HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 16-1909 ORDINANCE NO. 16 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE REGRISTRATION OF PLUMBE~ AND PIPE LAYERS, FIXING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A LICENSE FOR THOSE ENGATED IN THE PLUMBING OR PIPE LAYING BUSINESS; REGULATING PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE WORK; FIXING THE FEES IN PAYMF~T THEREFOR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION The Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No Person shall carry on c~ transact the Business of Plumbing or oiDe laying within the limits of the City of South San Francisco, unless he shall have first registered his name as a Plumber or Pipe layer, together with his place of busimess, in the office of the Board of Health, and in the event of any change in his place of business notice thereof must be immediately given by him to said Board cf Health. SECTION 2. Every Person, fire or corporation must, before transacting or carrying on the business of plumbing or pipe-laying within the limits of said City, and before registering, execute a bond in favor of tbs City of South San Francisco, with some good and reliable Surety Company in the sum of two Hundred nd Fifty Dollars ($250.00) conditioned for his or its faithful compliance with the orovisions of this ordinance and all other ordinances of the City of South San Francisco relating to plumbing or olumbers, pipe laying or pipe layers which may be in force at any time during the term for which the hereinafter mentioned license may be issued. The sufficiency of the said Bond shall be passed upon by the Board of Trustees and if aporoved by said Board shall be file~ with the Clerk. SF~TION 3. No Pl,~,bers or pipe layers License ahall be granted unless he shall have first passed a satisfactory examination by the Board of Health as to his qualifications as a nlumber or nipe layer, or shown by proper certificate or license, that be is a qualified nlumberor pipe layer. SECTION 4. It shall be unlawful for -.ny person, firm or corooration to transact and carry on the busines~ of Plumbing or pipe laying in t.be City of South San Francisco unless he or it has complied with the nrovisions of the three preceding sections of %his ordinance and shall have obtained from the Board of Health a certificate and license showing that fact. SECTION 5e Ail licenses in this ordinance provided shall expire on the 30th day of June of each .~ear and every year, unless sooner revoked, and no license shall be granted for more than one 2ear or the unexpired portion tbs reof. Upon the ex~. iration of tbs yearly license, every plumber and nipe layer carrying on the ~usiness of plumbing or pipe laying shall, withf~ ten days thereafter, again register and file a new Bond as provided in the preceding sections of this ordinance and secure tbs license in this ordinance orovided. Any viol.~%,don of this ordinance shall be sufficient cause for the revoking or suspending of the license of the plumber or pipe layer viol~tjrg same by. the Board of Healths No plumber or pi~e layer shall alter or construct a system of plumbing or pine laying during the time of the suspension cf hfs liceDse. The Secretary of the Board of Health shall Meep a record of all licenses issued, SECTION 6. Whenever or wherever in this ordinance, the words plumbing inspector or inspector are used, the same shall be read and construed as ~eading Health Officer and the Health Officer shall perfom all the duties of, and receive all fee~s allowed to the plumbing Inspector. SECTION 7. In all cases in which it is required b~ any ordinance of the City of South San Francisco that t~e Health Officer make inspection, the said Health Officer shall have the right, to, demand and shall receive from the harry requiring such insnection, the following fees for same; For inspecting connections with City Sewers $ .50 For inspecting Building s 3.00 For inspecting House Sewer or Alterations .50 For inspecting Alterations or repair work in connection with house drainage or ventin~ .50 Excepting the replacing of Trap to any fixture the Insnectton fee for which shall be .50 Ordinance No. 16 Contir d SECTION 8. Whenever the Health Officer is recuired to inspect any plumbing~ house drainage, house sewer, or City Sewer connection, he shall be given written notice thereof by the plumber or nipe layer doing the work, and if upon such inspection the said work is found to be inco~-~olete or not in condition to be passed upon, the plumber or pipe layer giving such notice shall forfeit to the City the sum of One Dollar for each and every visit of the Health Officer made necessary by such incomplete work, which s aid sum shall be maid to the Health Officer by the plumber or pipe layer and by him paid over to the City Treasurer. SECTION 9. The fees by this Ordinance provided must be paid ~_n advance, by the person having the work inspected, to the Health Officer, at the time the plans ~nd S~ecifications are deposited with the Health Officer or filed in the office of the Board of Health, ss hereinafter