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1968-4-9 Elections
GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION APRIL 9, 1968 Total Number of Registered Voters Total Votes Cast (Inc. 61 Absentee Votes) TotaI Percentage of Voters Voting I5,993 6,496 40.62~ Percentage of Votes Cast by Precinct 1 41.03 11 45.42 2 42.36 12 34.48 3 36.92 13 42.86 4 34.42 14 42.73 5 32.84 I5 47.45 6 49,i6 I6 52,24 7 40.03 17 39.74 8 45.09 18 41.60 9 57.85 19 35.06 10 57.35 20 38.58 31 59.71 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30.83 33.68 30.03 32.69 36.25 32 · 92 35.43 30.88 45.02 49.77 Percentage of Votes Cast for Each Candidate Bertucelli 61.38 Friedenberg 34.05 Alford 4.02 Mammini 35.90 Belloni 22.54 Montoya 17.30 Claar 23.86 Steinkamp 34.59 Coulter ~0.45 Rodondi 72.97 Bonalanza 69.46 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1968 No. of Total Registered Votes Consolidated Voters Cast Precinct Bertucelli Alford Belloni Claar Coulter Friedenberg Mau~uini Montoya Stelnkamp Rodondi Bonalanza 658 270 1 180 11 48 80 118 73 65 88 87 192 183 720 305 2 198 4 34 70 135 83 59 99 100 214 199 642 237 3 161 13 34 73 65 72 64 42 108 176 173 491 169 4 99 15 70 39 '47 40 51 28 51 112 106 405 133 5 90 4 42 52 31 37 36 25 32 99 99 773 380 6 259 8 144 III 82 69 172 47 86 291 280 572 229 7 128 9 91 71 57 46 63 44 56 159 145 865 390 8 248 21 167 133 79 70 130 57 80 266 262 382 221 9 141 5 126 56 38 45 70 22 39 141 132 415 238 10 178 12 63 107 62 62 97 39 34 185 176 590 268 11 196 10 93 57 67 62 112 43 62 195 191 496 171 12 111 8 54 35 43 44 94 34 43 138 125 315 135 13 76 5 28 50 36 3§ 49 37 57 102 102 220 94 14 52 5 11 18 39 36 48 38 21 69 66 314 149 15 77 16 26 40 47 52 64 17 81 121 115 379 198 16 125 11 31 43 102 59 76 22 88 South San Francisco Nunicipal Election April 9, 1968 - Page 2 No. of Total Registered Votes Voters Cast 385 153 387 161 599 210 648 250 360 111 772 260 789 237 887 290 411 149 240 79 398 141 570 176 733 330 438 218 .... 139 83 15993 6435 ABSENTEE VOTES: 61 TOTAL VOTES CAST: 6496 Consolidated Precinct Bertucelli 17 77 18 96 19 110 20 178 21 61 22 159 23 155 24 175 25 93 26 52 27 64 28 105 29 153 30 99 31 47 396 44 3987 Alford 15 2 4 9 7 6 9 8 5 5 4 9 10 6 3 259 2 261 Belloni 14 25 27 57 18 42 34 34 25 19 15 20 29 20 13 10 1464 Claar 41 22 27 50 28 53 40 46 36 19 43 43 24 27 5 1539 11 1550 Coulter 80 81 80 91 37 92 102 118 51 23 18 52 51 29 13 i 66 12 1978 Fri edenberg 71 53 82 74 34 89 100 106 41 27 45 58 277 183 68 2193 19 2212 Nammini 53 87 144 104 52 95 63 112 62 20 33 5O 101 50 29 2305 27 2332 Nontoya 17 20 16 29 16 52 48 41 25 12 35 35 36 43 10 7 1124 Steinkamp 71 66 73 69 42 116 105 145 71 45 92 114 88 69 30 2221 26 2247 Rodondi 118 148 173 80 197 176 221 117 64 86 150 222 157 4686 4740 Bonalanza 108 106 141 159 76 192 168 201 115 66 78 135 218 150 56 4462 4512 · er fi a e of of STATE OF CALIFORNIA., ~ SS. County of ................ .S...a...n.....~a...t...e..o. ................................................. J I,. ................................... .~.r...t..h...u...r.....b....... ~..o..d...o..n..d.! ...................................................................... ~ i..t..~....c..~.!r_k.. ........... o/thc ................................. .g.~...t..¥...~9..f......S..~..u.~:..h......~...a...n.......F.~a.n...c..i..s...c...°. ..................................................................... , State o/California. do hereby certify, that at a ........................ .G...~.n..~r..a...L~.u..n.i...c..i..p..a...!. ............................................. election held in said ........................ Ci.i~. ............................................... on the ............. 9..t...h.. .............. day of ............. .Sp..~.i...1. .................................. 19...6...8... ...... , ......................................................................................... .~ r_..a, n. .k... 4 .......~. ~ r_t_ ..u...~_ ~.~_~.x. . ....................................................................................... was elected to the ol~ce of ................................... ~C..o_u..D..e.~.l..ma..n.. ........................................................................................................ as appears by the official returns of said electio~z, and the stateme~t of votes cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the .............. C..i..t..¥...9...f....S.9..u..~,2::.~.~.n......F...r...a.n..c..t:.~..e...o.. .................................. this ...... .:L6_.t...h. ............ day of ........................... 5P...r...~...[ ....................................... ~ 9~...6.a... ....... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, F ~ss County of .................... ..8..a_.n....~.%.~..o_ ............................................. J ' I,. ............................... .F...r.a..n...k.....J........B..~..r...t._u...c..o.1...1..$. ................................................. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreig~.~ and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that [ take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; ai~d that I will well aJzd faithfully discharge the duties upon which [ am about to enter. Subscrib. qd and sworiz to before me, this ........ .1..6...t...b. ....... day of ............ ~p.r_.i...1.. ..................... ,19....6...8.. ....... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. (1968) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ SS. (?o~mty of ..................... S...a...n.....g.a..t.~..o... ........................................... I,. ................................... ...~....t...h...u...r....&.......R...0.d...o...n...d...! .................................................................. , ...... .C...i...t..Y......c..!.~_.r..k. ......... of thc ......................................... ..C..~.'t..~....~...f......~...~..u..t~..h....~...a..n.....F.~`r...a.n..~.ci...s...~.~. ............................................................ , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a ....................... .6.~..n...O.r....a..!.....t4u...n...i....C.~P.a..1.. .............................................. election held in said .................... Ci.t¥ .................................................... on the ......... 9.._t...h.. ................. day of ................. ~p..r..$..1.. ............................... 19...6.8.. ........ ............................................................................................... .F..__......F..ra. ak..~.a .~. ~ .i...n.~ ........................................................................................... wr, s elected to the office of ....................................... Co. aa.~.lmta ........................................................................................................ as appears by the o]ficial returns of said election, a~,d the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. [N PVITNESS Fi/HEREOF, I have hereunto aifixed my hand and the seal of the ............g.i...t..~.....o.f....S..0.Ut....h....S..an...F..r.a...n..c..~..s...C.o. ..................... this ........... J.&th ...... day of ................... gp..r..~..1.. .............................................. 19...6...8.. ........ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ss Co~nty of ................. .s_.a...n._...