HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-4-14 ElectionsNOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a general municipal election will be held in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, on the 14th day of April, 19 70, for the following offices: City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - Full term. The polls will be open between the hours of seven o'clock a.m. and eight o'clock p.m. City Clerk Dated: February ?, 197C) Voting PRECINCT V © ® Consolidated PRECINCTS 1 &4 5&6 7 & 39 8 9& 13 10 & 11 12,40,k5 14 & !5 16,41,46 LOCATION E1 CamI~o High School Cafeteria 1320 Mission Road Sunshine Gardens School Nll~fses ' Room 1200 Miller Avenue Copan Garage 123 Clarcmont Avenue Lonat~ Garage 25h Armour Avenue Martin School Main Lobby Maple/School Street Spruce School Auditorium 501 Spruce Avenue City Hall Basement Magnolia Rec. Center Grand Ave. entrance ?ar!~way School Library 825 Parkway Baldassini Garage 21~ Chestnut Avenue Voting PRECINCT Consolidated PREC INC TS 22 23 24 & 4~ 25 & 26 27 28 & ~i 29 & 3o 32,33,34 42 43 LOCATION Lechleitner Fam.Room 420 Wildwood Drive Fraschieri Garage 478 Avalon Drive Avalon School All-purpose Room ~a s rlyle Garage 708 W. Orange Ave. Forster Garage 214 Carmelo Laiie Burl Burl School Faculty Room 120 E1 Campo Drive Makowski Garage 216 Lomitas Avenue E1 Rancho School All-purpose Room 753 Del Monte Ave. McCallumGarage 323 Serra Drive Treas.~s.Trailer Ct. #3 Wash Room 1700 E1 GaminG Real 17 & k7 Petroni Garage 407 West Orange Avenue 35 & 36 George Garage 121 Duval Drive 18 Capps Garage 112 Fir Avenue 37 a 38 McAdam Garage 127 Buxton Avenue 19 Fink Garage 28 Sonora Avenue 48 & 49 Drye Family Room 3130 Dublin Drive 2O 21 Peterson Garage 216 Northwood Drive Robinson Garage 201 Maywood Way Schools Residential 5o a 5i Foxridge School Multipurpose Room Wexford/Burren Way 52 Gori Garage 2624 Duhallow Way Voting PRECINCT © © Consolidated PRECINCTS 2&3 5&6 7&39 8 9& 13 10 & 11 12,40,45 14 & 15 16,41,46 o 17 & 47 18 19 20 21 Schools LOCATION E! Camino High School Cafeteria 1320 Mission Road Sunshine Gardens School Nurses' Room 1200 Miller Avenue Copan Garage 123 Claremont Avenue Lonati Garage 254 Armour Avenue Martin School Main Lobby Maple/School Street Spruce School Auditorium 501 Spruce Avenue City Hall Basement Magnolia Rec. Center Grand Ave. entrance Parkway School Library 825 Parkway Baldassini Garage 215 Chestnut Avenue Petroni Garage 407 West Orange Avenue Capps Garage 112 Fir Avenue Fink Garage 28 Sonora Avenue Peterson Garage 216 Northwood Drive Robinson Garage 201 Maywood Way Voting PP~CINCT ® ® Residential Consolidated PRECINCTS 22 23 24 & 44 25 & 26 27 28 & 31 29 & 30 32,33,3~ 42 43 35 & 36 37 & 38 48 & 49 50 & 51 52 LOCATION Lechleitner Fam.Room 420 Wildwood Drive Fraschieri Garage 478 Avalon Drive Avalon School All-purpose Room Carlyle Garage 708 W. Orange Ave. Forster Garage 214 Carmelo Lane Burl Buri School Faculty Room 120 E1 Campo Drive Makowski Garage 216 Lomitas Avenue E1 Rancho School All-purpose Room 753 Del Monte Ave. McCall~mGarage 323 Serra Drive Treas.Is .Trailer Ct. #3 Wash Room 1700 E1 Camino Real Ceorge Garage 121 Duval Drive McAdam Garage 127 Buxton Avenue Drye Family Room 3130 Dublin Drive Foxridge School Multipurpose Room Wexford/Burren Way Gori Garage 2624 Duhallow Way Other CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1970 No. of Total Registered Votes Consolidated Voters Cast Precinct Ahern Boblitt Borba Mirri Montoya Rickenbacher 702 350 1 104 67 112 99 130 75 72~ 379 2 140 87 106 102 143 64 663 285 3 133 38 13o 84 55 36 548 205 4 84 29 95 79 35 17 373 176 5 65 14 79 86 20 12 807 440 6 143 51 218 200 57 51 581 280 7 111 40 123 109 59 29 870 406 8 167 57 2Ol 176 52 29 805 5~7 9 184 55 263 272 66 43 670 299 lO 98 59 138 lO3 67 44 589 226 11 91 37 89 87 30 40 336 168 12 50 18 55 82 34 26 213 99 13 27 7 40 39 30 19 325 182 14 48 54 43 54 22 70 406 237 15 80 62 73 49 27 98 392 189 16 54 65 39 42 23 85 417 251 17 72 lO6 58 33 33 119 655 317 18 80 96 76 81 39 139 Toby 70 81 71 44 74 5o 74 123 50 50 61 67 47 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1970 No. of Total Registered Votes Consolidated Voters Cast Precinct Aheru Boblitt Borba Mirri 671 316 19 114 55 lll 76 366 142 20 48 55 37 32 783 369 21 154 lO9 11o 88 82o 389 22 154 133 114 123 929 400 23 180 124 108 70 419 195 24 72 71 47 47 234 62 25 30 16 24 5 4o3 152 26 64 68 25 15 636 268 27 88 lO3 69 39 816 456 28 54 173 49 45 629 386 29 38 213 35 30 221 158 30 lo lo4 8 9 8329 2737 2166 2675 2356 76 Absentee 28 19 27 23 8405 Totals 2765 2185 2702 2379 Montoya 4o 35 7o 37 35 14 50 48 29 1475 1479 Rickenbacher 107 22 55 78 9 21 56 86 8 1610 8 1618 Toby 39 lO4 122 122 61 22 lo3 354 286 136 2593 21 2614 CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS Municipal Election · City of S.S.F. · April 14, 1970 PATRICK E. AHERN Candidate for City Councilman Age: 53 Occupation: General Contractor Education: High School, Special courses at University of San Francisco and University of California Qualifications: I. Served as Councilman for twelve years and Mayor for four years. During this period I participated in and contributed to the following accomplishments: a. Tax Rate Reduction from 1.54 to .91 cents per $100 assessed value. b. New Library and Emergency Operating Center. c. Oyster Point Marina. d. Joint Sewer Plant Modification to relieve Bay Pollution. e. Street and other Public Works projects including island beautification. f. Swimming Pool Construction (Orange Avenue Park). g. Public Safety Employees Incentive Pay Plan. h. Westborough-10 Acre Park. i. Westborough-21A Acre Park. i. Westborough Fire Station. k. Industrial and Residential expansion with new aesthetic design. 1. Martin School Park. II. Served as member of the North County Council of Cities for 12 years and Chairman for one year. III. Served as Alternate Member of the Local Agency Commission. IV. Served as member of the County Council of Mayors, Regional Planning Committee and Connty Waste Disposal Steering Committee. V. Chairman of the City Beautification Committee. WILLIAM A. BORBA Candidate for City Councilman Age: 57 Occupation: Manufacturer Education: Local Schools Qualifications: I have resided in South San Francisco for 49 years, attended local schools and worked in our city. I have been engaged in my present business for 20 years, as President of Borba Manufacturing, Inc. and owner of Flippo Manufacturing Company. My business interests have been in South San Francisco. I feel my knowledge of civic affairs and business experience has equipped me for the City Council. I point to my activities as a Federal Housing Commis- sioner, President of The South San Francisco Chamber of Com- merce, President P.A.L. Boosters Club, currently a Chairman for the March of Dimes and on the Board of Directors of several' organizations. As an employer, I have been a friend of labor. I believe in well planned industrial growth, the maintenance of our low city tax rate, proper preparation for capital improvements and conclusive planning regarding flood control and garbage dis- posal problems. ANTONIO MONTOYA Candidate for City Councilman Age: 44 Occupation: Senior Hydro Designer and Instructor Education: Cert. in Architecture, Surveyor and Industrial Eng., at U. C. of Calif., Vocational Teachers Cert., U.C. of Calif. Qualifications: Resident of So. San Francisco for 18 years, I have been active in civic matters, Past President of Sunshine Gardens Improvement Club. At present I belong to the Economic Opportunity Commission of San Mateo County, South San Francisco Community Action Council, member of Spanish-Speaking Advisory Board to F.E.P.C. State of Calif., member of P.A.C.E. Fornzn, Mater Dolorosa Men's Club, Committeeman Boys Scouts troop 291, Morelos Society, Vice- president of Mexican-American Unity Council, Inter-Relation Com- mittee So. S.F. Unified School Dist., Selective Service Board #57 member, Girl Scout Sustain. Membership Captain, P.A.L. Boosters Clnb. I have always been interested in the progress and welfare of my city and will work towards expediting and implementation of present city projects. I will work towards bringing new projects that will benefit the youth and Senior Citizens will work on reliefing the tax burden of our citizens. EDWARD TOBY Candidate for City Councilman Age: 34 Occupation: Vice President and Machine Design Engineer for Toby Enterprises, South San Francisco Education: Graduate, Stanford University School of Engineer- ing Qualifications: I have participated in the civic affairs of Sonth San Francisco as a resident, businessman and homeowners' representative for eight years. In the past four years, however, I have shared the growing ~rustration of many citizens over our city's continued lack of response to their needs and problems. I am running for City Council because I believe people must be willing to contribute their time and abilities if we are to expect responsive government, My experience as a business executive and corporate board member will enable me to effectively participate in the management of an $8 million city budget, However, the most important qualification for any office is still the ability and willing- ness to openly study problems and apply one's best judgment to their solution. I feel we must return to "citizen" government, where the Council represents and acts for all the people instead of their own or special interests. GORDON T. BOBLITT Candidate for City Councilman Age: 44 Occupation: Businessman Education: Attended San Francisco grammar, high school and City College as well as the University of Redlands Qualifications: A businessman, active in civic' affairs, World War II Veteran and a 20 year resident of South San Francisco. Member of the City Planning Commission for the past six years, serving one year as its chairman. City representative to the San Mateo County Regional Planning Board for approximately three years. With respect to additional civic activities I have been an officer of the P.T.A. Board, and for ten years I have been a committeeman for the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America. As a businessman, I am currently President of a heavy construction firm. Actively participated in a number of City Council meetings and have a thorough understanding of the functions and operations of our local Government. Presently, I serve as a member of the Capital Improvement Com- mittee which screens futnre expenditures of public funds for major municipal projects. TERRY J. MIRRI Candidate for City Councilman Age: 25 Occupation: Management Trainee Education: Graduate from the University of San Francisco with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science. One year law school at the University of Pacific. Qualifications: Municipalities throughout the country are looking for new leader- ship. South San Francisco is no different. It too, is seeking indi- viduals who are responsible, educated, and possess the potential to effect good local government. I think having attained a bachelor of science degree in Political Science at U.S.F. and approximately one year of law school at the University of Pacific, qualifies me as one of these individuals. However, education is but a useless piece of paper if the individual is incapable of communicating to his con- stituents the policies and philosophy he represents and must con- sequently defend. I have participated in several speech and debate forums. I enjoy oral presentation and rapport with the public. It is this ability co-ordinated with the appropriate educational backround that will allow me to represent the city of South San Francisco in a clear and articulate manner. "ED" EDWARD J. RICKENBACHER Candidate for City Councilman Age: 47 Occupation: Beal Estate and Insurance Broker Education: High School (graduate) 1 (one) year night school attendance at college. Qualifications: A resident of South San Francisco for twenty (20) years. I am a Real Estate and Insurance Broker and have been in the Real Estate Business for 10 years. I believe that I can give the Leadership, get results and bring rep- resentation to all the people of South San Francisco. I have been President of the South San Francisco Kiwanis Club, Lt. Governor Kiwanis, California Nevada Hawaii District 17th Di- vision, Chairman of the Boys & Girls Programs for California Nevada Hawaii District of Kiwanis. A member of the South San Francisco Clean Up Campaign, Committee member of the South San Francisco Capital Improvement Program, Past President of South San Francisco Managers Association and Arbitration Chair- man of the Multiple Listing Service of San Francisco and a Deputy Sheriff of San Francisco for eight years. Printed and Distributed at Candidate's Expense (Elections Code Section 10012.5) NOTE--Prepare this form in triplicate for following distribution: 1. Original to clerk or secret- - for filing. 