provided as the case may be. SE~,TION 10. The cost of all Sewer connections made on the main sewer of the C~ty of South San Francisco, which shall be Twenty Dollars ($20.00) must be paid by the property owner to the Health Officer who in turn shall pay the same over to the City Tx?asurer, and the said connection shall be made by the City. SECTION 11. It is hereby made obligatory on the part of all property owners where main sewers are not yet provided to forthwith construct a good md sufficient cesspool am~ maintain the same subject to inspection. SECTION 12. The plumbing and drainage work of all buildings, both public and private, hereafter erected with ~he limits of the City of South San Francisco shall shall be constr~cted in strict accordance with the following requirements and specifica- *,ions, and it shall be unlawful to construct them, or any of them, otherwise, to wit: SUBD~TISION A. Ail ~aterial must be of good quality and free from defects. The work must be done in a therough and workmanlike manner, SUBDIVISION Be The arrangments of house sewer, house drain, soil, waste and vent Dipes must be as direct as possible. Ail changes in the direction of house sewer, drains, soil and wastePipes must be made with Y brances 1/16 / 1/6 or 1/8 bends. Offsets may be used, provided the angle they represent is not less than that reoresented by 1/16th bends. Ail soil waste and vent pipes and traps shall when practicable, be ex~_ osed to view for ready inspection at all times, and for convenience in repairing; ~hen necessarily placed within partitions, or in recesses of walls, soil, vents, and waste pipes should be covered wiSh wood work, so fastened with screws as to be readily removed. SUBDIVISION Ce Every building must be seperately and independently connected with main sewer e~cept in cases where there may be a house in the rear of a lot. In this case, it may be connected wi+~. the sewer of the house in front provided that the old sewer will satisfactorily stand the teste SUBD.TVISION D. The Sewer when it lies under the building, and for two feet beyond the front wall, or of any area wall, must be of Standard cast iron. Soil nipe and all fittings must be of the same material. Outside of the building line, the sewer shall be continued to the main sewer in the street, either entirely with cast iron nipe, or e~tirely with vitrified, salt glazed sewer pipe of the best qu~.lity. SUBDIVISION E. The interior of the sewer must be free of all cement and superflous material of every descript~n, as the work proceeds, for which purpose a disc or swab, filling the entire bore of pipe and attached to rod sufficiently long to pass two joints from the end of the pipe last laid. The cement mortar must be composed of some approved brand of Portland Cement, mixed with sand, in the proportion of one part cement and two parts of clean sand. SUBDIVISION F. Ail Joints in cast iron pipes and fittings must be made with suitable packing of oak~ twisted and rammed tightly in place, and run full with molten lead and calked. The bells and spigots must be adjusted as to give a uniform lead space all around and the lead must completely fill the rabbitt on the bell end of nine. Before making the Joint ~he bell and spigot must be wiped ~teaned and dry, and the joint be run at one po~. Ordinance No. 16 ContUsed SUBDIVISION G. All sewer and house drain pipes, when possible, must have uniform fall, of not less than one quarter inch to the foot, and more if possible° When not possible to secure one quarter inch fall to the foot, provision shall be made for regular and efficient flushingp When practicable, the house drain pipes shall be run along the cellar wall, if laid under the cellar or lowest floor of building, to be run with iron hangers, securely fastened to floor Joists. When not possible to run and fasten the c~st iron se,~er nipe, as abo~ directed, it may be run in a trench, cut to a uniform grade. SUBDIVISION H. Alls~wers of buildings abuting the sidewalk must have a trap ri!aced either at the line, of curb of sidewalk, or immediately outside the area wall under sidewalk. SUBDIVISION I. Every house sewer must have a freshair inlet of not less than Four (4) inch ~ine, and s~id inlet must be provided with an approved cover or grating presenting an area of not less than sixteen (16) square inches of perforation. Said air inlet shall be connected fa the house side of the trap and lead to outer area wall terminating at a point not less than ten (10) feet from any door or windowe SUBDIVISION J. The main trap at sidewalk shall have its fresh air inlet flush with the surface of the sidewalk and be so constructed as to offer protection to fhe trap from the introduction of foreign matter therein, SUBDIVISION K. Heavy brass made threads, air tight clean outs of at least 1/Sth of an inch in +~ickness with 3/16tbs of an inch thickness in ~he cover, the same to have a solid cast head one and one half (1~) inch square and one inch in height, shall be placed at the end of each horozontal line of~ain pipe. In no case shall the cleanout provided for the main