~a..t..!.o.. ................................................. J ' [,. ......................... F..........F...r._.a.n..k.....g.a..~.i...n...i.. ................................................................ , do solemnly swear (or a~rm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitittion of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that [ take this obli.cTation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this......1...6..t...h.. .......... day of .......... A.p.r...i.._!._ ....................... , 19._..6...8... ...... ................................ Form No. $14--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. (1968) PRINTED 1-19-68 BY CARLISLE CO., S. F. 8482~0272 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, l SS. County of San Mateo ........ J I,. .......................... ^:.~h.u...:.....A..:..Ro..d..o..n..d.~. ...................................................................... c..Lt...y....C...~_e.~.k. ........... o/the ........................................... .c....~...t..y.....~.f.....S...~...u...t...h.....s. an......F...~....a~.~.~.~..s...c..~ ...................................................... , State of C ali for, ia . do hereby certify, that at a ..................... .G..e.~.e.r.a.1. ~.U.n..'.z...c...t..pa...1. ........................................ election held in said ..................... .C. Lf,¥. ................................................. on the .......... 9...t...h. ................ day of ............... .A.~,r..i...1.. ................................. 19...6.,.8.. ....... ................................................................................................ .W..ar r.en.....~.'t;.e.!.mk, amp ........................................................................................... was elected to the o~ce of ....................................... £.cmn~£1mat~ ..................................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said electio~¢, aitd the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aifixed my hand and the seal of the .......................... ~ ~..t~.Y......~.f. .... ~...~...u...t...h....s..a...n.....F...r..a. . n..c.. .?...s...c...~. ............................ this .......... L6...t...h.. ........ day of .............. Ap..:il 19 68 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1ss. County of ................. .8..a..o_._ga_._t..e_..o. ................................................. j I,. ........................... ..W..a..r.r..e...n..._s._t..e..i..n....k...a..m.p ............................................................. , do solemnly swear (or a Jfi r m ) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against ali enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that [ take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this......L6..~..h... ......... day of .......... .Ap..r..LI_. ....................... ,19._.6..B... ...... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. (1968) PRINTED 1 19-68 bY CARLISLE CO., S. F, 8482-0272 ( erl firale of leri o auh ( aih of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. (7 o ~ t ;*t y of ................ .S...a...n......M...~.t...e..°... ................................................ I,. ....................... b.r.t.h.u..r.....b.,....~..od..o..n..dt ..................................................................... , ....C..i...ty.....C.3.~.r_.k.. ........... of thc ................................. .~..t..~....9.f.....S..'~.u.t..h......~...a..n.....~r.a...n...c...i...s...c..~. ............................................... ...................... , State of California. do hereby certify, that at a .................. ..G..e...q..e..r..a..1......M...u....n..[..c..i..p.a..1.. ................................................... election held in said .................. CLty. ..................................................... on the ............. 9..~.h.. .............. day of ............... .A..p~ 'y...1.. ................................. 19....6...8.. ...... , ................................................................................................ .~r _t_..h..u_r....&.....~.0..d..0..n. dY. ..................................................................... was elected to the office of ...................................... Ci.~.y...C.l.erk ....................................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said election, and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and thc seal of the ....................... .C..~:.~ y......°..f.......S.°.u...t...h"...S...a..n.....F...r...a.n..s.~:.s....c..°... ............................... this 1.6th April 0 68 ............................ day of ........................................... :> ................................. 1 ................. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of .............. .s___~.n...._!~a.~e__.o_ .................................................... I,. ......................... hr.~h.ur...h.,....~.o_d..on.d$ ............................................................. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constit~ttion of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that [ take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that ! will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. SubsC~i~b~d and sworn t? before me, this......1..6...t...h.. .......... day of ......... .A.p...r..!__l__ ....................... , .19...6...8_ ...... l~ayor Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. (1968) PRINTED 1-19-88 BY CARLISLE CO,, S. F. 8482-0272 erlifira e of lerlion of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, l SS. Couuty of San Mateo J I, . ................................... .~.r.t..h...u...r......6........~.o...d...o..n. ..~ ~ .................................................................. .......c. .i...t...V.....C.~.e_r...k... ....... o / t h c ......................................................................................................................................................................................... State of California. do hereby certify, that at a .............................. G...~.n..~.r...a...1.....~.u..p..'.x...c..~.p.a...1.. ....................................... election held in said ....................... ..C...i...t..~. ................................................ on the ............ 9...t..h... .............. day of ................. ~p..r...i...!_ ............................... 19._.6...8.. ........ .................................................................................................. 4_o._.h...n......J...:....~.o..n...a...!~.a.~z.a. ........................................................................... was elected to the office of ................................... _C.,~ t..¥....~.r..~.~.u..~.~.r. .......................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said election, a~d the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. ILV I/VITLVESS WHEEEOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the ...................... .c.~..t.7....9...f......S.~.~u..t`...h......S..a..n.....F...r...a..n..c..~.~..~9.. ................................ t h is......l fi_t,.h ............ day of .................... .$ p..r...i...l.. .............................................. 19...6..8.. ........ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ~ss County of ................ .S..a._n.....g.a..t__e...o.. .................................................. J ' 1,. .................... J.~hn...g ..... B.or~alanza ................................................................. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that [ will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that [ will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that [ take this obligation freely, without a~zy mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties uPg~ which [ am about to enter. .............. :..::...: ........................ :.........: .................... : ....... ?.-..j. ......... Subscribed and sworn to b~ore me, this ....... .!.6._t...h.. ........ day of ............ ~p.r..!_..1. ...................... , .19...6...8.. ........ / ,/ ............ i ................................ L....'.~....~.~..'£ ........... ~ ............. :,2 ........................... .................................... CiZ¥...Clerk ..................................................... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. (1968) PRINTED I 19~68 BY (~ARLISLE CO., S. F. 8482-0272 CERTIFICATE IN LIEU OF CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Sections 11501, 11561, 11563, 11565, 11568, Elections Code) I,. ......... .dT...0.1:!?.{..-J..:.....~.--!:~}~ ............................................................................................... , hereby certify that I was a candidate for the office of ............ .0....~....~...~.IYlq, l~ .................................................................................................... at the ............... ..0...~....~...~?..I..0..I.~ ................................................... election held ........ ..A...~.....~... ...... ..9. .............. , 19....6~...., in the CITY OF SOUTH Sgj,~ FRA~,~CISCO .................................................................................... ii~'i;;;"J~'i~';7'i;~[;i'~;')' ................................................................................... that the lawful receipts and expenses of my campaign did not exceed two hundred dollars. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed by me at .............. ..~..0....~...~.{....~...~.~?...~.(O....Yq..q..0...0. .............................. , California, this ...... ...~,.....~..,, .............. day of ........... ..A.~..~... ...................................... ,19.6fl ..... A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. (Sec. 11563, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campaign statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) Section 11561, Elections Code, provides a candidate or nominee for a municipal office or for election to the office of governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Form No. l186--Certificate in lieu of Campaign Statement (1967) Printed by Carlisle Co., S. F. 76-0782 CERTIFICATE IN LIEU OF CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Sections 11501, 11561, 11563, 11565, 11568, Elections Code) © I,. .............................. J~-thur.-Jk .... Pa~o~nd& ......................................................................... , hereby certify that I was a candidate for the office of ......................... O±ty...Olerk ................................................................................................. at the ...... .G$111~r.a~l,..~.il0.a2k .................................................. election held....April..9. ...................... , 19..6.8.., in the ................................. o_ ...................................................................................................... (Name of city or district) that the lawful receipts and expenses of my campaign did not exceed two hundred dollars. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed by me at..S._.°.~.-h....-S--a-~..-~---~-.a-~-q.i-.~-°--°-- ........................................... , California, this .......... .]:..0..).h.. ............ day of ................. A17~.il ................................ , ~9..68 .... A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. (Sec. 11563, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campaign statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) Section 11561 Elections Code provides a candidate or nominee for a municipal office or for election to the office of governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of h s campa gn do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Form No. l186~Certifieate in lieu o! Campaign Statement (1967) Printed by Carlisle Co., S. F. 76-0782 CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) I ............. ~ar~an..A.....S.t,e~.nkamp .................................................................................. hereby state: I was a ca~tdidate for electio~z to the o]fice of ....... Cowac. Ll~ax ........................................................................... at the .......................... ~an&¢&pal ........................................................................................................................................... election held in ................................ Smtth..SarL.Eranc.Ls.eo ............................... , C omzt y of ....... Sa.a...E~a.~ae .................................................. , State of California, on the ........... n£n~h ........................... day of ............. A~-£l .............................................. ,19.613 ........ ; That all moneys paid, loaned, contrib~tted, or otherwise fur~ished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, amounted to the s,mn of $---97-2.88 ...................................... , and that followiizg are the names of all perso~ts from whom said moneys were so received, the amoitnt received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amomit was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) .......... DarLP.£m££~r ............................................................... .......... ..g...u.g.e..n.~...~..a_r.r ............................................................... Dan Koe$ik .......... ~hn..Yan.tia ................................................................ ......... .lgar r.~. v_.£.teink~mp ................................................. Total amount received ................ Form No. l184--(1968)--CANDIDATE'$ CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) ( ~l moun t ) (Purpose) (Specific or General) $..."/Q..QO ....................................... fi-a.n~ra.l.. ...................................... $....2...0..,..0..0.. ...................................... ~..s...n.~.r..a.! ..................................... $..7.2,D.0 .......................................... ~..r...a.1 ................................... $...~O..OO ................. i ........................ fl~r~ra~ ..................................... $..662...8B. ...................................... G~n~ra~ ..................................... PRINTED 3-25-~i8 ElY CARLISLE CO., S. f, Et482-0437 That all moneys co}~tributed, loaned, or expended by me, d,rectly or indirectly by myself or throu~Th any other person, in aid of my election comprise the following7 items of expenditure, the particular purposes of such expenses being7 stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Name of Person or Persons to Items of Expenditure. Expended. Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying of nomination papers and for the candidate's official filing fee .............................................................................. $ 30.50 City of South San Francisco (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and of campaign personnel .............................................................. D ....................................................................... (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, ~ heat, and telephone ................................................................... .¥. ..................................................................... (d) For payment of the following personnel: 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. 0 6. Entertainers ................................................................................................ ~I~.~ ~.ff~ ~i.~ ,..~6i: ~.~.~ ........................ (e) For. the prypar!ng, printing, and posting of billboards, ~53.88 LaClair Art Craft Slffils ano ~sters 5,, t~ ......................................................................................... -Brrradmoor-..t:nmb ea~..¢v.; .......... (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature McDougal Press by direct mail. including postage, throwaways, and Times Prin%ing Co. h ..... $843.50 ..... _U.~.,.....P.9.~..t3_a. g~ ...................... anOOlllS .................................................................................... _'~ ................ (g) For newspaper advertising ........................................................... .0.. .................................................................... (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time .............. ..0. ........................................................................ (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, postage other than that provided for in subdivision (f), expressage, and tele- graphing relative to candidacy ................................................. _0. ..................................................................... (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- 0 veys ......................................................................................................................................................................... 0 (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls ......................................................................................................... (1) For supervising the registration of voters ....................................0.. ................................................................... (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast ................. ..0_ ...................................................................... (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays ........... .~..h.~...,..0...0. ........... ......................... (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy ................................ .0.. ......................................................................... Total amount expended ..................................... $..?.?.?...,..8..8.. .................................................................. (Candidate Si~Tn Here) NOTE:--A candidate, whether before, during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly paying, exp~nding or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expenses are limited to expenses for those purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campaign statement of the candidate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf, he shall set out that illegal payment in the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Sees. 11501, 11503, 11504, 11562, 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any political division greater than a county, for members of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congress, members of the State Board of Equahzation, or judge of the superior court, shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one copy with the clerk of the county in which the candidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal and district offices, shall file one copy of their campaign statement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. Iq'o fee or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the filing or recording of any campaign statement. (Sees. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 8, of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050, is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campaign statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Such statement, if required, or declaration, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk or Secretary of tlte district in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, 11569, Elections Code.) Campaign Statement of Candidate/or election to the office voted for at the election held in the .................... County ,~zW--~ ~ :Ir ................................. .. ........................ ~Ctate of California, on the ................................ dayof...¢~ .............................. ,1.~..... .... Filed this .................................................. day of Deputy ................................................................ OO$10NV~...:I NV$ 'OS dO gOid.-lO CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) I .................... .F...,.........~......a..~!...!,~.~ ............................................................................ hereby state: I was a candidate for electio~ to the o.~fice of ............. G±.ty....Co.umc.il ......................................................... at t he.......S...o....u...t....h.......S....a....n........~. ...¢.,,.~¢..~.~..c.o. ............................................................................................. .c. '.m...t..~. ........... election held i n.....S...9...u....t....h.......$...a...n......~;~.a.:~,e.~.~.e.o. ................................................ , C o t t n t y of .......... S. gn...J~r&t.e.o .......................................... , State of California, on the ................ .9.g.h .......................... day of ............... g.~! .......................................... ,19....$..8.......; That all moneys paid, loaned, contribnted, or otherwise furnished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, ii~ aid of my election, amom, ted to the sitm of $...t....:..7....!...7_.'...~.0... ............................. , and that following are the ~tames of all perso~zs from whom said mo~zeys were so received, the amom~t received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amount was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) ..... .c...?..~.........!&t..!o....~.!~ ....................................................... Joe Halo ..... G[i'i ~ 6'"'I:~4i'i'~5T ....................................................... Stove H .~_ding ..... 71';"""Y~"~'~' ........................................................................ ..... 5:.q....:!.e....c..t.r..~.~. ........................................................... ...... .P...a....t...i...o......~.a.r...~....~r.~.c.~.~.d~ ............................... Frank Ma~min i ...... ~..o..~..d..~.rL..:.:Le....s....%....q .o....n_e..~:~ ~.~ .............................. Pete !:azanti ...... ~..r...:......5.t..a....r...m....e..