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· An ordinance defining the boundaries of Miller Avenue,
Maple Avenue, Spruce Avenue, ~agnoli~ Avenue, Orange Avenue,
Eucalyptus Avenue and Chestnut Avenue and establishing official
~e~.!evat. ions on ~iller Avenue ~et~een the~east line of Chestnut
Avenue ~nd the West line of ~aple Avenue.
The Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~r~ncisco
do ordain ~s follows:
Sec~ion 1. The boundary lines of ~.~ille~, ~aple Avenue,
Spruce Avenue, ~agnoli~ Avenue, Orange Avenue, Eucalyptus Avenue,
~d Chestnut Avenue shall be the boundary l~nes for the afore-
said Streets or avenues desigm.~ted and delineated on the
of South S~ Wrancisco Plat No.l, filed in the o~rice of the
Recorder of the County of Ran ~lateo at Redwood City, California,
and recorded ~arch 1, 1892, in ~ap Book No.2, page 52 of the
rec°~ds of said ~unty.
Section 2. The north c~rb line on ~iller Avenue shall be
a line parallel to .the north boundary lioe of ~iller Avenue at
a distance of twelve (12) feet therefrom; the south curb line
on ~iller Avenue shall be a line pmr~llel to the so~th boundary
line of ~,~iller Avenue at a distance of twelve (12) feet there-
Section 3. The official elevations of the tntersectio~ of
the west l~ne of ~aple Avenue and ~iller Avenue are fixed as
follows:At ~ point foxed by the intersection of the west line
of ~aple Avenue wi~.h the north curb line of ~iller Avenue sixty'-
eight and six tenths (68.6) feet above the City' Base; at a point
foxed by the intersection of the west line of ~aple Avenue and
the smu~h curb line of }~,~iller Avenue s~ty-eight and si~ tenths
(68.6) feet above ~he City Base.The orificial elev&tion of a point
on the north curb line of ~iller Avenue four hundred and fifty
feet west of the west line of ~aple Avenue is one hund. r~d and
two ~nd one tenth (102.1) feet above the City Ba~e; the official
elevation of ~oint on the south curb line of Miller Avenue
four hundred and fifty (450) feet west of the west line of ~aple
Avenue is one hu~ndred and two and one tenth (102.1) feet~ove ~he
City Base.
Section 4. The official elevations of the intersection of
Miller Avenue and Spruce A~en~e ~re hereby fixed as folto~e:
At a point formed by the intersection of the east line of Spruce
Avenue with the north curb like of .Wilier Avenue one hundr,d ~n~
nine and eight t~.nths (109.~) feet above the Cit~ Base; at a
point fo~wned by the intersection of the east line of Spruce Ave-
nue with the south curb line of ~iller Aven~e one hundred and
nine and two tenths (10~).2) feet above the City Base; at a point
formed by the intersection of the west line of Spruce Avenue
and the north c~rb line of ~ille~" Aven:.~e one hundred and ten and
two tenths (11~'~.2) fee~ above the City Base; at a point
by the intersection 6~'f th:~ west l"fne o~??~Wr~:ce Aven~e an~ the
sout~ curb line of ?iller Avenue one hundred and nine,,and eight
tenths (109.8) feet above the City Base.The officia.l, elevation
of ~iller Avenue
of a point on the north curb l~.ne/three hundred (300) feet west
of t~e west line of Spruce Avenue is one hn'ndred and twelv~ and
four tenths (11~.~) feet above the City Base. The official elev-
ation of a point on. the south curb line of ~illcr Avenue'threa
hundr,~d. (37,0) fe¢:t west of the west ~ lioe of Spruce Aven~e
is one hundred and. elew.-'n and eight tenths (111.8) feet above the
City Base. The official elevation of a point on the north curb
line of ~iller Avenue five hundred (500) feet west of the west
line of Spruce Avenue is one h~ndred and eleven (lll) feet above
the City Base. The official elevation of a point on the so~th
curb line of ~,~iilez' Avenue five hun~tred (~0,~'~) feet west of the
west line of Spruce Avenue is one hundred a~nd ten and six tenths
(110.5) feet above the City
Section 5. The official elevations of the intersection of.