horozontal cast iron drain pipe be of a diameter less than four (4) inches. In all other drains the cleanouts shall be of the same size as pipes they serve. SUBDIVISION L. Every soil andDrain pipe shall be of dipped, cast or wrot:ght iron pipe, unless otherwise provided in ~his ordinance. All cast iron pipe (unless otherwise provided in this ordinance) must be that known to the trade as "Standard cast iron soil pipe" it must be made with hub and socket Joints; must be nearly a circle in section, with the inner ami outer surfaces concentric. Ail wrought iron pipe must be known to the trade as "Standard wrought iron pipe" with screw Joints. Waste ~ipe may be of cast or wrought iron dipped pipe or lead. When lead is used as branches to connect ~ith the cast or wrought iron pipe, said branches shall not exceed five (5) feet in length and be of standard weight pipe. Where lead ni~e is used to connect fixtures with vertical vent pipes, it must not be lighter than that known to the trade as "E" and all lead pipes used for supply pipes must not be lighter than that known to the trade as "E' pipe. SUBDIVISION M. No soil pipe of a diameter less than four (4) inches inside, shall be used and all soil and waste ~ipes must be properly fastened, and secured with either heavy wrought iron straps or books, if hooks are to be used, they shall be forged out of one piece of iron no{ welded.Straps or hooks must be placed upon every joint of pipe, and when straps are used on outside of building they must be fastened with screws. ~JBDIVISION N. Ail cast i~on, soil, drain or ~aste pipes and fittings used under any building, when not of easy access for repair or inspection, shall ~e "Extra Heavy". In every building of four (4) stories, or over, what is known to the trade as "Extra Heavy' cast iron soil pipe" must be used for the sewer soil and waste pipes and the fittings to the same ,mtst be extra heavy. The vent pipes may be of the star~ard weight. SUBDIVISION O. When either an old or new building is pZaced upon a lot ~hich has an old sewer ~J~tbin the lines of any part of the foundation of said building, such part of said sewer must be replaced with cast iron pipe run according to the requirements of this ordinance. SUBDIVISION P. Ail cast and wrought iron pipes and fittings, used as soil, drain, or waste pipes must be asphal+~um dipped. Ail v~nts and fittings to same shall be of galvanized wrought iron or asphaltum dipped. For short venting, lead pine may be used. Ordinance No. 16 Conti~..d SUBDIVISION Q. When lead waste nipe is used it must intersect at the same angles as given by y's 1/16th, 1/6 or 1/Sth bends. Ail connections with cast or wrought iron must be made with brass ferrules of the same size as lead pi~e and connected to same by a joint and be properly caulk~d into the fitting or opening with oakum and molten lead, Short brass ferrules ~my be used only where it is impracticable to wipe a Joint. Horizontal Joints must be made with long ferrules and wiped Joints~ SUBDIVISION R. Every water closet, urinal, sink, basin or bath or set of wash trays must be seperately and effectively trappede The traps must be placed as near to the fixture as possible~ When the trap of any fixture is set more than two feet from the vertical or horizontal line of a pipe, a return connection to trap must in all cases be provided~ In no case shall the trap of one fixture connect with the f~xture of anothere SUBDIVISION S. Ail air oipes shall run of ~ndimin,~shed size, seperately or combined, throuEh the roof and for one foot above the same and be left open, or they may be connected with the s oil pine above the floorline at a point not le ss than (3) three feet (--6) inches. Ail horizontal air pipes must have a continuous slope to avoid collecting water by condensation. Ventilating pioes must be ~an with as few binds as oossible, and the branches mustbe connected to main vent at an angle not greater than Forty Five degrees and be increased in size every thirty (30) feet~ When combined, the vent oioe~ must be increased in size according to the following table: Four (4) water closets may be vented into a two and o~e ball inch branch vent, Single water closets located in the basemen~ or first floor of a building, if the soil pipe drop does not exceed ten feet must be vented with not lees than a two inch vent pipe for a distance of thirty feet; When the vent is longer than thirty feet then the entire vent shall be two and one half inch oi~e. Three wash basins, bath or similar fixtures must be vented by not smaller than a two and one half inch verticle vent pi~ee Six similar fixtures by not smaller than a two and one half inch vertic!e ventPipe~ Single on~ and one half inch traps must be vented by a one and one half inch vent pipe, ~ben the vent does not exceed Twenty Five (25) feet, when it is in exeess of T~nty Five' (25) feet, the entire m~in vent shall be of two inch pipe. When one and one half inch horizontal vents are used on fixtures the said branch vents shall not exceed Five (5) feet. In the calculation of the relation of basins, baths and similar fixt~lres, toward water closets it shall be reconed that two basins or baths or similar fixtures shall ee~al one water closet and so on at that ratto~ SUBDIVISION T. Where vent pipes branch into one another, and ~here tbe~.