List of Nominees, etc. Note: County Clerk will publish Election Officer and Polling Place Notice one time in adjudicated newspaper. ClrNTRAL RF..GORD~ 3. Nomination PaD. rs: City Clerk is to issue, file and check all Nomination Documents. City Clerk is to certify List of Official Candidates (including number to be elected), exact way each name is to appear on ballot and the ballot designation to the County Clerk at least 81 days prior to election. The deadline to file this certification is August 18. City Clerk is to prepare and deliver to the printer the ballot pamphlet containing, if applicable, ballot measure(s) anaylsis of measure(s), arguments for or against, rebuttals thereto and candidate's statements (statement of qualifica- tions). Due date of this material in its final form to be at the San Mateo Times Printers by September 18th to be inserted into the Sample Ballot Pamphlet· City Clerk is to advise County Clerk if any Write-In Candidate officially files a Declaration of Candidacy. Notification is required as soon as possible, but in no case no later than the 14th day prior to the election or October 24. TERMS AND CONSIDERATION This schedule shall be in effect for the performance of all services incident to the preparation and conduct of the City of South San Franc4$co Municipal Election consolidated with the School Governing Board and Consolidated Elections to be held November 7, 1989, except services listed as required by City Clerk. In the event the County is unable to perform services required under this Agreement, as a result of employer/employee relation conditions, vendor conditions or other conditions beyond the control of the County Clerk, the County will be relieved of all obligations under this Agreement. CENTRAL Consideration: In consideration of the performance of services and supplies provided by the County Clerk, the City of South San Francisco shall pay to the County Clerk a sum equal to the actual cost ~uch services and supplies. /s/ Barbara A. Battaya Signature City Clerk Title July 12, 1989 Date sta ,t Date: July 12, 1989 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council From: City Clerk Subject: General Municipal Election November 7, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a Resolution which declares the date of the General Municipal Election for 1989; proposes a ballot measure; requests con:solidation; states the hours during which the polls shall be open; orders publication of a notice of election; requests County Clerk election services; and aut!horizes the filing of an impartial analysis. DISCUSSION: The attached Resolution declares the date of the general municipal election; state the hours during which the polls shall be open; contain the notice to be published of the subject election; proposes a ballot measure; orders the filing of an impartial analysis; and authorize a service agreement with the County Clerk to perform certain functions for the City in preparing for the election, i.e., consolidation of precincts, group purchase of supplies, and the processing of absentee ballots. The City Council at their June 28, 1989 meeting directed a ballot measure be agendized to place before the electorate a measure to increase the transient occupancy tax (hotel tax). The recommendation is predicated on a measure appearing on the November Election. Should the Council decide not to place the measure before the voters, the resolution would be revised accordingly. Compared to the last municipal election, a greater election cost is anticipated for the City due to the South San Francisco Unified School Board and other School and Special Districts having chosen to consolidate their elections with the statewide or general election. Budget for this purpose. Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk Funds have been included in the 1989-90 City Manager Attachments: Resolution, Notice of Election, and Service Contract AS/SS 202 9/84 1M CENTRAL REGORIi~ FILE NO. __ ~ ''/o ~ CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) in South San Francisco Enterprise Journal This space~["~ [Vu~lerk's Filing Stamp RC£ STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Mated I am a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the County aforesaid, over the age of eighteen years, and ota party to or interested in the above-entitled matter ~d i am during and at all said times, the Principal Clerk of the Printer and Publisher of South San Francisco Enterprise Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published twice weekly in the City of SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, County of San Mated, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Mated, State of California, under the date of December 30, 1952, Case Number 60036; that the notice, of Which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to- wit: Wednesday, July 26; Aug. 2, 1989 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tree and correct. Dated at South San Francisco, California, this 2nd day of August , 19_ 89 Deni se Brewer /s/By Certificate of Publication ELECTION NOTICE--GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ELECTION NOTICE A GENERAL MUNICII'A~ ELECTION OF TIlE CITY OF SOUTIt SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE IlELD TUESDAY, TIlE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1989 AND TIldE FOLLOWING OFFICES WILL APPEAR ON Tile BALLOT: MEMBER OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF TIlE CITY (~OUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF TIIE CITY (~OUNCIL -- FULl. TERM (4 YEARS) CITY CLERK -- FULl, TERM (4 YEARS) CITY TREASURER -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) All forms required for n,mination to elec- tide office shall be furnished by the City Clerk at 400 Grand Avenue, So. San Francisco, CA 94(180, beginning Monday, .lul~ 17, 1989 with- out charge during regular business hours (EC 22842). Please call (415) 877~8518 for further information. Nnmination closes Friday, Augnst 11, 1989, at 5:01) p.m. There will be a five day extension of the nomination pcriod if an incumbent does not file for office -- which date is Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. To be eligible to hold office one must be an elector of the City when assuming such office, and be a regislered voter of the City at the time nomination papers are issned to thc candidate (GC36502 and EC 22842). Appointment to each elective office will be made pursuant to Election COde 23520 in the event there are no nominees]~r an insuficient number of nominees for such o~fice. MEASURF~ StlALL TIlE CITY COUNCIL AMEND TIlE SOUTII SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE 'FILE TItANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX (ttOTEL TAX PAID BY PATRONS)BY TWO I)OLLARS AND FIFI~Y CENTS ($2.50) AND USE TIIIS REVENUE TO ACQUIEE, RENO- VATE, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A CONI~ERENCE CENTER IN TIlE CITY OF SOUTIt SAN FRANCISCO? The POLLS shall be opened at 7:01) a.m. and shall be kepi. open ontil 8:1)O p.m. of said day when the polls shall be closed, except as other- wise provided in Section 143{)1 of the Election Code. ARGUMENTS in support of the measure shall be filed with the City Clerk o~1 or before August 14, 1989, and REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS shall be filed with the City Clerk un or befure August 24, 1989. By order of the City Cooncil of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mated, State of California, at a Regular Meeting held on July 12, 1989. /s/BARBARA A. BATTAYA City Clerk City of S0nth San Francisco CERTIFICATE OF PUBI./CATI( Dated: J.ly 13, 1989 Published in Enterprise Joul'nal, ~.