HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 26-1909 THE BOARD 0~ TRUST~ES OF T~E CITT ~F SO~H 2AN
S~TI 0N 1.
S~ti~n ~b~ TWelve (I2) ef ~dina~e ~ber Th~teen
ilS) ef tae Oit~ ef S~th San ~ancisoe. entitl~, "An Ordinance
I~sl~ License Taxes fer the ~ese ef R~ulatlen a~ Revere
a~ F~i~ the Rat~e there., pass~ a'~ ~.pt~, the ~~ ~ ef
Ja~a~, A. D. I90~, is here~ ~e~ ~ ~ea~ as fellews :
SECTION I2 : Fer Xeep~ ev~ male ~eg ev~ six ~nt~s /
the license tax ~hall be T~ (2) ]~ll~s per a~, p~able in a~va~e
the f~st ~ ef July ef each ye~ ; ~ the f~st ~ o~ Ja~ ef
each ye~. the license ~all be One (I) ~11~ tm t~e f~st ~ ef Ju~
next en~ ; T~r k~eDi~ eve~ fe~le ~eg ev~ six ~nths .1~ the
l~ense t~ ~all be ~ (4) ~il~s p~ an~ p~able in a~va~e the
f~st day ef Ju~ ~f ~ch ye~ ; aft~ the f~st &~ of Ja~
Me~ the iicen~e tax ~1i be ~wm (2)~ll~s t~ the f~st day ef Ju~
next en~l~.
~Ivisien ~II of Sectimn IO ef ~i~e ~b~ Th~teen (1S)
mf t~e Cl~ ef S~th San Era~isce, entitle, as a~ve,
~~ t~ read as fellews :
(~ivis~n) XIII - ~o~ per.n, f~m er ce~mratien, ~ent
~licit~r whe ~intains a lau~ r~te elt~ ~r h~eif er fer
,th~s er whe oe~ets ~r o~ies mn a 1~~ ~siness as an ~ent,
sellol~r, representative..r e~leyee ~all p~ a lioe~e tax
~i~een (1~) ~ll~s p~ ~ter ye~ unless the Mast~
~as pal~ said license tax. a~ it ~hall be u~aw~l ~ c~ en , er
~ellcit fer.~ch 1~~ ~slness unt~ s~ t~ has been pas .
it is , hewev~, h~e~ prevl~ that nothl~ in this ~lvisl~n
~11 be censt~ te apply tm, or a~ect the ~slness ~r reutes ef
~ lau~ the h~qu~t~s ~ ~hioh ~e lecate~ in the OitM ef
Sguth San Francisce ~t ~ch 1~~ ~all p~ a license t~
'~ the Drovisiens .f ~ivislmn ~mber erie (1) ef this seoti~n.
This erdina~e ~811 ~e ~biish~ once In "T~ ~T~ISE
weeXl~ n~aper, pr~t~ and ~bll~ In the Olt~ ~f Seuth San
Praneise., an~ shall take effect, ar~t be in force from ar~l after
its passage .
Introduee~ the /~~sy ef July, A. D. I90@.
PASSED AND ADOPTED, as an ordinance of the City of
South San Franei~e, at a regular meeting ef the Board~of Trustees
of the Oity of South San FrancisCo, hel~ on the./~dsy
A. D. I959, by the following veto :
AYES, ar~l in fav?r of the passage of ~al~ Ordinance :
NOES, and ~atnst the pass~o ,f sai~ ordinance
S~n~ and apprev~ ~s an ~rdinance ~f said 0i~,, this ~. D. I909, ~
' ATTEST ; /~//, .~ A · '