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1956-4-10 Election
(This number shall be torn off by Inspector and handed to the Voter) N? 11882 MARK CRO~ !~S (-J-) ON BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL (ABSENTEE BALLOTS MAY BE MARKED WITH PEN AND INK OR PENCIL.) (Fold ballot to this perforated line, leaving top margin exposed.) MUNICIPAL BALLOT CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO County of San Mateo, State of California Tuesday, April 10, 1956 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote for a candidate of your selection, stamp a cross (+) in the voting square next to the rig.h+ of the name of the candidate. Where two or more candidates for the same office are to be elected, stamp a cross (-f') after the names of all the candidates for that office for whom you desire to vote, not to exceed, however, the number of candidates who are to be elected. To vote for a person not on the ballot, write the name of such person under the title of the office in the blank space left for that purpose. To vote on any measure, stamp a cross (-f-) in the voting square after the word "Yes" or after the word "No". All marks, except the cross (-I-) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. On absent voter ballots mark a cross (-I-) with pen or pencil. MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Vote for Three EMILIO CORTESI Incumbent R. A. "AL" GAMLEN Incumbent TELFORD L. SMITH Incumbent FLORENCE GALYEAN Home Maker RICHARD KEEFER Construction Superintendent MURRAY RICHARD MALANCA Real Estate Appraiser ANnA R. ROBERTSON G. J. ROZZI Merchant LEO J. RYAN High School Teacher CITY CLERK ARTHUR A. RODONDI Incumbent Vote for One CITY TREASURER E. P. KAUFFMANN City Treasurer LESTER W. KELTING Insurance Agent Vote for One MEASURES SUBMITTED TO VOTERS PROPOSITION NO. 1. (STORM DRAINAGE S~RUC- TURES) "Shall the City of South San Francisco incur a bonded indebtedness in the amount of YES $1,200,000 for the acquisition, construction, and completion of a municipal improvement consist- I lng of storm drainage structures including storm water sewers, catch-basins, culverts, earth and concrete lined drainage channels, and storm water pumping stations, and the acquisition of lands and easements necessary or useful therefor, and all acquisitions and improvements auxiliary thereto NO that are necessary or useful in the completion thereof ?" PROPOSITION NO. 2. (COVERED DRAINAGE STRUC- TURES) "Shall the City of South San Francisco YES incur a bonded indebtedness in the amount of $800 000 over and above the amount stated in Proposition No. 1 for the acquisition, construction, and completion of a municipal improvement con- sisting of storm water box culverts and conduits NO and covered drainage channels?" PROPOSITION NO. 3. "Shall the members of the City YES Council of the City of South San Francisco receive compensation for their services in the amount of $150.00 per month ?" NO PROPOSITION NO. 4. "Shall the members of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco receive YES compensation for their services in the amount of $100.00 per month?" NO PROPOSmON NO. 5. "Shall the member of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco who YES may be chosen as Mayor by said City Council re- ceive the sum of $50.00 per month for his services as Mayor, in addition to the amount of money which he may bo permitted to receive as a mem- NO ber of said City Council?" PROPOSITION NO. 6. "Shall the member of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco who YES maY be chosen as Mayor by said City Council re- ceive the sum of $25.00 per month for his services as Mayor, in addition to the amount of money which he may be permitted to receive as a mem- NO ber of said City Council ?" ( erlifira e of lerlion of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, I CE'.NT~AL RECORDS Cmmty of ..................... ~a...n.......~....?..o.. ............................................ ) F~L.E ............................ Arthur A Rodondi L. ................................................ : ...................................................................................................... , ...... :~i~.....q..1.~_r~ ......... of the City of South San Francisco State of California, Municipal do hereby certify, t/eat at a ........................................................................................................................ election held itt said City April 56 on the......1...~.h.. ..................day ~ ~ .................................................................................... uj ............................................................... ~ ~' ............... , Arthur A. Rodondi was elected to the o ce of ....................................... ......................................................................................................... as appears by the o~cial returns of said election, ................................................................................................................. a~d the stateme~tt of votes cast now on file in my o~ce. [N FVITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereimto aj~.ved my haitd aitd the seal of the ................ .c.~.~.Y......o f,....S...°...u_?....S.a...n.....??...a..n.e...i...~.e...°.. ....................................... this ........... .1...7..?.. ...... dety of .......................... .A...P..?...~.~._yd~ 9...5.6.. ........ City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Cotmty of ............. S...a.n.....~a.?.o.. ..................................................... j xs. l, . ............... .A..r~..h....u..r......A...:....R....~....°...n..d.