HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 13-1909 Au Ordi~nae I~osi~ Lioe~se ~ax~a for the ~ose
of R~lation a~ Revere a~ Fi~ the Rates Thief.
Tl',e ~oa~d of T_~usteee of the City of Souti~ 3an
It shall be u~aw~l ~z a~ peasen, f~m o~
~oorporation in his or It~ name, as ~ent, eler~ or ~liei~,
~in a~ other oapaci~, te oo~e~e, e~e in or e~/ on, er
~or assist in a~ji~ on, a~ ~.siness, ocoupat~n or oalli~
{ liable to a lloen~ ta~ ?? this ordinance, wither f~st p~i~ for
~rov~, whloh lioen~e when ~oau~*~ ~utho~tzes tt~e party ~
~or oc~.pation deserlb~ in ~eh !ioen:~e. s~,rate licenses
.; be proo~'~ a~ paid for each bra~h ests. bl!~kmen$ or sep~a$,e
~house of ~s~.meo~ loca%ed in or e~ted on *[~ ~he ~l~y of
. The amouut eT ~ lloer~e t~x, viz : %'?~m the date
i~,~e~med ~ d~b~ owl~ to the Otty of South San Franc/eeo at ~he tu:~e
. :of the oo~e~ement ef ~;.~. ~eh ~slnee~, oo~at~on or sallie,
~re~i~ m.~h lioense tax a~ p~rae~t there~r, ~ ~
~o. the
~ ~,bf whloh ~.n action ~ be*~intain~ as iu thLs ordlna~e provided
and on the let. day of each ar~i evenly quarter thereafter, should
su~h a ~sine~, occupation or c~lli~ Be eonti~, the
~m a~ a~nt of and for.o~qu~t~ ~e~, or t~ee ($)
in advance ~all also beoo~ a~ be a debt due and owi~ said
City of ~outh San Yra~i~o, the collection of which ~ be
e~rc~ as h~einaft~ ~ntioned a~ provided.
~ainst a~ f~m or corporation, re~~
s t~, ordinance ~ take out a license, who fails, ~leots or
re~se~ to t~e out ~eh license, or ~o carries on or attests to
c~ on, a~ ~sinese, oc~pation, ox~ cs. lli~, in a~ form or
~er ~at~, without ~ch l~cense, the Bo~d of T~stees of the
City of South 8sm Francisco ~all direct ~it in ~alf and in
me of the City of S~th San Francisco, as plainti.ff~ to be
.~:c~' +~ for the recov~ of ~oh license t~ ; a~ in ~ch ease,
Zhe M~al~ or Ol~k of ~ Ci~ ~.y make the n~ess~ affidavit
*'~- ~,nd a ~it of attacD~nt may isle witho~ a~ bo~ bei~
given In behal~ of the ~laluti~f.
Ev~y p~ who Shall oo'~u~nue~ et~e i~ or cer~
on e.~ ~sine~s, tra~e~ profes~!o~ or oaili.~, whether as
principal, agent, oink, ~lioJ.~r. or ethnics, for the
tran~etion or o~i~ on of %T. ich a license is re~~ under
or b'y v:~"tu,_~ of ~ section or provision of this ~di~noe wiTl~out
f~st tski~g out e.~ proo~i~ the liceus~ pre~c:'?~ed ~'
~eet~on ~$r prcvl.ion~ ~' tho ~hall otherwise violate
pz'evision of this ~di~:~e, ~al! be dee~ guli~, of a
mind.east, ~ upon conviction thereof, ~al! be ~~ed
fine of rnt e~e~i~ ~ee h~~ (EO0) ~!term, or
i~i~ent for a p~iod not exceedir6 tr~'ee (J) months, or
~th ~eh fine an~ri~~ .
Section 5.
For e~,ch license tax paid ~nd license Jss~, ?,h~
'~-~w.~.~ '"~'~ be entitled to oolleo% ~*'on +~ ~2"*" *~a'ocurir~ the
~f which ~,m ~hall be :~otalned '~ hi~ , and ~t~e balance Fifty ~im.~ ~ fees for ~heir and each cf t, heir
Septic, 6.