~ .............................................................. merminal _~.s ..s...o._e..., ................................................ ...... .C.:..e...9..,......~..a....d...e....n...b. :.u..~he....r. ......................................... ...... ~J..o....r.::m..rL.!~.~cl ~kng ................................................... ...... .c......~:....s......~..n..z.e...s....t.~...n...t.s. ......................................... L & R Inc. John Sherman ..... ~..1....o.z..d.......s.~..~r.k~ ........................................................... ...... :~r...r.z..~:~.~.r..t_..~..o..~.r.~a~ .......................... Total amount received ................ Form No. l184--(1968)--CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Amount) (Purpose) (Specific or General) 2q.oo ..... ~O~;O~Y .......... : ............................................................................... ~5.oo .... T~D';'O0' ....................................................................................... S ........ 5..2.,...2.0.. .................................................... 7. ................................... $.....~...s...o...,...o....o.. ................................................... ;,, .................................... 120,00 s ......... ..5..o.......::..o.. ................................................... .7. ................................... S.......Z..Q..O...,.:.o.. .................. ,, $...._g.o...o...,..o....o.. ................................................... .'.'. .................................. $ ......... 5.0..,...q9. ................................................... L'. .................................. $ ......... gS..,...O...O.. ................................................... .'.'. .................................... $......~..~.fi.o., ,'.0. .......................................................................................... $.....!2.o.........o...o.. .................................................... :: .................................. $......:ZP_.O.~..Q.O. .................. 1! $ ......... ~ .Q ., . 0. .0. ...................................................................................... $.....~.2.o...,...Q..O.. .................................................... '.! .................................... $..~.,.7..~.7..,.5..0. ................................................................................. PRINTED 3-25-6S BY CARLISLE CO., S. F. 8482-0437 That all moneys co: ~tributed, loaned, or expended by me, a. rectIy or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of my election comprise the following items of expenditure, the particular purposes of xuch expenses being xtated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Items of Expenditure. (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying Expended. Name of Person or Persons to Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom of nomination papers and for the candidate's official filing fee .............................................................................. · ~C~..~.O O::Lt,. Clor,z (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and of campaign personnel ........................................................................................................................................ (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, heat, and telephone ............................................................................................................................................. (d) For payment of the following personnel: 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. 6. Entertainers ......................................................................................................................................................... (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, signs and posters .................................................................... ~...-0..~.,.75. ........... :.O:..D:..~.~.....D..:[..~.~..~..~. ................ (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature by direct mail including postage, throwaways, and. hanoi)IllS ................................................................................ .". ....................... .~?TTI: ~-:~'~10'~ '~ ~' .............................. (g) For newspaper advertising .................................................... .~.9..2...-...0...0.. ..... ~-&.YX~..n..9...e......S-~2~:E ...................... (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time ......................................................................................... (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, postage other than that 8,~00 Courlt~' provided for in subdivision (f), expressage, and tele- graphing relative to candidacy ................................................. ..:1_~}_~..S... ..... $.~..O3:..r~..~ ........................................ (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- veys .......................................................................................................................................................................... (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls ......................................................................................................... (1) For supervising the registration of voters ......................................................................................................... (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast ......................................................................................... (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays .............. .~..2.......Q..0. ........ ~..u...r'..:L......P.~..o.~..o...,. .................... (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy .............................. ~7-_~.. ..........~D..O.- ...................................... Total amount expended ....................................$..~.~..Zt.7...50. ........................................................ '~. _2..;. ...... .._~ ~ L.~...~....--_~..~.,.~ (Candidate Sign Here) NOTE:--A candidate, whether before, during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly paying, expending or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expenses are limited to expenses for those purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campaign statement of the candidate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf, he shall set out that illegal payment in the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Sees. 11501, 11503, 11504, 11562, 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day precedin~ the. day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any political division greater than a county, for members of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congress, members of the State Board of Equaltzation, or judge of the superior court shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one copy with the clerk of the county in which the can~tidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal and district offices, shall file one copy of their campaign statement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. No fee or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the filing or recording of any campaign statement. (Sees. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 8, of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050, is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campaign statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Such statement, if required, or declaration, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk or Secretary of tlte district in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, 11569, Elections Code.) Campaign Statement of ........ .~.:....~.~.._~.~ ~.~.~ ...................... Candidate/or election to the office o/ ...... ¢ £t,¥....C.cm n e.llmar~ ........................... voted for at the election held in the .2 ~.~ ~.....o..?.._.S....o..,..s...a...r:,....~r.a...~.9..~.a...9..o.. ...... County of .........g.~B...~.~..~.~ ....................... , ,~tate o/Cal¥ornia, on the ...... .c)~]~ ................. day o/ ........ Ag~.?L]_ ........................... ,19..6...6..... Filed this ............... "...~..i~ ............................ day Deputy ................................................................ 89, Hd s~ g .~l~V CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) Frank Bertucelli ......................................................................................................................................................... hereby state: 'was a candidate for electio~z to the o]fice City Count i lma n at the .......................... G....e...n.e...r.a...!......g..u.n...~.e...~p..a....1.. ......................................................................................................... election held i. ....... S..o..u.t....h....S.a..n.....~r..a...n..c....x....s..c...o. ............................................. , County of ............. ~..a.n.......~a...~..e...o.. ....................................... , State of California, on the ................... .9..~..h. ........................ day of ............. .A.p.r..i...!. ............................... ,19...6....8.. ...... ; That all moneys paid, loaned, coutributed, or otherwise furuished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, amounted to the sum of $ ........ 1....,.7.9...3...,..2...3. ........................ , and that following are the uames of all persous from whom said moneys were so received, the amount received from each and the specific purposes (if a,y) for which said amount was re- ceived bein.q set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) (,4mount) (Purpose) (Specific or General) Frank Bertucelli John Siri ..... ~'~'F'"~'~'~'~'~' ...................................................... ..... ~..m...........c.a...x...o....g..a...r...x. .......................................................... Dr. Wm. Starmer C & I Investment Co George Stagnaro ..... .Tr~..a...s.u.r~._!..s,. x...a....n....d....~.r....a....x...x...e..r.....C...t. ......... Gilmore & Co ..... .Tr...a.g.o.,u..~...x...s.._~.....C....a.p..a..,C..q..x....o...x....i. ................... Ralph Fusaro ...... .4..o..~....~,b..~.r..X..~ .................................................................. Andrew Rocca ..... Dr. ....... It ...... ~..~..a!~..i..~.r.~. ........................................... Bud Eschelbach ...... B..~.r.~.uc.e.l.l.i...B.o._Q~.~.e.r..s. .................................. Total amount received ................. 246 23 General 200.00 " ................ 2~';'UU .......................... ~ ...................................................... 100.00 ............ 2'OU'[UU ........................... ~ ..................................................... 100 O0 ' 25.00 " ............ TO'O':"OU .......................... ~' .................................................... 100.00 ............. ~OU':'~U .......................... ~ ...................................................... 100.00 " ................ ~'5'~'0~ .......................... ~ ...................................................... $ 10.00 " ................ ~-~-~ .......................... ~ ..................................................... ............ ~.~.9.~ .......................... 2 ..................................................... 100.00 " $ ............. !~.~.~ .......................... X ..................................................... Form No. l184--(1968)--CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) ~90 PRINTED 3-25-68 BY CARLISLE CO., S. F. 8482-0437 That all moneys contributed, loaned, or expended by me, a~rectly or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of my election comprise the following items of expenditure, the particular purposes of such expenses being stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Name of Person or Persons to Items of Expenditure. Expended. Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying of nomination ~ar~.rs and for the, candidate'sofficial filin~rf~,, ~ua-J.~xcazxon m~;a~cemen~: 30,50 City of South San Francisco (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and of campaign personnel ........................................................................................................................................ (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, heat, and telephone .............................................................................................................................................. (d) For payment of the following personnel: 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. 6. Entertainers ........................................................................................................................................................ (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, signs and posters ....................................................................... .3...2...8..:...8...0.....S...i..g..n...s....~....D...e...s...i.g..n..s.. ............. Bailey Printing Service (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature Pr int i n g Un 1 im i t e d by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and 1,400.93 San Bruno Printing handbills ......................................................................................................... lj.j .. _~.~....~5 ~..~.ty...0.~ }[ .i.i~.i~ ........ (g) For newspaper advertising ......................................................... ..2...1......9.~a~e*'~riae....Jnur. naZ ..... (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time .......................................................................................... (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, postage other than that provided for in subdivision (f), expressage, and tele- 12 00 County Clerk graphing relative to candidacy ........................................................ '_ ................................................................. For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- veys .......................................................................................................................................................................... (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls ....................................................................................................... (1) For supervising the registration of voters ........................................................................................................... (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast .......................................................................................... (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays ........................................................................................... (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy ........................................................................................................... (J) Total amount expended ....................................