~ ....................................................................... , do solemnly swear (or aj~rm ) that I will sttpport and defeud the Constitzttion of the United States and the Co~zstitution of thc State of California a~yainst all enemies, foreig~t a~td domestic; that I will bear tmte faith a~zd allegia~zce to the Constit,tion of the United States a~zd the CoJzstit,tttion of the State of CaIifof nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any me~ttal reservation or pttrpose of evasiott; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties ttpo~z which [ am about to e~zter. Mhd I do further swear (or affirm) that I do party or or9a~tizatio~t, political or otherwise, that ~zow advocates the overthrow of the Govemt- .me~tt of the United States or of the State of Califomtia by force or violc~we or other ,mIawful mean, s; that within the five years immediately precedi.n.c/ the taking7 of this oath (or a.~rmatio~z) I have not beeJt a member of ajay party or or9a~Hsation, political or otherwise that advocated the overthrow of the Govemtme~tt of the United States or of the State of Califom~ia by force or violence or other .tmlawful mea~ts except as follows: No Exceptions (If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions") o' City Clerk a~d that d~tri~tg such time as I hold the office f ....................................................................................................................... (Name of Office) [ will ~tot advocate ~tor become a member of any party or or5ani.vatio~4 political or otherwise, that advocates the ozcrthrow of the Govemuncttt of the United States et' of t. fl~ State of Cali- fomtia by force or violemre or other tmlawful · 17th , of ..............A._P..r...t...!. ................... ,19 56 Subsxz~bed and .~'zc,om~ to before me, thts .......................... da3 ................. N0~ Public in ~nd fei sai:~ 3oun}y. ~h~ ~ ........... ~ Vorm No. 314~CERTIF[CATE OF EI.ECTION AND OATII OV OFFICE. 09s*) VR]NTEP eYA CA~LIS~E&CO.,S. F. 69307 ( erfifira e of ledion of CENTRAL ,~EC ORD$ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of ............ S...a...n.......~....t....~.°.. ...................................................... I ss. Fu-E Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk I,. ................................................ : ................................................................................................. , ............................................ of the City of South San Francisco State of California, .......................................................................................................................................................................................... , Munici pal do hereby certify, that at a ........................................................................................................................ election held in said ...................................... .................................. on the ...... .................. day of ........... ..................................... ....... , E. P. Kauffmann was elected to the o~ce of ..................... .~.~.7.....??..~.a...E.u..r...?.'..v.. ............................................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said electio~t ................................................................................................................. aud the statemeut of votes cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS M/HEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hai~d and the seal of the City of South San Francisco this ......... 1...7...t..h.. ......... day of April [9 56 City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. E. P. Kauffmann I,. ........................................................................................... : ............................................. ,, do solem,~dy swear (or affirm) that I will sztpport a~td defe~zd the Constitutio,~z of the United States a'~zd the Co~stit,tion of thc State of California agai~tst all enemies, foreig~t aud domestic; that [ will bear true faith a~td allcgia~ce to the Co~stit~ttion of the United States a,,d the Coizstit~ttio~t of the State of Califor- uia; that [ take this obligation freely, witho~tt a~ty me~ttal reservatio, or p,rpose of evasions; aizd that [ will well a,d faithfully discharge the ditties itpoit which I am abo~tt to eider. ~t~d I do f, rthcr swear (or affirm) that [ do ~,ot advocate. ,,or am party or or,qai~izatiou, political or otherwise, that ~ow advocates the overthrow of the Govemt- merit of the Uizited States or of the State of CaIifor,uia by force or viotc'~tce or other it~zlawfztl mea~ts ; that withi~t the five years immediately preced~zg the taki~g of this oath (or a./firmatio'~O [ have izot beeJt a member of aizy party or or~auizatio,, political or otherwise, that advocated thc overthrow of the Goveri,meizt of the United States or of the State of Califor, ia by force or violeitce or other .m~lawfUl means except as follows: No E~ceptions (If no affiliations, ~vrite in the words "No Exceptions") City Treasurer a,d tlza~ durbtg such lime as I hold the o.~ce of ....................................................................................................................... (Name of Office) that advocates the overthrow of the Govcr,,~ited,',T~cs or of the State of Cali- &tbsG%ed a~td xwor~z to ¢~e mc, this....~7[g~ ........... day of ......... ~ P~$~ ................... ,19...~.~ ........ .......... ............................ Form No. 314- CERTIFICATE ()I" EI.ECTION AND OATII OV OFFICE. (ms6) PF~II'4TED BY A CARLISLE & CO., $. F. ~8307 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING SAMPLE BALLOTS AND POLLING PLACE CARDS STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. County of San Mateo ARTHUR A. RODONDI,being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is a citizen of the United States and over the age of twenty-one years; That he is the City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco San Mateo. County, California; that he caused to be printed on plain white paper copies of the form of ballot to be used at the municipal election held in said City on April 10, 1956, on the questions of incurring bonded indebtednesses in the amounts of $1,200,000 and $800,000 for said City; That he caused to be printed not less than as many copies thereof, designated "Sample Ballot", as there were registered electors in the City; That he caused the same to be mailed, postage prepaid, to each of the registered electors in said City in the manner and within the time provided by law; That he also enclosed in the envelope with each s~mpte ballot a card stating the location of the precinct polling place of each elector; that copies of the "Sample Ballots"and "Location Cards" so mailed, as aforesaid, are annexed hereto on the next succeeding page and by reference incorporated herein. S~bscri~ed and swo~rn to before me Notary ~ubl]~C in and for the County o~ San Mateo; State of California. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MAYOR TELFORD L. SMITH COUNCILMEN EMILIO CORTESl R. A, GAMLEN FRANK LUCCHIO ANDREW ROCCA CITY MANAGER EMMON$ McCLUNG March 8, 1956 CENTRAL RECORDS r-!LiS NO: ....~..~... :~,~....~ Proper handling of storm waters will add to the health and safety of residents in every section of the city. The flooding in various areas of the city during the recent storms clearly demonstrated this. Improvement of existing storm drains and construction of new ones is of interest to all sections of the city. An explanation of the proposed program can be made to your group at any date you care to arrange. This explan- ation will cover the details of the two ballot propositions to be voted on at the April 10, 1956, city election. These propositions ask citizen approval of f~nds necessary to correct existing deficiencies and installatien of new facilities. Proposition No. I asks approval for a $1,200,000 bond issue to provide for minimum construction to assure adequate facilities to conduct storm waters to the bay. Proposition No. 2 asks approval for an additional $800,000 to provide for installation of pipe or culvert in drainage ditches adjacent to residential areas with the exception of Colma Creek. T~o thirds of the voters, voting on these propositions, must endorse them to make available the funds necessary to do the work. Page Two March 8, 1956 CENTRAL REECORD~ NO: .... ........ In order to secure public support of this project, it iS necessary that as many groups as can support this project. It is s non-political issue. We would appreci- ate the opportunity of making available qualified personnel to present this program. Please advise us as to when your group would like to hear such a presentation. Every resident of South San Francisco has a stake in this program. It affects your welfare and home values. Your cooperation will be sincerely appreciated. Very truly yours, jv CC: City Clerk/ Director of Public Works City Council [General Municipal Election - 1956 Mun. File No. 497] NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE and ME&SURES TO BE VOTED UPON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices hereinafter mentioned to be filled at the general municipal election to be held in thE, City of South S~n Francisco on Tuesday the 10th day of April 1956: I. MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Emilio Cortesi (Incumbent) R. A. "Al" Gamlen (Incumbent) Telford L. Smith (Incumbent) Florence Galyean Richard Keefer Murray Richard Malanca ~nita R. Robertson G. J'. Rozzi Leo J. Ryan II. CITY CLERK Arthur A. Rodondi (Incumbent) III. CITY TREASURER E. P. Kauffmann (Incumbent) Lester W. Kelting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, further, that the following measures are to be voted upon at said general municipal election, to be held in said City of South San Francisco on Tuesday, said 10~h day of April 1956: PROPOSITION NO. 1 (STORM DR~INAGE STRUCTURRS) "Shall the City of South San Francisco incur a bonded indebtedness in the amount of $1,200,000 for the acquisition, construction, and completion of a municipal improvement consisting of storm drainage structures including storm water sewers, catch- basins, culverts, earth and concrete lined drainage channels, and storm water pumping stations, and the acquisition of lands and easements necessary or useful therefor, and all acquisitions and improvements auxiliary thereto that are necessary or useful in the completion thereof?" PROPOSITION NO. 2 (COVERED DPJ~ INAGE SiTRUCTURES) "Shall the City of South San Francisco incur a bonded indebtedness in the amount of $800,000 over and above the amount stated in Proposition No. I for the acquisition, construction, and completion of a municipal improvement consisting of storm water box culverts and conduits and covered drainage channels?" PROPOSITION NO. 3 "Shall the members of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco receive compensation for their services in the amount of $150.00 per month?" ' PROPOSITION NO. ,i "Shall the members of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco receive compensation for their services in the amount of $100.00 per month?" PROPOSITION NO. 5 "Shall the member of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco who may be chosen as Mayor by said City Council receive the sum of $50.00 per month for his services as Mayor, in addition to the amount of money which he may be permitted to receive as a member of said City Council?" PROPOSITION NO. 6 "Shall the member of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco who may be chosen as ~{ayor by :said City Council receive the sum of $25.00 per month for his services as Mayor, in addition to the amount of money which he may be permitted to receive as a member of said City Council?" Dated this 7th day of ~arch 1956. [General Municipal Election - 1956 Mun..File Ne. 497~ MEASURES TO BE VOTED UPON' NOTICE IS BEREBY GIVEN that the following measures are to be voted upon at the general municipal election to be held in the City of South San Francisco on Tuesday the 10th day of April 1956: C E~qT~.AL. R ECOREL~ PROPOSITION NO. fILE :NO: ......... ~..