LlOe~ses I~ay isle for tl~l'ee, si>~ nine o~' tweivo
~:on'~i.~., ~'r~ for such otbor %~mes s.s ~y be requ~
~or;,orstlons ~y if th~, d~s~e ~ fa' their lice~eea
~ ~rovided that wh~n.,~"~'.,, ~'w mL~,~, coe~:) c~.~'~ ,,. or c~ll~r~:., requJ.ri~;
term , and the Nsr~al shall receive in payment
~,ro rata ~m required for ~ah lioen~e for ~eh une~~
~o,.'i~ed that no l_o~,,,,,~, sl%e~l be is~ ~o extend-Oes~on*% the
o ~%Otl
It shall be the duty of tho Oi:~'''~: ~n
;] ~,'~a~,:~- bla~s for the Oity i~ ' +~" ~ '
M~.a~ ~om ti~e to tM,~e as ~y be requ~, a~ shall chugs ~l~e
M~m! with the same, keepi~ a~ account of the ~mbere
in a ~ok to be Kept f~r that ~pose.
On the f~st Monday of each ~nth, the M~al shall present
to the City Cl~k, all licenses, not ls~, ~nd receipts for all
licenses is~. The Olerk ~11 ther~pon or~it him with
a~ licenses ~et~ and ca~el!~ and ~om the r~e~pt~ ~
~ ~esent~ ~sll enter in a bock r~k~" LIO~S~" the d~te of
th~ expos, a~ the a~ount
The license ~o ~,rep~red ~ the Oi~' Ol~k shall be ~und in
~oks of ~itable size a~ ~all h~!ve ~. ~tub eorre~ondi~ th~eto
~h ~11 re. in iu Zhe ~ok after isaacs. On ~his st~b
~..b .... the
whom ls~, for wh~it, ~,:.,'.' time wheE ~% express, ~.~ tbs ~unt
~fform, ~ wit 1
;~eoelve~ ~ ~bove ment~.on~ license ~om the
~.~. ~of!'iclo Tax and License Collier of the Oi~ of South
{$Fra~ot~o~ to who~ the ~ve m~n~don~ mi~.~ has been
The Max'shall, at the time of delivering the license, shall
see ths. t the s~b is prop~ly fill~ out, and ~all requ~'e
I, lcen~ee to sign ~ch receipt th~e~r.
~tion s.
e~.iblted in ~me conspicuous: 'i:~,rt of the place of '~;s!ne~ for
which the ~m, was U:rocur~ ; provided that P~s a~ otix~s
~ a~ mst exhibit the same when so
oxp~ess~ exerg:.~ted from the provisions of this Ordinance.
II. Mve~.y ~r~ou who eo~et~ the ~oinees of~dli~,
~om] place to ~laoe offers to or does eell~ barter or exoha~e
thi~ then In his possession in said City of Sou~h San ~ra~isco,
~exce~%i~ n~apere, p~iodio~l., a~ ~bli~atlone~ and exc~tir~
~those who sell ot~y to march.ts and traders for resale )ahe. ll
~ license tax ~er ~t~ year of Twenty-five (25) P~ll~s ;
'Eve~ pe:~'~on ~'ho not having vitbin ~id Oity a f~ plume of
17c,-.~eo,~ regulaTiy kal3% open, with some on~ in ah~v~,
for tbs tr~,n~ction of the p~t!~l~.T ~lu~ss sponged In
the ho~s eusto~ for the trar~mction cf ~ch N~slnese, travel,
~om place to ~laoe, ar~ offers to and does sell, b~ter,
oxcL~.D~e snythi~y then lu h%3 ~ssession, in said City cf South
San ?rancisco,( excepti~ the persons and articles in this
m~ivision exc~t~) ~all be deem~ a pedlar within the meanl~
of this ordinance. But this seetlon ah~.ll not apply to .persons
off~ri~ for sale, ~it, vegetables, or oth~ produce rala~
III Eve~ solicitor' o~'
. ....... ~ ~'~ent w'ho shall solicit or
P~y ~ license tax Der qu~te~~ %-e~m of Ten (i0) ~l!ars :
that this ~ivislon shall ~t apply to wholesale ~ents~
~c]~.oit orders from, a~ sell ~r resale to retail deal~'s
