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1966-4-12 Elections
CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CLERK OF RECORD OF VOTES CAST AT POLLING PLACES WITHIN CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITHIN SAID CITY ON APRIL 12, 1966 In accordance with Resolution No. qq03 of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, adopted on the 28th day of February, 1966, I hereby certify that upon the closing of the polls as the general municipal election held on Tuesday, the 12th day of April, 1966, within the City of South San Francisco for the purpose of electing 2 members of the City Council of said City of South San Francisco, I took off and recorded from the voting machines used at said general municipal election the records of votes cast at said polling places for the various candidates for the office of member of the City Council of said City, and I filed with the City Council of said City said record thereof prior to the time when said City Council was required to can- vass the returns of said general municipal election. I further certify that said record of votes cast at said poll- ing places for the various candidates for the office of member of the City Council of said City is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth at length. Dated this 15th day of April, 1966. JOHN A. BRUNING, COUNTY CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Deputy / Results of ?otes Cast, as reported by precinct officers and County of San Mateo, located in ~ccordian folder in vault. (per AAR - 5/5/66) FILE NO: ..... ,~o. of ~Registered Vb~ er s 702 789 ?38 635 374 805 614 354 363 436 680 506 ~ ~1 346 -t 0 ~I 248 : {' 371 ~ L.~0 422 C TY OOT. Total Votes Consolidated Cast Precinct Ahern Ro¢c~ Belloni Han Choo Ghilardi Petty SteinkamD 237 1 110 ~3i 33 47 75 49 89 241 2 133 60: 29 37 87 72 54 195 3 101 53i 2g 52 51 20 67 172 4 55 41- 57 53 ~1 19 41 389 6 147 1~6i 160 71 127 39 56 226 7 82 641 105 39 70 19 31 251 8 59 5i 134 54 79 22 33 168 9 61 202 10 48 ~0! 108 30 76 15 22 260 12 116 ~3! 85 41 73 39 36 lB5 13 70 $1! B3 37 43 21 23 ~9{ 18 19 29 18 20 107 14 68 116 16 63 ~1! 21 34 26 14 39 lB3 17 80 ~2{ 24 30 47 14 49 South San Francisco Municipal Election April 12, 1966 - Page 2 No. of Total Registered Vo%e¥otes Gonsolidated ~oters Cast Precimct Ahern 436 135 18 61 970 _ 337 1'9 204 600 202 20 136 389 115 21 73 817 304 22 164 828 272 23 149 1004 298 24 154 402 155 25' 60 271 65 26 32 464 143 27 68 659 168 28 83 760 205 29 125 '~ 201 61 30 39 ~ , ~1 2778 ABSENT£E VOTES: 38 TOTAL VOTES C~ST~ -5819 19 2797 24~ ]:3~ Belloni 14 36 23 8 25 18 11 6 16 6 7 11 4 1215 13 1228 Han Choo 34 61 16 15 41 45 59 52 8 31 36 25 9 1114 0 1114 Ghilardl 31 73 45 40 75 44 79 33 27 40 49 30 8 1601 1610 Petty 17 30 31 117 103 60 73 7 15 53 29 9 1033 4 1037 Steinkamp 82 113 50 30 98 97 152 37 21 85 52 83 27 1604 161:§ ESUNTY ar SAN MATEfl OFFICE 0F THE', g0UNTY gLEt~15 ELECTION-REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER ' REDWOOD CITY ' CALIFORNIA, 94063 TELEPHONE 369-I441, LOCALS 393-394-395 JOHN A. BRUNING COUNTY CLERK JOHN E. KIEFER SUPERVISOR ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATIONS January 3, 1966 Mr. Arthur A. Rodondi, City Clerk City of South San Franeiseo 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco, California Dear Mr. Rodondi: In accordance with accepted accounting practices and as requested, we have prepared and attach hereto cost estimate for your Municipal Election to be held on April 12, 1966. To the best of our knowledge and belief all items necessary for the eleetion have been ineluded in this estimate; however, there could be additions or eorrections if there are any changes in legal procedures for the election. Yours very truly, JOHN A. BRUNING, County Clerk JJS:ml Enclosure ~upervm r, Ele-etio~Registration CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APRIL 12, 1966 ELECTION COST ESTIMATE Jan. 3, 1966 County Precincts - S3 Consolidated Precincts - 23 Voting Machines - 26 Estimated Registration - 17,500 A - Normal Election Services Indexes of Registration 17,500 Address Polling Place Notices 17,500 Insert Sample Ballots 17,500 Polling Place Notice Stock 17,500 Voting Machine Service 26 $3.00/M or pot. 10.45/M 5.90/M 4.25/M 8.50 ea. A - Total Normal Election Services $54.00 182.88 103.25 74.38 221.00 $635.51 B - Additional Election Services If Requested Salaries Supplies Precincts - Set & Supply List Polling Places - Obtain & Process Election Officers - Ditto Ballots - Prepare Copy & Check