HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 47-1911 ~m~ ~1~ CENTRAL RECOI~DS
An Ord. in~_~nce ~stablishing O-~'~icial ~levat~o~' ~n ~and Avenu~
betwe?n tim East Line of !:ivigion Stre<:t and tim '.':~ea~t Li ~e
:~aple Avenue. ~:~..~ .
The ]'~oard of Trustees of the City of South San ~ ' '
do ordain as follows:
Secti..n I..~xe official e e ~ i" of ~.a¢:. .....
Grin~ Average and Divi~ior~ Street ar~ her;~:~by fix~:,~ ai~ ~ ......
Swit: At a point forme:~ by the intersection of the w~s~ l:~ne of
~ ~n the north line ~f
I~ivision otr~et wi~
. ~ ...... north cu~'q~ of Grand
:.Aven'~e sevent~-.en and two tentn.~ (I7,2) fe~t above the City. .~ ~a ~'~e'
;~t a poin~ fsrmed by the int,~rseetfi, on of ;~. we,lL line o~ ]~ivisi~n
Street with ~;~:ie south li~e of t?r!e s~th cui"]~ c;n Grand Avenl~ six-
teen ;~nd ei~}it tent}is (I6,$) feet above the City ~Ease;at ~ point
furmeJ, by tn. intersecti,m of the east line of T)ivision orr .... t
with the(north line ~f Grand Averme seventeen and 'five tenths
(I~'~ ..... 5] ~at above ts,.~e City ~';"~..,' at a point for~ed by the inter-
s~cti~on of the east line of 7)ivision Stre~3t wi~h t}Le3s'cuth
of Grand Avenue sixteen and ni~Jm tenths (I5.9) feet above the City
Section2. The uF:gicial elew~tions of the inte~ecti~n
San Bruno lJ~oad and Grand Avenue ~.~re hereby fixed a:~; follo~vs, to-
wit: At a ~oint f~rmed by tn... iht: rsecticn of the east lin~ of
San Br't~io Ro~!d "' '
,itn the north line ~f t?fie north curb on Grand Ave-
hue seventeen and fi'~e tenths (I7.5) fe~t above the Cit,:.- Base;
¢~, a p~int fonned by tn~ int, ersecti:;n of the west line of San
~runo Rat:id with the nor?~t line ~f the north curb of Grand Avenue
sevente,'~n and six tent?~s (I7.5) feet ab:~ve the City Base;at a
point fcmed by the intersecti:,.n.of the east line ~f San Bruno
Road with thenorht line of the nor~ curb of Or~tnd Avenue seven-
teen (17) feet above th~-~e City Ba~e; at a p~int formed by
intersection of the west line ef San Bruno Road w~th the south ~.~
line of th~: south curb of Ground Aven~e seventeen and f~ve' tenths_
(I7.5) feet _.bove the City-Bas~: .
..qecti,,~n 3. ,?he official elevations o,~ the intersecti:,m of
Cypr~:.~ Avenue and 0~.~,.~.~ Av~nu~.~ ;~'e he~'e~ f~xed as f~!lcu~ t~-
wit: At a point for~?.ad by the i~ters~c~i..~m of the east lin
Cypres~ Aven~,~ wi~-' the north 15. ne of tT,a r~:,rth c~.,~ :, .~f ....ra~,d
Avenue nineteen arid fifi..?' six ;;.~n,.']~'oth~ (I .:':,~:) fe,:.t ab::w~ the
Cit[~' Base;~,t a~ point f~r~e~ .... by th~ i~+~rsectJ, on ~.,~ '~h~ ~:ve
· ~ . Avem.~ewith t]~e n~rth linc ~f the n~-tL
six h~n~]reths (]9.56) feet ''~-'~ ...... City ....
~oy .... the inter~ecti~n ~f ~,]~e west line of Cypra~a Aven~:'~ ':~'~ ...... ~a~.~
~uth line o-r ~he ~o~.1! ~ ~' ,~f
t~snths (20.4) fleet above the City Base.
Sect''~" '~ a
wit: At a uc~nn f~r'mr~d by the i. nt~rs~:cti~t,n of the ~ast line of
~i~d~r Avnuue with the ' 7' ........