2. Duplicate to clerk or sec as printer's copy for preparing voter's pa Met 3. Triplicate to be retained by candidate. CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Section ]0012.5, Elections Code) As a candidate for ............... ..C....i..[y.......C....o...u....n...c...~...1.....~.....n.. ........................................................................................................................... (Designation of office sought) (Name of local agency, city, county or district) at the ............. .G..e..~..e....r..a_.!.......M..u....n...i..c..i.P.A..1. ................................................................................................... election, to be held on ........ ..A..p....r...i....l: ............... ..1...4.. ................................. ,19_.7...0.. ......... , I submit the following statement of qualifications' My name is ................ ?....a..[..r....i...c....k.......E............A...h....e....r...n.. ......................................................................................................................................... My age 5 3 General Contractor My occupation is ................................................................................................................................................................................................... My education:~ High School, Special Courses at University ......................................................... ...................... My qualifications are: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... (Brief description of not more than 150 words expressed by the candidate himself) ~. Served as Councilman for twelve years and Mayor for four ~ears. D~r~ng t~s per~o~ I part~c~pate~ ].n ani~ contr~ute~ to t~e following accomplishments. ......... ~i~.~T~f/~i~R~~~M~I~;~5~6~9~.~.~..~$I~~~a lue. b. New Library and Emergency Operating Center. .......... ~';"'"0~'g'f ~'~'"'P'6'i*fl"fi'"'~'f iB'~ ....................................................................................................................................................... d. Joint Sewer Plant Modification to relieve Bay Pollution. .......... ~.7...~.~.~.~.f....~.~....~.f5~.~..P~I~.E...W~.".~6.~-&.~.~.g...I~.~T~.~.~....~.~E...B.~.~.~ i f i c a t ion f. Swiping Pool Congt~ction (Orange Avenue Park) ......... g':'"'PO~ Ii'~'"S~'~'~'~y'"EMplGg~'~'g"'Ifi'U'~'5'~i'~'~'"'~'~'"'~'ff: .................................................................. h. Westborough - 10 Acre Park .......... l';""~,a'~"tB'~'6~'g~'"'z'"'2~'-~n'~ ~'"'~'~R ............................................................................................................................... j. Westborough Fire Station ......... R':'""Ih'fl~'t'~iRT'"R'fi'~""R~'~T~'fffi'~I'""&'~fiR'~f~T6 ~""Wi'~B"'"fi'~W'"'~'~'i~'~i'fi'"'~&"~T~h' 1. ~rtin School Park ...~.V...S.&.~V~.~....~.g.....~.~.f....~.f....~B.~...~6~.~...E.6~f~.~.~....~.6~.~.~.~1....6.f...U~f%~.g.....f~.f....~2. .... years and Chair~n for one year. "III':""S~'~V~'~"'~'~'"'~I'f ~'f ~'~l'~'"'~:5~'""6'f'"'ttf&'"'E~'~'r'"Kg'~ff~""~G~i'~'~'i'~'fi';' ............ Planning Committee and County Waste Disposal Steering .................... ~i5 iiiif/l'ftS~5'~": ......................................................................................................................................................................................... D~t~d~ ~ February 25 ........................................................................ , 19 ...................... ?0 ~ ~ ~:.....~ ................... ~.}.~i~..~.;.~.~,date~D ................. '2~ .............. r-fl I do not elect to file a statement of qualifications as permitted by Sec. 10012.5, Elections Code. Candidate sign here only if he does not choose to file statement of qualifications Form No. 197--Candidate's Statement of Qualifications ~. .. - ~ .... ',-'~: -' .... © Printed 1-21-70 by Carlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0247 5 3 ~ This form may not be reproduced without permission. NOTE--Prepare this form in triplicate for following distribution: 1. Original to clerk or secref-'-' for filing. 2. Duplicate to clerk or sec as printer's copy for preparing voter's p~ .~]et. 3. Triplicate to be retained by candidate. CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Section ]00]2.5, Elections Code) _As a candidate £or .................................... .~.~.u~.L~.~ .............................................................................................................................. (Designation of office sought) of the ............... .O...f...'c~....9..~...~..o.~.~...~..n....~.~.~.~,~.~ ................................................................................................................................. (Name of local agency, city, county or district) at the ....................................... [~.m~L~i:pa3. ........................................................................................................ election, to be held on ................. ,~p:i:L..3& ....................................... ,19 ...... 7.0. ...... , I submit the following statement of qualifications: My name is ........................ igJJ.2J_m~../Lo...B~J2ba. ......................................................................................................................................... My age is .............................. 5.2. .................................................................................................................................................................................. My occupation is ......... l.v/arm~c.t,m~.e=. ..................................................................................................................................................... My education is ............ I~..¢..a;L...~.c&~.[s .................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... My qualifications are: ......... ~;.....h..a.~..~=e~.decL.L~L.~.~.~1~[..~a~a../~mc-~s.e`~...£~...~...ye~a* ..................... (Driaf dascripfion of not more than 150 words expressad by the candidate bimsalf) ag.t, er~d.e.d...2.c~c~L.. ~ cJa.o.q~;L~....aa'~...~.~rked...£~...~r...c~X ~ ...... 2...t~,~.~....b.e. er~..er[gagecL.. J.r~..m~r ..................... ~..r .e...s...e-n..~.....b...u...s..~..e...s...s.....r..~..r.....2..~....~..e....ar....s.~......a...s....~..e...s.5~.~.~.~....~r....~.~.r.).~..~.~.~.~3~.r.~....~.~... ~ ............ .am~e.r...aL..~LL~...o....~l~...~...a...e...~.u..r.~..g....c...o...m.g ..a~..y..~ ...... !¢,~....~.a~.L~..e.~..~....~,r~.~.er.e.~.l~s...~m~.e....b.e.er~ -- Lr~ ................. ..S..9...u..~ ..h......S..~.....F..r....a~....c. M 9..o..... ...... .~.....f...e...e. ~......m~.......~....9_¥.~ .~ ..d. f~ .e.....9.~..._9...5.y...5..9....~..a..~..r...s.... ~ ..d......b..~...s..'.~.....e. a ~ ........................... e....~.~rL.e...n...~...e......h...a...s......e...qu.~.~...e...d......r~..e....~.9..r.....~..h...e......q~:....~.~.u.~.~L~ ...... .~...~...o..~.~.....~..o....~.~......a...c..~$.y:&~.Le.~.... aa ......... ..a.....F.e...d..e.r.~....~..~..u...s..~x....c...~..~.r..a.aL.s...s..L.~...n...e.r*.....?r.....e...s..L.d.~.~....9.r...~r~.~... .~.9.u..~...h.....S.....a~.....?.r...a~...~.~.o.~....~[x~b er ............ ..o.2....9...o..~.?. r.c..?..,.....~.r..e...s..L.d..?..n. 3_ ..~..-. ~. ,. [ .'.... 3..o...o...s. ?. r..s.... 9. ~..u...b..,.... ~.r .?...n..3.~ y......a.._ .~....a.. 5 ..r. m ~.....f..9..r.....~ ..h...e. ..................... ~.a..r..~g."..~.£...D.~.e..s...~.~..d......~...n.....~..~..e.....b.`.9...a.r..d......~.~..~..5.r.e..~.~9r.~. .9.£...s.e.¥..er.~.;L...~r~;~mJ&~.l~;k~rm., ...... /m .................. ar~..~mp~Lo.;y:e2.r ..g...lxa~.e....be~r~..~.. £r~er~L.~£.. ~.abo&: ........ J....be~_Le.¥e...&r~..~e[[...~ed .............................. Lr~ cLu~..~ r.~ ~ ..gr.(> .~h.~...~ ge......m...a...'.a~....~ ..e...n..~ ..q ..e......q ..f......o...u..r......],...o.~.....c...L..~ 2?.....~.~....r..a..~ ..e. ,...p..r..o.p...e...r...p..r..e.p...a...r...a.~ } .9...n.... ~.~r....c.~J~..~.~..~.~.r.9.~.~..m..~.~..s.....~..d......c...~...n...c.~..u...s.}X..e...~..L.a.~1.~g....r..e..g..a..r..d..~.g.....f.~..~...~...~.....~c...~...n..~.r...~.~...~..d. ............ g;~.~.gge.....d..~;p.9~.~.~L...t~r.9~[.~.a~.., ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .........................D at e d~~.::~.~7,...~. !i:!: ....................................................................................................... .................. , 19Z.~ ........... .~....?~.~,.:L ,~,.~. :.~ ~'": .......... '~ .................................................................................... .................. I do not elect to file a statement of qualifications as permitted by Sec. 10012.5, Elections Code. Candidate sign here only if he does not choose to file statement of qualifications Form No. 197--Candidate's Statement of Qualifications © Printed 1-21-70 by Carlisle Co., $. F. 0482.0247 This form may not be reproduced without permission. NOTE--Prepare this form in triplicate for following distribution: 1. Original to clerk or secret- -' for filing. 2. Duplicate to clerk or sec as printer's copy for preparing voter's p..,det- 3. Triplicate to be retained by candidate. CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Section ]0012.5, Elections Code) As a candidate for ............ C&.~7...Cou~a~a. ..................................................................................................................................... (Designation of office sought) of the ............... c~...o:...Sou:~..Sa=-.g~sco....~~ ............................................................................................ (Name of Io~1 agency, ci~, ~un~ or distri~) at the ............ ~~ .................................................................................................................................... election, to be held on .............. ~..&~ .................................... ,19...70 ......... , I submit the following statement of qualifications: My name is ............ .T~...Z*...~x~ ........................................................................................................................................................... My age is ............... Z5 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. My occupation is ...... ~~.-.l~g~ ......................... , ............................................................................................................ My education is ......... g~~..~...~..~ve~s~...og...~n...~mno~o...~.~....a...~ehe~oe ..... .... ~...~.~g.q~...~flg~...~g...~9.~.~..~.~.~AO.fl ........ ~.0....0A~...~.g~....O~...~g~...A~.Q ~ ~-..g~ ...~fl ........... U~versig7 of Pacific. My qualifications are: ............. A~ci~~....~o.~a~...~...e~g~...a~e-..~ok~...$o~ ........... (Brief de~ripti0n of not more than 150 words ~pr~sed by the ~ndidate him~lO ..~..~xship ....... S au~...S~..~ane~aao...[a..na...dif~a~an~ ........ I~...~aa,....~a...aaek~ ................... ..~~...~...ae~...~pan~1~....~8u~ed.~....a~...p~a~...gh~...p~L~n~...~...~ .... ..g.a~.&a~..~o~a~Ag ........ I...~hi~..ha~ng..x~Lai~d...a...baehelo~...af...seianee...degeee..~. ..~.o~c~..&e~...a~...~,S.E .... and...ap~ro~ ~m~a~...a~...~aar...~...la~...a~a~..x~...gke .............. ...~v~&fiT...ag...~&E~,...q~f ~as...~...as...a~...a E...gheaa...~i~Sdnals ....... Ao~a~e=, ................ ..~~..~..~..a...~~...p&~..~$...~...~...gh~...~~..&~...&~ap~...~g ............. ..... ~~i.~....~..~i~..~~g~..-ghe...~gi~---~---~&~so~---he---~e-~esen~s .......... ...... g~...maa~...gon~u~Z~..~g~ ........ ~...ha,e...~L~...~..~e~.ml...s~ech-.a~..-deba~e ..... .~om~ ....... .~.-.ea~7...om.Z...pr~a~[~..~d....rgp~g-.~--.~e----m~l&c ........ .I~....~...~h&, .......... ..... &B~...ao~L~..~.~..~,..~p~¢~..~~..~.e~-.~.--~--a~[o~ ...... ~..&o...eap~,~...~..,gfi~...~...S~..$~..~.e~i~..~..g.-c~...~..~culage ................ ...... ~eg. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dated....F. abz,_~x~...2-Se, h ............................. ,19.....7.0 ............ ~..,.~:~:..z.~:::. ............. /...: ........... i..~./--r.,~Z...~.~":.~.:~ ................... /~ *' (Sil~ture of candidate) I do not elect to file a statement of qualifications as permitted by Sec. 10012.5, Elections Code. ~andidate sign here only if he does not choose to file statement of qualifications form No. 197--Candidato's Statement of Qualifications © Printed 1-21-70 by Carlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0247 This form may llOt be reproduced without permission. NOTE--Prepare this form in triplicate for following distribution: ]. Original to clark or aecre*" "for filing. 2. Duplicate to clerk or se( as printer's copy for preparing voter's p.. diet. 3. Triplicate to be retained by candidate. CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Section 10012.5, Elections Coda) As a candidate for ......... .C..Q.U~.~.~L~ .................................................................................................................................................... (Designation of office sought) City of South San Francisco, California of the (Name of local agency, city, County or district) me" General M~nicipal ............................................................ at ................................................................................................................ iv,, to be held on April 14 ~ 19....7...0.. ......... , I submit the following statement of qualifications' Antonio l~Ontoya . .......................................................................... My name ho:° .................................................................................................................................... My age is .............. .~. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. My occupation ~s'. .......... Send. or[....[ ...................................... Hydro 9~;sagner?......[ ~. .......................................................................................................................... arLd Instruct.o.r My education is Cert. in Architecture, Surveyor amd ................................................................................... .~ ...................... ~.....~.....~.~ ...~.~.v~.~.~ ...~.~i~.~..~ ..... at U. C. of Calif., Vocations~ meach~rs c',~,,+ T~ O .................................................................... ~ ................. ?. ................ ~..'~......~. ....... ~ ....... .%~ ........... %f...~.~...~..~..~.....%~. ~..~. ~.....~.~.....~zO. J..I.J.. ~ .................... My qualifications are :..g~....~.e. ~.d....e...n..~t~.9.~..f.~S.~9.~:~..S..~-~.r....a.~.n..~.c.~s.~.q~9.~.~f...~.~.r..~~r~...~ ......... (Brief description of not more than 150 words expressed by the candidate himself) .................... Gardens Improvement Club. At present I belong to the Economic Community Action Council~ member of Spanish-S~eaking Advisory Board to F.m.P.C. State of Calzl. nember of P.A.C.E. Forum .................................................................................................................... :......% ....... ~ ................................................................................ 3 ...... hater Dotorosa _~en's Club~ Committeeman Boys Scouts troop 291~ 1.~orelos Society~ Vice-president of Mexican-American Unity ............. ..C..9..?te~...1..~ ±nter-Relat-,on Committee So. S.F. Un~_f~ea School .....................· ~4embership Captain~ P.A.L. Boosters Club. ..................... .... m.y.. city and will work towards expediting and i:mple~tation of ..................... ........ .................. p. rojects that will,benefit the youth and Senior Citizens Dated.....~.c..~...~ ................ ~ ........................ , 19....Z...O... ......... ~-~....~.....~~..~g,,~_ I do not elect to file a statement of qualifications as permitted by Sec. 10012.5, Elections Code. Candidate sign here only if he does not choose to file statement of qualifications © Printed 1.21-70 by Carlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0247 This form may not be reproduced without permission. NOTE--Prepare this form in triplicate for following distribution: 1. Original to clerk or secreF' ' for filing. 2. Duplicate to clerk or sci as printer's copy for preparing voter's p. ,~let. 3. Triplicate to be retained by candidate. CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Section 100].2,5, Elections Code) As a candidate for ........ ~2.L!22~..}.!?.:2.':2 ...................................................................................................................................................... (Designation of office sought) of th e....~.~.!i~.~:~..!.':'~i!....~:~.!}....i(~.~.*..;)..!{!~'-:!~:.?.:~.~ ......................................................................................................................................................... (Name of local agency, city, county or district) at the ......... ~:~.~!::~.~2.~..~2.~ ................................................................................................................................... election, to be held on ........... ......................................... ,19 ........ ~.~..., I submit the following statement of qualifications: My name is ....... .......................................................................................................... My ageis ...... 5.~ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... My occupation is .......::!2!.:.~:....2¢S&ES....5.:.22...5!.~5?:}~.¢J:~!:!.~5....5..55!SZ/.~ ......................................................................... My education ~ ...... :...=~.:.:.....:. ................ :: ............. : .......... : ...... :......: .............................................................. ~ ................................................. ...... ~d:..t:..~2.~:~..~..r..~.C !L..F)..!.i....~.?.2.L29..?..:. ........................................................................................................................................................... My qualifications are :..~...r.e~i~e~.t`...a£...~.~.u.~h..~.;~:..~Y.r.:`~.i~c.~...£.~.r.....~.u~n.~g...[2~.)...~.~.~.~ ...... ;[.....ara (Brief description of not more than 150 words expressed by the candidate himself) ..A...~ea:L.~,s.t,a.+,e... a:cl...I~ £u~. ~mc e,...~.c~...~.~..~A~..:~g g~...~...~....~.~.~ .. ~.~.~.~.~.e...~'~.].~£:-~.~.~-.- ~.~ lO....:Fea~?~ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............. T...l:~lJ_e,:~.e....t2-~.t,...L c~:...gi~e....t,h~...:C~AcTe, r .~hi~+...g~...3:~u.l~ ...... ~mcT...hr ~g...~.~.p~.c.~.e. ~..%.~.% lo~ t~..~g.-g...t~ ...pe~.ple...~ f'...g o~.~..f,h...,g ~n...:~:.~,: ~.i,~ ~,, ..................................................................................................................... .............. T ..~.e....he, e~..3:e~ld, e:.~...~ f'....t,]~e...g m.~.t~...g~:...~:A:ci=c~...~i~i~...G1]:.~....~.-....~-¥.c.~-~. IC£~.i~,....~.li~'.~:~..~e.~d~..~a.~il...T~i.~ ~:.ic.~...:LT~..~iAi~i~+...G~Ai~...~£...~...~.~T~.--A- G~:Zs...~:o~:~...~...~.1.i~i~...~e~...~m~...31~.~:&c.L~...~l~A~i~ ....... &..~:...p.~...~e 9~A~.~a.~.~:~$~~T.~.~1~r~C~.t~g~.~e~~e~S~.~'S~:A~ ci ~c o G~pA.~ ~..~e~e~.g~g~:~.~r~a~C.~2~:~1~..~..~.~:~:~:~1~C~:~e:~ ................ Aec ee~e~.~A~~A~Aa~~e.~T~&~1~.~1~~e~1~e~'~.~: ................ ~e~e~eee~...~?~}~:C~5"~2~`~:~::~L::~&;~:::~:;~:~:~22~:~2~.~:2:~:~L...2:~::&~).~2~&~22.L~.~}::~L~::~&~.?~ ............ L/atec1..t....: .................... ~. .......................................... , 1:~ ..................... .~z...-. .................... ~....~,~ ........... , .............................................................. / ~_.~Signature of candidate) I do not elect to file a statement of qualifications as permitted by Sec. 10012.5, Elections Code. Candidate sign here only if he does not choose to file statement of qualifications Form No. 197--Candidate's Statement of Qualification.~ © Printed 1-21-70 by Carlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0247 This form may not be reproduced without permission. NOTE--Prepare this form in triplicate for following distribution: 1. Original to clerk or secret- ' for filing. 2. Duplicate to clerk or sec as printer's copy for preparing voter's p, . ,dot. 3. Triplicate to be retained by candidate. CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Section 10012.5, Elections Code) As a candidate for .......... ..C...i....t....y.......c...o....u....n...c....i...l._m...a....n.. ............................................................................................................................... (Designation of office sought) of the ........... .c..~.i....t...y..~~...~..~.f.~.~~~.s.~..~...u....t.~..h.~~~~..s...a-.n.~.....F....r.~.a.~..n.~.c..~.i....s.~.c...~.~ .................................................................................................................... (Name of local agency, city, county or district) at the ........... ~.,~..n...:j:.~..f....~.....1. ..................................................................................................................................... election, to be held on April 14 19.....7....0. ........ , I submit the following statement of qualifications' My name is .......... ~,d..w....a...r....d.....T..°....b....Y.. ................................................................................................................................................................ My age is ................ ..3...4.. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. My occupation is Vice President and Machine Design Engineer for ......... 'qa'B'f'"'gh'E'a'i/~i~'£'~'a'a";'""ga'ii%'fi'"'g'afi'""~i?iri'a'i'~'6o ..................................................... My education is ............ ..G....r...a.d....u...a....%.e...~...~...$...t...a....n~.f.~...r...d.......U.ni:~v..e.~...s..i.gg....$.ch~.~....Q£....~n~inae~in9 My qualifications are: ............ ~......h...a..v...e.....p...a....r..~.i...c..~R..a...g...e.-d......i...n........t...h...e..~....c..~..v.~i.....a....f..f..a..~..r..~....9.~ ................. {Srie! description of not moro than 150 words expressed by tho candidate himsol0 .! .o....u...t....h......S..a...n......Er..a...n....c..i..s...c..o......a....s.._.a.......r....e...s...L.d.e....n...e...,.......b...U...s..kn.~.~.~m~.n......a...n.d......h..o_.m...e..O....w...n....e...r..S...'. .................. .r.e..p...r_.e....s..9 n..t....a....e..&.V..e........f..9..~.....e..$g...h..t....Z...e..a...r...S.... ........ ..%.n.......~....h.e.....R..a....s...t......f....~....u..r.....~...e....a..r....s..*.......h...~...w...e..v. .e..~.., ....... ..I.......h....a-.v...e......$...h~.a...r...e.~.-..~..~.h..e......9.r....~...w..in..~......f...r..u.s..t...r....a..~..i9.m..9.~....m~.~z...~.i.~.~.9.n.~.....Qs9.r...9u.~ ............. .c.L.e.X..'....s..... c...o....n....e..Ln...U...e...d......La...c...k.......o..f.......r..e....s.p.O..n....s...e........%.O.._.%.h....e..i.r.._.n....e...e...d....s.......a...n....d.....p..r...o....b..Le..m...s..,. ................. .............................. A..~.....r...u....n...n..~..n..g......f....~..r..~....c~..L..~.~......c...9-u...n....c..i.L....b....e...c....a....u...s....e.......~....b...9..LL9..x.9.....p..9..~2~..e. ................. .~..u...s....%....b..e...~..w.i3..~L..n..~......~..~......c....~...n....~...r.~L.b...u....~...e.....~...h....e..g.r..~..~.t.L.m....e......a...n..~........a...b..i~..L.~..i..e..s......i..f.......w....e.....a..r...e.. ......... .~;....~.......e...x.p.e...c..~......r...e..s..p..9...n....s..i..v...e......~..~...v..e....r.~.e".n...t.....~ ........ ~Z...9..x..~...e....r.~.~:.e....n...c....e......a...s.......a......b...u..s...~...n...e....s...s. .................... ..e....x...e....c...u.g. '.z..v....e......a...n..4.....c_.o...r.p..o...r....a...t...e......b....o...a..~.~....m9.m.~.gr...w.L~.L...gn.a~.l~....mg....~.9....9.!l.~.~ %x.9..lY.. ............................ ·.H....~..w..~e...v..e....r..`......t...h.e.......m...~....s..~....i..m..p...~..r...~...a....n...~.......qu..a.~.i.f..$.c..~.~..~..~...n.....f...~..r......a....n~......~...f...f....j`.c..e......~..s.....~.~..i.~3. ...... ...~....h..e.......a....b..~.LL.~..~......a....n...~.......w...LLLi.n..~..n....e....s...s.......~....~.......~..p....e...n...~2a....s..¢u.4z...~.~h~.m.~.....~.~....g2p.~z...9D.~.y s ...b....e...s....t....~...u-4~.~..e..n....~.......t...~.......~....h..e...j~...r.......s...~..L..u...t.i..~....n..~ ......... ~......f..e....e.k._.w..e.......m....u...s...g.....r....e...t..g.r..n.......e....o......'.l.~i..%L~.~ .n" · ~ ..o...v..e..r.~..e.. ~.~.,.....w.. b..e...r...e........t...h...e......C...o....u....n...c, i ..1.......r...e.. p...r...e....s..~ n ..t...s......an ..cl.......a...c.....~_ .......f...o....r.......a....1...1.......t....h...e...... p.e....o..2.1 e instea of .gheir own or s ~.9.ial interests. ....................... ................................................................ p.: ....................................................... ............. ............. , .................................... ~/'//dJJ~l~~ 'i -'tot - (,/(,~' v(s~r~l~ candidaf,) I do not elect to file a statement of qualifications as permitted by Sec. 10012.5, Elections Code. Candidate sign here only if ho does not choose to file statement of qualifications Form No. 197--Candidate's Statement of Qualifications © Printed 1.21-70 by Carlisle Co., $. F. 0482-0247 This form may not be reproduced without permission. CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) I ................................................ ~.D...~..A..~..D......~.O....B..?... .................................................................. hereby state: [ was a candidate for election to the office o dj rT... Councilman f ........................... :: .......................... f....;.. ....... ;: ...................................... Mu ni¢ i pal at the .................................................................................................................................................................................................. election held in .............. ..%.o..,u.:%.%...s..~n...f.r..a..p.%.s....o....o. ...................................... , County of ................. .s....a...n......~l...a....1;..e...9.. ................................... , State of California, on the ................... l~..t;..b ..................... day of ..................... A~.tJ..] ..................................... ,19...?.D......; That all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, amounted to the sum of 8...~,..5..~..8....:..7...8... ............................... , and that following are the names of all persons from, whom said moneys were so received, the amount received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amount was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) M.E. & A.P. Toby Richard. Decker -B'fff 5'"'Ud'b'i"gi5 ................................................................ David Friedenberg '~";"-';r"2""'~;5'5'~ .................................................................... W. A. Newman -~iT'E/5~'""g-'~'5'/;'~'"'M'b;~:'gY'"US'~' ................. Ray Vetterlein "~'~i'/;Y~"F"'g~'~h' ~'/;'i/i~¢f ................................................ (Amount) 250,0.0 25.00 "i::'6b-7~'0' ...................... S.!2..6.......Zo.. ..................... 100.00 (Purpose) (Specific or General) Campaign Contribution ........... ff ......................... ti II .......... Ii .......................... W' 50.00 ' "2-.¢'~'TUO' ............................ 100.00 " " ..... 7%'gU ...................... ~' .................. ,-w ........ H. I,. Toby 50.00 " " ..~.h~.~....~3~..~..~9.., ................................................ 8.....~.,.9~ ................................. !~ ........................... " Stuart Sauter Co. 100.00 ,t ,, Pacific Plastics James Bias Sam Barnblatt Joe Cabel] ~arm...~.rm~ .............................................................. Industrial Spec~a!ties Co. ..Z~...~n~n~r.i~as ................................................. Ed Bruske ~.O.~....~ ............................................................................ Pets Rest Cemetery .~2~!...~r.~...~.a~h~.~c .......................... Arvid Olson .&%i&e._Fnrn ~ ~ .......................................................... Mira].oma Realty ~.~!....h~.~...~L~z ................................................... Eugene Aiello Barbara McNair Williston Ford ~l....~ill~nbarg .................................................... Fund-Raising Dance 4/3/70 Totalamountrece~ed ....... 8.2...0...0...,...0....0.. ................................. L'. ............................ __'.' ............... lO. O0 ,i ,, $...I_Q.Q..,.Q.Q. ............................... _,,. .......................... _% ............. 100.O0 " " 8.....z.o....aa ............................ .'.'. ............................. :_'_ ................. 250.0 ? " " $..5.2.8....Q.0. .............................. ?. ....................... ~a ............. 50 o O0 " " 8.....as_..aa .............................. .'.: .......................... 125.00 " " $.....fi.O...Q.O. ................................ ::. ............................ 2. ............. 2.00 " " $....20-,,00 ................................ .~:. ............................. J;_ 50. O0 " " $....5..O....O...q ......................... 'J. .................... --_ 100. O0 " " 8....5..Q....0..0. ......................... '_'. ............................ 20. O0 " " 8....-:~d~..O-d ....................... !! ........................ " 1537. ?8 $.&-,,-S&a.,..7-.8 .................... Form No. l184--CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Prin~ry Elections.) © Printed 1-23-70 by Cnrlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0259 This form tony not be reproduced without permis~ioL That all moneys contributed, loaned, or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of my election comprise the following items of expenditure, the particular purposes of such expenses being stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Items of Expenditure. (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying Expended. Name of Person or Persons to Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom of nomination papers and for the candidate's official ~'3 i L3r o f filing fee .............................................................................. $ .......... .?...-[...,..~..~ ... 5 .o..~. !:~:.h....5 ..a.:*} .....F..r..a:..n. ~.:i.. ~.:?..o..' (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and · 98.00 Tonv-Sic~iani of campaign personnel ........................................................................ : ............... .~ ........... r..:..:. ..... : ........................ (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and Sar-to Chri sto Hall 135.00 halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, 219.49 Pacific Telephone 84.49 heat, and telephone ................................................................................................................................................. (d) For payment of the following personnel: 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. - 450,00 Tony Sicilisn~ 6. ~ntcrtainers ................................................................................................... :7. ...... : ...... f:.:..::.::.:...:: ................... CandSdates~ Outdoor (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, 802 00 Grar:hic Servic~ signs and posters .............................................................................. : ................................................ :: ................. (~) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and _ ~fq ...... handbills ................................................................................ :[.~.:?...:..~.. .~..e..e::....~fij..o..?.[ ................................. (g) For newspaper advertising ...................................................... .]...1...2..:...0...0.....E.E..t.?....r..E:?..i..~f:...,..Lo..:~..r. ma. 3 ......... (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time ........................................................................................... (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, postage other than that provided for in subdivision (f), expressage, and tele- 452,1! See below graphing relative to candidacy ............................................................................................................................ (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- veys ......................................................................................................................................................................... (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls .......................................................................................................... (1) For supervising the registration of voters .......................................................................................................... (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast .............. .-...-...U..'7 ..... tk'l.'~m'"~l~,[~E: .................... L~6-2'; 42. (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays ............. ,5..2...0...,...~...2....D...o_.~...~e,l....l..~ .......................... .~.6.., 00 (o) For. petty cash items relative to candidacy ....................... : ................ 24?, ..x:..-'3~ .-.P..,.Q.~...,.B..Q~..../3.:,.5.Q...~r.s..c[e~-~ s 16, P~... Westboro:.,,gh Deli ca/essen220. OC' ........................................................................................................................ · H~:T'--De-~-~r~fo~ ............... ~ ~ 0 o Total amount expended .................................. ,. ~.4L .6..6..!~...,...0..?: ............................................................... Cou r. tings ...... at ~. oners 2.56 Dolphin Press 12].38 W~stl~ke Stationers !2~.?1 T ~O.P. (") !7.17 Westborough Homeowners' 29.74 Improvement Assn. U.S. Post Office 9.00 County of San Mateo 1~1..30 Serramomte Stationers 2.10 P & K Blueprint Co~ 3.1~ (f) Distribution of Circulars 77.50 Graphic Arts of F1arin 1383.59 A]dine Printing 19.7a UoSo Post Office 171.82 Ooodway Copy Center 10.2g Custom Office Supply 21.95 NOTE:--A candidate, whether before, during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly paying, expending or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expenses are limited to expenses for those purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campaign statement of the candidate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility 'of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf he shall set out that illegal payment n the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Sees. 11501, 11503, 11504, 11562, 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days ~fter the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any political division greater than a county, for members of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congr. ess, members of the State Board of Equahzation, or judge of the superior court, shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one copy with the clerk of the county in which the candidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal offices, shall file one copy of their campaign statement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. No fee or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the filing or recording of any campaign statement. (Sees. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Everyperson is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter I Division 8 of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050 is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 120~ 3, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign state~nents must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campmgn statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Such statement, if required or declaration, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk for municipal offices or County Clerk for district offices of the city or county in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, Elections Code.) CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) ! ..................... ~..0..B.0..0..S....!..~ ....~..0..Skkl...l. ................................................................................... hereby state: [ was a candidate for election to the o]fice of.....$.o...u...t.b.....S..o.o....[.r.~.o.c...~..~...c..o.. .................................................. ................ .c..i.t..y.....C..p...u..n...g.!!.m...a..n.. ................................................................................................................................................................................. at the ...... ~.u...n...}?.