~N~'i~5,~,L~ ~C-{~~ Wednesday, July 26; August 2, 1989 (13072Fm) CITY CLERK July 13, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P945627213 Richard Silver, Clerk San Mateo County Board of Supervisors County Government Center 401 Marshall Street Redwood City, CA 94063 Re: Request for Consolidation with the November 7, 1989 UDEL Election, and a Ballot Measure for the City South San Francisco Dear Mr. Silver: Please find enclosed certified copi'es of: Certified copy of Resolution No. 101-89, "A Resolution Declaring the Date of the Municipal Election for 1989, Proposing a Ballot Measure, Reqeusting Consolidation, Establishing the Hours During Which the Polls Shall be Open, Ordering Publication of a Notice of Election, Requesting the County Clerk to Render Election Services, and Authorizing the Filing of an Impartial Analysis" Notice of Election to be published July 26th and August 2, 1989 Fully executed service contract with the County Clerk Certified copy of "An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4.20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to Increase the Transient Occupancy Tax to Fund a Conference Center", (which shall be adopted if approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the measure at the November 7, 1989 election) If this Office can be of further assistance please call. Very truly yours, Barbara A. Battaya Enclosures cc: County Clerk Warren Slocum 400 GPJ~ND AVENUE - P.O. BOX 7~. - ~4083 (TFY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INTEr -OFFICE MEMORANoUM I)ATE: TO: SUB.IE('T: FROM: July 13, 1989 .. City Atto]rney __~ Ordinance tn lncrea.q~ Transient Occupancy Ta/c_-_Ballot Measure City Clerk I am enclosing a certified copy of "An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4.20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to Increase the Transient Occupancy Tax to Fund a .. Conference Center." Barbara A. Battaya Enclosure SS/205/9/86 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK (415) 877-8518 July 13, 1989 Ms. Pat Bryan San Mateo Times P. O. Box 5400 San Mateo, CA 94402 Subject: Legal Publication for the Enterprise Journal - NOTICE OF ELECTION November 7, 1989 Dear Ms. Bryan: Enclosed for publication in the South San Francisco Enterprise Journal is the above mentioned Notice of Election. Please Publish on: Wednesday, July 26, 1989 Wednesday, August 2, 1989 Please acknowledge receipt of this advertisement by signing below and send a Proof of Publication to this Office. Very truly yours, Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk Enclosures The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the above referenced notice. South San Francisco Enterprise Journal 400 GRNtD AVENUE - P.O. BOX 711 - 94083 ELECTION NOTICE A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989 AND THE FOLLOWING OFFICES WILL APPEAR ON THE BALLOT: MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM {4 YEARS} MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY CLERK -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY TREASURER -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) All forms required for nomination to elective office shall be furnished by the City Clerk at 400 Grand Avenue, So. San Francisco, CA 94080, beginning Monday, July 17, 1989 without charge during regular business hours (EC 22842). Please call {415) 877-8518 for further information. Nomination closes Friday, August 11, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. There will be a five day extension of the nomination period if an incumbent does not file for office - which date is Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. To be eligible to hold office one must be an elector of the City when assuming such office, and be a registered voter of the City at the time nomination papers are issued to the candidate (GC 36502 and EC 22842}. Appointment to each elective office will be made pursuant to Election Code 23520 in the event there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for such office. MEASURE SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX (HOTEL TAX PAID BY PATRONS) BY TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($2.50) AND USE THIS REVENUE TO ACQUIRE, RENOVATE, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A CONFERENCE CENTER IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO? The POLLS shall be opened .at 7:00 a.m. and shall be kept open until 8:00 p.m. of said day when the polls shall be closed, except as otherwise provided in Section 14301 of the Elections Code. ARGUMENTS in support of the measure shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before August 14, 1989, and REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before August 24, 1989. By order of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, at a Regular Meeting held on July 12, 1989. /s/ Barbara A. Battaya City Clerk City of South San Francisco Dated: July 13, 1989 CE[~tT~AL RECORE)~' FIlE NO. ~_~-~/o ~ ELECTION NOTICE A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989 AND THE FOLLOWING OFFICES WILL APPEAR ON THE BALLOT: MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY CLERK -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY TREASURER -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) All forms required for nomination to elective office shall be furnished by the City Clerk at 400 Grand Avenue, So. San Francisco, CA 94080, beginning Monday, July 17, 1989 without charge during regular business hours (EC 22842). Please call (415) 877-8518 for further information. Nomination closes Friday, August 11, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. There will be a five day extension of the nomination period if an incumbent does not file for office - which date is Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. To be eligible to hold office one must be an elector of the City when assuming such office, and be a registered voter of the City at the time nomination papers are issued to the candidate (GC 36502 and EC 22842). Appointment to each elective office will be made pursuant to Electio!n Code 23520 in She event there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for such office. MEASURE SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX (HOTEL TAX PAID BY PATRONS) BY TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($2.50) AND USE THIS REVENUE TO ACQUIRE, RENOVATE, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A CONFERENCE CENTER IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO? The POLLS shall be opened at 7:00 a.m. and shall be kept open until 8:00 p.m. of said day when the polls shall be closed, except as otherwise provided in Section 14301 of the Elections Code. ARGUMENTS in support of the measure shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before August 14, 1989, and REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before August 24, 1989. By order of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, at a Regular Meeting held on July 12, 1989. Dated: July 13, 1989 ELECTION NOTICE A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989 AND THE FOLLOWING OFFICES WILL APPEAR ON THE BALLOT: MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY CLERK -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY TREASURER -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) All forms required for nomination to elective office shall be furnished by the City Clerk at 400 Grand Avenue, So. San Francisco, CA 94080, beginning Monday, July 17, 1989 without charge during regular business hours (EC 22842). Please call (415) 877-8518 for further information. Nomination closes Friday, August 11, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. There will be a five day extension of the nomination period if an incumbent does not file for office - which date is Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. To be eligible to hold office one must be an elector of the City when assuming such office, and be a registered voter of the City at the time nomination papers are issued to the candidate (GC 36502 and EC 22842). Appointment to each elective office will be made pursuant to Election Code 23520 in the event there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for such office. MEASURE SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX (HOTEL TAX PAID BY PATRONS) BY TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($2.50) AND