HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 46-1911 · . ;J" . ~ ,.. ,. f .. ..... ..,. ~ .....~;,~ .'.%. ~., *~,~. , An ordinance esta; lishing a Ci'ty The z,~a~d, of ?r'ustr~es or the City of o~, do ordain as folio,us: Sectio~I. The Of Cicial City Base , or ~lane of Reference for elevat:io~s i:q the City of South o, , ~ oar, ?rancisco n ia. Section,, .,~. The t,_,? ~.¢,-, a ccrt~:~r' ~or~ bolt set of ;:~ certain cr'~:;nJ, tc morument,which monument n:..rt2~ pro!~erty line o" Grand Avenue, ne~zr the i:nterf~ection thc north lir:e off Grand Avenue and the west line and. % t,-oe ~e~'~ .... the cu"'ro a~f. side'.,valk on I.,i~den. Avenue, is betel]v., de- clared to Lc ..... ~:, .... ~rimal .~'3~-._ac.,,~ Nark of the City" of ~',~uuth~ * ~:,~n~" Fr:tn- cisco ;~nd 'the ~levation th~r'eof i.~ thirt77-one f',,e~ anrl eleven huudreths of a foot (:SI.II) above the Cit.~ Base. "a .... ner,~a~ter' established in ;:,_,ction S. Ail official elevati..J'~s ' = the Ci+'''' ~" ~¢. o.~ Scuts:. San ~ranci:sco shali be de~cribed .vith reference to the Official City .Bazc in feet and decimal parts of a foot. No,_,,'rt"a:]a ~' official eleva~,i,,.n shall be estal.:lishcd, exce~:t ordinance an'-! i:-~ ,,.r..: manner ~escr'ibed in this ordinance. Sectiou 4. This ordinance shall be put:~l', z~a.>d~' ~nce' in The F~+"rpris¢, a we<~!clj/ ne,~ol,~uer l-;r'i;ct,',~ and pui31ishe~ s~ll t;tke ~ ct. and ,.e in force S~.t¢~ San ~rancisco, and .... '' ..¢~¢ ~ date of its from ~md aft, r Introduced 'the ~/._~ay of ~__I?-..}l_r, ?a:~se~] and adcT:t~] as an ord~ce o~ the Ci*,z.... of Set,th San F~-'ancisco~ at a ~-'e~ular meeting of Ci+',~' of South San 'w¥~ncisco, this ~, _.I 9 i i, b2' the foll~inFj vote: