HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 24-1909 An Ordi~e te ~e~ ~eeti~n ~ber ~ive (~), ~eotien
E~tien ~mber ~en (10) ef ~dinance ~ber T~teen (I~ of the
cit~ ef South San ~ancisoe, entitle, "An ~dlmnoe I~si~
Lieensem T~es for the ~pese of R~latien a~ Revere a~ Fixi~
the Rates Ther~f., ,~pass~ a~ adeptS, Ja~ 4th, I90~.
DO ORDAIN AS ~O],I,O..~,~ :
Section number five ($) of Ordinance r~nber ThLrteen (I~)
of the City of South San Francisco, entitled, . An Ordinance,
Imposing License Taxes for the Purpose ef Regulation and Revenue
and Fixing the Rates The~eof~,' passed and adopted the 4th.
~e~, eby amended ~ read as fellows :
.~ECTION 5. :- The Marshal snd Olerk of the City ef South San
Francisco shall each receive f~r his respective services in issuing
licenses and collecting, the license taxes herein provided for, the
~um ef Fifty (50) cents per annum for each applicant te wh®~ a
license is issued under this ordinance, said sum te be paid by the
Oity of South San Francisco, cut ef the genera! i~nd thereof o
~'Section m.~..rabe~ Six (6) ef Ordinance number Thirteen (1E)
ef the City ef South SaB Francisco, above entitled, i. also here~
amended te read as follows : -
SECTION 6. :~ Licenses may issue for three, six~ nine er
~$1ve mo~.ths and for ~uch ~ther times as ~y be required by this
~rdinance, provided however, that all persons, fi~ms er cerperatior~
)~ying ~ license tax under the provisions of SUbdivision eno (1) ef
Sectien number Ten (lC) of this ordinance n~Ast %a~e out arnmAal
licenses and p~ fer the same an~all~ in adva~e a~ previ~
~th~ that all per.ns, f~ms ~r c~rperatl~ns P~ a license tax
un. er a~ ef t~e ether ~ivisiens ef ~eetlen Ie ~ alse, If t~
se ~es~e, P~ f~r the~ licensee an~ally in adva~e. Ail l~ense
Is~ fer three, six, nine er twelve ~nt~s ~st
~inni~ ef the final year, ~r a ~art~ th~e~f,
On the f~t day ef Ju~, Oeteb~ Ja~ er April ;
~ev~d~ that when a~ ~s~ess, eccupatien er ealli~, re~i~
a license shall have been ce~eno~, ~fter the b~inni~ of the
fiscal ye~, half ye~ ~r ~te~ ye~, then a~ in that case,
the Ol~k shall isle a license fer the re~ini~ pertien ~f
t~m, a~ the ~rs~al shall receive in p~ment thereferm, the pre
rata, ~.m requ~ed fer ~eh license f~r ~eh une~~ term
pr~vid~ hewever, that ne license ~ail be
~he fiscal year in which ~ch license is is~ .
~ivision ~.mber ene (1) ~f Sectien ~mber Ten (lO)
ef Ordinance number Thirteen (iZ) ef the Ci~ ~f 8~uth
Fr~nci~ce, a~ve entitle, is alse here~- ~e~ te read as
(~ivisien) I :~ ~e~ persen, f~m
which , ~t a fix~. p!~.oe ef ~siness, cells
neroha~ise, er transacts a~ eth~ s~ul~ ~einess, ~t mentien~
in this erdinanee, whether on oe~ssien er ethe~ise, ~st p~
an a~al ~ '~
i~c~,~ ta~ therefor acc~rdi~ t~ the eSass ~ whieh he
bele~s as h~einaft~ ~eeifi~, and in the a~unts fe!iewi~,
t. wit : -.
(A) - Th~se whose av~e yearly sales ~r h~e ~e Tw~ Th~sa~
~.~, s .r less s~all e~nstitute the ~ ~S a~ shall
p~ ~ liee~e tax ~f E~ht (8) ~ii~s per
(B) - These whese averag~ yearly sales er h~re are ever Twe
Theusa~l (~000) Del!(~rs ~d less than ~ Th~usa~ (4000) ~ll~s
shall censti~te the ~~ ~ and p~ a !ieense tax .f Twelve
(12) ~ll~s p~ a~m in ~d~a~e ;
(~) - These whese averse ye~ly sales er hire ~e ev~ fe~
Th~sa~ (4000) ~ll~s a~ less than Ten Th~usa~ (I0000) ~ll~s
shall censtitute the THIRD CL~2S , and p~ a license tax ef Sixteen
(16) ~llars p~ antrum in ~vance ;
(D) - Those whese averse ye~ly sales er h~e o~e ev~ Ten
Theusa~ (I~000) ~ll~s a~ less than Twen~ Th~usa~ (20~$0)
~!l~s shall e~nsti~te the FORTH OL$, and ~all p~ a license
t~ ef Twen~ (~0) ~l!~s p~r an~m in advance ;
(~) T These whese av~e ye~ sales ~r h~e are ov~ Twen~
Theuss~ (20000) ~ll~s ~all c~nsti~te the ~'~FT~I CLASS ~ p~
a license tax ~f Twen~five (~) ~!!~s p~ a~m .
~ev~, hewev~, that n~thi~ in this ~rdi~e ~all be censt~
te require a !ioenee ~em a~ faet~ ~ pack~ h~se within the
limits ef the City ef S~uth San Francisce, Rnd the s~e ~e h~e~
expressly exe~t~ ~em the prAvisiens ef this erdina~e .
Subdivisien nnmber Six (6) ef Sectien number Ten (I0) ef
Ordinance masher Thirteen (I$) ef the City ef Seuth San Franeisee
is alse hereby aEended te read as fellews :
'Subdivisi~nt~ Vl. - Ever~ pete, n, firm er cerpcratien eperating a
telephene system or portien thereef in the City ef S~uth San
?rancisce, f~r hire, shall ps~ a license tax per auart~ ye~r ~f
'~ve (~) n~llars .
This erdinanee ehall be published ence ln~e Enterprise.
a weekly newspaper p~inted and published in sai~ City ef Seuth San
Francisce, and shall take effect and be in force free end after the
date ef its passage .
Intraduced the .*~ ~s~ of June, A.D. I9~9.
Passed and ade~ted ~.~ an erdinanoe of the City ef Seuth
San Francisc,, at a regular meeting eft~ Beard of Trustees ef the
'City ef ~euth ~an ~ranoisoe, the: .~?~,'-~ dsy ef~~ .· A.D.Ig0~,
by the fell®wing vete :-
~ves, ~r~ in f~ver ~f.the passage ef sai~ erdir~nce :
Nees, a~ ~ainst the p~s~e ef sal~ ~i~noe
~eside~t ,f the B,~r~ ,f
. · Oi~ ef Eeuth San ~an~sce,
the City e~th Ean ~raneisoe.