Avenue ;,:-;~.rty and sev,-nt,'-five ~,,ndreths (30.7o) f~et above the
City Base, at a p~int foxed oy the in,,~rs~otion ,f the west line
of Linden Avenue with the nor'th line of the -north curb ~f Grand
:Avenue thir'ty-~ne and fzf~.;,-,~_, hundreths (51.55) feet above the
~ City Base; at a point formed by the i~tersecti:,n of the east line
of binden Avet:ue wit~l tx,e sou ,:: line ~6 the south curt: ~f ,..,ra.,d
t,,z,~ ...... iffy-fly.::: hundreths (b0.55~ feet ;Ju~-e the
~ City Base;at a point fo~ned by the ir~t~rsecti,~n of t~? ',,'est lf, ne
~ of I.,inden Avenue with tl~eo~,~t.,~ ....... li~e of t,~-, '~', ~.,,,~:.n--' .' curl:, of Grand
i Avenue tz~zz,,;-one ~na tlnirty-five ,,un~re.:,as (;'~I ) fset ~t~ove
~ Cit[~. Base.
Secti~.,~ 5. T]ne offdci:.~ielev,,t~,~n~ ' of a po~nt on +~,
.......... :0,. )f et. '.vest of
· ,.~, c,f Linden Avenue is hereby fixed ;tit thirty-sev,:m ~,~ '; ; '
'~-~T a point en the Ave"~?~ ~e hun~~-
~](200)-feet west of the west ~, l~ne of Linden Avenue
?ixed at. thirty' -s..ven' ~nd' eleven hundretns' '(3~.II)' feet, abo-v~ the
[~ity ~ase.The officiai~..elevation of a point on the nor~,h curb
'~ine of ~rand Aven~e four hundr~d (400) fe~t ~vo~t ~f th~ west
~ine of Linden Avenu~'~ is .ae~eny fJxe~ at f~rlty;four and elgnt:,-
Seven nundretn~ (.~,~ 27) fa~'t above the City Bas~~. The official
,~levatlon of a point on the ~u'th curb of Grand Avenu~ four hut-
red (400) fe~t west of th~ west ii. ne of Linden Avenue is here~y
~ ' ~4 5~'
~ixed at f~rt~--ffaur tend fifty-six hundr.~t~s (,. ) feet
~he City ~gse.
Sectian 5. ~e official ~levatiam .~f the intersecti_,n of
}~aple Avenue and Grand Avenu~ are hereby fixed as follo,,vs,
wit:At a puint formed by the intersection of' the east line of
~aple Avenue with.th~ ~or2h Itne of the north curb of Grand Avenue
~ifty-f~ur and eighty-ei~J~ty hundreths (54.88)fer. t abo~ ~e ~ity
~ase; at a point fo~ed by the int~rsection of the west line ,f
Maple Avenue with the north line of the
nor,n curb of Grand
Avenue fifty-six and five tenths (5C.5) fee~. above the City
at a point fom~ed b2; the intersection of the east line of Maple
Avenue with the sc~th line ~f th~ south curb of Grand Avenue
fifty-rs'ur and fifty-e' ~ .... kur~dre .ns ( '~ ~
~n,~ l' .,,~...~_."q) feet above the City'
Base; at a point formad by the intersecti:,n of the v;est line
~aple Av.,nu_, w~th the south lime of the south curb of Gran~Av.mue
,~xfts-five and seven tenths (D5.,7) feet above the Cit~' Base.
~eCt~en 7. The ~hape of ~he cross sectl~,n and the elevations
~hereof.shall be fixed at the time the Avenue is ~mproved,
hall be on straight lines connectin~ the points whet, the eleva-
~ions are fixed, as provided by this or~tinance.
Section 9. This ordinancr~ shall be put')tish~d onc~ in the
n ~paper, print a~,~ publzon..d in
of ~o,~th ¢'an :;'ra~o~scc,
,.:~ r,~d s.h~:tl][ ta~ ara'eot, a~d'be in force
.. o~u __~.m i ..... , ... z day
':~.~ . 3igr~ed and ~r:proved a.s an or.:~~of the Cit...
Clef,-: cf thc ?,o~of ~rust~es.