HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1-1908..... ' '2hiS~ 01'~:i'''~=' ........ ':":~2" ' ..... :~rO ', <4' f'~*'"'~'~"c''< i': .I ,~_i.s:: :2:f c~ r,"~ ~',",,,~-~'~* lO~q. Passed and ad. opted as an ordinance of the city of' South~'~.~ PI'anoi~'oo, at a rc?jular ::eetin:' of the Board of rOte: ~yes~ and in favor of tho passage of s,:id ord~noneo ORDINANCE NO. 1 An Ordinance fixing the penal sums of the official bonds required of and to be executed by the Clerk, Treasurer and Marshall of the City of South San Francisco. The Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The penal sum of the Official bond required of and to be executed by the Clerk and ex-officio Assessor of the City of South San Francisco, is hereby fixed at the sum of One Thousand Dollars . Section 2. The penal sum of the official bond required of and to be executed by the Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco, is hereby fixed at the sum of Five Thousand Dollars . Section 3. The penal sum of the official bond required of and to be executed by the Marchall and ex-officio Tax Collector of the City of South San Francisco, is hereby fixed at the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be published one in the "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper published in said City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage. Introduced the 28 day of September, 1908. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of said City held the 5th day of October, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes, and in favor of the passage of said ordinance: Trustees: Harry Edwards, H. Gaerdes, Thomas Hickey Daniel Mc Sweeney and Andrew Hyrdin~ Noes, and against the passage of said ordinance: Trustees, None Absent: Trustees: None 1. Si_~ned, attest, and approved as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco this 5th day of October, 1908. Andrew H~ndin~ President of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco. ATTEST: Thomas Mason Clerk of the City of South San Francisco. class~ and d~l~i~ th~ peraon~ ei,mte~1 to fill t]~c __iou,, elootive ~:ni~lp~ o~floe~ preserlb~t ~: law for ~:u~ieipal eor~oratlona of ~h ? O00~- P:~ i% Ro~lv~, ~y the Board of ~up~rvl~or~ of the County of Eo~ t~l~ B~a~, Das~'t and adopt~t. ~n the third day of Au~:~t, loo~, Bo~d ~ ~Ve ~t~Oe Of a sp~Xal olooti~)~ to bo h~d o~ Th~'sday,th~ %h~ d~ of Sept~b~ 19OM, for the ~ .......... ?~u~-'~'.~,~ of votl~I u~,on the p~slK~on wheth~ a o~taln por%lon of the County of Sun of O~lfo~la~ part~ularly de~orlb~ in said. Re~olution, and in said l{otioe of ~%lon( a~ heroinaft,.~r d,;3r.~oribe,!.) SllOtll~l bcoo:,:~o inoo~.)o- rated as a city oC tho slxt]l ola~.~, t,) be h~OW~l and d. or~i~a%ed Glty of South ~an '~ra~lsoo: an~! for the put,Jose of votin,~ for the le~tlv~ ~mielpal offle~s for ~eh propo~ r~niol~)al %Jrovid~ ~ law, ~:,nd partioul~rly ~ that ~ertain A~t o-~ thc ture of the State of Oallfornia, entltl~t, "An Act to ~:,?.'ovld~. Cor ~'~ orja~zatlon, i~orporatlon and t;overnment of ~:nleipal ~orDorations," approw~ N~h l~th. 1985, (Eta%utes of 1~, Da~'~e ';~) an,~ the acts amenda%o~ %her~f:~ !)~bll~i~ said ~otice of ~%ion for at least two we~s next pr~i~1%h,~ ~,ald thir~]~ dny of S~tember, 19o~,in"~he Enterprise, · a we~ly newspaper printed and ~n~Oli~hed within the bou~ darie~ a~ %errito~ of said ]~,niolTJal eorpo~.ation;Olt%~ of south rr~ncl~eo, a~:~ fir.