~' branch into the soil pine, the branch fitting must be at least Three and One half feet from the floor lines SUBDIVISION U. Every verticle soil, waste ar~nt pipe (unless other- wise provided by ordinance) must extend full bore one foot abo~ the roof or coping, and be continued to a point at least ten feet above any opening of the house or any adjoining building. No caps or cowls shall be affixed to the top of any ventilating oipe, though a strong wire bask~t may be used. Intersepting traps must not be used. SUB.~DIVISION V. Ther~ .shall be no traps placed at the foot of vertical soil or waste pipes. SI~DI~IISION ~. Slop boDpers set upon a wooden floor must be connected to ~aste ~i~e with lead, wiped on to a brass ferrule and the same to be caulked. Ail slo~ boooers must be provided with a suitable trap of not less than two inches in diameter~ !6aen hoppers are set upon an outside porch, and the drop does not exceed ten feet, a two inch vent may be used~ Bell traps may not be used in any case, and no hopper shall be olaced inside any building or inclosed porche SUBDIVISION X. No fixture shall have trap of a diameter less than one and one half inches. Urinals shall not have a trap larger than one and one half inches in diameters SUBDIVISION Y. Every washout water closet must be back vented from the trao above the floor line exceot when it is in the highest fixture and located within two feet of the verticle soil oioe~ Ordinance No. 16 Cont.~ .~d SUBDIVISION Z. Ail house sewer, house drain, soil~ waste and vent pines and all drain pines inside and outside of a building, before being covered, must have all onenings stopped, to be filled with water and allowed to s~nd until insnected, (nrovided cement Joints may be lightly covered wi~h earth to nrevent cracking of cement) said earth to be removed on request of the Inspector~ Ail work shall be in ~s~ected by the Health O~fieer, as nlumbing inspector, and if satis- factory to him he shall issue a proper certificate to that effect. Notice in writing must be given the Health Officer as such plumbing inspector when the work is sufficiently advanced for first inspection. When the pines have been inspected and tested in sections~ they shall be another insnection and test made ~hen connections are made with, or to house sewere Immediately upon completion of work, and before the building is occupted~ notice must be given in writing for final inspection and such inspection aball be made within twenty four (24) hours after sncb noticee SUBDIVISION AA~ Ail ~ater closets within a building must be supplied from seperate tanks or cisterns, the water of which shall be used for no other Durposee A group of water closets may be sun, lied from one tank but water closets on different floors shall not be supnlied from same tank. Hopper closets shall not be used inside any building or enclosed porch. They may be used in yards, provided they are supplied with tanks when wa%er closets are so constructed that the trap is part of the closet, they must be all earthen~mre, or enameled iron or a combination of these materials~ Ail water closet receivers must be of earthenware or enameled iron. Iron stone, stone~ cement, brick wooden or porus substance must not be used. When a water closet is situated in a yard, ten or more feet from and not connected with the main building~ the trap to same need not be ~nted~ SUBDIVISION BB. Wooden sinks or wooden stationary wash trays on the nremises of any residence are forbidden~ SUBDIVISION CC. Sinks in butcher shoos, hotels, .~aundries~ and boarding houses shall be provided with a suitable grease trap of not less than fi~.e gallons caDacity~ Ail carriage wash rooms connected with the sewer system must be provided with proper means for intercepting mud~ SUBDIVISION DD. When a building has been inspeCted and the nlumbing work condemned by the Health Officer, as being in an unsanitary condition, notice must be given in writing, to that effect informing the agent or o~ner, of said building~ what character of repairs or imnrovements must be made, and that any objection to the renairs or improvements ordered must be filed in the office of the Board of Health within a period of five (5) days and if objections are not so made or filed the alterations must be m~de as directede If objections are so made, the agent or owner shall be heard by the Board of Health, and their decision shall be final and conclusive as to the repairs and alterations to be madee SUBDIVISION EE. No Soil, Waste, leader or ~nt pipes shall be into brick~ stone or concrete walls. When necessary to conceal pipes of this class~ they must be run in s~itable reveals and recesses~ SU~IVISION FF. Work must be ready for inspection, when notice is sent to the Health Officer. The failure on the part of a plumber or pipe layer to make application for first or final inspection, or