~P..9..1.. ................................................................................................................................................................ election held in ............ ..S...q..u...t..b.....~.~...n...[.r.~..n..q.i..,...qp.. ................................................... , County o f ......5...~n.....~.~.~..~.g. ................................................... ., State of California, on the ......... 1.4t..h. .................................... day of ........... .gllr£1 ................................................. ,19 ...... ZO...; That all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, amounted to the sum of $..2.~15...i2 ..................................... , and that following are the names of all persons from whom said moneys were so received, the amount received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amount was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) (Amount) (Purpose) ($pecillc or General) Gordon T. Boblitt Chris & Don Pettish ............... ................................ Rich Ballaglea All. & Bobbie Arfsten 3ock & ~ay Broughan Ruth & 8ob Hall Rosanne & Roger Ericson ................. ~...~...~k..£~o~ ................................. 8onnie & ~rv. Tarbox ................. ~n~..!..~b...Z~ba~b ................................... Helen Headlee ................. ~..J~.~g.~ .................................................. Harry & ~erion Humbert ............. ~ou Pal~ ........................................................ 3. ~. Balsh, 3r .............. [.l_a~ea~£na...Raa~a ........................................ .................. Ialais...~aak...Caap ....................................... Total amount received ........ ................................................................................. $5ss.oo ............................................................................... funds expended on behalf of or individuals of mhom I ha~-.-~-~o~lodgo. Form No. l184--CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) ~ Printed 1-23-70 by Carlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0259 This form may not be reproduced without permission. CENTI~AL FIEE NO: That all moneys contributed, loaned, or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of my election comprise the following items of expenditure, the particular purposes of such expenses being stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Name of Person or Persons to Items of Expenditure. Expended. Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying of nomination papers and for the candidate's official' filing fee .............................................................................. $ ..... 2.k,~l~.[ ............. ~..~..t.y....C..1..~.r...k. ........................... (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and of campaign personnel ........................................................... 25~1.O0 .............. ~.i...s..c...~..1..l_..a..n...~.9..u...s. .................... (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, heat, and telephone ................................................................... 5. .5. ~ .?. J. .............. .P..a...c.}..f..J:..c.....T...~..1.~.p..h.p...n...~. .......... (d) For payment of the following personnel: I. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. 6. Entertainers ......................................................................... ..-..-..0..-..-.. ................................................................... (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, signs and posters .................................................................... .6..0~.,2.~ .............. P..is.c.h~.E.f....g.~. ........................ S.F. Progress, Bailey (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature Pr in t lng, Do 1 o res Press by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and handbill s ................................................................................ .1..0...8..3. :...9..1. .............. ~rd v~ nee-- -S t:, r ...................... (g) For newspaper advertising ..................................................... .7...7..5......0..0.....=. ......... ........ (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time .......................................................................................... (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, postage other than that City Clerk provided for in subdivision (f), expressage, and tele- graphing relative to candidacy ............................................... .?. .7. .,. . .4. ~ ............ P.13..q.~p..~....~..l~l..~.s...q~l.~.~..n.?.p..u.s.. (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- veys .......................................................................................................................................................................... (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls ......................................................................................................... (1) For supervising the registration of voters .......................................................................................................... (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast .......................................................................................... (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays ............................................................................................. (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy ............................................................................................................. Total amount expended .................................... $.29 ~ 5.12 ................................................................ (Candidate Sign Here) NOTE:--A candidate, whether before~ during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly pa~ing, expending or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expenses are limited to expenses for those purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campaign statement of the candidate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf, he shall set out that illegal payment in the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Sees. 11501, I1503~ 1150% 11562, 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any political division greater than a county, for members of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congress, members of the State Board of .Equahzation, or judge of the superior court, shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one. copy wi.th the clerk of the county in which the candidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal offices, shall file one copy of thetr campaign s.tatement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. I~o fee or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the fihng or recording of any campaign statement. (Sees. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Everyperson is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 8, of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections~ or of Section 12050, is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violatton. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send ~lo the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campmgn statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governing body of a district need not file a campaign ~tatement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Such statement, if required, or declaration, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk for municipal offices or County Clerk for district offices of the city or county in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, Elections Code.) VILE NO: ....... ;~,, CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) I MR. TERRY J,. ~I~.~I hereb state: [ was a candidate for election to the office of ........ ~.Z~.~,....~Q.~.It.Q.JJA~2~ ................................................... State of California, on the...?....¢..U..R....T..$.~.~ .............. day of ...... *~..~ZL .................................................. ,19.....~...; That all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, amounted to the sum of $ ...... .2...1,k,.SQ. ................................... , and that following are the names of all persons from whom said moneys were so received, the amount received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amount was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) (Amount) (P. rpose) (Specific or General) Total amount received ....... Form No. lI84--CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Prinmry Elections.) $......_~1~. 5 0 ...... ~ Printed 1-23-70 by Carlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0259 ~ 90 This form may not be reproduced without permission. That all moneys contributed, loaned, or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of my election comprise the following items of expenditure, the particular purposes of such expenses being stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Name of Person or Persons to Items of Expenditure. Expended. Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying of nomination papers and for the candidate's official filing fee .............................................................................. $ ....... ~-~o~-5 ..... C&.t.y....of...S.on.th...Sa~..F. ran. (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and of campaign personnel ............................................................ ~.O..~.O.. ................................................................... (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, None heat, and telephone ................................................................................................................................................. (d) For payment of the following personnel: 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. None 6. Entertainers .......................................................................................................................................................... (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards ~;~ ~.a ~n~,~ l~oYU. Ou Dlsp±ay__ ~roauctlons Inc. (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and $257.78 Display t?ro~ue¥~on.q Inc, handbills .................................................................................................................................................................. (g) For newspaper advertising ...................................................... N~B/t ................................................................... (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time ............ ~laa ................................................................... (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, postage other than that provided for in subdivision (f), expressage, and tele- ~12-00 _ graphing relative to candidacy ............................................. ~[~$[~ ............. ..0...f...f..i...c...o......O...f......~.~..~.....O..O.tlla.gy 0iork (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- None veys ........................................................................................................................................................................... None (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls ......................................................................................................... (I) For supervising the registration of voters .............................. [{.O.D..~. ................................................................ (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast .......~....Har~e. .................................................................. (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays ........... .~22,.05 ........ ~aal...Sa_h2.eJ.~....P2q. o. tagraphy (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy ............................................................................................................ ...... 2.4....t.wa...hg...£nnr. a ,...and..mail ,q .................... .$2D,.65 ........ Br. oadmo.o~...Lumhe~...do, ...... ......... ..................... Total amount expended .................................... $....~1~2~-6.Lt ............................................................. ........ ¢ ........... .......................... /~ (C~ndidate Sig~ Here) NOTE:--A candidate, whether before, during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly paying, expending or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expenses arc limited to expenses for those purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campaign statement of the candidate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf, he shall set out that illegal payment in the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Secs. 11501, 11503, 11504, 1156g, 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any political division greater than a county, for members of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congress, members of the State Board of .Equalxzation, or judge of the superior court, shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one copy with the clerk of the county in which the candidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal offices, shall file one copy of their campaign statement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. No Ice or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the filing or recording of any campaign statement. (Sees. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Everyperson is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 8, of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050, is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send ~o the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campaign statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) . . A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governin, g body of a.d~strtct need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaratxon to that effect. Such statement, if required, or declaration, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk for municipal offices or County Clerk for district offices of the city or county in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, Elections Code.) CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) was a candidate for election to the office at the ............................ /..~. ............................................................................................................................................ election held in ............... :...~....,,Z-..Z~/.. ....... ~....~.....~.....z.....,:~: ...... :...~.'..Z....:...~ ........ , County ......................................................................... State of California, on the ............... Z..~. .................... day of ............ ~.......~.....~:..../.....~. ............................. ,19......Z.~..; That all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, a~nounted to the sum of $ ........... ~ and that following are the names of all persons from whom said moneys were so received, the amount received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amount was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) ...... ................... Total amount received ........ Form No. 1184--CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Purpose) (Amount) (Specific.or General) ~) Printed 1-23-70 by Carlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0259 ~ 9o This form may not ~ reprodu~d without ~rmi~lo~ ~NT~AL ~GO~O~ .7'3 ~9 That all moneys contributed, loaned, or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other perso~,~, in aid of my election comprise the following items of expenditure, the particular purposes of such expenses being stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed a~d by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Name of Person or Persons to Items of Expenditure. Expended. Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom (al For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying ~'7 of nomination papers and for the candidate's official filing fee .............................................................................. $...~.:.. .......~..ff.......~, ....... [..,....-./~..: ............... (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and .... of campaign personnel ........................................................... ,..~.....~...__...~_(__~........Z~....~.~._( ........ (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, heat, and telephone ................................................................ .-~-..:...-~. ........ (d) For payment of the following personnel: 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. 6. Entertainers ......................................................................................................................................................... signs and posters ................................................................... (fl For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature by direct, mail, including postage, throwaways, and handbills ............................................................................................................ /....~ ............................................ (gl For newspaper advertising ...................................................... .~..~;.....-7...../.~..[e'.'.±.~.;~.'~.'...?.".....~.;:.;;..'.'../~.~'C (h) ror radio and television advertising and speech time .......... ....... .......................... (il For office ..... supplies, precinct lists, postage other than thal provided for m subdlvls~on (fl, expressage, and tele- graphing relative to candidacy ............................................. J...-~. ...................................................................... (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- ,,--_ veys ........................................................................................................... : ............................................................ (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls ................................ ~ .................................................................... (I) For supervising the registration of voters ....................................... "'..-. ................................................................. (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast ........................................................................................ (n) photographs, mats, cuts, art work, an, displays .............. (o) ~or petty cash items rdative to candidacy .......................... ~ .D.., .ff...d.?.;....-. ............................................................. '- ........ .................................................................................................................. Total amount expended .................................... $ t/3 .~..~-~ N~)TE:--A candidate, whether before., during, or.after an election, is prohibited from either di~t!y~~ndlngo.°r~V~ ?th. se candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any 'llegal pa~,ment ~~~nC,~.~;~Xhaif, he shall :et out.t.hnat illeg.al pay. gent in the c.ampaign.statement and d. is:laim responsibility for i~. (S(~}ll;iele~ ~i2~3tirela~a0y/ipj~ieSccl~22~ilvtlihi~i~ 12053, S~vU~e~:r~/°ocU/~2~ieSdh:!leul nrfil;idOweirr C~nPn~ih~efat?Seecift~na~sP:i~fX: S)Nffiotce~netirceic~ht2hr~i: °r~,~ :a~?/Oe tffihmceliieese~?lcaofil~l:°~:~tit~p;~ ~rffliierC;CP~C~/!gehntf ~f:~geleomr~!!~nee°gOUo~[~ in°} campaign statement. (Sees. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1 Division 8 of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050 is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaigu statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campmgn statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Such statement if required, or declaration, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk for municipal offices or County Clerk for district offices of the city or county in which the election is held. (Sections 11561 11568 EJections Code.) C~'~"~'~' ,~L RECORDS CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) , c ~ c here state: [ was a candidate for election to the office o at the ......... .~i."...i~.. ...................................................................................................................................................................... election held in.....~..C~( ...................... ~ ............ ~.~(.}X.Q ................................... , County o ................ .q~ ........................ .~. ................................. , State of California, on the ............ g.. ...................................... day ............................................................. That all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, amounted to the sum of $ .......... ~.~...:. ...................................... , and that following are the names of all persons from whom said moneys were so received, the amount received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amount was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) (Amount) (Purpose) (Specific or General) Total amount received ...... $ ............ : ....... :x ............................ Form No. I184~CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Prirnaqt Elections.) © Printed 1-23-70 by Cerlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0259 This form may not be reproduced without perrnissio~ That all moneys contributed, loaned, or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of my election comprise the following items of expenditure, the particular purposes of such expenses being stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Name of Person or Persons to Items of Expenditure. Expended. Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying .....of nomination papers and for the candidate's official //,,.,' ~' ~/'t ~ 'r ~ -£~Z/e~,,"~la ,~C. 37. ~.2~ ming tee .............................................................................. 15 .......... ... ..................... t... ............... ,t ............................. (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and of campaign personnel .......................................................................................................................................... (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and /~. ~-~,~cc ~(,~',~ halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, 2 .~. tY0 heat, and telephone ................................................................................................................................................ (d) For payment of the following personnel 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. 6. Entertainers .............................................................................................. ~723;'~'~'"r4/ ...................................... (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, si~s and posters ................................................................ ~L:sr.:.~.~. ....... ~[~:ge~g....~E2~'.g.~.~. ............... (f) For ~e pre~fing, prhfing, ~d ~sffibufion of ~t~mre by dire~ mail, including ~s~e, ~mwaways, ~d handbills ................................................................................................................................................................. (g) . w paper a&erti i.g .................................................... ......... ...... (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time .................................................................... ~ .................... (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, pos~ge o~er ~an that provided for in suMivision (f), ~presmge, and tele- graphing relative to candidacy ........................................... g..g.~.L~.~ ............. :.:.~....~ ........ :._-~-: ....................... (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- veys .......................................................................................................................................................................... (k) For conve~ng voters to and from ~e polls ......................................................................................................... (1) For supe~ising the registration of voters ........................................................................................................... (m) For watching ~e polling and comting of votes cast ................................................................ : ......................... .... (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays ........ /~ ~ - ..... : ..................................................... (o) For pe~ cash items relative to candidacy .......................................................................................................... Total amount expended .................................... $.~-t~.l-/:..-.~--g ............................................................. (Cqdndidate Sign Here) NOTE:--A candidate, whether before, during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly paying, expending or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expert.scs are limited to expense~., for tho~e purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campmgn statement of the candtdate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf, he shall set out that illegal payment in the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Secs. 11501, 11503, 11504, 11562~ 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any politmal division greater than a county, for members of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congress, members of the State Board of gquahzation, or judge of the superior court, shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one copy with the clerk of the county in which the candidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal offices, shall file one copy of their campaign statement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. No fee or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the filing or recording of any campaign statement. (Secs. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Everyperson is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 8, of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050, is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campmgn statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governin, g body of a .district need not file a campaign st. atemeut if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a wrxtten declaration to that effect. Such statement, ff required, or declaration, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk for municipal offices or County Clerk for district offices of the city or county in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, Elections Code.) Fi' ,~ --.- ( erff rale of leri ou LOalh of Ol) ke STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of ............................ 8..A.n._...~....~.e_o. ...................................... I,. ............................ ..A.r..~..h..~...~..,....tLo_a...o...n.~l ...................................................................... , ...... .C_~2~..~.~..e_r.g ......... of the ................................................... ..Q~.~.7......~...f.....$..~..`~.~...h......$.§..n.....~.r~...n...e...~..~..~:~9. .................................................. , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a ...................................... ..,..u...n..f..e..~...:~. ..................................................... election held in said ..................................................... .~.~7.. ................. on the ...... ~[~.h.. .................. day of. ................ .A..l~r...l...~ ............................... 19_.7..0.. ....... , ..................................................................................................... ~A~.I...cX.~...,._~.~ ........................................................................... was elected to the office of ....................................... ..C...o..~.n...e...i...~.n.. .......................................................................................... as appears by the o~ciaI returns of said election, and the statement of votes cast now on file in my ol~ce. IN I/FITNESS 14ZHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the .................. .Q~1.~f~.7....9...f..... .8. .~...u..~.h......8..~. n~ .....~-..~..n..e`..~.. ~.e-~" ................................ this ........ .2..~ .......... day of ..................................... ..A.I~.r..~..l:. .................... 19.7...0... ........ ............................................... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ss County of ........................... .8..~.n.......~..~..*,.e...o.. ....................................... J ' I,. ............................. .P...a._~r~.e....k....~........A...h...e..r..n.. ............................................................ , do solemnly swear (or a1~rm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against ali enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties .~,p~ which I am about to ent. er. f _.//. ,'---~ /ji"' - . ....... ......... Subscribed and sworn to before me, this.......2...1..~.[ ......... day of ................... .A..p.r!l.. .............. ,19.7..9 ......... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. (1969~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~'/':'\ ! ..... ~'~; ~'~ ' ' I~TED 6-26-69 ~Y CARLISLE CO., $. F. 9482-0699 ,,:o: ..... .... I · of of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of ............................ .~....n.......~.....t..~Q .................................... I, _ ........................... ..A...r..t.h.u...r......A...-_.R..9...d..9.n..d..i. ..................................................................... , ....... .q..i...t..7....C..!..e_.r...k' ........ of the ................................................... .~...~.`t..y.....°...f......~..9..u..t.h.....S...a...n.......~.....aA.e...i...s...e...°.. .................................................. , State of California, muni · do hereby certify, that at a .................................................. .¢.1~....1 ..................................................... elect~on held in said ..................................................... .C....%.t.y. ................. on the ...... .1..5.t...h... .................. day of. ................ ..A.l~.r..i....1.. .............................. 19..2.0.. ........ ........................................................................................................... .~.I....~...I3g.....A.~...,B.O.I~A ................................................................................... was elected to the offce of. ...................................... .C...o...u...n..9..~.~..n. ............................................................................................ as appears by the official returns of said election, and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN 14ZlTNESS I4ZHEREOF, I have hereunto aff~ced my hand and the seal of the Ci..t.~.. of South San Francisco t h is....21~..t. ............. day of .............................. .A. .~ r...i...1... ................................ 19_7...o... ........ ............................... ............................................ ..c.L*j_g.l~r.~ .... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, t ]ss County of .......................... .S...a..n....g.a....~.....o.. ........................................ J ' /, ............................ ...w.!!!.$.....~.......a.........~..o..r. ka.. ............................................................. , do solemnly swear (or affrm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this. .......2...1...s...t.. ........ day of. ............. ..Al~.r...i...1.. ................... 19...7.0... ....... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE. (1969) CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) (3750 et seq. Gow~rnment Code) ......................... ~..%.l...~.Am.....B...2r..l?....a. ................................................................................. hereby state: was a candidate for election to the o~ce of .......... ..Q~..%.y......q~..u..~..c...i.!.m....a...n. ............................................... at the .................. .G....e...n....e...~.9...1......~..u...n...~.9.~.P....9..1.. .................................................................................................................. election held in...S..P....u...t...~:,.S...~.n.......F...E..a...n...9.~..s....c..2 ................................................. , County of. ........... ..S..~a...~a.te.a. ...................................... ., State of California, on the ............... .!.~.~.h... ......................... day of ........................ A~mi.1 ................................. , .19..2.0. ...... ; That all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, a~nounted to the sum of $ ...... 2..,..5.al....6.1 ............................ , and that following are the names of all persons from whom said moneys were so received, the amount received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amount was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (From whom or what source received) (,4mount) (P#rpose) (Specific or General) C.O.P.E. Total amount received .......... Form No. I184--CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATI~MENT. (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) ~ Printed 1-23-70 by Carlislo Co., S. F. 0482-0259 This form may not be reproduced without pormissio~- That all moneys contributed, loaned, or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other person, in aid of my election comprise the following itemx of expenditure, the particular purposes o[ such expenses being stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Name of Person or Persons to Items of Expenditure. Expended. Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying of nomination papers .and for the candidate's official filing fee ...... .q..u...a..~.~.~.3..¢.~..t2.i...o...n.....s...12.a..~..e...m..e._rL.1_. ...... $ ..... 2..1..,...8...5....C...i..~.....C...1...e...r.~ ................................ (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and of campaign personnel .......................................................................................................................................... (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, heat, andtek~h0ne 114 4g P T.~T (d) For payment of the following personnel: 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. (e) Higgins L'umber Co ; So City Lumber; Early 5. Speakers. ' ' 6. Entertainers .............................................. ..A..m...e...r...i...c...a..n...?...a...i...n...t..;.....s..-~..a~n......~...i~g..n......~..~..:.~.L...B..9...r..b..~....~.tg. Co.; and Newton Novelty Co. (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, 704.75~.(f)U. S. Post Office; Coast signs and posters ...................................................................................... ~i'~;~'~,'~'~'~";"~'~7~¥'"~5~;~_'~ t i n g; (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature c.u. ~. ~.; ~eo. Wolfman Co.; by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and ~estetner Corp.; Kingsmen handbills ............................................................................. 12.8.g.~..~.2... Cor.~ a.;....a~d...Bail~.y...P.r.£n t i n g Advance Star and (g) For newspaper advertising .................................................... .~.~.7..,..7..0....~.t..e.~p.r..~.~..e..-..~.,.O..~l..r...n..~..~. ......... (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time .......................................................................................... (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, postage other than tha! C o~?/v ~ provided for in subdivision (t), expressage, and tele- graphing relative to candidacy ............................................... .1...8..,..0...0.._..~.....C...1...e...r..k.. ................................ (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- veys .......................................................................................................................................................................... (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls ......................................................................................................... (1) For supervising the registration of voters .......................................................................................................... (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast ......................................................................................... (n) For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays ........................................................................................... (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy ............................... 