HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 10-1908 A:': Ord.in~nce ma~i~ it u~lawful to t~row, sweeF~
~ ~.np., or ~i~o~d~t rubbish, g~b~e, Tin cans, r~s~ or filth
Lnto or upon roads, all. s. stre~s, or :~..~t-
di~ositlon thereof,and prov~d!~ a ~nish~nt for violation.
~ 05 0 co ~
...... :~ .... , sweet, d~ or deposit, or cause to
. ol deposited u~n a~ street, rea~.? ~I!~, h~w~z, square,
or upon a~r ~rivate i0re:~ises or a~where within the li~ts of
Cit~~ off 2out. h ,Sa~ Franci~, except as h~el~ft~
rubble, waste ~aD~, house re.se, d~"~, ~,,,hee~ cinders, slu~e,
~oken glass, eroek~, ~Ins? bones, des.d ani~ls,
~trid an~ml or v.g~tsble m~tte~.
' Section S.
ce[aolty, wh~o.~ r~eLtaele ~al! be ke~:t cc~:i'
~h~ll remove the s~me to such place or places ~.s m~y be designated
for that purpose by the Superinte~ier..~ of 9tree, s .
,ection S.
A~ p~rs~, firm or corpor~.tlon vlolati~ ~ of~the
p~ovisions of this ordinance shall be ~lity of a mi~emeanor,
on conviction thereof, shall be puRi~h~ ~ ~ fi~ of not less
th~n Five (~) ~l!~s, ~ not r~ore th~ One Hu~ (i00)
or ~ ir~ri~o~ent not exce~i~ one ~nth, or ~ ~th ~ch f~ne
and imprisoE~ent .
Thi~ ordinance shall be published o~e in" The ~terprise,,
a weekly newspaper pr Lnt~ and publ!~cd i~.~ the city of South
Praneiseo, and shall take eSfect and be in force ~om and after
itS pass~e.
i~.tro-~u~e~,the SOth, day of November, tg~YS. ~'
Passed ~ adopted as an ordinance of th~ 'Ult,'
South g~u ~rancisoo, at ¢ regular meeti~ Bo .... d of Tru~teea
of ~he City of South gan ~?aueisoo, t. his_ day of December,
'A. D. I~08, ~ the followl~ vote ;
.Attest : ~
Olerk of the ~Y of ~outh S~n Francisco.
ORDINANCE NO. 10 The garbage collector or person
authorized by the Board of Trustees
AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UN- to collect such garbage or rubbish,
LAWFUL TO THROW, SWEEP, and any person, firm or corporation,
DUMP OR DEPOSIT RUBBISH, who or which may desire to dispose
GARBAGE, TIN CANS, REF- of his or its own garbage or rubbish
USE OF FILTH INTO OR UP- shall remove the same to such a
ON ROADS, ALLEYS, STREETS place or places as may be designated
OR P R I V A T E P R E M I S E S for that purpose by the Superintend-
CISCO; P R E S C R I B I N G THE SECTION 3. Any person, firm or
DISPOSITION THEREOF, AND corporation violating any of the pro-
PROVIDING A PUNISHMENT visions of this ordinance shall he
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con-
FOR VIOLATION. viction thereof, shall be punished by
The Board of Trustees of the City a fine of not less than five (5) dol-
or South San Francisco do ordain as lars, and not more than one hundred
follows: (100) dollars, or by imprisonment not
SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful exceeding one (1) month, or by both
for any person, firm or corporation such fine and imprisonment.
to throw, sweep, dump or deposit, or SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
cause to be thrown, swept, dumped be published once in "The Enter-
or deposited upon any street, road, prise," a weekly newspaper, printed
alley, highway, square, park, or upon and published in the City of South
any private premises or anywhere San Francisco, and shall take effect
within the limits of the City of South and be in force from and after its
San Francisco, except as hereinafter passage.
specified, any garbage, r u b b i s h, Introduced the 30th day of No-
waste paper, house r e f u s e, dirt, vember, 1908.
ashes, cinders, sludge, broken glass, Passed and adopted as an ordi-
crockery, tins, bones, dead animals, nance of the City of South San
or other like putrid animal or vege- Francisco, at a regular meeting of
table matter, the Board of Trustees of the City of
SECTION 2. All such garbage or South San Francisco, this 14th day
rubbish as above particularly defined of December, A. D. 1908, by the rol-
and set forth, shall be placed by the lowing vote:
person, firm or corporation, occupy- Ayes, and in favor of the passage
~ng the premises upon which such of said ordinance: Trustees Harry
rubbish or garbage is created, in a Edwards, Herman Gaerdes, Andrew
water tight metal receptacle of not Hynding, Thomas Hickey, D a n i e 1
less than twenty (20) gallons capa- McSweeney.
city, which receptacle shall be kept Noes and against the passage of
continuously closed by a close fitting said ordinance: Trustees, none.
metal cover. The contents of such Absent, Trustees, none.
receptacle shall, at least once a week,
be removed by delivering said con- ANDREW HYNDING,
tents to the "Garbage Collector" or President of the Board of Trustees
person having authority from the of the City of South San Francisco.
City Board of Trustees to receive the (Seal)
same; provided, however, any per'- Attest: William J. Smith,
son, firm or corporation may remove Clerk of the City of South San
his or its own garbage or rubbish. Francisco.