the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinances, in the construction of any plumbing work, or laying and the failure on his Dart to correct the fault, after notification shall be deemed sufficient cause to have his license suspended for such length of time as the Boa rd of Health may deem nroper. SUBDIVISION GG. The drainage and plumbing of all buildings both public and nrivate, hereafter erected within the City, ahall be executed in accordance with plans previously filed in the ~ealth Office, and duly approved by the Board of Health in writing. Every plumber must, before doing any new work in ~y building file plans and spec~_fications of the same in the Health Office correctly describing in detail the ~rk to be done. SUBDIVISION HH. Ail alterations and repairs made in house drainage system venting or sewerage, in connection with any building, shall be inspected by the Health Officer and when necessary and practicable receive the water test. Ordinance No. 16 Cont'~ ~ed SUBDIVISION II. In removing the section of pipe care must be taken not to disturb in ~ny way the adjoining sections. Ail cement m~st be removed from the ends of the removed pipes, and all work must be done to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. In back filling of trenches material must be tamped throughly wet down. No connections shall be closed until inspected by the Health Officer, amd a certificate issusd by him to the effect that the connection is in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance. The Health Officer shall be paid in advance by the person having such connection made, a fee of f~fty cents, for each tnsnection in this section required. SUBDIVISION JJ. Unless otherwise ordered by the Beard of Health the house sewer ~ipe shall be four (4) inches inside diameter and weigh not less than nine (9) pounds to the lineal foot. Ail house sewers must have the water test applied, before being accepted by the Health Officer. SECTION 13. The installation of, and the alteration of, or change in, the pl,~mbing work or fixtures in any oldor new building, or buildim~s shall notre done, until application shall have been made to the Health Officer, as plumbing inspector, and a permit issued. Said permit shall be substantially in the following form to wit.. Office of the Board of Health Plumbing permit No. Permission is hereby given Mr. to construct, alter, repair or install a system of olumbing on the premises of Mr. at No. Street. Board of Health Per Seczetary SECTION 14. For the purpose of revenue and re,relation, every person, firm or corooration transacting and carrying on the business of pipe laying or plumbing within the limits of the City of South San Francisco shall nay an annual licanse tax of Ten (!0) Dollars oer annum, for conducting and carrying on said business; said license tax shall be paid in advance to the City Marshal, and before the license orovided for in this ordinance is issued by the Board of Health. SECTION 15. Any oerson, firm or corporation, violating any of the orovisions of ~his ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred (100) Dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days. SECTION 16. This ordinance shall be published once in "The Enterprise· a w~ekly newspaper, printed and oublished in the City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, Introduced the 1st day of February 1909. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Frmucisco, at a regular meeting of' the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, this 15th day of February 1909 by the following vote: Ayes and in favor of the oassage of said ordinance Trustees Thomas Hickey, Herman Gaerdes, and Andrew Hyr~ing Noes, and against the passage of sa~d ordinance Trustees: Daniel McSweeney and Harry Edwards Absent Trustees: None ANDREW HYNDING President of the Board of Trustees WILLIAM J. SMITH Clerk of the City of South San Francisco I hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed copy of ordinance No. 16~ Entitled "An Ordinance Requiring the Regristration of Wlumbers and pice layers; fixing the requirements for a license for those engaged in the plumbing or pipe laying business, regulating plumbing and Drainsge work; Providing for the inspection of plumbing and Ordinance Drainage work; Fixing the Fee's in p~ment therefore and oroviding a penalty for violation is a true and correct cony of said ordinance and that the said ordinance No. 16 was duly passed and adop%ed as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco by the Board of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of said Board held on Monday the 15th day of February 1909, and that the same has been published according to law and as directed and required by said ordinance to wit: once in '~he Enterorise" a weekly ne~wspaoer printed and published in the City of South S~u Fra~cisc o. Witness my hand, ~nd the seal of the City of South San Francisco, this 25th day of February 1909. ~ILLIAM J. SMITH Clerk of the City of South San Francisco and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of Said City