~.~agnolia Avenue and ~'iller Avenue are hereby fixed as follows:
At a point formed by the intersection of the east line of ~ag-
nolia Avenue with the north curb line of ,~iller Avenue seventy-
six and nine tenths (?~..9) feet above the City Base; at a pOint
formed by the intersectiOn of the east line of ~agnolia Avenue
with the south curb line of ~iller Avenue seventy-six and five
tenths (?6.5) feet able the City' J~ase; at a point formed by the
intersection of the w~a~t~ ~li~ne of ~ lia Avenue with the. nort~
curb line of -~iller Avenue seventy-six and four tenths (76..4)
feet above the City Base; at a po.~_nt formed by the inter-section
of the west line of ~agnolia Avenue with the so~t,hi curb line of
~iller Ave~.ue seve~ty-f~.~ve and eight tenths (7~.8) feet above
the City B~se. The of riP'iai elevation of a point on the north
cu~"b line of ~iller Avenue fount hundred and fifty (.~[~0) feet
west of the west line of ~f~agn$1ia Avenue is one hundred and seven
and five tenths (lOT.S) feet above the City Base. The official
elevation of a point on the south~curb line.of'~Nil~er Avenue
four h~ndred and fifty (4~0) ~et west ~o,f the west line of ~ag-
noli~ ~venue is one hundz'ed and. six and seven tenths (106.7)
above the City Base. The official elevation of a point or t~e
north curb line of ?.iller Avenue six hu, ndred- (600) feet west of
the ~,~es~ line of ~agnolia,~ · Avenue is one hundred and six and five
tenths (lOd.S) feet above the Cit~ Base. The official elevation
of a point on the south curb line of ~,~ilYer Avenue six hundred.
(600) feet west of the west line of ?'"agnolia ~.venue is one hur,-
dred and five and seven ~enths (105.?) feet above the Base.
Section 6. The official elevations of the intersection of
Orange ~venue and ~,~iller Avenue are hereby fixed as follow,s:
At a point forme~l by the intersection of the east line of Orange
Avenue with the north curb line of ~iller Avenue eighty-one and
two tenths (81.2) feet sbove the City Base; at a point f ed
by the intersection of the east line of Orange Aven~e with the
somt~curb line of ~,[iller Avenue eighty and four tenths (80.4)
feet above the City Base;at a point formed by the intersection
of the west line of Orange /~venue with the north curb line of
Miller Avenue eighty-one and two ~,enths (81.2) feet above the
City Base; at a point formed by the intersection of the west
line of Orange Avenu~ith the south curb line of Miller Avenue
e:i~ty ~nd .~ou~r tenths (80.4) feet above the City Base The of-
ficial elevation of a point in the North curb line of Miller
Avenu~ five h~ndred~,~0) fee~.~west of the west line ~ O~ge
Avenue is eighty-six and five tenths (86.~) feet ~bove the City
Base. The official elew~tion of a point' in the south c~rb line
of Miller Avenue five hu~ndred (~00) fe~t west of r, he west line
of Orange Avenue is eighty-six and five tenths (86.~) feet above
the City l~a~e. The official elevation of a point in the north
curb liue of ~iller Avenue eight hundred (~00) feet west of the
west line of Orange Avenue is one hundred and fifteen and eight.
tent]'~ (i1~.8) feet above the City B~se. The Official el~evQtton
of a point in the ~ uth curb line of ~ill~f~ Ave~ue'eight humdre'~
(800) feet west of the w~t line of Orange Avenue is one hundred
and fifteen ~%nd three tenths (ll~.Z) above the City Base.