~! in sai,~ Rosolution of thi~ Loa~: an~. ~ere~,~'~, it appears ~ th~ aCfidavlt of Everett I. ~'ood~wm, th~ ~rin~ip~'~l of %h~3 prlnt~r an~ lmbti~= o'C "THE ~T~'~]~I.~*,,' that ~ald ~tiee of Election, was duly published for at 1,~,'~t two ~e~s next s~d ~. d~ of September, 1~09~ in the said "The Ente~Jrise, . a we~.~ly n~spa'per, print~ and !xUJiish~i within the l~n~!~ies an~:l ri%o~; of sa~ ~:unlelpal oo~oration ,~ity of ~outh San Mranel~co, as deslgna%~ in said Re~lu%lon, am~ said Notre ef Yl~tlon, in cordages with law, and the order of tl~ls Board, said affidavit beirut on file with this Board: and Whereas, said Notice of Election was in the form~ ami contained the ~tters and thins, re~lr~ ~ law: and was the words a~ fi~es prescribed in and ~ said Resolution of this Boa~: A~ ~eas, said elation was duly conducted and held in accordance with law on said Thursday, th~s third day of September, 1903;and the eld- tots v~tl~ at ~oh el~tlon d~ly cast ballots of the forr~ requir~ law, a~ as preserib~ ~ the resolution of this Baard adopt~ on the 17th. da~ of Ax~mt, 1908: And ~e~eas, the.elation officers, and Board of ~l~tion who conduct- ed said ~tion, have made due return of ~oh elation to this Board of Supervisors as requir~t ~ l~w: and ~nereas the Monday next ~ooeod- i~ said elation was a l~al holiday, and. this daf is the next Mx~in- ess day thereafter, a~ is also the day for a regular meetl~ of this Board of-Supervisors:and ~ereas, this Bo~d of Supervisors d~l~ met on this day; the 8th. day of ~epte~ber, 1908, and proee~ tb canvass the votes east at ~oh mp~lal election, and ther,~pon did canvass.: votes and eo~leted the canvass ther~f: And ~xereas, it duly appe~s from ~oh canvass, and is a rs. et, that at said elation, t~ hundr~ and ninety-one (291) votes were duly east; a~ t~ hundr~ and ninety-one (291) voters voted: and of said number two hu~ and eighteen (218) of said voters vot~ ~d cast ballots ~Por I~or~ration;' and thirty-six (J6) of said voter~-~ voted and cast ballots ,~alnst Incorporation;" and Vdxereas, it appears that a ~jo~ ity of the votes cast at samd elation were and ~r.': for the inoor~ra- tion of said pro~s~ ~nieipal ~orporation, City of Eouth San Mra~is- oo: a~ ~at a ~jorlty of the voter~ at said ~leotion voted in favor of the incorporation of said City, and that at said election it was duly ,ieter~n~ that such p~poe~ City of ~outh S~ Francisco, st~ould b~ come l~o~orat~: And ~ereas, it ~ther appe~s ~om said canvass, and is a fact, that at said ~tion, the followl~ n~ed persons received votes for the ORDINANCE NO. 1 An Ordinance fixing the penal sums of the official bonds required of and to be executed by the Clerk, Treasurer and Marshall of the City of South San Francisco. The Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The penal sum of the Official bond required of and to be executed by the Clerk and ex-officio Assessor of the City of South San Francisco, is hereby fixed at the sum of One Thousand Dollars. Section 2. The penal sum of the official bond required of and to be executed by the Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco, is hereby fixed at the sum of Five Thousand Dollars. Section 3. The penal sum of the official bond required of and to be executed by the Marshal and ex-officio Tax Collector of the City of South San Francisco, is hereby fixed at the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be published one in the "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper published in said City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage. Introduced the 28 day of September, 1908. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of said City held the 5th day of October, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes, and in favor of the passage of said ordinance: Trustees: Harry Edwards. H. Gaerdes. Thomas Hickey Daniel Mc Sweeney and Andrew Hynding Noes, and against the passage of said ordinance: ' Trustees, None Absent: Trustees: None 1. of fibs Of member of tile boai'd o:£ t~ste~;s, as folYow~, to wit: O. 7, benedetti, one hundred and ten (llO) votes: Hat~f Edwards one hundred and sixty (160) votes: H. Gae~'dos one hundr~d and n~neteen (1to) Thomas Hick~ one hundred and twent~-fou~' (12~) vote:~: Andrew ~[yndz~ n~'- one hunted and forty-three (1~) votes' ~,~. F. Healy eighty-five votes: J. Jorgen~en sixty-seven (67) votes:Peter ],lnd tt~irty-o~le (~l) votes: J.J. Mo~nald eighty-si~ (~6) votes' Daniel ~.,Ic~:~woeuey one hund- r~ and twenty-eight (128) votes: Jol~n ;~e~lis ~eve~t}~-three (7~) votes' D. Palany seventeen (1y) votes: E. S. Pike ninety-one ~91) votes:~chael O'Brien three (~) votes: D. O. Dagf~ett one (1) vote: P. Hyland two (;~) votes: Pat O'Neill. thr~e (~) votes' ~,~. Moldy two (2) votes: W.J.Eartin Thews Hick~, Andrew Hyndi~, and D~niel l.,,IcSwecn~, h~ve been elected T~stees of said ~nicipal eor~Joration: And it ~ther appears, that e.t said election the followi~ persons ceived ~tes for the office of Clerk of said ~mnicipal corporatzon, follows, to wit: E.W. I,a~enb~eh ninety-n:[ne (99) votes: Thews or~e hUndr~ and one (101) votes: ~ar~ F,. Stylc~ fifty-two (52) ~md that Tho~ms Mason was duly elected clerk ther.oI:~ ~ ~.nd it ~rther appe~s, that at said election the following persons ~eived votes for the office of Trea~rer of said ~nicipal corporation as follows, to wit: C.L. Kauff~:ann one hundred and fifty-seven (157) votes: W. C. Schneider ninety-fo~r (9~) votes: D.O.Daggett one (1)vote, and that C. L. Kauffmann was duly elected? Treasyrer thereof: And it ~rther appears, that at said el~ction the following persons re- ceived votes for the office of Marshal of said ~nicipal oorporation, as fellows, to wit: He~ W. Kneese one hun,ired and eighteen (liS)votes' E~l Daneri twenty-five (25) votes: J.G.~Vallace on~:~ hundred and seven- teen (lly) votes: and that said He~y W.Kneese w~duly elected thereof: and it ~ther appears that sai~t persons above mentioned as hav~ng been duly elected to said offioes, received respectively, the hi~hest number of votes ~ast for such ~.~everal offices. NOW, T~ E~FORE, It is here~y r.:~olved, ordered ,~nd declared, by thi~, Board of 2uoervzsors, that the.,te~?to~hereinafter de~:~cribed has seen end is, an~ this Board deelar~-.,~ t~c ~a:~e to be duly incorporated as a ~'(~ITY OP SOUTH ~At{ lSRAN~I,~(~O. lr~ this BO~ does l~ere~ ~rtlie= d~lare sa~i terrlto~ so l~o~o~a- t~, to be the s~:~e terrlto~ tho leg~ ~undarle, a~ limts of ~loh wero h~r~ofore d~y flx~d an~ establi~h~l ~ thl~ Eo~d ~ Resolution, duly pase~ an:l odopt~ on Au&mst ]rd. 1~o2, and that sat4 territory sltuat~ in the County oF San M:::t,.~, 8taro of Oall~o~nla, and is p~ tioul~ly ~u~.t~ a~ desorlbod ~:,s follows, to wit: B~inn~ at a po~Z on th~ easterly line of th, ~min county ~ad i~u ~m San ~ranoisoo to ~an Jo:.