Proof V.M. Labels - Ditto Arguments - Ditto Ballot Paper, Official Prepare Precinct Supplies Deliver Precinct Supplies Forms & Supplies Warehouse Labor, Del'y. & Return VM Postage - Other V.M. Technicians - Election Day Absent Voter Appl. Processing Miscellaneous 20.00 $ 6.00 47.00 6.00 135.00 17.00 30.00 2.75 20.00 2.75 20.00 2.75 -- 5.00 50.00 -- -- 28.00 -- 20.00 30.00 -- -- 20.00 30.00 -- 30.00 109.00 11.00 $521.00 $121.25 B- Total Additional Eleetion Services If Requested $642.25 C - Costs - Printin~ & Services Not Covered In Sections A & B TO Be Paid Direct by City Sample Ballots 18,025 ~ .025 ea. Absentee Ballots 300 ~ (Lot) V.M. Labels (2 sets per mach.) 52 sets ~ $3.00/ set Envelopes, Sample Ballot 18,025 ~ $12.50/M Postage, Sample Ballot 17,500 ~ .02875 ea. Precinct Supplies 23 sets ~ 18.00 ea. E.O. CompensaRon - 23 Inspectors ~ 19.00 ea. 49 Judges $ 16.00 ea. Polling Place Fees 15 ~ 15.00 8 Free Custodians Polling Places V.M. Delivery & Return 26 ~ 18.00 Arguments Re: Measure 18,025 ~ $6.00/M Miscellaneous $450.63 S0.00 156.00 225.31 503.13 414.00 437.00 784.00 225.00 25.00 468.00 108.15 25.00 C - Total Costs $3,871.21 D - Legal Publications Responsibility of City. We furnish lists only. qS0.00 Grand Total Estimated Election Costs $5,598.97 Cost per Precinct $243.43 Cost per registered voter .32¢ City to designate printer City to designate vendor - Precinct Supplies City to designate carrier - Voting Machines NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that a general municipal election will be held in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, on the 12th day of April, 1966, for the following offices: City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term. The polls will be open between the hours of 7 o'clock a.m. and 8 o'clock p.m. City Clerk~---~ Dated: February 7, 1966 CENTRAL RECORD~ ~,~ NO- '.~'~ ~ 3 NOMINEES !~OR PUBLIC OFFICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices hereinaf+,~er mentioned to be filled at ~he General Muni¢inal EIection to be held in the Cit? of South San ~rancisco on .~uesda;~'~ the 12th day of Aori. l~ 1966. Wor the office of Councilman: Patrick E. Ahem Andrew Rocca Louis Bellnni Young Hah Choc Ro,v Ro Ghilardi ,lames S, Pet. fy Warren Steinkamo Incumbent Incumbent Retired Retired Consul Genera] Assistant Buildin~ Insr~ector Real Estate Broker Chariman Planning Commission Dated: March 1, 1966 of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, $$. County o/ .................. .5.~.n.....~.~..t..e_o. ......................................... I,. .......................................... '.;2:L+...h..E.~....~',.'..--..R..9:d-..°...n...4..?. ......................................................... ,......C..i...*.,v......C..~...?.?.. ............ of the City o~ Sou~h San Francisco State o/California, do hereby certify, that at a .............. !~..u...n...i..5.!..P.~..1.....5!..?.5.*..!:.9..n. .................................................... election held in said Ci tv on the 19+h day of ~n~i l 19 66 P~+rick r. 3hnrn was elected to the office of. ................................. -C...°..u...~.gLl.~5.n- ............................................................................................................. electwn,.....h-L4. ...... p.. .... 1 ............ .L.fi .................................................. as appears by the official returns of said ' o , ,~ ~ 9 o 6 and the statement of votes cast now on file in my oB~ce. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aB~xed my hand and the sealofthe City oF $o~*h .gan Fvancicco this ........... 19+.h da~ o~e .~q,r)ri ] lo 66 ............................................................................................ ....... 215151 .......................................... ..C.L.*,.v. c ] ~,,,- k Form No, $14--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION (1966) IaRINTED BY A. CARLISLE & CO,, $. P. 66-oi57 FILE .NDIDATE'S STATEMENT OF QUAL' :ATIONS (Section 10012.5, Elections Code) As a candidate fOl' ................ (Designation of office sought) of the ............................ C._z.t ~.....a£....S.o.u.t.b_...SarLEr. anm~a¢.o ................................................................................................... (Name of local agency, ci~, coun~ or district) at the ............. .~.gB.~C.ip. al .......................................................................................................................... election, to be held on ..................... 3~r.%%....~ ................................ , 19.6.6 ...... , I submit the folloxving statement of qualifications: My name is Pa.~r. ;l,c.t.~.....E. ...... ghe.r.n ......................................................................... My age is ........................... .~.9 .......................................................................................... My occupation is ................. 2.e...n...e..r...a..]-.....G.o.r[t.r.~,.c..~.o.r .................................................................................................................. My education is High S.cho_ot.,......$.p.eclal....C.o. um.s.es....a.t.U, ni.va~.mL.Ly -o£. Sa, n -. .................... F..nanc.~s.co..~....an d....U, ni.ue.r.$.i.t.y...o.£....ga..1.i.£ or..ni.a .............................................................................. My qualifications are: ....................................................................................................................................................................................... (Brief description of not more than 150 words expressed by the candidate himself) I. Served as Councilman for eight years and Mayor for two years. following- accomplishments: ~_ .............. ~,"~'"'!P'g~'"'~'~'~'~'"'E~Ji~E~"EE'6iS"~ ........ ~f.~;.6i~/.~.Y.;.5r[..~..~./5...~.;.9~.~.~.~.~5.~f~.~..~5~.f~:$~.~..A.~..~.~..§.~.~d value, ............. ................................................................ c. O.y. ster Point Marina , ~ beuatification deAlgns. III. Served as Alternate Member of the Local A~enc7 Forma~lOn Commission, Planninm Committee and County Waste Disposal Steerln~ Committee. NOTE--Each candidate for elective office in any local agency, city, county, city and county or district may prepare a STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS on an appropriate form provided by the clerk. Such statement' may include*the name, age, occupation, and education of the candidate and a brief description of no more than 150 words, of the candidate's qualifica- tions expressed by tho candidate himself. Such statement shall not include the party affilia- tion of the candidate, nor membership or activity in partisan political organizations. SUCH STATEMENT SHALL BE FILED AT THE TIME NOMINATING PAPERS ARE-FILED. The clerk shall send to each voter together with the sample ballot, · voter's pamphlet which contains the written statements of each candidate's qualifications that is prepared pursuant to this section. NOTE--Prepare this form in triplicate for following distribution: 1, Original to clerk or secretary for filing. 2. Duplicate to clerk or secretary as printer's copy for preparing voter's pamphlet. 3. Triplicate to be retained by candidate. Form No. 197--Candidate's Statement of Qualifications NO: .... The local agency may bill each candidate availing himself of this service a sum not greater than the actual prorated costs of printing and handling incurred by the agency as a result of providing this service. Only these charges may be levied and each candidate using this service shall be charged the same. The clerk shall reject any statement which contains any obscene, vulgar, profane, scandal- ous, libelous or defamatory matter, or any language which in any way incites, counsels, promotes or advocates hatred, abuse violence or hostility toward, or which tends to cast ridicule or shame upon any person or group of persons by reason of race, color, rsl g on or manner of worship, or any language or matter the circulation of which through the mails is prohibited by Congress. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to make any such statement or the authors thereof free or exempt fom any civil or criminal action or penalty because of any false, slanderous or libelous statements offered for printing or contained in the voter's pamphlet. (Sec. 10012.5, Elections Code.) PRINTED BY CARLISLE & CO,, Name of Candidate Reddence For the office of At the election held on CAMPAIGN STATEMENT Receipts (Instruction: Show in detail a11 moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished to you, or for your use, directly or indirectly, in aid of the nomination or election of the above named candidate.) NAM~ OF CONTRIBUTOR AMOUNT Ahe._r~_.~ Mr. I. P. Aher.n_~ Mr. J, W.