<~.. ,,-.~,.., ,~,_?/~ (STORM Di~INAGE STRUCTURES) "Shall the City of South San Francisco incur a bonded indebtedness in the amount of $1,200,000 for the acquisition, construction, and completion of a municipal improvement consisting of storm drainage structures including storm water sewers, catch- basins, culverts, earth and concrete lined drainage channels, and storm water ~umping stations, and the acquisition of lands and easement's necessary or useful therefor, and all acquisitions and improvements auxiliary thereto that are necessary or useful in the tempi'Orion thereof?" PROPO~ITION NO,1 2 (COVEiig~-~R~IN~GE STRUCTURES)' "Shall the City of South San Francisco incur a bonded the amount of $800,000 over and above the amount stated inPropositien No. I for the acquisition, construction, and improvement consisting of storm water box culve.r~s:'andcondui~ts and.~covered drainage channels?" their servi -1- ' ' PROPOSITION NO, 4 "Shall.the members of the City Council of the City o£ South San Francisco receive compensation for their services in the amount o£ $100.00 per month?" PROI~OSITION NO. 5 "Shall the member of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco who may be chosen as Mayor by said City Council receive the sum of $50.00 per month for his services as Mayor, in addition to the amount °2 money which he may be permitted to receive as a member of said City CouncilT" PROPOSITION NO. 6 "Shall the member of the City Council of the City of SoUth San Francisco who may be chosen as Mayor by said City Council receive the sum of $25.00 per month for his services as Mayor, in addition to the amount of money which he may be permitted to re- ceive as a member of said City CoUncil?" Dated this 6th day of March 1956. Cl~y Clerk -2- ga TRAI. RECORI ['Genera 2. }~ui~icipa 1 Elect~o~- 1956 ~un. 49.7 ] ELECTION OFFICERS AND POLLING I~LACE$ There will be Thirty-One (3t) voting precincts for the purpose of holding the election, consisting of either regular election precincts established for holding state or county elections or a consolidation of some of, or all,, such precincts~ as follows: [C~neral Municipal Election - 19§ Mun. 49?] RESOLO?ION NO. A R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY C(~JNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUT~ ~AN ~NCI~CO PROVIDING ~ THE OF A GF~L ~NICIPAL ELE~ION IN S~ID lOTH DAY OF APRIL 1956, D~IG/~TiNG ~LLING P},ACES, ~ ELE~]ION OFFI~P~, A~ I~50L~D by tl~e Citly Council City of South San Francisco that for the purpose o~! holding general municipal ff election in said cit the 10th day of AprS~l 1956, as provided by law, said city be, and same herebly is 1 into thirty-one (31) election precincts, be kno~m LI~T Voting Precinct A, Voting Voting Precinct C~ ¥oting Pre- cinct D, Voting Precinct E, Vet :t F~ Voting Precinct G~ Voting Precinct ~, Voting Voting Precinct J, Voting Pre- cinct K, Voting Precinct L act ~, Voting Precinct Voting Precinct O, Precinct Precinct Q, Voting pre- cinct R, Voting prect 8, Voting P~e¢ Voting precinct U, Voting Precinct V, Precinct I~, Voting ~cinct X, Voting pre- cinct Y, Voting ~ecinct Z, Voting Precinct AA, precinct BB, Voting Precinct' CC, Voting Precinct DD, and Voting 'ecinct EE, res- OF p cx crs ,i D PU C[S SAID OENNRA.L_ ~NICIPAL ELECTION Voting Precinct I shall inclnde all the territory des- cribed i~ South Man F~rancisco Precinct No. 12 as established by that certain resolution numbered 10,063 and entitled "RESOLUTION AND ORDER DIWIDING T~ C,.~INT~f OF SAN ~TEO, CALIFORNIA, I!C1~9 ELECTION PRECINCTS A~ ESTABLISHING TIt~ BOU~ARIE5 THEN~0!~', passed a~.d adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San I[ateo, California, on the 3rd day of January, 1956, and the polling place for said Voting Pre- clnc~ A shall be in r~inter's Garage at No. 4! P~ndolph ~,venue in id City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct B shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precincits Nos. 1 and 14 as established by said resolution of the Board of ~u~ervisors of said County of San polling I/arco, and the/place for said Voting Precinct B shall be in ~artin Primary School, at l~aple Avenue and ~chool Street, in said City. Voting precinct C shall ilnclude all the, territory des- cribed in 5outh San Francisco PrecinCts; Nos. 15 andi 39, as estab- lished by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Marco, and the polling place ior said Voting Precinct C shall be in Banch®ro's Garage, at No. 121 Claremont Avenue, in said City. Voting Precinct D shall includ® all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco PrecinCt Nos. 40 and 41, as estab- lished by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San I~ateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct D shall be in the Andersen Residence, at No. 1361 Hillside Boulevard, in said City. Voting Precinct E shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francis~ precincts Nos. 9 and 11, as estab- lished by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San I/arco, and the polling place ~or said Voting Precinct E shall be in Espinosa's Garage, at ~o. 207 California Avenue, in said City. Voting Precinct F shall :include all the territory des- cribed in 8outh San Francisco Preeinlcts Nos. 7 aud 16, aa estab- lished by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San ~ateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct F shall be in the ~indbreaker ~all, at No. 312 ~aple .