HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 31-1910 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN TH~ ~ITY ~F S~UTH ~AN T~e Be~ ef T~stees ef the 0it7 ef ~euth San ~ranci~ Ae ordain as fellers : Section 1. ~xo~t ~ ~y be oth~rwi~e prevlAe~ ~ ~en~ai law ~f the, State ef ~aliferni~ ~tice ef ~11 general ~nd speei~l ~nioipal eleotiens te the bela in the Oi~ ef South San ~ancisce sh~ll be given ~.s herein~.~ previeW, te wit : A notice ef sa~ election sh~ll be is~eA at least ten (I$) ~6~.ys bef,re the d~y ef s~i~ elation ~.ud ~mll be ~li~ in a ~new~aper print~ ane. ~li~e~ in sal~ City ef ~euth San ~rancisee, ~n~ ~all appe~ in at least t~ (~)~is~ee th,m~f, the first ~licatien ~f sal~ ~tioe te ~e at least e~ht (S) A~s prier ~ t~e ~ ef election . Section Except ns m~y ~e otherwise prevlA~ ~ genial law ef ~St~te ~,f Cali~'erni~, the notices pr~vi~e~ for in the Dr~i~ section shall contain a statement ef the t~ne ~f the election, the offices te be fill~, the Be~r~ er Be~rAs ef Election, the Election ~r Precincts, e~. Pelli~ Place er Places . Section This ~r~in~nee shall be ,~blish~ once in "The ~t,~rprise,, ?a weekly new~per pri~ mhd publi~e~, in the Olty ef Seu~ San ~ancisce, ~ ~all take eff~t ~.nS,. be in f~rc~ ~em an~ aft~ the ~ay ef its p~ssage . INT~$DUSED, the ~ day ~f Fe~~. A.D. I9I$. P~S~ ~ ADSPT~, a~ an ~r~i~nee ef the ~ity ~f Seu~ City .f Seuth San ~rancisce, this ~~Aay ef March, AoD. IgI$, ~ the f. llewir~ vet® A~, ~ in fair ~f the ~ssage e~~ er~l~e ; $1gne~ ~ appr~v~ as an ,rdina~me ,f sal~ City, this / PRE~ID~T s *f the Cl~ the/ S,uth Shn Francis~e. ATTEST : ~L~K of th ~f S,uth San Franclsce.