~ Aher.n_, Mr, ....................................... ......................................................................................................................... ;._~_e_j ....... ;.:,~._.:'_ ............................... ........................................................................................................................ ....... ,.,_o_-_.:: ...................................... Total Received from Others _ $ 985.00 Contributed by Candidate 366.86 Total Receipts $ 1,351.86 8chwabacher-Frey (623) Form E 812 (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, signs and posters. .__ 67.,,6.0__ Aldine Printing Co ......................... __B_~per Strips .............................. S~L~_c~_$igns_ .......................................... Signs ..................................................................... ~Kut_er_pr~e__J~urnal ................................ Qu~r_t~e~ Cards ~nd__hand__cards ...................................... ;IJ~5~28-- __Enter~r~sa__J~urna~ ................................... Ca nd q d, ~e&_S~ent .......................................................... 120.00-- __.Tot, al_ .......................................................................................................................................... /,.87.88 (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and hand- bills. _Ca, r_di.na.l _ ]~.~3,$, 'in g Co ...............J~m3h~ea ..................... - ................. 2___~5_,_0~)___ __~_e_r__c__ur__~y_ Pre s s ................................. _T_.o_p_ __T~_.0___P. _o__s___t___g.a_.. _rd_s_ ................. __.U._~ .._S_,_ ..... P__o__s_._t_. Of_f'_~_c_e_ .................................. __P p_s_t_a_ ge_ .................................................................................. 25_0.Q0__~ ___'l'_c~t,~l ...................................................................................................................................................... 605.00-- (g) For newspaper adve~ising. . __5_6.25 __San__l~I~hto__.lt~__, .................................. " ........... 15_ ._2o .... -'r~ ................................................................................. (h) For radio and television adve~ising and speech time. (i) For office supplies, precinct li~, post~ge other than that provided for in subdivision (f), expre~age, and telegraphing relative to eandidae¥. (J) For making canvasses of voters, and public opinion surveys. For conveying voters to and from the polls. (k) NO. erl tka e of lerl on STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ? County of ................... q::.?...n....:~.~.*....?. ........................................ ~ /, ............................................ .5?...h..u;r...2........a...o:~..o..~.~ ......................................................... , ..c..~..~.~z...c...!.~.r.k_ .............. of the ....................................... ~.~.~4.+.-v.~.~.5~.`q:.a.u.~.*.~b~5~.n..~.~5.~a.~..n...c.`~...~.~..`q.9. .............................................................. , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a ..................... g.u.,q.~...c.[~.e.L..i2Ls..c..tj...o..u ............................................. election held in said ........................ .C..~..t.v. ............................................... on the. ......... !..?..+..~h .............. day of. ........... :).:~ r.~..1. ..................................... 19...6...6_. ...... , ............................................................................................................. 5..n...d.Z.~:.~...~.Q..c...c..~ ............................................................................................. was elected to the office of. ............................................ .C. aua.cilaan ............................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said election,. ........ ..h.£..l...d....?..E~...1.-.~..?..:.....]...~..6...6. ............................................. and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the .......... .~Z..t..z....o..£....5.m.~..*..3....2.a...n.....g.r..a..n_.c.L~..c...o.. ........................................... this ......... l&tk ........ dayo.~... ................. P:E.r.g.,!......>v..............._.. ............... 19_..6...6.. ....... -, ................................ ............................................. _cj...tz....c..!sr~ ..................................... CENTRAL RECORD~ Form No. ~14--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION (1966) PRINTED BY A. CARLISLE & CO.. S. F. 66-0157 Name of Candidate Residence For the ogee of At the election held on CAMPAIGN STATEMENT ........................... , Receipts (Instruction: Show in detail all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished to you, or for your use, directly or indirectly, in aid of the nomination or election of the above named candidate.) HAME OF CONTRIBUTOR AMOUNT ........................ _~__,_ .... _~_o_rg_e...._Ar.g~:h~__.l~r~,__WalJ; er_...~Namara,____Mr s ....................... -$- ........ 985.,00 ........... ....................... ~_ .o. _s. _e_ p_ _ _h~n.e_ _ _. _~_ _~ZtH$.c_~.].]_ .~_ ~ _ _ _~_ ~ A .... ~__a~._ ____Q !.~_~.~_a~___:MI'_~_ ................................................... ........................ I~_A._I.~nt.~_.I~i~_~:C~ .... l~__~I~n~rh__/fl.l~r~.__.l~t___~:i.~ .................................................. ........................ Mr_~_l{~d4ak_._Hetn~___Mr .... Jo~ePh_F~tar~&~__Hr~_. ~o~ .......................................................... ........................ Mx ...... Frank__.Mcrlov~rn, .... Hr ..... ~-ed~_~a~rg~r~ .... Rr~__J~__3~. ................................................ ~ergj ~. I. P. ~ergj ~. J, W, ~erg, ~, ..................................... ........................ Ne~o----~~ .... ~ .....~r~--~. ...... ~s.--~&~ .......................................................... .................................................................................................................................. ~ ..... T;:. - ......................... Total Receipts Total Received from Others Contributed by Candidate Form E 812 985.00 366.86 1,351.86 Schwabacher-Frey (623) Expenditures All moneys contributed, loaned or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of the nomination or election of the above named candidate; and the names of all persons to whom such money was con- tributed, loaned or paid; the services performed and by whom performed; and the purpose and specific nature of each item, were to the best of my knowledge and belief, as follows, to wit: PERSON TO WHOM PAID t NATURE AND pUR~0sE OF THE ITEM, - I SERVICE AND BY WHOM PERFORMED AMOUNT (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying of nomination papers and for the candidate's ot~ieial filing fee. (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and campaign personnel. (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters, and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, heat, and telephone. (d) For payment of personnel: 1. CamPaign manager or managers. 2. Advertising agency or agencies and publicity agent or agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboard~, signs and posters. Aldine Printin~_C_o .......................... _B_%~per Strips__ ..................................... 67.60__ _~lo_c~ Sig~_ ........................................... $_tgn~ ................................................................ 12~0__ ~n~~_~io~rna~ ............................... Quar_lze~ C~r~s ~nd__hand__c~rds ........................................ ~.~-- __EnterprLse__Journa~ ................................... C~nd~ d~%ee.- St. tement ......................................................... ._~o~a~ .............................................................................................................................. ~87~aS-- (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and hand- bills. .__Ca~_d~nsl__l~t~ting__Co ....................... B~ea .......................... - .......... 2_9~ _0~__. _ _~__e_ r__c___u~_ y__. _Pr___e__s_s .................................... _ _T_o_ p_ _~__.q___P_.o__s_. _t____C_.$~_ .d~ ........................... __8_._ ..... ............................... ................................................................................... __~_~1~ ............................................................................................................................................................ 605.00--- (g) For newspaper advertising. _~u~r.~__e J~rna_~ ........................... P_o_!!ti_c___a_!_Ad_ ...................................................................... Ll3o-7-5 .... ~d~va~_c_~_ ~__~_ ........................................ _~ .............................................................................. _~_6.25 .... _~an_~t~_ T~ me s .................................... 3_5_ ..................................................................................... 15~7a .... -T-et~t .......................................................................................................... 