~venue, in said City. Voting iPrecinct G shall t~clude all t~e territory des- crtbed in South San Francisco precincts Nos. 10 and 13, as estab- lished by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said Co~ty of San Igateo, and the pollin~ place for said ~fotin~ Precinct G shall be in Zucco's Barber Shop at No. ~!8 Linden Avenue, in said City. Voting Precinct It shall include all the territory des- cribed in South 8an Francisco Precincts Nos. i and 27, as estab- lished by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County o! San ]/ateo~ and the polling place for said Voting Precinct Ii shall be in Spruce Avenue School at Sprdce AVenue and Taka:rack Lane, in said City. ~oting ~Precinct I shall include all the 'territory des- cribed in South San l~ancisco Precincts No~. 4 and 17, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San llateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct ! shall be in. Tognela's Garage at Noo 601. liller Avenue, in said City. Voting Precinct J shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precincts Nos. 5 and 6, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San llateo, and the polling place for said ¥oting Precinct J shall be in Lazzari's Eesidence, at No. 529 Baden ~venue, in salad City. Voting Precinct K shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precincts Nos. 3 and 28, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San llateo, and the pol!inl place for said ¥oting Precinct K shall be in the I/agnolia ivenue School, llagnolia and Grand Avenues, in said City. Voting Precinct L shall i~clude all the territory des- crlbed in South San Francisco Precincts Nos. 23 and 29, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San liateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct L shall be in the Sciandri Residence at No. 735 ~iller Avenue, in said City. Voting Precinct ~ shall include all the tsrritory des- cribed in South San Francisco precinct No. 2, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San I/arco, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct ~ shall be in Oliver's Garage at No. 700 Circle Court, i~ said City. ~otini Precinct ~ shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco precinct ~o. 21, as estab!i_sbed by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San llateo, and the polling place for said Voti~g Precinct N shall be in Community Hall, Lindenvill. e, in said City. Voting Precinct 0 shall IncluGe a!l the territory des- -3- cribed in South San Francisco PrecinCts Nos. 20 and 22, as estab- lish~i by said resolution of the ~:a~d of /tupervisors of said County of San liateo, and the polling place ~or said Votini: Precinct 0 shall be in l~cClung's Garage at No. 144 Fir Avenue, in said City. Votin~ Precinct P shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San ~ancisco ~eCinCts los. 18 and 51, as esta~ lished by said resolution of the Board of lupervisors of said County of ~an ~teo, and the Dllinl place apr said Voti. n~ ~ecinct p shall ~ in ~troni's 6araKe ~t No. 407 WeSt ~an~e avenue, in said City. Votini ~eci~ct q shall include all the territory de~ cried in South S;.~n ~ancisco ~ecinCts Nos. 19 and ~, as esta~ lished by said resol~tl, on of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San ~teo, and the polling place for said ~otint~ ~ecinct Q shall be in Carlyle's Garage at No. 708 ~'eSt ~ange Avenue, in said City. Voting ~ecinct 2 shall incIude all the territory des- crthed in South San ~ancisco ~ecinCts Nos. 44 and 45, as esta~ lashed by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors oI said County of Ban ~teo, and the polling place for said Votin/l ~ecinct R shall be in ~ccone's Garage at No. 18 Graystone ~ive, in said City. Voting ~ecinct 5 shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San ~ancisco ~ecinCts Nos. 49, 50, 67, and 68, as established by said resolution of tbs Board of $u~rvis~s of said ~unty of San ~ateo, and the pollint place for said VOtint ~ecinct shall ~ tn the ~1 ~ncho School at Del ~nte and Romney Avenues, said City. iotint ~ecinct T shall include all the territory de~ cried in South San ~ancisco ~ecincts Nos. 46, 4'7, and 48, as tablished by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San hteo, and the polling place for said Vo'int ~ecinct T shall ~ in the Denning ~esidence at No. 209 I~ngford Drive, in said City. Voting ~ecinct O shall include all the territory des- cried in 8outh Sa.n ~ancisco ~eeinCis Nos ~ 60 ~nd 61 as es- tablished by said resolution of the Board of Fupervisors of said Ccmnty of San l~teo, and the polling plaeo for Bald Vottng PTeeinet U shall bo i~ ~nn~gh~'s ~rage at No. 45~ AI~]~ ~.d, Xn ~Xd City. · ott~g ~ectnet V sb~ll 1~clude all the te~ltory de~ ~t~ t~ $~th ~;~ ~a~cis~ ~eclnCt ~o, 35, as establ~h~ rmmolutXon of the ~ard o~ Su~vtsors o~ maid Country of San and the ~11~ plaee for ~t.d Voting ~eelnct V stroll ~ In Stullmr'm ~ra~ at ~o. 1~ ~ancts~ Drive, in ~td City. limh~ by ~ld reeolut~o~ of the ~aFd o~ Su~t~ o~ ~td of ~n ~t~, and the ~lling place for said ~oti~ ~ctnct · ~all ~ tn B~btn~n's ~rage at ~o. ~1 ~y~ ~y, 1~ said City. ~ott~g ~ecinet ~ shall l~cl~ all the te~t~y de~ ertM tn ~th S~ ~a~cts~ ~ecinCt ~. 25, aa establl~ by ~solutio~ o~ 2he ~rd of Su~rviso~ of sa~d Country of San a~ the ~11t~ pla~ for said Voting ~c~nct ~ shall ~ tn Garap at ~0. 