Section 7. The of.gfcial elevations of the intersection of
Eucalyptus Avenue and ~Tille~- Avenue are hereby fixed as follows:
At ~ point fo~d by the intersection of ~he east line of Euca-
lyptus Avenue with the north cu~b line of ~iller Avenue one
hundred ~_~nd sixteen and seventy-four h~ndreths (116.74) feet
above the City 'Base; at a point .Foxed by the intersection of the
east line of Eucalyptus Avenue with the south curb li~e of ~iller
Avenue one hundred and fifteon and sixty-nine hundretns (115
feet above the City Base; at a point foxed by the intersection
of the west line of Eucalyptus Avenue with the north curb line
of Niller Avenue one h~ndred and sixteen and seventy-four hun-
dreths (1i6.'74) feet above the City Base; at a point fomed, by
the intersection of the west line of Eucalypt~s Avenue with the
south curb line of Miller Avenue one h~ndred and fifteen and
~sixty-ni~ hundreths (115.59) feet above the City Base. The of- ficial elevation of a point in the north.curb line of Niller
~~'~Avem~e two hundred (200)feet west of the west ~ line of
~ucaly?tus Avenue is one hundred and ~w'elve and fi_ve.tenths
(ll2.~) feet above, the City Base. Th~ official elevation of a
point in the sou~th curb line of ~tller Avenue two hundred (200)
feet west of the west line of F~ucalyptus Avenue is one hundred
and eleven and seven tenths (lll.?) feet'above the City Base.
The official elevation of a point in the north curb line of ~il-
let Avenue six hundred ~and fifty (6~'~~ feet'~ West ~ t~he west
line of Eucalyptus Avenue is one h~ndred ~nd ten and five tenths
(llO.~) feet above ~he City Base. The ,official elevation of a
point in the sout]~ curb line of ~il.ler Avenue six hundred and.
fifty' (OOO) feet west of the west line of ~ucalyptus Avenue is
one hundred and nine and seven tenths (199.?) feet above the City
Base. The official elevation of a ~oint in t~e north c~rb line
of ~,~il~er Avenue eight hundred and fift~, (850) feet west of the
west line of 7~ucalyptu~A,~enue is one h~ndred and six and five
tenths (106.5) feet above.the City Base. The off in.Iai elevation
of a poi. ut in the south curb l i-,e of ~il]er Avenue eigh't hundred
and fift? (8~:,0) feet west of the west line of Mucalyptus Avenue
is one hundred and five and seven tenths (10~5.?) feet above the
City ;~ ~
Section 8. The official elevations of the intersection of
the east line of Chestnut Aven~e and ~iller Aven~e are hereby
fixed as follows: At a point formed by the intersection of the
east line of Chestnut Avenue with the north curb line of ~iller
Avenue ninety-seven and five tenths (97.2~) f~et above the City
Dance;at a ~oint formed by the intersection of the east line of
Chestnut Avenue with the south curb line of "iller. Avenue ninet~-..
six e~nd seven tenths (9~.7) feet above the City Base.
,Section 9. '"he .
shape of the cross section and elevations
thereof sh~.~ll be fixed at the time when the street is improved,
depending upon the materi~l u;-:~ed for p~ving.
Section 10. The longitudinal slope or grade of the Avenue
shatJ be or straight l~nes connecting the po.ints ,,vhere the eleva-
tions are fixed as provided by this ordinance.
Section il. The grades of the gutters shall be so fixed
that the extreme height between the tops of the curbs and the
bottoms of the gutters 'mill not exceed one (1) foot.
Section 12. This ordinance shall be published once in "The
Enterprise, a weekly newspaper printed, publishe,~ and circulated
in the City of South San Francisco and shall take effect and. be
in force from and after the date of its passage.
Introduced this 29th day of April, 1912.
Pa~sed and adopted as an ordinanCe of the City of South
San Francisco at a regular mec~ting of the Board of Trustees of
~he City of South San ~ranCisco ~his ~day of~ , 1912,
by the following ~te: .
P~es i~]e~~st ees
of the City of South San ~ancisco.