HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 29-1910IgI$-IgII. Th~ Boar~ of Trustees ef the 01ty of Seuth San de orAain s.s fellews ; Sectien I. The menthly rates ef oe~ensatien te be ch~g~ ~r cell~t~ ~ a~ p~rs~n, eer~a~ er cerperatien ~p$1yi~ water te the i~Bitants ef s~i~ Oity, er te ce~snies er eerp~rati~n therein, fer the ye~ cerz~enoi~ July 1st. I9I$, and e~i~ June E~th, IgII, ~e hereby fix~ ae fellews; General ~nthly wat~ rates fer water serv~ t~ugh met~s ~hall ~e st the rate ~f twenty-five cents p~ theusand gallens ; prevl~.~ ths. t the charge f~r servi~ wat~ t~ough ~ meter shall ~t Be less han ~ne ~llar per r. mnth f~r a~ service c~eetien. ~' Wat~ ~ppli~ ,therwise than t~ugh metes shall ~e ~rnish~ at meter rates f~r the an~unt eeti~t~ te have been s~ ~ppli~. Sectien 2. Met~ rstee ~ll be payable at the ~nd ef each menth ~h~e met~$ ~e useA, sll bills er receipts fer the psyment rates er charges shall h~ve ~itten there~, the meter reaAi~s _;or which sai~. m~h ~rg es sre ms~e . ~eetien This er~inance shall Be ~li~eA ~nce in "The Ent~prise", a weekly newspaper printed s. nS. pu~i~e~ in the City af ~ancisoe, and ~ll take effect and be in,rcs en ~uly 1st. I~I$. Intr~due~ the ~ ~s.y ef Fe~ua~, A.D. IgI~. Passe~ and ad~pted, as a~ ~r~iuance ef the City cf South San Francisco, at a re~lar meeti~ ~f the Be~d of T~stees ef the City ~f Seuth San Prancisce, this ~~. A~ ~f Fe~a~ by the f®llewing vete : , Des, ar~ in laver cf %he ~assage/~f saiA er&ina~e ; ~igned sn~ appr~'~ve~ as an erAinance ef sai~ ~i~, this P~ESI D~T .f  the city ef Seuth San ~L~K ef th S,uth San