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Resolution ar~ O~,~e~ declaring the ~itM of Eou%h Man ~raneieeo to
hmve ~een dml~ i~e~at~ as a mlnieipal eor~ration of the sixth
e~la~s~ and d~l~i~ the pe~sons ~%~ %0 ~11%he various el~tive
~ml~l~ ~ffiees pme~i~ ~y law for ~mie~pal eo~rations of ~eh
, ~, 000"
Be It Re~lv~, ~y the BOard of ~upervisors of the ~ounty of B~n
t~, State of Califor~a, that, ~ereas, l~,m~ant to a Re~lution of
this Board, passed and adopted on the third day of Au~st, 1908, this
Board did .sire notioe of a sp~xal election to be h~d on Th~sday,th~
t[~l~ day of Eepte~uber, 1908, for the )~po~e of voti~ upon the
propo~itio~ whethe~ a o~t~n portion of the County of 2an
of O~ifornia, partloul~sly described, in ~aid. Re~olution, and in said
Notice of ~tien( ~d hereinafter described)should b~Ome inoo~o-
rat~ as a ~ity ef the sixth class, to be known and des~nat~ as,
City of South san Francisco: and for the ~rpose of vot~g for the
l~tive ~Anielpal officers for ~eh p~s~ ~nieipal eorporation, a~
p~Vld~. ~ law, and particularly ~ that certain Act of the Legisla~
tu~e of the State of Oalifornia, entitl~t, "A~ ACt to p~ovide for the
e~a~zatl~n, info,oration and gover~ent of mnieipal corporations,
~p~.v~ M~oh 13th. 18~, (Statutes of la8~, p~[e 03) and the
~e~at~/ thereof, y publl~i~ said ~otice of Elation for at least
t~ we~s next pree~i~ the said third day of Septe~ber, 190S,in.~h~
~.~lse, · a weekly newspaper printed and. ~bli~hed within the boun-
dashes a~ territory of said n~nioipal corporation/City of ~outh ~an
~~o, as flx~ in said Resolution of this Bo~d: and ~ereas, it
?p~s.~.~om the affidavit of Everett I. Woo~an, the prineip~ clerk
~f ~he printer and ~bli~x~ of "THE ~TE~EE,. that said ~otlee
~t~on, was dul~ publi~ed for at least two we~$ next
s~d ~. d~ of SePtember, 1908, in the sa~ 'The Enterprise," a
we~lM n~spaper, print~ a~ ~blish~ within the ~und~ies and
~i~r~ of sa~ ~mnieipal corporation ,city of South San Franoi~o,
as deaI~t~ in said Re~lut~lon, a~ ~d No.t~e of FAction, ~
cordanoe with law. and %he".o~er~of this .~.a~d, said affidavit
file with this Board: and whereas, ~sai~N.oti~~e &f Ei~ion wins in the
form, and contained the .matters and things, re~ul~ed ~y law':'~ an~,:was.in ~
the words and figures
And Wh'ereas, said election was duly conducted a~d'held in accordance
with law on said Thursday, th~ third dam of-Septemb~,lg0s;and ~he el~-
tots voti~ at ~ch elation duly eas~ b~l.ots ~f She
law, a~ as prescribed ~ the re~luti0n of this ~
17th. day of August, 1908:
And Whereas, the election officers, and Board of ~.eetion who co,duet-
ed said election, have made due return of such el~ien t~ this
ef Supervisors as requir~ ~ law: and-~er~ the~Me~~xt~
i~ said election was a legal holiday, a~d this d~ ls the ne~ ~sin-
ess day thereafter, a~ is also the. day for~a re~;.~meet~ of this
B~d e:f' Superviso~: a~d '~erea8, ,~his B~~ of S~~-~S.
