HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 18-1909 // CENTRAL I~[='CORDS .A~ ~rdlr~noe to ~me~ S~tion ~umb~ I~, of Ordi~e Nunfoe~~ i~ of the C~.t~' of ~outh Sau Franei~o~ entltl~" Au Ordl~ ~equiri~ the Eegie~ation of Pl~bers ~ pip~l~yere ; Flxl~ th~ ~~e~nte for a License for those e~aged In t~e~"Plumbi~ Plp~l~i~ Business ; Regu~ati~ Plumbi~ a~ ~ai~e ~r~ ~Providi~ for the Inspection of Plumbi~ ar~ ~ai:~ worx the Fees in payment therefor a~. Prov~di~ a Penalty for Violation,, (~ass~ a~ a~ept~, the ISth. d~ ef ~e~~, The Bo~d ,f T~[etees of the Oi~ of Seu~ ~an ~ranel~o do ordain as follows ~tion I. ?eg~etret~en of Plu~er~ an~ Pi~;,~ieyer~ : .. ~ ~ ~.he ~eq~ements ~ine~(: ; Pe~.~t~r~ Plumbl~ a~ ~aln~e Vf~'-k ; Pl'ovldi~ for the [n~,~ction of Plumbi~ a~. ~al~e Worx ; Fixi~ the Fees i~ p~nent therefer ~ Prov~i~ a Pe~l~' for Violation,. (~mssed and ad, pied, ~he I~th. ~y of FeDeX, I~O~), is hereby amend~ so as to r~ roller, s : Section IS. Thio Ordinance shall be ~bli~e~ o~e in "The Ent~pr~ee" ~ a weekly newspaper, p~inted ~nd pub!i~h~t~ ~-,, ~.:,, one ye~ ~on a~d. after the d~ of its passage . ~,:~00~ -- . . of ~~~ A.D.~OS, ~Y the follo~ir~ v~te '. /~ee, a~d in f~vor~of ~h~ p~s~ge ~sa~d_~rdinar~e Abeent, ~rs~i ' ~ , ~f the O it~~~i~ F~ano Clerk of tt~e Oit~, o~ut5 San ORDINANCE NO. 18 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION NUMBER 16, OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 16, OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE REGISTRATION OF PLUMBERS AND PIPE-LAYERS; FIXING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A LICENSE FOR THOSE ENGAGED IN THE PLUMBING OR PIPE--LAYING BUSINESS; REGULATING PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE WORK; PROVIDING FOR T[-[E INSPECTION OF PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE WORK; FIXING Ti~ FEES IN PAYMENT THEREFOR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION", (PASSED AND ADOPTED, Tk]E 15th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1909). OO 0 OO The Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as follows: Section I. Section number 16, of Ordinance number 16, of the City "An Ordinance Requirin~ the of South San Francisco, "entitled, _ Re_~istration of Plumbers and Pipe-layers; Fixin~ the Requirements for a License for those en~a~ed in the Plumbin~ or Pipe-layin~ B~.~siness; Re~ulatin~ Pl~mbin~ and Drainage Work; Providin~ for the Inspection of P!umbin~ and Drainage Work; Fixin_~ the Fees in payment therefor and Providin~ a Penalty for V~olation," (passed and adopted, tn~ i5th day of Fedruary, 1909), is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 16. This Ordinance shall be published one in The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper, printed and published, in the City of South San Francisco, and sha]~] take effect and be in force, one year from and after the day of its passa_~e. Section 2. ~ ~ ,,T~ This Ordinance shall be published one ~ ne Enterprise", a weekly newspaper, printed and published in the C~ty of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force immediately on its passage. Introduced the 22nd day of March, A.D. ~909. Passed and Adopted as an Ordinance of the City of So~th San Francisco, at a re_~ular meetin_~ of the Board of Trustees, of the City of South San Francisco, this29th day of March A.D. 1. 1909, by the following vote: Ayes, and in favor of the passage of said ordinance Trustees, Harry Edwards, Herman Gardes, Daniel Mc Sweney and Andrew Hynding . Noes, and against the passage of said ordinance: Trustees, Thomas Hickey Absent, Trustees, None Andrew Hyndin~ President of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco. ATTEST: William J. Smith Clerk of the City of South San Francisco.