USE THIS REVENUE TO ACQUIRE, RENOVATE, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A CONFERENCE CENTER IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO? The POLLS shall be opened at 7:00 a.m. and shall be kept open until 8:00 p.m. of said day when the polls shall be closed, except as otherwise provided in Section 14301 of the Elections Code. ARGUMENTS in support of the measure shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before August 14, 1989, and REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before August 24, 1989. By order of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, at a Regular Meeting held on July 12, 1989. Barbara A. Battaya, City ~erk City of South San Francisco Dated: July 13, 1989 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE CENTER Location : Size : Occupancy : Costs: : Revenue : Proposal : Former site of Berkey Photo Lab (103 Wondercolor Lane) 35,000 square foot facility Estimated to accommodate up to 1500 persons in main hall, with opportunity to serve smaller number in various meeting rooms. Initial : $3.5 million renovation expenses On-Going: $1.7 million annually to maintain and operate facility, and repay finance costs associated with renovation expenses. $1.7 million annually based on following: $1.2 million hotel tax revenue .5 million facility rental income Levy $2.50 fee per room per night, with the revenue used to maintain and operate facility CENTRAL RECORDfm F~'ILE NO..-............... ELECTION CALENDAR []DEL ELECTIONS - NOVEMBER 7, 1989 Days Prior to Election 120 - 90 (suggested) Date * July 10 - Aug. 9 Action Publish Notice of Election one time (time of Election, offices to be filled, etc.) and Notice of Measures to be voted on (if any). Gov't. Code 6061. EC 22830, 22835, 23511, 23520. Education Code 5326 & 5363 113 - 88 July 17 - Aug. 11 Nomination Period. Gov't. Code 36503.7, EC 23302.5. (Nomination papers signed by minimum 20, maximum 30. EC 22836) Municipal only. 88 August 11 Last day to request County Clerk to provide services. EC 22003 Last day for local entity to request Board of Supervisors for consolidation. EC 23302 84 August 15 (suggested) Publish Notice to file Arguments for or Against Measure (if any). EC 3784 83 August 16 82 August 17 Close of extended Nomination Period for non-incumbent to file if incumbent does not file. ED Code 5012.5, EC 235~.5 & 22840.5 Random alphabet drawing by Secretary of State. EC 10217 81 August 18 Deadline to file with County Clerk the names of candidates to be on ballot. EC 23302 81 August 18 (suggested) Deadline to file Primary Arguments (if any). 71 August 28 (suggested) Deadline to file Rebuttal Arguments. It is suggested that a publication of Notice of Election be made prior to ~pening of nomination period. Municipal Code calls for publication 89 - 75 days. EC 22830 Election Calendar - UDEL Elections - November 7, 1989 (continued) Days Prior To Election 63 Date September 5 Action If no one or only one person has been nominated for an office, City Clerk makes publication of such facts and City Council may appoint nominee(s). EC 22843.5 61 September 7 Publish list of nominees twice, 5 days apart. EC 22833 61 September 7 Last day for public examination of proposed measure(s) and argument(s). EC 5025 29 October 9 * October 10 Absentee voter balloting opens. EC 1002 Voter registration closes. EC 301 20 October 18 Deadline to publish list of Election Officers and Polling Places. EC 22834 14 October 24 7 October 31 Deadline to file as Write-in Candidate. EC 7301 Regular period for Absentee voting closes. EC 1002 0 November 7 Election Day. November 20 Deadline for County Clerk to certify official canvass of the vote. EC 17088 * October 9th - State Holiday 6/89 ELECTION TIMETABLE FOR THE NOVEMBER 11, 1989 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 132th day Wednesday, June 28, 1989 Council to adopt a resolution callin§ for the election, stating offices to be filled plus any measures; adopt a Resolution requesting special eleCtion ser- vices from the County Clerk. 120th day Monday, July 10, 1989 Last day to submit Resolution to Board of Supervisors for an elec- tion consolidated with UDEL (Ed. Code 5324). 120th day Monday, July 10, 1989 Last day to change rules for cand- idates statements by legislative body, i.e., from 200 to 400 words; estimated cost of $250.00 increased or at no cost to the candidate. 118th day Wednesday, July 12, 1989 Clerk publishes Notice of Election with offices to be filled, measures, etc. 113th day Monday, July 17, 1989 Nomination Period Begins. 88th day Friday, August 11, 1989 Nomination Closes at 5:00 p.m. 83rd day Wednesday, August 16, 1989 Extension period in the event an Incumbent does not run for office. 82nd day Thursday, August 17, 1989 Randomized drawing by the Secretary of State. 40th day Thursday, Sept. 28, 1989 Adopt resolution appointing pre- cinct boards and polling places. - 28th day* Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1989 Adopt resolution of official can- vas o * Approximate Council meeting date, since it is not know when the canvas of votes will be completed. Office of the County Cie_x-Recorder I ECEIVED WARREN SLOCUM COUNTY CLERK-RECO~F~ NTY SA.N 1 .00 COU . AT HAL ST,CE ,ECORDS.R WOOD C,TY CAL,FO BRANCH OFFICE 40 TOWER ROAD, SAN MATEO ~.~' F~;~N~}~/j73-2081 ELECTION DIVISION MAUREEN GROVER CHIEF DEPUTY June 6, 1989 Valerie J. Armento City Attorney City of South San Francisco 315 MaPle Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94083 Dear Ms. Armento: In response to your letter dated June 1, 1989, I have recently talked to Barbara Battaya and she has relayed the following information to me. She is currently in the process of preparing all necessary documents as well as establishing a calendar of events relating to the upcoming election to be held on November 7, 1989. I suggest that you contact her to avoid conflicting information and time frames. I can, however, tell you that if the City of South San Francisco is considering putting a Measure on the November Ballot, you would need to request the County to provide services (Elections Code Section 22003), as well as filing a Resolution requesting consolidation (Elections Code Section 23302) by August 11, 1989. Although the City is scheduled to hold its regular election for candidates on that date, any additional offices or Measures would be treated as a separate election. Also see Elections Code Section 23301.5 regarding consolidation procedures for additional clarification. With regards to your last question, it is my understanding that the City of South San Francisco changed its election date some time ago from April of the even years to November of the odd years. Thus Uniform District Election Law takes precedence and would govern all time frames. If I can be of further help, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Warren Slocum County Clerk-Recorder TLP: sc V/bcc: Barbara Battaya, City Clerk Thomas L. Patterson, Supervisor Registration-Election Division OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY June 1, 1989 Tom Patterson, Supervisor County Clerk's Office 40 Tower Road San Mateo, CA 94402 Re: November 1989 Election Dear Mr. Patterson: The City of South San Francisco will hold a regular municipal election on November 7, 1989, involving five local offices. I have attempted to condense the issues I'd like to have clarified. Can you confirm whether the County has already automatically "consolidated" this election, since it is the regular municipal election date? e What documents must the City file with the County and when must they be filed? e If the City also wishes to put a local measure on the ballot, what must it do in addition to the above, and by when? Does the City or the County appoint the precinct officers and publish the list of officers and polling places? If this is the City's responsibility, is it necessary to make the appointments by resolution and must such a resolution be filed with the County? Be What, if any, impact does the Uniform District Election Law have on the regular municipal election, with or without a ballot measure? CITY HALL ANNEX 315 M~I,E &~Nt~ - P.O. BOX 711 - 94083 TELEPHONEr (415) 877-8515 Tom Patterson June 1, 1989 Page 2 Thank you in advance for your time and attention. Very truly yours, VALERIE J.