18-~O---- (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time. (i) For office suppli~, precinct li~, postage other than that provided for in ~mbdivision (f), exp~age, and telegraphing relative to candidacy. (j) For making canvasses of voters, and public opinion muweys. (k) For eonveTing voters to and from the polls. FILE NO. PERSON TO W~IOM PAID Expenditure Continued NATURE AND PURPOSE OF THE ITEM, SERVICE AND BY WHOM PERFORMED (1) For supervising the registration of voters. AMOUNT (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes east. (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays. Am. Western Graphics Nat for political ads ~.8.28 ~ot~l (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy. _2elaphona Co. e~d variou~ ._sefv4 ce statlons ___M__is__c_e_.~.l._a?__o_u__s- e__x?nditures by campaign .c~,,~tte_e__&nd vol,,nteers in mak~r~ calls · ~nd activities___c_o__nnected with campaign 25.00 Tbtel 25.00 (p) Contributed or loaned to others. Total expenditures .... 1,351.86 VERIFICATION State of California t ss. County of ~ Mateo ) I herewith declare under penalty of perjury that I have used all reasonable diligence in the preparation of the fore- going campaign statement and that it is true and is as full and explicit as I am able to make it. Signed this _l~ay of Aprhl ., ~9_66 ---- ' (Signatureffof candidate or treasurer) eCandidate for e~ ...... ,,,.. ~ ,~ __ C4 ty Councjjanan eCross out one not applicable. Name of Candidate Re6idence CAMPAIGN STATEMENT ANDRli~ ROCCA 550 Poplar Aven,,e, ,q~uth ~-n Francisco, l'.,~llfm-nta For the office of City CoUncilman At the election held on__~__.l~, _ Receipts Form E 812 (Instruction: Show in detail all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished to you, or for your use, directly or indirectly, in aid of the nomination or election of the above named candidate.) NgM'~I OF CONTRIBUTOR AMOUN'r ............ ~.: .... ~.o_.r_~_e_._Ar_g._~...i_~ .... ~.:_R.a!..t..e..r_____~~.a.,___.~,___&.s_.e_~_.h!__n__e_ .............. _~. ....... ~Sf,_QQ ............ ............. R_~l~t~LLt~_._l/~__]~ank__O_'.~r. ie~___~l~a._~'~e~--l~aa4Lla, ........................................................ ............ __Mr., .... H~x.o_l~__Y_exJ~ .... H~_.___(harle~__~it~v£, .... H~_. .... ~eor~e ......................................................... ............ G_o__~.~l._t__e_r., .... Rr_.__l¢illi~r___l]orba., .... Rr..__I.~ufa__Po_l.et~t:L, .................................................................... ............ I~x'..__J_o~_~]~h._~l_le~ .... ]~r..__'lfl '11 f ~ .__~onng,____l~__l~aul_~rkl q ng~ ................................................ ........... ~.__Wi.Ll. iam___Chat~aan~----Rr .--Ralph--lteinr---lir-,.--Jo~*pl~--,Soi~r-r~ r .............................................. ........... __1~-__, ..... Roy___U_o_¢_e~LLt,____ltr_.._Frallk_ll/a,t~_oa,_Jir_. l~l~m~.d lra~ef~,nn, .............................................. ............ Rr_.___~_~k.Me.C,~v~, .... ~...__~_l~aer.~er-, .... l~-.--J-.--~-.-~, .................................................. ............ l~1r_.__A.__t%__Ah_er~m, .... Yx..__j..__M_.__Akern, .... Mr..__Mello__Ia-.~.~,-i, ........................................................ ........... ~_:__~_._.~._n!__. .... ~_..__~r~.e__._t!r!_.~.. .... ~_. ~i!.' Lazz~r.$., ................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. .......... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................. 2-,~- - ........ :::. - ............. ............................................................................................................................... ~ ...... ~O'_':: ............................. ..................................................................................... · ~-'~- -~- ....................................... Total Received from Others $ 985.00 Contributed by Candidate 200.9~ Total Receipts $ 1,273.93 Schwabacher-Frey (623) Expenditures All moneys contributed, loaned or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of the nomination or election of the above named candidate; and the names of all persons to whom such money was con- tributed, loaned .or paid; the services performed and by whom performed; and the purpose and specific ~ature of each item, were to the best of my knowledge and belief, as follows, to wit: I NATURE AND PURPOSE OF THE ITEM, PERSON TO WHOM PAID AMOUNT SER¥ICE AND BY W~OM PERFORMED (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying of nomination papers and for the candidate's ot~cial ill lng fee. (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and campaign personnel. (e) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters, and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, heat, and telephone. (d) For payment of personnel: I. Campaign manager or managers. 