.~IV. Eve~ per~n who eoiiects, r, urohese, or b~t~rs for old
~ju~ and second h~ 8~rti. o!es shall p~ a license tax per
L V. Eve~/ person, f'i~m~ co~e~ or oorporatlon oDert{~,i~;
5oi~ ~ ~,;:~Z~'tess which ~onsis~e wholly or in par~ in tke
t:-r,~-*c:rt~tiou of merch~ndiee to end fDot:'; - '
. ,.me tbre~;2'l', ~:,oi. nts within
"~ ?tare of Ce.l!fornia, an~ wh:l. oh ~-~.~:?..~ not d~De for the
l~overn~wnt of the United States, its officers or agents, mst obtain
for Ihs doing of ~mi~ ~sines~. a lloeuse ss provid~ in this
~tiole and pay for the s~ne a license tax of Flv~ (B) Doll. s p.r
~qu~ter ye~ ; prodded that where a~ ~ch ~erson, f~m, co~a~
]or oorporatlou does a ~stnes~ a portion of which oonsist~ in the
Stransportntion of merchandise %o and ~om and ti='ough ~,oir. te
~wlthln oeid gtate ae aforesaid, q~.~.a transr, ortation not 'bel~ for
~the government of th~ United Etates, it~ offioer~ or agents, and
~ ~1 'year,ion. of which con~is~s in the transportation cz' ,'-~ ..... .... c~.~nd, ise to
from a~ throu~;.%~vlthout ~"-' ._~ate, or n~ ~siness whioh 1~
~done for ~ne ~ovarrm~ut cf the Unlt-d ~tstes, its offia,rs or ~ents,
~ueh license shall be requir~ for, and ~eh lio~u~e tax therefor,
paid for enly ~uoh porti~ of tl~e ~siness, of ~eh persen, firm~
....... '~n- first mentlon~ nnd which consists In the
~tran~ortstion of merohandiee to and ~om and tl~Ol4g]L ~.m'[~f,~ wi~J.~
o :~,~, a er aMeuts, and no license ~all be rS
pe~ .~ou, firn, ~o~any or oo~oraticn.
~I.' ~vez7 person, f~n~ or oor'~o;'azJ.u~-, ~.~: .... r:+~g a telenhcne_
system or portion t!~,reof In ~id City for hire shall pay a l:~cen~e
Every person, firm or oorporaticn ~pplyl~ gas or electric
~iight to %t~e peol:,le of said C!~ for orofit shall p~ a license %a~
~?o~~ quoter year of $15.
~i~., c-r cc.r'per~tlon op~rati,~ a ~eet
railw~ within the limits of the Oity off South San Francisco shall
p~ a .,~ .~ ........ ~ tax of ~art~ ye~.
~:psy a license tax per ~ter year of $~.
Eve~ person f~m or oorimration .~',~ ~d ~ ~".
of b.~i~ shall p~ ~ If.e~e ~y ~;e~=~ cm~.'ter year cf ~'IC.
estate ~sine~s in said Ci~ ~all p~ a license ta~ '~er qu~?
· I~, Eve~ person, f~ or oo~o~a~o.~ e~gaged In tl~e hotel
resta~aut ~!uee~, or keep~ a lo~i~ h~se in ~i~ Oi~ shall
P~ a lloense ~ax per ~ter ye~ of $S. ~!$ subdivi,ion shall
~al~ i~lude ~i~ houses in said Oi~ and ~ a ~di~ h~se
shall be mea~:~9 ~%:(~ y,~,ce i~. ~hioh five bo~d~s ~r ~om~s
~o.~. ni~ e. A io~i~ house ~all he~ ~o. ~ -, ...... ~e~ of
ordlne, na~, a~ place havi~ at leas+, five roo~,~er~ ~.,~,.. ,. for hire.
XlIl. Every person, ~i .... ar oor~:~cr~t~on, ~ent or solicitor,
who ~intains a lau~ route either got. himself or for otne~"~ ~o, or
~,1.o ~oudu~ts or ca~iee on a lau~ business as an ~ent, ~lioltor,
[~representative. or e~uj01oy~ ~ .... = ~h~.].~ ~s7 a lloense tax of $I~ ~ qu~rt~
~e~ ,~ul~s '~he n~ster or p~incipal has paid said lio~s~ t~...~
~t ~Dall be u~w~,l to e~z on, er ,elicit for ~oh lau~
~siness un~il said t~x he~ ~'?,~ rn~d .
