HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 36-1910An Ordinance Zstabll~hing a Yire D~t~nt in and for ~he ~ity ef South S~ ~cisco. C~Nr~A~.~O~ .... --- -o:..2.-J ~he ~oar6 of T~atees o~ the Ol~y of South San ~ran°iseo. ~e o~ ~o' '0i~7 of south S~ Y~lsoe, to b.e Xne~ as the 8~th ee~a~es of f~r~ e~g~s~ ~nte ohe~e~ e~ne, hose heoX-~-l~ eo~e8, as the ]o~G of T~stees ef 8al~ city ~1 ~thorlze ~ ~t to the ~epartment; p~vi~ that the~e sh~l ~t be ~re t~ ea~ ef each of said ee~anles, for eaeh eno theusan~ i~abit~t~ of 8~d city. The ee~anies of 8al~ meat shall De organized as follows: Each ehe~eal e~lne ee~a~ shall consist of eno foremen, one asslst~t fere~, ~ men. Eaeh hooE-and-le~er ee~ ~1 oen~st ef ese eno assistant fe~e~, ~ tw~ty men. ~aeh heee ee~ consist ef one fore~, eno aeslst~ for~, ~ tw~ty ~etion .2.. Each e~~ ~8t el~t a fer~n, ~ eh~l bo the P~esl~l~ officer; ~ assistant fore~, a s~et~ ~ er, ~d. ~y establish an~ a~pt ~-l~e ~ r~atlen8 for the~ ,geyser net inconsistent with the ordln~e8 ef this the r~lations ef the Be~d of T~steee for the government ef said fire d~artment. · ~e~ 3. ~he officers ef s~ ~ep~tment ehali be, eno shier ez~lneer, ese assistant e~ief e~lneer a~ a $~et~, ~e be ap~inted by the Board of T~etees, at lts/~~,' ~ ~- - meeti~ ~ the ~nth ef Mevember, in each year. Their te~s ef efflce eh~l be far one ~ear fram and after the first day ef D~ oe~er fellow[~, and until their ~cceeeere are appeinted and qu~lfi~; ~bj~t hewever, te re~v~ far cause after netlce and he~l~, ~ s~ld Beard. The Ohief Engineer shall receive of ten (1 dallas per month, payable by the cit~. ~ect~en k. The Ohief Engineer, sDall be chief ef the f~re depart- ment, and shall give a bend te ~e Oit~ of South S~ the pen~ ~ ef ene theus~d dellars cenditioned far the faith- ~ perfer~nce ef his duties. He ~st Xnqulre inte the cause ef eve~ fire occurrir~ in the city, and keep a recerd thereef: he ~st aid mn the enforcement of ~1 fire ordnances of the city, ex,ne ~lldi~s in presses ef erection: r~ort violations ~nth- lyte the Be~d ef T~stees eft ordinances relating te the preven- tion er exti~ls~ent of fires, and when directed ~ the }eard ef T~stees institute pros~utlens therefor, and Perform ~eh eth- er duties as may be prescribed ~ the e~ln~oes ef the city, or by law ~esed upon him. He ~st attend all fires with his ba~e ef office conspicuously displayed; ~st prevent lnju~ re, t~e eh~ge of ~d preserve all property reseu~ from fires, ~d r~ turn the e~e te the owner ther~f en payment ef the expenses in- eurr~ in savl~ ~d keepl~ the e~e: the ~unt ther~f, when ~t ~reed to, to be deter~ned by the p~per oe~t as required ~ law. He ~1 have control and so--nd/at fires ef all opera- tions, and officers ~d men ef the dep~tment, ~d ef the hy~an~s~.~ ~d water ~PPXY. He ~all have authority te blockade ~y street In ~nt ef er ne~ ~y fire, ~d p~hibit the passage ther~ver of any vehiole or any person er persons, ether than a ~peace of- ficer, or members of said department. Ail members and effieers ef the depa~%ment shall ebey his. orders; and it shall be the ef all oempanies and t~e me, ers ther~f, L~ ef sai~ ~epartment to t~n out ~t ~11 f~ ~ith their apparatus, u~ees ethe~lse er~er~.~ ~or nen-perfer~nee ef ~uty, members ~y De ~spen~ ~ the Ohief E~ineer~ whe ~all ~epert ~h ~8pensien8 te the Ber~ ef ~stees, at its first re~l~ meeting thereafter, far ~eh action as the ~e~d ~y deem prepay. Members ef ee~ies, ~d efficers and me, ers ef said dep~tmen~ ~y be re~v~ ~ the ~e~rd of T~etee8 at a~ t~e far cause, after netiee and he~l~. ~he ~ E~lneer shall have charge, ~bject te the erder~ ef the ~oard ef T~stee8, ef ell preperty ef t~e department. He sh~l render a ~nthly report to the ~e~d of ~stees, en the last day of each ~nt~, glvl~ a list ef all fire8 ecc~ri~ i~ the ~nth, with the ~unt ef da~ge and cause If knewn. Fire app~atu8 