204 ~ck~d ~, t~ ~ld C~ty. Voting ~ec~nct Y shall l~clude ~11 the te~t~y by utd ro~lutton of t~e ~ard of ~U~vt~ of s~atd C~nty of htoo, and the ~11t~ place ~or 8aid Voting ~l~ct Y shall A~'8 ~rage at No. 4~ Nort~ Drip, in ~ld City. Vott~ ~eet~t Z ohs11 ~l~o all the territory de~ by said r~olutton of the ~d of SU~vl~rs of ~ld ~unty of htr, and the ~11t~ place f~ ~d voti~ ~ec~n~et Z shall hldaostnt'8 ~ra~ at No. 215 ~estnut A~nue, tn ~td C~ty. Voting ~ecinct A/~ shall i~ludo all the territory ~abl!sh~ by ~d r~lution of the hrd of 8uw~'is~8 of said ~unty of San hteo, and tho ~IlinK pl~ for ~id Votinf ~11 b in ~y's ~ra~e at No. 26~ W~;"~viov ~rivo, in ~id City. Voting Precinct ~B shall ~nclude all the, territory described in South San Francisco Precincts Nos. 55, 5S, and 59, as established by said resolution of the :Board of Supervisors of said Count~ of SA~. ~teo, And the ~lling place for said Voting ~ecinct BB shall ~ in Hoosier's G~r~e at ~o. 3S8 ~rdenside Avenue, In said City. Voting ~ecinct CC shall include all the territory de~ cribed In ~th San ~a~cisco ~ecincts Nos. 31 and 32, as esta~ lished by said resolution of the Board of tu~rvisors of said County of San ~t~, and the polling place for said Voting ~ecinct CC shall ~ in the Bo~! Residence at No. 206 ~mritas Avenue, in said ~lty. Voting ~ecinct DD shall include all the territory des- cried in South 5~n ~anciseo ~ecincts Nos. 33, 43~ 64, 65, and 66, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San ~teo, and the polling place for said Voting ~ecinct E~D shall ~ in ~ri hri Elementary SChool at Del ~nte Avenue and E1 Cam~ Drive, in sa~d City. Voting ~ecinct EE shall include al~ the te~itory des- cried in South San ~ancisco ~scincts Nos. 34, 42, 62, and 63, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San ~teo, and the polling place for said Vo~ing ~eci~ct ~E shall ~ in ~jo~in'~ Garage at No. 226 Arroyo Drive, in ~td City. LIST OF NA~S OF ~E ~ON~DESIG~ AS OFFICE~ ~R ~CH OF T~ A~SAID P~CIN~. V..cY--------------d~INO P~F, CI~CT A Hazel Arola ............. -- ..... Inspector Jennie Shultz .......... - ...... Judge Cecile Painter ........ --------- Clerk Julia Casella ........... - ...... Clerk Laura ~no .............. ~ ...... Inspector ~es~e Chianti ..... ------~--,-- Clerk V~tTI~ ~CI~C~ C ~:~m Se~ner------------~------ Inspector ~ry ~nr~-------~----~------ Judge O,~d:~ ~nchero -- ...... -~ ....... Clerk ~ bble ~x ................ -.-- .... -Clerk ~rjorie {~c. ppe~ .......... , ...... - Judge ¢>r~y' - ............. ----- ....Clara Louise ~oidL ~ .... ~ ...... Inspector ~r ~ ~,~t i ........... ~- ...... - Judge jo~eph~ ~x~ E~p:[nos;~ ...... ~ ....... Clerk ~ ,,TING P~:~:Ct~C~ F ~l~ce Seliick ...... ----~---- Inspector {~ilm~ St!renu ~ ....... ~ ...... Judge ,le~ ~xe 13~itt'~ ...... - ....~-.---~- Clerk VC~ING ~Ffd~iCI~CT G tiarriett Bl~nk ......... ~ ...... Judge ,n'to:. ~et'to :iozlo~mk!. ---~ .......... thump,actor ~ ~ h~r ~ ne ~IN~ ~ClN~ J ~atrice ~s~u~sen ...... - ...... Judge ~ophle '~ ..... . ~ry ~sch~ [bach ........... ~ ...... Judge U~i I~ ~ ~ ,ali ~ ......... - ...... Clerk ?'~ ~ bath Pitt ............ *---~ Ciera,{ Blancie joh~,u~ ......... ~ ...... Inspector , .. ver - ............. ~ ...... Judge I/~aa ~de~n i ~:~ i ......... ~ .... -Clerk -8- Irene ]~cClung--, : .... : ~ :- . Clerk Joan ~achs~nn ---- .., ' ----- Clerk ~ING ~CII~CT P Norm ~liel~etti --~-~--- I~pector ~yetta Nordstrom - .... : J~ge An~t~ ~-~-----~-~ ~'~ Clerk ~vi~ ~n~ini :: : : -~ Clerk Ethel Rer~n ~ .... : ..... :: l~pector ~ude ~rt~nd---~---~- . Judge Jeanne ~nson ~, : - Clerk ~ss Carlyle ~-~~~- Clerk ~verl~ ~blitt-- .... -------- I~pector ~rgeret Co~e~ --------~-,-' Judge Beverly ~on~n ~artha ~oak let Jane Wlard---- Jud~ Clerk Clerk VOTING P~CINCT T Alice ~vruska ,~ ...--- Inspec:tor Co~een Denning '. , , ~ ; -----Judge Adrienne ~Geever ------~-- Clerk ~lean~ ~th ~~-- : ~ ' Clerk '~I~ ~ClS~ u Wilivene $t~vi~ -. ,~ .-. I~pector Mildred ~tter -- .... ~----~ Judge Sarah ~ning~m ~-..:~- --- Clerk ~rothy S~yk ~--------~-~--- Clerk V~I~ ~ECIN~ V Alvin Stuller - ......... ~ .... Ins~cto~ -9- ~ath Robin~n :: : : ,~, · Judge ~r~et ~vis , .~ ,: V~I~ ~CINCT ~ Patriots Royal ::~. ,, .-.,..-!., · lnsp~otor Carol Hoag ,~..: ~, ., ,~ ~ : :,~ Jud~ ~e~ AUStin .,. ~ ~, ,: :,.,.'~' Clerk Ann ~u~ ,: .,'. :,: Clerk ~IN~ ~CIN~ DD ~I~ ~CINC~ EE Cl~rk in~p~rtor ~tty En~retson : :: .., :'.: ,-.; Clerk ired Schafer ,,, ,: ,,: ~:~ ,. ~,,, ,:, Clerk said votin~ 9recincts shall be op~ned at 7 o'clock a. m. of the ~ay of election and shall be kept open until 8 o'clock p. a. of maid day, when th~ polls shall be clo~d. l"Ja'~R RESOL~ Tt~T, at said eleetioa, there ~11 be su~tttg to the electxs ~th ~n ~anci~ t~,followi~ ~mttions ( "S~ll the City i~eb~d~M in the ~nt of $1, for the pumping sta~({ns, and the s~uisitioa of lands and saints neosemary or ~~ therefor, and all acquisitiDns and t~i~A'eto that are ~msmary or useful i~ the 11. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MAYOR TELFORD L. SMITH COUNCILMEN EM ILIO CORTES1 R. A. GAMLEN FRANK IUCCNIO ANDREW ROCCA CITY MANAGER EMMON$ McCLUNG February 24, 1956 ~2~ ~.N"T,~, A L RECORDS As you have already been informed, the City of South San Francisco is submitting to the voters a bond issue to cover the amount of money necessary to provide adequate drainage work to handle the run- off water from our water shed area. It is now planned to submit this matter in two proposals. The residents will have an opportunity to vote for construction of open ditches in the pro- posal for an estimated amount of $1,200,000. The measure involving an estimated $2,000,000 will be to provide for installation of storm drainage in the area adjacent to residential sections to be taken under- ground in enclosed conduits. The latter proposal was decided upon by a suggestion of the Mayfair Village Improvement Club, who felt that such a proposal would be more acceptable to the residents. In order to secure the passage of such a program, it is necessary that considerable support be given this project by various civic leaders. In that connection, we are appealing to you. The city will make .available speakers to your group at any