~ ARMENTO City Attorney VJA/jh CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) in South San Francisco Enterprise Journal This space is for the (]l~~~E~g Stamp :.ll FRANCISCO STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Mateo I am a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the County aforesaid, over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter and I am during and at all said times, the Principal Clerk of the Printer and Publisher of South San Francisco Enterprise Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published twice weekly in the City of SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, County of San Mateo, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Mateo, State of California, under the date of December 30, 1952, Case Number 60036; that the notice, of Which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to- wit: Wed. July 12, 1989 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at South San Francisco, California, this 12th day of JUly , /s/By Barbara Spencer 89 Certificate of Publication ELECTION NOTICE ELEcTiON NOTICE A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE tlELD TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 10~9 AND TIlE FOLLOWING OFFICES WILL Ai PEAR ON TIlEIBALLOT: MEMBER OF TIlE CITY 1 COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) MEMBER OF TttE CITY COUNCIL -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) CITY CLERK -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) ClTY TREASURER -- FULL TERM (4 YEARS) All forms required for nomination to elective office shall be furnished by City Clerk Barbara A. Battaya, 400 Grand Avenue, So. San Fran- cisco, CA 94080, beginning Monday, July 17, 1989 without charge during regular business hours (EC 22842). Please call (4115) 877-8518 for further information. Nomination closes Friday, August l 1, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. There will be a five day eltension of the nomination period if an incumbent does not file for office which date is Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 5:00 pm. To be eligible to hold office one must be an elector of the City when he assumes such office, and was a registered voter of the City at the time nomination papers are issued to the candi- date GC 36502 and EC 22842. Appointment to each elective office will be made pursuant to Election Code 23520 in the event there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for such of'ice. The POLLS shall be opened at 7:00 a.m. and shall be kept open until 8:00 p.m. of said day when the polls shall be closed, except as other- wise provided in Section 14301 of the Elections Code. Dated: June 30, 1989 /s/BARBARA A. BATTAYA Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco Published in Enterprise Journal, Wednesday, July 12, 1989. (13034EJ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION SSF hotel tax increase to be determined by voters South San Francisco voters will et to decide Nov. 7 whether outh San Francisco's hotel tax should be increased to pay for a 1,$00-person conference center. The City Council voted unani- mously Wednesday to let the voters decide on the tax, which would charge the citv's hotel guests an extra $2.50 l~er night, with the money going toward acquiring, renovating, maintaining and Operating a conference center. At the same time, the council · left open the possibility that the center would not be located on the former Berkey Photo L~b property at 103 Wondercolor Lane, between the Radisson Inn and the Holiday Inn, two of the city's main hotels along South Ai~0rt Boulevard. 'that site has .been targeted by the City because a center there could 6ccupy about 35,000 square feet and cost an estimated $3.5 million for renovation and another $1.7 million a year for operating the center. When resident Lou Dell'Angela suggested that designating a par- ticular site now could hurt the city's negotiating position and drive the price up, Mayor Roberta Teglia agreed and said the city is considering other sites "should we find ourselves in November between a rock and a hard place." The mood of the hearing was jovial. About 25' employees from local hotels were in the audience. Wednesday, and gave the, coancil a standin.~ ovation after it voted to place me measure on the bal- lot. "Thank you very much," Teglia said when they finished. "You kind of surprise~l~ us at first. We're not used to that." Although the $2~50 'wil go for a special purpose, the cemer could be lucrative for the city govern- ment as well as the hotel~ndustry. The city already collects 8' percent of each hotel guest's bill as the regular, hotel tax, and tha: money goes into the genera fund, untouched by the.state and county governments. If the conference center attracts more visitors, that would drive up .regular .hotel tax revenues, mean- mg more m~ney for the city. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date: June 22, ~989 TO: City Manager Copies to: City Council SUBJECT: Election Timetable with Measure(s) for the 11/7/89 General Municipal Election FROM: City Clerk The following timetable applies in the event the City Council chooses to place a measure(s) on the 11/7/89 General Municipal Election: July 10, 1989 Publish notice of election with offices to be filled, etc. (unofficial for the public in the event of a measure) July 12, 1989 or July 26, 1989 Resolution calling election, and stating measures; Resolution requesting County Clerk services. July 17, 1989 Nomination period opens. July 26, 1989 - Aug. 23, 1989 August 4, 1989 Publish notice of election with offices, synopsis of measures, dates for arguments and rebuttals, etc. (Please note the date for submittal of arguments.) Opening of arguments for and against measure{s). August 11, 1989 Last day to file Resolution calling elec- tion with measures with ad. of Supervisors. August 11, 1989 August 14, 1989 Nomination closes. Close of arguments and opening of rebut- tals. August 16, 1989 End of nomination extension in the event an incumbent does not file. August 17, 1989 August 24, 1989 Randomized drawing by Secretary of State. Close of rebuttals, and beginning of 10 day public examination (all documents subject to public scrutiny, measure, synopsis, and analysis by City Attorney). September 4, 1989 September 28, 1989 November 29, 1989 End of 10 day examination. Resolution appointing precinct officers. Suggested date for Resolution of official canvas. Barbara A. Battaya INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date: May 22, 1989 To: Honorable City Council cc: City Manager City Attorney Subject: Election Timetable for the 11/7/89 General Municipal Election From: City Clerk The following schedule will apply for the 11/7/89 General Municipal Election. 132th day Wednesday, June 28, 1989 Council to adopt a resolution calling for the election, stating offices to be filled plus any measures; adopt a Resolution requesting special election ser- vices from the County Clerk. 120th day Monday, July 10, 1989 Last day to submit Resolution to Board of Supervisors for an elec- tion consolidated with UDEL (Ed. Code 5324). 120th day Monday, July 10, 1989 Last day to change rules for cand- idates statements by legislative body, i.e., from 200 to 400 words; estimated cost of $250.00 increased or at no cost to the candidate. 118th day Wednesday, July 12, 1989 Clerk publishes Notice of Election with offices to be filled, measures, etc. 113th day 88th day 83rd day Monday, July 17, 1989 Friday, August 11, 1989 Wednesday, August 16, 1989 Nomination Period Begins. Nomination Closes at 5:00 p.m. Extension period in the event an Incumbent does not run for office. 82nd day Thursday, August 17, 1989 Randomized drawing by the Secretary of State. 