2. Advertising agency or agencies and publicity agent or agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, signs and posters. ___67.60_ lldine Printin&_~_O_ ....................... _~per str~ps .............................. S1 oc,~ S~ gn~ ....................................... 84 gns ...................................................................... (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and hand- bills. ___.U_:____~:__~_o_~_~__o_ f~?_ .................................. _P__o s_~_~_e__ .................................................................................... 2-~o~o~ Total ....... (g) For newspaper adve~ising. -JU:b~ance-Staz .............. -"- ................................................. -56.2-5--- . 15 ,_20 San Mat eo--~imes- (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time. (i) For office supplies, precinct lim~, postage other than that provided for in mbdivision (f), exp~age, and telegraphing rdative to eandidaeT. (j) ~or mel.qng canvasses of votem, and public opinion ~ra~weTs. (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls. FILE NO. ~-3 ~ .~ PERSON TO 5~I-IOM PAID Expenditure~ Continued NATURE AlqD PURPOSE OF THE ITEM, SERVICE A_ND BY WHOM PERFORMED (1) For supervising the registration of voters. AMOUNT (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes east. (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays. Am. Western Graphics Mai; for political ads &8.27 Total (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy. --Telephone Co and v~rAous __F~s__c__~_~___a_.n_?o_.U__S__ex_p?_n__d_itures by e~apaJ~n -- service s~tions ............. cn~ ttee__and vol unteers ................. anc[ activities ccmnect~ ~th (p) Cont~buted or loaned to others. 18.VT ___25,00 Total expenditures 1,273.93 VERIFICATION State of C~llfornia ~ss. County of .~n t4~teo ...... g I herewith declare under penalty of perjury that I have use~]~'-~asonable diligen~ation of the fore- o ins campaign statement and that it is true and is as full anf exp/~-~am able to imake it. _~t, haay o~ al~'i q ,19_66 (Signature o£ candidate O~ treasurer) eCandidate for _~.r.~,-,~...g City eCross out one not applieable. Delivery of the Shoup voting machine for the Municipal Election to be held on April 12, 1966 has been scheduled for Thursday - April 7, 1966. The machines will be delivered by Bekins Van & Storage Company, and your being available on THURSDAY for this delivery will be appreciated. Pickup of the machines for return to the County Clerk's office has been scheduled for April 14, 1966~ Very truly yours, AARsmp Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk VOTING PRECINC_T C~,~SOLIDATED PRFCLNCTS la4 MUniCIPAL ELECTION - APRIL 12, 1966 LOCATION E1 Camino High School Cafeteria }.~ ssion Road OFFICERS Bertha I4. Foley Ic~a ~. Alonso i~ita R. ©udaibJ ADDRESS 289 Ferndale Ave. 245 ?erndale Ave. 262 Westview Dr. PERCENTAGE OF TELE. VOTES NO. REG. NO. CAST. VOTERS 761-2499 33.76% 702 583-2981 583-14~8 2 2&3 Sunshine Gardens School A~drey J.Osuna Nurses' Office Rose T. Neubauer Miller Ave. Theresa A. Giuliani 305 Holly Ave. 269 Forestview Dr. 273 Westview Dr. 761-1714 30.54% 789 588-475 761-1836 5&6 Hillside School Ail Purpose Room Hillside Blvd. Nora Copan Phyllis A. Gonzalez Irene A. Baumeister 123 C!aremont Ave. 118 Claremont Ave. 707 Larch Ave. 583-1781 26.~2% 738 583-2024 583-4175 4 7&39 Lonati Garage 254 Armour Ave. }hry L. Lonati Gladys L. Banchero Rose ~ Bartoli 254 Armour Ave. 828 Olive ~%ve. 715 Olive Ave. 588-5537 27.09~ 635 588-3204 588-1003 8 Martin School Foyer School St. Antoinette C. Kozlowski ~ry Lou Salazar Claire Schiedeck 713 Nmple Ave. 856 Hawthorne Place 106 Randolph Ave. 588-6869 37.70% 374 588-4355 588-O333 6 7 9 & 13 lO & 11 12'& 45 Spruce School Auditorium Lillian ~ Dezell Spruce Avenue ~rgaret H. Campbell Frances Rostoni City ]~ll Basement Abigail K. Cahill Elizabeth Emerson Elizabeth Eli ~hgnolia Rec. Center Grand Ave. Entrance ~Mry L. Lazzari Donna J. Sartori Ambrosia Cerri 520 Park Way 474 Lux 445 Lux Ave~ 209 Village !Jay 460 Com~nercial Ave. 438 ~ller Ave, 529 Baden Ave. 1039 Grand Ave. 569 Baden Ave. 588-2996 48.32% 805 588-55o8 588-6161 589-0724 32.90% 687 589-5278 588-8330 588-0748 40.88% 614 588-3173 588-6546 VOTING PP~wC~CT CONSOLT~ATED PRECINCTS LOCATION Giorgi Garage 615 Baden Ave OFFICERS Marie A. Imprescia Margaret A. Keri Ruth J. Schoephoerster ADDRESS 625 Baden Ave, 621 Baden Ave. 632 Fourth Lane Municipal Election-April 12, 190, Page -2- PERCENTAGE OF TELE.VOTES NO. REG. NO. CAST VOTERS 588-6338 47.46% 354 583-4 64 589-4507 Sciaudrt Garage 735 1,511er Ave. Parkway School Library Euca~tus Ave, Anita G. Vincent Emily L. Sciandri -~ameee-N,-Sehweimimg Erma Cinquini Louise F. Helfrich Mary E. Escbelbach Heidi L. Palacios 729 Circle Court 735 MiLler Ave. ?