8hall net ~e t~en from the city exert in ease ef fire, u~es8 ~ per~sslon ef the Be~d ef ~stees. So~tien $. Ne liability shall be incurred ~ er attach te the Oity of ~euth ~ Franeisee, en aeee~t ef the fire department, er ef ~y ef its offleer~ or e~leyeez, er ef ~y eo~. thereef, except ~eh as shall be-~~ly erder~, ~thorized er a~p~v- ~ ~ the ~e~d of T~stees. ~ee~en~ 6. The several ee~ies ef the present 8euth San Yran- eisee ~ire District r~y be a~tted to the fire department b~ the Be~d ef T~stees ef the city, en applloatlen In ~iting of the members thereof: previd~ the officers ~d membership ef said panics shall be the same as herein requlr~ far ee~ies ergan- ized under this erdinanee, far a~ssien to said department. ~eetien 7. ~he S~reta~ ef said department sh~l keep a record ef fires, with the e~ses ther~f; and da~ge done there~ when ~newn. He sh~l receive a zal~ of twelve (12) ~oll~s per ann~ payable by the city. He shall be the ousted, lan of therecords of the department,and attend to all correspondence pertaining thereto. ~mtt~ M. A eo~ 8eeki~ a~selen te the dep~t~~ file an applicatien in ~iting with the Seereta~ ef~d~ ~ the members, acco~ani~ ~ a certificate in ~iting, smgn~ by the ~ereman and seoret~ ef said eo~a~, chewing the date ef its organiz~tien, n~es ef effieers and ~er ef members. Ail the members ~st ~bseribe ~o and agree te eb~ the ~les and r~lations ef the dep~tment and the Be~rd Of ~stees. ~ Lists ef members and officers of all ee~anies ~1 a~ aii ~efl Oe file with the eeereta~ ef the dep~tment. ~e Bear~ef T~stees shall have power te ~spend er dis~ss ee~anies er individu~8 f~m the department at any time. Oe~anie8 shall be designat~ ~be~,-from one upwa~ds-~ud shall be known as, "Ohe~eal E~ine Ca,any No. /.. ; er"Hess Oe~any Ne. Z :'erwHeok-~d-Ladder Ce~a- ~ Ne. / ;"(givi~ ~ber) 9oath San Yranci~ee Yire.Dep~tment. · eGtion 9. ~he Bo~d of T~stees ~1 provide each statien er teem eooupied ~y fire app~atus, or as a meeting place for a pa~, with a ~p showi~ the location of all hy~ts. The persen who shall ~rnish a horse ~d haul ~ire apparatus to any fire, shall be paid ~wo (2) dellars. .~eet%en 10. In the absence er inability of the Ohief Engineer te act, the Assistant Ohief E~i~er shall ae~e and perform the du- ties of the effioe of chief e~ineer: and in ~he absence er ina- bllit~ ef the fere~ Af a ca,any to act, the assi~t~t fore~n shall a~e ~d perferm the dutiea of fore~. . . ! lee~ie~ 11. Ne person shall be eligible to any position in said department, who is net a citizen ef. th~U~n~l~ed States, and a resi- dent ef this city a,t least erie ~ear, ~~er twent~-ene (21) ~e~s ef ~e at th~e ef his appointment er a~sslen thereto. ~tion ~. Each of the Sever~ oo~anie8 of the d~tment sh~l h~ld ~~ meet~a en~ ~he last Tuesday in November In each ye~. At ~h meet~s the members ef each ee~any sh~l elect ~ b~- let from their ~_~ber a fere~n, ~ assistant fe~e~, a s~r~ t a~ ~ a trea~er. An~ vacuoles eee~ri~ in a~ flees shall be filled ~ elation in like ~er. $~tie~ ~. This 0rdin~ee sh~l be ~bli~ once in THE ~TE~- P~E, a weekly newspaper print~ and ~li~ed South San ~rancisee, and shall t~e effect and be in force en ~d after its pass~e. Int~u~ the ~~ ~ay of ~19,~ · ass~ ~d adept~ as ~ 0rdlna~e ef the Olt~ ef ~euth cisce, at a re~l~ meeti~ of the ~e~T~st~e~ ef said city held en the ~.~ ~ day el' ~ ~~ t9~ ~/the fellewi~ vets: . ~//_.~ Ayes~ and in favor ef She pass~e~sal$~rdina~e:-T~ste~s, Absent, Trustees,, ~~~ President of the ~oard of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancis~co. Attest: ~ ~ '~-~~ . ~lerk of th~ ~ity of South San Fran- cisco, and ~-efficio Clerk ef the Board of Trustees ef said city. Signed and approved a~ an ordinance of the City of South. San ~ra~cisco, this ~__~_~ day of ~~~a~ 19~ ~'Preside~t ef the, ~e'ard of T~ustees of the City of South San ~raneisce.