40th day Thursday, Sept. 28, 1989 Adopt resolution appointing pre- cinct boards and polling places. - 28th day* Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1989 Adopt resolution of official can- vas. * Approximate Council meeting date, since it is not know when the canvas of votes will be completeO. Barbara A. Battaya ~c~}~ G~II~ R~ ELECTION COSTS AND BILLING MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1990 AGENDA 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Election Costs A. Hand out estimates and discuss 3. Other Identified Areas A. Additional Services B. Election Night Results C. Initiatives CENTRAL RECORD~ FEB. 14, 1990 ELECTION COSTS NAME CURRENT PRIOR EL CURRENT PROJ PROJ EL REG'N COST P/VOTER P/VOTER COSTS MUNICIPALITIES BELMONT BRISBANE BURLINGAME FOSTER CITY HALF MOON BAY MILLBRAE PORTOLA VALLEY SAN BRUNO SAN CARLOS 5AN MATEO 50. SAN FRANCISCO WOODSIDE 14018 5838.73 1879 753.12 15578 4031,81 14517 3568.53 4779 2320.10 11045 3207 41 3173 683 60 17466 6137 08 16848 5812 33 44123 14239 08 22054 9847 41 3644 1715.18 0 42 0 40 0 26 0 25 0 49 0 29 0 22 0 35 0 34 0 32 0 45 0 47 0 56 0 54 0 35 0 33 0 66 0 39 0 29 0 47 0 47 0 44 0 6O 0 64 7850.08 1016.71 5442.94 4817 52 3132 4 4330 O0 922 86 8285 06 7846 65 19222 76 13294 O0 2315 49 FEB, 14, NAME SCHOOLS BELMONT BURLINGAME HILLSBOROUGH JEFFERSON MILLBRAE PORTOLA VALLEY SAN BRUNO PARK SAN CARLOS SAN MATEO EL SAN MATEO COLLEGE SAN MATEO HZGH WOODSZDE 1990 ELECTION COSTS CURRENT PRZOR EL CURRENT REG'N COST P/VOTER 18708 4125.42 0.22 16348 4516.89 0.28 6971 2466.09 0.35 26211 12061.94 0.46 11816 4161.97 0.35 4798 1254.30 0.26 13578 4230.84 0.31 15652 5416.73 0.35 60130 18840.18 0.31 312707137870.54 0.44 108843 34215.97 0.31 1959 496.39 0.25 PROJ P/VOTER PROJ EL COSTS 0.30 5569.32 0.37 6097.80 0.48 3329.22 0.62 16283.62 0.48 5618.66 0.35 1693.31 0.42 5711.63 0.47 7312.59 0.42 25434.24 0.60186125.23 0.42 46191.56 0.34 670.13 FEB. 14. 1990 ELECT[ON COSTS NAME CURRENT PRIOR EL CURRENT PROJ REG'N COST P/VOTER P/VOTER UNIFORM DISTRICTS COLMA FIRE HALF MOON BAY FIRE MENLO PARK FIRE POINT MONTARA FIRE WOODSIDE FIRE BROADMOOR POLICE HIGHLANDS REC DIST LADERA REC DIST BAYSHORE SANITARY GRANADA SANITARY MONTARA SANITARY WEST BAY SANITARY BELMONT WATER COASTSIDE WATER LOS TRANCOS WATER SKYLINE WATER WESTBOROUGH WATER GUADALUPE VALLEY 2348 864.45 0.37 7744 2671.71 0.35 38032 15643.05 0.41 2722 1092.73 0.40 9523 22.74 0.00 1963 45.47 0.02 1480 427.68 0.29 1064 382.49 0.36 1024 45.47 0.04 3071 701.39 0.23 2972 724.80 0.24 27730 7448.33 0.27 14210 3122.44 0.22 7280 .2320.87 0.32 445 68.21 0.15 901 539.76 0.60 4300 1487.27 0.35 0 0.00 ?? PROJ EL COSTS 0,50 1167.01 047 3606.81 0 56 21118.12 054 1475 19 0 O0 30 70 0 03 61 38 0 39 577 37 0 49 516 36 0 06 61 38 0 31 946 88 0 33 978 48 0 36 10055 25 0 30 4215 29 0 43 3133.17 0 21 92.08 0 81 728.68 0 47 2007.81 0 O0 0.00 SSF center new eye of city council storm By MARSHALL WILSON Times Group Staff Writer Questions have arisen over whether campaign contributions from hoteliers may bias Councilwo- man Roberta Teglia, who strongly backs a municipally run conference center which stands to benefit the hotel industry. Teglia, elected on Nov. $ to a fourth consecutive term, received a total of $1,876 in campaign contributions from four South San Francisco hotels. Several of Teglia's council col- leagues have raised questions over whether she can impartially vote on issues surrounding the conference center after receiving the funds. The dispute may cost Teglia her seat on a ~,board that sets policy for the center, which is scheduled to open next spring. "It's called pay back," Teglia said of the dispute, which she blames on political tit-for-tat because of her 'support for a referendum drive to overturn a decision by the other four councilmembers on an unrelated issue. Teglia received $$00 from the Radisson, $640 from the Holiday Inn, $406 from the Grosvenor Hotel and $330 from the Comfort Suites, according to campaign disclosure · See FIGHT, Page A2 FIGHT · Continued from Page A1 statements. She also owes the Radisson Inn $250 for an elec- tion night victory party. Her campaign fund totalled $11,747 in cash, loans and non- monetary contributions. She was the top vote-getter in the elec- tion. No one has accused Teglia of wrongdoing or said her past votes are tainted, but several people have raised concerns a "perception" of a conflict of interest might exist. "I know you need money to run, but those figures are a little high for the average donation," said Councilman Jack Drago. "I think it was excessive .... That is an awful lot of money to collect from one group, especially a group so closely associated to the center." Teglia vigorously defends her- self against accusations she might be influenced by dona- tions. She is now embroiled in a fight with her collegues over the future of City Manager Jesus Armas, and accused other coun- cilmembers of using the cam- paign funds to politically damage her credibility. "I think the perception is there because it is convenient for it to be there," Teglia said. "I think it would be convenient for me to have a conflict. "At no time have I ever been an agent ... for any interest in this community," she said· Teglia's acceptance of the donations and desire to vote on conference center issues does not violate state election laws, according to City Attorney Michael O'Toole, who has con- tacted the Fair Political Prac- tices Commission for an opinion at Teglia's request· ,,,~T~h~!.s. i_s, not the ,fi~rst polit~i~l,, '000'00tls lsoo luomIIO~UO neooq o~e s~eo~ ~o3 ~ I~qo~ ol lou ~u!uodoo~ ~eq~ papu~maa q~oq uo!II!m I$ sdeqaod ~o 1soo e pnoI asaql 3umadooa ~am plno~ sero [lO,Ua ~oa~ ~eq~ pa~e~ eods lezaAas pue OH J~aql ,,'spu~m ano~ asolo -ls~ ppe 'p~es ue~auu~ ,,'uado oos~ow aluo~ 1hq,, 'eaze aouep poua~s oluo~ aql m OOg 'qano~oq su~em~ sales taXeS as vtsitors spend money at local bus'nesses Teglia was one of the key organizers of the campaign to build a Conference center.~.She has served on an advisory ~board overseeing the plans for the past two years. Jim Raine, manager of the Grosvenor Hotel and Hol~iay Inn, which together contrill~ed $1,046 to Teglia's campaign, ~aid the donations were to help a ~J~n.- didate who supports local asl- ness and were no~ meant t¢ buy influence. "We had pledged a donati ~ to Roberta for her approach tl our industry. She's been a flag ~ of our industry a~d indust:~ in ~ " general in South San Franci o, said Raine, a past member ¢ f the center's advisory ~oard. Raine said he believe( his hotels donated to the camp~gns of other candidales in the past race, but a check of disclogUre forms did not lis: the hotel~, as making donations to other candi- dates of more t ~an $100~iihe threshold at which donors ~ust be' listed by name, Questions arose dur~[~ a Wednesday cocncil me~ng when Westborough resii~fit Diane Smith asked if the ~pa- tions posed a con :'lict of intq~st. Smith said she has no ax to gi~nd but is concerned the city ~m!g~ ht be wasting taxpayers money to benefit the hotel :_ndustry. After Smith raised the qu~s- ~t~o~,, Mayor Jo ~n Penna'and Drago ran with the issue. "Now there's an electiort~and the very people who've been interested in a conference c~ter have been eager donors to,ur campaign," Penr_a said tO T~ia. Penna said Teglia's re~al from the conference cqI~ter board would guarantee;f~'an unbiased approach to the e~i,'re system." Teglia refuse~_ to resign ~om the conference center boarct; "I'm 'not going to crawl away.. · If they want to take me off they're going to '~ave to do it. I'm not resigning. ' "There's more interest in pay- back on that then what the issue is," she said. CE:NTRAL RE:CORO~ Vol. 94 No. 84 ENTERPRISI-: SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1895 'Millbrae wants BART 'summit' meeting By DAVE MADDEN and HEIDI VAN ZANT Times Group Staff Writers Proving once again that turnabout is always fair play, the Millbrae City Council is calling for a "policy summit" on the BART extension to San Francisco International Airport. In letters mailed Monday, Councilwoman