HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 8-1908 ~F/ CENTeAL
~ ~ik~ NO[ ~-~
An Ordinance Pixing the E~l~le~ ~n~L Coml~ensation of Tr~:am~ra~
Ciel'k, Narshal and Recorder of the City of Smith San Francisco.
or,is, in as fo.!!ov,~s:
~ection 1. Tl~e Tre~.~urer ?.b~ii receive s
,.. ~ ~ - payable tojother with a percentage
lo ....~ .... annum, mo~th!y,
at 't]~e rate of one (1) i)e'f cent on ~ll mon~/s reeeiv~ and paid
q~ts. rt~,..=_.<, anas ' to, b,~ eomp~t~d, only on mo~ey~,_, aetua!!y paid out
paid over by said. ~'~,.'F
twenty (4~0) dollars p~r armum, l~ayabie,monthly.
!o~ed :'.~n'~, ,~ ~,-'.': o<~+~,,,., )).300d of tlie Po!iZical Co,"e
Section 4-. Ts,e RecorOey shall be en~itiod to c.aar,le, colloot
.~.~1...,~ eive fop~.~-z-; ~s_, .... ~o-,,v~ r._ - ~.... tho ~:~a~!--~ .:.'e~,,"~.... ~.~ a>,o._ . ~!!owed Jtls-
,~ ..... ~,l,~i~,~ ~-lel'~O~r fixed iNoilld0
..... ' Tho CiePk and T:~-~,~l o~,:~' e. iSO
Eeotion o. This ~-,. ~ ~: ,,b~, be B~b!ished
samd City of South San
a weekly new~e~ printed a~d ~,-¢~,~ i~ - '
Francisco, and ,' .... , ...... '~ ... _
it~ B~~ ~'~''~''' ·
Int=o,~.~,, the day of 1)ece:~ber, !90~.
......P~,c:~ed 8~,~,,.~ r:tdout~f:t_ ,~s.~,_ an ordihance of ti:e. ~ ~ity,; of South San Pran-
Aye¢~4 and in favor of tl}e p¢~ssa. Ee of said ordJ. nanc
}~oes, and aSain~t thr~p~*ssa.je of said ordinance: ~tsteoS: