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An O~dinance Prohibit~ the: Itunning at large of Anima~
Within the Limits oi~tbe City 9~ 5curb 5an Francisco,
and .Providing for the' ~npoundin~ and Sale of Anima~,
found running at large in-said~ City.
--- ooo 0 oeo ---
Tho Board o£ ~rustsos cf tho City of 8outh San F~ancis
-co do ordain as follows :
8ectiom ~.
~ ~lic Pound is here~y ~thorizod
which Pound sh~l bo locmto~
t~me to time by Resolution o~
It s~l be, the ~ty
or ~y o~ such ~ls, ~o~d
he, dod in ch~o o~ ~y ~e~aon, o~ erred, o~ in ~Y ~o~
~~s which is ~on o~ being led o~ ~ive~ '~on ~ 2~xoved
sid~2 in said City.
Section 3 .
~y anima; ............
pro~er~y in sai~ OiSy may bo ~en
comnitto~ ~o ~h~ cu3to~ o~ the Po~~tex, wac s~l hol~
Bection 4.
The Poundmaster shall ~ee~ a true and ~aAth~ul Record
o£ the number and doscxi~tion o£ ~1 ~mals ~en in~o
custody, wi~h the ~a~e o~ t~ei= ~ecei~ =a the aato ~
o~ t~eix ~SpOS~, with the ~ees ~d c~es collected on access
of said ~imals, ~d the di~osition thexeo~. $~d reco~ to
be ke~ by the Po~~tex in a ~o~ ~ ~oks $~cvided' ~
p~pose, w~ch s~ll ~e th~ xscoxd ~cck cx ~oks c~ the
cf the Poun~aster ~d sh~l net be xemoved the:c~:cm. , He
~so kee~ cons;icuo~ly posted at the entx~ce of tho ~o~d, a.
li~ of ~1 ~imals therein dot~n~, H~ sh~l ~sc ~xcvide
necess~y subsistence ~: all ~i~ls w~lo in his c~to~,
~d sh~l ~lk when nec~$s~y, ~l cows in his Po~d~, ox f~lin~
to f~nish s~h s~siste~e , ox to milk ~y cows in his
possession when necess~y, he s~l be liable tc the
p~son~ly ~d: upon~ ~s offiCi~ bc~ herein~te: mentioned~ for
~1 d~es ~isin6 there~xcm. It sh~l ba~ ~s ~ty tc
the o~ex ox ~ty having co~xol, ( if knee to him ) of
~d all ~im~s xoceived ~ t~en into the Pound, wXthin
houxs the:~tex, iX in the ~y tim~ bu~ l~ in the ~ht tim~,
then before noon cf the subsequent day~
Section 5 .
;~.~ ~,]~.i~%~i~ ~.~en into the custod$~
the P~n~te:, if not xe~o~ within two ~Ys the:e.~tex,~
sh~l be advertised by wxitten ox ~inted nctic, e consumedly,
posted on the Pc~d ~te, on the Eletin, Bo~d at the ~ xocm
doox, ~d a~ the Post 0Z~ice as follows .:
Hoxses, cow~,. ~118, ozea, ~le~, oX asses fox seven: (7)
~ne, shee~, l~s, goato ~d othex s~l ~im~s,~
~i~ impoun~e~ ~' give time ~ pl~e o~ s~e~ w~ch s~e
sh~l be by ~blic. ~c~lon.
~emtion'. 6 ..
At the time s~ecified in and a~ter said adve~tisement,
as hexeinbe~oze ~zovidod, o~ at ~y ~ost~onemen~ thexoo~,
Poun~ste~ sh~l ssXl~at ~lic m~tion,, tho B~d
~im~s, tO the ~est biddex ~or c~h , 1~
United Grates, ~d out o~ t~e ~oceeds el,the
dem~ds ~e ~de= the ~=gviaio~ 9~" 8~tion ~ ~ this ~t~-uce.
~y b~e c~ the ~ocoo~ o~ a s~e ~ ~7 ~~ re~ni~
e p~d into the City t~o~M, ~= the ~e 9~ t~
i~, ~ clawed within s~ (6)' mon.~hs thexe~te=,
tis~toxy pzoo~ o~ ownexsh~ ; i~ not, tho
t~ned ln~o the genez~ ~d o~~ s~
Section 7.
~e ~nez cz ~ezson entitled to the contxol
~im~ impended, may at ~y t~o before the s~e, cz ot~ex
~sposition the=ec~,, ~e~em the a~e ~y ~yi~ tc tho
Pc~~te= ~1 ~$c= ~ees ~d c~ges there,n, ~e
of ~y c~ the D~cvisicns c~ this cx~ce. Tho
~im~, or ~im~s sold ~ the $~cvlsions ~ thi~ o~n~e
sh~l ~e the xight to ~e~em the m~e within three ($) months
of his o~e~hi$ ther~o~ ~d by ~ayin~ ~o tho
~i~s tho ~ountvo~ tho purc~e ~ice with
~dod thexeto, to~ethex with the n~esm~y ~snses
said p~ch~oX in ~eepi~ said
Section 8 .
No perBon ~i~ or havin~ ~ossossion
sh~l s~sr o~ ~e=~t the s~e to be ~on ~y ~ublic
tho City without bei~ held ox led by a coxd, ch~a o~ othex
thin~, or confined to a ve~ole, ~less such ~
neck such a co!l~ ~ in this o~n~co ~=ovided, havin~ attshod
thereto such a met~lic plate o~ b~ with s~h inso~iDtions
~hereon as axe in t~'Ls ozcLtnancs ~zovido~ no:r unless & license
tax ~oz the then ourzent yeax has been ~aid as hezoin state~
~xovided, that any ~OS taken u~ by the ~ouudnute~ sh~ll be
released without ch&Y&s u~on its ~oin~ shown that suc~ do& does
hot belon~ in thAs City, and is not bein~ Ee~t cz hazbezed he~e,
and that it has not Meen within tho City l~mAts moxe t~an
:Ywonty-~ou~ house continuously neat ~zscedSn~ the time w~on it
wa~ taAen u~.
Section 9 .
Svezy do~ ove~ sii C6) montho old not ~v~ on 8~
col~ o: t~, ~o~d o2 being in ~y Gu~llc stzeet o~ ~ City
~ not beinG held, ~ led by oo:~ ch~ cZ othe~ thi~,
co~ed in ~y resole, 8h~l be t~en by t~e PQ~~te~ to,
~ i~o~d in tho ~ublic ~o~, where it ~ be~ ~e~od
the ~ne~ ~ ~o~son therotO~o~e ~eatitl~ to t~e ~s~ession
~ wit~n'"~ ~e ~he~e~tez, on ~enC to the
o~ two (~). ~ll~s j ~t ~ not so z~~ 8~h do& s~l bo
~illed ~d ~rl~:d by the Po~~$ezA~ ~ov~ t~t the~
P~d~ste~ is ~tho~e~ to ke~ v~ble do~s ~' sell
~' ~s x~o~t ~oz' t~- s~e t~ozeoX, in~sed bY t~e ~ity
s~ll be a v~id t~tle to the p~o~ex. ~ a license t~
not been paid ~oz t~ then o~z~t ye~, ~oz ~y ~o~d
th~ p~t7 ~odeo~n~ ~t, be~cze ~ed~tion, ~a~ 8~ l~e~e t~
~zov~ed, that ~ cue o~ loss ~ t~, a d~l~a~e o~ t~
~t be o~t~ned ~ the ~a~, u ~exein~tex Gzovided,
on ~resent~& said d~licate t~, the o~ex ~ 8a~d ~o~de~
s~l be entitled to t~e ~oasession o~ t~o s~e on p~en~ to the
Pou~stex o~ the s~ o~ ~i~ty (50)cents ~ costs ·
~onovo~ ~ do~ is zodoomod, tho p~ty ~o~o~ ~st ~ive to the
P~n~stex ~licate ~ecei~ts o~ the s~e, one c~ which
be delivered by the ~~~s~e~ with his ~nt~y xe~o~t to ~he
City Olozk. The Pov~d~*tez m~ &ire to ~ ~ozgon zo~ee~n~
~he ~en G~ren~ Ye~ ~ been
Section ~0 .
~w~c~ ~he ~ ~a8 been ~, ~ he 8~1 :eSis~o~, in a boo~ to
'~be Ee~t :cz ~t ~ose, ~he ~ o~ ~he o~ox or Gossessoz,
~ ~esc:~t~on o~ ~he acs ~o: which ~he license
the n~be~ o: ~ho liGense, ~
~ho~oon ~he n~box o~ ~he Xtcense)
license. ~he Qoo~ o~ ~ch ~la~es ox ~s sh~l no~ ~oea
Sec~iom ~2' .
-o~ ~osseo8o~ o~ 8~ do~ w~th & coll~ at Xe~ ~ee-~o~ths
o~ ~ inch wi~e,, and have a~1~he~
:~l&te cz t~ havi~ .~h im~z~t~o~ thezeo=~ u
Section ~S .
fo:r,-',,'~-,~.'....,.~,. ~i-,~ ~:m~ne we~ is'sued may ~ tlle payment of twent~
'.Board. of Trustees, under oath, on the ~ir._t,.~,~c.~a~, of each month,
of ti~e number of cio~s J.~ound. ed ~,r him dur ~ the preoedl~ month,
~anO. of the di~'~-~+~~.~ ~.~,, l~:~de o'ff them, ~]:q~i of ~ :~nb.:.?.' ~ ~..~ ....... ,
and b:~ ~hom r~eemed~ and of the ~.mo?:t z~eceJ, ved for the z'edem~ion
of does. lie ~ha Il ~'.c ~J~led. to ret~'Jn *'or ?.~$ ov,~. u~e ~11
Secret. I: !~.
~r~' ~our'~st~:' ah~IZ f~ed one (1) ~.~our.~. cf ~:eat each dey
%o .':::?.' ' ' .... ·
to be paid out of t~e general fan~, an e~mouu~ ~qu,~2 ~o t,!:~ ~.m of
' ~,~ provided that
he:c':~%u ~rovide4 m/ ::~.m during ~,ld period ;
, ..... ~.,,.. filed wdth th~ '3'[~Y
except on t:~ ~rtiftoa'te of 57:e ,.,~.~r ...... .~,
· ' ........ ~',- *~- kiiii~ o* ~eh dog by the Poundma~;ter~ smd i~
be the duty of the l~tlal~, a~ :.i~e ,:~:'~L ,',~ ave~/. ,:,.,.,%~wa--~, to file with
the Olt~' Olerka
.~. :~:.~.~,,~e shov:ir~ the ~ber of %he dogs ~iil~
~ the ),v~,:,ud,t~,er, d~rlt~ .8~.,5. period so far as known to h;ha.
An~X ii ~:hall be his d~ty, when required ~ -":',- ?ct:.u,f.mu~ter s~:
do, to witnes~ the killi~ of a:V dog~ or to direct some ~blie
officer so to do.
Sod%ion I6.
The Pound. mflste~ an4 his Deputies shall each wear
while engaged in the di'~'~.
...... ~ oF th~ir duties, on the left breast
of the~' cutter g~m~nt, a Dlaln ~ "~
jo~ o::<:~, b~u,~:;~,;;d, or ~aCdled~ sr.d at the time lu tho actual
· ..-~-- and of lioons~ doge, to
~;or allo~; the anl~ls o~ $~ of them not inent~.oned in said seot~on
to ~n at l~ge , or to be found
~.~z~r~, or beiz~ grazod or herded,
;.upon an:' 'publlo street, road, h~fhway, all~ or public squ~e in the
~Oity of South San ~ranolsco.
Section iS.
The Pot:.nd~ter chall be entitled to oh~ge ~.~d
· , ,' , the fol!owi~ rete~; ' For c~ch and ..v~r,, hor~2,
~reee,%~ec ¢~ token into the t:ound, O~e (1] Loll~~ ~.r,d fifty
'-c~ e~s esok !~er dsy for keeplr~, wsSerJng ar~ feedir~ the
~' of the provisions of ~his ordJ.n~noe, zhall tx~ d ?em~d guiit7 of a
~emeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be l~nish~ as
pr*vided in Seotlon ~' ~
Sectlou ?8.
"The Er, terpr[so ,, a weekly, ~""~-~,'~ print~d ~'~ publish~ In the
. . ,
~eotion 16.
The Pou~dmaster and his ~eputies shall each wear, while
engaged in the discharge of their duties, on the left breast of their
outer garment, a plain metallic badge precisely desl~aating their
No person shall ~eaist Or interfere with the poundma~ter or
any of his deputles in the discharge of their official duties.
~ection 18.
It shall hereafter be unlawful for the owner or owners, or
person or ~ersons, having the control of any animal mentioned in Sec-
tion 2 of this ordinance, except the owner or owners, or person or
persons having the control of such horses; mares, mules, or asses ou
oxen, harnessed or saddled, and at tl~e tl~ in the actual custody of
some per,on or perso~'~s, and of licensed Cogs, to permit or allow the
animals or any of ther~ not mentioned in sal~ section to run at large,
or to be found ~razing, or being grazed or herded, upon any public
street, roa~, highway, alley or public square in the City of South
Sen ~rancisco.
Sect ion 1~.
The Pound~aster shall be entltle~ to charge end receive fees
and compensation for his services in impounding animals, the follow-
ing rates~ Fo~- each and every horse, m~re, mule, Jack, Jennet, hog,
pig, bull, cow, ox, steer, or heifer, or ass, received or taken into
the pound, One (1) dollar each an~ fifty Cents each per day for ~eep-
lng, ~;aterin~j; ~n~ feedln~; tho same, and Two dollars each additional if
a~vertlsed, mhd if sol~ twent~ per cent commission on the amount
remaining after expenses and charges are paid. For each and every
sheep, goat or lamb taken or received into the pound Fifty cents each,
an6 for ~eepln~.:, v~aterin[~.; an~ feedl~g same T;enty-five cents per day
and :,~1.50 each additional if a~vertlsed, and if sold the same comm~ls-
sion as is allowed for horses and other such e~uimals as ahoy provided.
For lmpoundl~ any unlicensed dog, the sum of ~2.00
For impounding any licensed ~ut untagged dog, the sum of
Fifty cents.
For fee~ln~ dogs at the. rate of Five cents per ~aY eaoA,
to be pal~ by the owner.
For impoundln~ an~ Xllllng dogs as ~reim provl~e~,
~ollar ($1.00) each.
For ~e~vi~ from ~he public atree~s ~y dea~ ~orae
o~he~ ~raf~ ~lmal, or ~7 ~ea~ co~, bull, ox, heifer
or ~alf, the a~ of three dollars, to be paid by owner
For removl~ from the publlo streets ~y dead dog, eat,
~at or sh~p fifty cents each, to be paid by owner.
~tion ~0,
if sale is not ma~e by the Po~dmaster at the time stated
in hie posted n~tlce, the sale may be by him postponed,, from day
to Cay m~tll the ~l~als offereC by him ~e sold. N~tlce of such
postponement shall be giv~ In the s~e m~ncr as Provlced for the
original notice of sale, but no fees shall be allo~ed the Pound-
master for postln~ notices Of such postponement.
Section 21.
The p~as~er ~all be entitled to retain for his o~n use
out of the s~ received fo~ recitation or sale of any ~lmal or
anl~ls, the fees he~ln alloweC, and costs of ~eepln~ said animals.
~ctlon 22.
It ~all be the duty of the i~o~d master to remove from the
public streets, highways or alleys, ~y ~lmal fo~a dead the~on.
Section 25.
T~ Po~aster ~y ~t~ke ~lt~ln six Cays any
ectly or ln~i~ctly conveyed or dellvere~ out the poun~ ~ithout
le~ful authority, an~ acaln lmpo~ ~d retain the ~lmel, and p~cee~
as heretofore provide& In the s~e maker as if said ~tmal ~d never
b~en releese~ f~m the po~d; provided that ~hen any ~1~1 escapes
f~ the po~ wlt~out ~ assistance or ~o~led~e of the o~ner thereof~
the Po~dmaster sh~l no'~ be entitled to fe~s x'or a~a~
the a~e ~vlthln said perloa of six days.
The Po~ad~ster shall, before enterln,~ upon l~ts ~u~les
e~ou~e a bo~ In favor of t~e ~l~;? of ~outh ~ ~oisoo ~ all
p~rsons inJu~ by ~s aots, l~ t~e ~nal s~ of ~)~0,00 oonditlmed
for ~ha faith~l performance of hX~ ~ties an po~v~oe~r ~or
provis~ ~f this o~in~oe. ~;~i~ ~nu ~all ~ furnl~e~ by ~o~e
relXabl~ surety C~p~ny en~ eel~ poetaster shell be liable on
bo~,~ fo~ all official acts of hie ~e!>utics or ~ny of the~.
~otlon 25.
Any ~ all perso~m v~ho ~all oo~t a pound-breach
obstruct, hin~e~, or prevent, o~ ~.~.~o shall mane ~y att~pt to ob-
st~ot, hln~er or prevent in any way, Clearly or i~ireetly, t~
l'oun~atex' o~ his ~eputies In the examine of his or their
~hall ~ deen~e~ ~llty of a ~ls~e~or, ~ upon conviction thereof
shall be p~l~h~ by e fi;~o of not exceeding'; )100.00 or by X~p~lson-
~,e~t ~t exoe~uXng ~ day~ ox' bot~ ~uo!~ fine e~ Xmpri~o:m:~ent.
Any per, on vXoiatln~ ~my of the p~vislor~ of tl~ts o~ia~noe
~ll be dee~m~ ~,~ilty of m ~s~e~or an~ upon oo~vlotlon thereof
sh~l~ ~ p~1~ed as p~vt~ed In ~otton 25 of th~s o~lnanoe.
':my i:ound;~;aster or his deputies or deputy
violating ~y of tm: provisi~na of this or~in~moe ~all be dee:~d
~llty of a misdeme~or, oho upon oo~vietion ~hereof ~sll ~ p~iahe~
as prov~aeC in Jeotion 2~, of thio o~n~oe.
Thlm o~lnance shall be publlstxe~ once in ~h6
a ~eeXly newspaper, prlnte~ an~ [~ubllshed X~ the City of ~o~h
Fr~nolsoo, an~ shall ~aXe effect ~m~ be ~ fo~e ~,om ~d after
~ay of its passage.
~tioa 1, ~eo~i~ lg of O~oe ~o, 12 ~ b~ City of ~u~ ~
5~tion 190 The ~und ~r 8~11 ~ o~l~ to ~r~ ~ receive f~8 ~
~d e~r ~et ~e, ~ila, ~e~ Je~t, h~t ~, bull~ o~ o~ at~r,
ea~ d~y for ~ep~, wate~ ~ re~ the s~, ~d ~ ~l~a ($2,00~ ~ ~-
dXt~o~l Xf odve~io~, ~ Lf cold, a ~al~ Of T~nt~ (20) I~r c~t ~ t~ ~t
~ln~ ~r ~ees ~ c~e ~ p~dJ for e~h ~ ~e~ a~ep, ~at or ~b
taken of ~eiv~ ~to the p~, T~e ~11~ ($3.00) ~, ~d for ~epl~, ~te~
e~ a~tl~l if ~v~~, a~ if ~ld, the e~.~ ~8el~ ~ is a~ for
~d eu~ Oth~ ~ls ~ &~ve p~v~1
For feedl~ do~:~, the m~ o~ ~hi~ (~} c~ ~er d~y o~0 to be ~ ~ tne
For ~vt~ ~= the ~bllO ~e~ a~ de~ ~r~e or d~t ~i~, or ~y d~
~, b~ll, OX, heifer, or c~f, t~ s~ of 51x ~lli~ (~.-6,~0) e~l, tO be pa~ by
For ~ovfnc fi~m the *~bllc ~tree~ an~ de~.~ ~'o~ c~t, ~at or sheep~ Fifty
Section ~, O~ce ~o, g5 entitled "Y~ o~t~noe ~emln~: ~ct~n 19 Of
~o, 12 off t~ City of aou~ ~ ~"~mi~O ~tltled '~ o~~e pr~Abitl~ the ~
~t la~e Of ~[~Is ~Ithin t~J ll"'lts ~ Lmlth ~an ~nciec~ ~ providl~ for th~
~i~ ~d sale of ~I~iG f~(1 ~:i~ ~t 1~ ~ e~d City,' ~sed ~ ~o~,ted
th~ ~oard of ?r~teee of ~he City of touth ~n F~cleco on the 4th ~y ~ ~~, l~9t"
~l ~ ~o?t~l b~ I~(] ~ara of T~tee~ o~ ti~ 20th day ~* Au,~st, I91Te le he~b~
nev~e~p~ printS, ~ubl~d ~d ciro'~d ~ ~ CI~ of i~th ~n F~la~o ~
e~ll ta~ eff~t a~ be In f~ce ~m ~ after t~ e~.tl~ of T~y (~) da~ ~ter
the d~ of its
InbrO::~C~ ~S 16th ~y Of ~, 1921,
Pasted ~d ~opt~ aa an Ordlmnoe of tile City of a~th L~n Fr~clsoo ~t e
meetinf: of ~ B~rd o~ Tmste~a of t~ City of a,~ L~ F~ncts~t this 6th ~ of
J~,, 1921 ~ t~ fCll~n~ ~te~
Of ~e Cftc, Of ~ ~en