Janet Fogarty on behalf of the council has invited San Marco County supervisors and council members from Burlingame, San Bruno and South San Francisco to participate in the as-yet-unscheduled session. The meeting is intended to substitute for one sought by the supervisors, who had invited Fogarty and state Sen. Quentin Kopp, I-San Mateo/San Francisco, to come before them in Redwood City next Tuesday to hash out differences over the extension. That encounter was not expected to be a cordial one, particularly for Fogarty, who infuriated supervisors last month by questioning their endorse- ment of a BART station outside the airport. She was, in a sense, being called on the carpet for suggesting the board hopes mass transit will stimulate private development that would generate revenue for the county. The so-called "summit" changes the terms of that confrontation. Rather than the Board of Supervisors' chambers in the Hall of Justice, the meeting would be held in Millbrae. And rather than a single council member, there would be as many as 20, most of whom have lots of questions about the extension. In her letter to the board Pres- ident Tom Huening, Fogarty said a "round-table" discussion would be "much more productive" than either her appearance or that of Supervisor Tom Nolan, who's offered to meet individually with each of the four cduncils in question. "We feel the issue is of such significance to the people of Millbrae, that our shared constituents would be best served by a meeting of all of our policy-makers to discuss our interests," Fogarty wrote. Kopp also has rejected the invitation to appear before the ' supervisors next week. He blasted the board for the "insulting" tone of its invitation. °' Supervisors learned of Millbrae's idea Tuesday. They discussed the matter but did not reach a decision on whether they would accept Fogarty's offer. "We still need to discuss that (further)," Huening said later. His colleagues said they're being · See BART, Page A2 Confab center future is shaky SSF's council is split on site By MARSHALL WILSON Times Group Staff Writer Amid enneern~ river tho en~t San Bruno OKs utility hookup relie.f measure By MARSHALL WILSON Times Group Staff Writer Homeowners along Jenevein Avenue unable to afford con- necting their telephone and elec- tric lines to a new underground service will receive some relief under a resolution approved Tuesday by the City Council. Low-income residents who own their own homes will be able to repay the city for the en~t~ nf ehanoino thoir ~rvie~ cupied homes in.the under- ground district, an area along Jenevein between PoPlar and San Mateo avenues. Another 21 non-owner-occupied homes, nine businesses and a church will be required to pay the connection costs or lose service. The council also gave low-in- come residents the option of not repaying the city for the conver- sion until the property is sold, bankruptcy is filed or upon the donth nf tho c~wnor~ Other Confab center future is shaky SSF's council is split on site By MARSHALL WILSON Times Group Staff Writer Amid concerns over the cost and the size, some South San Francisco council members now question whether plans to build a conference center should be scrapped. The political base necessary to hatch the center is, if not crum- bling, at least shaken.' South San Francisco voters last year overwhelmingly approved Measure C, a $2.50 hotel bed tax to fund the acqui- sion and operation of a confer- ence center. Before the election, the coun- cil chose a vacant warehouse east The proposed South San Francisco conference center is in foreground. of Highway I01, agreeing to lease the building if the measure passed. The building, the former home of a photo lab, sits between the Holiday and Radis- son inns at 255. S. Airport Blvd. Proponents claim it is an ideal location because of the easy access to hotels, airport and free- way. But now, following two heated council meetings, even Council- woman Roberta Teglia, one of ' SCOTT BUSCHMAN/Times Group the center's most vocal sup- porters, has given the center pro- posal as it now stands a "50-50" chance of failing. She said recently, "The bot- tom line for me is the conference center concept' is an excellent idea. This may be a concept that this City Council is not equal to." CoUncilman John Penna has. led the questioning. In an inter- view, he stressed that he is not against building a conference center, but "Ihat site might not be the right one." Penna said he was "shocked" to learn that the passage of Mea- sure C triggered an already agreed upon lease. He said he believed it would be one of several sites considered. "I don't think the public knew that when they voted for Mea- sure C they were voting for that · See CENTER, Page A2 San Bruno OKs utility hookup relief measure By MARSHALL WILSON Times Group Staff Writer Ho. meowners along Jenevein Avenue unable to afford con- necting their telephone and elec- tric lines to a new underground service will receive some relief under a resolution approved Tuesday by the City Council. Low-income residents who own their own homes will be able to repay the city for the costs of changing their service from overhead wires to under- ground lines interest-free. Other residents who own their own homes can elect to have the city pay for the connection but must repay the city with a finance charge of about 8.4 percent. Officials estimated the cost at $750 to $950 per home. In other business, the council appointed a citizens committee to advise the council and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission on the future exten- sion of BART to San Francisco International Airport. The Jenevein vote apparently cupied homes in .the under- ground district, an area along Jenevein between Poplar and San Mateo avenues. Another 21 non-owner-occupied homes, nine businesses, and a church will be required to pay the connection costs or lose service. The council also gave low-in- come residents the option of not repaying the city for the conver- sion until the property is sold, bankruptcy is filed or upon the death of the owners. Other owner-occupants have the same option but interest will accumu- late until the money is repaid. Councilman Chris Pallas cast the lone dissenting vote. "I feel that this whole pro- gram is initiated by PG&E with- out asking residents if they want it in the first place," he said. "I think the city should absorb the cost." He said it would cost the city between $30,000 and $40,000, a "small" amount. Pallas failed to sway the majority, who approved · See RELIEF,~ Page A2 n Bruno Herald · South San Francisco Enterprise Journal CENTER [] From Page A1 J site," Penna said, adding he would not have supported the measure had he known. o Penna, a local real estate ;' agent, said no marketing studies were undertaken before .the lease was signed to determine if it would be attractive to conference g planners. He said the site lacks parking, that no seismic studies have been done and questions if money could be better spent to purchase a site and build a cen- ter from the ground up. Preliminary estimates now put the cost of renovating the build- ing at more than $6 million, double the original estimate of $3.1 million, he said. "The question is: are we being prudent for the public and are we being thorough? I'm not see- ing it." Teglia says yes. The veteran official said the council.voted unanimously at a public meeting to tie the lease to Measure C, and questions why Penna, elected on the same bal- lot, didn't know that. She said the council approved the site because it was available "and ideal for what we want to do.." She added that before Mea- sure C was passed, no funds were available to undertake costly, lengthy studies. The debate has turned politi- cal and emotional. During a recent meeting, Councilman Gus Nicolopolus demanded informa- tion about the center's lease. Mayor Richard Haffey ruled him out of order following Nico- lopolus' lengthy questioning -- some observers called it a grill- ing -- of the city manager. Nico- lopolus fumed. Penna has