time you designate, in order that the program may be more fully explained to the residents. Page Two February 24, 1956 We would also appreciate hearing from your group as to any recommendations or suggestions that you may have in connection with the presenta- tion of this program to the public. After you and your group have satisfied your- self that this measure is in the best interest of the public, we would appreciate receiving from you notification that your group has adopted a resolu- tion supporting this project and urging the resi- dents of the city likewise. On behalf of the City Council I wish to thank you and your organization for the consideration you have given us thus far in this very important project. Very truly yours, ~-'~gmmons McClu City Manager jv CC: City Clerk'''',y Director of Public Works City Council All Improvement Clubs [ Muni, Fi..l~ !;o. ,197] '~ O ~ I C E OF E L E C T I O >¥WiCE iS !iEREBY GIVEi~ that a general municipal election will be l~eld i.n the CJ. ty of Bouth Sa~ ~ancisco on Tuesday, the lOth day of 2~pril, 1956, for the electio~ of tke following officers: OFF I C}~itS One (i) councilma~ for a full term; Oue (!) councilman for a full term; One (1) councilman for a full term; City Clerl; for a full term; CS. fy Treasurer ~or a full. term. At sa:id general municipal election, the polls sha!] be opened at 7 o'clock, a. m. on the day of elect~on and sha].! 'be kept ope~. contir, uously until ~. o'c!ocl: p.m. of said day, at whicL t:~me the polls shaJ~ be closed. Dated: February 8, 1956. CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANClSC(.. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 2.~. l~ TO: ....... ~_I_T_Y COUNCIL ~u.,~auary of Election Laves Governing SUBJECT- General ?~unicipal Elections COPIES TO: City ~.4anager City Clerk FROM: v~.. CITY A, TT©~¢N ~,~f ~ligibility for Elective City Office. ~..:~S ~O: .... :,-:i.:?~,,:d.~.,, Only those persons who are electors of, an~. have r~si~ea in, the city for the year imn~ediately preceaing the day of election are eligible to hold office as Councilraan, City Clerk, or City Treasurer. Procedure for Circulation of Nomination ~apers. The Mlections Code provides that a person, in order to qualify to have his name appear as a candidate on the official ballot, i?.ust circulate, or cause to be circulated, a nomination paper in his b~half, much circulation to co~'m~ence not earlier than the seventy-.fifth day before a :?unicipal election. (For the current year said date is January 26th.) The circulation of the no~;~J, natio:n papers ~.:ust be cor~pleted so that the sa~:'e ~ay be :filed not later than 12:00 o'clock noon on the fifty-.:fourth day before the melection. (February l~th is the .ffifty-..fourth clay be:fore the pence:Lng' ;,~unicipal election.) All ~)o~uination papers ~ust be sial;ned by not less than five (5), nor ~nore than ten (1~'~),~. qua!i:["ied roa, 3~,'" ~" '~e~red 7stets ," ~ ~%........ * ] ] '[:r' city. Such nozina- tion papers may not ~ sifned ~,~il;hin one hunCred feet (100') of any election booth, polling' place, er an[/' place ~;:here the registration of voters is bein:~j conducted, Only peri, ohs ~v!'::o are qualified registered voters and have registered at least fifty-four (54) days prior to the date of election are eligible to si~n su.ch noiuination papers. E~ch signatory r~'.ust insert the date .of his si~ni, ng t~e non:ination papers an:i, in additi.on~ i~:ust give his place of residence. In this connection, it is i~::portant to note th. at su.ccess:.[vo si[hers ~' ay ~.ot use ~itto r~.arks to inc~icate that tb~2 cit~ az. ct dates are the 2, ny persan qualified to vote at. the election ~:ay px-ocure the signatures of th,c no~inator's. Therefc. re, a person ¥~ho is a qualified rss'istcred voter and' 'e-ho i~; a ca~didate for any of the e~.ective offices zay circulate nor~ination papers on his oYm beha].:f. BeFore an), nor.~ination paper ~a~/ be fi~e~ ~:ith. the City Clerk, it shall be accompanied by the affidavit of thee person ¥:ho circulated the such affimavit to specify that the a~fiant circulate? the nomination paper and observed di:~ectly the appenain~ of all si[~natures appearing thereon and that he knows that 'they are authentic. Once a no~ination paper is ~[iled wi'th t ~e City Clerk it ~ay not thereafter be ¥~ithdra~:n. IF REPLY REQUEETED ~END ORIGINAL AND DUPLICATE COPY CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANClSCC. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Dage 2 TO: CITY COUNCIL ~uumary of Election Laws Governing SUBJECT:. General ~.,~unicipal F. lect~ons COPIES TO: City Manager City Clerk FROM: CITY ATTOi~EY At the time nominatiou papers are filed, each candidate is required to execute an affidavit stating that, should he be electeC, he will accept and fulfill the office to which he is aspiring. It is incumbent upon each candidate to write his name as he desires the same to appear on the ballot. A blank i~ e~pressly provided for this purpose in the form of affidavit. The candidate r..ay, at his option, indicate that any one of the following designations shall appear on the ballot beneath his name: (a) ~fords designating any city, county, district, or state of2ice v:hich he then holds; (b) if he be a candidate ~or re-election to the sa~.e office wLich he then helds, and only in that event, the word "Incumbent"; or (c) words designating his proi'ession, vocation, or occupation, %hich 'words shall not exceed three (3) in nun:bet. Such designation shall be the sm~.e as appears in the affidavit of registration of the candidate. A veter may si~:n ~]omination papers of only one candida~-~-for the san~e office, except in t]::~e case where there are two or more persons to be elected to the same office, in which event a nominator m~y sign on behalf of as candidates as there are vacancies to be filled, jhould a nominator si~'n the nomination papers of ~¢)re candidates than he is permitted by law to do, his signature shall be credited .only .