this day, the 8th. dray of~ September, 1908,
v~tes east at ~eh sp~ial elation, ~d ~h~pen di~' 'o~a~ ~
~tes and completed the canvass ther. ee~f~:
And Whereas, it duly appears an~ ~is. a fac%,,
iSaid election, two hundred and ninety-e~ne (.~9~).v~:%eS w~re I d~
a~d t~ hundred and ninety-eno ~(291)
~ hundr~ and eighteen (21S) e2~sai~ ~ters vet~ ~d
~er Incorporation; ~ and thirty-six (~16) ef said ve~rs~ Ve~ed
b~lots ~ainst Incorporation;" and ~ereas, it
i. ty of the votes east at said elation were ~d~e for 'the.~I~ee~o~-.~
tion of said proposed ~nioipat corporation, Gity ~f ~outh
co' and that a majority of the voters at said .el~ien
the incorporation of said ~itM, ~ that at said ~ee~len it was d~
deter~n~ that ~oh propos~ ~l~. offseth, B.~:~:~~o, ~ould b~
come incorporated:
And ~ereas, it ~ther appe~s .~ms~d canvass, and lsa
at said election, the fellowl~ ~n~ P~rsens~r~eiv~
office of member of tt%e board of trusteeS, as follows, to wit: J. L De~
votes. Harry Edward one hundred~
benedetti, one hundred and ten (ll0) ~'~ ' s
and sixty (160) votes: H. Gaerdes one hundredl an~:nineteen (119) vote's:
~no.mas Hickey one hundred and twentM-ffourl (,1£4) votes Andrew Hynding
one hundred and forty-three (1~3) votes: M,"F. Healy eighty-five (85)
votes' J. Jorgensen sixty-seven (6y) votes:Beter'L'ind thirty-one1(3l)
votes: J.J. McDonald eighty-six (26) votes: Da~ie~ ~e~$weeney one hUnd--
~8 John .Nealis ;.'sev, enty-three ,~(Tp ) VGt es,.
red and twenty-eight (l~) votes:
D. Palany seventeen (1y) vOtes:.~E. S. Pike:ninety-one (91) votes:~ichael
0'Brien three (3) votes: D. O. Dagg'ett ) vote: P, Hyland' two (2)
votes: Pat O'Neill three (~) votes.: M. (2) votes: W.J.Martin
one (1) vote' W. Pitt one (1) vote: and that/Earry Edwards, H. Gaerdes,
Thomas Hickey, Andrew Hynding, and Daniel M~sWeSn~, have been elected
Trustees of said municipal corporation-:
And it further appears, that at:'said electio.n~the following persons re-
ceived votes for the office of Olerk of: said mmnicipal corporation, .as
follows, to wit: E.W. Langenbach n'inety~'~ine (99) votes: Thomas Mason
one h~ndred and one (lO1) votes: .Harry E, Styles'fifty-two-'(52) votes:
and that Thomas Mason was duly elected clerk thereof:
And it further appears, that at said election the following persons re-
ceived votes for the office of Treasurer .of. ~.said .n~n~clipal corporation
as follows, to wit' C.L. KaUffmann -seven (157)
votes' W. C. Schneider ninety-four: ( D.O, Daggett One (1)Vote,
and that C. h. Kauffmann was duly elec;ted :~reaSyrer .~thereof:
And it ~rther appears, that at said ..followinE persons re-
ceived votes for the office of.M~Shal''. Of-sai'd,n~nicipal corporation,
as follows, ;o wit' Henry' W. Kne:eSe ~one hund2ed and eigh'teen (liS)votes:
Enzil · e '
Dan~r~ twenty-five (25) votes: J~.~G,.Wallace one hu~ndred and seven-
teen (117) votes: and ~that said ~ ~'/:
thereof: and it 'further appea~s that
having been duly elected to,~a~,m,i~i[~i
highest number of votes c
~.~.du!¥~,~ el ect ed Marshal
aboTM mentioned as
y, 'the
Board of .Sup
and is, and th
by ~ith
And this Board does
ted.,-to 'be %he same te~Tl~Ol~y ~e~
were heretofore duly fixed and es%
duly passed and adopted on AUgUst" ~'l~l.