questioned whether the board overseeing the center's planning is acting in the city's best interest because local hote- liers and restauranteurs are members. Joe Ercoli, owner of the Lean- ing Tower restaurant and a board member, called that "a cheap political shot" and "totally uncalled for." Nieolopolus' concerns stem from leasing the site rather than owning it. "I would rather have the pink slip," he said. "If we're going to be spending that much, the city should own it." Teglia contends the city doesn't have enough money to buy land and build a center. Also, the city considered con- demning the photo lab site, she said, but the owners would fight it, leaving the plan tied up in the courts. Late last winter, members of the local hotel and restaurant industries sold city officials on the idea of building a center. It was looked upon as a means to boost revenues to the city's gen- eral fund. Since hotel guests pay 8 cents on each dollar to the city, the more rooms rented the more money into the city's coffers. The bed tax is the third high- est source of revenue to the city's general fund, falling behind only sales and property taxes. In 1986-1987, it generated $1.39 million, rising to $2.3 million for fiscal year 1989-1990, according to Finance Director Amy Mar- golis. Because of the explosion of hotel rooms on the Peninsula, officials saw the center as giving South San Francisco a competi- tive advantage for companies and associations looking for a place to meet and sleep. As proposed, the center would host regional and statewide con- ferences up to 1,500 peopi~'~ although current estimates place the figure lower. The 32,000-square-foot cen- ter, as proposed, would be self- supporting. The fees charged to users would generate $500,000 annually and the $2.50 tax from Measure C would bring another $1.2 million, according to estimates. The lease initially calls for $300,000 annually and contains increases based on the consumer price index. City Manager Jesus Armas said the center would not need to make money to be successful -- only break even. "We need the spin-off for hotel occupancy,"he said. Both Penna and Nicolopolus. said their questions have gone, unanswered. Teglia said that is because the~ necessary studies are now undego way, and information will be, presented to the full council Nov. 7 at a joint meeting wit-h~ the conference center board Councilman Jack Drago, wh0: also raised several quegtions, may be the vote that either killa., or saves the center. Teglia said the board will have, to "resell" the full council on the' idea. "I think it can h~ ch~no The': ' As for..~i tion~ penna, ~ ¸:in : am the tWo-car garage when a ~ .h°meowner e~ds a ~es~dence .jo~Penna . to' than 1,800 i~uare feet: ~ : i P. en~ Said th~.t dist..oUtages re~i, :: per ~ per nightto pay for the aents; especiaiiy When property conference center,~ Which hOte1 co.s~ ~ so:hi.'sh.. ~ o~ers believe Will improVe busi- . l,~lcolopuios, elected to his n~, ,; third: te~, praised the current . We needed that, NiColopulos cOuncil for working together and said, ,,It,S nothing but a.plus for the v°ters for approvin8 Measure ~our city. c. the CoUncU baa stronsl¥ sup_ 'i'i ...... i ..... ~-~-'i"~ ......... ported that measure, which iwil' tO i~%,atet;ma%~ol~tY.e~-hi'Tsh~tyh~: charge hOtel guests an extra $2,50 . mo~g ahead.,, Election rankin g among mo - By DAVE MURPHY ~Barring a sudden change of atri-. rude, it appears this year's City Council election will be one of the q,~etest in South San Fran- cisco s history. · ~ Eyen though two incumbent~ for three seats on the council, th~ Nov. 7 election does not seem to have any major issUes dividing the candidates. Most are basing-' campaigns on their qualificarion~ rather than issues, and there .has been no mudslinging so far. One of the new faces is Donald Arndt, the vice~hairman of the Historic Preser~n Commission and a member ~e Chamber of commerce .boa~[0f director~.~He hhs lived in South San Franciscb (or seven yearj, is an engineer and marketing manager and is married with one child. Arndt: 'Open door udder~ .'~He points to his marketing experience as one reason for his candidacy, saying he Would try to improve communication between the council and the general pub- lie. "I believe the majority of. peo- ple do want to.have a say and get involved,"he said. "We need to open the door wider." Arndt also said his work in the private sector would help. the council, which does not have any members who work in the private sector full-rime. He pointed to his work in starting the Chamber of Commerce's "continental" ' series, - offering speakers on items of gen- eral interest to chamber members, such as marketing and employee motivation. He said communication coulc] be improved by having more town meetings, where issues would be discussed in depth with the publiC, rather than having a full and busy agenda at regular City Coundl meetings. - The ca.ndidate also said the dty should work better with .busi- nesses on redevelopment to ensure that business owners .know how to improve the value bf their properties, which in turn means more revenue for city projects. One of the two incumbents -- CouncHfi~an Mark Addiego derided not to seek re-election -- is Jack Drago, who was elected in 1985. A husband and father of four, Drago has lived in South City for 37 years and spent more than 30 years in the Fire Depart- ment, including several years as fire chief. Drago: Fulltime job Drago is one who strongly believes there are no majbr issues this rime around, other than for the voters to choose the candi- dates with the best qualifications. He believes, of course, that he is among them, thanks to his work with the city and his service as a councilman and mayor. "As long as I'm able to do Donald Arndt lack Drago. things, I'll stay with it," he said. development before the hearing. "I th~,?_ I can make thing~ hap- waS,held. pen. It s ·a full-time job' for me. I "It was lust a legal ,f,o, rmality," study the issues." the candidate said. It was a He also 'doubts the council joke." needs Someone with experience He said he is not a candidate in the private sector, saying the overly concerned with issues. work in city governments is Elmore said staff members are enough to make people under- hired to do that sort of research stand ~he skills necessary for busi- and make recommendations, and ness. if he'is in doubt, he 'can ask the "I treated running, the Fire mayor~-' Department as if I was nmning a · business," Drago recalled. "I ~ladara: For'commoners think government work prepares Another political newcomer is you for these jobs. You're not Glenn Madara, who has lived in learnin,g, at the expense of the tax-. the dty' only three years, b~ has payers. ' ' ' spent ~he last 1~ years worl~g as · Among the ~ouncil's accom- ·a licensed custO~s brOker ~i~an plishments Drag0 points to are Francisco Internati0nal ~?:·Ai ~nSul'ating several l~bme~ against husband land' father ~ two, noise from San Frandsco Interna- Madara said he does not plan to tional Airport, balancing the bud- - spend any money or accept any get while increasing the reserves, campaign cOntributions. and establishing child-care and "I believe I'll look out for the adult day-care prOgrams, interests of the common man in South San Francisco, he said. "I Elmore: 'People lied to' believe'that Mark Addiego was One who isn't so fond of the looking out for the common current city government is chal- man." lenger Jim Elmore, a 30-year resi- Madara said the' current council dent who is the owner of the Jail-. depends too much on the city house Deli and Jailhouse Bait & st. aff, and that many residents Tackle. A married father of three, wew the council as an adversary Elmore is strongly critical of the rather than an ally. city government's setup, saying 'I feel that they cater more to staff members often tell people the developers and less to the · one thing, only to have it over- community," he added, "I would ruled by the council. - "I'm tired of having the people a.a arou ," I N D E X ' said. "Somebody' on