-['or that candidate v:hose nomination papers are first filed. Time to Designate Precincts and Polling Places, and to Select Members of Precinct Boards. ~ On or be;fore the fortieth day before the election (March 1 1956), the City Council shall designate the voting precincts and polling places therein, and appoint the members of 'the various precinct boards. 5hould the City Council fail to do sc by 'the twentieth day prior to the election, the duty then devolves upon the City Clerk. /4. Notice of Election. A notice of election shall be published by the City Clerk at least once in the local newspaper, such publication to be made not earlier than the seventy-fifth day, nor later than the fifty-fourth day, before the municipal election (between January 26 and February 16). The notice shall specify the date of' the election, the of£ices to be filled, ~ pz. uFu~lbi~.,~ (i£ .~)Lo~%m~:_~vot,:d ,,pOu~ and the hours the polls will be open. As soon as all election officers have been appointed for the IF REPLY REQUESTED SEND ORIGINAL AND DUPLICATE COPY CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANClSCC INTER-OFFICE MEMO D Date . Feb~ua_ry 2+~..1 .... _6_ ...... TO: ....~_ITY COUNCIL Summary of Election Laws Governing SUBJECT: General llunicipal ~lections i~age 3 COPIES TO: City Manager City Clerk FROM: CITY ATTORNEY several precincts by the City Counci[L, the City Clerk shall give them uritten notice of such appoint~:ent, specifying the date of the election, the locations of their respective polling places, the particular precinct in which each is to serve, and the hours during ~hich the polls are to rm~ain open° To ,each inspector, the City Clerk shall for'~ard a list of the nanes and addresses of all other persons designated to serve on the election board for his particular precinct. ii. Final Day to ~lace Propositions on the Ballot. The ti.~e for placing ~easures, or propositions, on the ballot is limitea by the fact that a notice thereof must be published in the local newspaper twice prior to election and that sample ballots must be printed and placed in tire mails not later than the fifteenth day immediately preceainfl the election. Measures to appear on the ballot are deterr~ined by City Council action through the adoption of resolution. To ascertain the final date on whicl~ such resolution be adopted, it ~ill be necessary to inquire of the printer concerning{ the time element required by hir~ for the purpose oi' printing' the sa~ple ballots. I:'~ any event, the City Council sl~ou].d endeavor to select the propositions not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of election so as t~ allow :.~ufficient ti~e for the printing and ~.ailiag of the sm~ple ballots as v, el! as the printing' of the official ballots. ~?~it.h respect to the pending; general election, it is recomnended tha't all ~leasures to be places on the ballot be specifies by Council action taken not later than the regular ~.~eetiug of i~iarcb 5 Publication of Notice of No:?.inees for Public Office and Notice of ?leasures to b.~ ~3ub~:itte,~i. The City Clerk shall cause to be pu01ish, ed in the local newspaper, at least twice before the date of election, a list of the na:~es of the can~iaates (such names to be given in the order in wi~ich they shall appear on the ballot) and the respective offices for which each cf the candidates has been nor. inated. In the event that one or r. ore propositions shall be sub~;::itted to the voters, a notice thereof should also be printed twice be'?ore the date of election. In the case IF REPLY REQUEETED EEND ORIGINAL ,t~ND DUPLICATE COPY CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANClSCC INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ~ a~e 4 TO: ..... CITY COUNCIL Jummary of ~lection Laws Gover:ling~ SUBJECT:___ General~,?iunl~' ' cipal ~lectians FROM: CITY ATTf)RN):Y COPIES TO: City :.,{anager ~lty Clerk of an election at which vacancies in elective offices will be filled, the notice of measures to be voteC. the notice of no:in,es. ?. oample ballots. ~ample ballots shall be print.ed and circulated~ and the Clerk shall ~cail one such ballot, posta[~e prepaia, to each registered voter. The mailing- oi' the sa~p!e ballots shall be co~:~enced not :~ore than forty (40) clays, and shall be coiupletec not less than fifteen (15) days, before the election ~a'te, April 10 12[~6. The Clerk si~all enclose in the envelope with each of the ballots a card specifying the location of the precinct polling' place of each voter. In adciition to the sarqple ballot, other official r::atter r,~ay be placed in the sa~e envelope, such as, an explanation of propositions to be submitted to the voters. I~L'mlb IF' REPLY REQUEETED 8END ORIGINAL ~ND DUPLICATE COPY Painter' a Oara~ M~tin Pr~y School Wi~B~r ~11 ~ceo ~r Sh~ ~ce A~n~ SCh~l ~z~i Reliance Oli~r ~ c ty Pe~ ~ C~le ~ E1 Rm~ho Sch~l De~ ~lideuee S~r ~ R~i~ ~ A~~ ~1 Randolph Ave. M~ple Ave. at Sehool St. 121 Claremant Ave. 1361 Hilleide Blvd. 207 California Ave. 312 Maple Ave. 218 Linden Ave. Spruce Ave. & Tamarack Lane 601 Hiller Ave. 529 Baden Ave. lq~6no~& & (}ran~ Avel. 73~ Miller Ave. 700 Circle Court Lindeuville 1~ Fir Ave. ~07 Weat Or~ Ave. 708 West Orange Ave. 18 ~e~ Drive Del Monte & Rc~aey Aves. 209 Longford Drive ~ AlhamBra Roa~ 1~ Fr~nciaco Drive 201 Maywocd Way 204 Rockwood Drive ~30 Northw~ Drive 215 Chestnut Ave. Cou%. l:,a~e ~ ~-~ction off ~pri~ :LO, ~956 55, ~, 59 CC 3~- & 3~ DD 33, ~3, ~, 6~, 66 3~., ~2, ~, 63 P~ PLACES Cagey ~ara~e Hca~eler Garage Royal Relidence B~ri B~ri Eleventary School 261 ~eltview Drive 388 Gardeu~ide Ave. 206 Camarita~ Ave. Del :Monte Ave. & E1 Ca.po Dr. 22~ Arroyo Drive NO. _