HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-9-16 Election I:~i,;iCIPAL Ilh J:~OV~.~_.~l~ BONDS SERIES 19~7 CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK SPECIAL I'~"IUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD SEP'fEI~'iBER 16, 1947. -~ . .q,., ,~ . CENTRAL RECORDS ST~TE OF UALI.~ O:-I,~IA ) County of San l',~i~teo ) ss. FIL~ NO:' ~'~ ~ City of South San Francisco ) .......................... I, D~IEL J. HYLAND, City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco, 9ounty of San i~tateo, State of California, d.o hereby certify that, at the special municipal election held in said city of South San Francisco on Tuesday, the 16th-day of September, 19~7, at which the propositions or measures hereinafter mentioned were submitted to the qualified voters of said cit],, the whole number of votes c~st in said City of South San Francisco at s~id special election was ~ ~ ~ . The propositions or measures, so submitted at said special municipal election, held as. aforesaid, were the following: PROPOSITION N0. 1 The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of ~$150,000.00 in lawful money of the United .States of ~erica for the object and ~purpose of .acquiring, constructing ~nd completing by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, a central police station and acquiring the necessary furniture and equipment for the same. PROPOSITION NO. 2 The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of ~1~5,000.00 in lawful money of the United States of .~erica for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing by the City of South San Francisco, 'a municipal corporation, ~ central fire de- partment st~,tion in said city and ~ fire dep~rtment substation west of E1 Camino Real in said city, tegether with lands, build-' ings, furniture ~nd equipment therefor, ~n aerial service truck, a pumPing engine ~nd other fire fighting equipmemt, works, property, structur,~s and equipment fo.v~ fire -protection purposes of said City of South San ~rancisco. PROPOSITION ~[0. 3. The proposition to incur ~= bonded indebtedness of ~[~30,000.00 in !~%~fu! money of the United States of America for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, and completing three (3) recreation buildings and acquiring the necessary furniture ~md other equipment for such recreation buildings. The ntu~aber of votes given at each precinct of said city, in said special municipal election, for ~nd ~gainst each of said measures was as follows: PRECI N C T A. For said proposition No. 1, 125 votes; against said propos, ition No. 1, 56 votes; for said proposition No. 2, lgO votes; against said proposition No. 2, ~5 votes; for said proposition No. 3, 120 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 60 votes. PRECINCT B. For said proposition No. 1, 13~ votes; against said proposition No. 1, 65 votes; for said proposition No. 2, 165 votes; against said proposition No. 2, 36 votes; for said proposition No. 3, 156 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 43 votes. -2- PRECINCT C. For said.proposition No. 1, 1~9 votes; against said proposition No. 1, 75 votes; for said proposition No. 2, 192 votes; against said proposition No. 2, 60 votes; for said proposition No. 3, 177 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 73 votes. PRECINCT D. For said proposition No. 1, 143 votes; against said proposition No. 1, 93 votes; for s~id proposition Noo 2, 184 votes; against said proposition No. 2, 54 votes; for ~aid proposition No. 3, 166 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 75 votes. PRECI~.~T E. For said proposition No. 1~ 131 votes; ~gainst said propos~on No. 1, 71 votes; for said proposition No. 2, 1~ votes; against s~id proposition No. 2, 56 votes; for said proposition No. 3, 142 votes; a.gainst said proposition No. 3, 5~ votes. PRECINCT F. For said proposition No. ~., 160 votes; against said proposition No. 1, 131,votes; for said proposition No. 2, 193 votes; against said proposition No. ~, 103 votes; for said proposition No. 3, 1~9 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 10~ votes. PRECINCT G. For said proposition No. 1, 16~ votes; a~ainst said proposition No. 1, 79 votes; for said proposition No. 2, 19~ votes; against said proposition No. 2, 50 votes~ for said proposition No. 3, 185 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 61 votes. -3- P~ECINCT H. For said proposition No. 1, 93 votes; against said proposition No. 1, 75 votes; for said proposition No. 2, 108 votes; against said proposition No. 2, 65 votes; for sid proposition No. 3, 109 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 59 votes. PRECINCT I. For said proposition No. 1, 51 votes; against said proposition No.1, 24 votes; for said proposition No. 2,' 53 votes; against said