the City Council has got to get some°back- · bone and stand up for the peo- ple.' He said ~taff members some- times make prortlises to small · developers like himself, even though the deci~ion-mal0ng pro- cess ultimately might involve the Design Review Board, the Plan- ning Commission and the coun- dl. "The staff's word is no good," he said. "They have misinformed the people." Elmore said the.council meet- DELIVERY COMPLAINTS or other ings on developing the south comments may be made by c~llin8 266-9660, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon- slope of San Bruno Moimtain also day throu~,h Friday, or by mail to San were deceptive to the public MateoT~mes Newspaper Group, P.O. Box 2527, South San ~Francisc6 because coundl members already· c~ 94083 knew they woulc~ support the Jim Elmm'e like to se~ developments in the. future and redevelopment done with a community-friendly atti- tude.'' He. said the Terrabay develop- ment approved by the council does not seem to have any afford- able hrusing, and said the dty's redevelopmertt prOgram is he[p- ing rental provertv owners rather' ' than low- an~l m'oderate-~ncome people struggling to own their own homes. "Certai,nl, y it's tough in this day and age,: he said about owning his own home. "They're offering mone~y to landlords to inprove land t~ey're not even living in." Incumbent Gus Nicolopulos ~has seniority on his side ~ in more ways t~an One. He is trying · for his third term on.the coUncil and has lived in the dty his entire life. He is married, with three children and five gramichildren, and served on the city's Police Department for 25 years. Nicolopuloa: Experience Like Drago, Nicolopulos is poinring to the accomplishments of the current council, adding that he thinks his cofincil experience would help to ensure that more pr,o, gress is made in the future. · I'm prOud of our record," said Nicolopulos, a councilman since 1980. 'A lot of positive things are happening in ~outh San Fran- dsco~ It's a process I think the dty is ready to expa d on." He credits e~;lier councils for helping as well, saying the city has had good leadership. Even though the current council has its share of arguments, Nicolopulos said the council members have worked well together, particularly on keeping'the North County Jail from being e~panded next to a South San Francisco residential neighborhood. "There was a lot of battling going on," the councilman explained. "This council stayed united." One regional goal that he par- ' ticularly supports is the idea of having rapid watev transit around the Bay ~rea, with South San Frandsco as a vital participant, as one means of reducing freeway ~traffic. · Glenn Madara The other challeng~r in campaign is another lifel South San Francisco resid John Penna. His ~randpar. moved to South City when it only about 1,500' people, Penna lives in the. dty with wife and three children, as we having a real estate office then A former president of Chamber of Commerce, Pe: said he believes he can help dty government make South Francisco more attractive .businesses. Penna: Busineas voic Penna said the city is in cor~ tition for ~ousinesses, an.d industrial and office'area is 1o., business to similar developm~ in.neighborng dries. of,We are not drawing the t business clientele We w hoping tO draw. This has alw, been a community that ~ fav. ored a strong inc~astrial bas~ Another concern Penna has over the dty's historic preser tion ordinance, which allows, g'most quiet, SSF Jim Elmo~e like to se~ developments in the futuYe and redevelopment done' with a community-friendly atti tude." ' He. said the Terrabay develop- ment approved by the council does not seem to have any afford- able hdusing, and said the city's .redevelopment program is help- ing rental propertv owne t~.__ ,, . __ . rs rather' uan iow- and moderate-income people struggling to own their own homes. '~Certainly it's tough in this da and a~e,<' he ~--'J -- Y L: o _ ~a,~ avout owning ms own l~ome. They're offerin~ money to landlords'.to invrove and they're not even living in." Incumbent Gus Nicolopulos ,~as seniority on his side -- in BOre ways than' one. He is.trying Or _his ~ term on the C°tmci~ ;ed.:h..as Ii. red in the city his entire · r~e is married, with three hildren and five grandchildren, nd served on the city's Police )epartment for 25 year~. Nicolopulos: Experience Like Drago, NicoIopulos is ointing to the accomplishments f the current council, adding that e thinks his co~mcii exp~ence 'ould help to ensure that more r,o, ,~ress is made in the future. I'm proud of our record,, said ~icolopulos, a councilman si ,, .. nce appemng in ~outh San ~ran- se.o, It's a process I think the city ~ady to. expagd on," e creaits eaHier councils for :lping as well, saying the city is had good leadershiP. Even ough the. current council has its are of arguments, Nicolopulos id the council members have ~rked well together, particularly keeping'the North County Jarl ~thb~eing_e~panded next to'a m van ~'rancisco residential There was a lot of battling lng on," the councilman ~lained. "This council stayed Glenn Madara The other challenge'r in the campaign is another lifelong South San Francisco resident, John Penna. His ~randparents moved to South City when it had only about 1,500-people, and Pe. nna lives in the. city with his w~fe and three children, as well as having a real estate office there. A former ~resident of the Chamber of Commerce, Penna said he believes he can help the city government make South San Francisco more attractive for '. businesses. Penn~: Busines~ voice Penna said the city is in compe- tition for ~usine~ses, an.d its indus~al and office'area is losin m.ne~ghborn~r,citio~ , '-' -, ,_ e .are not, drawing the type ~ ousmeSs clientele we hoping to draw. This' has always been a ~ommunitY that h~s fav. ored a strong indtu~trial babe." Another concern Penna has is over the city's historic preserva- tion ordinance, which allows the igo ~e city parks were ii1 neeo or muon ~mp~uvu- w neighborhood parks, new play equipment, light- Improvements have made the parks a great place ~ow that the mayor cares about senlors. In years · nlor citizens got from city hall was promises." aalble than Bob. ~t in the neigh- to City Hall with n will be taken." v taxes. allocated for senior center. t' workers' strikes. :ted." quipment for the Fire and ;hae regional ~oal that he par- Departments. darly s.upports is the idea of ~lay equipment for city parks. ~ng rapicl Water transit 'around B. ay.~rea, with South San ~BER 5 nc~sco as a.vital participant, as nairperson, 685 Jenevein Ave., San Bruno ~ means of reducing freeway ~Co ~ us Nicoiopulos I John Penna 'c.ity government to designate a Property as a historic resource even if the property owner objects. He said he supports having ~prOperties as historic resources, out believes it should be strictly on a voluntary basis, which is what the city government is cur- rently considering. is purported to be: 404 JUANITA AVE., MILL- BRAE, CA 94030. The unde~igned Trustee disclaims any liabil- ity for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown here. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the obli- g ations secured by and pursuant to the Power of ale conferred in a certain Deed of Trust exe- cuted by TRUSTORS: DON T. FERRIGNO & TINA M. FERRIGNO, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS COMMUNITY PROPERTY, RECORDED 04/11/89 as Instrument number 8904§001 in book page in the office of the county Recorde~ of SAN MATEO County. At the time of the ini- tiai publication of this notice, the total amount of unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the above described Deed of Trust and esti-. mated costs, expenses, tees, and advances is' $a~,$61.20. To determine the opening bid, you~ may call (408) 2~2-7660. Dated: 10/11/89 PACIFIC LOAN MANAGEMENT CORP.. Trustee or Trustee's Agent' /s/by Elizabeth Knight. V.P. ~ 20z180 Pacifica Drive, Suite A Cupertino, CA 9~014 (408) 2~2-7660 · #15799 Published in Recorder Progress. Wed.. Oct. 18.25; Nov. 1, 1989'v (13213RP)