XIV. Each ~erson e~g~ in the follo~.:~g bus~nesse~ or
~ oc~ation:~ chaii pay lioe~s, ta~ s~ folloms, to wit :
a. Mcr eaeh in~a~e &~ent ..........~.~0 per
e. For each ~ent for Pianos or organs ..%-!C.f,~f~~ per
d. For each person selling good~ ,~n'es or
merehe, ndise on the street ......... ~5.00 per quarter;
e. ~or each bill poster ............. $2.B0 " "
f. For each advertisi~: sign painter.. (Z.b0 " "
g. ~mor each ~son orgaui~.~ or endeavori~
to organize a watch club, ~it club,
Jeweler's clubs or sl~ scheme ...~lO.00 · ·
j. Each Pr~i;tOr'of a b~ber shop ~all p~ a
license tsx aooordi~ to tho clas~Ific~-~tfon
i~, ~,.ivision of this section ;
k. For each photograph galle~7 a license tax shall
~, ;~,.:...~ ~oeordluff to the olassifie~.t~.on made in
m~ivision one of this section ;
delive~ of r~ . .... ................ ~I per qu~'tcr.
m. Each person, fir~ o~~ oorporetion e~aged In the
business of trensferi~, forw~di~ or dei~v~i~ bagg~e
and pa~.~~.
: ~ or goods~ wares a~ merohe~lse to
and ~om ddfferent locatiou~ ~n c~d City, and who or
which does not p~ ~ ld. oeuse tax under a~
,~a~iivlsion of t~ls section for ~.n express business, ~hal! 10~ a
, ~ ~r each ~on, ~ or
license tax ~ ~t~ ~e~ of ~l. ~
,,~:._m oont. a!n~ In a ~blto or bllli~ hall shall p~ a lloense
t~ of $2 per ~rter ye~ for ?~eh table.
~. The ~roprie~r, ~g~, or les~- of eaGh nine or ten pin aii~
~E or ~wi!~E a!l~ ~I ~y a license taz of $2.E0 p~ ~t~ ye~ for
~. The prop~*ietor or ~n~er of e~L n~r~ger~e, o~ou~ or
~"eolleet!on of an~lm ~al! ps$~ a license t~ of $~0 for each
prfoz,,ar~ ~3. [,~d~.t~onal for each ~ide show or e~Ibition
~m' who,ch an entrar~e fee is ch~g~, exceI~. ~hat a l%o~r.-<~ ~,~y cf
~:5 for ~eeeh ~fc~uoe ~11 be ool!~c".~ ~or e~oh ~ow of +n~ick
i~orseo, cato , rnr~e or other domestic
~'. The proper [~tor or zanier of ~, t~ght ro~e or r~Jle
{~-~xhibit~ for gain or reward ~ali ?~ a ii.o~:.~..:'~ t~.r of $~. for
~eaeh perfor~e. ·
~. The ~ovrieto2 or r~mn~e2 of each s~ooti'~ gail~ ~:i.:~ ..~.1~
S. The pro~rie~. ~~ o~ lessee of flyl~' horses,
~F'~} :u~'~T go rcu~, s~$1! ~ ~ license t~ ~f for ~oh ri~ or set, of
~ for ea~ d~, cr portion cz a ~ fr. 7~h~ch th~ ~e ~n: or if a
~[ieense is grant-~ for a m~nth , a license tsx of ~25 ~ali be
paid in ~.~dvanee ~ ~eh owner, ~~ or lessee.
~. ~oh astrology, fo~'tun~teil~ medium, or oi~v~'aut
' ' - 1 ,-0 e.,1,~, _tax
p~; a t ,=~ Of $10 p~ que.rt~. ,
~J. Pot each exhibition or per~o~e ~r ~loh an admi.~:~ion fee
~ ~rg~, for'~--~ theatr~per~or~e, ~r e~ p~rz~or~r~cm given
~g!~s'-., necrc~no~s, ~iolanjx~'e or ro.~4~i~, vlelght Cf
Oth~ perffo~~ en~aiz~;er, t,~~ioh ~,~_a~?sion fee i~
Xessee thief ; p~ovld~ ~a~ this ~u~Is!on ~ha, ll not be
~on~~ to req~e a~z lioe~e to 'be paid~or a~ ol~oh, school,
Or ~rat.:>r~¥,.l ord.,~ ~0~I.~.1, or e~te~tai~ents to be given for
V/h~n~ !n this Ordinate a licenee tax ls flx~,
the a:~,un~, of which depends on the qu~'b..r:~' ~'.~o.. .... ~ :~ ~,:~'
;,o~,.. ~"*¥,-~,. ,~ ,L~I~ method, the M~ial ~al! i:.'~ the f'soi, c are not
shO~ to him, exact ~'~ '~ ""~ ..... ~ .....+~- a~l'to~nt sho~i~ the
The fasgs alleged in ~uoh affidavit shall not be conclusive
the M~rsh~l , where in his Ju$~e~ th~ ~e not t~e.