$...1..,.7..~..3..,..2..3.. ......................................................... (Can~date Sign Here) NOTE:--A candidate, whether before, during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly paying, expending or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expenses are limited to expenses for those purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campaign statement of the candidate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf, he shall set out that illegal payment in the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Secs. 11501, 11503, 11504, 11562, 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any political division greater than a county, for members of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congress, members of the State Board of Equalization, or judge of the superior court, shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one copy with the clerk of the county in which the candidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal and district offices, shall file one copy of their campaign statement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. lqo fee or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the filing or recording of any campaign statement. (Secs. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 8, of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050, is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campail~n statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municxpal office, or for election to the governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Such statement, if required or declaration, must be filed in the office ot~the City Clerk or Secretary of fife district in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, 11~69, Elections Code.) Campaign Statement of Candidate for election to the office of .................. voted for at the election held in the ~..~. ....~.~.~.~_~~ ......... County o~-~...~~: ........................... State of California, on the ....... : ........................ day of ..... ~ ............................... , ~ .~.-.J. .... Filed this ........ ?...~ ............................... day of Deputy ................................................................ CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS Municipal Election · City of S.S.F. · April 9, 1968 FRANK J. BERTUCELLI Candidate for City Councilman Age: 63 Occupation: Co-owner of Bertucelli-Ames Chevron Service Education: South San Francisco School graduate; Healds Business College; F.B.I. Training Course at Junior College, San Mateo Qualifications: MY GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Consider the taxpayers' best interests })y producing results and lowering taxes. MY EXPERIENCE AS MAYOR AND COUNCILMAN: As Mayor (1965-67) and Councilman for 5 years I acted with the Council to complete needed projects when maximum results could be obtained for reasonable costs; example, a new library paid for without addi- tional bonded debt. A swimmiug pool for which a site is now under engineering review is to be financed in the same manner. I have advocated quality development and tax economy which has attracted new business-some results being: 1. Industrial parks of beauty and value rivaling any in the State. 2. Residential develop- rnent pioneering new ideas and providing park and fire station sites to the City at no cost. 3. A cable television system in progress with one of the lowest subscriber costs in the State. Your vote in support of my re-election will be sincerely appreciated. LOUIS BELLONI Candidate for City Councilman Age: 72 Occupation: Retired Chief of Police Education: South San Francisco Schools Qualifications: Married, residing at 754 Miller Ave. with my wife Pie. Resident of South San Francisco for past 72 years. Joined South San Francisco Police Force Jannary 1, 1922. Appointed Chief of Police April 1924; served as such u~til retirement, May 1960. Honorable discharge from United States Army, First World War. Member of the following organizations: Ve, terans of Foreign Wars ~:4103, Santo Cristo Soci- ety, Bernard McCaffery Post American Legion, Calif. Peace Officers Assn., Italian American Citizens Club, Pen. Peace Officers Assn., Bay Counties Peace Officers Assn. Instrumental in passage of South San Francisco Civil Service Ordi- nance in 1941 and adoption of Retirement System for City Employ- ees in 1945. My long association with the City of South San Francisco has given me an insight into the needs and problems facing a growing city. DAVID J. FRI~DENBERG''' Candidate for City Councilman Age: 41 Occupation: Attorney at Law Education: L.L.B. Hastings College of the Law, Business Administration University of California Qualifications: I have been active in community and civic affairs working for inl- proved recreation, roads, schools, a hill time Superior Court, and other facilities for South San Francisco. I am a home owner and taxpayer in South San Francisco and have represented one of the cities' most active homeowners associations which has provided me with a knowledge of home owners' problems. My legal and business experience will be helpful in dealing with the many issues facing our growing city. WARREN A. STEINKAMP Candidate for City Councilman Age: 41 Occupation: Planner & Estimator Education: City College of San Francisco and University of California Special Planning Courses Qualifications: Served as Planning Commissioner for 5 years, and as chairman for 3 years. During this time I participated in the development and adoption of the General Plan and the Planned Community ordin- ance. Served as member of San Mateo County Planning Council. Former Park and Recreation Commissioner 2 years. Past president of Winston Manor Homeowners Association. Employed at San Francisco Naval Shipyard for 25 years. Execntive committeeman with SFNS Employees Association. In my opinion, transportation, taxes and recreation are major prob- lems facing our community. We must eliminate traffic congestion by improving streets, creating more parking facilities, and developing adeqnate means of transportation. We must seek to lower property taxes by broadening our tax base and by updating the methods and procedures in City Hall to insure economy in government. We must preserve present and acquire new recreational areas for our children. Present community facilities are not adequate for our growing popu- lation. SAMUEL M. ALFORD Candidate for City Councilman Age: 63 Occupation: Retired Adjudicator Education: 3 yrs College, A.B. 3 yrs Law study Qualifications: In Florida I worked for Lee & McDonald, City Attys, for Avon Park and Lake Placid, Florida. ! practiced law in Jackson, Miss. for 9 yrs until I became employed by U.S. Govt. I enlisted in U.S. Navy the day after Pearl Harbor and served until after war was over receiving Hon. Discharge as Actg. Chief Yeoman. Employed by Vets Adm as Adjucator in Insurance & Claims until retirement eff 9-2-62. I have no criminal record. GEORGE P. COULTER