~-Badem-Ave~ 3B Miller Ave. 715 Park Way 728 ParkWay 753 Palm Ave, 588-3729 55.65% 363 588-7375 588-2986 50.22% 436 588-2331 16, 41, 46 Baldas~] ~i Garage 215 Chestnut Ave. Lavien Baldassini Gilda M. Bortoli Helen Petroni 215 Chestnut Ave, 209 Chestnut Ave~ 936 Grand Ave, 588-3203 38.23% 680 583-2483 588-1736 17 & 47 Petroni's Garage 407 W. Orange Ave. Normm Guglielmetti Levia M. M~ngini Blanche M. Ostrander 236 "C" St, 241 "A" St. 230 "C" St, 588-2939 30.63~ .506 588-2588 589-174 18 Muench Rumpus Room 540 ~.~yfair Ave, Darlene H. Morgan Gertrude E. Capps Audrey M. Steinert 116 ~nzanita Ave. 112 Fir Ave, 116 Fir Av.eo 588-1613 30.92% 346 583-1169 583-2275 16 19 2O F4uk Garage 28 Sonora Ave. Peterson's Garage 216 Northwood Dro Ruth W. Fink Dorothy M. Karas Eleanor M. ~ June E. Peterson -Ge~at~iRe-~,-Gta~ke- Virginia B. Gri~ett -J~me-E,-Pege~eem-, Dorothy Hansen ~8 ?onora Ave. 121 Francisco Dr. 521 Elm Court 216 Northwood Dr. 113 Rockwood Dr, ~!$- Mor~hwoed-Bro 221 Northwood Dr. 583-0248 35.89% 248 588-OO65 588-1707 583-2017 31.27% 588-G5~ 371 588-7350 58 -ee17 VOTING PP~ECINCT 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCTS 21 22 24, 44 25 & 26 27 28 & 31 29 & 30 32, 33, 34 LOCATION Robinson Garage 201 Maywood Way Lechleitner Garage 420 Wildwood Dr. Avalon School Ail Purpose Room 375 Dorado Way Carlyle Garage 708 W. Orange Ave. Royal Garage 206 Camaritas Ave. Buri Buri School Faculty Lunch Room E1 Campo & Del ~bnte Chamberlin Base~nt 136 Casey Dr. E1 Rancho School All P~rpose Room Rom~ey & Del Monte O~FI CERS Alice L. Corrie Ruth C. Robinson Birdie L. Thomas ~rjorie Smith Kathleen A. Lechleitner Ellen I. Pieri June S. Heise Carol2u~ C. Damonte Charlotte Lo Colombo Katherine C. Bregante Lenore A. Varni Bessie E. Carlyle l~rtle R. ~ood Patricia Eo Royal Thelma P. Austin Jessie-M,-Roeeea Ruth Tripp Maureen A. Dan Mildred D. Sutberltn ~ila-~-Bt~teek- ~s~b~ll~ M. Bo~man ~hrgaret A. Chamberqin Es~em-R,-M~kewski Allegra ~. Ruth Price Corrine G. Rosenberg Irene O. Olson ~len G. Johnson Jeane A. Price ADD ~VSS 304 Wildwood Dr. 201 Maywood Way 103 Springwood Way Municipal Election-April 12, 1~65 Page -3- PERCENTAGE OF T?LE. VOTES NO. RFG. NO, CAST VOTERS 583-2044 36.26% 422 58~56~8 588-7o~6 424 Wildwood Dr, 420 Wildwood Dr, 419 Wildwood Dr, 399 Ponderosa Road 442 Zamora Dr. 238 "C" St° 102 Greenwood Dr. 588-0357 30.96% 436 588-8850 588,-3212 761-3526 34.74% 970 588.-664.~ 583-7781 583-6700 548 Lassen ~ve. 708 W. Orange Ave. 104 Knoll Circle 206 Camaritas Ave. 205 Bonita Ave. ~Qt-Bemiga-Ave, 9 Chico Court 358 Del ~bnte Ave. 212 Del Monte Ave. !gT-In~ie-D~, ~20 Serra Dr. 136 C~sey Dr. 217 Verano Dr° ~ Capay Circle 719 Serra Dr° 641 Zita Dr. 657 Joaquin Dr. 137 LaCrosse 588-2001 33.67% 600 589-52~,7 58~556~ 871-598329-56% 588-27?7 389 588-397137.21% 761-o428 ~88-3525 817 583-771032.85% 588-1o86 588-5951 828 761-2154 29.68~ 588-8149 583-58~ 761-1388 ~ooh VOTING PRECINCT 2~ 26 27 28 29 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCTS 43 35 & 36 37 & 38 48 & 49 -52 & 53 McCallum Garage 323 Serra Dr. Treasure Island Trailer Court #' 1700 E1 Camino Real He al,e~3arage 124 Duval Dre McAdam Garage 127 Buxton Ave, Drye Family Room 3130 Dublin Dr. Abold Garage 2790 Tipperary Ave. OFFICMZS Fargo R. Hendrickson Gloria Yasinit sky Gertrude McCallum }~'ace Capurro Jacquelin H. Hay ~rene L. DuPuis Irma Martha A. Garbe Joan S. Wray Jeanne Healey Virginia L. }-bAdam Doris M, Schwarz Lena B. Case Roberta Jo Drye Geraldine Matlock Jean McLaughlan Doris M. Abold Beverly A. Boblitt J~eli~-~,-i=~e'v"~ Clara L. Vasques }~nicipal Election-April 12, 1966 Page -4- PERCENTAGE OF TELE. VOTES NO. REG, ADDRESS k~]o CAST VOTERS 633 Keoncrest Dr, 364 King Dr. 323 Serra Dr. 588-8833 38.56% 402 761-2062 583-4969 1289 Mission Rd~ 1700 E1 Camino Real 1700 E1 Camino Real 583-3703 992-2879 756-1318 23.99% 271 4 Bradford Dr, 116 Duval Dr, 124 Duval Dr, 755-3673 755-878~ 755-1352 30.81% 46~ 127 Buxton Ave. 127 ~drian Ave. 239 Dundee Dr. 755-8908 25.49% 6%9 755-9446 755-9247 3130 Dublin Dr. ~7O-Baa~y-Laae 3120 Dublin Dr. 2h65 Olympic Dr. 2790 Tipperary Ave. 2204 Delvin%~ay 27Ot-$ha~em-D~, 2425 Shannon Dr. 589-2633 26.97.~ 760 589-8608 583-6990 30.34% 201 871-5873 ~88.4626- 589-8693