SltUat~1 in the G.ounty of San Marco,
t leularly bounded and described
Beginning at a-VOlnt .on the .eaSterly i~.ne"of ,the main
inE from San ~,~anelse,o to San Jose,
the 90.1t ac~e tract of land,
t~sects said road, ar~t runnin~ ~henee ~ortheaSte~iy
easterly line of .sa~ ~o~so ~es%a ~0..
ly ~lne of ~he Ia~s of the. O'~cker ~sta~e;
ly ~o~ the ~uthwes~ly line of the la~s
the northwest~ly corn~ of the',~.91
~an ~ra~i~o L~ and I~rovemen% Oo~a~; E~i~
northeasterly alo~ the ~rthern '~unda~ line
tract of the Eouth Ban Mranciseo Land and t~v~
lo~ the north~ly ~unda~ I~e of P~k' s ~u~lvl~on
~ran~l~o, to the easterly line
easterly along the easterly line of San Bru~o ~oad ~o
corner of LOt r~mber 18 Of section 15, township ~ south,
running %hence due east alor~ the northerly line of LOts ~'ers 17 and
18 of said sec%ion 15,~and alone %he northerly' tl~e of Lots
ES, and 22_ of section i~, and tO the of seet:~n l~.':.tO~~,
south ~a~e 5 west; thence due .eas~ to ~he line se~a~t~ {he
of Al~n~a and San Nat'~;~e~e z~n~ the ~ald l~e
seP~ati~ ~e counties ~of Al.~a tO a Point due
of the extension of the norSherly ~t~a~ l~e of s~tion ~6,
~ south, ra~e 5 west; ~i~ th.enos due west to the
nor of the w -
~ater Front a~ Tide-L~d ~o~,s 8~ aero
s~tion ~6; ~i~ thence ~e west
tions 36, 35~ 3~ and ~3' range 5 west to the
easterly line of the san Br~r~, ~ad; thence ~ertherI~ ~ the~ eaete~
t~e ~r~herly l~ne of the ~h' 'Ad~t~on te ,~'~:;~:dP~
road; thence southwesterly a!o~ the northwesterly ~ine'1
dXtion of san B~no P~k, and the ~uther~l~ line of the ~l~e.ef. the
MoUth ~an P2anci~e Land and' I~vement Soda,,to the west~l~
of the Southern P~el~ ~itro~; thence northw, est~-
westerly side ~f' the Eouthern P~l~i'o Rail~ ~ the ~hea~;~I~
n~ Of ~the la~ of the N~ ~ifor~a Jeek~
m~.n Park,. to the east~ly line of the '~in.co~ty
Praneisee to 8~ jose; the~e ~thwesterly alo~ the
said ~ county road one ~e; thence e~ss~ said ~ad to its west-
erly line, and ~n~ ~r~wes~ly alo~ ~its(wes~-.~l~e
where the southerly line of the 90.11 aere jlt~aet ~rme~ly the la~
Temaso CrestS, If ext~end~ ~esS said
~ · ~theast~ly c~.s~:~said ~ad
s~t the s~me. the~e
b~inni~?P~vld~ however, t~t the felle~ dese~
rito~ ls ~not intend~ to ~e-l~d~ a~ the s~ne ls ~ ~lud~ with-
in the territo~ above de~rlb~, ~.wXthin ~e eOr~te
s~d City of South S~ Fra~cO; ~t' ~ ~Ud~
~1 th~e~om, a~ f~m ~he J~iSdiction'of ~ld
eisoo, to wit: Beginni~ at a ~int on the divl~ l'lne betwee~:~s~-
ti0ns 22 and 23, township J sou~ ra~e 5 west, M..D.M~:,sal~'~oint be~
~50 ~e~t~rth of the granite. ~ment set 10 ohain$ n~r~
corner oomph to $~tlons 22, 23, 26 ~d' 27~ town~lp
west, ~d ~i~ thence ~hwesterly to ~uth
8k 5~' west 760.~J feet ¥~m.the granite'~ent ~loh is set for the
~st north~ly corner of the la~$ of the WeStern mNsa~ ~O~m~, thee
north ~ ~7' east 120 ~' ~'..2~.~.,2
thence easterly to the
dividing line between sections ££ and 2~, .township .~ south range 5 west,