Candidate for City Councilman Age: 53 Occupation: Account Executive--Transportation Consultants International Education: High School Graduate Manhattan Prep. N.Y. Qualifications: Personal: City Resident--18 years. Present Address--1212 Crestwood Drive. Wife: Dorothy Coulter. Children: George Jr., John, Dorothy, Patricia. Government and Community Service-eight years including Recrea- tion Commission-Chairman, 1962-63; member since 1960. Past Presi- dent E1 Camino High School Boosters Club, Past President St. Ve.r- onica's Men's Club, Member South San Francisco Managers Asso- ciation. Through these experiences I have been able to assist in developing our City and increase my appreciation for the value of such civic programs to City social and economic development. A sound business experience including service as: Former Vice- President California Central Airlines, Former Regional Sales Man- ager PSA, Account Executive for Transportation Consultants Inter- national performing travel marketing and research services for the airline industry and public. Knowledge of tnodern business methods and techniques have been gained by these experiences. A strong desire to use these experiences to cooperate with others in advancing the welfare of {)ur City. F. FRANK MAMMINI Candidate for City Councilman Age: Forty Five Occupation: Contracting Firm President Education: High School Graduate Qualifications: I am a member and vice-chairman of the City Planning Commis- sion, and have been a member and chairman of committees sup- porting extensive school and vocational education projects. I have been a member and officer in various community, business and service organizations. I din a l)usinessman and now a stockholder in, and president of Norman C. Hynding Co. Inc. I share the homeowner's concern over increasing property taxes, and will snpport legislation by which homeowners can improve their property without having to pay more taxes because of an increase in assessed valuation. Experiences gained in my work with the S.S.F. Boys' Club and Senior Citizens projects convince me that much needed services and cultural opportunities can be brought to South San Francisco with- out increased tax costs. I have been affiliated and active with the Kiwanis, Peninsula Manu- facturing Association and San Mateo Bay Front Committee. ANTONIO MONTOYA Candidate for City Councilman Age: 42 Occupation: Hydro Designer Education: Certificate in Architectural Design Surveyor and Industrial Eng. at U.C. of California Vocational Teachers Certificate from U.C. of California Qualifications: Resident of So. San Francisco for 16 years. I have heen active in civic matters and was Past President of Sunshine Gardens Improve- ment Club. At present I belong to Human Resources Comm. of San Mateo County, Human Relations Comm. of San Mateo County, Member Spanish-Speaking Advisory Board to F.E.P.C., Member of P.A.C.E. Forum and various Civic, Fraternal and Church Organiza- tions. I have always been interested in the progress of my city. Printed and Distributed at Candidate's Expense (Elections Code Section 10012.5) NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices hereinafter mentioned to be filled at the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of South San Francisco on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1968: For the Office of Councilman~ Frank J. Bertucelli Samuel M. Alford Louis Belloni James S. Claar George P. Coulter David J. Friedenberg F. Frank Mammini Tony Montoya Warren Steinkamp Incumbent Retired Retired Dairy Company Employee Account Executive Attorney at Law Contracting Firm President Hydro Designer Planner For the Office of City Clerk: Arthur A. Rodondi Incumbent For the Office of City' Treasurer= John J. Bonalanza Incumbent Dated~ February 20, 1968 City Clerk NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that a general municipal election will be held in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, on the 9th day of April, 1968, for the following offices: City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term City Clerk, City of South San Francisco - full term City Treasurer, City of South San Francisco - full term The polls will be open between the hours of 7 o'clock a.m. and 8 o'clock p.m. Dated: February 5, 1968 On advice of my doctor it is with the utmost regret that I am declining to be an incumbent candidate for the office of Councilman f~r the 7th time, I wish to thank the vo~ers of the City of South San ~-'rancisco for the priviledge they have allowed me to enjoy the past 22 years, God bless you allo ~ilio Cortesi FILE I~u: .......................... STATEMENT OF COUNCILMAN GUIDO ROZZI Prior to the close of the candidates' filing period, I want to inform the Council and the public of my intentions. I have decided not to seek re-election. It is with mixed feelings that I make this decision-- first, a feeling of regret on the termination of the pleasant and close association with members of the Council, staff and employees and the personal participation as a Councilman in the progress of the community; amd secomd, the pleasant amticipatiom of looking forward to spending more time with my family and business activities. I will remain very active in the affairs of the ?~.ir Board, Peninsula Memorial Blood Bank, Boy Scou~ program, Boys' Club, Chamber of Commerce and other civic organizations. It has been my pleasure to serve since 1956 aa City Council- man and during tl~a.t tenure of office also serve in the c.~pacity of Mayor and one term as President of the League of California Cities, Peninsula Division. I take a great deal of pride in reviewing the record of accomplishments established by the City Council, knowing that we produced the results with cooperative efforts. I am sure that you will continue to keep South San Francisco in the forefront of the economical and political life of the Bay Area. My interest in the welfare of South San Francisco will continue, and if you desire to have me participate in any programs or activities that .will benefit the City, please feel free to call upon me. Date: q l COUbITY OF SAN HA'[£O ............... :" ............................... ~U;~fI~'R'-~'F'-¥O I'E~<-S"-Ii"C-D'I C;~'i"I'l~'O'"f b-[ [-0~,'! NG'-AfF'I L I/~f I'ON 'N Ai'~- - -0~- - P'~ [-I- T-[Ci~C-- S'O-~ b-l' 9-f S-O,~ ........... ~ ........ · .............................. D E'C [ I N E 0 ................ DEH. REP. ~IlSC. TO STALE TOTAL 501 ATHERTCN 898 3,327~ 78 118 4,421 502 BELMONT 4,.667 4,434 ].37 433 9,671. 503 BRISBANE ~Oq BURLINGANE 505 COLMA .~06 DALY CITY 102 1~.,85'4 6'62~ 972 328 g 46 1,35S 5,465 7,414 176 ~02 13,457 49 5 q I60 262 487 22,227 ]i07 HALF MOON BAY 740 4~3 13 57 1,253 ~08 'HILLS'BO'ROUGH 938 3,70i S1 t28 _~09 MENLO PARK ~,946 7,285 466 454 13,1.51 ', i_~10 HI LLBR~E 4,845 ~,079' 100' 306 9,330 ~11 312 PACIFICA PORTOLA VALLEY RE D~,~OOD CiTY '7,089 2,993 349 306 I0,737 ~1. S.~ !,338 ~3 79 2,OSi 12,256 9,361 635 660 22,912 514 SAN BRUNO '9,2U1 4,766 158 482 lq~6N_)__. 515 SAN CARLOS 5,652 6,638 161.' 370 ~2,821 516 SAN MATEG 16,958 16,955 ' 466 1.105 3S~yB_~__. ..................................................... .--.-- ............ .-- ............. C ............................ 517 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 11,200 3,~73 201 388 15,861 518 WOODSl DE 696 1,612 61 53 2,422 601 UNINCORPORATED AREA TOTAL 1~,902 11,411 1,39I 989 28,693