proposition No. 2, 22 votes; for s~id proposition No. 3, 5~ votes; ~g~inst s~id proposition No. 3, 21 votes. PRECINCT J. For said proposition No. 1, 84 votes; against said proposition No. 1, 31 votes; for said proposition No. 2, 101 votes; against said proposition No. 2~ 17 votes; for said proposition No. 3, 97 votes, against said proposition No4. ~, 18 votes. PRECINCT K. ~ For.said Proposition No. 1, 7~ votes; against, said pr~position No. 1, 8 Votes; for said proposition No. 2, 82 votes; against, said proposition No. 2, 3 votes; for said Proposition No. 3, 75 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 9 votes. PRECINCT L. For said proposition No. 1, 15& votes; against said proposition No. 1, ~2 votes; ~or said proposition No. 2, votes; against, said proposition No. 2, 12 votes; for said proposition No. 3, '153 votes; against said proposition No. 3, ~ votes. PRECINCT ~d. For said proposition No. 1, 38 votes; against said proposition No. 1, 8 votes; for said proposition No. 2, ~2 votes; against said proposition No. 2, ~ votes; for said 3, g2 votes; against s~id proposition No. proposition No., & votes. PRECINCT N. For said proposition No. 1, 87 votes; against said proposition No. 1, 12 votes; for said propositio~ No. 2, 97 votes; against proposition No. 2, 2 votes; for said proposition No. 3, 72 votes; against said propos%tion No. 3, 27 votes. PRECINCT O. For said proposition No. 1, 53 votes; ~gainst said proposition No. l, 31 votes; for s~id proposition No. 2, 83 votes; against said proposition No. 2, 1 vote; for said proposition No. 3, 60 votes; against said proposition No. 3, 23 votes. ABSENTEE VOTE The number of votes c~se for and against said propositions by absentee voters at said special election were as follows: M%ASURES FOR SAID ~'~ASURES ~r~positio~ No. 1 . , Proposition No. 2 /~ Proposition No. 3 / 3 The %oral number of votes given in s~id city for and against e~ch of said measures was as follows: MEASURES Proposition No.,. Proposition No. Proposition No. AG,-~INST S.,;~ID i',~EASURES / FOR SAID I~ASURES .AGAINST SAID MEASURES -5- IN WITNESS "~I~-£ER~OF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the se~l of said City of South San Francisco, this ~~ day of September, 1997. Hon. City Council South San Franc'isco · A. A. · A ~ c ~ ~ T ~, C r SAN' F~,A N~' C° :$ Sept. 19, 1947 ~'/) Subject: Construction prOgram - Council Action Gentlemen: The principal items requiring-action by the council in connection with the present construction program are listed here for Your reference. Other matters ntt directly affecting construction, such as purchase of apparatus, bond sale, and similar items not lis ted are left to the discretion of the appropriate city official. Proposition 1 - Police Department - Headquarters 'a.Authorize the Works Engineer to prepare a survey of the site. b. Authorize the architect to prepare plans. c. AdVertise for bids when plans are ready. d. .Award construction contractCENTRAi RECORD Proposition 2 - Fire Department NO: ....... ..~..?~ ~ Central Stat ion: FiLe .................. a. Complete acquisition of site. b. AccePt completed plans and specifications, upon advice of Fire Chief. (Plans are substantially complete. ) c. Advertise for bids. d. Award contract. West Sub-station: a. Acquire a site. b. Authorize a survey'. C. Authorize architect to prepare plans, and accept same when complete. Advertise for bids, .~ward contract. R 0 IF E · A. .t · A R. C H I T l~ C T Proposition 3 - Recreation Commission - Three Buildings a. Accept plans approved by the Recreation Commission when complete (Work is in progress on final drawings.). b. Advertise for bids. c. Award contract. A balance of $1153.06 remains in the State Aid Fund for plans and specifications. This can be applied to the above work in accordance with State regulations. An application can be made when it is decided where to use the money. The above items will be discuss ed with the Council in more detail from time to time. Yo/~s very truly, Copy: Police Department Fire Department Recreation Department Police Station i ~'ire Otation ~ecreat PRECINCT ~ · Yes No i Yes No 't '~Yes A i,/,,, 125 56 I 140 , 4~ ["120 ~ D ~ ,?' i. 143 93 184 E '~ 131 71 144 6 ~ 14 F ~ ; 160 131 195 103 ~ 189 / '.' ,m-/:.': 164 ~ 9 !i //-I¢ 9~ 75 108_ -.~, t 109 ,~ 154 42 ~4 ~ ' N " ' 87 12 97 2 72 0 53 31 83 1 60 T ~ AL 16V 0 8 O1 1962 528 1V 9V Lon Bld~$s ~ 6O 43 C A ~T 185 V3 75 ' 57'~ 204 10, 301 6] .¥ 21 ", '75 18 12I 9 86 44 1.~ 4 46 27 99 23 ~4 6V8 2529 260 ~./',% t, Special Bond Election, September 16, 194'7 CF. lq ~r:~:.,,.i ~:.~ .~.