thence north ~to a point that is distant 50 feet from the shore line of
the San Francisco bay, thence easterly and southerly to that is
due west of th'e~southwest corner'of tide lot number' £7, section lb, town-
ship 3 south range 5 west, thence due east to the.dividing line between
the counties of San ~f~s. teo and Alameda, thence soutt~'erly along said di-
viding line to a point that is due east of the point where the easter-
ly boundary of tide lot number l0 of section~2~ intersects ti~e shore
line of San Francisco bay, thence due west to a po&nt that is 50 feet
westerly at right angles to the southerly line of the right of way of
the Smelter Railroad, thence easterly and southerly along the-line dis-
tant 50 feet from and parallel to the said southerly line of the right
of way of the said Railroad to a point that is due east f~om the point
of beginning, then due west to the point of beginni~g..~
And it is Further resolved and d.~clared that said Harry Edwlards, H.
Gaerdes, Tho~aas Hickey, Andrew Hynding and Daniel NcSweeney, have been
duly elected the Trz~stees of said mnicipal corporation, and constitute
the Board of Trustees thereof: andm that. Thomas Mason has been d~ly" ciao-
ted the Clerk thereof: and that ~C,L. Kauffm~nn~.has been duly elected-the
Treasurer thereof: and that Henry W. K~ese has' been duly elected the
Marshal thereof.
And it is.i~rther' resolved and ordered,', th'at~::~2he Cl.er~ of this Board~
enter this order and resolution, and pro.0?edingS at length in the mn-
utes of this Board: and that a copy of this order and resolution be
duly certified by hin~, and thereafter transmitted forthwith to the Eec-
retary of State of the State of Cal~iforni~,. ~to,be filed'in the office-
of said Secretary of State as required by.law.
State of Galifornia,) ::
) ss, .
~ounty o f S an Ma~eo. )
I, Joe..H.' Nash, ~ountY
cf California, and: ex-or.cio Glerk
~eunty' do hereby Certi~ the foreEoi~
t~e an~ correct co~ of the original order an~'
of the, s~d ~ountY Off
~ 'th~ ter~to~ therein deS~ib~ duly
'o~ S,O~H
ally ,na~ as ~vi~ ,~eee~v~ respeot~velY
fo~ the several reS~tiye ~nie O~lees
,:nicipal corporations off said elass, to be duly 'ele~
respective offices therein mentioned:' that
s'eal: of said Board-of supervisors. O~f
e al,~o,rnla, this
~' 6. F. ~URRY, Secretary of State.
J. H~I~FI. Deputy.~
I, C. F. C URtIt', Secretary o£ State o£ the State o£
do hereby cer~i, fy ~ka~ I have car'efz,~g co~vpared
~_~.~~~ .... ~ .... ~ .............
my o~ce, a~,d tl~a~ t~e same ~s a correc~ tra~scr~p~
tkerefrom, a~ of ~ke wkoge tkereof. ~lso,
~ az~the~t~cat~o~ ~s ~ d~e form a~,d by ~he proper o~cer.
Witness'~y~k~a~,d tke Grea~ Seal of ,g~te, a~ o~ce
Illnit¢¢ tat¢, of mcrica
fitate of California,
the ~.O,,Q/ o/);~ .... : :..--~ .. i~ the ~tate of Cahfbrn~u~lo hereby
certi/~, that at a .:~ 4 '~ ':- ~..~ - Electio~ held
as uppe, rs by th.e O~cial Re~ttrns of said Election,
~-' -/~'~/~ a,t.d the statement of uote~ ca~t now or~. file ~ m~ o~ce.
