HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 33-1910 An ordinance te Amend Sectien Num~a~:Sixteen (16), ef
Ordinance ~um~er Sixteen (15), ef the ¢tt~ ef
San Frs~isoe, entitl~, , An ~r~i~nce ~~i~ the
R~lstratien ef Plumbers and Pip~l~s ; )~ixi~ the
~equ~ement~ fer ~ LAoense fer the~e e~~ in the
PlumMi~ and Pip~la~i~ Business ; R~iati~
Plumbl~ ~ ~.ln~e ~er~; (Pre~l~ fer the
fer the In~tlen ef PlumblD~ an~ ~al~ge ~er~;~
the Fees in p~yment ther~er,'~ previdi~ a Pe~al~
fer Vielatlen ,,, passe~ a~ a~pte~, th~ I~th. d~ ef
~bru~.~, 1909.
The Be~ ~f T~stees ef the Oity .f Seuth San
Seotien 1.
Seotien Number Sixteen (1~) .f ~rdinance ~er S~teen
(1~) ef the Oity ~f Seuth S~n Fr~noisc., entitled, . An
~equiri~ the r~istrati~n ~f plumb~s and pip~l~ers~ ~ixi~ the
r~u~ements fer a license f~r th, se e~ag~ in the Dlumbi~
pip~l~i~ business ; r~gul~ti~ plumbi~ ~nd ~ai~e
pr~vl~i~ f~r tl'~ inspection ~f plumbi~ a~ ~ain~e werk; f~i~
tl%~ fee~ in payment ther~fer, and previdi~ a pen~ity fer vlel8tien,,
"pss~e~ an~ ~d~pted the 15tHe ~sy of ~b~$~r, i909,, ~s her~
amende~ se as te read as f~ll~ws;
~EOTI~N 1~ . This Ordinance shail be publi~h~, ono~ in
"The ~terprise,,, s wetly n~Der printed and publishe~ in the
City ~f S~uth San Pr~nolso~ ~nd~ ~811 t~e eff~t and be in ferce
twe ye~s ~m a~ aft~ the ~te ef ~ pass~e .
T~'~!s ~r~inance sh~ll be pu~llsh~ e~e in ,The Enterprise,,
a wetly newspap~ printe~ ~nd ~blishe~t in th~ Cit~ ~f S~uth San
~8~iso~ ~n~ ~.11 t~e effect snd be in f~roe l~,m and after the
~te ~f its
INTRODUCED, the y ef M~ch, 19~.
PASSED ~D ADOPTED, as Rn ~rdinanoe of th(~ city ef Seuth
ef ef Trus%ees ef
San Francisce, at a regular meeting, th~ Beard
v. te .'
AYES, and in faver ef the passage ef said erdinance :
N'$ES, and against the passage .~f said erdinance : ~
T~USTE~S 6'~.~
Signed ani appr~ved as mn 0rdi_nan~_e of t~. City
ef Seuth San Fra~i~co, ti~is~~y ef~~gIO.
PRESID~T O~of ~th San F~ncisoe.
ef th~ City
~L~K of the/~ *I S,uth San Franclso..