~or Xee~i~ ev~ ~le dog over s~ months o18 the
~.~ceDee t~x shall be two (g) dollers D~ e.~m ~able In advance
the f~rst day of ~a~ cf e~ch ye~ ; after the f~s~ d~
July of each y~ the license ~all be one (1) doll~ to the
f~st day of Ja~, next ~eee~i~
fe:~le dog over six ~nths old the license t~ ~11 be f~ (4)
doll, s payable dn advance the f~st day of Ja~ of each ye~,
after the f~st dsm of July, of each year the license tax shall
be t~ (2) doll, s to the f~st
,Section I~ .
This ordin~uoe shall be published once in
ii.~he Enterprise ,' ~. ~eekly ~ew~pa~er, printed ~nd T~bltahed,
the City of South ~n ~r~ncisoo, s,~ chill t~ke efi'ect
force ~om. _Bgd eft~ the da~ of its passage. .
~ss~ a~ a~opt~ ~s ~n O~din~nce of the CiW of
~ South San ~r~uci~mo, at a ~ogul~r meet~r~ c~ Bold,of ~teee
of the Cit~~ Of South San ~a~isco, this ~~ d~
Noee end ~alnst tt~e pas~ of said
Presid~nt of the Bo~d of~teos
the cJ. ty of South ~ yra~ls~o.
ordi~nee ~hall be iu a~ ~~ assemble er tra~f~aDle,
authoriz~ ~V? ~r~on, f~m or co--ration oth~ ~hau the one
therein mentioned to ~,~ ~ '~ ~
. ~_.~ ~,,~ ~ze reuse, as well ae the ~resent ; ~rds u~ in
tMs m~.seu~ine gender l~lv. de the f.m~!ue ~ n~t~ ; ~he
inol~es the pl~als ~nd ~?~ ol'~'~I tbs singular $ the word~P~o~
'Lnolu4~ ~. l~n~'tner~ or ooz~poration, as well as a ~t~al per~o~.
The ~ord M~]. includes De~t~ M~el.
2ectlon IO.
.~'c,r the
~sineses oc~pation or calli~, h~ei~ft-e~ n~entioned, for wh~h
~.lioenses, p~mt ~st be ~e to the M~hal of the City of
~9an ~ra~leeo, ~',.~. ~o his duly au~horiz~ de~, in the ~11o~!~
:~u~uut~, arm the ~{~rshel ~st requ~e p~meut therefor ~s
~to wit :
~-~ ...... ~-,~,~=+~o~ who or whioh~ at a
~plaoe of ~l~!ns,~s, ~eli~ a~' goods, w~es, or m~oh~i~o,
~aeeordi~ to the class to which he belorgs as herei~ft~ speeifi~
~a~ in the ~unts, follewi~, ~ wit :
A. Those whose av~e ~t~ly sales or h~e are Five
~Un~ ($00) ~l!~s er less, ~hali eonsti~te the f~st
~ shall p~.a licensee t~,~ of two (~} ~ll~s p~ ~ter
B. ~nme whose averse qu~t~ sales or h~re
~o7~ ~EO~, ~ ~.~ less th~n ~OOO~ ~..~.~,~,~ oonstl~te ~e s~ class
~ O. Thcs~ whose av~e ~rt~' sales or h~'e
$I000 a~ leas th~ $~500. ~w~i! eone,~ltute the thud el~.~
~a licorice *,~ of F~ (4) ~l!~ pe~ qu~t~ ye~ ;
D. Tho~e wTc~e ~ver~e quemterly eslea or h~e ~e over
~5,~,~ ~ less than $5000 d~aii oensti~te the fo~'~ cla~e
Pa7 ~ license t.e~ of Five (5) ~11~ ~er qu~t~ ~ea~ ;
' Five Th~,~ , ~.1! const2~e the fifth cias~ ~'~
,~ioonse ~, v~ S~ ~nd ~00 (~j~.~::~l ~C~!~'~s per ~'~'