~e, ~{ore tho southeasterly line of the ~0.11 acre tract oF lar~l, for:aerly the land of Tor~ Oresta, l~ t,~:~rs~ts said ~ad~ ~d ~tnnin/: thence Dortheast~ly alo~ t]~e ~uth- easterly line of ~ald To~mo ere~ta 90.11 acre tra~t to the ~uthwe~te~ ly line of th~ 1~.~,~','.,., o ~' tho ~rook~',' .... ~tate: ~nni~-~ thence so~-~.,t~-+ ~ or.~ corner of Lot m[:~,:Oer 1~ of s~tion ln, township ~ south, range 5 l~nning thence due east alo~ the northerly lille of Lots ~mbers 17 iS of said s~tlon 15, a~ along the ~ort;~erly line of I,ots numbers 2~, and,~,~ of section 1~, and to th~: confer of. s~tion 1;$., town~]ip south ra~e~.= wost', the~o {'h:e oas% to tire lin..1 ~' sc}::,ar~ati~'V: the nounti, a of Almn~la and San Eat~;tho~me z~nnln.; sm~therly alo~I the ~:aid line . arat~ tho counties of Al~m~eda and S,.~n }.~at~, to a point due east o:C t'~s extension of th,~ nort~erly ~3~mda~ line of s~tion %, towns]~ip ~ south, raz~Io ~ w,.~st: mmninj then~o d~e west to tho nort]xea~:~terly eof noz' of' the Water Pront and TZ4e Land Co~:~:any's 80 a~re tract of said easterly line of th,~, ~an ~.~ln,:) rea, 1.; ti'~ence northerly alert: U,,, .,~t ly line of the fan B~no ~ad:~8 ohains ~r~ o~ less, to a !~ln% tile ~rtherly line oF tile Pifth Addition to San Bmlno P~k~ if northeast~ly would inter~t ~]~e sai4 easterly line of the San road; the~e ~ut!~westerly a!o~-f the ~]ort]"/c~t~l'!y line of th~ ~ifth Ad- dition of San Bn[no Park, and t]:e so~[%ho~ly line of the land~ of the South San ~r8~l~o Land and I~)~ve;aent ~or,~a~to tho westerly side of the Southern Paolx~o Rall~ad: thenoo northwesterly aloof the westerly side of the South~n Paoiflo }~allroad to the northeasterly n~ of the lands.of th.e N.,r~; Oalifornia Jook~ Olub, known a~ "Tan reran _ / Park";the~e southwesterly alo~',' t~ northwe~terly line of o,~i~ ~n Park' to the~ ~ ~ste~ty" · line of t,~e' main countl/ I-oa, t lea4i~ fro~ San ~, Jo~; t~'~e~e...,,,~o~''+':'',',,~'-',-,'~'~'.~ ~.~ . ,.:,~ ,_..... ai,),, ~.c...... ':.a;:to"',_l," line o ,, ,, ....... ~ ' "l,~,-..4n~, ~,-~ ,.O~,ll),.~ !~?'~ ;l'q; e,t t~ere~om~ and fz'om tho j:~ri:;,iietion of said OitF of ~out}: f:an Pran- ,-i~o ~o wit: ~ ',' ' 150 fe9~ n6rth of t3~e granit .e l:~D~'~DIg~]t ~et 10 O]lai~%~ n;,:e!,il of -~,,,~t, ,. , and ~mnin,~. theno,'~ ~rthw,2nt,~z?ly to a uolnt. . that is ~.:=,,t.nt'"~ ' so~lth n),., ~7~, west 760.~ :Ce~t f~ th,'~ ~,._,m~tc r~nm'~ont vd~ioh 1~:~ act for :~.'~'t n,)~.tll~ly~'--'e-'.,, ..~ of the .lan~ln of the~ uent~rn }~eat Col:~'oa~y,~ no~.th ~7 bT' east 1201.07 feet, th,moo north 61 1~' em'~t "',~'" foot to ,,;~e line of tho rij.~:t of way o:C t~e 2oli:~ f:molti~7 a~ Lead ,$ ' div~di~ line between sections,=,_ .... and ,.~, township ~ south ran~e.~ ~. west, tl~enoe north to a point that is di~ta, nt ~0 feet from the shore line of the San Francisco bay, thence ea,~t.,_l~ and south,~rly to a 'ooint ~hat is due west off the southwest, corner of tide lot nu~aber 27, s~otion 1}~.,town- ship ~ south ra~e 5 west, thence due east to the dividing line betwee:~ ~,e counties of San Hsteo and Al~meda, thence ~o~therly along said di- viding line to a point that is due east of tl~e point where the easter- ly bounda~ of tide lot number 10 of section 2~ intersects the shore line of San Francisco bay, thence due west to a point that is 50 feet westerly at r~ht angles to tho noutherly line of the right of way of t,l~e Smelter Railr~, ~e~ce easterly and southerly along the line dis- rant 50 feet from and parallel to the said southerly line of the right of way of the said Railroad