22~..~.5... ~a.~.~.na.r..y.-.gt-.r. -~ ............ Total amount expended ....................................~.5.fi3....~2L ............................................................... (CandicFate Sign Here) NOTE:--A candidate, whether before, during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly paying, expending or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expenses are limited to expenses for those purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campaign statement of the candidate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf, he shall set out that illegal payment in the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Sees. 11501, 11503~ 11504, 11562, 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any political division greater than a county, for members of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congress, members of the State Board of ~xlualization, or judge of the superior court, shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one copy with the clerk of the county in which the candidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal offices, shall file one copy of their campaign statement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. No fee or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the filing or recording of any campaign statement. (Sees. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Everyperson is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 8, of the Elections Code and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050, is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the candidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campmgn statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Such statement, if required, or declaration, must he filed in the office of the City Clerk for municipal offices or County Clerk for district offices of the city or county in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, Elections Code.) CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) (Sections 11503, 11504, 11560, Elections Code.) ............................ ?.~..t...r...!..c..k.. .....E....,.....A..h e..r...n.. .................................................................... hereby state: was a candidate for election to the office of ................ .C.'...o...u....n...C.i..1......~....n.. ................................................... at the .................. .G....e...n....e...r...a...1.........~......n...~.c...~P.a...1.. .................................................................................................................... election held in ............. .S...9...U. .tz.h.......S....a...O.....F....r....a...n...C. ..i..s....c..9. ....................................... , County of ............ .S....a...n....... .~ ....1;....e...O. ........................................ , State of California, on the ..........1....4...t....h.. .................... day of ......... ..A..pr.i..l, ......................................... ,19..7..0 ....... ; That all moneys paid, loaned, contributed, or otherwise furnished, directly or indirectly, to me or for my use, in aid of my election, amounted to the sum of $.......3...~..2..6..3........0....0.. ............................. , and that following are the names of all persons from whom said moneys were so received, the amount received from each and the specific purposes (if any) for which said amount was re- ceived being set opposite his name: (Purpose) (From whom or what source received) (Amount) ($pecilfc or General) Ticket Sales-Ahern Re-election Rally 3-22-70 ...................................................................................................... $. ........... 1.~2.8.Q...0D. .............. .Gen~.r~l. .... C.O.P.E 3. ..... llJ2Lio..._(Eah...~d.v. ....... Sp~cm) ................... Nick Sabara J. Brusco .B2.e...v.,e_r_ly G1 e n_.w...9_.o_d_.C._o...r..p.... ............................. F. Berretta ~g~-f~-~-{~-~{- ..... ~. ................................................ Bob Fontana Pasantino Produce Co Yi~3-h'~'/ff""i~'/i~i~i'~'~'{fi'~ ....................................... Ed. 0~DonnelI 31'""~T-ff~'f~5'F"ff3' .................................................... t.....gz.o~u, an ................................................................. Elton McGraw Bi....l_l.....B_O..~i.~. f.£ 2. ........................................................ H, L, Richman ~ .................... ~n...on.. ~ ...................... k~.Q.~.OD... ~ ........................ ~.~.Q~.. $ ......................... ~.~.Q~_ 50.00 $ .................... !Qg.~.Q~... 225.00 ~ ................. 100,00 $ .................. 63,00 P.r±n.t~ing...&. Po.q t~ go Cnh. AHv .... ~pace _ G.e. ae..r.a.1 ........... .P....o.~.a_g.e. .............................. ,_ .P...o..~..~a_&e. ............................. t_e...n...ezca..! ................................ _..P_9...s..~.~g.e.. ................................. Postage ..G~naral ............................. _2.~a t~ g e_ ........... Postage Total amount received ......... $ ............ ':1,243 Form No. I184--CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT. (For Elections other than Primary Elections.) © Printed 1-23-70 by Carlisle Co., S. F. 0482-0259 This form may not be reproduced without permissiom. That all moneys contributed, loaned, or expended by me, directly or indirectly by myself or through any other persoit, in aid of my election comprise the following items of expenditure, the particular purposes of such expenses being stated in each of said items, the amount and the name of the person to whom such amount was contributed, loaned or paid, and the services performed and by whom performed being set opposite thereto: Name of Person or Persons to Items of Expenditure. Exl~mded. Whom Paid or Disbursed and Service Performed and by Whom (a) For the preparing, printing, circulating, and verifying of nomination papers and for the candidate's official filing fee ...... Q~raliELcalzicm_..~S.~zalzeme. r~_ ...... $ ....... J..1..:...8...5 .......... ..C...i..t...y.....~..1...e...r...k. ..................... (b) For the personal traveling expenses of the candidate and of campaign personnel .......................................................................................................................................... (c) For rent, furnishing and maintaining headquarters and halls and rooms for public meetings, including light, heat, and telephone ................................................................................................................................................ (dj For payment of the following personnel: 1. Campaign managers. 2. Advertising agencies and publicity agents. 3. Stenographers and clerks. 4. Precinct workers. 5. Speakers. 6. Entertainers ......................................................................................................................................................... United Adv. Display; Bostitch (e) For the preparing, printing, and posting of billboards, 945 05 J Gilio (Cab Adv Space) signs and posters ............................................................................... : ............. : ............................................. : ........ H.J. Carle & Sons; Victor & (f) For the preparing, printing, and distribution of literature Carter; COPE; U. S, Post Office by direct mail, including postage, throwaways, and ]., 955.87 Goodway. Printing handbills ............................................................................................................................................................. (g) For newspaper advertising. ..................................................... .2...5..f..L:...7...3....A....c!.V. ...... S.l~.o,l:.;....$.&r~...lVlttr,,e.o.. Times (h) For radio and television advertising and speech time .......................................................................................... (i) For office supplies, precinct lists, postage other than that provided for in subdivision (f), expressage, and tele- graphing relative to candidacy ............................................................................................................................ (j) For making canvasses of voters and public opinion sur- veys .......................................................................................................................................................................... (k) For conveying voters to and from the polls ......................................................................................................... (1) For supervising the registration of voters .......................................................................................................... (m) For watching the polling and counting of votes cast ........................................................................................ (nj For photographs, mats, cuts, art work, and displays ................................. Bee---H-i--ee--L-ee'ee---r--Shop 15 50 Westlake <' ' · otatloners (o) For petty cash items relative to candidacy ............................................................................................................ Total amount expended .................................... $...3..L-2..-4-..3..:..-0..? ........................................................... (Candidate Sign Here) NOTE:--A candidate, whether before, during, or after an election, is prohibited from either directly or indirectly paying, expending or contributing any money or other valuable thing, or promise so to do, except for lawful expenses. Lawful expenses are limited to expenses for those purposes only which are provided for in Section 11504 of the Elections Code, and must be shown in the campaign statement of the candidate. If a candidate at any election other than a primary seeks to avoid the responsibility of any illegal payment made by any other person in his behalf, he shall set out that illegal payment in the campaign statement and disclaim responsibility for it. (Sees. 11501, 11503, 11504, 11562, 11590, 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) A candidate for election shall file his campaign statement within 35 days after the election, or not later than the day preceding the day upon which the candidate takes office, whichever first occurs. A candidate for office to be filled by the voters of the State, or any political division greater than a county, for ~nembers of the Senate or Assembly, Representative in Congress, members of the State Board of .Equalization, or judge of the superior court, shall file one copy of their campaign statements in the office of the Secretary of State and one copy with the clerk o{ the county in which the candidate resides. Candidates for all other offices, except municipal offices, shall file one copy of their campaign statement in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the election is held. No fee or charge shall be made or collected by any officer for the filing or recording of any campaign statement. (Secs. 11563, 11564, 11566, Elections Code.) Everyperson is guilty of a misdemeanor who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 8, of the Elections Code, and any person convicted under the provisions of said chapter, so far as that chapter applies to primary elections, or of Section 12050, is disqualified from holding the office for which he was a candidate at the time of such violation. (Sections 12053, 12054, Elections Code.) No officer shall issue any certificate of election to any person until his campaign statement or the written declaration required in Section 11561 has been filed. The officer, with whom campaign statements must be filed shall send to the canclidate not more than three days after the election, the necessary forms for submitting his campaign statement. (See Section 11565, Elections Code.) A candidate or nominee for a municipal office, or for election to the governing body of a district need not file a campaign statement if the lawful receipts and expenses of his campaign do not exceed $200, but must file a written declaration to that effect. Such statement if required, or declaration, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk for municipal offices or County Clerk for district offices of the cty or county in which the election is held. (Sections 11561, 11568, Elections Code.)