HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 56-1912 CENTI~AI..
An ~rdin~ce ~men~ing Section Eleve~ of Ordinance No.4 of
the Glty of SoutR S~n Francisco entitled "~n ~rdin~nce Licensing
~nd ~gul~tin~ the Traffic, Vendin~ ~nd Disposing of Spirituous,
M~lt, ~nd Fe~ented Li~ors ~nd ~ines, or ~n~ Admixture thereof,
in the City ~ Sou, th. S~ Francisco;' p~ssed ~nd ~dopted Novembe~
2, 1908.
The ~oard of T~stees of the City of So~th San Francisco
do ordain as followers:
Section 1. Section Eleven of Ordinance No,4 of the City of
South San ?rancisco entitled "An Ordinance Licensing and Regulat-
ing the Traffic, Vendin~ and Disposin~ of Spirituous, ~alt, and
Fe~ented Liquors and Wines, or any Admixt~.~re thereof, ih the
City of South san Francisco',' passed and adopted November 2, 1902,
is hereby amended so as to read as follows:
Sectiom ]]. A pe~it under t~is ordinance shall specify the
class of license to be issued thereunder, and shall be good only
for the person, firm, or co~oration named therein, and for the
particular place and business, and class of business specified
in such pe~it; and such pe~it shall be granted semiannually.
Any pe~it granted between the f'irs% day of January and the
thirtieth day of J~ne of ~ny year~sha-tl expire on the thirtieth
day of Y~ne next following the date of its grant; any pe~it
granted bet~.~een the first day of July and tn. thirty~-first day
of December of any year shall expire on the thirty-first da2~ of
December next following the date of its gr~tnt; it being the in-
tention~ that all pe~its granted, under the te~s o~ this_ ordi-
nance shal.[ resinate semi~nnt~al]/ with the close of the' months
of June and December.Any holder cf such a pe~it, tn seeking a
permit 'eot the ensuing year, must file an application therefor,
as hereinbefore provided, at least five days before the date at
which the s~m.~~ e is to be heard.and considered by the ~.~oard of
T~tees, w :c.n a lic~tion ~ust be accompanY, ed by a b~n~ as in
a~wllcat ion,
~he case of the original ~)~ ' as hereinbefore mentioD'~d
and provided. Any?ne objecting to the g~anting of such permit
may appear at the hearing of s~id application and protest as
hereinbefore provide~.
Section ~_~. This ordinance shall be p~blished once in "The
Enterpri~e~' a weekly newspaper printed, published, and ci'~C~t~
in the City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and
be in force from an~ after the date of its passe, ge.
Introduced this second da'y' of ,!uly, 1912.
Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the C~.ty of South
San ~rancisco at a regular meetin~ of the Board of Trustees of
the City of South Sm ~rancisco this
AD~ roved:
Rent of ~ Boa d~ o
of the City of South San ~rancisco.