' /
ha~zd ¢'~;1 seal of the Stcperior Cotcrt of the
of ..:¢ . ..g- ~ ~ State of Califor~da,
. - , Clerk.
/ ./
~tate of California
I (lo solemnly swear that I will support the Co~zstilt. t.t'iot, of the Uteited States
and the Constitution off the State off California, and that I will /~ithftclly
acdot'd[-~;r to ~he best o~ mF ability. BO HELP ~E GOD.
S,.bscribeda.dsw. tob.bre,ne,;h~, ,::' ./ :s /
nitcb tat¢, of mcrica
fitate of California,
ce~,tifg, ~ha~ a~ a .' ~~~::~:~ - Elec~io~z held
"~./.~. / /..r t ~ / ~/. (t~,(1 the stateme~zt o/' votes cast ~,ow oz~ file i~z mF office.
~n ~itne~ ~bereof, z ~,,~ hez, e,6,z~o afffxeg
ha~zd atecl seal oj' the Stqoerior Co~t.~.t oj' the
Depu& Ch'rk.
~tate of Califoxnia
.I do solenz~zly ~weaz' that I w~ll ~pport the Constitt6t[o~e of the U~dted States
and the Co~,stitutio~, o~ the State o~ California, and that I will /aithft6ll~
~bscmbed a~d swor~ to be~o~.e me, this
:~ J: ~daq/ ofi ~-.~ - ~. D. 19 ' -.-
Illnit¢¢ tat¢, of tmcrica
, ~tate of California,
.' ~ ~ . ~ ~' . . . ,,"
the Uo,~ttU oj'.~)~ .~ ~ ~ '-.:~ ~ ~ ~h.e ,Sta~e oj Cahfor~.zz~do he~.eby
~ ~ ~ ~ lilee~z(m, held
:/~:~ ~ /~"~/ :~//~/ a~d th, e statemeut of votes cast ~ow on file i~ ~n ~itneoo ~bereof, ~ a~,,~ he~eue~to
~tate ? Califoznia tsp.
Co,,,,tv o/::a-~,~ .~.(_Z-~~ ......... j
[ do solemnly swear that I will support the Colz,s'tittt, tiol~ off the Ut~ited States
and the Const[tutio~ of the State of California, and that I will jb~ithflally
di~h~,~e the duties' of.~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~. ~
lniteb tate of Lqmerica
hand and seal of the Superior Court of the Cour~ty
.Deputy Clerk.
~tate of Calffoxnia '1
I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution of the State of California, and that I will faithfully
_ ~ di~_arffethe d~ies of' ~~~---~-~---~~-~~~
accordinff to the best off my ability. SO H~P ~E GOD.
.................................................... ~----~ ........................................................
/ / :'7 ~ ,, - /,, .//' ,'
t~lnitcb ~tat¢~ of E~mcrica
~tate of California, ~
the Uo~nty o/:~--~----~-~~-~ ............... in the State of Califo ~
certify, that~ ........ .~--: ................ ~ .................................. Election held
in ~itne~ ~bereof, z ~,,e here~.to affixeg my
hand~/~d seal of the Superior Court of the County
of ---~--.-~. --~ ....... State of CaUf or~ia,
this .........
DeA~ly Clerh.
~tate of Califoxnia~
............ i ............. '
I do solemnly 8wear that ~ will ~ppov~ ~ ~o~gig~io~ of ~ U~igeg ~'
and the Constitution of the State of California, and that I will faithfully
aeeo~~est b~y ability. SO HELP ME GO~.
~-~':--- ~ ~ o/--~L~~ :~ ~A 9_Z_~_ _.~ ~
.......... : ........................................... V' .......... : ...... ........................