to a point that is due east f~om the point of beginning, then due west to the point of beginning. ~ A~ ~t is ~rther resolved and. daelar~d that said ~ar~ Edwards, H. Oaerdes, Tho~as Hick~y, Andrew Hyndi~ and ~niel ~,,{cSweeney, have been duly elecTted thc Tm~stees of said mlnioipal corporation, and. constitute the Board of T~stees thereof' and that Tl~o~flas Eason has been duly elec- ted. the Clerk thereof: and that C.L. Ksuffmann has been duly elected the fr,~a~r~r thereof' an~] that Henry W. ~ese has been duly elected the ~.arsl~al thereof. .&nd it ms z~.~rther resolved and o-~ ~, .. r ~ ~ t]~at thc Cle~M~ of this Board ent,~r this orderer and resolution, and ~'~ ~ · ' o~ ~ ~o~d~n~.~s at length 2~ th~ r~u[~- utes of thls Bo~r~' amd that a copy of thi~: order an~ r~solution be ..~ ~ certified by him, an~ t]~ ~ , tran~;~:;itted forthwith to the ~' r.~t.~ of State of the State of California, to b,~ filed in th,~ offic~. of s~id Secreta~ of rotate ..... as -~,~'~ _ e~d by l~w. State of California,) ),SS. County of San Ma~eo.) I, Jos. H. Na~h, County Clerk of the 0ounty of ~an l!ateo,~tate of California, and ex, officio Clerk of tho Boazd of ._,upervi.~o_,~ of said County, do here~y c~:rti~ t]xo ~.~=...~. ~.., an,t annexed eo~, to be a ~ll, t~e ~md oorrect copy of the original ord,:r and resolutlon of the Board of Supemvisors of the said County of San L. teo, State of California, d~ ol~i~ the territory therein described duly in~orporat,~, a~ a ~midipal oorpOration of th,: sixth (6th.) class, undor the na~ne and style of the · ~ITY 0~ S0~H 2AN ~NGISC0,' and d .... la. lng the persona thoroin seve~ all~ nam~ as havi~ r~i,~ed respectively the highe~t nu:~ber oF voto.~ for the several resp~tlve r~uuioipal of:Cie~m 'prescribe4 by lm'~ 'Cot nieipal oo~orations of said class, to be h~ly elect~ to the several resp~tive offices therein ~::eution~: that ~oh order and re:~olution 'was duly Pass~ at a re~l~ meeti~ of ~mid Board of Supervisors duly and re~l~ly held on Tuesday, the 8th. day of Septe~oer, 19Ca, the },[onday ne~ suooe~ii~ the elation held within said territo~ for the purpose of deterr~ni~ whether the sa~ae should b~o~e ineo~or:~ted, b~ lng a leg~ holiday, and Tueuday, the sakd 8th. day of ~epter.:ber, 1902, bei~ the next ~'sine~s'-day thereafter: that at uaid meeti~u all the m~mbers of said Board of Supervi~r~ were present: and said order and resolution was duly pass~ by the affirmative votes of all five nSc:be?4 of sai~ Board of Supervisors: and no ~xemb~r votl~ again:-;t pad, sage of the sa::e: that. said.u~-.~-~,'-',..~ and. resolution ha~ been duly ente~ ed in the ~nutes of said Board o': Supervi~ors, and i:~ ~ ~ll force an.~ eff~t, and h:~.s never been vaoat~_l, r:09eal~ or ~,x~difie4, a~; will ~ore ihlly a~:pear ~ the official recorda an4 file~ of · ". ' IN .WITNESS WH.,~,~.O., I hav~ her~nto ~,~t ~ hand, an4 affiNo~ the ~eal of said Boai'd of Supervisors of tl%c County of San ~,!ateo, ,.~tate of C~ifornia, this ~/" day of ~ept~mb~r, 19ua. ~lerl~ of the Board of Su'pervi:;ors of said C oullty. DEPARTMENT OF STATE I, C, ~: CURRt', Secretary of St~te of the State of Califor~ia, do he,.,,b,/, er.tiff/, thatj I have eate/~eltg con~pare~ the ............ ;ny o/lice, a,~d that the same ~s a correct tra~sc~pt therefrom, and'of the whole thereof. ~lso, that this ~ at~thent~cat~on ~s ~ d~e form a~,d by the proper o~cer. Wttness'~y.k~d t~ Great Seas of S~nto, Cal¥or~a, ........... ......... ,