>,..,..,,; (This Number To Be Torn Off by Inspector) 'N? 5378 MARK CROSSr "X" ON BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL (Fold Ballot to this perforated Line; Leaving Top Margin ~_~ OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION BALLOT CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO County of San Mateo, State of California TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1947 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS TO VOTE FOR A CANDIDATE OF YOUR SELECTION, stamp a cross (X) in the voting square next to the right of the name of the candidate. Where two or more candidates for the same office are to be elected, stamp a cross (X) .after the names of all the candidates for that office for whom you desire to vote not to ex- ceed, however, the number of candidates who are to be elected. If the ballot does not contain the names of can- didates for all offices for which you may desire to vote, you may vote for candidates for such offices so omitted by writing the name of the candidate for whom you wish to!vote i'n the blank space left for that purpose. To vote for a person not on the ballot, write the name of such person under the title of the office in the blank space left for that purpose. TO VOTE ON ANY MEASURE, stamp a cross (X) in the voting square a.fter the word "Yes" or after the word "No." ,~11 mares, except the cross (X) are forbidden. All distinguishing mares or erasures are forbidden and rnake the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. A special election submitting to the qualified voters of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, the following propositions, to wit: PROPOSITION NO. ! The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $150,000.00 in lawful money of the United States of America for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, a central police station and acquiring the necessary furniture and equipment for the seine*. 1. For said proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $150,000.00 in YES lawful money of the United States of America for the purpose of ac- quiring, constructing and completing a central pelice station and t l acquiring the necessary furniture and equipment for the same. NO PROPOSITION NO. 2 The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $185,000.00 in lawful money of the United States of Am~rlca for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing by the City d South San FranciSco, a municipal corporation, a central fire department station in said city and a fire department sub-station west of El Camino Real in said city, together with lands, buildings, f~ruiture and equipment therefor, an aerial service truck, a pumping engine and other fire fighting equipment, works, property, struc- tures and equipment for fire protection purposes of said City d South San Francisco. 2. For said proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $185,000.00 in l lawful money of the United States of AmeriCa for the object and pur- ] YES pose of acquiring, constructing and completing by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, a central fire department sta- tion in said city and a fire department sub-Station west of El Camino i Real in said city, together with lands, buildings, furniture and equip- ment therefor, an aerial service truck, a pumping engine and other ] fire fighting equipment, works, property, ~tructuros and equipment I NO for fire protection purposes of said City of South San Francisco.1 PROPOSITION NO. 3 The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $80,000.00 in lawful money of the United States of America for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and com- pleting three (3) recreation buildings and acquiring the necessary furniture and other equipment for such recreation buildings. 3. For said proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $30,000.00 in I YES lawful money of the United States of America for the purpose of[ acquiring, constructing, and completing three (8) recreation buildings ~ and acquiring the necessary furniture and !other equipment for sucht NO recreation buildings. Any voter who desires to vote in favor 9f any one of said propositions and to accept such proposition may do so by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square on the right-hand margin of the ballot, after and opposite the word "YES," and after such ballot shall be so stamped and deposited in the ballot box, it shall be counted as provided by law as a vote in favor of such proposition and accepting the game* Any voter who desires to vote against!any one of said propositions and to reject such proposition may do so by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square on the right-hand margin of the ballot after and opposite the word "NO," and after such ballot shall be so stamped and deposited in the ballot box, it shall be canvassed and counted as provided by law as a vote against such proposition and rejecting the same.